HS10.5 | Groundwater-surface water interactions: physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes
Groundwater-surface water interactions: physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes
Convener: Alejandra Villa | Co-conveners: Jörg Lewandowski, Fulvio Boano, Stefan Krause, Jan Fleckenstein
| Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.15
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall A
Orals |
Thu, 10:45
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 14:00
Groundwater-surface water interfaces are crucial for the continuity of aquifer-river and aquifer-lake systems. These interfaces include various interconnected zones such as hyporheic zones, benthic zones, riparian corridors, and lake sediments, where bidirectional interactions between surface water and aquifer occur. Current research focuses on the effects of water exchange on the transport and transformation of nutrients, microplastics, and pollutants. It also addresses the control of heat, oxygen, and organic matter budgets available to microorganisms and macroinvertebrates in sediments. However, further investigation is needed to establish a comprehensive understanding of the physical, biogeochemical, and ecological processes occurring at groundwater-surface water interfaces, and their implications for fluvial ecology and limnology. Furthermore, it is essential to consider how exchange fluxes respond to environmental and climate factors at different spatial and temporal scales, such as river channels, alluvial aquifers, and regional groundwater flow. Upscaling and downscaling of a general conceptual framework, as well as enhancing process comprehension, are identified as the most significant challenges in this field of research. We invite contributions that focus on the development and application of novel experimental methods for studying physical, biogeochemical, and ecological conditions at the groundwater-surface water interface in rivers, lakes, riparian zones, and wetlands. One of our main interests lies in investigating the role of hyporheic processes in the retention and natural attenuation of nutrients and pollutants, and their influence on surface and groundwater quality. Additionally, we encourage research involving hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological modeling approaches (e.g. transient storage models, coupled groundwater-surface water models, etc.). Finally, we welcome presentations that investigate the impact of groundwater-surface water interactions on management and risk assessment in view of the European Water Framework Directive.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 2.15

Chairpersons: Alejandra Villa, Jörg Lewandowski
On-site presentation
James L. McCallum, Tim Ginn, and Anja Hoehne

The fate of compounds in natural streams is heavily dependent on their exposure to different biogeochemical conditions during transport. Classifying biogeochemical conditions and the fate of contaminants in stream sediment studies allows for controls to be determined at point scale; however, the total contribution of exchange with sediments containing specific conditions at the reach scale remains challenging as the magnitude of exchange can be highly heterogeneous, and the overall contribution of the time spent in specific biogeochemical conditions   relative to the total transport time is unknown. To overcome the issues of upscaling point studies we present an exposure time-based modelling approach following Ginn (1999).  The approach allows for exposure velocities to control how the solute is tracked in the system; a velocity of one suggests that the exposure time to a certain biogeochemical condition increases at a rate of 1/time. The transport characteristics of the system are then identified by applying exposure velocities of zero or 1 to obtain the distribution of times spent in individual components of the stream-sediment system. These can be aggregated through convolution to give the total residence time, or individual components may be first modified to represent sorption and removed prior to aggregation after Höhne et al. (2021). We present a model that contains three zones – stream, benthic (shallow sediment) and hyporheic (deep sediment) zones under steady flow conditions and interpret a multi-tracer study from the Erpe River to demonstrate the utility of the model. The presented approach offers insights into the contribution of key individual components to stream transport, greatly improving our understanding of the controls on stream transport and contaminant removal.


Ginn, Timothy R. 1999. ‘On the Distribution of Multicomponent Mixtures over Generalized Exposure Time in Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport: Foundations, and Formulations for Groundwater Age, Chemical Heterogeneity, and Biodegradation’. Water Resources Research 35 (5): 1395–1407. https://doi.org/10.1029/1999WR900013.

Höhne, Anja, Jörg Lewandowski, Jonas L. Schaper, and James L. McCallum. 2021. ‘Determining Hyporheic Removal Rates of Trace Organic Compounds Using Non-Parametric Conservative Transport with Multiple Sorption Models’. Water Research 206 (November). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117750.

How to cite: McCallum, J. L., Ginn, T., and Hoehne, A.: Representing multicompartment stream transport utilising exposure time, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22010, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22010, 2024.

On-site presentation
Audrey Sawyer, Lauren Decker, Susan Welch, Junfeng Zhu, Andrew Binley, Hannah Field, Brittany Hanrahan, and Kevin King

In agricultural areas with poorly drained soils, subsurface tile drains are commonly installed to improve drainage but also serve as conduits that deliver excess nutrients to adjacent streams. Our goal was to understand the transport of phosphorus (P) along these flow paths by applying a novel mixture of tracers (including 866 g of conservative chloride (Cl), 3.4 g of potassium phosphate, and approximately 3.6x1011 fluorescent micrometer-sized particles, or 49.5 g) to a farm field and sampling their breakthrough curves at the outlet to a stream, approximately 30 meters away. Simultaneously, we performed a 26-hour time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey to monitor the saline tracer migration in three dimensions every 0.5 to 1 hour. The initial pulse of tracers had a mean arrival time of 21 minutes and transported 262 g of added Cl (28%), 0.65 g of dissolved P (17%), and 1.4x1010 particles (4%) to the tile drain outlet. A stochastic mobile-immobile model fit the anomalous (non-Fickian) solute breakthrough curves, where the mobile zone represents the macropore and tile drain network, and the immobile zone represents the soil matrix. Residence times in the immobile zone exhibited a heavy (power-law) tail. ERT images confirmed the retention of tracer mixture in soils after concentrations were no longer measurable at the tile drain outlet. Core samples suggest that 96% of particles and 21% of dissolved P were retained within 10.5 cm of the application location. Solutes and particles were remobilized over longer timescales during three successive storms. Exported masses of Cl and dissolved P at the tile drain outlet ranged from 1,490-12,300 g and 25.7-65.2 g, respectively, indicating flushing of older Cl and P stored in soils before the tracer experiment. Less than 0.01% of the added fluorescent particles were flushed during these storm events. This study indicates the wide range of P travel times through the subsurface in tile drained landscapes and the need to incorporate non-Fickian transport behavior in models.

How to cite: Sawyer, A., Decker, L., Welch, S., Zhu, J., Binley, A., Field, H., Hanrahan, B., and King, K.: Anomalous subsurface phosphorus transport from field to stream in a tile drained landscape: Tracer experiment and models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13172, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13172, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shijie Zhu, Peng Huang, and Ting Fong May Chui

The hyporheic zone (HZ), an interstitial space immediately beneath and adjacent to streams, is characterized by frequent exchanges between groundwater and surface water, and by transformations of energy, organics, and solutes. Our previous studies on HZ (Huang and Chui, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020wr029182, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032221) have shown that stream morphology, such as meanders and pool-riffle bedforms, significantly complicates subsurface flow patterns and increases the flowrate and scale of the hyporheic exchange (HE), leading to a hypothesis of a more dynamic and complex biogeochemical regime in both vertical and lateral extents of the HZ.

In this study, we focused on the biogeochemical reactions associated with stream nitrogen cycling, including aerobic respiration (AR) and denitrification (DN) in both straight and meandering pool-riffle streams — due to their significant effects on stream ecology improvement. We also compared how stream morphology influences redox zonation and denitrification potential on a spatial-temporal scale. Using the physical pool-riffle stream model built in our previous study, we conducted tracer experiments with the conservative material NaCl. A three-dimensional (3D) model that couples with hyporheic flow and biogeochemical reactions was developed to investigate AR and DN processes. The groundwater reaction model was calibrated using the measured concentration curves at downwelling and upwelling regions of the HZ, assuming reaction rate was zero. Our preliminary results from the numerical simulation showed that 1) both straight and meandering pool-riffle streams with riparian zones exhibit significant nitrate transfer zones in the anoxic regions beneath the streambed and in the riparian area, which is dominated by advection. 2) the interbank of meandering streams may contain multiple DN hotspots, which is significantly affected by the local HEs. Ignoring the riparian zone may lead to an underestimation of the denitrification potential in the HZ. Further studies are needed to comprehensively investigate biogeochemical reactions in 3D meandering streams and their responses to morphologic factors (e.g., sinuosity), hydrological factors (e.g. stream discharge and groundwater flow) and environmental factors (e.g. diurnal and seasonal temperature variations).

How to cite: Zhu, S., Huang, P., and May Chui, T. F.: Differences of denitrification potential between straight and meandering pool-riffle streams with riparian zones, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21406, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21406, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alessandra Marzadri, Nerea Portillo de Arbeloa, and Daniele Tonina

Streams and rivers, together with their bed (i.e. benthic) and subsurface (i.e. hyporheic zone) environments represents the natural connectors between terrestrial and aquatic environments through which transport and transformation processes control the fate of a multitude of elements, including nutrients and contaminants, commonly produced by human activities. In recent years, particular attention was given to a new class of pollutants known as Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) that include, among others, microplastics. Microplastics enter the streams and rivers after escaping degradation from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and during the time they spend within the riverine environments they may have potential adverse effects on human and freshwater ecosystems. Among the different processes that affect their fate, burial within the streambed sediments is still the subject of current research; especially considering that under some hydrodynamics conditions small scale bedforms (i.e. dunes and ripples) can migrate causing hyporheic exchange to depend on both bedform migration, called turnover, and near-bed pressure gradients, called pumping. Here, we analyze the effects of turnover and pumping in sand-bedded streams with mobile dunes by proposing an analytical solution of the process. The proposed analytical solution allows us to determine: i) the pressure head distribution, ii) the velocity field and iii) the residence time distribution within a homogeneous stream bed sediment under transient conditions of the stream flows. The solution allows to characterize and quantify the penetration depth and the release (i.e. the resuspension process) of microplastics due to the trapping-releases successions as hyporheic pathways (connecting downwelling and upwelling zones) change in time.

How to cite: Marzadri, A., Portillo de Arbeloa, N., and Tonina, D.: A semi-analytical approach to characterize the effects of unsteadiness and dune migration on microplastics fate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15766, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15766, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yoni Teitelbaum, Edwin Saavedra Cifuentes, Aaron Packman, Shai Arnon, and Scott K. Hansen

Head induced by bedforms at the sediment-water interface (SWI) is typically represented in one of two ways: either by solving the RANS equations for the water column, or by a sinusoidal boundary condition defined by Elliott and Brooks (1997). Both of these methods have been used to model bedform-induced hyporheic exchange flux (HEF) on domains of constant shape. Under sufficiently fast flow conditions, however, bedform shape is irregular and evolves over time. For these conditions, neither method is fully appropriate: RANS is too computationally intensive, while the Elliott and Brooks boundary condition is based on measurements taken using rigid bedforms of an idealized triangular shape (Fehlman, 1985). We present a procedure for estimating head induced by arbitrarily-shaped bedforms using timelapse photos of dye tracer tests. At a given time t, an initial guess of head along the SWI is generated. The predicted evolution of the dye plume observed in the photo at time t is calculated using the model of Teitelbaum et al. (2022). The predicted dye plume location is compared against the observed plume location from the next photo. This comparison is used as the objective criterion in an optimization procedure, which is run until the estimate of head at the SWI converges. Results show agreement with experimental observations from dye tracer tests. The estimated head is used as input data to predict head distribution based solely on SWI shape. This work provides a new way to estimate head under arbitrary SWI shape. Thus, it constitutes an important advance in realistic modeling of bedform-induced hyporheic exchange flux.

How to cite: Teitelbaum, Y., Saavedra Cifuentes, E., Packman, A., Arnon, S., and Hansen, S. K.: Estimating and Predicting Bedform-Induced Head Gradients Using Dye Tracer Tests, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14846, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14846, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xiaohua Huang, Pia Ebeling, Guodong Liu, Jan Fleckenstein, and Christian Schmidt

Interactions between groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) play a pivotal role in influencing water quantity, quality, and associated biogeochemical and ecological processes in stream networks. Understanding the spatial pattern of gaining and losing rivers is crucial for managing water resources at catchment scale. Each method to identify losing and gaining rivers, from point to reach to catchment scale, has distinct advantages and limitations. These limitations can potentially be mitigated by combining different approaches.

In this study, we combined local information from hydraulic head differences between GW and SW with the regional information derived from topography-driven groundwater flow to robustly identify and characterize the spatial pattern of gaining and losing rivers in two study areas located at Central Germany –the Bode catchment and Free State of Thuringia. Central Germany has faced a drought period in the last five years, which has impacted groundwater levels. To evaluate local head differences, we compared the measured averaged groundwater levels (GWLs) and estimated surface levels (SWLs). The GWL data were obtained from 49 and 826 groundwater monitoring wells within a 1500 m distance from rivers in the Bode catchment and Thuringia, respectively. We developed a method for estimating SWLs across river networks by correcting a coarse DEM (25 m) based on the river bed elevations and river water depths recorded at gauging stations and river network topology. Uncertainties of SWL were also estimated and considered in the classification of gaining and losing rivers. Topography-driven discharge (gaining rivers) and recharge (losing rivers) areas are derived from groundwater upward and downward flow directions according to a 3D spectral solution.

The analysis of head differences reveals a widespread occurrence of losing rivers. However, when combining the losing and gaining classifications from topographical-driven groundwater flow with the classifications from head differences, the fraction of river segments having the same classification from both methods is relatively low (around 50% in both study areas). Many river segments showed contradictory classifications from the two methods, with a notable observation being that rivers have losing classifications from head differences but gaining classifications from topographic analyses. Specifically, 41% of river segments in Thuringia and 7 out of 9 (78%) in the Bode catchment fall into this category. This mismatch typically occurred in urban and mining areas, indicating anthropogenically lowered GWLs.

By combining local and regional scale methods, our study contributes to a more robust representation of patterns of gaining and losing rivers. Our analysis reveals the prominence of losing rivers despite the topographical classification of a gaining river highlights the anthropogenic impacts on local groundwater levels.

How to cite: Huang, X., Ebeling, P., Liu, G., Fleckenstein, J., and Schmidt, C.: Local head differences and topography-driven groundwater flow to robustly identify gaining and losing streams, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11321, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11321, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rebecca Hoess and Juergen Geist

The hyporheic zone at the surface water-groundwater interface is an important compartment of stream ecosystems. It is a hotspot of aquatic biodiversity and key to functional processes, especially in relation to nutrient cycling and retention as well as the self-cleaning ability of streams. The core objective of this study was to understand the complex and heterogeneous role of hyporheic exchange on nutrient cycling and transport over different spatial and temporal scales in relation to anthropogenic land use and sediment dynamics. We assessed sediment dynamics, redox potentials and interstitial habitat quality in conjunction with ion-and nutrient concentrations in the open water and the interstitial zone across a range of silicate stream systems of varying intensities of catchment use and under different discharge conditions. Snow melt events were highly important for the mobilization of fine sediments and stream bed cleaning. In contrast, strong rain events caused high additional fine sediment deposition rates. Fine sediment inputs from small catchment elements like fish ponds strongly depended on pond management. Spatial patterns in hyporheic nutrient concentrations differed from surface water nutrient concentrations, and hyporheic exchange flow varied for different compounds. Intensively and extensively used streams varied strongly in surface water nutrient concentrations while differences in interstitial ion concentrations were much lower. Waterborne denitrification was mostly found in intensively used catchments with elevated fine sediment deposition rates and in fish ponds. Increased fine sediment deposition on the stream bed resulting from excessive erosion input and resulting colmation were regularly observed in intensively used catchments. They can impair the exchange of surface water with the interstitial zone, in turn affecting hyporheic processes. Such knowledge on the potential impact of hyporheic processes on surface water nutrient dynamics along land use gradients is needed to guide future management of catchments and waterbodies to reduce anthropogenic pressures on aquatic ecosystems.

How to cite: Hoess, R. and Geist, J.: Spatiotemporal variation in hyporheic nutrient concentrations and interstitial water quality in relation to land use and sediment dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7701, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7701, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Antoine Di Ciacca, Maxime Brand, L. Guinevere Knight, and Patrick Durney

In numerous regions, surface water courses provide essential recharge to aquifers, particularly in times of increased aridity. In the Canterbury Plains (New Zealand), gravel-bed rivers are a major source of groundwater recharge to the aquifers, which are intensively pumped for irrigation but also sustain a number of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Some of these rivers lose so much of their water to the underlying aquifers that they are ephemeral.

In this study, a recently developed method has been employed to estimate transmission losses in the upper Selwyn and Orari Rivers using the extensive Planet Monitoring satellite image collection (2010-2023). Using a simple linear modelling approach, we have converted the transmission losses to total groundwater recharge and extended the record to the 1980s. This dataset unveils historical variations in groundwater recharge from these rivers.

The findings indicate an average annual groundwater recharge of approximately 50 million m³/y from the upper Selwyn and about 183 million m³/y from the upper Orari. Notably, the influence of climate is evident through significant interannual fluctuations (up to 100%) correlated with precipitation, tied to broader climatic phenomena such as El Niño/La Niña and the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation. However, no distinct impact of longer-term climate change has been observed in this context.

Moreover, this study delves into the environmental implications of these recharge sources. Notably, the upper Selwyn River sustains a critical groundwater-dependent ecosystem, supporting the endangered Kōwaro (Canterbury mudfish) in springs downstream of the studied losing reach. The analysis reveals that recharge from the upper Selwyn maintains adequate water levels and flows in these springs. However, during dry periods, when the seasonal average recharge rate drops below 2 m³/s, groundwater levels are insufficient to reach the springs, potentially causing harmful effects on this ecosystem.

Ongoing research focuses on further exploring the environmental implications of groundwater recharge from the upper Selwyn and Orari Rivers and explaining the differences observed between the two river systems.

How to cite: Di Ciacca, A., Brand, M., Knight, L. G., and Durney, P.: Groundwater recharge from ephemeral rivers of the Canterbury Plains (New-Zealand): historical reconstruction using satellite imagery and environmental implications, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4767, 2024.

On-site presentation
Constanze Englisch, Eva Kaminsky, Cornelia Steiner, Eszter Nyéki, Christine Stumpp, and Christian Griebler

Groundwater is one of our most important and heavily utilized resources. However, it is also home to a variety of microbes and fauna, that have adapted to a dark, cold, and typically energy-poor environment for thousands of years. Therefore, groundwater is a habitat with high numbers of endemic and cryptic species as well as hidden biodiversity hotspots. These highly specialised animals, while assumed to provide vital ecosystem services including water purification, are susceptible to intermediate-term (years to decades) changes in environmental conditions. In urban areas, a multitude of pressures like increased temperatures, extensive surface sealing and pollution are impacting groundwater ecosystems with deteriorating effects on biodiversity and groundwater quality. Aiming to reveal key factors of spatio-temporal biodiversity patterns, fauna community composition and links between subsurface urban heat islands, species richness and water quality, 150 groundwater wells in the city of Vienna were sampled in autumn 2021 and in spring 2022 to include seasonal variability. Focusing on subsurface heat accumulation as a main driver, a large set of biotic and abiotic variables was analysed as part of the project “Heat below the City”. The results show that the mean groundwater temperature of 14°C in Vienna is about 2 K above the natural background, with anthropogenic heat sources having an impact on the degree of warming and groundwater fauna composition. The absence of dissolved oxygen (DO) and NO3- as well as the presence of dissolved Fe2+, HS- and CH4 hint at zones with reducing conditions correlated with low faunal biodiversity. The application and comparison of several groundwater ecosystem health indices as well as the development of a robust habitat suitability assessment for groundwater fauna contribute to the establishment of an integrative groundwater management strategy, combining groundwater quality aspects, its sustainable use as source for drinking water, heating and cooling, and conservation strategies for groundwater biodiversity in the future.

How to cite: Englisch, C., Kaminsky, E., Steiner, C., Nyéki, E., Stumpp, C., and Griebler, C.: Life below the City – Impacts of urbanization and subsurface heat islands on groundwater fauna in the city of Vienna, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17004, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17004, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall A

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Fulvio Boano, Jan Fleckenstein
Mortimer Bacher, Julian Klaus, Adam Ward, Jasmine Krause, Catalina Segura, and Clarissa Glaser

The exchange of stream water and groundwater (hyporheic exchange) plays an important role in hydrological and biogeochemical processes in rivers. Hyporheic flow comprises a distribution of subsurface flow paths characterized by distinct transit times and flow path lengths. Much of the previous research relied on the interpretation of slug tracer experiments that only capture a portion of the overall hyporheic exchange, given their relatively short (minutes to hours) duration. Therefore, there is a need to go beyond the characterization of shorter flow paths in hyporheic research to understand flow paths of the entire transit time distribution. We hypothesize that environmental tracers provide complementary information into longer hyporheic flow paths. Here we derive and compare commonly used transport metrics for hyporheic exchange derived from radon and slug tracer injections and aim to identify combinations of model parameters that predict the concentrations of both tracers along experimental stream reaches. For this purpose, we measured the environmental tracer radon (222Rn), that increases with time along hyporheic flow paths, at several stream sections along Oak Creek, Oregon (USA). We conducted slug tracer (sodium chloride) injections at the same stream sections. We employed a transient storage model that includes radon specific processes such as radioactive decay to ensure comparability in the information acquired on hyporheic exchange from radon and the typically applied slug tracer experiments. We calibrated final stream discharge and hyporheic exchange metrics through a global identifiability analysis and subsequently calculated relevant transport metrics using the refined parameters. Results with the field data will be obtained soon. Hence, this study will contribute to a more holistic understanding of hyporheic flow paths and related processes, such as the biogeochemical turnover processes in rivers.

How to cite: Bacher, M., Klaus, J., Ward, A., Krause, J., Segura, C., and Glaser, C.: On the value of slug tracer injections and the naturally occurring radon for observing hyporheic exchange, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1037, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1037, 2024.

Jörg Lewandowski, Anja Höhne, Anna Jäger, Anna Lena Kronsbein, Karin Meinikmann, Birgit M. Müller, Malte Posselt, Christoph J. Reith, Jonas Schaper, Hanna Schulz, Maria Alejandra Villa Arroyave, Shai Arnon, Marcus A. Horn, Stefan Krause, James L. McCallum, Gunnar Nützmann, Anke Putschew, and Stephanie Spahr

Increasing concentrations of trace organic compounds (TrOCs) in water bodies worldwide are of great concern. In addition to a general load reduction and a better understanding of the ecotoxicological effects of TrOC cocktails, it is important to better understand the pathways and fate of this large group of compounds in the environment. The lowland River Erpe (Berlin/Brandenburg, Germany), which receives treated wastewater from an urban wastewater treatment plant, is an excellent site for such research, as TrOC concentrations are exceptionally high compared to other German rivers, allowing reliable process studies without much analytical effort such as prior enrichment steps of water samples. In addition, the river system offers a variety of reaches that differ in hydrology and streambed morphology, allowing for different types of investigations. Over the past 12 years, more than 100 researchers have been involved in several large and numerous smaller studies on the River Erpe. Topics have included the role of hyporheic zones in the self-purification capacity of streams with respect to TrOCs, seasonal changes, interactions between easily degradable organic matter and TrOC attenuation, the importance of identifying flow paths for understanding biogeochemical processes, the effects of management actions such as macrophyte removal on the fate of TrOCs, the effects of losing conditions on TrOC input to aquifers and bank filtration systems, the effects of discharge of treated effluent from a large new industrial site on river water composition, and the identification of microbial key players associated with TrOC removal, and much more. Ongoing research includes topics such as bioremediation, the effects of migrating bedforms on the fate of TrOCs, and the effects of droughts on water quality at bathing sites in the receiving River Spree. Research highlights and future directions are presented.

How to cite: Lewandowski, J., Höhne, A., Jäger, A., Kronsbein, A. L., Meinikmann, K., Müller, B. M., Posselt, M., Reith, C. J., Schaper, J., Schulz, H., Villa Arroyave, M. A., Arnon, S., Horn, M. A., Krause, S., McCallum, J. L., Nützmann, G., Putschew, A., and Spahr, S.: Trace organic compounds in wastewater-loaded lowland River Erpe – Key findings from 12 years of research, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-50, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-50, 2024.

P Kedarnath Reddy and Sumit Sen

River systems, such as the Himalayan, consist of three zones: source (high mountains, glaciers), transition (lower mountains, agriculture), and floodplain. About 800 million people in the highlands and Indo-Gangetic plains depend on the Himalayas, hence called the "Water towers of Asia," for freshwater (Kulkarni et al., 2021). While the transition zone contains lower mountains and sustains agricultural activities, the source zone has severe gradients, high peaks, and deep valleys (Nepal et al., 2014). Hence, it is imperative to understand the river systems. It is important to explore methods that have the potential to increase the water quality by inherent natural processes of lotic systems that can assimilate contaminants. One such process is Hyporheic exchange (HE). Keeping in mind the expenses associated with field testing and with the goal of facilitating the development of a deeper understanding over a greater spatial extent, a cost-effective approach is sought. Thus, my study aims to develop a preliminary understanding of hyporheic exchange in the pristine Himalayan headwaters over a meandering section of the Ringali gad stream flowing through the Mussoorie Wildlife Sanctuary. Wherein mini drive point piezometers were used to measure vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG) variations in response to rainfall events over a period of 30 days, and it is observed that the downwelling zones that were giving VHG values of around -0.1 also converted to upwelling zones with VHG values of around +0.1.

How to cite: Reddy, P. K. and Sen, S.: Understanding Hyporheic exchange flows around a meandering section of pristine Himalayan headwaters, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1154, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1154, 2024.

Vitaly Zlotnik, Avinoam Rabinovich, and Michael Cardiff

In water table aquifers, evapotranspiration can be reduced due to the groundwater pumping. These changes must be evaluated to assess how much water can be used for groundwater withdrawals. Although this salvage phenomenon was well understood a long time ago since pioneering studies of Theis and Bredehoeft, the models always applied numerical techniques to treat their non-linearity, most commonly using MODFLOW. However, in cases of limitations on watershed data properties, analytical methods were used successfully for practical evaluation of water balance components (e.g., stream depletion rates). Previously we made a breakthrough in solving the Bredehoeft problem analytically by linearization. This solution permits evaluating stream depletion and loss of storage in addition to salvage. Using compiled ranges of input parameters, the detailed analysis of solution using the COMSOL software indicates that linear approximation of the problem has good accuracy in practical ranges. Diagrams for evaluation of accuracy for broad ranges of parameters defining stream-aquifer connection and evapotranspiration are presented. Results can be used for analyses of the watershed water balances.

How to cite: Zlotnik, V., Rabinovich, A., and Cardiff, M.: The Bredehoeft Problem: Verifying Accuracy of Linearized Salvage Evaluation in Water Table Aquifers due to Groundwater Pumping, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2581, 2024.

Clarissa Glaser and Julian Klaus

Predicting in-stream transport and transient storage processes is crucial for determining biogeochemical turnover and protecting stream ecosystems. One common way to study these processes consists in analysing slug injections of artificial tracers into the stream. The explanatory power of processes inferred from these experiments depends on the quality and completeness of the recorded tracer signal, i.e., the breakthrough curve (BTC). The stream settings strongly influence the explanatory power of the BTC. For instance, an increase in transient storage zones can result in a more pronounced tailing of the BTC. It is well-known that different tracers such as sodium chloride or dye tracers exhibit different detection limits. However, limited guidance exists if and how the choice of the selected tracer or the stream settings biases the conclusion drawn from tracer experiments. To address this research gap, we carried out numerical experiments generating BTCs from slug injections through 10,000 randomly selected parameter combinations mimicking stream conditions. We employed these randomly selected parameter combinations from a predefined range for the dispersion parameter, flow velocity, cross-sectional area, and with and without consideration of transient storage exchange processes. The BTCs were truncated based on the detection limits for sodium chloride and the dye tracer uranine. We calculated transport metrics such as the temporal moments of BTCs and the transient storage index (TSI) to identify differences between the BTCs truncated based on the detection limits of both tracers. We found that the different tracers resulted in clearly different transport metrics. Specifically, the BTCs of the dye tracer exhibited higher TSI values compared to those resulting from BTCs derived from the salt tracer. The absolute and relative differences between the transport metrics of both tracers increased with higher values for the transient storage parameters, particularly for higher flow velocity and a higher dispersion coefficients representative for small streams. Our results revealed that analyzing BTCs from small streams is clearly biased when relying on sodium chloride in the experiments. These finding raise caution considering the importance of the choice of tracer, and we recommend the use of dye tracers over salt tracers for small streams where a high impact of transient storage processes is expected.

How to cite: Glaser, C. and Klaus, J.: Different tracers result in different storage and transport parameters in transient storage models , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6022, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6022, 2024.

Scott Wilson, Richard Measures, Jo Hoyle, Guglielmo Stecca, Patrick Durney, Antoine Di Ciacca, and Thomas Woehling

A new conceptualisation describing surface water-groundwater exchange for braided rivers and their associated alluvial aquifers has been developed (Wilson et al., 2023 Preprint). This conceptualisation recognises that braided rivers create their own high-permeability shallow aquifer system through the process of mobilising bed sediments during flood events. A braided river can therefore be considered a “river system” consisting of surface channels and an intrinsically linked subsurface gravel reservoir, the “braidplain aquifer”. This conceptualisation implies that for settings where the river system is hydraulically disconnected to the regional aquifer, groundwater recharge is largely governed by braidplain aquifer width. Additionally, for settings where the river system is hydraulically connected to the regional aquifer, river bed levels will have a large control on recharge rates since they determine the hydraulic gradient. Depending on the hydraulic status, groundwater recharge can be compromised by narrowing the active braidplain, and bed degradation caused by extracting gravel from the braidplain aquifer at a rate that exceeds natural replenishment. To test the impact of river management on groundwater recharge, long-term records of river mean bed level from surveyed cross sections were compared to groundwater levels for the Wairau and Ngaruroro rivers in New Zealand. Scenario testing for different river system widths and elevations was also conducted in MODFLOW based on shorter term monitoring records.

In New Zealand, groundwater monitoring commenced after the river flood engineering schemes of the 1960’s, so the impact of river narrowing is not captured by groundwater records. However, hydraulically connected recharge reaches of the Wairau and Ngaruroro river systems have both been subject to more recent bed degradation caused by gravel extraction. The long-term groundwater level decline in the regional aquifers clearly mimics the drop in mean bed levels in the recharge reaches of the rivers. The drop in river bed elevations can also account for the decline in groundwater levels in MODFLOW scenario modelling.

Observation data for the Wairau and Ngaruroro systems show that the dynamic component of recharge pulses from flood flows propagate rapidly through their associated highly transmissive alluvial aquifers. For both hydraulically connected and disconnected braidplain aquifer-regional aquifer settings, maintaining a steady rate of recharge is therefore most beneficial for sustaining groundwater levels throughout the year. The observation data and modelling results confirm that gravel extraction in the braidplain aquifer is having the largest impact on the hydrological function of the regional aquifer in the two hydraulically connected systems studied here. In both cases, the decline in bed levels offsets the benefit of recharge sourced from flood flow events.

Wilson, S., Hoyle, J., Measures, R., Di Ciacca, A., Morgan, L. K., Banks, E. W., Robb, L., and Wöhling, T.: Conceptualising surface water-groundwater exchange in braided river systems, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-2767, 2023.

How to cite: Wilson, S., Measures, R., Hoyle, J., Stecca, G., Durney, P., Di Ciacca, A., and Woehling, T.: Impact of river management on groundwater recharge from braided rivers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6843, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6843, 2024.

Yiming Li, Zhang Wen, Uwe Schneidewind, Hui Liu, and Stefan Krause

Large in-stream structures such as dams can regulate the dynamic of the river stage, which potentially alters the patterns of hyporheic exchange flow (HEF) and mass transfer between the river and adjacent aquifer. However, current studies haven’t focused on how a large dam affects the evolution of HEF and residence time distribution (RTD), especially in the upstream area. In this study, we conducted the geophysical survey and groundwater stage monitoring of three monitoring transects around the XingLong Water Conservancy Dam (XLD) in China, which covers both upstream and downstream riparian areas. Based on these field data, a two-dimensional, horizontal numerical model was built to assess the spatiotemporal evolutions of lateral HEF, hyporheic zone (HZ) and groundwater RTD under the regulation of the XLD. The monitoring and simulation outcomes highlighted the different impact patterns of the XLD in upstream and downstream regions. For instance, the groundwater in the regions upstream of the dam was found to be recharged for the most of time, while the groundwater immediately downstream of the dam was significantly discharged. As the river stage fluctuates, the XLD significantly enhanced the HZ along the upstream river boundary whereas substantial HZ downstream was mainly observed in response to rising or high river stage. Furthermore, the XLD resulted in flow paths around the XLD with short lengths and high flow velocity, which consequently resulted in a significant HZ in the perimeter surrounding the XLD. Results of RTD show that water in the HZ downstream of the XLD was rejuvenated, whereas the HZ upstream of the XLD comprises a mix of aged and rejuvenated waters. These findings emphasized the need for full consideration of river stage dynamics surrounding the dam in analytical or numerical analysis when aiming to assess the bank storage and the aquatic environment in a dam-regulated river corridor aquifer, and have potential implications for the decision of the construction or removal of the dam, river restoration and purification of pollutants in aquifer.

How to cite: Li, Y., Wen, Z., Schneidewind, U., Liu, H., and Krause, S.: Field monitoring and numerical investigation on the regulation of a large dam structure on the patterns of lateral hyporheic exchange and residence time distributions - The Xinglong Water Conservancy Dam, China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14520, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14520, 2024.

Ziwei Guo, Zhang Wen, Xiaochuang Bu, Hui Liu, and Songhu Yuan

The coupling transformation of iron and phosphorus in the riparian zone is of great significance on the biogeochemical cycle of iron and pollutants in surface water-groundwater interaction system. However, the spatial and temporal distribution, biochemical transformation and its pollution interception in the interaction zone is poorly understood. In this study, we used the sand tank experiment to investigate the migration and the transformation of iron and phosphorus under the redox fluctuation forced by the river stage in the riparian zone. Results show that there is a good correlation between the changes of Fe/Al coupled P and amorphous total Fe. Additionally, more attention should be paid to the effect of organic carbon rather than dissolved oxygen on the redox condition in the underground environment. It was also found that aqueous phosphorus usually accumulates in the transition area of the riparian zone regardless of the recharge or discharge relationship between river and groundwater. This study thus revealed the distribution, migration and transformation mechanism of iron and phosphorus in the typical fine sandy riparian zone, providing theoretical support for tracing and controlling the source of phosphorus pollution in riparian aquifer.

How to cite: Guo, Z., Wen, Z., Bu, X., Liu, H., and Yuan, S.: A sand tank experimental study of distribution, migration and transformation mechanism of iron and phosphorus species under redox fluctuation in a simulated riparian zone, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14653, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14653, 2024.

Sonja Hoxha, Christian Griebler, Clemens Karwautz, Gabriel Singer, and Sajmir Beqiraj

The Vjosa River and its tributaries represent a large and dynamic river network characterized by a near natural flow regime and largely undisturbed hydromorphological dynamics. Due to the high connectivity (e.g. the lack of dams and regulation in the main river stem), the Vjosa River is a hotspot of natural biodiversity and may serve as an ecological reference system.

The self-purification potential of an ecosystem describes the resistance and resilience to contamination (disturbances). In rivers, the contaminants are attenuated and degraded not only in the visible river channels, but most importantly in the hyporheic zone and the riparian corridor. The subsurface is a vital bioreactor, that hosts an immense river- and groundwater-borne biodiversity.

Here we target the key biogeochemical processes involved in the cycling of carbon and nutrients in a qualitative and quantitative manner. The spatio-temporal distribution and transformation of different carbon (e.g. DOC, DIC, CO2, CH4), nitrogen (e.g. NO3-, NO2-, NH4+), and phosphorus (e.g. PO43-, Ptot) species are studied in detail at different spatial scales. Extrapolation from flow-through sediment microcosms to natural river sections of various dimensions (mesoscale to macroscale) will allow a good estimation of material import, transformation, attenuation, and export. The role of the microbial community, in the water and attached to the sediments, will be analyzed via high throughout sequencing to determine its composition and functions.

The outcome of this study will help to better understand the functioning river ecosystems from the micro to the catchment scale as a basis for in-depth evaluation of future sustainable management options. The Vjosa River has been proclaimed a national park recently, and options for ecotourism are currently developed by its management authorities. In the light of global change, the Vjosa River network shall serve as a reference system for other rivers in Europe and a unique field laboratory for assessing biogeochemical processes in an intact environment.

How to cite: Hoxha, S., Griebler, C., Karwautz, C., Singer, G., and Beqiraj, S.: Characterization of biogeochemical self-purification processes in the Vjosa River network focusing on different spatial and temporal scales, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18397, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18397, 2024.

Daniel Glaser, Alexander Krämer, Jens Lange, and Markus Weiler

Surface-groundwater interaction is an important link between hydrology and hydrogeology and can contribute considerably to groundwater recharge. However, quantification and continuous observation of water flows is challenging in practice. This may explain why surface-groundwater interaction is disregarded in many hydrogeological models so far.     
In this work we test several field methods in three medium-sized streams (average discharge at outlet: 1.9-10.9 m³/s) close to the city of Freiburg, south-west Germany. We subdivide the streams into sections and monitor gains and losses by a combination of different methods. Continuous discharge data is obtained by capacitance water level recorders combined with repeated runoff measurements by electromagnetic current meter. As an alternative, we apply particle tracking algorithms to drone footage and compute surface velocities and discharge volumes. Here we also analyse different types of seeding material. Additionally, thermal drone images show surface temperature anomalies which we combine with discharge measurements to estimate groundwater intrusion. Our first data shows that continuous data collection under field conditions is challenging and can suffer from drawbacks such as flooding or tree fall. We therefore recommend redundant methods. Discharge measurements via electromagnetic current meter are generally robust but limited to medium flow conditions. Here, remote sensing via drones can provide labour-efficient alternatives. With their help, discharge measurements are possible also during high flow periods but in turn limited to areas with little or no tree cover, whereas thermal imagery is more efficient during low flow periods. Then it is well suited to locate point sources of groundwater inflow, particularly during times of strong temperature gradients between rivers and aquifers in summer or winter. Quantification of these inflows remains uncertain, though.

How to cite: Glaser, D., Krämer, A., Lange, J., and Weiler, M.: Comparing different field methods to quantify surface-groundwater interaction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18662, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18662, 2024.

Kevin Perez and Alexander Fernald

Changes in population and agricultural development are increasing demands on available water resources in the Transboundary Rio Grande (TRG), an area defined by the Rio Grande River and the Mesilla aquifer between New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. Due to the continued drought, surface water availability is continuously declining, increasing the reliance on groundwater to satisfy the water demands (mainly for agriculture and domestic uses). To simulate the conjunctive use and management of the surface water and groundwater in the TRG, a groundwater flow model implemented on Modflow-OWHM called the Rio Grande Transboundary Integrated Hydrologic Model (RGTIHM) has been previously developed. In this study, the RGTIHM model is used to assess the historical conditions and to project climate change driven scenarios on the water budget variables related to conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater in the TRG. The historical conditions were simulated from 1940-2014, while the future scenarios were simulated for the period 2015-2065 considering: i) inputs of precipitation and temperature from global climate change models, ii) management scenarios of land use and water demands for agriculture. The historical period of the model shows that due to the aquifer depletion, the river is permanently becoming a losing stream and at the same time is becoming a source of recharge for aquifer storage, the recharge from irrigated fields has a significant weight in the total recharge, and the diffuse recharge from precipitation is a small source compared to the previous two. The future period shows that maximum and minimum temperatures tend to increase, as well as the real evapotranspiration; precipitation does not change significantly, diffuse recharge decreases, and runoff increases. Water availability in the Rio Grande River decreases due to reduced snowpack in the Rocky Mountains, increasing the reliance on groundwater and posing uncertainty in future water supply management in the TRG.

How to cite: Perez, K. and Fernald, A.: Potential influence of climate change in the water budget variables related to the conjunctive use in the Transboundary Rio Grande , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21404, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21404, 2024.

Alejandra Villa, Hanna Schulz, Stephanie Spahr, Shai Arnon, and Jörg Lewandowski

Several studies have investigated the high reactivity of the hyporheic zone (HZ) and the interactions between moving bedforms and biogeochemical processes. However, the impact of bedform migration on the attenuation of trace organic compounds in the streambed has not yet been investigated. The oxygen distribution and dynamics in the HZ play a major role in this regard. So far, there have been no in-situ measurements of two-dimensional oxygen distributions in the HZ. To address this gap, we developed a novel device and tested it for the first time in the Erpe River, Germany. Our setup included a planar optode installed in the streambed to visualize the redox zonation within the HZ. Additionally, we tested five different stream flow velocities (from 10 to 50 cm/s) to investigate typical bedform celerities in lowland streams more thoroughly. By repeatedly sampling the surface and pore water, our aim was to determine how dynamic flow patterns and variable bedform celerities in sandy streams influence water constituents. The field experiment confirmed that changes in flow conditions can non-linearly influence bed movement and oxygen consumption, thereby affecting the fate of trace organic compounds.

Keywords: Biogeochemical processes, bedform celerity, in situ measurements, field experiments, redox zonation, hyporheic zone, oxygen distribution, planar optode.

How to cite: Villa, A., Schulz, H., Spahr, S., Arnon, S., and Lewandowski, J.: Bedform migration’s impact on streambed oxygen distribution: A novel field experiment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15043, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15043, 2024.

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall A

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Amani Mahindawansha and Matthias Gassmann

The hyporheic zone plays a critical role in nutrient cycling, biogeochemical processes, and overall stream ecosystem health. Variation of physical and chemical properties in the hyporheic zone affects the quality and quantity of the exchange process. To gain a depth-oriented insight into the hyporheic functioning, isotopic (18O and 2H) and chemical analysis (major ions such as K+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-) was carried out focusing on the differences between upstream and downstream conditions. Multi-level interstitial probes were used to take subsurface water samples up to 0.6 m depth from two streams named Ahna and Losse in North Hesse, Germany.

Fast downward flow and higher mixing rates were observed for Losse compared to Ahna and no differences were detected between the two locations in Losse. In Ahna, due to changes in effective porosities and the hydraulic conductivities, the water extraction rates were decreased along the depth. Downstream water was more isotopically enriched than upstream being subject to more evaporation and mixing with other waters. Higher concentrations of  K+, Na+, Mg2+, Cl-, and NO3- were found in downstream than the upstream due to the addition of wastewater, agricultural runoff, pollutants, and road salt while flowing. Denitrification and thus decrease in nitrate and increase in nitrite concentrations were more dominant in the upstream due to the high oxygen consumption. By combining isotopic and chemical analyses with detailed hydrogeological measurements, this study can provide valuable insights into the spatial dynamics of hyporheic flow exchange in a stream ecosystem.

How to cite: Mahindawansha, A. and Gassmann, M.: Assessing the variations in hyporheic flow exchange by isotopic and chemical analysis , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17630, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17630, 2024.