GM8.1 | Interactions between tectonics, climate and surface processes from mountain belts to basins
Interactions between tectonics, climate and surface processes from mountain belts to basins
Co-organized by TS4
Convener: Julien Charreau | Co-conveners: Audrey Margirier, Richard Ott, Emma Lodes
| Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST), 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room D3
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X3
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
It is now well known that the coupling between tectonics, climate and surface processes governs the dynamics of mountain belts and basins. However, the amplitude of these couplings and their exact impact on mountain building are less understood. First order quantitative constraints on this coupling are therefore needed. They can be provided by geomorphic and sedimentary records including longitudinal river profiles, fluvial and marine terraces, landslides, downstream fining trends, growth strata, sediment provenance, sequence stratigraphy, and changing depositional environments. In addition, such interaction may be explored also by geodetic analyses (e.g., GPS, UAV and satellite images analyses) as well as with innovative geo-informatic approaches. Moreover, the increasing integration of geochronological methods for quantifying erosion rates and source-to-sink sediment transfer with landscape evolution, stratigraphic, climatic, and tectonic models allows us to advance our understanding of the interactions between surface processes, climate and tectonic deformation.

We invite contributions that use geomorphic, geochronologic and/or sedimentary records to understand tectonic deformation, climate histories, and surface processes, and welcome studies that address their interactions and couplings at a range of spatial and temporal scales. In particular, we encourage coupled catchment-basin studies that take advantage of numerical/physical modelling, geochemical tools for quantifying rates of surface processes (cosmogenic nuclides, low-temperature thermochronology, luminescence dating) and high resolution digital topographic and subsurface data. We invite contributions that address the role of surface processes in modulating rates of deformation and tectonic style, or of tectonics modulating the response of landscapes to climate change.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room D3

Chairpersons: Julien Charreau, Audrey Margirier, Emma Lodes
Landscape evolution seen from topography and fluvial network analyses
On-site presentation
Tianyi Shen, Guocan Wang, and Shipeng Miao

The Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau presents an exemplary setting to explore the intricate interactions among tectonics, erosion, and climate. Since achieving its elevated stature in the Miocene, the plateau's landscape has undergone significant transformation, largely influenced by several major rivers. The Yarlung Tsangpo River, the largest river on the plateau, has been instrumental in this geomorphic evolution. Throughout the Neogene and Quaternary periods, this river has facilitated the extensive removal and transportation of massive rock volumes from the plateau into the southern Himalayas. Consequently, it has profoundly affected the patterns and intensities of erosion and uplift within the orogenic system, contributed to the reorganization of river networks, and influenced sedimentary processes in the adjacent foreland basin. Nevertheless, the specifics of river erosion evolution process in southeast Tibet and its driving factors remain a subject of considerable debate.


In this study, we present an in-depth analysis of both long- and short-term denudation processes in southeast Tibet, particularly along the Yarlung Tsangpo River. The long-term denudation history is elucidated through exhumation rate simulations derived from published low-temperature thermochronological data. Near the hanging wall of the Woka normal fault (upstream), the data indicates an average exhumation rate of 0.23 km/Ma, predominantly from samples older than 10 Ma. In contrast, the footwall experienced an initial rapid exhumation phase around 10.25 ± 0.81 Ma, with rates approximating 0.53 km/ myr. This rate was comparatively steady at 0.31 ± 0.01 km/ myr further from the fault. Subsequently, at 7.12 ± 0.36 myr, the exhumation rate increased to 0.42 ± 0.02 km/myr. Post 5 Ma, rapid exhumation, reaching rates of 0.57 ± 0.05 km/ myr, was confined to the Jiacha Gorge, continuing up to ~1 Ma as indicated by AHe dating. Short-term erosion processes were assessed through millennium-scale catchment erosion rates, determined by cosmogenic nuclide analyses of river sediments. A sample from the hanging wall of the Woka normal fault indicated a catchment-wide erosion rate of 19.9 m/myr. Conversely, samples from outside the Jiacha Gorge, including two from main river tributaries and two from secondary tributaries, demonstrated significantly higher erosion rates, ranging from 47.5 to 67.3 m/myr.


Subsequently, we employed 3D thermo-kinematic modeling to reconstruct the region's topography as it appeared approximately 15 million years ago, integrating both long-term exhumation and short-term erosion rates. The model suggests the formation of a peneplain in southern Tibet around 15 Ma, after notable uplift in the early Miocene and substantial exhumation between 20 and 15 Ma. The drainage patterns during this period in southern Tibet likely differed markedly from the present, as the eastward-flowing Yarlung Tsangpo River had not yet formed. It is hypothesized that the river flowed directly towards the Himalayan foreland until around 6 Ma. At this time, the river channel was altered through capture by the Jiacha Gorge, redirecting its flow eastward.

How to cite: Shen, T., Wang, G., and Miao, S.: Multi-stage river incision processes since 15 Ma and the formation of the Yarlung Tsangpo River in the southeast Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2715,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yuezhi Zhong, Vincenzo Picotti, Jianguo Xiong, Sean Willett, Christoph Schmidt, and Georgina King

Base level fall on a tributary is genetically related to its trunk channel incision, and analysis of tributaries thus provides information of the trunk channel evolution history. In the middle Yellow River, for example, several integration processes were proposed and should be consistent with river terrace data from the trunk channel. We investigate the rates and spatiotemporal variations of incision along the Jinshan Gorge in the middle Yellow River with dated strath terraces from its tributaries. The incision rate for six tributaries along the Jinshan Gorge is constrained using mapped and dated terraces. By comparing terraces of similar age, we find generally decreasing incision rates from the confluence with the trunk river to upstream within a tributary in the southern Jinshan Gorge. Decreasing incision rates are also observed among tributaries from south to north along the gorge. The results independently confirm the spatial pattern from “pseudo-terraces” derived from channel profile modeling. This interpretation reinforces the previous proposal that paleo-lake regressions in the Weihe Graben or integration with the Hetao Graben are unlikely to have been responsible for recent incision. An estimation method with terrace data within a tributary of erodibility coefficient, K, a crucial parameter for river profile inversion analysis, is also provided. K is recalibrated to be 1.03 10-5 m0.3/a with all terrace data. With an assemblage of published terrace data along the Jinshan Gorge, we suggest a re-examination of published terrace ages, which may help unravel the mysterious evolution history of the middle Yellow River.

How to cite: Zhong, Y., Picotti, V., Xiong, J., Willett, S., Schmidt, C., and King, G.: Increasing fluvial incision rate in the southern Jinshan Gorge from tributary terraces and river network analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5314,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Geomorphologic features of river basins in the Zhongtiao Mountains and their tectonic significance
jinxin hu
On-site presentation
Minhui Li, Hansjörg Seybold, Xudong Fu, Baosheng Wu, and James Kirchner

Stream networks are striking expressions of how Earth’s hydraulic cycle shapes topography, yet the degree to which different geomorphological processes are visible in their ramified structure remains debated. Here we analyzed 18,030 river networks across the contiguous United States as mapped by the high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset, measuring the Tokunaga parameter c, which characterizes the degree of side-branching, in order to quantify the stream networks' topologies. We find that stream networks with more side branches tend to occur in wetter climates while channel networks in arid regions are less "feathered". As side branches tend to be steeper than the main channel, the aridity-induced dependence of slope ratio identified in recent studies may indicate inherent topological differences between stream networks in arid and humid regions. Such climatic signatures in the planform morphology of stream networks may help to better understand landscape evolution on the continental scale, and may also hold clues for the climatic history of other planetary bodies such as Mars or Titan.

How to cite: Li, M., Seybold, H., Fu, X., Wu, B., and Kirchner, J.: Climatic controls on the stream network topology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6811,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dali Ju and Zhao Yang

Drainage systems are highly sensitive to landform changes, and their formation and evolution history are of great significance for understanding regional tectonic-climatic processes and ecological environmental changes. Since the Cenozoic, the uplift and expansion of the Tibetan Plateau have profoundly influenced the landforms and drainage patterns in its surrounding area. The Qinling-Daba Mountains are located on the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, and the Han River, as the largest tributary of the Yangtze River, originates from the southern flank of the Qinling Mountains and flows from west to east between the Qinling and Daba Mountains, whose evolution history may document abundant clues of the expansion of the Tibetan Plateau and regional tectonic-climatic responses. Previous studies suggested that a significant river reorganization event may have occurred in the upper reaches of the Han River. However, the timing and mechanism are still vague. In this study, the evolution history of the upper reaches of the Han River is reconstructed through terrace mapping, paleocurrent measurements, K-feldspar Pb isotope provenance analysis, and quartz electron spin resonance (ESR) dating. Combined with the fault kinematic analyses, it is believed that before 0.4 Ma, the Paleo-Han River flowed directly eastward along the Ankang Basin. Between 0.4-0.15 Ma, the continuous left-lateral strike-slip movement along the Ankang Fault resulted in vertical uplift at its compressional bend and caused the Han River to flow southward and bypass into the Daba Mountains. This river evolution event within the Qinling region reflects the adjustment process of the peripheral water systems and landforms under the influence of the expansion of the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Ju, D. and Yang, Z.: Pleistocene drainage reorganization of the upper reaches of the Han River and its tectonic significance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7041,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xiaoping Yuan, Ruohong Jiao, Jing Liu-Zeng, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Sebastian Wolf, and Xiaoming Shen

Fluvial erosion of small mountain belts is widely represented as a wave of upstream migration of knickpoints, starting from a stationary boundary of a high topography created by increased rock uplift rates. However, mountain belts such as the Tibetan Plateau and the central Andes are large, and fluvial erosion remains poorly constrained when orogens expand in width with their boundaries continuously advancing towards the foreland. Here we propose a simple analytical solution for a laterally expanding orogen dominated by fluvial erosion, and apply it to the propagation of Eastern Tibet where the plateau margin is characterized by widespread low-relief surfaces incised by steep river valleys. Our analytical solution is based on the assumption that the topography of Eastern Tibet was built by high uplift rates located in a belt along the plateau margins migrating outwards during plateau growth, as well as carved by erosion of large rivers originating from the interior of the plateau. We validate our analytical solution by comparing it to numerical models and various types of data from five large rivers in Eastern Tibet (Salween, Mekong, Yangtze, Yalong, and Dadu Rivers). The results show that the models with optimized parameters are generally consistent with the observed river-profile morphologies, exhumation magnitudes, and low-temperature thermochronometric ages. We also tested whether the observations on topography and exhumation could also be explained by a period of headward erosion and plateau retreat, the consequence of an early formation of the Tibetan Plateau. By testing various fluvial erodibilities and model durations, we could not reproduce the observed topographies, river profiles, and exhumation magnitudes. The tested model also predicts an increase in thermochronometric ages from the center to the margin of the plateau, opposite to the observed trend of ages. Our results thus show that the long-term fluvial erosion in Eastern Tibet features mainly a downstream migration of high erosion rates, which is fundamentally different from the headward erosion of most of small mountain rivers and a major plateau margin retreat. The characteristics described by our simple analytical solution may represent a common pattern of outward growing mountains and plateaus in tectonically active regions on Earth.

How to cite: Yuan, X., Jiao, R., Liu-Zeng, J., Dupont-Nivet, G., Wolf, S., and Shen, X.: Downstream versus upstream propagation of fluvial erosion in orogenic plateaus: Example of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7762,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Victor Sacek and Tacio Bicudo

During the Cenozoic, the formation of the Andean Cordillera had a profound effect on the drainage evolution in the South America continent. The load of the Andes induced the bending of the lithosphere, creating foreland basins adjacent to the cordillera. Additionally, an increase in orographic precipitation along the eastern flank of the Andes amplified the erosion of the cordillera and the sedimentation rate in the foreland and other interior basins. As a result, the drainage pattern changed from parallel to the cordillera to a system perpendicular to the orogen. This led to the development of the Amazon drainage system in northern South America and guided the formation of the present Paraguay-Paraná Basin in southern South America. Concurrently, dynamic topography induced by the subduction of the Nazca plate under the western margin of the continent created long-wavelength topographic perturbations throughout the continent, partially modulating the generation of accommodation space in interior sedimentary basins and allowing intermittent marine incursions in lowland regions. In this work, we present this complex evolution based on numerical models dedicated to simulating the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the entire South America continent, coupling surface processes, lithospheric flexure, sea-level oscillations, and dynamic topography. This project represents an expansion of the works developed in our research group, previously focused only on the drainage dynamics of northern South America.

How to cite: Sacek, V. and Bicudo, T.: Drainage dynamics of the entire South American continent during the Andean Orogeny: Results from tectono-sedimentary numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11931,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maximilian Rau, Wolfgang Schwanghart, and Michael Krautblatter

The large-scale reorganization of drainage patterns is one of the most enigmatic events in the landscape history of Central Europe. In particular, the rivers Main and Neckar show a reversal of the flow direction from southeast to northwest. Historically, this has been interpreted as a consequence of the subsidence of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the subsequent lowering of the base level. However, the high uplift rates along the shoulders of the URG, which suggest an increased southeastward tilt, raise questions. This prompts the investigation of alternative uplift patterns contributing to the observed river reversals.

This study uses a new version of the landscape evolution model TTLEM and river analyses with TopoToolbox to investigate the potential role of large-scale lithospheric folding resulting from the collision of the Alps. Our research challenges the conventional narrative by examining whether such folding could be a driving force behind the enigmatic flow reversals in the Main and Neckar rivers.

During the transition from the Cretaceous to the Paleocene, a dome-shaped exhumation event in Europe led to the establishment of a radial river network originating in higher regions. Some rivers still have their original flow directions, such as the Wörnitz and the Brenz, or the Neckar, which now flows in the opposite direction. In southern Germany, a network of rivers flowed in a southward or southeastward direction. The Eocene marked the beginning of the formation of the URG, accompanied by a marked uplift of the Graben shoulders and a tilting of southern Germany to the east-southeast. During this period, the flow directions of the rivers remained constant, and the sinking URG initially failed to extend its drainage basin beyond the graben shoulders.

The pivotal moment in the redirection of the rivers has been evident since the Miocene when lithospheric folding occurs parallel to the Alpine front. This previously unnoticed event highlights a crucial link between the collision of the Alps and the redirection of the Main and Neckar rivers. Our findings shed light on the complex interplay of tectonic forces, landscape evolution, and river dynamics, challenging existing paradigms and contributing to a deeper understanding of the geomorphic history of Central Europe.

How to cite: Rau, M., Schwanghart, W., and Krautblatter, M.: A landscape evolution model of how uplift has shaped drainage patterns in Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18699,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Katrina Gelwick, Yanyan Wang, Sabrina Metzger, Kimberly Huppert, Rong Yang, and Sean Willett

The lateral movement of Earth’s crust through tectonic advection plays an important role in shaping topography in many active orogens worldwide. Numerical modelling and select field studies have shown that tectonic advection can alter topography and thereby create asymmetric drainage divides. Divide migration typically occurs opposite to the direction of tectonic advection, however, in many mountain belts, the wedge-tip propagation towards the foreland outpaces the rate of convergence, in which case the direction of topographic asymmetry should be reversed. 

We combine geomorphic and geodetic analyses with numerical models to test whether topographic asymmetry in the Longmenshan region of Southeast Tibet is dominated by advection of the crust from the ongoing India-Eurasia collision, movement of river base-level with the propagation of the thrust front into the Sichuan Basin, or other tectonic and climatic factors. We measure the magnitude and direction of drainage divide asymmetry using geomorphic metrics and compare these to horizontal GNSS velocities, which measure tectonic advection and shortening relative to the stable Sichuan Basin block. Geologic studies estimate that wedge-tip propagation toward the Sichuan Basin has been negligible since ~5-10 Ma.

Our results show that drainage divide asymmetries in the Longmenshan and Bayankala tectonic blocks indicate a dominantly northwest divide migration direction relative to the underlying rock. This is opposite to the dominantly southeast-pointing GNSS rates and suggests that within-wedge shortening and southward surface advection are more important than wedge-tip propagation. These findings also indicate that topography in the Longmenshan and Bayankala blocks has already adjusted to the current kinematics. Inconsistencies in the signal can be explained by localized deformation and uplift from faulting and other small-scale transient adjustments in the river network, such as those caused by stream captures. We compare these results to a series of numerical model scenarios with varying advection and wedge-tip propagation velocities to discern the relative influence of tectonic advection and thrust-front dynamics on the region’s topography. Our study highlights the critical role tectonic advection plays in shaping topography on the Southeast Tibetan Plateau and it provides a comparative framework for distinguishing the relative rates of advection and wedge-tip propagation.

How to cite: Gelwick, K., Wang, Y., Metzger, S., Huppert, K., Yang, R., and Willett, S.: Tectonic advection controls drainage divide asymmetry patterns in the Longmenshan, SE Tibet, China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10973,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jingtao Lai and Kimberly Huppert

Climate contrasts across drainage divides, such as orographic precipitation, are ubiquitous in mountain ranges, and as a result, mountain topography is often asymmetric. Asymmetric glaciation arising from climate gradients across divides can cause topographic asymmetry that is potentially different from fluvial landscapes, causing divide instability during glacial-interglacial cycles. In this study, we quantified topographic asymmetry caused by asymmetric glaciation and assessed its sensitivity to different climate scenarios. Using an analytical model of a steady-state glacial profile, we find that the degree of topographic asymmetry is primarily controlled by differences in the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) across the divide. When the ELA differences are caused by precipitation variations across the divide, glacial topography exhibits greater asymmetry than fluvial topography. These results suggest that glacial erosion responds differently to the same climate asymmetry from fluvial erosion, and therefore, intermittent glaciations may have promoted drainage reorganization and landscape transience in glaciated mountain ranges. Preliminary model results indicate that the rate of divide migration caused by asymmetric glaciation is several millimeters per year and the timescale of migration is several million years.

How to cite: Lai, J. and Huppert, K.: Climate-driven topographic asymmetry enhanced by glaciers: Implication for divide stability in glacial landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7438,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Richard Ott, Julien Charreau, Emma Lodes
Interaction between climate, tectonics and surfaces processes over the Quaternary
On-site presentation
Rebekah Harries, Sim Reaney, Germán Aguilar, and Linda Kirstein

In the south-central Andes, a long-term persistent pattern in climate aridity has been linked to sediment storage in mountain valleys and the resultant delaying of river steepening in response to rock uplift over millennia. This conceptual model implies that the landscape has a long-term trajectory for sediment export that may be sped up or slowed down by projected climate change. With this framing, we seek to investigate how changes in precipitation patterns and discharge regimes impact the transient evolution of a semi-arid, post glacial landscape and its physical processes. Changes in precipitation patterns and discharge regimes are understood to drive substrate erosion, sediment transport and changes in channel patterns and dimensions. They also alter vegetation, weathering regimes and catchment morphologies that influence sediment supply and slope-channel coupling.  

Using field data, we investigate how a sequence of floods has driven the conveyance of sediment through a semi-arid, postglacial landscape. Along the Rio Teno in Central Chile, we quantify changes in vertical bed structure, bed surface grain size, clast lithology, river morphology and slope-channel connectivity in March 2021 and again following an extreme and a large flood event in 2023. Our findings highlight the importance of including the full range of flood magnitudes that exceed critical entrainment thresholds in models of sediment export and landscape evolution. While extreme events do significant work in redistributing sediment within a catchment, it is the higher frequency, lower magnitude events and snowmelt cycles that evacuate sediment and reset base levels. In the context of climate change, a hydroclimate dominated by extreme floods in this landscape would likely result in greater sediment export from postglacial upper reaches, sediment storage within valleys in mid-reaches and lateral erosion and sediment export along the lowest reaches. This potential change has significant implications for understanding the fate of mountain landscapes and their human populations over the next century. 

How to cite: Harries, R., Reaney, S., Aguilar, G., and Kirstein, L.: Climate storminess as a driver of surface processes and a limiting factor for topographic responses to rock uplift, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20314,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maurício Haag, Lindsay Schoenbohm, Scott Jess, Carlos Augusto Sommer, and Gabriel Endrizzi

Bedrock strength is widely regarded to exert major control over fluvial incision and landscape evolution. Despite that, quantifying lithological effects on natural landscapes has been extremely difficult due to limited continuous exposure at a watershed scale, especially in vegetated environments. Recent numerical models emphasize the pivotal role of rock strength in steering long-term landscape evolution, causing deviations from steady-state conditions, the formation of knickpoints, and biased erosion records. Situated along the southeast coast of Brazil, the Aparados da Serra Escarpment (lat. 28–29°S) represents a prominent geomorphological feature (>1,500 m asl) in the passive margin section of South America. Marked by a sequence of relatively weak sedimentary units overlain by relatively strong volcanic rocks, the escarpment exhibits gradual changes in the strong/weak ratio along its length due to a regional south-dipping contact. The well-constrained stratigraphy (stacked sedimentary and volcanic rocks), climatic conditions (uniform rainfall and temperature), and tectonic setting (regionally uniform and low uplift rates) make this region an ideal laboratory for investigating the influence of rock strength on river profiles. This study conducts a comprehensive series of in-situ rock strength measurements at closely spaced intervals (15 m vertical intervals between each site) along three sections across the escarpment (Rocinha at 28.8°S, Rio do Rastro at 28.4°S, and Corvo Branco at 28.0°S), covering a total escarpment segment > 100 km along strike and providing near-continuous exposure from sea level to 1,500 m asl. To this end, we perform detailed mapping along each section and use a Schmidt hammer type N to record the compressive strength of each lithological unit in the area. In addition, we also record the weathering state and fracture spacing for each site, allowing us to build the first continuous rock strength suite for a major geomorphological feature. Our resulting dataset (> 200 sites with > 30 measurements for each site) allows us to examine a long-postulated but rarely documented relationship between rock strength and bedrock channel steepness. Comparative analysis of normalized river steepness (Ksn) from adjacent watersheds (<5 km away) reveals that: (i) Ksn closely follows rock strength in all escarpment sections, and most of the major knickpoints and steepened reaches can be explained by lithological effects alone, (ii) for the same lithology/geological unit, absolute Ksn and rock strength values are the same across all the sections, (iii) even modest rock strength differences, as little as 30%, can induce changes in Ksn values and the development of knickpoints, and (iv) sedimentary rocks exhibit an increase in rock strength with age. Our results have implications for both forward and inverse landscape evolution models since autogenic knickpoints and transient reaches have the potential to mask uplift signals, particularly for slow-uplifting areas such as passive margins and cratons. These findings largely support the parametrization of lithological heterogeneities in bedrock incision models, as well as a detailed mapping when conducting relatively small-scale (< 10,000 km2) landscape evolution studies.

How to cite: Haag, M., Schoenbohm, L., Jess, S., Augusto Sommer, C., and Endrizzi, G.: Lithological influence on bedrock incision and transience: Insights from the Aparados da Serra Escarpment, southeast Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-682,, 2024.

On-site presentation
losen julie, rizza magali, nutz alexis, henriquet maxime, schuster mathieu, Rakhmedinov erkin, Baikulov sultan, Abdrakhmatov kanatbek, fleury jules, Rinterknecht vincent, and siame lionel

Earthquake-triggered landslides pose significant hazards and their long-term effects can radically reshape the local physiography but also may generate cascading risks. Indeed, a landslide could dam the river, having for consequence the formation of an upstream lake, which in turn makes the dam unstable, leading to cataclysmic flooding in the case of sudden failure. The Naryn River is one of the most important rivers in the Western Tien Shan, and major changes in its dynamics could have a significant economic impact in Central Asia and lead to political tensions over water management. Our study focuses on the Beshkiol paleo-landslide (>10km3), one of the largest in Central Asia, an overlooked hazard along the Naryn River.
Through a multi-disciplinary approach that combines detailed geomorphological, sedimentological and chronological (luminescence, cosmogenic and radiocarbon) analysis over a study area more than 130 km-long, we determined the different phases that affected the evolution of this landslide from the late Pleistocene to the late Holocene. First of all, two lacustrine sequences have been identified in the Naryn Basin, illustrating two successive periods of river damming and a lake outburst flooding. The triggering of the Beshkiol landslide occurred ~52 ka ago, led to the damming of the Naryn River and the formation of an 80 km-long lake upstream. Our chronological constraints highlight a residence time of 36,000 years, one of the longest ever documented in the world for a natural dammed-lake. This lake then drained in a cataclysmic event around 15 ka, which most likely led to the flash flooding of the downstream basin of the Naryn River (Kazarman Basin), as evidenced by very high energy deposits identified upstream of the landslide. However, shortly afterwards (less than 1,500 years), the foot of landslide was reactivated, causing the formation of a second lake, with a residence time estimated at ~7,600 years. This period was followed by a gradual emptying, and a phase of erosion that shaped the present landscape. Our results highlight that cascading events took place over the last 50,000 years and show complex interactions between the Naryn River and the largest landslide in Central Asia. Today, this landslide is categorized as inactive, but in view of the large volumes of material that can be reactivated by earthquakes or changes in precipitation, it is necessary to take this hazard into account as several thousand people living in the region could be impacted

How to cite: julie, L., magali, R., alexis, N., maxime, H., mathieu, S., erkin, R., sultan, B., kanatbek, A., jules, F., vincent, R., and lionel, S.: Repeated failures of the giant Beshkiol landslide and its impact on the long-term Naryn Basin flooding, Kyrgyz Tien Shan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-193,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Romain Sylvain, Virginie Gaullier, Frank Chanier, Louise Watremez, Fabien Caroir, Fabien Graveleau, Johanna Lofi, Agnès Maillard, Françoise Sage, Isabelle Thinon, and Gaia Travan

The hyper-extended Eastern Sardinian margin is due to the eastward migration of the Appennine-Calabria subduction zone, creating the Neogene back-arc Tyrrhenian Basin. This area was affected by strong erosion during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC, 5.97 - 5.33 Ma) on the continental shelf and slope leading to a major discontinuity, known as the Messinian Erosion Surface (MES), constituting, therefore, a remarkable stratigraphic marker. It is also a powerful paleo-topographic marker of the MSC times and can be used as a marker of the deformation during Plio-Quaternary times. The end of the rifting phase in the Eastern Sardinian margin is dated during the Tortonian (11.63 - 7.25 Ma) attested by the occurrence of a relatively thick syn- and post-rift sequence pre-dating the MES.

The “METYSS 4” cruise led to the acquisition of more than 2,000 km of very high-resolution (VHR) seismic reflection data, following a dense grid, on the Eastern Sardinian continental shelf and slope, which has been little explored until now. Seismic interpretation allowed for mapping the major erosion surface, the MES, across the continental shelf and slope. At the base of the PQ sequence, the MSC paleo-topography highlights a hydrographic paleo-network identical to the current one and a general progradation of the shelf-break toward the east during the Plio-Quaternary. In the southern part of the study area, several east-dipping normal faults, oriented N-S, significantly shift the MES (between 5 and 55 m; assuming sound wave velocity of 1700 m/s in Plio-Quaternary sediments). The MES is tilted toward the fault and is covered by Plio-Quaternary deposits, which display a fan-shaped geometry (eg. 50 m thick on the hanging wall). These NS-trend faults are cross-cut by E-W trending messinian canyon and this fault pattern is also observed on the other flank of the canyon. The along-strike geomorphological analysis of canyons reveals the occurrence of knickpoints (slope breaks) coinciding with the front of the two fault patterns. Moreover, the shifts in water depth of most knickpoints are at the same order of amplitude than fault offsets (ie. 10 to 50 m). These geomorphologic markers reinforce the hypothesis that the fault activity is recent (ie. less than 5 Ma). We interpret these observations as markers of a recent reactivation of the structures inherited from the rift in the western part of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

How to cite: Sylvain, R., Gaullier, V., Chanier, F., Watremez, L., Caroir, F., Graveleau, F., Lofi, J., Maillard, A., Sage, F., Thinon, I., and Travan, G.: Geomorphological evolution of the Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian) from the Messinian to the Plio-Quaternary: New evidence for post-rift deformation from bathymetric and seismic data., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9308,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Manuel Montes, Julien Babault, Elisabet Beamud, Miguel Garcés, Aratz Beranoaguirre, and Pablo Pelaez-Campomanes

The Central Range, the Iberian Chain and the Toledo Mountains in central Iberia were built during the Paleogene and Neogene alpine deformation, in response to shortening and thickening of the crust. The Cenozoic Madrid Basin in central Iberia was filled under endorheic conditions, fed by clastic sediments supplied from these mountains. This sediment influx led to the accumulation of over 3km of clastic sediments, primarily occurring during the Oligocene and early Miocene epochs. Presently, the river network, connected to the Atlantic Ocean, has carved into the sedimentary basin, resulting in an incision exceeding 200 meters.

The most recent endorheic lacustrine sediments in the center of the Basin are commonly believed to have been deposited during the late Miocene (~6 Ma). Recently published dating of alluvial pediments in the northwestern part of the Basin using the cosmogenic nuclide method suggests that the basin experienced a semi-endorheic period lasting around 3 Ma (~6.4 Ma to >2.4 Ma). It is proposed that the onset of glacial/interglacial oscillations at ~3.35 Ma (M2 event) would have driven the overspilling of the closed sedimentary Basin, establishing its connection to the Atlantic River network (Karampaglidis et al., 2020).

We present a new stratigraphic framework based on a new magnetostratigraphic analysis of the Plio-Quaternary deposits located in the center of the Madrid sedimentary Basin, incorporating new paleontological data and absolute U-Pb carbonate dating. Our findings indicate lacustrine endorheic conditions prevailed at least until 2.6 Ma. Moreover, on top of the lacustrine deposits, an accumulation of clastic deposits and carbonated paleosoils persisted until 1.7+-0.3 Ma. Modeling the transient incision within the Basin revealed a subsequent wave of incision propagating from the South to the North along the Central System mountains. Consequently, the onset of river incision appears to be more recent than previously acknowledged and unrelated to the onset of Quaternary climate oscillations. The long-wavelength deformation and the southward tilting of the youngest lacustrine deposits, combined with the age of the overlying paleosoils, suggest a mantle-driven surface uplift of Central Iberia during the last 1.7+-0.3 Ma. Previous studies suggested that regional surface uplift and the building of the Iberian Meseta began either at 20 Ma or after 3 Ma, depending on the methodology employed. The observed incision history in the Madrid Basin aligns with the latter estimation and even suggests a more recent age for a mantle-related surface uplift and the opening of the Cenozoic Madrid Basin.



Karampaglidis, T., Benito-Calvo, A., Rodés, A., Braucher, R., Pérez-González, A., Pares, J., Stuart, F., Di Nicola, L., and Bourles, D., 2020, Pliocene endorheic-exhoreic drainage transition of the Cenozoic Madrid Basin (Central Spain): Global and Planetary Change, v. 194, p. 103295.

How to cite: Montes, M., Babault, J., Beamud, E., Garcés, M., Beranoaguirre, A., and Pelaez-Campomanes, P.: Quaternary intraplate surface uplift and opening of the Cenozoic Madrid Basin (Central Iberia), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16382,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Vivien Mai Yung Sen, Pierre Valla, Yann Rolland, Stéphane Jaillet, Xavier Robert, Miguel Borreguero, Christian Crouzet, Julien Carcaillet, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Olivier Bruguier, Nouméa Boutin-Paradis, Emmanuel Malet, and Christophe Gauchon

Plio-Quaternary global climate changes had major impacts on landscape dynamics and relief evolution worldwide. The Quaternary onset and intensification of the glaciation in the European Alps greatly reshaped the mountainous reliefs with deep glacial carving of the modern main valley systems. Quantifying this climate forcing on the long-term relief evolution is challenging because of the poor preservation of the surface geomorphic markers in a context of strong landscape rejuvenation. Previous studies have shown that a major incision phase occurred for the Aare and upper Rhône valleys (Switzerland) since the mid-Pleistocene transition (onset of the 100-ka glacial-interglacial cycles). But the dynamics of this incision phase remains poorly constrained in both time and space across the Alpine realms. Moreover, the Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene Alpine relief dynamics is still largely unknown. To fill this current knowledge gap, we study cave systems in karst environments which are widespread in the frontal part of the western to central Alps. Karst network development and associated cave sediment records are closely coupled with valley evolution and can be preserved for timescales of million years. They are therefore ideal proxies for quantifying long-term relief dynamics.

This study focuses on 3 cave systems nearby the Isere valley (western French Alps) and 1 cave system at the head of the Sarine valley (central Swiss Alps). We apply a multi-method approach that combines 3D analysis of the cave networks with geochronological data on both the detrital sediments (26Al/10Be burial dating and paleomagnetism) and speleothems (U/Th and U/Pb dating).

Our results show a significant development of the major Alpine cave systems during the Pliocene, in agreement with previous studies. The abandonment of the perched networks around the Isère valley highlights a first incision phase in the frontal part of the Alps at the Pliocene-Quaternary transition. The apparently later abandonment of the cave system in the upper Sarine valley (~1.8 Ma) suggests an apparent lag in the incision onset for the upper Alpine watersheds. The main incision phase of the Isère valley to its modern base level (i.e. not considering the overdeepened section) took place in the early Middle Pleistocene from ~800 ka up to 450 ka, therefore occurring over only few glacial cycles. Our results imply thus a rapid response time (i.e. few 100 ka) of the major Alpine glacial valleys physiography to the Plio-Quaternary climatic forcing.

How to cite: Mai Yung Sen, V., Valla, P., Rolland, Y., Jaillet, S., Robert, X., Borreguero, M., Crouzet, C., Carcaillet, J., Pons-Branchu, E., Bruguier, O., Boutin-Paradis, N., Malet, E., and Gauchon, C.: Quaternary incision dynamics of the western to central Alpine valleys from cave systems investigations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18199,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marie Genge, Chloé Bouscary, Alex Webb, Georgina King, Blessing Adeoti, Ari Ganbat, and Dominik Vlaha

Estimating exhumation rates on Pleistocene-Holocene time scales presents a challenge due to the scarcity of suitable low-temperature thermochronometers. Apatite helium (AHe) dating is unable to precisely differentiate cooling ages <1 Ma and whilst optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) thermochronometry resolves younger ages (104-105 years timescale), it is limited in regions with lower exhumation rates (<2-3 mm/yr). These restrictions limit our ability to accurately study exhumation rates on such time scales, thus hindering our understanding of the implications of tectonics, climate, and hydrology. To address this challenge and gain insights into the dynamics of rapid exhumation, we conducted our study in the Sutlej River valley (northwest Indian Himalaya), which features a prominent river anticline with exceptionally high exhumation rates locally reaching up to 12 mm/yr (OSL data from a previous study). For this purpose, we collected 10 samples, including 5 from a 2200 m vertical profile in the Sutlej valley, and 5 from the main tributaries. The new OSL analysis of these samples reveals high exhumation rates at lower altitudes (<2500 m), ranging from 6-8 mm/yr, 350 m above the river, and from 3-5 mm/yr, 720 m above the river. Furthermore, OSL ages of samples from lower elevations along the tributaries were not saturated, also pointing to rapid exhumation in these areas. In contrast, all samples from higher elevations (>2500 m) reach field saturation, indicating lower average exhumation rates that cannot be recorded using OSL thermochronometry. Although the vertical profile data exhibit a significant increase in exhumation rates over the past 200 kyr, this region lacks glaciated landscapes, suggesting a feedback loop within the river anticline. The river incision promotes the development of the anticline, which, in turn, amplifies the river incision, leading to accelerated exhumation over time. By demonstrating the importance of the interplay between river incision and anticline development in driving the progression of exhumation rates in the Sutlej River region, this study offers a new perspective on Late Pleistocene exhumation rates in the Himalayas.

How to cite: Genge, M., Bouscary, C., Webb, A., King, G., Adeoti, B., Ganbat, A., and Vlaha, D.: Unraveling rapid exhumation: Insights into the increase of exhumation rates in the Sutlej River anticline (NW Indian Himalaya) over the last 200 kyr., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10477,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Chris Mark, Peter Clift, Célia Paolucci, Anwar Alizai, and Eduardo Garzanti

Around the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh massif in the west and the Namche Barwa massif in the east, the Himalayan orogen exhibits an abrupt strike change from roughly E-W to N-S, forming two structural syntaxes. Each syntaxis is drained by a major trans-orogenic river system: the Indus and Ganges-Brahmaputra, respectively. The syntaxial massifs record rapid exhumation rates (up to c. 10 mm/a), together with Plio-Pleistocene mineral (re)crystallisation and cooling ages (Bracciali et al, 2016; Crowley et al., 2009; Zeitler et al., 1993). The Namche Barwa massif supplies c. 65-74% of Brahmaputra bedload (Enkelman et al., 2011; Dong et al., 2023). In contrast, the Nanga Parbat massif supplies c. 10% of modern Indus bedload, which instead is dominantly sourced from the East Karakoram (Clift et al, 2022).

We present detrital rutile and zircon U-Pb data from the Indus fan, sampled by IODP expedition 355 and ODP leg 117. These data record abrupt increases in the proportion of sediment sourced from the Nanga Parbat massif between c. 8-6 Ma and again at c. 2 Ma, coherent with bedrock studies (Crowley et al., 2009; Zeitler et al., 1993). The Nanga Parbat massif then dominates sediment supply until c. 1.5-0.6 Ma, followed by an abrupt switch to East Karakoram sourcing.

The East Karakoram includes some of Earth’s highest peaks, and largest extra-polar glaciers. Therefore, a provocative possibility is that the jump in erosion focus was driven by the switch from c. 41 ka, obliquity-dominated, to 100 kyr, eccentricity-dominated orbital forcing (the Mid-Pleistocene Transition). This transition occurred at c. 1 Ma (Clark et al., 2006), and could have driven enhanced glacially-mediated erosion in the east Karakoram, outpacing Nanga Parbat exhumation. Approximately synchronous increases in exhumation rate are also documented at Nanga Parbat-Haramosh massif, and the Namche Barwa massif (Guevara et al., 2022; Govin et al., 2020; King et al., 2016;).   

Bracciali, L., et al., 2016, Earth-Sci. Rev., 160, 350-358, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.07.010; Clark, P., et al., 2006, Quat. Sci. Rev., 25, 3150-3184, 10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.07.008;; Clift, P., et al., 2022, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 600, 117873, 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117873; Crowley, J., et al., 2009, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 288, 408-420, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.09.044; Dong, X., et al., 2023, Basin Res., 35, 2193–2216, doi: 10.1111/bre.12795; Enkelman, E., et al., 2011, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 307, 323-333, 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.004; Govin, G., et al., 2020, Geology, 48, 1139-1143, doi: 10.1130/G47720.1; Guevara, V., et al., 2022, Science Advances, 8, eabm2689, 10.1126/sciadv.abm2689;King, G., et al., 2016, Science, 353, 800-804, doi: 10.1126/science.aaf2637; Zeitler, P., et al., 1993, Geology, 21, 347-350, doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1993)021<0347:SAMARD>2.3.CO;2

How to cite: Mark, C., Clift, P., Paolucci, C., Alizai, A., and Garzanti, E.: Enhanced exhumation in the East Karakoram during themid-Pleistocene climate transition: A detrital provenance assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11893,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Julien Charreau, Richard Ott, Audrey Margirier
Interaction between climate, tectonics and surfaces processes over the Cenozoic
On-site presentation
Sebastian G. Wolf, Jean Braun, and Ritske S. Huismans

Mountain building through continent-continent collision is typically accommodated by crustal thickening and creates topography as a consequence of isostatic compensation. Precipitation-fueled erosion, in-turn, counteracts orogen growth and provides a feedback-loop between tectonics, surface processes, and climate. Climate on Earth varies on different timescales and with variable dominant periodicity. Orbital forcings, e.g. Milankovitch cycles, change climate with periods up to in the order of 1e5 years, while internal “tectonic” forcings change climate on longer timescales in the order of (several) Myrs. The feedback between tectonics and climate-fueled erosion raises the question: How do collisional mountain belts respond to climatic variations on Earth? Here, we use numerical coupled tectonic-surface processes models to explore the influence of periodic climatic variations on collisional mountain building on Earth, specifically focusing on the evolution of sediment flux and topography. Our results from the coupled numerical models are compared to and supported by a simple analytical solution. We find that climatic forcings with a short period have a small effect on orogen height (Gain G < 0.1), that is lagging by 1/4 phase, while the effect on the sediment flux is in phase and strong (G 1). These results are independent of orogen type and expected to be observable in orogens limited in height by crustal strength or erosional efficiency. Climatic forcings with a long period result in a low gain in sediment flux (G < 0.3), that is lagging by up to 1/4 phase. The effect on topography is in phase and with a high gain of up to G 1. However, the effects of long-period forcings are not well expressed in strength-limited orogens and can primarily by observed in erosion-limited orogens. Comparing our modelling results with typical tectonic and surface processes timescales of orogens on Earth shows that variations in erosional efficiency due to orbital forcings, i.e. Milankovitch cycles, are likely detectable in the sedimentary record, while it is challenging to disentangle the autogenic dynamics of mountain building and periodic long-term climatic forcings.

How to cite: Wolf, S. G., Braun, J., and Huismans, R. S.: Periodic climatic variations during collisional orogenesis – insights from coupled tectonic-surface-process models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15067,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Raphaël Melis, Gweltaz Mahéo, Véronique Gardien, Philippe-Hervé Leloup, Stéphane Scaillet, Patrick Jame, and Erik Bonjour

Since the Earth’s topography is shaped by both tectonic and climatic processes, measuring land surface elevation variations through time is of critical importance for the investigation of the multiple interactions between mountain building (orogenic) processes and long-term climate change. With a total surface area of over 5 million km2, an average elevation of 5000 m and 14 peaks over 8000 m, the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and adjacent Himalaya are particularly well suited to this research, as many models attempt to explain the growth of these high elevation regions in the context of the continental collision between India and Asia and their feedback on the Asian climate. However, the evolution of surface elevation (paleoaltimetry), whilst essential, is still elusive in the Himalaya. A number of published paleoaltimetric data hinges on the relationship between the stable isotopic composition of precipitation (δ18O and δD) and altitude. However, these methods, based on the stable isotopic composition of carbonates and phylosilicates, do not provide both δ18O and δD values and involve the use of an isotope exchange equation to calculate the composition of paleoprecipitation. To avoid such calculation, we use a method developed at LGL-TPE, which directly measure the isotopic composition (δ18O and δD) of paleoprecipitation trapped in fluid inclusions of hydrothermal quartz veins.

We measured the δ18O and δD of fluid inclusions in quartz veins within the Main Central Thrust shear zone in the Jajarkot klippe (Central Himalaya, Nepal). The δ18O of fluid inclusions varies between -3.69‰ and -9.01‰ and the δD between -43.11‰ and -74.24‰, which are consistent with meteoric water compositions. Stable isotope analysis were coupled with Ar-Ar geochronology on hydrothermal white micas that co-crystallized with quartz and indicates an age of 24.7 ± 0.2 Ma for vein formation. Taken together, these data allow us to calculate a mean elevation of the Central Himalaya of 2771 +286/-403 m at the end of the Oligocene, a period for which no previous paleoaltimetric data are available. Although already significant 25 Myr ago, the mean elevation of the Central Himalaya was nevertheless lower than the average elevation of the present topography (~5000 m), which formed at least ~16 Myr ago (e.g., Gébelin et al., 2013, Melis et al., 2023). Collectively, our data as well as previous paleoaltimetric studies provide a valuable contribution to the assessment of deformation models for the Himalayan range.


How to cite: Melis, R., Mahéo, G., Gardien, V., Leloup, P.-H., Scaillet, S., Jame, P., and Bonjour, E.: Late oligocene elevation of the Himalaya recorded by O and H isotopes of fluid inclusions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-426,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Giancarlo Scardia, João Carlos Cerqueira, Francisco Ladeira, Fabio Parenti, and Walter Neves

The Jordan Rift Valley (JRV) is a depression produced by the active Dead Sea Transform (DST), separating the Sinai subplate and the Arabian Plate. Its beginning is related to the late Miocene (~6 Ma), when sinistral displacement of the DST gained an extensional component, thus accentuating the subsidence of the JRV. This shift is recorded by Messinian basalt flows that cover JRV eastern slopes (Zerqa Ma, Mujib, and Tafila basalts; 6–3.4 Ma) and the Cover basalt (5.8–3.6 Ma) in the Galilee region. Sediments from the Sedom Lagoon since ~12 Ma suggests that the JRV was already a shallow depression connected with the Mediterranean Sea, which at the early Pliocene (5–4 Ma) lost permanently this connection due to the uplift of the JRV flanks. More information about geomorphology and drainage pattern of the region during the Late Miocene is limited to information available along the western side of the JRV, including the fluvial/lacustrine Hazeva Fm (~20–6.4 Ma) in the Arava region and lacustrine/marine formations in the lower Galilee (~17–5 Ma). Here we discuss the implications of Zarqa Valley geomorphological features and its volcano-sedimentary infill to the Miocene evolution of the JRV. The Zarqa Valley is carved into Cretaceous/Paleogene bedrocks at the Eastern Flank of the JRV, and it hosts a perennial water drainage system flowing westward to the Jordan River. The oldest dated filling of the Zarqa Valley is represented by a series of late Miocene lava flows, named collectively as “Lower Basalt” (LB), spanning 5.82 to 5.51 Ma. It records the existence of a pre-existing valley in the late Miocene, with already at least 300 m of incision, observed by the difference of the base of the LB and the bedrock summits surrounding the valley. The LB outcrops ca. 40 km east of JRV axis and its thickness increases eastward to more than 100 m. W-NW paleocurrent data in conglomerates underlying the LB indicate that the Zarqa River maintained the same flow towards the JRV since the Late Miocene. The occurrence of the LB in the Zarqa Valley is synchronous with the dramatic sea level fall of Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC, 5.97–5.33 Ma), when the Sedom Lagoon lost temporarily the connection to the Mediterranean Sea. Opposite to what is observed throughout the Mediterranean Sea, where rivers underwent a profound incision phase, the Zarqa Valley experienced aggradation of conglomerates and thick basalt flows. We propose that this is an indication that Sedom Lagoon acted as local base level of an endorheic drainage by the time when the MSC started, possibly with an increasing water table, necessary to produce the accumulation space to account for the Zarqa Valley deposition. We hypothesize that a highstand of the base level in the JRV during the MSC can be explained by a favorable climate and several stream capture in the Levant that caused rivers to migrate to the endorheic drainage of the Sedom Lagoon.

How to cite: Scardia, G., Cerqueira, J. C., Ladeira, F., Parenti, F., and Neves, W.: Late Miocene evolution of Jordan Rift Valley recorded on its eastern flank, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9632,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sarah W.M. George, Barbara Carrapa, Peter G. DeCelles, Gilby Jepson, Hamida Nadoya, Clay Tabor, Caden J. Howlett, Chance B. Ronemus, Mark T. Clementz, and Lindsay Schoenbohm

Changes in precipitation can drive major shifts in stratigraphy and fold-thrust belt behavior. We investigate the stratigraphic and orogenic response to pronounced climatic warming during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (ca. 17-14 Ma) in the southern Central Andes.  New and compiled stratigraphic and geochronologic data come from depocenters at ~25-35°S; these basins would have occupied both high and low elevation positions during the middle Miocene. Regionally ubiquitous eolianite deposition from ca. 22-17 Ma supports arid conditions on the eastern flank of the Central Andes preceding the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. Eolian facies are replaced by fluvial-lacustrine strata near the onset of the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum over 1000 km along-strike. These results support a change from arid to more seasonal and humid conditions during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. New climate models also support increased seasonality and moisture availability on the eastern flank of the Andes during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum, which we attribute to intensification of the South American Monsoon. We compare our results with published sequentially restored, regional cross-sections to explore linkages between the climatic shift and orogenic growth. A more seasonal climate should drive increased erosion, which in turn should drive the wedge into sub-critical state as predicted by critical taper theory.

How to cite: George, S. W. M., Carrapa, B., DeCelles, P. G., Jepson, G., Nadoya, H., Tabor, C., Howlett, C. J., Ronemus, C. B., Clementz, M. T., and Schoenbohm, L.: The stratigraphic and orogenic response to the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum in the southern Central Andes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8974,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Julien Babault, Paula Figueiredo, Lewis A. Owen, Javier Fullea, Ana Negredo, Pierre Arroucau, Ludovic Bodet, María Charco, Jean Van Den Driessche, and Marc Caffee

During the last decade there has been an increase in the study of transient topography because it gives information about surface uplift history. The onset of transient topography forms after a gain in potential energy which leads to the creation of slopes at the outlet of catchment. It is followed by a wave of transient erosion that propagates upstream along the main river, then across tributaries, and from the tributaries to the hillslopes. Records of incision history such as topographic data and landform dating can be gathered into inversion schemes to reconstruct base-level fall and uplift history. In this study, we employ a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian algorithm to perform an inversion of topographic data, landform dates, and erosion rates in order to unravel surface uplift history. By adopting a probabilistic approach, we generate an ensemble of solutions that comprise various combinations of model parameters. This methodology enables us to estimate uncertainties in the timing and amount of changes in uplift rates. In the forward model we use the non-linear analytical solutions of the stream power incision model that states that incision I = KAmSn is simply a function of S, the local channel gradient, and A, drainage area above that point and K incapsulates climatic conditions, geometrical and hydraulic characteristics of the stream, bedrock resistance to erosion. Our inversion is constrained by new river-sands 10Be cosmogenic nuclide data, and by incision rates derived from river terraces from the literature. Millennial scale erosion rates and topographic metrics helps us to calibrate the empirical scaling parameters of the stream power incision law. We apply our model to the Atlantic rivers draining NW Iberia where canyons are incised in low-relief erosional surfaces that developed in the last 100 Ma. We show that the transient topography is compatible with a regional late Cenozoic uplift of several hundreds of meters, most likely in response to a mantle-related continental-scale uplift.

How to cite: Babault, J., Figueiredo, P., Owen, L. A., Fullea, J., Negredo, A., Arroucau, P., Bodet, L., Charco, M., Van Den Driessche, J., and Caffee, M.: Mantle-related late Cenozoic surface uplift in NW Iberia revealed by 10Be cosmogenic nuclide dating and non-linear river profile inversion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11613,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lingxiao Gong, Peter van der Beek, Edward Sobel, Taylor Schildgen, Apolline Mariotti, Maxime Bernard, and Johannes Glodny

It is widely recognized that the topography of the Earth's surface records coupling between tectonics, climate and surface processes. However, the relative contributions of tectonic and climatic drivers to the observed topography, rates and patterns of erosion remain poorly constrained in many mountain regions. The Terskey Range, located in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan, is an ideal natural laboratory to investigate this question because of its well-documented structure, kinematics and denudation history. Cenozoic deformation of the Terskey Range is mainly characterised by southward tilting associated with thrusting along the Main Terskey Fault; this fault delimits the mountain range to the north. Tilting can be reconstructed using relict low-relief surfaces that have undergone minimal Cenozoic erosion. Slip along the Main Terskey Fault initiated in the early Miocene and accelerated at around 10 Ma. A comparison between short- and long-term denudation rates suggests a significant increase during the Quaternary, which has been linked to glaciation of the range. The geomorphology of the range, with deeply incised, highly concave main valleys contrasting to less incised and concave minor valleys, suggests significant but variable ice dynamics.

We focus here on the reanalysis of published low-temperature thermochronology data (apatite fission-track, apatite and zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He) of two elevation transects from the glacially affected Barskoon Valley, one of the main valleys draining the Terskey Range to the north. We collected three new valley-bottom samples from the Barskoon Valley to better constrain differential erosion along the valley, with the aim to discriminate between tectonic, fluvial and glacial drivers of valley incision. Inverse thermal-history modelling of the elevation profiles, combining new and existing data, indicates a significant increase in exhumation rate since around 3 Ma in the northern transect. We suggest that this signal records the initiation of efficient glacial erosion in Terskey Range. Future studies will include higher resolution 4He/3He thermochronology of the valley-bottom samples and inversion of the preglacial topographic relief using thermal-kinematic Pecube.

How to cite: Gong, L., van der Beek, P., Sobel, E., Schildgen, T., Mariotti, A., Bernard, M., and Glodny, J.: Late Cenozoic deformation and glacial imprint on the Terskey Range, Kyrgyzstan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14635,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yael Sagy and Zohar Gvirtzman

Rifted margins include the Earth’s most voluminous sediment accumulation, host important energy and natural resources providing a rich archive for global environmental changes. However, revealing the deep structure within rifted basins is challenging, because their deep part is commonly vogue in seismic images and their structure is complex because it is usually affected by several deformation phases that occurred during their long history. The Levant Basin is a good example for a deep Tethyan basin that formed alongside Gondwana breakup. Unlike many Tethyan basins that were eroded and/or severely deformed during the Alpine orogeny, the Levant Basin has preserved a thick (>15 km), long-lived (>250 Myr), and continuous sedimentary record providing a world-class archive to study the role of post-rift subsidence and sediment supply on depocenter evolution.

We synthesize regional seismic interpretations from previous studies utilizing thousands of kilometers of seismic lines and tens of wells in a unified dataset. By applying a low pass post-stack filtering on 2D seismic reflection surveys covering the Israeli economic water, we improved the imaging of the deeper reflectors and enabled the distinction of the deep units, which otherwise appeared blurred at conventional industry processed data. Based on thickness analysis, we identify the syn-rift to post rift transition. The regional seismic horizon marking this transition is tied to dated horizons in wells providing a concrete age constraint of pre- 163 Ma (end of Callovian) for the end of rifting, which was previously debated. In addition, we show that rifting comprises at least two phases, which are equivalent to three extensional phases documented onshore: Permian, Mid-Late Triassic and Early-Mid Jurassic.

Analysis of 11-thickness maps showcase the 250 Myr evolution of sedimentary filling, opening a discussion about the parameters that controlled depocenter migration in relation to tectonic subsidence and sediment supply. We distinguish between periods during which near margin accumulation dominated versus periods during which more sediments accumulated in the deep basin. We explain these variations in light of sediment sources in surrounding continents and paths of transport. Marginal accumulation periods (syn-rift, early post-rift, and Pliocene-Quaternary) represents dominance of shallow biogenic and nearby terrestrial (silisiclastic) sources, whereas, deep basin accumulation periods represent sediment supply that was either provided from the water column (pelagic micro- and nano-fossils, Santonian to Mid-Eocene), or transported mostly from Africa with minimal accumulation along the Levant margin (during the Late-Eocene to Miocene).

How to cite: Sagy, Y. and Gvirtzman, Z.: Interplay between early rifting and sedimentary filling along 250 Myr of a long-lived Tethys remnant: the Levant Basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20660,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mohammad Moumeni, Marta Della Seta, Michele Delchiaro, Paolo Ballato, Reza Nozaem, Dmitry Tikhomirov, Marcus Christl, and Markus Egli

To comprehend the evolution of a landscape in response to intraplate crustal deformation over long timescales, it is necessary to investigate the interactions between tectonics, climate, and lithology. Isolating the role of each factor gives rise to a better understanding of landscape evolution. In this respect, the Talesh Mountains, which are a prominent tectonic range in the NW of the Iranian Plateau and formed by compressional stresses owing to the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision, provide a unique case study to explore the interplay between tectonics and surface processes. The range shows a transient landscape resulting from a combination of several tectonic events from the Eocene to the Pliocene, rainfall variability and rock strength contrasts. To date, the main governing agents of the present-day architecture of landscape have not been fully studied. We therefore combined geomorphological field surveys with quantitative analyses of the regional topography, geomorphology and stability of the main drainage divide, stream profile analysis and denudation rates using meteoric 10Be to decipher the surface deformation, uplift mechanism and drainage divide evolution. Additionally, an inverse modelling of the river longitudinal profiles was performed to reconstruct the base level fall history of the region, providing insights into the timing of the rock uplift rates and geodynamics of the NW margin of the Iranian plateau. Our results document contrasting erosion rates ranging from ⁓ 100 to 400 m/Myr, with lower values in the more arid plateau interior, and higher values on the wetter plateau exterior. These rates correlated well with topographic metrics. The spatial pattern of erosion rates showed that the drainage networks of the eastern flank of the range, and along the plateau margin are eroding about twice as fast as those in the plateau interior. These contrasting erosion rates triggered the divide migration towards the plateau interior. Our inverse modelling of river longitudinal profiles of the plateau exterior indicated a progressive increase in the relative rock-uplift rates which reached its peak to ⁓0.5 mm/yr from ⁓5 to 3 Ma. For these documented uplift rates there are two different processes: (i) a kilometer-scale base level drop of Caspian Sea driven by eustasy and changes in regional tectonics, and (ii) localized thrusting and rock uplift along the eastern flank of the range. The combined effect of these processes results in a significant relative base level fall. This event accelerated the bedrock river incision in the Talesh Mts. The differences in erosion rate across the divide are indicative of a long-wavelength morphological disequilibrium and landscape transience in response to asymmetric uplift and feedback of surface processes driven by climate together with lithological characteristics.

How to cite: Moumeni, M., Della Seta, M., Delchiaro, M., Ballato, P., Nozaem, R., Tikhomirov, D., Christl, M., and Egli, M.: Uplift history and landscape evolution along the northwest margin of the Iranian Plateau (Talesh Mountains) in the Arabian–Eurasian collision zone, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-714,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Fluid-mineral interactions of apatite minerals — an indication of paleo-environment changes
Mo Gong and Yu Wang
On-site presentation
Gilby Jepson, Barbara Carrapa, Sean Jones, Barry Kohn, Andrew Gleadow, Sarah George, George Gehrels, Caden Howlett, and Antoine Triantafyllou

Conventional low-temperature thermochronology can resolve cooling typically associated with ~2 – 6 km of erosion. Lower magnitudes of erosion produced by surface processes and climatic variations are often difficult to quantify. Here, we apply a new, low-temperature thermochronometer (closure temperature <50 – 25 °C), monazite fission-track (MFT), to the Catalina-Rincon metamorphic core complex, Arizona, USA which has a well-constrained tectonic and paleoclimatic history. In the Catalina-Rincon, traditional low-temperature thermochronology (apatite and zircon fission-track and apatite and zircon [U-Th-Sm]/He) record timing of cooling related to metamorphic core complex detachment faulting and subsequent Basin and Range normal faulting (26 – 20 Ma and 15 – 12 Ma, respectively). We collected two monazite fission-track age-elevation profiles across southwestern and northeastern extent of the Catalina-Rincon. The southwestern profile (~ 1000 m relief) records a Plio-Pleistocene age-elevation trend, with older ages at higher elevations (4.5 – 1.5 Ma). Whereas the northwestern profile (~ 500 m) records a late Miocene-Pleistocene age-elevation trend, also with older ages at higher elevations (8.1 – 2.0 Ma). Across the two profiles these ages do not correlate with known tectonic activity in the region, they are consistent with Pliocene intensification of the North American Monsoon. However, such a low closure temperature could suggest that fission-tracks in monazite are not stable at surface temperatures and lie in the partial annealing zone.  Despite this concern, we attribute Plio-Pleistocene thermochronometric ages to record climate-enhanced erosion during a known period of enhanced precipitation. These results suggest that MFT has potential for dating low-magnitude erosion associated with climate and relief-forming processes.

How to cite: Jepson, G., Carrapa, B., Jones, S., Kohn, B., Gleadow, A., George, S., Gehrels, G., Howlett, C., and Triantafyllou, A.: Monazite fission-track thermochronology as a possible proxy for low-magnitude erosion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5153,, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X3

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Audrey Margirier, Richard Ott
Eliot Weir, Fiona Clubb, Alex Densmore, and Martin Hurst

Terraces are important archives of past environmental conditions, recording variations in both climate and tectonics on thousand-to-million-year timescales. For example, fill terraces in large mountain ranges may contain repeated deposits from large scale debris flow or landslide events, or may deform in response to gradients in tectonic uplift rate. However, our knowledge of the geographical extent of Himalayan terraces is currently very limited. This hinders our understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of extreme hazard events such as large landslides, major earthquakes, and glacial lake outburst floods. Our limited understanding of Himalayan terraces may be a consequence of low preservation potential due to erosional processes within a rapidly uplifting mountain range. Even a comprehensive assessment of terraces in an area may not provide a complete archive of depositional processes as terraces can be destroyed or modified. Alternatively, terraces may be present, but difficult to recognise in the field or to manually identify from aerial photographs or satellite imagery. An automatic method for identifying river floodplains and terraces has recently been developed (Clubb et al, 2017). Using this method, we identify terraces at a catchment scale for the first time within the Gandaki catchment of central western Nepal using the 12m TanDEM-X digital elevation model. We explore the spatial pattern of terraces along the long profiles of each major river within the catchment by calculating the total terrace area adjacent to the channel. We then attempt to link terrace preservation to tectonic drivers by analysing the relationship between terrace exposures and channel steepness, knickpoints and major structural boundaries along the river profile. Coupling an analysis of spatial patterns in terrace preservation with the shape of terrace profiles downstream compared with the modern channel allows for investigation into whether terrace preservation is controlled by long term tectonic forces or stochastic high magnitude flooding events. We find that terrace preservation within the Gandaki catchment is largely tectonically controlled, with terraces mostly preserved directly upstream of major tectonic structures such as the Main Frontal Thrust, the Main Boundary Thrust and within the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben. However, we link a pattern of preserved terraces directly south of the Main Central Thrust to the stochastic occurrence of high magnitude debris flow events. These highly elevated terraces decrease in downstream elevation compared with the modern channel, are unconstrained by downstream tectonic structures and source from the steep topography of the High Himalaya. Our work demonstrates the potential of automated terrace extraction techniques for understanding controls on sediment storage and dynamics across actively uplifting mountain ranges.

How to cite: Weir, E., Clubb, F., Densmore, A., and Hurst, M.: Tectonic and climatic controls on terrace preservation in a large Himalayan river catchment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-953,, 2024.

Richard Ott, Dirk Scherler, Kimberly Huppert, Jean Braun, and Mauricio Bermudez

Rivers have long been regarded as the drivers of mountain landscape evolution, with hillslopes following suite. In this view, rivers set the rate of base-level change at the bottom of hillslopes that passively adjust their geometry to attain a matching hillslope denudation rate. Hence, most large-scale landscape evolution studies focus on analyzing metrics of the river network, such as normalized river steepness (ksn). More recently, it has been recognized that ksn may depend on incision thresholds, a critical shear stress or unit stream power required to erode bedrock, which depend on sediment cover. In this study, we use previously published cosmogenic-nuclide derived erosion rate data from the Northern Andes to investigate how hillslope sediment delivery, controls incision thresholds and the first-order topography of two adjacent mountain ranges with different lithology.

Our results suggest that the exponent of the power law between ksn and erosion rate, which we refer to as topographic insensitivity, is twice as high in the sedimentary rock-dominated Eastern Cordillera compared to the crystalline rock-dominated Central Cordillera. This generally means that in the Eastern Cordillera, spatial differences in erosion rate, e.g. induced by tectonic gradients, will only result in minor differences of river steepness compared to the Central Cordillera. We use river width measurements, discharge data, and channel grain size data to constrain a stochastic threshold incision model. Our results indicate that the difference in the erosion rate- ksn relationship can be explained by a 26 times higher incision threshold in the Eastern Cordillera. This difference in topographic insensitivity caused by incision thresholds cannot solely be explained by factors such as discharge variability, river width to discharge scaling, or channel grain size. However, we find a significantly higher landsliding frequency in the Eastern Cordillera that causes transient channel covering and damming, leading to a lower sensitivity of ksn to erosion rate. These findings highlight how hillslope-controlled sediment delivery can modify the stream response to tectonic uplift and exhibit a first-order control on the landscape evolution of adjacent mountain ranges.

How to cite: Ott, R., Scherler, D., Huppert, K., Braun, J., and Bermudez, M.: Hillslope-controlled incision thresholds shape mountain range topography of the Northern Andes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2774,, 2024.

Andrew Ho, J. Bruce H. Shyu, Eh Tan, and Ken L. Ferrier

Information of sea-level change history is crucial for the understanding of tectonic movements along coastal areas.  Locally, changes in sea-level may be influenced by sediment isostatic adjustment (SIA) that results from erosion and deposition and perturbs crustal elevation and the Earth’s gravitational field.  However, many previous studies on coastal uplifts neglected such effects.  In this study, we utilized gravitationally self-consistent sea-level model to quantitatively analyze how SIA affected the sea-level during the last glacial-interglacial cycle around Taiwan, where erosion and deposition are among the fastest in the world.  We constructed a time-variant sediment transfer history for Taiwan and used it, together with published ice loading history over the past 122 kyr, as input to drive the sea-level model.  To build a comprehensive sediment model, we combined erosion and exhumation rate data derived from cosmogenic nuclides, detrital zircon fission-track, and fully reset apatite fission track ages to construct the erosion rate map.  In addition, we compiled age data from both on-land and offshore sediment cores, and isopach map derived from submarine seismic profiles to generate the deposition rate map.  The modeling results show that SIA would cause significant spatial variations in sea-level history along the coast of Taiwan.  For example, along the eastern coast, isostatic uplift due to the high rate of erosion of nearby mountains induces sea-level fall, whereas isostatic subsidence resulting from deposition may surpass the effect of erosion and lead to sea-level rise along the southwestern coast.  This may be the first observation of completely different isostatic patterns of coastlines occurring in such a short distance, likely owing to the extremely rapid sediment redistribution and the relatively thin elastic lithosphere of Taiwan.  Furthermore, the effects of SIA may produce sea-level variations in the order of meters to tens of meters since 10 ka, and up to tens to more than two hundred meters since 122 ka along Taiwan’s coast.  Without the consideration of SIA effects, the estimation of tectonic coastal uplift rates may be overestimated or underestimated by up to 60% and 90%, respectively, along some coast of Taiwan.  Our results highlight the importance of considering SIA processes when using paleo-sea-level indicators to characterize tectonic movements along the coast, especially in regions with rapid erosion or deposition.

How to cite: Ho, A., Shyu, J. B. H., Tan, E., and Ferrier, K. L.: The influence of sediment isostatic adjustment on sea-level change and its records along the coast of Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4046,, 2024.

Hao Liang and Ke Zhang

Waterfall represents a pulse of erosion by lowering the local base level, and produces fluvial terraces that serve as an agent to transfer tectonic, climatic, or autogenic signals upstream through a catchment. Although widespread creation, well-dated waterfalls in the trunk of world’s large river are numbered. This has led to rarity of trunk waterfall case studies, obscuring the resulting landform impacts during waterfall migration and therefore, hindering the exploration of their origins and mechanism. The Hukou Waterfall, situated downstream of the Jinshaan Gorge in the middle reach of the Yellow River, is a unique trunk waterfall. With its homogenous tectonic and bedrock conditions, no anthropogenic activities, and preserved fluvial terraces by retreating waterfall, the Hukou Waterfall provide opportunities to replicate the upstream migration process and associated landform response. Herein, we applied detailed field and DEM-based measurements and age constraints to construct dated longitudinal profiles throughout the Hukou Waterfall and downstream Jinshaan Gorge. We replicate two paleo-trunk in longitudinal profiles: (1) relatively low diachronous trunk (Ta) aged headward from ca. 245 ka to present-day with an average retreating rate and incision rate of 24.5 cm/a and 27.5 cm/ka, representing waterfall migration; and (2) relatively high isochronous trunk (Tb) aged ca. 2.5 Ma throughout the downstream of the gorge with a slow incision rate (8.0-8.7 cm/ka) occurred between Ta and Tb, suggesting a slow slip rate of bounding fault at the outlet of the Jinshaan Gorge. Replication of Ta shows analogous slope of riverbeds with Tb, implying that no waterfall commenced until ca. 245 ka in the downstream of Jinshaan Gorge. This study hypothesizes the Hukou Waterfall to have formed as a mid-Pleistocene rapid base-level-lower event. This event is likely ascribed to the entrenchment due to an integration process between the Fenwei Basin (local base level of the Jinshan Gorge) and the Sanmen Gorge (further downstream of the Fenwei Basin), which exposed the subsurface bedrock scarp produced by the faults accumulate slip.

How to cite: Liang, H. and Zhang, K.: Formation of the Hukou waterfalls by entrenchment due to a downstream integration process, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4055,, 2024.

Wei Wang, Jinyu Zhang, and Jing Liu-Zeng

     The assessment of rock uplift and climatic conditions through channel profiles traditionally relies on the assumption of topographic equilibrium. Nevertheless, there is a growing acknowledgment that landscapes frequently transition away from this equilibrium as a result of shifts in boundary parameters, such as base-level changes, climatic fluctuations, drainage network reconfigurations, or tectonic activities. Notably, the dynamic nature of drainage divides can introduce substantial disequilibrium into the profiles, severing the tight linkage between channel morphology and the spatiotemporal distributions of tectonic uplift, climatic conditions, or lithologic resistance. It is therefore vital to quantify the rates of river network adjustment and drainage divide migration to fully unravel the complex narratives of landscape evolution, as well as evaluate the influence of mobile divide mobility on the interpretation of river profiles in tectonically active settings.

      In the context of this research, we utilized a topographic index alongside 10Be-derived catchment-wide denudation rates to explore how river channels and drainage divides of the Liqiu River in Eastern Tibet adapt to environmental and tectonic forces. Our discovery reveals a significant temporal lag, with divide migration occurring at a pace roughly tenfold slower than that of river channel adjustments. Despite the continuous movement of divides, the channels' swift morphological response broadly maintains their fidelity as indicators of regional uplift, climatic perturbations, and bedrock characteristics.

How to cite: Wang, W., Zhang, J., and Liu-Zeng, J.: A Comparative Analysis of Fluvial Propagation and Divide Migration in the Liqiu River Basin, Eastern Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4481,, 2024.

Signatures of tectonic-climatic interaction during the Late Cenozoic orogenesis along the northern Chinese Tian Shan
(withdrawn after no-show)
Huiping Zhang, Xudong Zhao, and Honghua Lv
Armin Dielforder, Fiene Matthies, and Andrea Hampel

Force-balance models show that the stress state at active continental margins is largely controlled by the gravitational force and the megathrust shear force and remains unchanged as long as subduction proceeds undisturbed. Glacially induced changes in mountain topography and mass redistribution by glacial erosion, sediment transport and deposition alter the force balance but the impact on the upper-plate stress state and tectonics remains quantitatively poorly constrained. Here, we use numerical force-balance models (Matthies et al., 2024) and investigate upper-plate stress changes resulting from (i) a reduction in mountain height in the arc by glacial erosion, (ii) a steepening of the arc front, (iii) a decrease in the megathrust shear force due to increased sediment subduction and fault weakening, (iv) an increase in sediment thickness in the trench, and (v) the load of an ice cap. Our model results show that each process causes distinct stress changes that affect different parts of the upper plate. The largest stress changes result from a reduction in mountain height, which increases the deviatoric compression in the arc, and a decrease in megathrust shear force, which reduces the deviatoric compression in the entire upper plate. Smaller stress changes occur for a steepening of the arc front, increased sediment deposition in the trench and the load of an ice cap. The different stress changes may promote or suppress faulting in different parts of the upper plate. Application of our model to the North Patagonian Andes indicates that glacial erosion during late Cenozoic cold periods may have localized the deformation in the arc interior but did not significantly reduce the mean elevation of the mountain range. Moreover, the reduced activity of thrust faults in the forearc and backarc likely reflect reduced compression of the upper plate due to a decrease in megathrust shear force.


Matthies, F., Dielforder, A., & Hampel, A. (2024). Force-balance modelling of the impact of glacial erosion, trench sedimentation, megathrust weakening and glacial loading on the stress state of the crust at active continental margins. Tectonophysics, 871, 230180. 

How to cite: Dielforder, A., Matthies, F., and Hampel, A.: Effects of glaciations on the tectonics of active continental margins: Insights from force-balance models and implications for the North Patagonian Andes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5229,, 2024.

Xianjun Fang and Sean D. Willett

River steepness (Ks) is a crucial geomorphic metric used to characterize river slope, normalized by local river drainage area. According to many erosion laws, Ks should be proportional to erosion rate, offering insights into the dynamic processes of landscape evolution. This relationship is complicated by spatial and temporal variations in precipitation rate. To address this issue, modern precipitation-corrected river steepness (Ksp) has been adopted and used as a proxy for erosion rates. However, the utilization of modern precipitation rates may not be entirely suitable to assess erosion rates over the timescales at which river profiles form, spanning thousands or even millions of years, due to temporal changes in precipitation rate, including those driven by glacial-interglacial cycles. To test the viability of river steepness as a proxy for erosion rates under conditions of time-dependent precipitation, we develop a 1-D longitudinal river profile model incorporating periodic precipitation fluctuations and apply this analysis to river profiles of the Three Rivers Region (TRR) in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. 

This model calculates Ks and Ksp as well as instantaneous erosion rates(Ein) and erosion rates as measured by time-averaging cosmogenic isotope concentrations (Ecos) on river profiles subjected to Milankovic-cycle precipitation fluctuations. Based on this model, we propose a new metric, mean precipitation-corrected river steepness (Kspm), which is corrected by both local river drainage area and mean precipitation over glacial-interglacial cycles. We find that the precipitation oscillation introduces scale-dependent effects on Ksp, Ein, and Ecos with the variation in Ecos being smaller than in Ein. Ks is largely unaffected by cyclic changes in precipitation but is dependent on mean precipitation levels. In contrast, Kspm remains constant despite fluctuations in precipitation and is not dependent on mean precipitation rates. Hence, Kspm emerges as a preferable indicator to correct precipitation dependence on river steepness. There remains a bias in the measured erosion rates that is dependent on the phase of the imposed precipitation rate.

We examine the three kinds of river steepness to the rivers in the TRR and compare the steepnesses of the trunk rivers and the major tributaries. The south-north trends in tributary basin-averaged river steepness and trunk river steepness are generally similar in pattern, but the tributaries are steeper than the corresponding trunks unless an unusually large concavity parameter is selected for the analysis. The steepest segments of normalized Ksp and normalized Kspm are located further south than those of normalized Ks. This observation suggests an influence of precipitation on river steepness, pointing out the potential bias on measured Ks. For the same trunk segments, the variation of the corresponding tributary basin-averaged normalized Kspm is smaller than that of normalized Ksp, which suggests that some noise in the tributary steepness is a consequence of glacial-interglacial precipitation variation, which can be removed through the use of Kspm. We propose that normalized Kspm is a better metric for long-term erosion rates, but more erosion data are still needed to confirm the use of these metrics as proxies for erosion rates. 

How to cite: Fang, X. and Willett, S. D.: The validity of river steepness as a proxy for erosion rates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5304,, 2024.

Kurt Stüwe, Jörg Robl, Lukas Plan, Derek Fabel, Fin Stuart, and Gerit Gradwohl

Surface uplift of the Eastern Alps is generally considered to have occurred more or less continuously over the last 30 Ma. During this period, the interplay of many kilometres of rock uplift and erosion has resulted in surface uplift of some 2-3 kilometres. However, reference frames that allow rock uplift and surface uplift to be distinguished are often hard to identify. Surface uplift rates can be determined in regions where erosion did not occur. That is classically done by the identification and dating of relicts of ancient base levels. In the Eastern Alps a suite of discrete elevated low relief landscapes (ELRLs) are present up to 3000 m surface elevation that have been identified as relicts of base levels.


In this contribution we present a map of these ELRL landforms for much of the Eastern Alps and report cosmogenic 10Be, 21Ne and 26Al nuclide data from fluvial sediments sampled from 50 caves that are interpreted to have formed at the same time as the ELRL paleosurfaces. The samples that are interpreted to have been deposited during cave formation at the vadose-phreatic transition. As such, they form markers for base level and the time of their deposition in the cave may be interpreted as the time the cave was at base level. Our data indicate that the uplift rate of the Eastern Alps may be in the order of 200 – 500 m per million years for much of the Pliocene. This is significantly faster than previously thought and implies that much of the surface uplift of the Eastern Alps may have occurred since the late Miocene.

How to cite: Stüwe, K., Robl, J., Plan, L., Fabel, D., Stuart, F., and Gradwohl, G.: The rapid surface uplift of the Eastern Alps. Evidence from cosmogenic nuclides and mapping of elevated low relief surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6089,, 2024.

Jörg Robl, Kurt Stüwe, Fabian Dremel, Christoph von Hagke, and Derek Fabel

Although the topography of the Variscan orogen was largely leveled in the Permian, outcrops of Variscan rocks occur in the form of several low mountain ranges forming tectonic windows framed by Neogene sediments. The Bohemian Massif is one of these low mountain ranges and consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks and magmatic intrusions that dip towards the south under the weakly consolidated Neogene sediments of the Molasse Basin. Timing and rates of Neogene uplift of the region are largely unconstrained, but the occurrence of marine sediments several hundred meters above sea level is a clear indication of significant surface uplift during the last few million years. Morphologically, the Bohemian massif is characterized by rolling hills and extended planation surfaces above 500 m that are contrasted by deeply incised gorges with steep and morphological active valley flanks. The central ridge of the Bohemian Massif forms a continental divide with the Vlatava and the Danube draining the northern and southern part of the mountain range. To constrain the pattern of landscape change and its rates, we computed topographic metrics and determined catchment-wide erosion rates from the concentration of cosmogenic 10Be in river sands.

The morphometric analysis indicates an out-of-equilibrium landscape. River length profiles feature knickpoints abundantly at elevations of about 500 m separating steep channel segments at lower elevations from less steep channel segments at higher elevations. Hypsometric maxima near knickpoint elevations along with high and low values in geophysical relief down- and upstream of major knickpoints testify of a bimodal landscape. The continental divide shows a distinct asymmetry, which is expressed by across-divide gradients in channel steepness.  The higher average channel steepness within the southerly Danube catchment predicts the northward migration of the Danube-Vltava drainage divide. Erosion rates of 20 to 50 m per million years in the 20 catchments studied are very low compared to the Alps and appear to contradict the steep topography close to the receiving streams. The lowest erosion rates occur in catchments with a large proportion of low relief areas at medium altitudes. The highest erosion rates occur in elongated catchments of Danube tributaries whereby these basins also have a large proportion of low gradient topography.

Based on our results we suggest that the Bohemian Massif was affected by low but long-lasting uplift without significant gradients between the Bohemian Massif and the nearby Molasse Basin. In our model, the occurrence of contrasting bedrock properties between Neogene sediments of the Molasse Basin and the crystalline basement represents the superior control on the topographic evolution of the entire region. As the river incision progresses, there is a transition from easily erodible sediments to the much less erodible crystalline rocks below, which abruptly reduces the ability of a river to incise. Consequently, relief forms and channel gradients increase until the erosion rate can balance out the uplift rate. We suggest that the Bohemian Massif is currently at such a transient state, which is expressed by landscape bimodality, where the two contrasting landscape types are separated by upstream migrating knickpoints.

How to cite: Robl, J., Stüwe, K., Dremel, F., von Hagke, C., and Fabel, D.: Old orogen - young topography: erodibility contrast as superior control of relief rejuvenation in the Bohemian Massif?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6121,, 2024.

Chia-Yu Chen, Sean Willett, Negar Haghipour, and Marcus Christl

The rapid collision between the continental margin of the Eurasia Plate and the Luzon Arc on the Philippine Sea Plate has built the island of Taiwan. The suture zone of the arc-continental collision that divides the Coastal Range to the east and the Central Range to the west is called the Longitudinal Valley. The Central Range and the Longitudinal Valley are bound by the Central Range Fault, which has long been proposed as an active fault. Still, limited field evidence of its activity has prevented us from comprehensively understanding its fault trace, geometry, and faulting mechanism. Surface ruptures caused by the 2022 Taitung Earthquakes revealed that the Yuli Fault, which also ruptured in the 1951 earthquakes, is a west-dipping fault and belongs to the Central Range Fault. This event thus brought the Central Range Fault back into the spotlight. In this work, we looked for potential geomorphic signatures associated with the fault activity using geomorphic indicators such as channel steepness, channel width, and grain size distribution of sediments in the main drainage basins along the middle part of the eastern Central Range. The channel width was determined by mapping the channel borders using SPOT images captured in 2003 and 2022 to determine the potential variance induced by recent mass-wasting events. In addition, we collected detrital sediment samples from these basins to derive basin-wide erosion rates based on in-situ 10Be concentrations. We combined all these results to discuss the evolution of the landscape in response to the activities of the Central Range Fault.

How to cite: Chen, C.-Y., Willett, S., Haghipour, N., and Christl, M.: The tectonic activity of the Central Range Fault in Taiwan: insights from patterns of erosion rate and geomorphic evidence in the eastern Central Range, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6234,, 2024.

Jinyu Zhang, Wei Wang, Huili Yang, Xianyang Zeng, and Zhaowu Guo

Fluvial terraces record intermittent river aggradation and down cutting regulated by the competition between stream power and sediment supply. Therefore, reconstructing the magnitude and rate of fluvial incision can provide insights into the interaction of tectonics, surface processes and climate change in shaping the landscape. The southeast Tibetan plateau is characterized by gently-dipping topography and deeply incised valleys with inset levels of fluvial terraces along the Salween, Mekong, and Yangtze Rivers. In this study, we focused on fluvial terraces well preserved at the two steeper segments of the Salween-Nu River (Bingzhongluo and Exi) to reconstruct the aggradation and incision history by integrating field investigation, unscrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetric survey, and K-feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) dating. For the downstream Bingzhongluo reach with higher steepness, three levels of strath terraces at 20-160 m above the trunk river are overlain by three episodes of fluvial deposits at 370 ka, 275 ka, and 130 ka, and this yield the incision rates decreasing from 0.4 to 0.2 mm/yr with time. For the upstream Exi reach with lower steepness, five levels of strath terraces occurs at 10-350 m high, and the middle three terrace deposits are dated at 430 ka, 380 ka, and 300 ka. The corresponding incision decelerated from 0.6 mm/yr to 0.1 mm/yr. To summarize, fluvial terraces along two steeper reaches of the Salween-Nu River reveal temporal deceleration of river incision since the Middle Pleistocene varying at 0.6-0.1 mm/yr. Field investigation for terrace deposits revealed that there occur thick alluvial deposits overlying fluvial deposits by the Salween-Nu River, either tributary-derived boulder conglomerates or hillslope-derived angular conglomerates. We tend to believe that the large amounts of sediment supply may protect the underlying bedrock strath from erosion for a certain interval of time, and therefore slow the pace of river incision and regional landscape evolution in southeast Tibet.

How to cite: Zhang, J., Wang, W., Yang, H., Zeng, X., and Guo, Z.: Temporal deceleration of fluvial incision since the Middle Pleistocene along the Salween-Nu River in southeast Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6732,, 2024.

Lixing Lyu, Tao Li, Yingying Jia, and Jie Chen

Despite important implications for tectonic, sedimentary, geodynamic and climatic evolution in central Asia, Cenozoic exhumation history of the Tian Shan remains highly debated. Here, we report unexpectedly young zircon fission-track and zircon (U-Th)/He dates from the Tomor Peak region in southern Central Tian Shan. Together with new and published biotite 40Ar/39Ar and apatite (U-Th)/He data, the exhumation history since latest Jurassic is reconstructed. An initial increase in exhumation rate from ≤0.01 to ~0.1-0.2 km/Myr occurred at ~25-20 Ma, which is thought to be a response to changed regional stress field due to growth of the Tibetan-Pamir Plateau driven by deep geodynamic processes relating to India-Asia convergence. The second stage of exhumational acceleration took place at ~12-6 Ma, with an apparent rate of ~1.0 km/Myr, which probably relate to the “hard collision” between the Indian lithospheric mantle and the Tarim-Tajik lithospheric mantle beneath the Pamir and western Tibet. After ~5 Ma, the mean exhumation rate of sampled rocks dropped to be ~0.5 km/Myr due to drier climate condition and redistributed strain accompanying the formation of Kuqa foreland thrust system. Finally, based on the presented bedrock exhumation history and available sedimentary records from foreland basins, we propose a coupled tectono-sedimentary evolution model to reconcile the conflicting tectonic interpretations between low temperature thermochronological and sedimentological studies.

How to cite: Lyu, L., Li, T., Jia, Y., and Chen, J.: Multi-stage Cenozoic exhumation history of southern Central Tian Shan: implications for geodynamic and sedimentary evolution, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7773,, 2024.

Magali Rizza, Julie Losen, Alexis Nutz, Maxime Henriquet, Mathieu Schuster, Sultan Baikulov, Erkin Rakhmedinov, Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov, Jules Fleury, Vincent Rinterknecht, and Lionel Siame

Geomorphological markers such as alluvial fans, fluvial or lacustrine terraces, and landslides reflect the interaction among tectonics, climate, and surface processes in mountain belts and basins. To understand the evolution of the Tien Shan Range, which is located in Central Asia, the study of intramontane basins may provide insights on the rate of the deformation as active faults and folds commonly deform both Cenozoic and Quaternary deposits. In this active orogen, the intramontane Naryn Basin is the right place to study tectonic deformations recorded by fluvial deposits as well as changes in fluvial networks since the Pliocene-Pleistocene. Based on analysis of high-resolution topographic data and field investigations, we propose a revised mapping of the western Naryn Basin and a new evolutionary model for the chronology of its Quaternary deposits. Indeed, the use of several Quaternary dating methods (luminescence, cosmogenic nuclides, radiocarbon) enables us to better constrain the evolution of the landscape at different time scales, highlighting drastic changes over the last 200,000 years.

First, the western Naryn Basin was characterised by fluvial dynamics with deep fluvial incisions, aggradation of large alluvial fans and terraces, likely controlled by glacial/interglacial cycles. These deposits were deformed by several deep-seated, relatively steeply dipping thrust faults during the Pliocene-Pleistocene. During the late Pleistocene, a major earthquake probably triggered the giant Beshkiol landslide which blocked the Naryn River, having a major impact on the sedimentary dynamics of the entire upstream basin. A large lake more than 80 km long and lake sedimentation lasted around 36,000 years, changing the base level of the Naryn river and reshaping the surrounding paleotopography. This lake was probably emptied during a cataclysmic event (dam breach) with evidence found both in the Naryn and the downstream Kazarman basins. The external factors that led to the dam's failure are still debated, but they are contemporary with the Bølling-Allerød interstade. Fluvial conditions prevailed for a short period of time before a second damming of the Naryn basin by the Beshkiol landslide, and the subsequent restoration of lake conditions for a period of ~7 600 years. This second lake was gradually emptied and formed large geomorphological flats, which have long been wrongly interpreted as fluvial top surfaces. In the late Holocene, the rapid incision of the Naryn river to restore its base level has strongly reshaped the Naryn basin, erased large volumes of sediments and new fluvial terraces are emplaced. Weak evidence of tectonic deformation is noted along the thrust faults, which raises the question of possible inhibition of tectonic activity by the long residence time of the two lakes.

How to cite: Rizza, M., Losen, J., Nutz, A., Henriquet, M., Schuster, M., Baikulov, S., Rakhmedinov, E., Abdrakhmatov, K., Fleury, J., Rinterknecht, V., and Siame, L.: Interactions between tectonics, climate and surface processes over the last 200,000 years in the Naryn Basin (Kyrgyz Tien Shan)., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9234,, 2024.

Bernhard Salcher, Stephanie Neuhuber, Jan-Christoph Otto, Tom Payer, Christopher Lüthgens, Sebastian Fuchs, Adrian Flores-Orozco, Zsofia Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Sabine Grupe, and Markus Fiebig

The formation of impressive Quaternary terrace sequences along many mid to high latitudinal rivers is the consequence of surface uplift and a strong climate related impact on the fluvial system. Glacial and periglacial processes may amplify events of aggradation thereby providing clear stratigraphic markers in the fluvial terrace record. Terrace sequences are essential landforms in many continental basins even though local subsidence may counteract the regional uplift trend. We explore these opposing lithospheric forces, regional uplift vs. local normal faulting along the perialpine section of the Danube River that is supposedly strongly affected by a 100-kyr depositional cyclicity during the Quaternary. Within the city of Vienna, the Danube forms an impressive terrace staircase which is impacted by a continental scale normal fault at the transition Alps – Vienna Basin crossing the city right in its central parts. Hydrocarbon exploration indicate a vertical offset of up to c. 4 km that accumulated during the Miocene, but its recent activity remined so far ambiguous.

Anthropogenic overprint led to the obliteration of terrace morphology and solifluction resulted in thick soil bearing colluvial deposits along slopes. To constrain fault activity, kinematics and stratigraphic information from terrace elevation, we used electrical resistivity tomography and analyzed data from numerous drill logs and outcrops. We applied terrestrial cosmogenic burial and luminescence dating to derive rates of vertical velocities and to support morphostratigraphic age modelling. We show how long-wavelength uplift and concomitant normal faulting controls terrace formation and landscape evolution under periods of aggradation and incision. Our study provides the largest set of cosmogenic derived depositional ages of perialpine fluvial sediments of the Eastern Alps and provides unambiguous evidence of active faulting within the city of Vienna.

How to cite: Salcher, B., Neuhuber, S., Otto, J.-C., Payer, T., Lüthgens, C., Fuchs, S., Flores-Orozco, A., Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Z., Grupe, S., and Fiebig, M.: River terrace formation in response to climate, regional uplift and local normal faulting: The Danube terrace staircase in Vienna, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10609,, 2024.

Pierre Valla, Vivien Mai Yung Sen, Yann Rolland, Stéphane Jaillet, Xavier Robert, Julien Carcaillet, Christian Crouzet, Olivier Bruguier, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Emmanuel Malet, Nouméa Boutin Paradis, and Léo Moiret

The late-Neogene to Quaternary evolution of the western European Alps has been marked by major changes in geodynamic, tectonic and climatic forcing. The complex interplay between endogenic and exogenic processes has resulted in rock-uplift changes, topographic relief development and major drainage pattern reorganizations. However, quantitative estimates on these interrelated mechanisms have remained scarce due to the poor preservation on surface geological archives in the alpine massifs. This is the case for the frontal part of western Alps, i.e. the subalpine massifs, for which the overall tectonic architecture and total deformation/uplift are well constrained but the timing and rates remained poorly known.

Here, we focus on the Vercors subalpine massif and specifically target karstic systems in the upper Bourne catchment that have been developed and potentially preserved over million-year timescales. Our study combines karst network analysis with the investigation of surface geomorphological markers (abandoned canyons) to provide an incision history and integrated geomorphic evolution of the Bourne catchment from the late Neogene to Quaternary. We develop an innovative multi-method approach with 3D mapping of both surface and underground markers associated to geochronological investigation of preserved detrital sediments (26Al/10Be burial dating, U/Pb dating, paleomagnetism) and speleothems (U-Th dating). Our results show first changes in the surface drainage pattern at ~10 Ma for the Bourne catchment, in agreement with tectonic deformation and topographic uplift at that time. The Bourne incision history reveals a multi-stage complex evolution, with a late Neogene incision phase followed by relative quiescence during the Pliocene. The late-stage history of the Bourne is marked by a second incision phase since ca. 2 Ma that could be linked to isostatic response to relief development during major Alpine glaciations. Our new results nicely complement recent data from the nearby Devoluy massif, and indicate a late-Neogene structuration and uplift of the subalpine massifs which has been relatively contemporaneous with the exhumation of the external crystalline massifs (Belledonne, Ecrins-Pelvoux). This tectonic structuring resulted in the present-day “plateau” configuration of the subalpine massifs, and their uplift led to a major change from an earlier radial into the modern “orogen-parallel” drainage system, which was then marked by the Quaternary alpine glaciations.

How to cite: Valla, P., Mai Yung Sen, V., Rolland, Y., Jaillet, S., Robert, X., Carcaillet, J., Crouzet, C., Bruguier, O., Pons-Branchu, E., Malet, E., Boutin Paradis, N., and Moiret, L.: Late-Neogene to Quaternary uplift, relief and drainage evolution in the western French Alps: new insights from surface and underground karst archives in the subalpine massifs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11491,, 2024.

Apolline Mariotti, Taylor Schildgen, Edward R. Sobel, Maxime Bernard, Lingxiao Gong, Peter van der Beek, and Johannes Glodny

Constraining the effect of global climatic changes on Earth-surface processes is crucial to our understanding of landscape evolution. One debated question is the impact of Cenozoic cooling and subsequent glaciations on the spatial and temporal distribution of erosion in mountain ranges. The apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronometric system can record low temperature (<100 ◦C) cooling histories and thus potentially has the sensitivity to detect million-year timescale changes in exhumation rates in glaciated regions.

Previous thermochronology studies in the Kyrgyz Range (Western Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan) have identified an increase of exhumation rates over the last 3 Ma, which have been hypothesized to result from enhanced glacial erosion (Bullen et al., 2003; Sobel et al., 2006). Furthermore, an analysis of published global thermochronology data identified the Kyrgyz Range as one of the few locations globally with the potential to record the effect of Pleistocene glaciations (Schildgen et al., 2018).

In this study, we present new AHe ages for 3 samples collected along the main trunk of the Ala Archa valley and 6 samples collected in a tributary valley exhibiting clear glacial imprint. The samples were collected from granite outcrops over an elevation range of 1850 m (lowest sample: 1792 m – highest sample: 3634 m).

These new samples exhibit: (1) an onset of cooling at 12 - 10 Ma, in agreement with published work and interpreted as the start of exhumation in the Kyrgyz Range; (2) a rapid increase in cooling rates between 2 and 3 Ma recorded in the lower elevation samples (1792 – 2240 m), which could have been caused by glacial incision and valley widening during the onset of Pleistocene glaciations (2.6 Ma) and; 3) a negative age-elevation relationship above 3600 m (5.6 ± 0.7 Ma) potentially demonstrating valley widening due to lateral glacial erosion.

These results suggest that the onset of the Pleistocene glaciations had a strong impact on the Western Tien Shan, both at higher and lower elevations.


Bullen, M. E., Burbank, D. W., and Garver, J. I.: Building the Northern Tien Shan: Integrated thermal, structural, and topographic constraints, Journal of Geology, 111, 149–165,, 2003.

Schildgen, T. F., Van Der Beek, P. A., Sinclair, H. D., and Thiede, R. C.: Spatial correlation bias in late-Cenozoic erosion histories derived from thermochronology, Nature, 559, 89–93,, 2018.

Sobel, E. R., Oskin, M., Burbank, D. W., and Mikolaichuk, A.: Exhumation of basement-cored uplifts: Example of the Kyrgyz Range quantified with apatite fission track thermochronolgy, Tectonics, 25,, 2006.

How to cite: Mariotti, A., Schildgen, T., Sobel, E. R., Bernard, M., Gong, L., van der Beek, P., and Glodny, J.: Impact of glaciations on the exhumation history of the Kyrgyz Range – Western Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11794,, 2024.

Camila Arróspide, Germán Aguilar, Hugo Carrillo, María Pía Rodríguez, and Vincent Regard

The Atacama Desert rock coast has allowed for the study of tectonic and climate influences on landscape construction and evolution. This rock coast features important morphologies such as: (1) the Great Coastal Cliff, which runs parallel to the coastline for almost 1000 km, reaching heights between 800 and 2000 m a.s.l.; and (2) shore platforms and staircased marine terraces, which are discontinuously recognized along the extension of the Atacama Desert coast. These morphologies, especially marine terraces, have been studied to estimate rates of uplift in order to constrain the history of the Chilean forearc deformation. However, they have received little attention about the influence of surface processes such as wave erosion on their development and preservation. Certainly, it has been largely proven that wave erosion plays an important role in the development of shore platforms and the evolution of coastal areas. Despite this, its effects on the development of shore platforms and marine terraces and, thus, the landscape construction of the Atacama Desert coast have been scarcely investigated. In this work, we developed a numerical model to understand the influence of a set of processes on the long-term landscape evolution (104-106 years) on rocky coasts. The set of processes involves relative changes in sea level due to eustatic cycles and vertical landmass movements, as well as surface processes such as wave erosion and intertidal weathering. This model allows us to estimate rates of coastal erosion and, thus, morphology development (e.g., platforms and cliffs) to provide new insights for one of the longest but underrated erosive rock coasts. The research design consisted of two stages: (1) model development and testing, and (2) model validation. The model was validated using Atacama Desert coast geomorphology, including field data and morphometric analysis from high-resolution digital elevation models. The model results and the research itself are used to understand the influence of surface processes on the evolution of rock coasts in a tectonic uplift and hyperaridity context.

How to cite: Arróspide, C., Aguilar, G., Carrillo, H., Rodríguez, M. P., and Regard, V.: The Atacama Desert rock coast: an underrated witnesses of long-term wave erosion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12433,, 2024.

Andreas Ruby, Fergus McNab, Taylor Schildgen, Andrew Wickert, and Victoria M. Fernandes

Alluvial rivers connect sediment sources in mountain belts to depositional basins. They not only transport water and sediment, but also adjust to changing forcing conditions by aggrading or incising their beds, a process potentially recorded by fluvial terraces. The formation of stepped terrace sequences is commonly thought to be driven by cyclic changes in sediment and water supply, but may be modulated by rock uplift or sea-level changes.

The Río Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia, Argentina, flows ca. 250 km from its glacial headwaters in the Andes eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. There are no major tributaries or substantial anthropogenic impacts along its course. A set of at least six exceptional fluvial terraces stretches along ca. 230 km and rise up to 110 m above the river. Our preliminary 10Be cosmogenic nuclide exposure dates show that river incision began at ca. 1 Ma, and that terrace formation proceeded in roughly 100-ky intervals, suggesting control by orbital climate cycles, likely through their impacts on the sediment-to-water supply ratio. However, a step in the terrace age-elevation sequence between 700 and 300 ky points to a change in net incision rate at that time. Particularly at the upstream end of the river, terraces have been uplifted at a rate nearly twice as high compared to the rest of the river.

While it is likely that multiple factors affected the evolution of the Río Santa Cruz over the last 1 Myr, the magnitude and spatial pattern of impacts from these different drivers is unclear. We apply a recent numerical model (GRLP), implemented here as a simple single-thread channel, to solve for the channel long profile evolution under different forcing scenarios. This approach allows us to test the impacts of individual, or combinations of, drivers on river-profile evolution.

Our results suggest that Late Pleistocene 100 ky climate cycles have had the main impact on long profile evolution, especially along the upper 70 km of the river, with aggradation-incision cycles of up to an order of 10 m in magnitude. In contrast, sea-level change does not seem to influence significantly long profile evolution, as the exposed offshore slope does not change significantly compared to that onshore. To match the vertical distribution of terrace surfaces requires a long-term uplift rate of around 0.2 mm/yr, but with a hiatus between 700 and 300 ky. To accurately simulate the full terrace sequence, enhanced uplift is required upstream, decreasing exponentially towards the middle reaches.

How to cite: Ruby, A., McNab, F., Schildgen, T., Wickert, A., and Fernandes, V. M.: River long profile modelling since the Mid-Pleistocene for the Río Santa Cruz, Southern Patagonia., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15427,, 2024.

Ioana Perșoiu, Nicolae Cruceru, Maria Rădoane, Luminița Preoteasa, and Zsófia Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger

Recent investigations on the sedimentary infill of the western Dacian Basin suggest that between ~4.8 Ma and 4.2 Ma (Dacian) the Danube and its tributaries formed a deltaic front at the exit from the Lower Danube Gorge (LDG) known also as Iron Gates. The appearance of a large fluvial system (the proto-Danube) connecting the two basins was dated to ~4.0 Ma with the water course becoming fully formed and discharging into the Black Sea after ~3.7 Ma.

In the present paper, the emphasis falls on the Quaternary history of the Danube in the area of the LDG and the Oltenia Plain, the western extremity of the Dacian Basin. The proposed review summarizes investigations of geomorphology and fluvial sedimentology in the region performed during the last 100 years. Morphological, sedimentological, tectonic, and relative chronological information is brought together to advance an overview of the spatial distribution of terrace fragments, their relative altitudes, associated sedimentary structures, available relative chronological frameworks (based mainly on macro- and microfossils) and documented minor deformations associated with local tectonic structures.

During the Quaternary, incision of the Danube at the LDG was estimated to be over 250 m. This incision corresponds to a number of at least 7 levels of strath terraces, preserved in a fragmentary way along the narrow passages but better conserved in the successive local tectonic depressions along the LDG. Here 7-10 terraces have been described, among which the lowest 5-6 were attributed to the Quaternary.

Downstream of the LDG, the Danube developed a large alluvial fan during the Early Quaternary, the remains of which are currently located at over 180 - 200 m r.a., while in the last ~1 Ma it developed a system of 7 (8?) terraces from ca. 140 - 170 m to 4-7 m r.a. These alluvial terraces attest for a constant southward migration of the Danube to its current position, under the influence of local subsidence and/or of large amount of incoming sediments deposited by the tributaries arriving from the north, draining the southern flanks of the uplifting Southern Carpathians.

Through this analysis, we aim to highlight the characteristics of the Quaternary history of the Danube in two distinct sectors: the LDG and the area downstream to it, the Oltenia Plain down to Jiu River, the first important tributary of the Danube downstream to the LDG. The final objective of this exercise is to create the framework for the first investigations of numerical age determination of terraces along the lower sector of the Danube.

Funding: PNRR-III-C9 2022 - I8, project code CF 253/29.11.2022, no: 760055/23.05.2023.

How to cite: Perșoiu, I., Cruceru, N., Rădoane, M., Preoteasa, L., and Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Z.: Quaternary evolution of the Danube along Lower Danube Gorge (Iron Gates) and Oltenia Plain (Romania, SE Europe) – a literature review, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15722,, 2024.

Jérôme Lavé, Julien Charreau, Pierre-Henri Blard, Etienne Large, Catherine Zimmermann, Stéphane Dominguez, and Wang Sheng Li

The Earth surface, where life develops and stands, is strongly affected by denudation which is the sum of physical erosion and chemical weathering. Denudation impacts soil formation and agriculture, affects the relief stability and, at the geological time scale, controls the atmospheric CO2 via the weathering of silicates and the production of sediments that later bury organic matter in the oceans. In the context of global warming, it is particularly important to predict how denudation will change and hence impact the Earth Surface where we live. This requires to understand the links between past climate variability and denudation changes, especially during the Quaternary when Earth experienced rapid climate oscillations of amplitude similar to what is expected in the future due to anthropic impact. To reach this goal, quantitative estimate of past denudation rates during the Quaternary are needed.

In this study, we reconstruct Quaternary paleo-denudation rates in the Tianshan range located in Central Asia because (1) it is a major orographic barrier that likely played an important role during the onset of Quaternary glaciations, (2) regional climate variations have been well documented by the geochemical and isotopic analyses of speleothems in caves and (3) well dated Quaternary deposits are abundant in the piedmonts

To reconstruct basin average paleo-denudation rates we used the inherited 10Be concentrations derived from the inversion of 10Be cosmogenic depth profile collected across abandoned alluvial surfaces. We used a unique inversion technique to reprocess preexisting data and also analyze 5 new cosmogenic depth profiles located in the northern Tianshan. In this region, to extend the dataset we have also collected 9 ancient river sand samples along the magnetostratigraphically dated Jingou He section. For comparison between all data, paleo-denudation rates are normalized to modern 10Be derived denudation rates across the same drainage basin. This yields to a 0-1.5Ma record of paleo-denudation rates that is compared to climate variations to discuss the potential links between the two.

How to cite: Lavé, J., Charreau, J., Blard, P.-H., Large, E., Zimmermann, C., Dominguez, S., and Sheng Li, W.: Quaternary denudation rates in the Tianshan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16248,, 2024.

Thomas Pollhammer, Bernhard Salcher, and Sebastian Fuchs

River terraces form as a response to regional uplift and climatic fluctuations (Bridgland & Westaway, 2008). While the intensity of climatic oscillations controls trends of aggradation and incision, it is uplift that determines the amplitude of the vertical spacing between consecutive terraces (Demoulin et al., 2017). Glacial and periglacial processes may amplify these trends providing distinct stratigraphic markers on climate and tectonic processes in the fluvial terrace record. Over several glacial-interglacial cycles, terraces can form complex sequences often referred to as a river 'terrace staircase'. Terrace staircases are not necessarily limited to mid- and high latitudes and do often lack (consistent) age models, as accurate radiometric and biostratigraphic time constraints are lacking when records extend into the Mid- and Early Pleistocene. Morphostratigraphy can thereby add valuable information if data on terrace strath (base unconformity) or tread (top unconformity) elevation are available. However, elevation information alone may not be sufficient. Especially for old terraces, that may be patchily preserved, a synopsis of sedimentologic and age data in a morphologic context may be necessary, to uncover stratigraphic questions.

We present a GIS based toolset for R, that is designed to i) detect and map potential terrace surfaces from digital elevation data (3D view, mapping), ii) statistically evaluate potential terraces together with additional geological information along 2D profiles (2D view, modelling), iii) transform resulting models in a map view.

The toolset allows a semiautomated workflow, optimized, to deliver quick results, enabling mapping and correlation of terraces at mountain range scale. Central part for data evaluation and illustration are 2D profiles. To minimize potential projection artifacts, the profile lines are optimized in a 3D view, by detecting the orientation with best correlation of terrace top elevation data, indicative for paleo-flow and thus ideal local profile line orientation. In the 2D view terrace elevation data is statistically evaluated and models, including error estimation, are fitted to each terrace stratigraphic unit. Additional control is contributed via including outcrop and geologic map information in the profile views.

We tested the toolset in the North Alpine Foreland, where more than a century of extensive Quaternary research lead to a vast resource of available geodata and detailed terrace stratigraphic maps. Terraces of up to postulated Early Pleistocene age are partly preserved well and over large areas. However, despite the abundance of data, stratigraphic inconsistencies exist in the current foreland wide terrace stratigraphic model. These need to be addressed, when using local terrace staircases as an archive of geodynamic information. This qualifies the North Alpine Foreland as an ideal test site for our code.


Bridgland, D., Westaway, R. (2008): Climatically controlled river terrace staircases: A worldwide Quaternary phenomenon. Geomorphology 98, p. 285-315. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.12.032

Demoulin, A., Mather, A., Whittaker, A. (2017): Fluvial archives, a valuable record of vertical crustal deformation. Quaternary Science Reviews 166, p. 10-37. Elsevier.

How to cite: Pollhammer, T., Salcher, B., and Fuchs, S.: MAMU: an R package for GIS-based river terrace mapping, morphostratigraphic evaluation of terrace maps and outcrop data and river long profile modelling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16766,, 2024.

Pierre-Henri Blard, Etienne Large, Julien Charreau, Alfred Andriamamonjy, and Amos Fety Michel Rakotondrazafy

Many regions, though tectonically inactive, present significant reliefs of elusive origins. In these areas, it is critical to constrain denudation rates to assess the long-term evolution of these reliefs, but data and thus information on what controls their spatiotemporal evolution are scarce, especially in the Southern Hemisphere.

In this study, we present in-situ cosmogenic 10Be data from 14 new sand samples of main rivers and their tributaries of southwestern Madagascar, a subtropical island of southeastern Africa (Indian Ocean). This island presents in its central part a low relief high plateau composed of Mesoarchean to Neoproterozoic crystalline basement, a narrow coastal plain in its eastern part, separated from the central plateau by a great escarpment, and two large sedimentary basins of Carboniferous to Neogene ages in its western part. Its recent (i.e., past 15 Ma) tectonic activity and associated uplift is mainly attributed to mantle upwelling, probably related to the East African Rift System, creating long-wave uplift of 1 to 2 km. Limited seismicity associated with extensive settings is measured on the island. In terms of climate, Madagascar undergoes a monsoon type of climate with a strong gradient in humidity from northeast to southwest.

Our new cosmogenic 10Be data comes in complement of an important dataset of 99 samples previously published in three different studies. This brings the total dataset to 116 samples, covering over 50% of the total island surface. Our results are in good agreement with the previously published data with overall low denudation rates (4 ± 1 to 30 ± 6 mm/ka). This dataset allows exploring how the island erodes and calculating and comparing sediment fluxes from the eastern and western sides. Our results show that, although the eastern great escarpment is retreating at rates of 182 to 1886 m/Ma, average denudation rates of the basins draining it (16.6 mm/ka) are comparable, though slightly lower than the average denudation rates we measured in the southwestern basins (17.2 mm/ka).

How to cite: Blard, P.-H., Large, E., Charreau, J., Andriamamonjy, A., and Rakotondrazafy, A. F. M.: Recent denudation rates of southwestern Madagascar from a 10Be analysis of river sand samples, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17993,, 2024.