EGU24-6679, updated on 31 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Investigating North Atlantic Deep-Water Ventilation Changes: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 397 Hole U1586A

Lauren Haygood1, Natascha Riedinger1, David Hodell2, Fatima Abrantes3, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian4, and the Expedition 397 Scientific Party*
Lauren Haygood et al.
  • 1Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA (
  • 2University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • 3Marine Geology and Georesources Division, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, Portugal
  • 4International Ocean Discovery Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

Although valuable information of North Atlantic circulation paleo-reconstructions by the measurement of oxygen isotopes of benthic and planktonic foraminifera exists, it is still not well-understood how deep-water currents changed over the last ~800,000 years. Moreover, recent studies have shown that some species of microfossils can adapt to low oxygen concentrations, which consequently can impact the reliability of the paleo-reconstructions that are based on these fossils. Marine sediments off the Portuguese Margin have been shown to play a pivotal role in paleoclimate research, and studies have suggested that climate shifts at Mediterranean latitudes are interconnected to changes in deep-water circulation patterns. Changes in bottom-water oxygenation (ventilation) can provide information about changes in deep-water circulation patterns, which can be measured by the enrichment versus depletion of redox-sensitive trace metals. Here we provide the results of a low-resolution geochemical analysis of redox-sensitive trace metals (for example, molybdenum (Mo), vanadium (V), and uranium (U)) to investigate deep-water ventilation changes in the North Atlantic over the last ~800,000 years at Hole U1586A drilled during IODP Expedition 397. Sediment samples underwent a multi-acid digestion technique and were analyzed via an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) for redox-sensitive trace metals. Additionally, sequential iron (Fe) extractions were carried out to differentiate between labile versus mineral Fe phases. Preliminary results suggest minor changes in deep-water ventilation that correspond to glacial-interglacial cycles since the mid-Pleistocene. Future work will involve high-resolution geochemical analyses to better understand the interconnection of deep-water circulation and climate change.

Expedition 397 Scientific Party:

David A. Hodell, Fatima F. Guedes Abrantes, Carlos A. Alvarez Zarikian, Hannah L. Brooks, William B. Clark, Louise F.B. Dauchy-Tric, Viviane dos Santos Rocha, José-Abel Flores Villarejo, Timothy D. Herbert, Sophia K.V. Hines, Huai-Hsuan May Huang, Hisashi Ikeda, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Junichiro Kuroda, Jasmin M. Link, Jerry F. McManus, Bryce A. Mitsunaga, Lucien Nana Yobo, Celeste T. Pallone, Xiaolei Pang, Marion Y. Peral, Emília Salgueiro, Saray Sanchez, Komal Verma, Jiawang Wu, Chuang Xuan, Jimin Yu

How to cite: Haygood, L., Riedinger, N., Hodell, D., Abrantes, F., and Alvarez Zarikian, C. and the Expedition 397 Scientific Party: Investigating North Atlantic Deep-Water Ventilation Changes: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 397 Hole U1586A, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6679,, 2024.