Empirical insights into ocean acoustic wave propagation and source localization using ocean-bottom seismometers
- 1Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, DIAS
- 2Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre in Applied Geosciences, iCRAG
Human activities in the marine environment coupled with the efficient propagation of acoustic waves, have significantly increased ocean noise levels. This rise poses a threat to marine biodiversity, especially impacting vocal-dependent marine mammals. Therefore, obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of the complex ocean soundscape, shaped by both natural and anthropogenic sources, is essential.
Ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) datasets present an opportunity to explore the marine acoustic noise field. OBS hydrophones can be used to effectively study regional marine soundscapes. Additionally, the three-component OBS seismometers capture acoustic-to-seismic conversions from the water column, enabling the detection and localization of acoustic events.
Through the analysis of OBS hydrophone recordings from the NE Atlantic offshore Ireland, we develop a frequency-dependent empirical sound propagation model for the area. The model provides information on (1) the spectral amplitude decay of sound sources in the region and (2) the distance between OBSs and acoustic sources.
To construct the model, we consider ship noise from individual vessels recorded by OBSs at known distances from the source, using Automatic Identification System (AIS) ship-tracking data. As a ship moves away from its closest point of approach (CPA) to an OBS, the hydrophone records the evolution of the frequency-dependent ship's acoustic signal spectral amplitude with distance. This enables us to compute amplitude decay curves for narrow frequency bands from different vessel signals recorded at various OBSs. We apply a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) quality control criterion and consider ships sailing along 'straight' paths at a constant speed (< 2 kn variation). After normalizing and scaling the CPAs of the different curves to a reference, we stack them for each frequency band and compute polynomial fits for the stacked amplitude decay curves. We analyse the number of vessel tracks needed to build a reliable empirical model. Numerical simulations are computed to further understand the acoustic propagation properties from our empirical model.
The goal is to investigate (1) how spectral amplitudes at different frequencies behave with distance from the sound sources, (2) the efficiency of frequency-dependent sound propagation in the ocean in regions with variable seafloor morphologies, and (3) the potential use of the empirical model to obtain distances to other sound sources with unknown locations, such as Baleen whales. To achieve this, we compute ratios of spectral amplitudes for pairs of different frequency bands using the fitted amplitude decay curves. We test the model's ability to locate other vessels with known AIS positions before using it to locate different sound sources with unknown positions. Locating a sound source employing the distance provided by the empirical model is valuable when OBSs are too far apart for 'traditional' multi-sensor methods. In such cases, the incoming direction of the sound source is determined by rotating the horizontal-component OBS seismic data to point to the source back-azimuth. Also, the amplitude decay information provided by the model has multiple applications in other areas where noise pollution may be a concern (e.g., marine infrastructure construction).
How to cite: Gómez-García, C. and Bean, C. J.: Empirical insights into ocean acoustic wave propagation and source localization using ocean-bottom seismometers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5502, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5502, 2024.