CL1.1.2 | Orbital to millennial scale paleoclimate dynamics, with special contributions from the Iberian Margin
Orbital to millennial scale paleoclimate dynamics, with special contributions from the Iberian Margin
Co-organized by SSP2
Convener: Christian Zeeden | Co-conveners: Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Huai-Hsuan May HuangECSECS, Xiaolei PangECSECS, Marion PeralECSECS, David Hodell, Fatima Abrantes
| Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–17:45 (CEST)
Room 0.49/50
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Tue, 14:00
Mon, 16:15
Mon, 14:00
The pacing of the global climate system by orbital variations is clearly demonstrated in the timing of e.g. glacial-interglacial cycles. The mechanisms that translate this forcing in nonlinear ways into geoarchives and climate changes continue to be debated.
In this regard, paleoclimate signals from Iberian margin sediment cores are exceptional, because these can be correlated precisely to polar ice cores from both hemispheres and with European terrestrial records, providing a rare opportunity to study ocean-ice-land interactions. Moreover, the Iberian continental slope provides a bathymetric gradient that intersects each of the major subsurface water masses of the North Atlantic, which is ideal for reconstructing past changes in Atlantic thermohaline circulation and ventilation. Given the seminal importance of the Iberian margin for marine-ice-terrestrial correlations, it has been a prime target for the recovery of sediment cores.
We invite submissions that explore the climate system response to orbital forcing, and that test the stability of these relationships under different climate regimes or across evolving climate states (e.g. mid Pleistocene transition, Pliocene-Pleistocene transition, Miocene vs Pliocene, and especially older climate transitions). Further, we deliberatiely focus on contributions that bring together recent research using the Iberian margin sediment archive to reconstruct climate variability on millennial-to-orbital timescales and integrate marine, atmospheric (ice core), and terrestrial signals to understand causal mechanisms of global climate change. Submissions exploring proxy data and/or modelling work are welcomed, as this session aims to bring together proxy-based, theoretical and/or modelling studies focused on global and regional climate responses to astronomical forcing at different time scales in the Phanerozoic.
David De Vleeschouwer will give an invited presentation on 'Pre-Cenozoic cyclostratigraphy and paleoclimate responses to astronomical forcing'.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 0.49/50

Chairpersons: Christian Zeeden, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Huai-Hsuan May Huang
On-site presentation
Pam Vervoort, Sandra Kirtland Turner, Dominik Hulse, Sarah Greene, and Andy Ridgwell

Milankovitch cycles recorded in marine sediments demonstrate the influence of astronomical forcing on Earth’s climate-carbon dynamics. Proxies suggest that during greenhouse climates, isotopically light carbon is released during episodic warm intervals (at eccentricity maxima) and re-sequestered during the following cooling (at eccentricity minima). However, the dominant carbon sources and sinks at play on orbital timescales remain unclear-- particularly when large dynamic ice sheets are absent as during the early Cenozoic. Methods: In an Earth system model (ESM), we apply 4-Myr-long transient astronomical forcing to examine how various climate-sensitive physical and (bio)geochemical processes respond and how this forcing is recorded in key oceanographic variables (temperature, pCO2, δ13C of DIC, and wt% CaCO3). Among others, we assess the impact of marine productivity, CaCO3 compensation, terrestrial weathering, organic matter burial, and phosphorus cycling. Results: Most processes are driven by changes in local conditions -controlled by obliquity and precession, but these high-frequency changes are converted to low-frequency eccentricity cycles expressed in pCO2, benthic δ13C, and wt% CaCO3 as a result of the lowpass filtering effect of the ocean reservoir. While the magnitude of early Cenozoic δ13C variability can be explained by astronomically forced input and burial fluxes of marine organic carbon alone, the dominant frequency and relative phasing of proxies highly depend on the geographic distribution of landmasses that control organic carbon fluxes. For example, only short eccentricity cycles of 100 kyr periodicity (as opposed to long 400 kyr cycles) are simulated in benthic δ13C under favorable paleogeographic configurations. In our model, the pCO2 and temperature response to orbital forcing is minimal, and eccentricity maxima coincide with enhanced preservation of CaCO3. In contrast, early Cenozoic proxies suggest a stronger temperature response and reduced CaCO3 preservation during warm intervals. Implication: Our results support the hypothesis that additional feedbacks that are not yet included here (e.g., terrestrial carbon or methane) were likely important controls during orbital-scale climate variability in greenhouse climates.

How to cite: Vervoort, P., Kirtland Turner, S., Hulse, D., Greene, S., and Ridgwell, A.: Understanding Astronomically Forced Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Through the Lens of an Earth System Model , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16488,, 2024.

On-site presentation
David De Vleeschouwer, Lawrence M.E. Percival, Nina M.A. Wichern, and Sietske J. Batenburg

Astronomical insolation forcing is well established as the underlying metronome of Quaternary ice ages and Cenozoic climate changes. Yet its effects on earlier eras (Mesozoic, Palaeozoic and pre-Cambrian) are less understood. In this Review, we explore how cyclostratigraphy can help to distinguish climate modes over the pre-Cenozoic era and aid our understanding of climate responses to astronomical forcing over geological time. The growing uncertainties with geologic age mean that pre-Cenozoic astronomical solutions cannot be used as tuning targets. However, they can be used as metronomes to identify the pacing of distinct climate states. Throughout the pre-Cenozoic, global average temperature differences between climate states were even more extreme (5–32 °C) than in the Cenozoic (14–27 °C), and these, combined with an evolving biosphere and changing plate tectonics, led to distinct Earth-system responses to astronomical forcing. The late Palaeozoic icehouse, for example, is characterized by a pronounced response to eccentricity, caused by nonlinear cryosphere and carbon-cycle behaviour. By contrast, the Devonian warmhouse and the Late Cretaceous hothouse featured recurrent episodes of marine anoxia that may have been paced by astronomical forcing. Formally defining 405,000-year eccentricity cycles as chronostratigraphic units (astrochronozones) throughout the Phanerozoic eon will enable a more comprehensive understanding of how astronomical forcing has shaped Earth’s climate over geologic time.

How to cite: De Vleeschouwer, D., Percival, L. M. E., Wichern, N. M. A., and Batenburg, S. J.: Pre-Cenozoic cyclostratigraphy and paleoclimate responses to astronomical forcing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17195,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Meng Wang, Mingsong Li, Elizabeth A. Hajek, David B. Kemp, Yujing Wu, Hanyu Zhu, and Zhijun Jin

The preservation of orbital signals in sedimentary records, a crucial aspect for the reliability of astronomical time scales, has been insufficiently explored, presenting challenges in interpretation. In this study, we focus on the effect of inconsistent sedimentation rates on the preservation of these orbital signals from a modeling perspective. We delve into how inconsistent sedimentation rates influence the retention of these orbital signals. Employing stochastic statistical models, our research simulates diverse sedimentary environments, we show that 405-kyr eccentricity tuning is the most reliable approach for constructing ATS among different tuning strategies, particularly in environments characterized by high energy conditions and unsteady sedimentation such as fluvial or deltaic settings. This discovery holds substantial importance in refining geological time scales. We introduce an innovative approach to evaluate sedimentation rates within these records. Our study demonstrates the robustness of the cyclostratigraphic method and deepens our understanding of the preservation of sedimentary records, thereby enriching our grasp of Earth's intricate geological past.

How to cite: Wang, M., Li, M., Hajek, E. A., Kemp, D. B., Wu, Y., Zhu, H., and Jin, Z.: Detection of orbital signals in the sedimentary record through stochastic statistical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3705,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yavor Chapanov

The climate variations in the past are strongly connected with the cycles of orbital forcing. The orbital forcing redistributes incoming solar energy on the Earth surface, especially over different latitudes. These cycles affect significantly seasons on millennial time scales. The most important influence on climate is provided by the variations of orbit eccentricity, obliquity and precession of Earth axis of rotation. The so-called Milankovitch cycles of eccentricity and obliquity are connected with the processes of glaciations during the last 3 Ma. Actually, all orbital cycles affect paleoclimate, where the effects of eccentricity dominate. The influence of orbital forcing on paleoclimate variations is investigated by two long time series of eccentricity from Laskar’s solution and sea level variations, reconstructed for the last 65 Ma. Common cycles of eccentricity and sea level in 18 different frequency bands are extracted by the Method of Partial Fourier Approximation. The short-periodical cycles, whose periods are below 400 kyr, have relatively good agreement for the last 3 to 7 Ma. The long-term oscillations of sea level and orbit eccentricity with periodicities between 0.8 Myr and 10.8 Myr have excellent agreement in 4 frequency bands, whose duration is 65 Myr. In other 5 frequency bands a good correlation exists for the last 35 – 40 Ma. The estimated amplitudes of sea level cycles are between 2 and 5 m with accuracy of about 0.4 m. The jumps inside of sea level time series are determined by a high-sensitive Method of Jump Detection, based on numerical integration of the time series. The detected jumps determine various data segments, whose duration is below 2.8 Myr and the rate of their linear trends is between 0.3 cm/kyr and 3 cm/kyr. The remarkable result is that all detected jumps occur during the extrema of eccentricity, while the jumps of sea level during glacial cycles in the last 3 Ma occur only in eccentricity minima. These results can help better understanding of climate response to orbital forcing. 

How to cite: Chapanov, Y.: Climate Variations Connected with Earth Orbit Eccentricity , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12267,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michiel Arts, Brad Cramer, Mikael Calner, Christian M. Ø Rasmussen, and Anne-Christine Da silva

The Silurian Ireviken Event is a biogeochemical event characterised by extinctions among several marine groups and a major perturbation to the global carbon cycle. In the Altajme core from Gotland, Sweden, the associated Ireviken Carbon Isotope Excursion (ICIE) reaches peak values of ~6‰. Within the ICIE, the main peak of -6‰ (δ13Ccarb) is superimposed by multiple short-term and small amplitude positive peaks (+1.00 ‰ δ13Ccarb), while the tail of the main peak is superimposed by multiple small amplitude negative peaks (-1.55 ‰ δ13Ccarb). To understand the processes behind these recurrent small amplitude peaks, the high-resolution XRF scanning data of the Altajme core were used to identify astronomical cycles to put astrochronological constraints on the δ13Ccarb curve. Based on the XRF data and its resulting astrochronology, the small amplitude positive and negative δ13Ccarb peaks occur during insolation minima in intervals enriched in carbonate relative to the surrounding lithology. The XRF proxy data indicates that during times when elevated carbonate content coincides with elevated δ13Ccarb values, insolation minima induced an arid environmental state in the basin. This led to decreasing runoff and a strong anti-estuarine circulation, which in turn lowered pelagic productivity and increased photozoan carbonate production, resulting in the deposition of carbonates with elevated δ13Ccarb values. This contrasts to the concomitant insolation maximum, which induced a semi-arid state in the basin, resulting in some runoff, a (sluggish) anti-estuarine circulation in the basin, some pelagic productivity and carbonates being primarily produced by heterozoans, resulting in the deposition of marly carbonates with low δ13Ccarb values. The XRF proxy data indicates that during times when carbonate-rich intervals coincide with more negative δ13Ccarb values, insolation minima induce a semi-arid state in the basin, resulting in some runoff, a (sluggish) estuarine circulation in the basin, some pelagic productivity and carbonates being primarily produced by heterozoans resulting in the deposition of marly carbonates with low δ13Ccarb values. This contrasts with the concomitant insolation maximum which induced humid conditions in the basin, resulting in increased runoff, a (strong) estuarine circulation and high primary productivity, leading to the deposition of marly shales with higher δ13Ccarb values. The shifting baseline climatic conditions during the Ireviken Event are inferred to have changed the response of the depositional environments to astronomical forcing, in changing (carbonate) productivity and circulation, which in terms modulated the carbon cycle, resulting in an imprint of astronomical cycles in the ICIE.

How to cite: Arts, M., Cramer, B., Calner, M., Rasmussen, C. M. Ø., and Da silva, A.-C.: Changes in the response of the carbon cycle to astronomical forcing during the Silurian Ireviken biogeochemical event, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18468,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kaixuan Ji, Mingsong Li, Fanhao Gong, Haotian Zhang, Shuai Yuan, and Dejun Zhang

The investigation into water circulation mechanisms within greenhouse environments, particularly their link to orbital forcing and consequent impacts on organism-environment coevolution, is garnering increased attention. A key uncertainty is the nature of variations in continental and oceanic water reservoirs on an ice-free Earth and the primary factors driving sea level changes. Traditional approaches like sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology have provided rough and limited insights, hindering a detailed and comprehensive understanding of water circulation in deep time. Therefore, high-resolution inversion of sea and lake level changes is vital for studying global hydrological cycle. Employing advanced sedimentary noise models (DYNOT and ρ1), based on astrochronology and time-series analysis, this research reconstructs detailed water-level variations in key regions: the continental Songliao Basin of Northeast China, the marine Basque-Cantabric Basin in Spain, and the marine Espírito Santo Basin in the western South Atlantic, covering the entire Maastrichtian Stage to the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary. These reconstructions, corroborated by sedimentary facies analysis and paleosol studies, reveal 1.2 Myr and 2.4 Myr periodic variations in sea and lake levels, exhibiting a 'seesaw' pattern of opposite trends. This indicates that sea level fluctuations might be influenced by changes in continental water reservoir content, providing new insights into the complex interplay between terrestrial and marine hydrological systems.

How to cite: Ji, K., Li, M., Gong, F., Zhang, H., Yuan, S., and Zhang, D.: High-Resolution Sea and Lake Level Reconstructions of the Late Cretaceous: Evidence for a 'Seesaw' Ocean-Land Water Circulation Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9579,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Qian Zhang, Xiugen Fu, and Jian Wang

The Qiangtang Basin, situated on the Tibetan Plateau, is a basin that contains hydrocarbons and has significant potential for hydrocarbon exploration. However, reconstructing sea-level changes and understanding the sedimentary evolution of the Qiangtang Basin has been hindered by the lack of robust high-resolution geochronology. Meanwhile, the Late Triassic stratigraphy of the Qiangtang Basin has also reported the Carnian pluvial episode, the driving mechanism of which is controversial. In this study, the cyclostratigraphy of the Late Triassic Boli La and Bagong Formations in the Qiangtang Basin was analyzed using high-resolution gamma-ray data. Time series analysis shows that there are 405 kyr eccentricity cycles in the gamma-ray data series. The gamma-ray series was tuned to 405 kyr. Then, we establish a floating astronomical timescale with a length of 17.04 Myr. This astronomical time scale establishes an anchored astronomical time scale using the age of the volcanic rocks found in the top of the Bagong Formation in the drill core as an anchor point. Using the anchored astronomical chronology, we reconstructed the Late Triassic sea level change in the Qiangtang Basin using a recently developed sediment noise model. The reconstructed sea level change is generally consistent with the global sea level curve. The antiphase relationship between the filtered long-term obliquity cycles and the sea-level curves reconstructed from the sedimentary noise model suggests that the long-term obliquity cycles may have been the main driver of the Late Triassic greenhouse sea-level change. Meanwhile, the modulation maxima of the long-term obliquity-modulated cycles correlate well with high sea level, episodic negative carbon isotope excursions, global warming, and marine biotic crises, suggesting that obliquity forcing may have played a prominent role during the Carnian Pluvial Episode. Our results suggest that orbital forcing enhanced the hydrological cycle during the Carnian Pluvial Episode. Our study provides a precise, high-resolution time scale for studying the sedimentary evolution of the Qiangtang Basin, as well as a broader perspective on the relationship between the Carnian Pluvial Episode and astronomical forcing.

How to cite: Zhang, Q., Fu, X., and Wang, J.: The cyclostratigraphy of the Late Triassic Qiangtang Basin in Tibet and the orbital forcing for the Carnian Pluvial Episode, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4352,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xuwei Luan and Jinliang Zhang

The pacing of the global climate system by orbital variations is clearly demonstrated in the timing of e.g. glacial-interglacial cycles. However, due to the complexity and internal nonlinearity of the Earth’s climate system, the mechanisms that translate this forcing into geoarchives and climate changes continue to be debated. A 609-m-thick, continuous lacustrine mudstone and sandstone succession in Chezhen Sag (eastern China) provides an ideal middle Eocene sedimentary record for establishing a high-resolution stratigraphic chronology framework. Based on spectrum analysis and sliding window spectrum analysis of the natural gamma (GR) logging data of well Che 271 (C271) in Chezhen Sag, the periods of 405 kyr and 40.1 kyr were filtered by a Gaussian bandpass filter, and a “floating”astrochronological time scale (ATS) was established. The total number of 405 kyr eccentricity cycles were 13.6 and 40.1 kyr obliquity cycles were 138 which recorded from the upper member 4 (Es4U) to the member 3 (Es3) of the Eocene Shahejie Formation, and the depositional duration was 5.53 Myr. Correlation Coefficient (COCO) analysis and evolutionary Correlation Coefficient (eCoCo) analysis found that the optimal sedimentary rate of different strata. Sedimentary noise simulation revealed the history of paleolake water changes in the Middle Eocene in the Chezhen Sag, according to which four sequences are divided. The study show that the lake level change of Chezhen Sag in the middle Eocene shows prominent 1.2 Myr cycles and an antiphase well-coupled relationship with obliquity modulation. Finally, we propose a model to explain the relationship between orbital cycle and lake level change in continental lake basin. When the obliquity of the earth increases, the middle and high latitudes of the earth will be closer to the sun, the direct sunlight will be higher, and the meridional sunshine will increase, thus accelerating the evaporation process of lake basin water. When the seasonal changes are obvious (Maximum period of 1.2 Myr ultra-long obliquity), this effect is more significant. Our results strengthen knowledge of the connection of Myr-scale lake-level variations to astronomically induced climate change during the middle Eocene under obliquity forcing.

How to cite: Luan, X. and Zhang, J.: Astronomical forcing and sedimentary noise modeling of lake-level changes in the Middle Eocene Chezhen Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2995,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Fatima Abrantes, David Hodell, Xiaolei Pang
On-site presentation
Nina Davtian and Edouard Bard

The last glacial cycle provides the opportunity to investigate large changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) beyond the small fluctuations evidenced from modern measurements. Paleotemperature records from Greenland and the North Atlantic, including the Iberian Margin, show an abrupt variability, called Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events, which is associated with abrupt changes of the AMOC. These DO events also have Southern Hemisphere counterparts via the thermal bipolar seesaw, a concept describing the meridional heat transport leading to asynchronous temperature changes between both hemispheres. However, temperature records from the North Atlantic, notably the Iberian Margin, show more pronounced DO cooling events during massive releases of icebergs known as Heinrich (H) events, contrary to ice-core–based temperature records from Greenland.

We present high-resolution temperature records over the last 160 kyr using several independent organic proxies (e.g., RI-OH′, TEX86, and UK′37) from three deep-sea sediment cores located in a north-south transect along the Iberian Margin (cores MD99-2331, MD95-2040, and MD95-2042). Over the 160–45 ka BP period, the recent RI-OH′ proxy yields faithful temperature records along the Iberian Margin in comparison with established paleotemperature proxies (e.g., TEX86 and UK′37; Davtian et al., 2021 Paleoceano. Paleoclim. In the southern Iberian Margin (core MD95-2042), the RI-OH′ and UK′37 proxies faithfully reflect the contrasting DO cooling amplitudes with and without H events over the last glacial cycle (Davtian et al., 2021; Davtian and Bard, 2023 PNAS

We also revisit the thermal bipolar seesaw model using two independent temperature records (RI-OH′ and UK′37) from the southern Iberian Margin (core MD95-2042; Davtian and Bard, 2023). We show that temperature records from the southern Iberian Margin better support the classical thermal bipolar seesaw model than do ice-core–based temperature records from Greenland. We also introduce an extended thermal bipolar seesaw model that considers the contrasting DO cooling amplitudes with and without H events in the southern Iberian Margin, and a Bipolar Seesaw Index to distinguish DO cooling events with and without H events. Our data-model comparison emphasizes the role of the thermal bipolar seesaw in the abrupt temperature variability of both hemispheres with a clear enhancement during DO cooling events with H events, implying a relationship that is more complex than a simple flip-flop between two climate states linked to a tipping point threshold.

How to cite: Davtian, N. and Bard, E.: The value of Iberian Margin paleotemperature records with a novel organic proxy to revisit the bipolar seesaw model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6757,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Teresa Rodrigues, Joan O. Grimalt, Marta Casado, Yolanda Gonzalez, Simon J. Crowhurst, Fátima Abrantes, and David Hodell

The Iberian Margin provides a remarkably accurate record of millennial-scale climate variability, making it an invaluable site for deciphering historical changes in climate and oceanography. This region’s exceptional sensitivity to high latitude processes, such as meltwater discharges into the Northeast Atlantic, significantly influence ocean dynamics, nutrient supply, and climate change impacts. These processes play a pivotal role in understanding the complex interplay between the ocean, ice, and climate systems. IODP 339 Site U1385, also known as the “Shackleton site”, drilled at a water depth of 2582 mbsl, reaching a total depth of 155.9 m below the seafloor. The oxygen isotope and carbon isotope records confirm that Site U1385 contains a continuous hemipelagic sedimentation from the Holocene to 1.45 million years (MIS 47), providing a reference record of millennial-scale climate variability. Here, we present a high-resolution Sea Surface Temperature (SST) record that unveils the climate variability over the last 1.45 million years.  This record provides a comprehensive interpretation of the millennial climate variability of major climatic disruptions, namely the Mid Brunhes Event and Mid Pleistocene Transition (MPT). SST data reveals a clear change on the orbital-driven forcing on the MPT time interval 1200 to 800 ka, thereby contributing to our understanding the underlying mechanisms on glacial/interglacial and centennial to millennial scales. Furthermore the SST record shows extreme cold events occurred not only after the MPT but also during and after this enigmatic period. The highest temperatures were recorded during Interglacial periods, overall the record and coincident with maximum insolation (precession minimum), suggesting an orbital dependence of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) over the past 1.45 million years. This SST record significantly contribute to documenting the major climate shifts and their relation to global climate change. This becomes particularly crucial as the IODP Expedition 397 enables the extension of this exceptional sediment record into the Pliocene.

How to cite: Rodrigues, T., O. Grimalt, J., Casado, M., Gonzalez, Y., J. Crowhurst, S., Abrantes, F., and Hodell, D.: Decoding major Climate Mysteries over the last 1.5 million years: Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction at IODP Site U1385, Iberian Margin., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13215,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jose-Abel Flores, Barbara Balestra, William Clark, Francisco José Jiménez-Espejo, Junichiro Kuroda, Emilia Salgueiro, Joan Grimalt, Timothy Herbert, Maria Angeles Bárcena, Fatima Abrantes, David Hodell, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, and Expedition 397 Scientific Party

Marine Isotope 31 Stage (MIS-31) records one of the highest high-latitude precession-paced insolation values of the last 5 million years (Laskar et al., 2004). According to this configuration, some studies (e.g. Raymo et al., 2006) predicts a +20 m eustatic sea-level rise for this time interval, reflecting significant retreat of some combination of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, marginal East Antarctic ice, and the Greenland Ice Sheet, and consequently significant variations in the ocean and climate dynamics at global scale.

In this study we show data of variability in the coccolithophore assemblage from IODP Site 1385 (Shackleton Site, IODP 339 and IODP 397) in the interval ca. 1 Ma (close to the Jaramillo event). These sediments are sensitive recorders of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) oscillations, which makes this site a significant location to test the interhemispheric connection hypotheses.

Peaks in abundance of Gephyrocapsa (<3mm), as well as in other Noelarhaddaceae such as Reticulofenestra asanoi and other morphotypes (equivalent with minimum differences at total coccoliths recorded), were interpreted as a signal of paleoproductivity, revealing strong changes during MIS 31. Alternatively, cold water indicators (Coccolithus pelagicus ) or the census of Helicosphaera carteri l(inked to stratification processes) are considered, showing an alternative pattern along the studied interval. After the refinement of the age-model, these data should be compared with other records in close or remote areas (e.g. Flores and Sierro, 2007, Maiorano et al., 2009), to understand the relevance of this interval, particularly sensible in the Antarctic environment, where a potential relevant melting peak was suggested (Scherer et al., 2009).

Preliminary results (Jiménez Espejo et al., 2013) reveal a distinct turnover during MIS 31 and different evolution of surface and bottom-waters that could be linked with enhanced circulation of NADW during warm periods. This scenario is consistent with stratification pulses interpreted at the top of MIS 32, where cold and stratified water pulses are influenced by and increase in reworked material coming from proximal regions as a result of eustatic sea-level drops.


Laskar, J., Robutel, P., Joutel, F., Gastineau, M., Correia, A.C.M., & Levrard, B. Astrophys. 428, 261-285 (2004).

Raymo, M., Lisiecki, L., Nisancioglu, K. Science. 313, 492-495 (2006).

Maiorano, P., Marino, M., Flores, J.A. Mar. Micropaleontol. 71, 166–175 (2009).

Flores, J.A., Sierro, F.J. Deep-Sea Res. II 54 (21–22), 2432–2442. (2007)

Scherer, R. P., Bohaty, S., Dunbar, R., Esper, O., Flores, J., Gersonde, R., Harwood, D., Roberts, A., and Taviani, M. Geophysical Research Letters. 35, (2009)


1-6 September, 2013. Sitges - Barcelona (2013)


How to cite: Flores, J.-A., Balestra, B., Clark, W., Jiménez-Espejo, F. J., Kuroda, J., Salgueiro, E., Grimalt, J., Herbert, T., Bárcena, M. A., Abrantes, F., Hodell, D., Alvarez Zarikian, C., and 397 Scientific Party, E.: Paleoproductivity and surface water dynamics evolution during the MIS 31 in the Shackleton Site as revealed Coccolithophores, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15648,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hongbin Zhang, Michael L. Griffiths, Hai Cheng, Gaowen Dai, Jiaoyang Ruan, Yunping Sun, Ling Lu, Wei Guo, Junhua Huang, and Shucheng Xie

Speleothem oxygen isotope records from China have provided the most detailed insights into the past Asian summer monsoon variability of any paleoclimate archive (“proxy”) to date in the past 640 ka, showing the dominance of the orbital precession rhythm. However, fundamental disagreement exists on what the oxygen isotope records represent in terms of the hydroclimate changes, in particular on the orbital scale. Based on the oxygen isotope records and other hydroclimate proxies from 15 speleothems at Haozhu Cave in central-eastern China, as well as the model simulations for the periods of Marine Isotope Stages 6 and 11, we show the orbital-scale ‘dipole’ hydroclimate in monsoonal eastern China, with wetter (drier) conditions in the central but drier (wet) conditions in the north when summer insolation was low (high) and East Asian summer monsoon was weak (strong). Of significance is the finding that the hydroclimate contrast in East China was greatly enhanced during glacial-interglacial transitions, with the wettest hydroclimate in the north but widespread drought in the central, when the heat content of both the global ocean and the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool upper ocean reached the maximum. We propose that the orbital-scale westerly jet transition affects the East Asian summer rainband position and thus the orbital hydroclimate pattern in eastern China, and the low latitude tropical Indo-Pacific ocean moisture transport amplifies the hydroclimate contrast during glacial-interglacial transitions

How to cite: Zhang, H., Griffiths, M. L., Cheng, H., Dai, G., Ruan, J., Sun, Y., Lu, L., Guo, W., Huang, J., and Xie, S.: Combined high-and low-latitude forcing of orbital East Asian hydroclimate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21881,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Le Kang, Cheng Hai, Jian Wang, Xiaowen Niu, Haiwei Zhang, Jiaoyang Ruan, Youfeng Ning, Jingyao Zhao, and Youwei Li

The U-Pb geochronology of carbonates holds significant application value and potential in the field of geoscience. The Isotope Laboratory at Xi'an Jiaotong University has pioneered the development of Carbonate Laser Ablation and Dilution (LA&ID-MC-ICPMS) U-Pb dating techniques, based on research into Quaternary cave secondary carbonate geochronology. By combining the high spatial resolution and rapid analysis speed of the laser method with the controllable sample volume and high testing accuracy of the dilution method, a comprehensive system for Carbonate U-Pb geochronology testing has been established.


Moreover, with advancements in in-situ laser and isotopic dilution techniques for Carbonate U-Pb dating, we conducted tests using the laser method on various carbonate standards, both domestic and international, achieving U-Pb age results consistent with standard values within the error range. This laboratory also reported, for the first time in China, high-precision laser U-Pb dating results for Quaternary cave secondary carbonates, in alignment with ages obtained via dilution methods in foreign laboratories. Furthermore, our laboratory's entire Pb background is currently at a world-class level (~10 pg), and the testing results for cave secondary carbonates are consistent within the error range with dilution methods abroad and the laser method in our laboratory, validating its accuracy.


The laboratory has developed robust, high-precision laser and isotopic dilution techniques for Carbonate U-Pb dating, surpassing the limitations of U-Th dating. Through U-Pb dating and oxygen isotope analysis of stalagmite SB20 obtained from Sanbao Cave in Shennongjia, Hubei, our investigation reveals that SB20's growth period spans from 1.25 to 1.50 million years ago, depicting roughly 10 orbital cycles in δ18O. Consequently, we have established East Asia's inaugural δ18O record within the monsoon region, preceding the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT). This novel stalagmite record affirms the predominant influence of low-latitude monsoons, driven by solar radiation forcing, on the East Asian region, showcasing discernible precession cycles. The current emphasis on global climate change research is substantial. By amalgamating prior scientific accomplishments, the interplay between the thermodynamic circulation system governed by ice volume in higher latitudes and the dynamic circulation system regulated by low-latitude monsoons shapes a multifaceted Earth scientific framework. This study furnishes pivotal evidence for the comprehensive exploration of a "high-low latitude" climate circulation theory in the context of climate orbital dynamics.


Keywords: Carbonate U-Pb geochronology; MPT; Stalagmite records; precession cycles

How to cite: Kang, L., Hai, C., Wang, J., Niu, X., Zhang, H., Ruan, J., Ning, Y., Zhao, J., and Li, Y.: The Precession Cycles in East Asian Stalagmite Records Before the MPT Constrained by Carbonate U-Pb Dating , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5931,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sihua Wei, Weipeng Zheng, Jinlong Du, Yongqiang Yu, and Jun Tian

       The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) plays a pivotal role in large-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropics, regulating the heat and freshwater budget between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In the context of global warming in the 21st century, The Indonesian Throughflow are projected to be weaken (medium confidence) by CMIP6 simulations. As an analog of possible future warming, the Last Interglacial (LIG, Marine Isotope Stage 5e or Eemian), with global surface temperature reached about 2 °C above present, serves as an outstanding period to explore the climate response to the external forcing and the mechanisms behind it.

       We use the model outputs from a set of Last Interglacial snapshot simulations carried out by CAS-FGOALS (the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System model) under the protocol of PMIP for four time periods at 130, 128, 125, and 115 ka. Compared to the piControl simulations (the annual mean ITF flux is 18.46Sv), an annual mean ITF flux increase of about 30.6% - 35.9% was found in the LIG snapshot simulations (24.11 - 25.08Sv). During the LIG, the tropical western Pacific Ocean thermocline was deepened while the tropical eastern Indian Ocean thermocline was relatively shallowed, which was closely tied to the strengthening of the surface easterlies above the tropical western Pacific. Correspondingly, the gradient of the sea surface height between the tropical western Pacific and the tropical eastern Indian Ocean increased, causing pressure contrast between the two basins and probably contribute to the ITF strengthening. We also find that the thermocline gradient between the tropical western Pacific and tropical eastern Pacific was increased, suggesting a La Niña-like state during the LIG. Comparisons of models and proxies further support our conclusions. An examination of the changes in the thermocline water temperature (TWT) record from the eastern Indian Ocean found an enhancement of ITF during MIS 5. Besides, the Maritime Continent was supposed to be more humid by pollen records from west Java and sediment composition from Halmahera Sea.

       Further analysis suggested that the strengthened ITF during the LIG is inconsistent with the weakened one in the 21st century. While the future global warming is primarily driven by increased CO2 levels, the climate changes during the LIG were principally caused by changes in orbital parameters.

How to cite: Wei, S., Zheng, W., Du, J., Yu, Y., and Tian, J.: Intensification of the Indonesian Throughflow in a Coupled GCM During the Last Interglacial, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16683,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Jiawang Wu, Xinyang Chen, Zongxian He, Qin Deng, Lifeng Zhong, Xiaolei Pang, David Hodell, Fatima Abrantes, and Carlos Alvarez Zarikian and the Expedition 397 Scientific Party

The Mediterranean Sea is thought to play a role in changing past ocean circulation and North Atlantic climate, through the outflow of warm, saline intermediate waters (Mediterranean Outflow Water; MOW) into the North Atlantic. Previous studies mostly focused on the Gulf of Cádiz, immediately after the MOW existing the Mediterranean, but how the MOW varied along the northward transport is still unclear. Fine grain-size parameters have been widely employed to infer paleo-flow speeds of near-bottom currents in the deep sea, in particular the terrigenous non-cohesive “sortable silt” (denoted as SS) controlled by selective deposition. Here we present terrigenous sediment grain size results on IODP Site U1588 (37°57.61′N, 9°30.99′W, 1339 m water depth), which was retrieved from the Iberian Margin during the IODP Expedition 397. Our aim is to reconstruct strength variations in the lower branch of the MOW over the past ~250,000 years. After removing organic matter (leached with 10% H2O2 at 85 ℃) and marine carbonates (leached with 0.5 M HCl), the terrigenous detrital component of about 100 samples were measured on a Malvern Mastersizer 3000 instrument. Our grain-size results show a bimodal distribution, with a small peak near 1 μm and the main mode between 5–8 μm. The correlation between the percentage and mean of the sortable silt fraction (10–63 μm) is significant (R2=0.43, P<0.01), permitting the use of SS-mean as a reliable indicator of the deep-sea current strength. The calculated SS-mean is from ~14.2 to 18.2 μm, corresponding to the flow speed of ~3.3 to 10.2 cm/s. Based on the shipboard age model, our results show a persistent low-latitude forcing of MOW flow speed over the past 250,000 years, with strong precessional and glacial cycles.

How to cite: Wu, J., Chen, X., He, Z., Deng, Q., Zhong, L., Pang, X., Hodell, D., Abrantes, F., and Zarikian, C. A. and the Expedition 397 Scientific Party: Strength variability of the Mediterranean Outflow Water during late Quaternary: Preliminary results from IODP Site U1588, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19442,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Timothy Herbert, Fatima Abrantes, Hannah Brooks, Jose-Abel Flores, David Hodell, Jerry McManus, Bryce Mitsunaga, Celeste Palone, Xioalei Pang, Jiawang Wu, Jimin Yu, and Carlos Zarikian and the Expeditiion 397 Scientific Party

IODP Expedition 397 recovered a continuous record of precessionally-paced lithological cycles to the base of the recovered section (~9.55 Ma) at Site U1587.  On board ship, three intervals were selected for multi-disciplinary dissection of the cycles in time windows comprising three precessional cycles each ((early Pleistocene 2.284-2.345 Ma, late Pliocene 3.427-3.496 Ma, and late Miocene 5.638-5.5707 Ma).  These three intervals are grounded in continuous XRF scanning that allows for a reliable astrochronology based largely on precessional variability. Carbonate cyclicity follows northern hemisphere precession throughout high carbonate content associated with high northern hemisphere summer insolation.  The cycles cannot be explained solely by changes in carbonate production or preservation, as the clay-rich phases of the cycles are often expanded relative to the carbonate-rich phases.  Sea surface temperature (SST) recorded by alkenone biomarkers shows fluctuations in tandem with the carbonate cycles.  For the Pliocene and Pleistocene, higher carbonate correlates to warmer SST and interglacial conditions as inferred from stable isotope measurements.  The pattern flips in the Messinian test interval, with high carbonate associated with colder and more glacial climate.  Clay mineralogy shows cyclic fluctuations associated with changes in riverine and eolian inputs.  High illite (high dust?) corresponds to high carbonate content in the Miocene and Pleistocene test intervals, while the opposite is observed for the Pliocene.   An abrupt change in cycle spacing near the terminal Messinian likely records a tectonic event that perhaps influenced transport and deposition of the detrital components.

How to cite: Herbert, T., Abrantes, F., Brooks, H., Flores, J.-A., Hodell, D., McManus, J., Mitsunaga, B., Palone, C., Pang, X., Wu, J., Yu, J., and Zarikian, C. and the Expeditiion 397 Scientific Party: Precessional Climate Cyclicity on the Iberian margin: Miocene-recent, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19840,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Boris Theofanis Karatsolis, Matthias Sinnesael, and Expedition 395/395C scientists

The latest Miocene and Early Pliocene (7-3.6 Ma) include key paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic events such as the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), the late Miocene to Pliocene biogenic bloom (hereafter referred as “biogenic bloom”) and its potential termination, as well as the warm early Pliocene, a commonly used analogue for future global warming. Limited information exists regarding how these events impacted North Atlantic ocean circulation and carbonate sedimentation, mainly due to the lack of continuous, high-resolution records in high latitudes. During the summers of 2021 and 2023, the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expeditions 395C and 395 drilled a transect of five sites in the North Atlantic (at ~60°N). Preliminary results indicate that IODP Site U1562 has continuous sediment recovery, significant variations in carbonate content, as well as good preservation of calcareous fossils across the latest Miocene to Pliocene, making it a suitable candidate for high-resolution paleoclimatic reconstructions. Here, we estimate carbonate sedimentation and paleoproductivity for this site using high-resolution X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) records, derived from elemental intensities measured in core half-sections. Ratios between biogenically derived and detrital elements reveal the orbitally controlled pacing of carbonate production/deposition, as well as a stepwise, sustained decrease in biogenic sedimentation that occurred during the early Pliocene. The latter shift could have been linked to ocean current reorganizations related to the termination of the MSC or the “biogenic bloom”. Finally, we use a cyclostratigraphic approach to explore the possibility of building an astronomically tuned age model for this site using the XRF records.

How to cite: Karatsolis, B. T., Sinnesael, M., and 395/395C scientists, E.: Astronomical pacing and abrupt changes in North Atlantic biogenic sedimentation during the latest Miocene and Early Pliocene: the IODP Site U1562 case study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8238,, 2024.

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 14:00–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Marion Peral, Fatima Abrantes, Huai-Hsuan May Huang
Giulia Molina, Leopoldo D. Pena, Ester Garcia-Solsona, Eduardo Paredes, Aline Mega, and Antje Voelker

The Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition (EMPT), a global climate event that occurred between 700-1250 thousand years (kyr) ago, was characterized by a drastic change in the deep thermohaline circulation, resulting in more intense and longer-lasting interglacial periods. High-resolution records documenting environmental changes on the ocean seafloor associated with the EMPT in the North Atlantic are still limited. This knowledge is crucial for evaluating and modeling climate variability in the near future. The Gulf of Cadiz (Iberian Margin) is a key region as a gateway between the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, being affected at intermediate depths by the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). The MOW plays an important role in modulating the North Atlantic salt budget. Therefore, past climate variability in the Mediterranean region may have affected the MOW intensity and global thermohaline circulation. Thus, the present study aims to understand the environmental parameters influencing the distribution of benthic foraminifera species and their significance in regional oceanographic dynamics. 

Benthic foraminifera inhabit diverse (sub)seafloor environments and respond to factors such as oxygen levels, as well as the quantity and quality of food. Although other factors might influence the assemblage, strong bottom current regimes favor abundances of a group known as the “elevated epifauna”. Previous studies in the Gulf of Cadiz have found that elevated epifauna abundance correlates with MOW intensity in the modern ocean, suggesting it as a potential indicator of MOW intensity in the past.

Here we present results from a high-resolution study of benthic foraminifera assemblage of the period from Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 26 to 19 at IODP Site U1387 (559 m water depth), drilled into the Faro drift on the southern Portuguese margin. Our study identifies two distinct phases: the first phase (MISs 25 to 22, 959–866 kyr) experienced persistent and intensified MOW flow, as evidenced by an increase in the abundance of elevated epifauna. This phase also exhibits an increase in the abundance such as Globobulimina spp., species that live under oxygen and trophic conditions prevailing at the boundary between dysoxic and anoxic environments, suggesting stronger influence of relatively low oxygen Mediterranean waters. As soon as the MOW intensity declines in the second phase (MIS 21 to MIS 19, 866 – 761 kyr), there is a decrease in the Globobulimina spp. abundance, and an increase in oxygenated-preferred species abundance. We hypothesize that phase I is highly influenced by Mediterranean-sourced waters, whereas phase II improved oxygen conditions indicate potential dominance of Atlantic-sourced waters due to a lesser Mediterranean water contribution. To validate these results, Neodymium isotope analyses (εNd) are being conducted to help distinguishing between the prevailing water masses. Following our hypothesis, we are expecting more positive values during phase I, indicating stronger MOW influence, and more negative values for phase II, suggesting weaker MOW influence and dominantly Atlantic-sourced waters. These findings will further contribute to our understanding of the interplay between climate change and oceanographic dynamics in the Gulf of Cadiz during the EMPT.

How to cite: Molina, G., D. Pena, L., Garcia-Solsona, E., Paredes, E., Mega, A., and Voelker, A.: Hydrodynamic changes in the Gulf of Cadiz during the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition revealed by benthic foraminifera and radiogenic isotope data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-624,, 2024.

Aline Mega, Eva Calvo, Leopoldo D. Pena, Emília Salgueiro, Andreia Rebotim, Antje Voelker, Joana Cruz, and Fátima Abrantes

The intricate interplay among atmospheric CO2 concentrations, surface ocean pH dynamics, and their profound impact on marine ecosystems is of paramount importance in the context of contemporary climate change. Pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 concentrations oscillated in phase with glacial-interglacial cycles, showcasing low levels during glacial periods and elevated concentrations during interglacial periods. Nevertheless, this natural variability has been significantly disrupted due to the surge in anthropogenic CO2 emissions over recent decades. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, if global atmospheric CO2 concentrations persist in rising at the current rate, it is anticipated that the average ocean pH will decrease by 0.3 pH units in surface waters by the conclusion of this century. This scenario could exacerbate the impacts already observed in marine calcifying organisms, including in marine calcifying organisms such as planktonic foraminifera, affecting their diversity, abundance, and calcification. The main objective of this study is to understand the surface ocean pH evolution in a seasonal upwelling region, during two distinct interglacial periods in Earth's history: the Marine Isotopic Stage 5e (MIS 5e), the last interglacial without anthropogenic influence; and the Holocene, the present interglacial but subjected to anthropogenic influence. In upwelling regions, the upwelling of aged and CO2-rich subsurface waters together with high rates of primary production and respiration, is expected to regionally amplify ocean acidification. This study concentrates on the reconstruction of surface ocean pH using boron isotopes in a surface planktonic foraminifera species, Globogerinoides bulloides. This species is typically found in upwelling regions and was preserved in the marine sediment corer MD03-2699 (39°02.20′N, 10°39.63′W). Our preliminary findings indicate a pH difference between MIS 5e and the Holocene, with lower pH values during the Holocene.  It is argued that during the Holocene, a potential increase in wind intensity may have triggered a strong and persistent upwelling increasing productivity and respiration, consequently leading to lower pH. Additionally, the increase of atmospheric CO2, reconstructed from Antarctic ice cores during this period could also contribute to the ocean pH reduction. These variations in upwelling and/or atmospheric CO2 could be a pivotal factor influencing the observed pH differences, contributing to our comprehension of natural pH variations on the western Iberian margin through advanced pH reconstruction techniques and other multi-proxy environmental data integration for both periods in the region.

How to cite: Mega, A., Calvo, E., D. Pena, L., Salgueiro, E., Rebotim, A., Voelker, A., Cruz, J., and Abrantes, F.:  pH variations during the last and current interglacial stages at the western Iberian margin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-722,, 2024.

Xiaoxun Xie and Xiaodong Liu

Water vapor is the essential substance for precipitation and a crucial component of the global hydrological cycle. Quantifying the contributions of terrestrial and oceanic moisture sources is crucial for comprehending regional precipitation and hydroclimate changes. Previous studies have extensively investigated the East Asian summer monsoon and its precipitation changes using geological climate records, but it remains unclear how water vapor from different source regions affects the orbital-scale precipitation change in East Asia. In this study, a long-term transient simulation using a water vapor tracking climate model was conducted for the past 300 kyr to investigate the contributions of terrestrial and oceanic moisture sources to precipitation changes in the northern East Asian monsoon region (NEA, 35-45°N, 105-120°E). The results showed that for the climatologically annual NEA precipitation, the global land source was the primary moisture source, accounting for approximately 57.6% of the total precipitation, followed by Pacific Ocean source contributing 20.9%, while other sources had a minor contribution. The orbital-scale changes of annual NEA precipitation, dominated by the precipitation of the rainy season from May to September, were mainly characterized by a significant 23-kyr cycle and a weak 100-kyr cycle. Analyses of water vapor sources found that the significant 23-kyr cycle in NEA precipitation was caused by the superposition of the synchronous 23-kyr cycles of precipitations from the land and Pacific Ocean sources, while the nonsynchronous 100-kyr cyclic changes of precipitations from the land and Pacific Ocean sources led to the weak 100-kyr cycle of NEA total precipitation. The dominant 23-kyr cycle of NEA precipitation reflects the effect of precession forcing, while the weak 100-kyr cycle implies the impact of the high-latitude ice sheet forcing, which triggers the antiphase change in the moisture contribution rates of the land and Pacific sources in the glacial-interglacial cycle. This study highlights the importance of terrestrial and oceanic moisture sources associated with external forcings in understanding the orbital-scale East Asian monsoon precipitation changes. As a preliminary attempt to track the orbital-scale variations of the terrestrial and oceanic moisture sources of East Asian monsoon precipitation by conducting a water vapor tracking transient simulation, this study provides new insights into the temporal-frequency characteristics and physical mechanisms of orbital-scale East Asian monsoon precipitation variations from the perspective of water vapor sources.

How to cite: Xie, X. and Liu, X.: Deciphering orbital-scale precipitation changes in the northern East Asian monsoon region: insights into the roles of terrestrial and oceanic moisture sources, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2999,, 2024.

Lívia Gebara M.S. Cordeiro, Renato S. Carreira, Fernanda Ferreira, Teresa A. Rodrigues, and Fátima F. Abrantes

Despite efforts to understand the response of marine ecosystems to the impact of climate variability in the Iberian Margin [1-6], the effects of warming on phytoplankton community composition and total primary production remain an open question. Here, we present a high-resolution record of sediment-preserved lipids from the Iberian Margin (IM) over the last millennium, with special attention to the modern rise in atmospheric CO2. To address the temporal variation of marine primary production and terrestrial organic matter input, we studied GC-MS/FID-determined lipid compounds from cores PO287-06-2G (off the Douro River in the northern IM), PO287-26-3G (off the Tagus River in the central IM) and POPEI-VC2B (on the Algarve continental shelf in the southern IM). Lipids of typical marine origin (C27, C28, and C30 sterols, phytol, and C37 and C38 alkenones) and of typical terrestrial origin (odd long-chain n-alkanes nC21-nC35 and even long-chain n-alcohols C22OH-C32OH) were evaluated. As proxies for specific phytoplankton groups, we used the signatures of 4α-23,24-trimethyl-5α-cholest-22(E)-en-3β-ol (30d22 sterol) for dinoflagellates, 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (28d5,22 sterol) for diatoms and heptatriaconta-15E,22E-diene-2-one (C37:2 alkenone) for coccolithophores. The results showed a significant difference between the northern, central, and southern sites of the Iberian Margin, caused by the different regional environmental factors in each area. Higher concentrations of lipids are observed off Douro River, there is a higher relative contribution of cholesterol off Tagus River, suggesting the importance of zooplanktonic production in the central area, and there is a higher contribution of coccolithophores lipid signatures in the Algarve continental shelf. In terms of temporal variability, there is an alternation between coccolithophores and dinoflagellates lipid signatures over the millennium, with significant diatom sterol signatures at specific ages of the Industrial Era (since 1850 CE) and in the early MCA (900-1100 CE) for all sites. The temporal variability is most likely driven by changes in local and hemispheric ocean circulation and coastal upwelling conditions in the Iberian Margin.

References: [1] Abrantes et al., 2017; [2] Abrantes et al., 2011; [3] Salgueiro et al, 2008; [4] Ribeiro and Amorim 2008; [5] Abrantes 2000; [6] Rodrigues et al., 2009

How to cite: Gebara M.S. Cordeiro, L., S. Carreira, R., Ferreira, F., A. Rodrigues, T., and F. Abrantes, F.: Using lipid biomarker signatures to reconstruct marine primary production in the Iberian Margin over the last millennium, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6745,, 2024.

Markus L. Fischer, Norbert Marwan, Verena Foerster, Frank Schaebitz, Eleanor M.L. Scerri, Wolfgang Schwanghart, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, and Martin H. Trauth

The time between 1,200 kyr BP and today includes the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, the Mid-Bruhnes Event, and the late Pleistocene. The Early-Mid Pleistocene Transition (~920 kyrs BP) is one of the most dramatic shifts in high-latitude climate and marked by the onset of the strong 100 kyr glacial-interglacial cycles. The Mid-Bruhnes Event marks a significant increase in the amplitude of the glacial-interglacial cycles. It has been identified mostly in marine sediments and Antarctic ice cores, but it is currently discussed whether it was a globally synchronous phenomenon, including the African continent. Marine records suggest a shift towards increased aridity in parts of Africa, and terrestrial records from eastern Africa indicate a generally wet climate, possibly with a transition from stable to unstable, as suggested by the Olorgesailie record. 
At this time, robust Australopithecines went extinct, and only the genus Homo survived as H. ergaster, which ultimately led to the emergence of our own species, H. sapiens. The time vector also includes the second major expansion wave of H. ergaster out of Africa (1.39–0.9 Ma, after the first wave at ~1.9–1.4 Ma), possibly through the Sinai land bridge, but expansions through the Gibraltar strait and via the Bab el- Mandeb strait and into the southern Arabian Peninsula are also subject to lively discussed.
Here, we present the first insights into a comprehensive linear and non-linear analysis of five prominent records, which are (1) the dust record from ODP site 659 from western Africa, (2) the dust record from the Arabian Sea from ODP site 721/722, (3) the river runoff record from MD96-2048, (4) the combined dust and river runoff wetness index from ODP site 967, and (5) the south-western European ICDP record from Lake Ohrid. We use correlation metrics, such as the windowed Spearman correlation coefficient, to test for spatiotemporal synchronicity, asynchronicity, and possible interferences with the hominin fossil record. Furthermore, we use non-linear analysis, such as recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analysis, to test whether prominent climate transitions or spatiotemporal shifts in the fossil record are in temporal alignment with recurrence-based insights.

How to cite: Fischer, M. L., Marwan, N., Foerster, V., Schaebitz, F., Scerri, E. M. L., Schwanghart, W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., and Trauth, M. H.: Linear and non-linear Time Series Analysis of pan-African Hydroclimate spanning the past 1,200 kyr, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12155,, 2024.

Mengyao Du, Simon Crowhurst, Maryline Mleneck-Vautravers, David Hodell, Fatima Abrantes, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, and Expedition 397 Scientific Party

The retrieval of sediment cores from Site U1385 during Expedition IODP 397 off the Iberian Margin has yielded a high-fidelity record extending back to the base of Pliocene. This record provides an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the onset of millennial climate variability associated with the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (iNHG) during the late Pliocene. Elemental ratios, specifically Ca/Ti and Zr/Sr, measured by core scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) have uncovered four distinct millennial climate events in Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) G6, G4, G2 and 104. These single ‘precursor events’ precede the onset of pronounced millennial climate variability marked by multiple events beginning with MIS 100 (2.54 Ma).

The planktic δ18O record of Globigerina bulloides exhibits an increase associated with the peak in Zr/Sr and minimum in Ca/Ti, indicating colder temperatures during the stadial event in MIS G4 (2.69 Ma). A comparison with the δ18O record of mixed benthic foraminifera (Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Uvigerina peregrina) indicates that the identified cold stadial in MIS G4 coincided with the end of MIS G4 just before the deglaciation to MIS G3. We therefore suggest it represents a terminal stadial event, which is common during the latest part of glacial stages during the Quaternary. Moreover, the precursor stadial events of MIS G6, G4, G2 and 104 at Site U1385 can be correlated 1:1 to peaks in ice-rafted debris (IRD) in the high-latitude North Atlantic, indicating a connection to iceberg calving and freshwater forcing. Our results indicate that ice sheets had grown large enough during the glacial stages of the latest Pliocene to induce a significant response to freshwater forcing upon deglaciation.

How to cite: Du, M., Crowhurst, S., Mleneck-Vautravers, M., Hodell, D., Abrantes, F., Alvarez Zarikian, C., and 397 Scientific Party, E.: Late Pliocene onset of millennial climate variability during the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13153,, 2024.

Justin Gérard, Jarno Huygh, Loïc Sablon, Michel Crucifix, and Anne-Christine Da Silva

The Devonian is a warmer-than-present geological period spanning from 419 to 359 million years ago (Ma) characterized by 29 identified ocean anoxic/hypoxic events. Despite decades of extensive investigation, no consensus regarding the mechanisms responsible for ocean anoxia has been achieved. Our study contributes to this general research effort, focuses on the astronomical pacing of anoxia throughout the Devonian and is substantiated by growing geologic records suggesting a link between astronomical forcing and anoxic events during this period. To investigate the role of the astronomical forcing we used the Earth system Model of Intermediate Complexity (EMIC) cGENIE, which has proven to be a reliable choice to simulate ocean oxygen spatial patterns and values. In this project, we first tested the impact of continental configuration and ocean biogeochemistry (pCO$_2$, PO$_4$ and pO$_2$) on the equilibrium of the system and the related dissolved ocean oxygen concentration. Then, we produced an in-depth analysis of the astronomical forcing contribution to ocean anoxia for well-chosen continental reconstruction and biogeochemical quantities values. Our results indicate that variations in continental configuration, even small, can exert a strong impact on ocean anoxia, underscoring the influence of paleoreconstructions uncertainties on the biogeochemical tracers of cGENIE. The astronomical forcing reveals to be able to modify the nature of the equilibrium of the system, going from a single-state value solution to an oscillatory behaviour. Our findings also offer insights into potential ocean lockdown mechanisms, providing plausible explanations for the prolonged persistence of certain anoxic events over several hundred thousand years.

How to cite: Gérard, J., Huygh, J., Sablon, L., Crucifix, M., and Da Silva, A.-C.: On the impact of astronomical forcing on ocean anoxia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15130,, 2024.

Dhoha Boukhalfa and Anne-Christine Da Silva

The lower Carboniferous is marked by the onset of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA), one of the most severe and longest in Earth history, with a duration of nearly 100 million years [1]. The onset of the glaciation is associated with bursts of anoxia of different magnitudes through the Tournaisian and Visean stages (in the lower Carboniferous). These anoxic events are the Lower Alum Shale (LASE [2]) at the base of the middle Tournaisian, The Tournaisian Carbon Isotope Excursion (TICE, also called KOBE [3]) in the middle Tournaisian, and the Visean Carbon Isotope Excursion (VICE [4]). The particularity of these anoxic events is their development during a relatively cold period and their longer durations (5-10 Myr) compared to most other anoxic events. Clues have been accumulated pointing to the possibility that anoxia and glaciation may have been paced by changes in Earth’s orbit parameters ([5], [6], [7], [8]). These changes are the astronomical (Milankovitch) cycles (Eccentricity, Obliquity, and Precession) with specific durations. They impact the incoming solar radiation and seasonal contrasts, hence global climate. Cyclostratigraphy (The identification of astronomical cycles in the geological record) is the tool to establish a chronological framework (ATS) of the lower Carboniferous in order to reach precise estimates for the duration of these anoxic events. This precise timing is essential to get a better understanding of the climate response to astronomical forcing in the early Carboniferous. We also intend to delve into Milankovitch forcing related to ice age evolution and to understand the connection of anoxic events with climate dynamics and orbital forcing. In addition, precession and obliquity cycles are directly related to the Earth-Moon distance (and the length of the day). Through our study, we will provide a duration of precession and obliquity cycles which would allow to provide the Earth-Moon distance and length of the day for this period. Therefore, five geologic sections have been selected in the Namur-Dinant basin in Belgium and one section in Germany. Sections will undergo a high-resolution sampling then multiple analyses will be applied (major and trace elements, total organic carbon (TOC), and stable carbon isotopes(δ13C)). Different cyclostratigraphic techniques will be applied (e.g., MTM, ASM, TimeOpt, COCO, EHA) on specific paleoclimate proxies to build the chronostratigraphic framework. In fine, precession and obliquity cycles are directly related to the Earth-Moon distance (and the paleo-length of the day). Through our study we will provide a duration of precession and obliquity cycles which would allow us to provide the Earth-Moon distance and length of the day for this period, marked by a period of resonance of oceanic dissipation [9]. The study aims to deepen our understanding of the carboniferous ice age, its triggers, and Earth’s intricate climatic mechanisms.

[1]Crowley & Baum 1991. [2] Rakociński et al., 2021. [3] Yao et al., 2015. [4] Liu et al., 2019.  [5] Batenburg et al., 2019. [6] Batenburg et al., 2023. [7] Christine et al., 2020. [8] De Vleeschouwer et al., 2017. [9] Farhat et al., 2022.

How to cite: Boukhalfa, D. and Da Silva, A.-C.: Transition to glacial state through the lower Carboniferous and impact of orbital forcing on sedimentary records and anoxia expansion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16072,, 2024.

Carmen Argenio, José-Abel Flores, Barbara Balestra, Filomena Ornella Amore, David Hodell, Fatima Abrantes, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, and Expedition Scientific Party

New insights about the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 over the North Atlantic area are presented in this study. The MIS 5 interval covers a timeframe from  ̴130 ka to 70 ka and it has been the last major interglacial interval occurred on Earth. In particular, the MIS 5e sub-interval, is a key period to study the possible evolution for human induced climate changes. It also represents an opportunity to interpret the natural climate evolution beyond the anthropic impact being interested by global temperatures assumed to be warmer than the pre-anthropogenic ones (e.g. Kopp et al., 2009). Likewise, the North Atlantic region is interesting for climatic studies being involved in the modulation of the global climate and in particular the Iberian margin is a well-known source of rapidly accumulating sediment offering a high-fidelity record of millennial climate variability.

With this contribution we show preliminary results concerning changes in hydrography and coccolithophores productivity from two sites recovered on the Promontorio dos Principes de Avis, SW Iberian Margin: U1385 (37°34.285’N; 10°7.562’W – 2585 meters below sea level), drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339, and U1586 (37º37.283’N; 10º42.628’W - 4691 meters below sea level), drilled during the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 397.

The phytoplankton group of coccolithophores has proved to be a high-quality environmental proxy since their geographic distribution and abundance is strongly influenced by parameters such as sea-surface temperature, salinity, sunlight and nutrient availability. Accordingly, coccolithophores are here used to describe paleoproductivity fluctuations in surface waters and upwelling strength as well as paleoceanographic changes linked to global climate evolution.



Kopp, R.E., Simons, F.J., Mitrovica, J.X., Maloof, A.C. & Oppenheimer, M. (2009). Probabilistic assessment of sea level during the last interglacial stage. Nature, 462 (863-867)

How to cite: Argenio, C., Flores, J.-A., Balestra, B., Amore, F. O., Hodell, D., Abrantes, F., Alvarez Zarikian, C., and Scientific Party, E.: Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic analyses throughout the MIS 5 interval: preliminary results from calcareous nannoplankton, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16409,, 2024.

Christian Zeeden, Mohammad Paknia, Stephanie Scheidt, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Mathias Vinnepand, and Christian Hoselmann

The past subsidence episodes of the northern Upper Rhine Graben allowed the accumulation of thick sedimentary sequences that can function as excellent data source for paleoclimate reconstructions. A 323 m long sediment core drilled in 2020-2021 near Riedstadt-Erfelden (~14 km WSW of Darmstadt) is therefore likely a high-resolution geoarchive documenting climate dynamics during the Plio-Pleistocene epochs. So far, the chronostratigraphic framework is based only on lithostratigraphic assignments. This study presents inclination values and magnetic susceptibility obtained from whole-core measurements and discusses initial stratigraphic ideas based on the resulting preliminary magnetic polarity stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphic assessments of the ‘Riedstadt-Erfelden’ core.

Here, we highlight on the quasi-cyclic components of the core, and provide an interpretation in the light of paleomagnetic dating.

How to cite: Zeeden, C., Paknia, M., Scheidt, S., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Vinnepand, M., and Hoselmann, C.: Exploring the Plio/Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Upper Rhine Graben from a core taken at a Riedstadt/Hesse, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18823,, 2024.

Susana M. Lebreiro, Laura Antón, Silvia Nave, Claire Waelbroeck, Edouard Bard, Luke Skinner, Isabel Reguera, Elisabeth Michel, Natalia Bravo, Jordi F. Lopez, Belen Martrat, Teresa Rodrigues, Eva Bellido, and Francisco Sierro

The reservoir age of waters and carbon sequestration increased in the deep Atlantic Ocean during the last glacial period. The glacial northern deep water (GNADW) formation reached shallower depths than during the ensuing interglacial, and the underlying southern-sourced bottom water (GAABW) was filling the basin, generally poorly ventilated. The mechanisms within the deep ocean that facilitate the flip from glacial-to-interglacial modes are as yet to be understood.  

Here we present analysis performed on foraminifera (benthic δ13C, abundance of oxygen-tolerant benthic species and 14C age difference between benthic and planktonic species), together with the n-hexacosan-1-ol index (biomarker of the oxygenation of the deep-sea floor) in three deep cores at the Atlantic Iberian margin (ca. -5,000 m depth; 40°N). The locations selected follow the pathway of the Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW): MD03-2698 (Tagus Iberian margin), D219 (Rincão da Pomba) and MD13-3473 (Tore inner basin). Additionally, results of polar northern and southern sites (U1308 and TN057-21 respectively) are discussed as a reference for evaluating long-distance connections. 

The hypothesis to be tested is whether the deep waters off Iberia were northern- or southern-sourced during the deglaciation within the Tore seamount, a crater-shaped geological structure, 300 km off the Iberian continental shelf. It includes an inner basin down to -5,500 m, isolated from the oceanic basin by a summit rim at -2,200 m. The external connection with the Atlantic is by two narrow NW and NE gateways down to –4,300 m. This makes the area a singular spot to decipher the NEADW-end member of the Atlantic deep circulation. 

We find benthic (Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi) δ13C values around 0 ‰ in the interior of the Tore before 18 ky, slightly heavier than those known from shallower Iberian sites (ca. -3,500 m). This points to isolation of the Tore basin from the influence of GAABW. This contrasts with the other sites MD03-2698 and D219 which record δ13C around -0.6 ‰, similarly to TN057-21 values. Inside the Tore, benthic foraminifera species grouped according to their oxygen tolerance are oligotrophic during the glacial (oxygen-rich, more ventilated conditions) and mesotrophic over the Holocene (intermediate ventilation).

The carbon residence time measured in MD03-2698 and D219, as estimated from the 14C age difference between benthic and planktonic foraminifera, confirms previous reservoir ages in the deep Iberian margin (MD99-2334K; JC89-SHAK03-6K, JC89-SHAK05-3K). In the inner basin (MD13-3473), the estimation is not valid, probably due to increased bioturbation, lower sedimentation rates and mixing turbiditic flow. 

The hexacosanol index marks the lowest ventilation pattern culminating around 16 ky (MD03-2698, D219), an apparent inflection point from when the ventilation shifts from southern to northern sourced deep waters, the former not registered in the inner Tore (MD13-3473). This occurs in line with a large reduction in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and maximum extent of ice sheets. Taken together, interactions between atmospheric, marine, cryosphere and terrestrial climate elements, as recorded by different proxies during the stadial multi-step structure associated within Heinrich event 1 (H1.1) are giving clues to the processes bringing about deglaciation.

How to cite: Lebreiro, S. M., Antón, L., Nave, S., Waelbroeck, C., Bard, E., Skinner, L., Reguera, I., Michel, E., Bravo, N., Lopez, J. F., Martrat, B., Rodrigues, T., Bellido, E., and Sierro, F.: Testing the deep water source variations in the Atlantic Iberian margin over the last deglaciation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17892,, 2024.

Huai-Hsuan May Huang, Curtis Deutsch, Thomas Cronin, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, Fatima Guedes Abrantes, and David Hodell and the Expedition 397 Scientists

Organism body size is a critical aspect of marine ecosystems and is influenced by climate change on seasonal to geologic time scales. Recent integration of mechanistic models of metabolism, laboratory experiments, and fossil records has opened a new avenue for understanding the roles of thermal sensitivity and hypoxia tolerance in body-size evolution. Here we explore climatic factors driving intraspecific body size variability of benthic ostracods in the central and eastern North Atlantic Ocean. We analyzed over 300 adult shell sizes of multiple ostracod species in the genus Krithe at Sites Chain 84-24-4PC (42°N, 33°W, 3427 m water depth) for the past ~50,000 years and IODP U1588 (37°N, 9°W, 1139 m water depth) for the past ~700,000 years. Chain 84-24-4PC and U1588 are predominantly influenced by North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) today, respectively. Results show that size reduction corresponded to up to 5 °C deglacial warming during the interval 22-14 ka (MIS 2-1) at the Chain 84-24-4PC core site. Even more striking, size varies 60-70% during major glacial-interglacial transitions (MIS6-5, MIS12-11, and MIS16-15) at Site U1588. The differences observed in the magnitude of size reduction between the two sites are likely influenced by the varying ranges of temperature and, potentially, oxygen variability at their respective water depths. We discuss the potential of using body size changes to reconstruct variability in temperature and oxygen across glacial-interglacial cycles.

How to cite: Huang, H.-H. M., Deutsch, C., Cronin, T., Alvarez Zarikian, C., Guedes Abrantes, F., and Hodell, D. and the Expedition 397 Scientists: Body size variability of North Atlantic benthic fauna driven by bottom-water temperature and oxygen during late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13997,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Huai-Hsuan May Huang, Xiaolei Pang, Fatima Abrantes
Lauren Haygood, Natascha Riedinger, David Hodell, Fatima Abrantes, and Carlos Alvarez Zarikian and the Expedition 397 Scientific Party

Although valuable information of North Atlantic circulation paleo-reconstructions by the measurement of oxygen isotopes of benthic and planktonic foraminifera exists, it is still not well-understood how deep-water currents changed over the last ~800,000 years. Moreover, recent studies have shown that some species of microfossils can adapt to low oxygen concentrations, which consequently can impact the reliability of the paleo-reconstructions that are based on these fossils. Marine sediments off the Portuguese Margin have been shown to play a pivotal role in paleoclimate research, and studies have suggested that climate shifts at Mediterranean latitudes are interconnected to changes in deep-water circulation patterns. Changes in bottom-water oxygenation (ventilation) can provide information about changes in deep-water circulation patterns, which can be measured by the enrichment versus depletion of redox-sensitive trace metals. Here we provide the results of a low-resolution geochemical analysis of redox-sensitive trace metals (for example, molybdenum (Mo), vanadium (V), and uranium (U)) to investigate deep-water ventilation changes in the North Atlantic over the last ~800,000 years at Hole U1586A drilled during IODP Expedition 397. Sediment samples underwent a multi-acid digestion technique and were analyzed via an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) for redox-sensitive trace metals. Additionally, sequential iron (Fe) extractions were carried out to differentiate between labile versus mineral Fe phases. Preliminary results suggest minor changes in deep-water ventilation that correspond to glacial-interglacial cycles since the mid-Pleistocene. Future work will involve high-resolution geochemical analyses to better understand the interconnection of deep-water circulation and climate change.

How to cite: Haygood, L., Riedinger, N., Hodell, D., Abrantes, F., and Alvarez Zarikian, C. and the Expedition 397 Scientific Party: Investigating North Atlantic Deep-Water Ventilation Changes: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 397 Hole U1586A, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6679,, 2024.