NH11.2 | Future Changes in Weather and Climate Hazards around the World
Future Changes in Weather and Climate Hazards around the World
Co-organized by CL3.2
Convener: Vikki Thompson | Co-conveners: Dann Mitchell, Kai Kornhuber, Simona MeilerECSECS, Raed Hamed
| Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–17:54 (CEST)
Room M2
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X4
Orals |
Fri, 14:00
Thu, 16:15
Both anthropogenic climate change and internal climate variability are affecting the uncertainty of climate risks associated with many natural hazards around the world. Anthropogenic climate change is expected to increase, the frequency and magnitude of droughts, heatwaves, flooding, wildfires, and tropical cyclones, with severe societal impacts. However, trends and risk vary regionally and are often associated with uncertainties in climate projections.

Understanding and accurately projecting the changes in these hazards, their compounding nature, and how they may interact with local socioeconomics and population changes over the coming decades and centuries requires conversations across a broad range of disciplines: physical sciences, climate risk-modelling, statistics and machine learning, geography and social sciences. Recent record breaking extreme weather events highlight the urgent need to improve our scientific understanding and modelling capacities for installing climate services, early warning schemes and adaptation measures to the future risk.

This session aims to showcase recent research progress investigating natural environmental hazards, improvement in modelling, and projections over decadal to century timescales. It will foster discussion to identify outstanding research questions and form new collaborations, for instance which hazards receive less attention in the community for specific geographical regions? Or what hazard sectors should work more closely with weather and climate scientists for progress to be made?

We invite contributions on the changing risk and prediction from natural hazards, including but not limited to studies of:
- Detection and attribution of climate hazards
- Climate Hazard Modelling
- Climate change trends in hazards on decadal to centennial timescales
- Drivers and Trends in Compound Weather Extremes
- Extreme Weather Early warning Systems
- Global weather and climate teleconnections and their links to environmental hazards

Orals: Fri, 19 Apr | Room M2

Chairpersons: Kai Kornhuber, Raed Hamed
Virtual presentation
Giorgia Di Capua

Boreal summer circulation over the Eastern Mediterranean is characterized by background subsidence, which is linked to both mid-latitude wave activity and to convective activity generated in the tropical belt. Background subsidence is accompanied by northerly winds over the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean basin, which bring cooler air from the Eurasian landmass towards the Middle East and northeast Africa. These winds, also known as Etesians, can thus mitigate heatwaves in the region. Using the Peter and Clark momentary conditional independence (PCMCI) algorithm, the causal drivers of the Etesians have been identified (Di Capua et al. in preparation). This set of causal drivers consists of (i) Rossby waves propagating from North America via the North Atlantic and (ii) convective activity over the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) region, which affects the Eastern Mediterranean circulation via a geopotential height ridge forming over the Middle East. In this new work, the aim is first to quantify the effect of enhanced Etesians in mitigating heatwaves in the Middle East. Secondly, given the causal pathway identified between the Etesians and the ISM, the aim is to quantify the effect of interannual ISM activity as a potential amplifying (or inhibiting) factor of heatwaves activity. As future projection under different anthropogenic global warming scenarios predict an intensification of rainfall activity in the ISM region, it is crucial to understand how the ISM-Mediterranean teleconnection can affect heatwave activity in the Eastern Mediterranean.


Di Capua G., Tyrlis E., Matei D., Donner R. “Tropical and mid-latitude causal drivers of the summer Etesians in the eastern Mediterranean” (in preparation)

How to cite: Di Capua, G.: Indian summer monsoon as a driver of summer heatwaves in the Eastern Mediterranean , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5266, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5266, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hilla Afargan Gerstman and Daniela I.V. Domeisen

Extreme storms are a major natural hazard in the extratropics. These storms can cause substantial economic damage due to strong winds and flooding, interrupt transportation networks and electricity supply and lead to casualties. Future climate projections predict an extension of the storm track further into Europe posing a potential for increased risk with climate change, especially in winter. However, despite its importance, the connection between extreme, high-impact extratropical storms in midlatitudes and changes in the jet stream remains uncertain. 

Using reanalysis data and multi-model ensemble of climate models under future socio-economic scenarios, we examine the variability of extreme and high-impact storms in the northern hemisphere midlatitude and investigate the connection between jet stream intensity and extreme storm impacts. For this purpose, extreme storm events are diagnosed using the wind field (defined as spatially organized clusters exceeding the 98th percentiles of wind speeds over a specific area for a specific duration). High-impact storms, on the other hand, are identified according to the Emergency Events Database, a global database on natural and technological disasters, for the period 1998 to 2023. This comparison provides insights on extreme storm damage variability in midlatitudes and allows us to explore regional differences in storm damage and future changes. Understanding and connecting the dynamical processes controlling the variability of the jet stream and extreme, high-impact storms in midlatitudes is essential for skillful prediction of these extreme hazards under climate change and for assessing their potentially devastating impacts.

How to cite: Afargan Gerstman, H. and Domeisen, D. I. V.: On the connection between the jet stream and high-impact, extreme storms in midlatitudes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13248, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13248, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Naveen Goutham, Hiba Omrani, Lila Collet, and Carole Legorgeu

Understanding the evolution of tropical cyclones (TC) over the 21st century under a changing climate is essential to improve the resilience of the North American electricity system. In this regard, several studies have projected future changes in TC behavior by detecting and tracking their evolution using climate simulations. One of the key limitations of climate models, specifically attributed to their limited spatial resolution, is that they are unable to simulate all the non-linear interactions between various components of the Earth system. Hence, in this study, instead of tracking TCs in the coarse spatial-resolution climate models, we investigate the evolution of the large-scale drivers influencing the North Atlantic TCs over the mid-future (2041-2060) and far-future (2081-2100). We use five bias-corrected simulations under two shared socio-economic pathway scenarios from the 6th generation Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. In particular, we examine the changes in the large-scale thermodynamic and atmospheric dynamic indicators favorable for TCs, namely sea surface temperature, wind shear, and lapse rate. 

Our results show an increase in the seasonal mean North Atlantic sea surface temperature (between +1 and +3°C), the length of the TC season (between +2 and +5 months), and the ocean heat content (3-6 times) relative to the historical period (1995-2014), while a decrease in the temperature lapse rate (between -0.8% and -1.45%) over both the mid-future and far-future. We find no significant changes in the vertical wind shear under a changing climate. These results suggest an increase in both the frequency and intensity of TCs over the North Atlantic, the latter by 2.6%-5.2% on average. Additionally, our results show a plausible reduction in the conditions favorable for TCs by mitigating from high-emission to moderate-emission scenarios.

How to cite: Goutham, N., Omrani, H., Collet, L., and Legorgeu, C.: Projections of the large-scale drivers influencing the North Atlantic tropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11146, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11146, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jennifer Catto, Matthew Priestley, and Alexander Little

Future projections of European windstorms and the resultant socioeconomic losses are subject to large uncertainties associated with model differences, internal variability, and emissions scenarios. Here we have used a dataset of objectively identified extratropical cyclones from reanalysis and a multi-model ensemble of climate models under different future warming scenarios. We have applied two storm severity indices; one that is only a measure of the severity of the windstorms; and one that takes into account the population (and its projected future changes) to better understand projections of losses from windstorms. Over northern and central Europe the storm severity itself more than doubles, but the losses estimated from the population-weighted index more than triple due to projected population increases. We also consider an idealised adaptation scenario, where future damage thresholds are used that take into account the increasing future wind speeds. This indicates that adaptation can only partially offset the increased losses. Considering different emissions scenarios, future increase in risk is reduced when following a lower emissions scenario. We show that to understand the future changing risk associated with European windstorms, there is a need to go beyond physical hazard modelling to consider risk and adaptation from a socio-economic perspective.

How to cite: Catto, J., Priestley, M., and Little, A.: Changing risk from extratropical windstorms in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17837, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17837, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shirin Ermis, Nicholas Leach, Sarah Sparrow, Fraser Lott, and Antje Weisheimer

The widespread destruction incurred by midlatitude storms every year makes it an imperative to study how storms change with climate. The impact of climate change on midlatitude windstorms, however, is hard to evaluate due to the small signals in variables such as wind speed, as well as the high interannual variability in Atlantic storms.

Here, we compare multiple severe midlatitude cyclones with both wind and precipitation impacts using forecast-based event attribution. We use a recent version of the ECMWF IFS ensemble prediction system which is demonstrably able to predict the storms, significantly increasing our confidence in its ability to model the key physical processes and their response to climate change.

The comparably high resolution of our simulations, and the focus on individual case studies are particularly useful for dynamically driven events like storms. Our approach is able to combine a dynamical analysis of the storm in question with an analysis of past and future changes.

Our results confirm trends of increased severity in storm impacts found in climate projections but add reliability to the forecasted structure and impacts of the storm. This indicates that forecast-based attribution is viable for reliable and fast attribution systems.

How to cite: Ermis, S., Leach, N., Sparrow, S., Lott, F., and Weisheimer, A.: Forecast-based attribution for midlatitude cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1978, 2024.

On-site presentation
Naomi Goldenson, Bruce Hewitson, Sara Pryor, Silvina Solman, Lincoln Alves, Paul Block, Dragana Bojovic, Louis-Philippe Caron, Alessandro Dosio, Luke Harrington, Kevin Horsburgh, Morten Larsen, and Jemimah Maina

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) has created a new core project: Regional Information for Society (RIfS), which has begun to plan its inaugural activities. Recognizing a gap between core disciplinary projects of WCRP and societal impact, RIfS seeks to foster community exchange around the practices of creating and utilizing climate information. The members of the Scientific Steering Group and International Project Office see this as a collaborative process with stakeholders from various sectors of society. Rather than reproducing more climate services, we are focused on identifying best-practices, building worldwide capacity and equity, and contributing to existing projects at the regional scale, particularly in regions where there are limited resources for such services. This RIfS presentation will focus on the identification of best-practices, particularly in the assessment of climate information. Currently there is no systematic, consistent, or accepted approach to assessing which climate information is robust and actionable, at regional or global scales. This recognizes the multiplicity of non-congruent data and information sources that may be used, the choice of which depends often on subjective selections that can lead to different decision outcomes and the commensurate consequences. At the same time, the volumes of data and demand for information are only growing, and new organizations are emerging offering products to decision-makers with varying levels of transparency about methods. Decisions are being made that affect the global distribution of resources, for example in finance and the insurance sectors. No professional organization has so far managed to establish widely accepted standards and guidelines for what constitutes robust information appropriate for various types of decision-making. This is the central challenge of the moment for the community of climate researchers interested in societal applications. RIfS will begin a process of consensus-building with an expert meeting on robustness of climate information just after the EGU meeting this year, to be followed by additional opportunities to come together around these questions.

How to cite: Goldenson, N., Hewitson, B., Pryor, S., Solman, S., Alves, L., Block, P., Bojovic, D., Caron, L.-P., Dosio, A., Harrington, L., Horsburgh, K., Larsen, M., and Maina, J.: Regional Information for Society within the World Climate Research Programme, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21161, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21161, 2024.

On-site presentation
Timo Kelder, Lisette Klok, Louise Slater, Vikki Thompson, Henrique M. D. Goulart, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Rob Wilby, Dorothy Heinrich, Erin Coughlan de Perez, Liz Stephens, Ed Hawkins, Stephen Burt, Bart van den Hurk, Hylke de Vries, Karin van der Wiel, and Erich Fischer

Extreme weather events of unprecedented intensity in historical records can have major impacts on society and ecosystems. While adaptation plans often consider past trends in extreme weather events, few consider the possibility of exceptional extremes. This oversight leaves society underprepared and ill-equipped to handle ‘surprising’ events. There is a long history of science inquiry into the question of what low likelihood weather events are possible. Here, we present an overview of the methods used to identify exceptional weather events. We discuss tools for scientists, practitioners and policy-makers to ‘see the unseen’ and evaluate unexpected yet plausible disruptive events. We first discuss existing approaches for estimating rare extremes; then give an example for exceptional heat in The Netherlands; and finally outline how this knowledge can be leveraged to strengthen resilience and adaptation efforts.

How to cite: Kelder, T., Klok, L., Slater, L., Thompson, V., Goulart, H. M. D., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Wilby, R., Heinrich, D., Coughlan de Perez, E., Stephens, L., Hawkins, E., Burt, S., van den Hurk, B., de Vries, H., van der Wiel, K., and Fischer, E.: Anticipating the unseen: a community review on how to better prepare for exceptional weather events, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7944, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7944, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sally Woodhouse, Nicholas J. Leach, Jonathan J. Davies, and James Brennan

The financial sector is becoming increasingly interested in understanding how it is exposed to the risks due to climate change. At Climate X our multi-disciplinary team of hazard and climate scientists work to generate useful projections of risk for a variety of users.

To assess future changes in weather-related hazards we use publicly available climate model outputs from projects such as CMIP and CORDEX. However, these experiments are often not designed with decision-makers and risk assessment at the forefront. Most global climate models are still run at relatively low resolution, whereas decision makers are interested in very local changes (down to asset level). Projects that are run at high resolution, such as HighResMIP and CORDEX, often do not include all the scenarios that decision-makers are interested in and have limited ensemble members.

This talk will explore how the use of pattern scaling can address these limitations. Pattern scaling extracts the signal from local changes in atmospheric variables to global mean temperatures (GMT). It can therefore be used to explore emissions scenarios for which there are limited (or no) GCM runs. This allows us to generate custom scenarios such as global warming levels or a client’s individual projections with only a trend in GMT. Additionally, by extracting temperature uncertainty in the climate sensitivity, local hazard responses and internal variability can be separated.

How to cite: Woodhouse, S., Leach, N. J., Davies, J. J., and Brennan, J.: Climate Risk Projections with Pattern Scaling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11579, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11579, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paul Williams, Mark Prosser, and Isabel Smith

The human impacts of weather and climate hazards are usually felt at ground level. Aviation is perhaps unique, however, in the sense that the impacts often occur in the upper atmosphere at cruising altitudes of around 40,000 feet. Anthropogenic climate change is occuring at those altitudes in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, too. Weather-related hazards such as turbulence already cause a large fraction of commercial aircraft accidents. This presentation will review how these hazards are changing over time because of the changing climate.

Turbulence currently causes 71% of weather-related aircraft accidents, injuring hundreds of passengers and flight attendants annually and costing hundreds of millions of dollars. Recent evidence shows that clear-air turbulence that is strong enough to lift passengers from their seats has increased by 55% since 1979 over the North Atlantic, with similar increases over the USA and elsewhere. Climate model projections indicate a doubling or trebling in turbulence this strong around the midlatitudes in the coming decades, as the jet streams become more sheared in response to anthropogenic temperature changes at cruising altitudes.

Other weather and climate hazards to aviation that will be reviewed in this presentation include the propsect of more lightning strikes; rising sea levels and storm surges flooding coastal airports with increasing frequency; and warmer air on the runway reducing lift generation and making it more difficult for aircraft to take-off.

How to cite: Williams, P., Prosser, M., and Smith, I.: Future changes in weather and climate hazards to aviation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18675, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18675, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Simona Meiler, Raed Hamed
Session 2 (1615-1800): Hot and dry
Virtual presentation
Indronil Sarkar and Tamjidul Islam

Rising global temperatures have been linked to changes in rainfall patterns and an increase in extreme rainfall-related weather events worldwide. Because of its fluctuating precipitation, Bangladesh, a nation susceptible to natural catastrophes, has experienced and will continue to confront more catastrophic calamities. Among these hazards, drought is a more concerning issue for an agriculture-dependent country like Bangladesh. This study has addressed this issue and analyzed the drought condition for the historical period (1985–2014) and near future (2025–2054) by estimating the SPI index in the north-west region of Bangladesh. In this study, an investigation has been done for future projections under various scenarios, such as SSP-245 and SSP-370, using seven suitable Coupled Model Intercomparisons Project 6 (CMIP6). Also, the SPI index has been predicted using a feed-forward backpropagation algorithm in an artificial neural network (ANN). This study has compared the results from two analyses (7 CMIP6 models) and machine-learning-based predictive output. For this study, the drought index was determined to be the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) on three timescales: three months, six months, and twelve months. For the analysis, a three-layer artificial neural network model was used. In order to determine the most accurate predictive model for the SPI, this model was trained utilizing the SPI timescales with varying lag durations. The correlation coefficient indicated a high accuracy range (75%–85%) in predictive values, demonstrating the model's effectiveness. Additionally, the comparison of observed versus predicted curves for the SPI index across the three timescales also revealed similar trends. The SPI index, derived from 7 CMIP6 models, shows that in the near future, drought events for SSP-370 scenarios are more frequent than SSP-245 scenarios. For the historical period, Chirps precipitation data has been used along with CMIP6 model data, and it has also shown an increasing trend in drought frequencies with time. This study has analyzed the historical and future drought conditions, which can benefit policymakers by improving infrastructure for giving early warning to farmers and taking necessary precautions to protect the losses due to drought.

How to cite: Sarkar, I. and Islam, T.: Comparative Analysis of SPI Index for Drought Conditions in North-West Bangladesh: A Study of CMIP6 Model Data and Machine Learning-Based Predictions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18895, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18895, 2024.

On-site presentation
Virgílio A. Bento, Daniela C.A. Lima, and Ana Russo

Climate change is a pressing concern impacting contemporary society, with anticipated global warming trends poised to exacerbate environmental challenges. This study explores the implications for the Iberian Peninsula (IP) at the close of the 21st century, exploring the effects of warming and drying trends on population exposure to hot and dry extreme weather events (HDEs). Despite a potential decline in overall population across the IP, warming and drying trends are expected, as highlighted by various studies. Projections indicate increased temperatures and aridity, and a surge in the frequency and intensity of droughts and heatwaves.

For this research, two EURO-CORDEX experiments (13 simulations RCM-GCM (Regional Climate Models – Global Climate Models)) were considered, encompassing different time periods, namely the historical period from 1971 to 2000 and the projected end of the century period spanning 2066 to 2095, aligned with two distinct emission scenarios: RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) is used to quantify the duration of droughts, and the number of hot days is used to quantify warm months. Two representative concentration pathways (RCPs), specifically RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, are employed to delineate distinct greenhouse gas emission trajectories. A weighted multi-variable multi-model ensemble was used with the aim of improving climate simulations and providing reliable projections over the IP.

The findings of this study reveal a notable projected surge in population exposure to both droughts and warm months throughout the entire IP by the close of the century, with climate change identified as the predominant factor for this escalation. Specific regions may undergo a particularly pronounced increase in drought exposure, while instances of exposure to warm months may surpass the 500% mark. Assessment of exposure to future droughts and warm months indicates that climate change plays a predominant role, accounting for a significant percentage of exposure in both Portugal and Spain.

In conclusion, population exposure to droughts and warm months is projected to escalate significantly in the IP by the end of the century, primarily driven by climate change. The study also emphasizes the critical need for mitigation and adaptation strategies to address the potential consequences, particularly in sectors such as water resources, agriculture, human health, and wildfire management. The findings underscore the urgency for regional authorities, policymakers, and society to prioritize adaptation planning and develop a comprehensive understanding of the vulnerabilities and potential strategies to cope with the challenges posed by hot and dry extreme events.

This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/50019/2020), UIDP/50019/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDP/50019/2020) and LA/P/0068/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/LA/P/0068/2020). This work was performed under the scope of project https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.09185.PTDC (DHEFEUS) and supported by national funds through FCT. DL and AR acknowledge FCT I.P./MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) for the FCT https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.03183.CEECIND/CP1715/CT0004 and https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.01167.CEECIND/CP1722/CT0006, respectively.

How to cite: Bento, V. A., Lima, D. C. A., and Russo, A.: An outlook into Iberia’s population exposure to hot and dry extreme weather events at the end of the century, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6217, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6217, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yinglin Tian, Axel Kleidon, Corey Lesk, Sha Zhou, Xiangzhong Luo, Sarosh Alam Ghausi, Guangqian Wang, Deyu Zhong, and Jakob Zscheischler

Extreme heat events often result in considerable harm to both ecosystems and human populations. Heat extremes arise from diverse processes, resulting in heatwaves with distinct characteristics and therefore potentially strongly varying impacts and trends. Relying on the surface energy balance decomposition of temperature, we categorize terrestrial summer heat extremes from 1979 to 2020 into four types: Sunny-humid (36.5%), Sunny–dry (24.5%), Advective (25.0%), and Adiabatic (14.0%). Sunny-humid and Sunny-dry heat extremes are characterized by high-pressure systems and diminished cloud cover, resulting in heightened solar radiation. However, they diverge concerning soil moisture and latent heat fluxes. Conversely, the latter two types emerge from advective heating due to anomalies in the horizontal wind and adiabatic heating from air subsidence, respectively. Both are correlated with an upsurge in downward longwave radiation. Sunny-dry and Advective heat extremes lead to more detrimental effects on terrestrial ecosystem production (reducing net ecosystem uptake by 0.09 gC/m2/d and decreasing maize yield by 7.6%) and human health (raising the thermal stress index by 8.6 K and increasing human mortality by 3.3%), respectively.

State-of-the-art climate models (CMIP6) generally replicate the relative proportions and the geographical distributions of the four types of heatwaves but tend to underestimate the Advective heatwave days. Under a high emission scenario (SSP585), the proportion of Sunny-dry and Advective heat extremes increases by 3.4% and 1.5%, respectively, while Sunny-humid and Adiabatic heatwave days decrease by 3.2% and 1.7%, respectively. This suggests, on top of the already expected increase in heatwaves, additional heat stress on both terrestrial carbon uptake potential and human populations. Our findings underscore the importance of distinction among different types of heat extremes and their impacts, paving the way to develop tailored adaptive.

How to cite: Tian, Y., Kleidon, A., Lesk, C., Zhou, S., Luo, X., Alam Ghausi, S., Wang, G., Zhong, D., and Zscheischler, J.: Global warming increases the proportion of more damaging heat extremes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6242, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6242, 2024.

On-site presentation
Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart, Irene Benito Lazaro, Karin van der Wiel, Linda gavras-van Garderen, Dewi Le Bars, Elco Koks, and Bart van den Hurk

While high impact weather events pose considerable challenges to society, we have limited understanding of their risks and potential impacts due to their rare nature. Climate change, in combination with internal climate variability, increases the uncertainty around these events and their impacts in the future. Storylines offer a non-probabilistic approach into estimating and understanding such events and their impacts conditioned on specific assumptions and scenarios, such as climate change and internal climate variability. Our study presents storylines of Hurricane Sandy (2012) to assess compound coastal flooding's impact on New York City's critical infrastructure under different scenarios. These include the effects of climate change, such as changes in storm dynamics and sea-level rise, as well as internal climate variability, accounting for variations in storm intensity and location. We use a comprehensive modelling framework, spanning from the driving climatological conditions to compound flooding and societal impacts. Our findings indicate that a 1m sea level rise could increase flood volumes by an average of 4.2 times, while internal climate variability could lead to a 2.5-fold increase in flood volumes. We find that impacts on critical infrastructure depend not only on flood volume, but also on the predominant flood hazard in each storyline, like storm surge or local precipitation. This study highlights the importance of developing societal-relevant scenarios that consider both climate change and internal variability. Such scenarios, coupled with a comprehensive modelling framework, provide useful information for decision making when preparing for high impact events in the future.

How to cite: Moreno Dumont Goulart, H., Benito Lazaro, I., van der Wiel, K., gavras-van Garderen, L., Le Bars, D., Koks, E., and van den Hurk, B.: Storylines of Hurricane Sandy under climate change to assess compound coastal flooding impacts in New York City, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3643, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3643, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bor-Ting Jong, Hiroyuki Murakami, and Thomas Delworth

The Northeast US has faced the most rapidly increasing occurrences of extreme rainfall within the US in the past few decades. The latest fully-coupled 25-km GFDL SPEAR simulation, possessing 10 ensemble members, presents a good opportunity to study changes in regional extreme rainfall and relevant physical processes in both current and future climates. The surge in extreme rainfall over the Northeast US since the 1990s is primarily linked to events associated with tropical cyclones (TCs). In a future warming climate, the 25-km GFDL SPEAR SSP5-8.5 simulations project unprecedented rainfall events over the Northeast US, driven by increasing anthropogenic radiative forcing and distinguishable from natural variability, by the mid-21st century. Also, the occurrences of extreme rainfall related to both atmospheric rivers and TCs are projected to increase, even though the number of TC in the North Atlantic is projected to decrease in the 25-km GFDL SPEAR SSP5-8.5 simulations. Factors such as enhancing TC intensity, strengthening TC-related rainfall, or/and westward shift in TC tracks may offset the influence of declining TC numbers in the model projections, leading to more frequent TC-related extreme rainfall over the Northeast US in the future. On the other hand, the increase in extreme rainfall linked to atmospheric rivers is projected to outpace that associated with TCs. Given the distinct spatial patterns of rainfall resulting from atmospheric rivers and TCs, shifts in their relative contributions carry profound implications for risk prevention and mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Jong, B.-T., Murakami, H., and Delworth, T.: TC-induced Increases in Extreme Rainfall over the Northeast United States , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2476, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2476, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jilong Chen, Chi-Yung Tam, Kevin Chueng, and Ziqian Wang

The impacts of the western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclone (TC) on East and Southeast Asian inland regions are analyzed. Here, based on a stringent TC selecting criterion, robust increase of TC-related inland impacts between 1979 and 2016 over East and Southeast Asian regions have been detected. The storms sustained for 2–9 h longer and penetrated 30–190 km further inland, as revealed from different best track datasets. The most significant increase of the TC inland impacts occurred over Hanoi and South China. The physical mechanism that affects TC-related inland impacts is shortly discussed. First, the increasing TC inland impacts just occur in the WNP region, but it is not a global effect. Second, besides the significant WNP warming effects on the enhanced TC landfall intensity and TC inland impacts, it is suggested that the weakening of the upper-level Asian Pacific teleconnection pattern since 1970s may also play an important role, which may reduce the climatic 200 hPa anti-cyclonic wind flows over the Asian region, weakening the wind shear near the Philippine Sea, and may eventually intensify the TC intensity when the TCs across the basin. Moreover, the TC inland impacts in the warming future are projected based on a high-resolution (20 km) global model according to the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario. By the end of the 21st century, TC mean landfall intensity will increase by 2 m/s (6%). The stronger storms will sustain 4.9 h (56%) longer and penetrate 92.4 km (50%) farther inland, thereby almost doubling the destructive power delivered to Asian inland regions. More inland locations will therefore be exposed to severe storm–related hazards in the future due to warmer climate. Long-term planning to enhance disaster preparedness and resilience in these regions is called for.

How to cite: Chen, J., Tam, C.-Y., Chueng, K., and Wang, Z.: Changing impacts of tropical cyclones on East and Southeast Asian inland regions in the past and a globally warmed future climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3003, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3003, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jennifer Dentith, Paul Young, Valeriya Filipova, James Butler, Anya Hawkins, David Leedal, Meredith Pascoe, Kirsty Styles, and Andrew Walkden

Climate change will impact the probabilities of different weather conditions and make new weather conditions possible, with implications for societal exposure to extreme weather hazards. While there is agreement that the frequency and intensity of many hazards will increase at the global scale, there is uncertainty in the spatial distribution of the changes, which needs to be considered in assessments of future extreme weather risk. Typically, this uncertainty is quantified by exploring the range of hazard intensities across a climate model ensemble for a given climate forcing. An alternative approach is to consider the range of atmospheric circulation changes across an ensemble – the driver of much of the relevant uncertainty – and extract a limited set of “physical storylines”. Rather than viewing an ensemble as a continuum of possibilities from which percentiles can be drawn, this physical storyline approach identifies “scenarios within scenarios”, thereby enabling risk modelers to work with more tractable amounts of climate data, end users to explore a “plausible worst case”, and scientists to focus their efforts on which circulation changes might be most likely.

Here, we demonstrate a prototype storyline approach for future flood risk in Central America. We consider how the frequency and intensity of flooding might change by using a pattern-scaling approach to extract the climate signal from climate model output. As a first step towards quantifying the uncertainty in our future flood risk data, we use output from three CMIP6 models that span the range of climate sensitivities and provide different flood storylines for Central America because of their distinct precipitation and temperature trends. We show how return periods for precipitation and streamflow may change under a range of policy-relevant global warming levels, providing useful insights about future surface water and river flooding for the financial, insurance, and development sectors.

How to cite: Dentith, J., Young, P., Filipova, V., Butler, J., Hawkins, A., Leedal, D., Pascoe, M., Styles, K., and Walkden, A.: Towards a storyline approach for examining future flood risk: A Central American case study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15708, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15708, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ted Buskop, Frederiek Sperna Weiland, and Bart van den Hurk

As global climate patterns shift, Europe faces increasing challenges from key risks such as floods. However, translating this knowledge into locally usable risk information presents a significant challenge. A primary reason is the large variability associated with climate projection outcomes, particularly in precipitation patterns. This paper introduces a seasonal decision-scaling approach to identify decision-relevant climate storylines for regional discharge patterns, which are crucial in assessing flood risks. We sample scenarios within the uncertainty space of future projections and employ a statistical weather generator to determine probabilistic flow changes. Through the analysis of flow changes across various climate scenarios, we identify the most impactful seasonal climate parameters. These parameters are then used to cluster Global Climate Models, from which we create a set of decision-relevant climatological storylines for floods. A case study in Latvia demonstrates that river flows depend on only a few key seasonal parameters, indicating that the uncertainty can be effectively captured with a select number of distinct climatological storylines. This study not only simplifies the complexity of analysing future climate risks but also enhances the practicality of climate information at the regional level. Our novel seasonal approach to decision-scaling and the selection of decision-relevant climate storylines can be applied globally in areas where GCMs indicate varying climate trends and can also be used for drought analyses. This methodology leads to simpler climate risk information, thereby fostering improved and more robust adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Buskop, T., Sperna Weiland, F., and van den Hurk, B.: Decision-Relevant Climate Storylines: Using Seasonal Decision-Scaling to Identify Flood Changes in Uncertain GCM Trends, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1647, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1647, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michael Sanderson, Kimberley Eastaugh, Rosa Barciela, and Dan Bernie

Extreme events such as storms, heatwaves and flooding are increasing in severity worldwide owing to climate change. This study evaluates impacts of future projected climate events that could pose a threat to public health in the UK. An aging population means more people will be susceptible to trips and falls during and following extreme climatic events, such as being blown over during high winds. Data from the UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) were used to analyse daily extreme events for the current climate and assess projected changes in these events during the remainder of the 21st century. The hazards studied are heat and cold waves, heat stress related events, extreme precipitation and extreme wind speeds and gusts. The use of the latest convection-permitting climate model simulations (2.2 km resolution) from UKCP18 allows better simulation of localised events which could lead to differing levels of impact on public health across the UK. Under a high emission scenario (RCP8.5), extreme heat and precipitation events are projected to increase in frequency (and in some cases duration) throughout the 21st century. Alternately, extreme cold and cold wave events could reduce in frequency, although extreme cold events could still occur and thus monitoring annually would be advised. Little change is projected in extreme wind speeds and gusts. Many of the existing hazards that the UK is already vulnerable to are therefore likely to increase in severity in most cases, which therefore escalates the threat to public health. Although this study focuses on public health in the UK, a similar approach could be used for hazards in other countries.

How to cite: Sanderson, M., Eastaugh, K., Barciela, R., and Bernie, D.: Extreme climatic events and public health in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15240, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15240, 2024.


Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 14:00–Thu, 18 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: Dann Mitchell
Hemin Sun, Ruozi Yang, and Lin Li

Under the global warming, the frequency of extreme precipitation has increased, and the return period of it has changed. The original extreme analysis method based on stationary theory will underestimate the risk of extreme precipitation. Based on observed hourly precipitation data during 1960 to 2019, a non-stationary frequency analysis of the annual maximum (AM) precipitation for China was conducted, then estimate the difference between stationary and non-stationary estimated return periods using Bayesian inference. After that, projected the extreme precipitation risk under different SSP-RCPs scenarios by the CMIP6 models. The results shown that the trends of 1-, 2-, 3-, 6-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96- and 168-hr AM precipitation in China are complex. The shorter the duration, the more stations that show an upward trend. For a 20-yr to 100-yr return period of 1-hr extreme precipitation, the difference between the non-stationarity and stationarity extreme precipitation is large, and at the station with the upward trend that a stationary assumption may lead to underestimation of extreme precipitation about 32%; the average difference over 24-hr is relatively small, and the difference at station with downward trend is about -17%~-23%. The difference between the extreme precipitation return period under non-stationarity and stationarity assumption decreases with the extension of the duration, and the uncertainty increases as the return period increases in all conditions. The ensembled GCMs show that the precipitation in the 21st century show a fluctuating upward trend in China. The 100-yr return period of 24 -, 48 -, 96 - and 168-hr extreme precipitation changed differently under different scenarios in the early period (2021-2040), the middle period (2041-2060) and the later period (2081-20100). The area exposed to extreme precipitation with 1995 to 2014 100-yr return period under different scenarios varies greatly, among which SSP5-8.5 is the largest and SSP1-1.9 is the smallest. In the short, medium and long period, with the increase of extreme precipitation intensity, the exposure area is increasing. Because of the population change, the characteristics of the exposed population and the exposed area are different. In the medium period, the exposed population is also the largest as the population reaches the peak. Under the assumption of a non-stationary climate, the social-economic exposure of extreme precipitation return level and return period providing new methods and scientific information for design, decision-making, and assessing the impacts of climatic events.

How to cite: Sun, H., Yang, R., and Li, L.: Population exposure to extreme precipitation under a changing climate in Eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2771, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2771, 2024.

Chunhung Wu

The study focuses on the distribution of landslide susceptibility in the future under climate change in the Laonong river watershed (abbreviated as LRW) in southwestern Taiwan. LRW is a mountainous watershed prone to sediment disaster and had caused serious sediment disaster during 2009 Typhoon Morakot. The study used the downscaled daily rainfall data provided by Taiwan Climate Change Estimation Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform (TCCIP) as the daily rainfall data in the future in LRW. We combined the daily rainfall data and the landslide susceptibility model in the LRW to assess the distribution of landslide susceptibility in the future in the LRW.

The landslide susceptibility model was composed of 9 landslide-related factors, including elevation, slope, aspect, geological setting, landuse, Topographic Wetness Index, distance from the rivers, landslide frequency, and daily rainfall. This study built the landslide susceptibility model of LRW based on the daily rainfall data and landslide inventory after 2009 Typhoon Morakot. The AUC (area under receiver operating characteristic curve) of the landslide susceptibility model is 0.712, and the accuracy by using the confusion martix is 0.731.

The study also compared the rainfall characteristic in the past (the rainfall data from 1998 to 2022) and the future (the downscaled rainfall data from 2023 to 2100) in the LRW. No significant difference shows between the characteristic of average annual rainfall in the past and the future, but the monthly rainfall is obviously concentrated in the rainy season, i.e. from May to October. The occupied percentage of accumulated rainfall in the rainy seasons to annual rainfall in the future is larger by 0.3% to 4.1% than that in the past. The daily rainfall with 50 years return period in the future is larger by 56% to 125% than that in the past.

The study combined the daily rainfall data in the future under climate change scenarios SSP126 and SSP585 and the landslide susceptibility model based on 2009 Typhoon Morakot to assess the distribution of landslide susceptibility in the LRW in the future. The area of middle-high and high landslide susceptibility in the LRW increased obviously based on the distribution of landslide susceptibility in the future under climate change. The average landslide susceptibility value in the future in the LRW is larger by 1.7 times than that in the past.

How to cite: Wu, C.: Assessment of Landslide Susceptibility under Climate Change in the Laonong river watershed in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3729, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3729, 2024.

Peter Watson

How can we best apply our science to predicting risks of extreme behaviour in a system as complex as the climate? It would be desirable to be able to represent all of our knowledge about the risks so that it can be applied to enable effective decision-making. Risk assessments often consider only the range of behaviour displayed by climate models, but a substantial part of the risk seems likely to be due to the possibility of the real world veering outside this range. It will be illustrated how implicitly ignoring this component would lead to risks being systematically underestimated, and how multi-model and initial condition large ensembles can be misleading. Recent work on storyline methods has illustrated potential ways to think beyond numerical model simulations, but downplays the quantification of event risks. But since we generally lack clear bounds on how intense extreme events can be, this seems to leave open the question of just how intense should the events be that are considered in analyses. It also does not seem to satisfy decision analyses that seek to quantitatively trade off protection against extremes against other benefits. This presentation considers how we can go beyond counting events in simulations, using tools such as climate models to inform our future projections without being constrained to ignore possible outcomes that they cannot simulate, whilst also retaining as much quantitative knowledge about event risks as possible and acknowledging when ambiguities become very large. Frameworks from philosophy and decision analysis will be surveyed and it will be discussed how these may help to show a way forward in our climate prediction predicament. It will be suggested that climate science should aim to be pluralistic in the knowledge frameworks it considers, to be of use to the broadest possible range of decision making.

How to cite: Watson, P.: Frameworks for considering extreme weather risks in future climates given major uncertainties, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5428, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5428, 2024.

Global projections of flood risk under climate change
(withdrawn after no-show)
Yu Duan
Shuping Ma, Xiao Peng, and Xiaogang He

The Western Malay Archipelago undergoes a severe drought in early 2014, with Singapore experiencing its longest recorded drought period of 62 days from January 13 to March 15, a record dating back to 1929. Here we conduct in-depth analysis to examine the physical drivers of this unprecedented drought. We find that the 2014 drought is primarily due to anomalously high pressure over Southeast Asia. This condition induces the convergence of mid-to-upper level airflows, which then intensifies the subsidence. Simultaneously, the dry and cold airflows from the western and northern continents further exacerbated the subsidence. Anomalous geopotential heights are closely related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO): during the drought, Atlantic sea temperatures exhibit an abnormal tripole pattern, with the MJO in phases 7 and 8. The wave activity flux analysis show that, the NAO induces an eastward-propagating wave train at mid to low latitudes, leading to suppressed convection over the tropical Indian Ocean and a positive anomaly in geopotential height over Southeast Asia. In addition, we find that the seasonal averaged vertical motion (Omega) and relative humidity (RH) anomaly during 2014 Jan-Mar is unprecedented in the observational record from 1980 to 2020, with a return period of Omega and RH likely (>66% probability) in the range of 43~98 years with a median of 147 years. Climate projections based on the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models indicate that dynamical component under global warming is the main driver increasing the frequency of 2014-like droughts in the future.

How to cite: Ma, S., Peng, X., and He, X.: Physical Drivers and Future Risks of the 2014-like Southeast Asia Drought, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7321, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7321, 2024.

Mathieu Boudreault, Roberto Ingrosso, and Francesco Pausata

The future evolution of tropical cyclones (TCs) in a warming world is an important issue, considering their potential socio-economic impacts on the areas hit by these phenomena. Understanding the natural variability and sources of uncertainties over present and future climates and modelling the impacts of TCs remains an important challenge as climate projections do not always provide robust responses about their future evolution. With questions arising about the insurability of coastal communities in the future, risk management requires more robust quantification as to how climate change affects TCs dynamics. It is therefore important to develop TC models that are computationally efficient to provide a full distribution of outcomes for the present and future.

Here, we present a global TC wind model based upon statistical models forced with 10 variables from the 40 members of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) Large Ensemble (LE). The model provides a full description of the frequency, spatial cyclogenesis patterns, tracks and intensities from 1980 to 2060 under the RCP 8.5 emissions scenario. The resulting event sets can therefore be used for risk management in the financial services industry. We find that future frequency of TCs in the North Atlantic is heavily dependent upon how Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and vorticity are accounted for to generate cyclogenesis patterns. Nevertheless, we obtain a larger proportion of Cat. 4-5 storms in the future independently on how SST and vorticity are accounted for with greater intensification along the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast of the U.S. This is consistent with a projected increase (decrease) in the SST (wind shear) over those regions in the CESM-LE. Finally, we find that, especially for Cat. 4+ hurricanes, population growth and climate change should both contribute significantly to the increase in TC risk.

How to cite: Boudreault, M., Ingrosso, R., and Pausata, F.: Assessment of tropical cyclone hazard and risk in a changing climate by means of a new global hybrid model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12765, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12765, 2024.

Cristian Zuniga, Peter Pfleiderer, Niels Souverijns, Fahad Saeed, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Anthropogenic climate change encompasses shifts in weather and climate patterns that result in more severe extreme weather events such as tropical storms and heat waves. Observations and climate model simulations show that compound heat waves are becoming more frequent and intense with increasing global mean temperatures. Nevertheless, appropriate local and actionable climate information is scarce and may hinder an adequate adaptation response.

Here, we use a reversal of the traditional impact chain methodology to find emissions constraints that avoid severe heat waves in Islamabad, Pakistan. We use high-resolution urban climate simulations from UrbClim, global climate simulations from CMIP6, and climate simulations from the simple climate model FaIR to estimate local risk threshold exceedances for a large set of emission scenarios. By doing so, we can link specific levels of local climatic impact-drivers to global climate trajectories and assess emission constraints that would avoid severe heat events in Islamabad.

Connecting local risk threshold exceedance to global emission benchmarks can clarify the benefits of reduced emissions for society and decision-makers. Furthermore, our modeling framework allows to investigate different combinations of heat thresholds with occurrence frequencies and can easily be used to answer specific questions from various stakeholders.

How to cite: Zuniga, C., Pfleiderer, P., Souverijns, N., Saeed, F., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Severe heat waves in Islamabad and its links with global mitigation benchmarks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17261, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17261, 2024.

Response of storm surge spatiotemporal feature to climate patterns change on the coast of China in past hundred years. 
(withdrawn after no-show)
Yue Zhang
Extreme Climate and Weather Events in India: A Comprehensive Analysis from CMIP6 Data and Projections under different SSP Scenarios
(withdrawn after no-show)
Shashi Gaurav Kumar, Ajanta Goswami, and Praveen Kumar Singh