OS1.8 | Observing and modelling the imprint of meso- and submesoscale dynamics
Observing and modelling the imprint of meso- and submesoscale dynamics
Convener: Ahmad Fehmi Dilmahamod | Co-conveners: Dongxiao Zhang, Pablo Fernández, Fangxing Tian
| Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room L2
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X4
Orals |
Tue, 08:30
Mon, 10:45
Meso- and sub-mesoscale dynamics are vital components of the Earth’s oceanic circulation. They play a critical role in the horizontal and vertical transport of heat, freshwater, phytoplankton and biogeochemical tracers, at regional and local scales, and ultimately mediating local oceanic-atmospheric exchanges. Although more prominent in the upper layers, their impacts can be far-reaching into the ocean interior. Recent scientific and technological advancement have enabled the observations and modelling of the ocean across a wide spectrum of scales, spanning from hundreds of meters to tens of kilometres, and from hours to days. Extensive observational initiatives such as EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC alongside high-resolution modelling studies are starting to yield new insights into the multidisciplinary impacts of mesoscale and submesoscale processes. Meso- and sub-mesoscale air-sea interaction in regions such as the Tropical Oceans, the Southern Ocean, the western boundary currents and their extensions may have basin and global scale impacts via oceanic and atmospheric teleconnection.

This session welcomes contributions from observational, theoretical and modelling studies focusing on mesoscale and submesoscale dynamics, and their potential impacts on the biogeochemistry, biology and air-sea interactions. Specific topics include:

1. Impacts of meso- and sub-mesoscale processes on the horizontal and vertical transport of physical/biogeochemical/biological tracers in the global ocean
2. Meso- and sub-mesoscale ocean and atmospheric interactions and air-sea fluxes
3. Large scale impacts of the meso- and sub-mesoscale processes

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room L2

Chairpersons: Ahmad Fehmi Dilmahamod, Pablo Fernández
Virtual presentation
Chunhua Qiu and Dongxiao Wang

The ocean surface mixed layer represents a critical interface linking the ocean and atmosphere. The physical processes determining the surface mixed layer properties and mediate atmosphere-ocean exchange. Submesoscale processes play a key role in cross-scale oceanic energy transformation and the determination of surface mixed-layer properties, including the enhancement of vertical nutrient transport, leading to increased primary productivity. Herein, we presented observations of the spiral chlorophyll-a filament and its influence on turbulence within an anticyclonic eddy in the western South China Sea during August 2021. The filament had a negative Ertel potential vorticity associated with strong upwelled/downward currents (approximately 20-40 m/day). Across-filament sections of the in-situ profiles showed turbulent dissipation rates enhanced in the filament. We suggested this enhancement values can be attributed to submesoscale processes, which accounted for 25% of the total parameterized turbulent dissipation rates. The present parametrized submesoscale turbulent scheme overestimated the in-situ values. The filament transferred kinetic energy upward to anticyclonic eddy via barotropic instability and gained energy from the anticyclonic eddy via baroclinic instability. After kinetic energy budget diagnostic, we suggested besides symmetric instability, centrifugal instability and mixed layer baroclinic instability should also be included in the turbulence scheme to overcome the overestimation. The observed dual energy transfers between the anticyclonic eddy and filament, and the observed high turbulent energy dissipation within the filament, emphasized the need for these processes to be accurately parameterized regional and climate models. 

How to cite: Qiu, C. and Wang, D.: Observational energy transfers of a spiral cold filament within an anticyclonic eddy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6911, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6911, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sabrina Speich, Johannes Karstensen, Xavier Carton, César Barbedo Rocha, Hugo Bellenger, Claudia Pasquero, Antonio Parodi, Jonathan Gula, Denis Bourras, Richard Davy, Lionel renault, Anna del Moral-Méndez, Dongxiao Zhang, Chris Fairall, David Farrell, Jin-Song von Storch, Hervé Giordani, Gilles Reverdin, Jochen Horstmann, and Noel Keenlyside and the EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC Ocean-atmosphere processes

In January-February 2020, the EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC experiment took place in the Northwest Tropical Atlantic with the overall goal of understanding the role of fine-scale processes in internal ocean dynamics and air-sea interaction. Four oceanographic ships, the French Atalante, the German Maria S. Merian and Meteor, and the US Ron Brown, were closely coordinated with airborne observations and autonomous ocean platforms (gliders, ©Saildrones, Argo floats, and drifters) to simultaneously measure the ocean and atmosphere from east of Barbados to the northern border of French Guyana. The multiple observations of the ocean, atmosphere, and their interface have revealed more complex ocean dynamics than expected, in particular a strong interaction between the Amazon River outflow (despite its reduced winter discharge), the North Brazil Current (NBC), and several mesoscale eddies (including the highly energetic NBC rings). This leads to even richer submesoscale dynamics that shape an important fraction of the air-sea exchange of heat, momentum, and CO2, and efficiently isolates the NBC northward flow waters from intense and continuous interactions with the atmosphere. Owing to the many complementary observations from ships and autonomous platforms, we have been able to quantify some of these processes, including the diurnal cycle and the 3D dynamics of different mesoscale eddies, as well as to map and quantify different terms of the air-sea fluxes and their impacts on the marine atmospheric boundary-layer water budget. The results have been widely used not only to validate numerical simulations of the region, but also to guide their analyses and to improve various numerical parameterizations.

The collection of these observations was the result of an important international coordination between many different groups of ocean and atmospheric scientists. In addition, the special strategy for targeted data collection of meso- and submesoscale processes relied on daily planning of the field experiment and on detailed analysis of the near-real-time satellite data and the observations already obtained during the experiment, which was essential for providing the right snapshots of the ocean and atmosphere for the quantification of many processes. The lessons learned from this experiment will be implemented and extended in the upcoming major high-resolution oceanographic endeavor, the WHIRLS experiment, which will take place in June-July 2025, southwest of Africa.

How to cite: Speich, S., Karstensen, J., Carton, X., Barbedo Rocha, C., Bellenger, H., Pasquero, C., Parodi, A., Gula, J., Bourras, D., Davy, R., renault, L., del Moral-Méndez, A., Zhang, D., Fairall, C., Farrell, D., von Storch, J.-S., Giordani, H., Reverdin, G., Horstmann, J., and Keenlyside, N. and the EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC Ocean-atmosphere processes: Multi-platform high resolution in situ observations for understanding mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes and their role in the air-sea exchanges: Experiences and prospects from the EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC field experiment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19188, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19188, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pierrick Penven, Jean Francois Ternon, Margaux Noyon, and Steven Herbette

Located in the southwest Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and the African continent, the Mozambique Channel is a western boundary current system characterized by an intense eddy activity (Halo et al. 2014). Large anticyclonic rings, reaching up to 300 to 350 km in diameter and 2000 m of vertical extension, are structuring the marine ecosystems from phytoplankton to top predators (de Ruijter et al., 2002; Ternon et al., 2014, Weimerskirch et al., 2004). They impact the environmental conditions on the Mozambican shelves by promoting the upwelling of nutrient rich deeper waters (Lamont et al., 2010; Malauene et al, 2014). Coastal waters, generally rich in plankton and nutrients, can be also be transported offshore along the edges of the rings. The occurrence of an eddy dipole with the anticyclonic ring in the northern side of the cyclonic eddy can enhance the processes (Roberts et al., 2014). Mesoscale eddy flux is supposed to be the dominant source of nutrients for the central Mozambique Channel (José et al., 2016). The first leg of the RESILIENCE (fRonts, EddieS and marIne LIfe in the wEstern iNdian oCEan) multidisciplinary oceanographic cruise on board R/V Marion Dufresne II in April-May 2022 was focusing on the central structure of a dipole composed by a Mozambique Channel Ring and a cyclonic spiral eddy. The goals were here to observe at high resolution the mesoscale and submesoscale structures in the core of the dipole, their origins and evolution, and their potential implications for biogeochemical and ecological processes in the Mozambique Channel. To do so we crossed several times the eastern side of the dipole, towing a moving vessel profiler in addition to SADCP continuous observations and multidisciplinary stations and trawls at regular intervals. The dipole event commenced on 24 April 2022 and endured for 24 days. Existence of strong currents, reaching speeds of 150 cm/s, leads to the prevalence of horizontal stirring as the dominant process. This results in an efficient and fast transport of material from the shelf to the central Mozambique Channel. The Omega equation was used to show the dominance of a smaller scale meander for the vertical velocities. Layering is evident in the frontal structure. This first documentation of the in-situ central structure of a dipole, formed by the convergence of a Mozambique Channel Ring and a spiral eddy, lays the foundation for subsequent ecological investigations.

How to cite: Penven, P., Ternon, J. F., Noyon, M., and Herbette, S.: Central structure of a Mozambique Channel mesoscale eddy-ring dipole, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12815, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12815, 2024.

On-site presentation
Malin Ödalen, Abhishek Savita, Joakim Kjellsson, Sebastian Wahl, David Ferreira, Holly Ayres, Fabien Roquet, and Wonsun Park

In this study, we compare global coupled climate simulations (1950’s and abrupt 4xCO2) with different ocean resolution in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (ASO), including the Agulhas, with parameterised and explicitly simulated eddies respectively. We find that the eddy-rich 1950’s simulation has a reduced South Atlantic warm bias, because of a more defined Agulhas retroflection, and coupled climate effects are observed outside the region with increased ocean resolution where e.g. equatorial precipitation changes markedly.

The Agulhas leakage plays a key role in connecting the Indian and the Atlantic oceans, with mesoscale eddies carrying heat and salt into the South Atlantic. In most state-of-the-art coupled climate models, the ocean resolution is insufficient to explicitly simulate those eddies, and they are instead represented through a parameterisation of the eddy induced flow. We use the coupled climate model FOCI, which combines a NEMO3.6 ocean with an ECHAM6 atmosphere, LIM2 sea ice, and a JSBACH land module, via an OASIS coupler. Through AGRIF nesting, we increase the ocean resolution from 1/2° to 1/10° in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.

The eddy-rich 1950’s simulation exhibits a reduced warm bias in the South Atlantic compared to the simulation without it. The bias reduction is a result of a more defined Agulhas retroflection which reduces ocean heat transport into the South Atlantic while increasing heat transport poleward. This change in ocean temperature distribution is anticipated from previous studies with ocean-only models. However, we also see coupled climate effects extending to the equatorial region, well outside the region with increased ocean resolution. We observe changes in precipitation and surface wind fields over both the tropical Atlantic and tropical/South Pacific. The changes over the tropical Atlantic are likely linked to a direct response to changes in sea surface temperature that extend across the South Atlantic. The eddy-rich 1950’s simulation also shows significant reduction of surface air temperature (SAT) biases, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere, and winds in the Southern Hemisphere, w.r.t. observationally based reanalysis products. In the strong warming scenario (abrupt 4xCO2), the eddy-rich simulation shows less SAT increase over the Atlantic and a larger seasonality in the response of the westerly wind fields over the Southern Ocean. In conclusion, increased resolution of the ASO, allowing for explicit simulation of mesoscale eddies e.g. in the Agulhas, leads to reduction of model biases and coupled climate effects.

How to cite: Ödalen, M., Savita, A., Kjellsson, J., Wahl, S., Ferreira, D., Ayres, H., Roquet, F., and Park, W.: Coupled climate effects of eddy rich model resolution in and south of the Agulhas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19696, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19696, 2024.

On-site presentation
Unveiling eddy subsurface evolution combining in situ and remote-sensing observation in Lagrangian tracking
Alexandre Barboni and Franck Dumas
Virtual presentation
Luuk Rader, Borja Aguiar-González, Timothy Price, Eugenio Fraile-Nuez, Daura Vega-Moreno, and Francisco Machín

Amidst the global challenge of plastic pollution, the marine environment surrounding the Canary Islands is not immune to this pressing issue. Besides, the northwestern African upwelling system is an ideal environment for fisheries, which eventually become potential contributors to marine floating debris. Entanglement in large marine floating debris of fisheries origin represents a prevalent cause of stranding incidents for sea turtles. However, connecting the fisheries activity with the offshore flow of this debris towards the open ocean and the Canary Islands proves challenging due to the high mesoscale variability in the region, which hampers a straightforward visualization of clear patterns of distribution.

This study aims to investigate the offshore transport of marine floating debris originating from the upwelling zone and elucidate the underlying driving mechanisms. Additionally, the study also aims to uncover the upwelling-related origins of marine debris observed in proximity to the Canary Islands.

To analyse the oceanward transport of marine debris, OceanParcels is used, a Lagrangian tool to estimate the trajectories of virtual particles released into the ocean. These particles are released along the African coast, and their trajectories are computed following two different approaches. Firstly, seasonally averaged surface velocities are used to account for the mean seasonal fields leading to the marine debris distribution. Secondly, daily-varying surface velocities are used to simulate real ocean conditions as closely as possible. Jointly, these views provide insights into the key features responsible for transporting particles offshore. Lastly, Stokes drift is incorporated to account for its impact on particle trajectories.

The results using seasonally-averaged surface velocities reveal the formation of offshore-orientated corridors through which particles, representing marine debris, are advected oceanward. This is confirmed following the daily-varying simulations. These corridors are hypothesized to be formed by the recurrent detachment of the coastal jet stream at certain key locations of the African coastline, then leading the transport of marine debris offshore. Furthermore, virtual particles are observed that are advected offshore via upwelling filaments, i.e. cold-water tongues that extend oceanward from the inner continental shelf. Importantly, Stokes drift appears to counterwork the offshore transport of marine debris likely due to a prevailing strong southward and coastward surface advection. However, it is noted that accounting for the Stokes drift is an ongoing field of research and its effect may be overestimated as currently implemented.

On the one hand, the upwelling zone north of Cape Ghir seems to be responsible for the largest amount of upwelling-related marine debris of a northern origin, reaching the Canary Islands through a northeast-to-southwest orientated corridor. On the other hand, the upwelling zone between Cape Ghir and Cape Bojador appears to be mostly responsible for the marine debris reaching the Canary Islands with a southern origin.

How to cite: Rader, L., Aguiar-González, B., Price, T., Fraile-Nuez, E., Vega-Moreno, D., and Machín, F.: Surface circulation and marine debris: exploring the impact of northwestern African upwelling on offshore transport, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12927, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12927, 2024.

On-site presentation
Cláudio Cardoso, Paulo Calil, Rui M. A. Caldeira, and Álvaro Peliz

The Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) off the coast of Mauritania and Senegal is characterized by a shallow and a deep oxygen minimum, each with potentially different formation mechanisms. Although the shallow OMZ has been linked to the en-route degradation of organic matter within highly productive, coastal-generated eddies, less attention has been paid to hypoxic Dissolved Oxygen (DO) concentrations observed along the coastal region, where low-oxygen eddies are formed. This study aims to clarify the spatio-temporal dynamics and underlying mechanisms that lead to the formation of the shallow OMZ along the northwestern African coast.

To achieve this, a Eulerian-Lagrangian numerical framework was employed by combining a coupled physical-biogeochemical model with a Lagrangian particle-tracking simulation. The model domain covers the entire Tropical Atlantic with an horizontal resolution of 3 km, achieving a good representation of the horizontal and vertical structure of the North Atlantic OMZ. To assess the pathways and evolution of the water masses that form the shallow OMZ, lagrangian particles were released in grid cells with DO < 40 μmol.l-1 and traced backwards in time.

Our results reveal distinct seasonal and latitudinal variations of DO concentrations along the coast, with DO concentrations significantly decreasing in the transition from the upwelling to the relaxation season (from May to July). Associated with the transport of more oxygenated South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW), the influence of the Poleward Undercurrent (PUC) on the ventilation of the coastal region is evident, especially when the current loses intensity and becomes a surface-intensified feature in summer. When the PUC reaches its maximum intensity in autumn, its core deepens below the mixed layer and replaces the older, oxygen-poor waters with ventilated waters of southern origin.

The impact of eddies on coastal dynamics was also explored. A quasi-permanent Anticyclonic Modewater Eddy (ACME) formed during the upwelling season by the interaction of the PUC with the Cap-Vert headland is the main mechanism behind the import of offshore waters to the coastal region. Lagrangian particle trajectories suggest that this eddy prevents the direct northward transport of SACW by the PUC. Whilst some of the particles are trapped and subsequently transported offshore inside the eddy, other particles are stirred with an older, less oxygenated SACW variety in the offshore region and re-circulate to the coastal region. Similar particle re-circulation patterns are also observed further north, coinciding with cyclonic and ACME formation hotspots.

Our findings suggest that in addition to their role in the formation and advection of oxygen-depleted waters to offshore, coastal-generated eddies play a crucial role in modulating DO levels along the northwestern African coast.

How to cite: Cardoso, C., Calil, P., Caldeira, R. M. A., and Peliz, Á.: A model perspective on the drivers of the shallow oxygen minimum zone off the northwestern African coast, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6196, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6196, 2024.

On-site presentation
Júlia Crespin Esteve, Jordi Solé Ollé, and Miquel Canals Artigas

Modelling the distribution of biogeochemical components in the ocean is essential for further understanding climate change impacts and assessing the functioning of marine ecosystems. This requires robust and efficient physical-biological simulations of coupled ocean-ecosystem models, which are often hindered by limited data availability and computational resources. The option of running biological tracer fields offline, independently from the physical ocean simulation, is appealing due to increased computational efficiency. Here, we present an assessment and implementation of an offline biogeochemical model — the Offline Fennel model — within the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Our methodology employs ROMS hydrodynamic outputs to run the biogeochemical model offline. This work also includes the first evaluation exercise of the referred offline biogeochemical model. We used a variety of skill metrics to compare the simulated surface chlorophyll to an ocean colour dataset (CMEMS-Mediterranean Ocean Colour) and BGC-ARGO floats for the 2015-2020 period. The model is able to reproduce the temporal and spatial structures of the main chlorophyll fluctuation patterns in the study area, the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, as well as the vertical distribution of chlorophyll and nitrate. This area is of particular interest as it is one of the most productive regions in the entire Mediterranean Basin, with open-ocean upwellings and deep winter convection events occurring seasonally. The typical behaviour of the region is likewise effectively represented in the implementation, including offshore primary production, nutrient supplies from the Rhone and Ebro rivers, and mesoscale hydrographic structures. This study provides a baseline for ROMS users in need of executing more biogeochemical simulations independently from more computationally demanding physical simulations.

How to cite: Crespin Esteve, J., Solé Ollé, J., and Canals Artigas, M.: An Offline Biogeochemical Model within the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS): application to the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19719, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19719, 2024.

On-site presentation
Matheus Ferreira Azevedo, Francis Poulin, and Kevin Lamb

Much of our understanding of inertial instability in geophysical flows comes from atmospheric physics, and these studies have neglected the impact of lateral boundaries. To address this shortcoming, we performed a series of high-resolution 3D numerical simulations in Oceananigans in the context of the nonhydrostatic Boussinesq equations assuming a rigid-lid approximation. An inertially unstable baroclinic jet was investigated both far away and adjacent to a vertical boundary. The jet was chosen to be in thermal-wind balance and the buoyancy field was perturbed to instigate the instability.

We found that when the unstable jet is sufficiently close to the vertical boundary, the wavenumber of the fastest-growing unstable mode nearly doubled when compared to the jet far away from the boundary. We have not observed this shift to smaller scales in the context of a barotropic jet. The growth rates of the instability, measured by taking the l2 norm of the velocity components, showed an initial linear growth phase in the first few days with no significant differences regarding the positioning of the jet. After this period, non-linear saturation stabilized the jet to inertial instability, and a secondary baroclinic instability developed. These findings suggest a previously unaccounted factor that can influence the bio-physicochemical properties of the ocean in proximity to coastal boundaries, contributing to the current understanding of the importance of submesoscale phenomena.

How to cite: Ferreira Azevedo, M., Poulin, F., and Lamb, K.: What happens when an inertially unstable jet approaches a lateral boundary?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16202, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16202, 2024.

On-site presentation
Aleksi Nummelin and Pål Erik Isachsen
Models that do not resolve the mesoscale eddies tend to parameterize their impacts such that the parameterized transport of buoyancy and tracers reduces the large-scale available potential energy and spreads tracers. However, the parameterizations used in the ocean components of current generation Earth System Models (ESMs) rely on an assumption of a flat ocean floor even though observations and high-resolution modelling show that eddy transport is sensitive to the potential vorticity gradients associated with a sloping seafloor. Using a hierarchy of model complexities, we show that (i) the buoyancy transport coefficient diagnosed from idealized eddy-resolving simulations is indeed reduced over bottom slopes (ii) such reduction can be skillfully captured by a mixing length parameterization by introducing the topographic Rhines scale as a length scale (iii) implementing such a modified `GM' parameterization in non-eddying simulations enhances the strength of thermal wind currents over the bottom slopes. 
Testing the new parameterization in realistic global coarse-resolution simulations shows that the impact of topography is most pronounced at high latitudes, enhancing the mean flow strength and reducing temperature and salinity biases. Reducing the buoyancy transport coefficient further with a mean-flow dependent eddy efficiency factor, has notable effects also at lower latitudes and leads to reduction of global mean tracer biases. We find that most of the tracer bias reduction follows from changing the buoyancy transport coefficient (GM), but we also discuss the impact of applying similar changes to the tracer mixing coefficient (Redi).

How to cite: Nummelin, A. and Isachsen, P. E.: Parameterizing mesoscale eddy buoyancy transport over sloping topography, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6690, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6690, 2024.


Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X4

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Dongxiao Zhang, Ahmad Fehmi Dilmahamod
lin Jiang, Wansuo Duan, and Hailong Liu

The sensitivity of the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) forecasting on the accuracy of mesoscale eddies over the Kuroshio Extension region, which was
determined by the conditional non-linear optimal perturbation (CNOP) method using a two-layer quasigeostrophic model, is evaluated by adopting multiply realistic marine datasets through an advanced particle filter assimilation method. It is shown that, if additional observations are preferentially assimilated to the sensitive area of mesoscale eddies identified by the CNOP, where the eddies present a clear high- to low-velocity gradient along the eddy rotation, the forecasting skill of the SSHA can be more significantly improved. It is also demonstrated that the forecasts of the SSHA in the region where the large-scale mean flow possesses much stronger barotropic and/or baroclinic instability tend to exhibit stronger sensitivity to the accuracy of the initial field in the sensitive area of mesoscale eddies. Therefore, more attention should be preferentially paid to the assimilation of the additional observations of the mesoscale eddies for the SSHA forecast in the region with a strong velocity shear of ocean circulation. The present study verifies the sensitivity on mesoscale eddies of SSHA forecasts derived by the two-layer quasigeostrophic model using multiply sets of realistic oceanic data, especially including observation and reanalysis data, which further additionally demonstrates the importance of targeted observations of mesoscale eddies to the SSHA forecast in the regions of strong velocity shear of ocean circulation and provides a more credible scientific basis for the field campaign of the targeted observations for mesoscale eddies associated with the SSHA forecasting.

How to cite: Jiang, L., Duan, W., and Liu, H.: The Most Sensitive Initial Error of Sea Surface Height Anomaly Forecasts andIts Implication for Target Observations of Mesoscale Eddies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2229, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2229, 2024.

Dante Napolitano, Jonathan Gula, Solange Coadou-Chaventon, Xavier Carton, and Sabrina Speich

The Amazon River runoff reigns absolute as the most prominent river discharge to the ocean, with about 0.2 Sv of freshwater entering the Northwest Atlantic. The Amazon River outflow together with the North Brazil Current (NBC), dominates the low sea surface salinity spread into the open ocean. At the edge of the river plume, stirring by the NBC and its eddies generates sharp gradients at scales from Ο(0.1-100) km. These (equatorial to tropical) submesoscale fronts are important, for example, in modulating air-sea interactions and the energy cascade. In the EUREC4A-OA project, we use state-of-the-art Saildrone observations and numerical simulation to assess surface gradients in the northwestern tropical Atlantic. Our objective is to provide a comprehensive picture of surface gradients and associated fronts in the Amazon Plume region. From observations, we find that the plume influences density gradients from scales l < 30 km; sharp gradients skyrocket within the plume at l < 10 km, a scale that has recently been shown to mark a shift from an inverse to a forward energy cascade. Using a Δx ≅1 km CROCO simulation, we assess the spatial distribution of surface fronts and their spatio-temporal variability. Salinity dominates surface gradients even outside the plume due to an almost permanent barrier layer formed by mixing of low salinity water from previous seasons. Near the shelf, the Amazon runoff controls the formation and evolution of fronts. As we move poleward, the NBC dictates the distribution of the surface fronts. The influence of the NBC gradually decreases until the distribution of fronts closely follows the mixed layer dynamics.

How to cite: Napolitano, D., Gula, J., Coadou-Chaventon, S., Carton, X., and Speich, S.: Characterization, distribution, and evolution of surface fronts in the Amazon Plume region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9815, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9815, 2024.

Lansu Wei and Chunzai Wang

The Agulhas leakage, which transports warm and salty Indian Ocean water into the Atlantic Ocean, plays a crucial role in global ocean circulation and climate. The mesoscale eddies from the leakage supply the primary source of heat and salt for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. This study combines eddy data with Argo profiles from 1993 to 2018 to investigate the three-dimensional structures of eddies, advancing our understanding of eddy-induced transport. Our analysis revealed that both the trapping and stirring processes of eddies influence eddy-induced transport. Anticyclonic eddies are found to transport heat in the meridional direction mainly through propagation (~60%). On the other hand, cyclonic eddies transport heat meridionally to the Atlantic Ocean primarily through the stirring of isotherms in the background field (~25%). These results further confirm that the stirring effect of cyclonic eddies is crucial for evaluating the impact of the Agulhas leakage on the Atlantic Ocean.

How to cite: Wei, L. and Wang, C.: Unraveling the Eddy-driven Heat Transport in the Agulhas Leakage Region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11486, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11486, 2024.

Dongxiao Zhang, Gregory Foltz, Chidong Zhang, Chris Fairall, Jun Zhang, Hyun-Sook Kim, Avichal Mehra, Andrew Chiodi, Meghan Cronin, Elizabeth Thompson, Jim Thomson, Lev Looney, Nan-Hsun Chi, Hauke Schulz, Ajda Savarin, and Edoardo Mazza

Tropical cyclones (TCs) and hurricanes are among the strongest Mesoscale Convection Systems originating from the tropical oceans and can cause significant loss of lives and properties when landing. Prediction of TCs, especially their rapid intensification, remains challenging for numerical forecasts. Theoretical and modeling studies have shown that the surface turbulence heat flux fuels hurricane intensification, while the momentum flux or wind stress transfers the kinetic energy from the storm to the ocean to regulate the ocean mixing and stratification which in turn affect the Sea Surface Temperature and heat flux. The balance between the surface enthalpy flux (sum of sensible and latent heat flux) and drag plays a critical role in the TC and hurricane intensification. Due to the lack of direct observations inside the TCs and hurricanes, studies largely based on numerical models, lab experiments, air-deployed dropsondes, and indirectly from momentum budget analysis, have suggested a large deviation of wind stress and drag coefficients at high wind speed of > 20 m/s in TC and hurricane conditions. During the 2021-2023 hurricane seasons, a fleet of 5-12 Saildrone Uncrewed Surface Vehicles (USVs) have been deployed each year to intercept the TCs and hurricanes to make direct observations of the extreme air-sea interaction process. They provided real-time 1-minute averages of near-surface meteorology and ocean variables (5-minute for ocean currents) to hurricane forecast centers. This study utilizes the high-resolution 20-Hz data made available once the Saildrone USVs returned from their cruises after the hurricane season to investigate direct eddy covariance (EC) measurements of wind stress for a better understanding of the drag coefficients under TC and hurricanes. The directly observed drag coefficient, as well as the EC heat transfer coefficient (for sensible heat flux), will be compared to those used in the bulk flux algorithm (COARE) and in forecast models. Particular attention will be paid to the variations in different wind and wave conditions within the mesoscale system.

How to cite: Zhang, D., Foltz, G., Zhang, C., Fairall, C., Zhang, J., Kim, H.-S., Mehra, A., Chiodi, A., Cronin, M., Thompson, E., Thomson, J., Looney, L., Chi, N.-H., Schulz, H., Savarin, A., and Mazza, E.: Eddy covariance measurements of air-sea heat and momentum fluxes under tropical cyclones and hurricanes in the northwest Tropical Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14170, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14170, 2024.

Decadal-scale influence of the Kuroshio and Oyashio extension fronts on atmospheric circulation and storm track
(withdrawn after no-show)
Guidi Zhou, Xiang Li, and Xuhua Cheng
Yushan Qu, Shengpeng Wang, Zhao Jing, Yu Zhang, Hong Wang, and Lixin Wu

Tropical Pacific quasi-decadal (TPQD) climate variability is characterized by quasi-decadal sea surface temperature variations in the central Pacific. This low-frequency climate variability is suggested to influence extreme regional weather and substantially impact global climate patterns and associated socio-economy through teleconnections. Previous studies mostly attributed the TPQD climate variability to basin-scale air-sea coupling processes. However, due to the coarse resolution of the majority of the observations and climate models, the role of sub-basin-scale processes in modulating the TPQD climate variability is still unclear. Using a long-term high-resolution global climate model, we find that energetic small-scale motions with horizontal scales from tens to hundreds of kilometers (loosely referred to as equatorial submesoscale eddies) act as an important damping effect to retard the TPQD variability. During the positive TPQD events, compound increasing precipitation and warming SST in the equatorial Pacific intensifies the upper ocean stratification and weakens the temperature fronts along the Pacific cold tongue. This suppresses the growth of submesoscale eddies as well as their associated upward vertical heat transport by inhibiting baroclinic instability and frontogenesis; Conversely, during the negative TPQD events, the opposite is true. Using a series of coupled global climate models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 with different oceanic resolutions, we show that the amplitude of the TPQD variability becomes smaller as the oceanic resolution becomes finer, providing evidence for the impacts of submesoscale eddies on damping the TPQD variability. Our study suggests that explicitly simulating equatorial submesoscale eddies is necessary for gaining a more robust understanding of low-frequency tropical climate variability.

How to cite: Qu, Y., Wang, S., Jing, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, H., and Wu, L.: Tropical Pacific Quasi-Decadal Variability Suppressed by Submesoscale Eddies , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-162, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-162, 2024.

Yinghui He, Qingyou He, Tongya Liu, and Shuqun Cai

Satellite observations demonstrate that mesoscale eddies are active and show significant spatial variability of surface features in the southeastern Indian Ocean (SEIO). Combining the satellite observation and Argo floats data, this study reveals the spatial variation of eddy vertical structure and volume-integrated energy in the SEIO. The sources of surface-intensified and subsurface-intensified eddies correspond well to the mean current systems. The surface-intensified cyclonic eddies (CEs) mainly originate from the South Indian Countercurrent system, whose density core is at a depth of ≈70 m, and subsurface-intensified CEs mainly originate from the Leeuwin Current system (LCS, ≈10° longitude off the eastern boundary of south Indian Ocean) and the SEIO interior south of 30°S, whose density core and maximum velocity are at depths of ≈750 m and ≈290 m, respectively. The surface-intensified anti-cyclonic eddies (AEs) widely originate from the entire region of SEIO, whose density core is at a depth of ≈110 m, while the sources of subsurface-intensified AEs only scatter in a few regions. The eddy lifespan in the SEIO is significantly correlated with the eddy volume-integrated energy. The most important factor affecting the spatial variability of eddy energy in the SEIO is eddy vertical structure, followed by the eddy amplitude. Finally, by investigating the performance of two reanalysis data in eddy statistical properties, we find that the biases of eddy lifespan and movement distance in the LCS is caused by the bias of eddy vertical structure. This further confirms the impact of the eddy vertical structure on the eddy evolution.

How to cite: He, Y., He, Q., Liu, T., and Cai, S.: Spatial variations of eddy vertical structure and energy in the southeastern Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7540, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7540, 2024.

Yanzhou Wei

Mesoscale SST perturbations induced wind stress field perturbations have feedback effect on the ocean through influencing air-sea heat and momentum fluxes. Unlike the thermal feedback mechanism that is well understood, momentum feedback still needs to be studied, especially about the respective roles of divergent and rotational wind components. In this study, momentum feedback was examined using an ocean model and an empirical equation, which solved wind stress field perturbations from their divergence and curl that were estimated from time-evolving downwind and crosswind SST gradients. Through several numerical experiments, it was found that the divergent wind can induce positive and negative SST changes at varying regions and depths. On the contrary, the rotational wind can cool the upper ocean and reduce SST by 0.1°C on average.

How to cite: Wei, Y.: Cooling effect of mesoscale SST perturbations induced rotational wind in the Kuroshio Extension, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14267, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14267, 2024.

Pablo Fernández, Sabrina Speich, Hugo Bellenger, Diego Lange Vega, Johannes Karstensen, Dongxiao Zhang, and Cesar Barbedo Rocha

The Northwest Tropical Atlantic (NWTA) is a region with complex surface ocean circulation. The most prominent feature is the North Brazil Current (NBC) and its retroflection at 8ºN that leads to the formation of numerous mesoscale eddies known as NBC rings. The NWTA also receives the outflow of the Amazon River, generating freshwater plumes that can extend up to 100,000 km2. These two processes affect the spatial variability of the region's surface latent heat flux (LHF). First, the presence of surface freshwater modifies the vertical stratification of the ocean limiting the amount of heat that can be released to the atmosphere. Second, they create a highly heterogeneous mesoscale sea-surface temperature (SST) field that directly influences near-surface atmospheric circulation. These effects are illustrated by observations from the ElUcidating the RolE of Cloud-Circulation Coupling in ClimAte - Ocean Atmosphere (EUREC4A-OA) and Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Campaign (ATOMIC) experiments, satellite and reanalysis data. We decompose the LHF budget into several terms controlled by different atmospheric and oceanic processes to identify the mechanisms leading to LHF changes. We find LHF variations of up to 160 W·m2, of which 100 W·m2 are associated with wind speed changes and 40 W·m2 with SST variations. Surface currents or stratification-change associated heat release remain as second-order contributions with LHF variations of less than 10 W·m2 each. The results highlight the importance of considering these three components to properly characterize LHF variability at different spatial scales.

How to cite: Fernández, P., Speich, S., Bellenger, H., Lange Vega, D., Karstensen, J., Zhang, D., and Barbedo Rocha, C.: On the Mechanisms Driving Latent Heat Flux Variations in the Northwest Tropical Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10572, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10572, 2024.