EMRP2.2 | Advances in gravity and magnetic field studies and natural resources exploration
Advances in gravity and magnetic field studies and natural resources exploration
Co-organized by ERE5/GI5
Convener: Maurizio Fedi | Co-conveners: Maurizio Milano, Peter Lelièvre, Shuang Liu
| Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.20
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X3
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 14:00
This session covers all methods and case histories related to measuring, processing and modeling potential field anomalies for geological, environmental and resources purposes. It will concern gravity and magnetic data from satellite missions to airborne and detailed ground-based arrays. Contributions presenting the theoretical, mathematical and computational progress of data modelling techniques as well as new case studies of geophysical and geological interest are welcome. This session will also encourage presentations on compilation methods of heterogenous data sets, multiscale and multidisciplinary approaches for natural resources exploration and geological gas storage purposes, and other environmental applications. Potential field applications in exploration and geological interpretation of magnetic anomalies, jointly with other geodata, are warmly welcome.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room -2.20

Chairpersons: Maurizio Fedi, Maurizio Milano
Virtual presentation
Dingding Wang, Wanyin Wang, and Giovanni Florio

Interfaces characterized by a density contrast are widely distributed in the Earth's interior, and their depths can be recovered by inversion of gravity data. A key parameter of the interface inversion is the density contrast. We propose to estimate a constant density contrast by a new method: the iterative-ratio method. It is based on the approximate invariance of the product between depth and a constant density contrast and on the availability of several depth constraints. The estimated density contrast is used to update the interface depth. By processing the synthetic Moho models, the inversion results show that the method is slightly affected by data noise and by the number of constraints, but it is sensitive to the constraint uncertainty. The method is finally demonstrated by mapping the Moho of the Santos basin (Brazil) according to the depth constraints and the regional gravity anomalies.

How to cite: Wang, D., Wang, W., and Florio, G.: Iterative Ratio Method: a method to map the depth to the Moho from gravity anomalies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22342, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22342, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Dan Zhu

Gravity surveys constitute an important method for investigating the Earth’s interior based on density contrasts related to Earth material differentials. Because lithology depends on the environment and the period of formation, there are generally clear boundaries between rocks with different lithologies. Inversions with convex functions for approximating the L0 norm are used to detect boundaries in reconstructed models. Optimizations can easily be found because of the convex transformations; however, the volume of the reconstructed model depends on the weighting parameter and the density constraint rather than the model sparsity. To determine and adapt the modelling size, a novel non-convex framework for gravity inversion is proposed. The proposed optimization aims to directly reduce the L0 norm of the density matrix. An improved iterative hard thresholding algorithm is developed to linearly reduce the L0 penalty during the inner iteration. Accordingly, it is possible to determine the modelling scale during the iteration and achieve an expected scale for the reconstructed model. Both simple and complex model experiments demonstrate that the proposed method efficiently reconstructs models. In addition, granites formed during the Yanshanian and Indosinian periods in the Nanling region, China, are reconstructed according to the modelling size evaluated in agreement with the magnetotelluric profile and density statistics of rock samples. The known ores occur at the contact zones between the sedimentary rocks and the reconstructed Yanshanian granites. The ore-forming bodies, periods, and processes are identified, providing guidance for further deep resource exploration in the study area.

How to cite: Zhu, D.: Gravity inversion using L0 norm for sparse constraints, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9436, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9436, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marco Maiolino, Maurizio Fedi, and Giovanni Florio

We introduce a novel estimation technique to assess the overall mass variations of the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets. Interpreting GRACE data encounters a significant challenge due to the leakage effect resulting from the presence of outlying melting ice bodies, causing gravitational effects to interfere with each other. Our estimation employs an innovative approach that leverages the non-uniqueness of the gravity field, using a hypercompact model of the sources through an iterative inversion. Furthermore, thanks to to the extreme compactness of the sources, our method enables a more unambiguous quantification of total mass loss in the study area. We apply our method to time-varying NASA GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) Stoke's coefficient data spanning from 2002 to 2017. Over a 15-year period, the GRACE and subsequent GRACE-FO missions provided a distinctive to map the Earth's gravitational field time variations. In recent years, recognizing the ice sheet's total mass response to climate change has become pivotal in comprehending phenomena such as sea level rise associated with grounded ice melting and quantifying the retreat of ice sheet fronts in polar regions, offering the scientific community a fresh perspective on unknown ice sheet dynamics.

How to cite: Maiolino, M., Fedi, M., and Florio, G.: ECS (Extremely compact sources) potential field filtering. The case of Greenland and Antarctica ice mass balance (2002-2017)., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13296, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13296, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yang Ou, Jie Zhang, Dingyu Jia, Yang Li, and Yi Yang

Magnetization vector inversion (MVI) is an effective method for interpreting magnetic data without knowing the magnetization directions. Nevertheless, the serious nonuniqueness problem makes it difficult to obtain satisfactory results without proper constraints. Several constrained methods have been applied to the magnetization vector inversion to produce reliable results. To better understand these issues and provide some improvements, we compared and evaluated different forms of magnetization vector inversion: (1) magnetization vector inversion in Cartesian coordinates (MVI-C); (2) magnetization vector inversion in spherical coordinates (MVI-S); and (3) compact magnetization vector inversion with magnitude constraints. Magnetization vector inversion incorporates prior information or assumptions about subsurface geological structures into the model objective function and solves the optimal problem with respect to the data and the model objective function to recover the desired features. We first analyze different model objective functions and then test these methods against synthetic and real datasets. Theoretical analysis and tests reveal that the linear relationship in the rectangular coordinate system simplifies the calculation process, but it is difficult to apply reasonable constraints, which results in a lack of correlation in the direction of magnetization; moreover, the distribution is not concentrated. It is easy to constrain the magnetization magnitude and direction in the spherical coordinate system, and better results can be obtained. However, due to the nonlinear relationship, the calculation complexity increases, and the inversion results are heavily dependent on the initial model. The method based on the modulus constraint establishes the relation between components in the Cartesian coordinate system, but the direction cannot be constrained. Therefore, we believe that the magnitude and direction of magnetization should be constrained simultaneously in the rectangular coordinate system to obtain a fast, stable, and accurate inversion method.

How to cite: Ou, Y., Zhang, J., Jia, D., Li, Y., and Yang, Y.: Comparison and understanding of sparse magnetization vector inversion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4792, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4792, 2024.

On-site presentation
Luigi Bianco, Mahmoud Abbas, Luca Speranza, Bruno Garcea, and Maurizio Fedi

We discuss the analysis of magnetic data in salt basins and their potential role as a key tool in these scenarios. The study was performed on the magnetic data of a deep-water area in the offshore Egypt, Eastern Mediterranean. The reduced to pole (RTP) magnetic anomalies was computed and filtered with the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the regional-residual separation. The filtered anomalies were interpreted as due to the contrast between the sedimentary layers and the diamagnetic salt dome. The multiscale boundary analysis allowed the extraction of lineaments representative of the salt bodies. Moreover, the inversion of the data using a 3D non-linear non-iterative technique produced a map of the salt in the area, which was derived without constraints from seismic or other external information. from the magnetic data interpretation was performed. It needed only a local estimation of the depth to the salt in few points, as provided by Euler deconvolution of magnetic data. This result well agrees with the top of the salt interpreted from the seismic data. Our findings are not obvious and demonstrate the potential of magnetic surveys as a self-consistent and low-cost tool in the exploration of salt basins, especially when the higher resolution seismic interpretation  could suffer of possible pitfalls or seismic data are inaccessible.

How to cite: Bianco, L., Abbas, M., Speranza, L., Garcea, B., and Fedi, M.: Can salt basins be modelled by magnetic data? A successful case study in the Eastern Mediterranean , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10535, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10535, 2024.

On-site presentation
Quentin Campeol, Nicolas Dupont, Ivan Pavel Nanfo Djoufack, Louis Christiaens, Franck Martin, and Olivier Kaufmann

Located next to the Variscan front, the center of the Hainaut (SW-Belgium) is known for its deep geothermal potential. Indeed, the geothermal reservoir of the Carboniferous limestones, located in the Brabant Parautochton, currently supplies water at a temperature of between 65°C and 72°C from three deep wells in the Mons area. Although the use of geothermal energy is one of the main solutions to decrease or abandoning fossil energies, it is still very limited in this area. This situation is partly due to major uncertainties in the structure and the geometry of the reservoir which are holding back public and private investments and delay geothermal projects.


For these reasons, we have conducted new geophysical surveys in the center of the Hainaut region for the last fifteen years. Among these, two gravimetric surveys in relation to the More-Geo project (ERDF funding) were carried out in 2019 and in 2022. As the production levels in the geothermal reservoir of the Carboniferous limestones are karstified, replacing massive anhydrites, the study of gravimetry disturbance is appropriate. The main goal is to provide information about deep geological structures and precisely on the geothermal reservoir by refining the localisation and the extent of karstified and anhydrite levels.


The result of the 2019 and 2022 surveys is a new dataset of 13,000 measurements spread over 3,400 stations located in an area of 820 km². The classical Bouguer anomaly has been obtained after a full processing of the instrumental gravimetric measurements, using exclusively open-source Python libraries.


Special attention is given to the terrain correction which in our case is based on the modelisation of the topographic surface by rectangular prisms and on the evaluation of the gravitational influence of these prisms. The method used combines a “large-scale” terrain correction modelling the topography up to 167 km in extent with prisms of 25 m resolution and a “local” terrain correction correcting the inaccuracies of the first grid with prisms of 1 m resolution over a more limited area.


Results are the mapping of the Bouguer anomaly, the upward continuation, upward derivative and horizontal derivative obtained with the interpolation method of equivalent sources. The two last maps are at the base of structural interpretations of the Paleozoic basement. These results and specifically the processing will be a key to refine the localisation and the extent of deep geothermal targets within the Paleozoic basement. This will require specific processing taking into account the thick and highly heterogeneous Meso-Cenozoic cover of the Mons Basin.

How to cite: Campeol, Q., Dupont, N., Nanfo Djoufack, I. P., Christiaens, L., Martin, F., and Kaufmann, O.: A new detailed Bouguer anomaly for the exploration of the deep geothermal reservoir in SW-Belgium, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19287, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19287, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jonathan Ford, Fausto Ferraccioli, Ben Mather, Egidio Armadillo, Rene Forsberg, Joerg Ebbing, Karsten Gohl, Graeme Eagles, Chris Green, Javier Fullea, and Massimo Verdoya

A new continent-wide aeromagnetic anomaly compilation for Antarctica, conformed at longer wavelengths with SWARM satellite magnetic data includes recent international datasets collected after the ADMAP 2.0 compilation analysed within the 3D Earth project of ESA.

This ADMAP 2.0+ product includes: 1) ROSETTA data collected by a US-NZ team over the Ross Ice Shelf; 2) reprocessed US-German and UK data collected over the Amundsen Sea Embayment; 3) German, Danish, UK- Argentina-Norwegian data over the Recovery ice stream catchment; 4) ESA PolarGAP data over South Pole and 5) enhanced vintage datasets for the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains and Wilkes and Dome C regions in East Antarctica. A new digital database was assembled using updated line data holdings and all data were levelled. microlevelled and stitched together via grid stitching approaches and subsequently differentially continued to 4 km and re-gridded on a 4 km grid mesh.

Here we use this new aeromagnetic anomaly compilation to re-assess Antarctic geothermal heat flux (GHF) heterogeneity, a critical basal boundary condition that influences Antarctic ice sheet flow and subglacial melting patterns and hydrology, and is related to crustal and lithospheric structure, composition, and heat production.

Within the 4D Antarctica ESA project we applied Curie Depth Point (CDP) estimation using the centroid, modified centroid and fractal/defractal approaches. Our new CDP map reveals regions of enhanced GHF along the coast of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, in agreement with independent seismological estimates. Potential thermal anomalies within the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS) also underlie the Byrd Subglacial Basin. Linear rift related anomalies are now imaged more clearly beneath the Siple Coast ice streams and active subglacial lake districts.

In East Antarctica, the new CDP estimates over the enigmatic WSB are significantly deeper compared even to the coldest sectors of the WARS. This suggests that if Mesozoic to Cenozoic extension affected this region, it mostly occurred at upper crustal levels rather than the whole lithosphere, in general agreement with relatively sparse seismological evidence for a predominantly cratonic lithospheric environment. A particularly intriguing region of enhanced GHF is identified in Dronning Maud Land. We propose that this could arise from lithospheric thinning perhaps associated with delamination processes, which have been independently inferred from petrological signatures in post-orogenic granitoids, emplaced after the pan-African age assembly of Gondwana. Alternatively, this feature could reflect thermal anomalies related to much later passive margin formation during Gondwana rifting and break up.

Finally, we discuss intriguing GHF anomalies inferred in the Dome C and Dome A subglacial lake regions in interior East Antarctica. We suggest the hypothesis that these anomalies relate to anomalously high intracrustal heat production, such as observed in Australia in some Proterozoic terranes, or to ill-constrained reactivation of the inherited structural architecture, This includes major Proterozoic and younger Pan-African age orogenic belts that may have been reactivated in response to far field stresses during Mesozoic to Cenozoic Gondwana break up and subsequent sea floor spreading processes.

How to cite: Ford, J., Ferraccioli, F., Mather, B., Armadillo, E., Forsberg, R., Ebbing, J., Gohl, K., Eagles, G., Green, C., Fullea, J., and Verdoya, M.: New aeromagnetic anomaly compilations help unveil regional-scale Antarctic subglacial geothermal heat flux heterogeneity, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19549, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19549, 2024.

On-site presentation
Puy Ayarza, Mercedes Rivero Montero, Juan Gómez Barreiro, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, Pablo Calvín, Yolanda Sánchez Sánches, and Immaculada Palomeras

The internal part of the Central Iberian Arc (CIA) features a number of long-wavelength, high amplitude aeromagnetic anomalies that overlap gneiss domes developed during late Variscan extension. Some of the largest anomalies are located at the core of the CIA and coincide with the western Iberia Sn-W belt, e.g., the Porto-Veira-Guarda Magnetic Anomaly (PVGMA) and the Central System Magnetic Anomaly (CSMA). Despite both of them lying on top of the products of crustal extension and melting (granites and migmatites), outcropping rocks do not feature high magnetic susceptibilities, raising the question about the origin of the anomalies.

In the last two years, ground high-resolution magnetic and gravity surveying has been carried out in the northern part of the CSMA, in the boundary between igneous rocks and their metamorphic host rocks. The latter are part of thermal domes developed in the latest stages of Variscan extension. Results show that magnetic highs coincide with gravity highs, thus indicating that the source of the anomalies is probably basic rocks. Indeed, scarce outcropping gabbros have magnetite, and feature a moderate magnetic susceptibility, but a very high magnetic remanence (Qn<400) of reverse polarity and directions that match those of the Kiaman superchrone, compatible with the age of gabbros (305-294 Ma). Furthermore, the characteristics of the magnetic anomalies, featuring long wavelengths, indicate that magnetic rocks (gabbros) abound at depth.

The sole existence of gabbros, albeit scarce, in the study area indicates that the mantle was involved in late Variscan extension in this part of the CIA. Crustal thickening associated to the development of the CIA must have produced lithospheric instabilities that eased the entrance of mantle melts, including metals like Sn and W, nowadays highly demanded.

Acknowledgements: Projects SA084P20, TED2021-130440B-100 and PID 2020-117332GB, MS (UCM, CT18/22)

How to cite: Ayarza, P., Rivero Montero, M., Gómez Barreiro, J., Martínez Catalán, J. R., Calvín, P., Sánchez Sánches, Y., and Palomeras, I.: Potential field signature of a late-Variscan extended realm. Implications for western Iberia Sn-W mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7682, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7682, 2024.

On-site presentation
William T. Pike, Constantinos Charalambous, Simon Calcutt, and Ian Standley

We present the performance of a MEMS accelerometer capable of sub-migroGal Allan variance out to a period of 1000 s. The gravimeter incorporates a monocrystalline silicon suspension and capacitive sensing with electromagnetic feedback. The gravimeter is capable of operation over 10 degree tilt range under Earth gravity, allowing unsupervised operation after remote deployment with a three-axis gapleran geometry. The suspension incorporates temperature compensation to minimse the need for thermal isolation.  The overall mass of the instrument is about 0.6 kg mass,  including the packaged sensor heads, the electronics board and associated connectors and cabling with a power requirement of less than 400 mW.  The performance and resource profile make this a promising instrument for both terrestrial deployment in extreme environments as well as planetary deployment.

How to cite: Pike, W. T., Charalambous, C., Calcutt, S., and Standley, I.: A compact MEMS gravimeter with sub ng performance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19904, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19904, 2024.

On-site presentation
Filippo Accomando, Giovanni Florio, Bastien Dupuy, and Madeline Lee

Among the geophysical methods, magnetic surveys are ones of the most used and reliable techniques to investigate archaeological sites. These targets are usually shallow sources generating weak amplitude anomalies. The vertical gradient measurements are preferred to the magnetic fields since it has a better sensitivity to the magnetic contributions due to shallow sources (the gradient fields decay faster than the magnetic field) and a better ability to distinguish and separate interfering anomaly due nearby sources. 
Thanks to the large deployment of UAV (Unmanned Aircraft System) of the recent years, in this work, we arranged a gradiometric system, trying one of the first attempts of vertical gradient measurements by drones for archaeological applications. These mobile platforms help to cover very large areas (this should help to follow better the long and regular shape of buried buildings) maintaining the same resolution of traditional ground surveys, with less times and risk and over sites of difficult access. However, the measurement of vertical gradients in drone-borne magnetometry is generally not taken into consideration, as it poses additional challenges to the survey and successive data processing 
In this work, we arranged the magnetic sensors as a gradiometric system, obtaining a direct estimate of the vertical magnetic gradient in a single flight. We conducted our surveys with the Geometrics Micro-Fabricated Atomic Magnetometer (MFAM).

How to cite: Accomando, F., Florio, G., Dupuy, B., and Lee, M.: Toward an optimal assessment of UAV vertical magnetic gradient arrangement, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22338, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22338, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X2

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Maurizio Milano, Maurizio Fedi
Luca Samperi, Giovanna Berrino, and Filippo Greco

Pantelleria is a 84 km2 extended volcanic island located in the Mediterranenan Sea between Sicily (Italy) and Tunisia. Previous studies described that in Pantelleria island both tectonic structures and the volcano-tectonic features had a common tectonic origin controlled by a NW-SE directed extension in accordance with the regional trend of the Sicily Channel arising interest for multiapproach investigations.

Indeed, in the last decades this area has been field of widespread analysis useful for the investigation of the volcano-tectonic and tectonic activity, as well as for geodetic study and resources exploration.

Our approach focused on the gravimetric analysis of Pantelleria island and in particular we provided a 3D inverted model of the area, starting from in-situ gravity measurements. The 250 m model resolution has been endorsed by the presence of a total of  290 measurement stations, distributed both onshore and offshore and acquired during some field surveys up to 2006; 236 of them were already published and inverted in past using 2.5D modelling. Input data consisted of a database containing Bouguer anomaly data reduced using a  density of 2500 kg/m3 and referred to the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80) Ellipsoid.

As a result, the 3D modelling allowed exploring density differences through the about 4 km depth, emphasizing interesting geological structures.

Such results would help any drilling program in the island (e.g. for geothermal purposes), lead to more successful drilling programs, and serve as well-constrained geologic input to improve the accuracy of future numerical (e.g. reservoir) models.

How to cite: Samperi, L., Berrino, G., and Greco, F.: Subsurface 3D modeling of Pantelleria island (Italy) using gravity data., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13204, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13204, 2024.

Xiaoqing Shi, Hua Geng, and shuang Liu

Data-driven methods based on deep learning have been applied to magnetic inversion and achieved excellent results. However, the existing neural network structures used for inversion are relatively complex, resulting in increased computational costs. Different from the inversion structure of existing encoder-decoder structures, this study designed a streamlined neural network inversion architecture based on the characteristics of magnetic anomaly forward modeling. The network structure only contains a decoder that maps magnetic anomaly data to a three-dimensional magnetic susceptibility model, which can save computational costs. First, the single-channel input data is transformed into multi-channel data through a transformation, then it is transformed into the dimensions of the magnetic susceptibility model through a four-layer decoder, and then the multi-channel data is transformed into a single channel through transformation, and finally the output is 3D magnetic susceptibility model. The transformation coefficients are trained by neural network. The neural network structure designed by this method is interpretable. It can reduce the parameters that need to be trained, reduce training time, and achieve high accuracy. It was verified through simulated and measured magnetic anomaly data, and high-precision inversion results were obtained. This idea can also be generalized to the inversion of other data.

How to cite: Shi, X., Geng, H., and Liu, S.: A Streamlined Neural Network Architecture for Magnetic Data Inversion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8633, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8633, 2024.

Maurizio Milano and Maurizio Fedi

Here we assessed surface gravity monitoring as tool for detecting the CO2 plume in deep saline aquifers during the injection and post-injection phases. We used the available benchmark model of the Johansen reservoir to conduct the simulation of CO2 storage at about 3 km of depth for 70 years and using different injection rates. We calculated the gravity response at surface from the estimated models of reservoir density and saturation at different time intervals. The forward calculation is achieved by assuming a tetrahedral mesh discretization, such as to ensure an accurate and detailed reconstruction of the complex reservoir.

We proposed a new approach for monitoring the mass stored into the reservoir based on the DEXP method, which allows an effective reduction of interference effects from nearby sources and provide accurate results even when the anomaly is incompletely defined, due to a not proper areal coverage of the survey.

This study clearly shows that the appropriate choice of the injection rate strongly impacts on the ability to recover useful gravity signal at the surface, beyond the measurement error threshold. We also provide an in-depth analysis of the effect of noise on the mass change estimates.

Our approach could be a valid tool for conducting real time monitoring of the CO2 as it could accurately determine the effective mass stored in the reservoir. This is particularly important as it does not require information about the source and could make surface gravity surveying as an independent monitoring strategy.

How to cite: Milano, M. and Fedi, M.: A new approach of monitoring CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers from time-lapse gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18708, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18708, 2024.

Zeudia Pastore, Alberto Vitale Brovarone, Jérôme Gattacceca, Nathan Church, Francesco Ressico, Veronica Peverelli, Yoann Quesnel, Minoru Uehara, and Dilyara Kuzina

Serpentinization of ultramafic rocks is a key process in forming natural hydrogen. In deep settings, such as subduction zones, this process can be kinetically favored by high P-T conditions making the study of mantle rocks from these settings a compelling target for high-pressure sources of energy. Serpentinization of peridotites can lead to the formation of magnetite and it is commonly associated with a decrease in density and an increase in magnetization of the protolith rock. Gravity and magnetic methods can therefore be used to map and quantify the extent and degree of serpentinization. Here, we used a comprehensive dataset consisting of ground and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) magnetic data, gravity data, and an extensive petrophysical data collection to explore the natural hydrogen potential in exhumed mantle rocks from the Monte Maggiore (MM) massif, in Corsica. The MM massif consists of a ∼4 km2 peridotite body, intruded by mafic pods and gabbroic dykes and surrounded by blueschist-facies continental units. It represents sub-continental mantle that underwent tectonic and magmatic evolution during the rifting stage of the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys oceanic basin and successive Alpine subduction to blueschist-facies conditions. On-going geochronological and geochemical investigations suggest that serpentinization occurred primarily in subduction making this area a suitable case study to investigate the formation of high-pressure sources of energy in such settings. We analyzed densities and magnetic properties of rocks from more than 100 sites across the massif and we used these data to identify domains exhibiting different degree of serpentinization and to model the current 3D structure of the massif using both forward and inverse modeling approaches. We estimated a minimum volume of the MM massif of 1.2 km3 and a vertical extent to a depth of 428 m below sea level. We used the modeled volumes and the amount of magnetite within each domain as a proxy for a conservative estimation of natural H2 production.

How to cite: Pastore, Z., Vitale Brovarone, A., Gattacceca, J., Church, N., Ressico, F., Peverelli, V., Quesnel, Y., Uehara, M., and Kuzina, D.: Using potential field data to investigate high-pressure sources of energy in deeply serpentinized mantle rocks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18236, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18236, 2024.

Svetlana Kovacikova, Graham Hill, Sofie Gradmann, Radek Klanica, Gokhan Karcioglu, Jan Vozár, Jochen Kamm, Pankaj Mishra, Maxim Smirnov, and Oskar Rydman

The current effort to move to more renewable energy sources and away from a petroleum based energy economy, ‘Net Zero’, places a renewed need for improving identification and characterization of mineral deposits in order to provide the materials required. Recent work, has demonstrated the benefit of larger aperture investigations of mineral systems for both determining the processes responsible for their emplacement as well as identifying indicative geophysical signatures associated with metal endowment. The central Norwegian Caledonides historically represent a zone of large mineral endowment, though; the large-scale structural history and process that formed the mineralization remain enigmatic. Formation and concentration of metals into economic mineral deposits requires a combination of processes operating at different scales. With the near surface mineral deposit being a small component of the larger mineral system which encompasses deep fluid sources and metals, an energy source for driving circulation pathways for the migration of enriched fluids, a depositional mechanism responsible for the formation of the deposit and a fluid outflow. The Norwegian mineral deposits lie within the allochthonous nappes, detached from the original Precambrian Svecokarelian and Sveconorwegian basement and having undergone tens to hundreds of km of lateral transport. Regional scale geophysical modelling of petrophysical properties has the ability to characterize and identify the structure and process occurring throughout the entire mineral system  and determine indicative structures at mid-lower crustal depths indicative of economically viable near surface regions of metal endowment (i.e. the near surface mineral deposit). To determine the processes associated with formation of the Norwegian Caledonides and its associated mineral deposits a dense network of ~300 broadband magnetotelluric soundings covering the period range 10-3-103s have been collected over two field campaigns in 2022 and 2023 in the Trondelag area of central Norway. Phase tensor analysis indicates that the data set is 3D at all scales – we have modelled the MT data using a 3D approach (GoFEM) capable of incorporating the rugged topography of the survey area. Preliminary modeling results reveal lithospheric-scale structural controls associated with known near surface mineral deposits and processes related to the lateral transport from the underlying lower crustal source regions. As such, regional geophysical surveys offer both an economic and environmentally friendly approach to large-scale exploration efforts through identification of regional scale structural controls that are indicative of metal endowment.

How to cite: Kovacikova, S., Hill, G., Gradmann, S., Klanica, R., Karcioglu, G., Vozár, J., Kamm, J., Mishra, P., Smirnov, M., and Rydman, O.: Image of the crust and upper mantle tectonic structure and associated mineral systems of the central Norwegian Caledonides from 3D inverse geoelectrical models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8386, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8386, 2024.

Giuseppe Ferrara, Fauso Ferraccioli, and Maurizio Fedi

We used potential field data to help unravel the geological characteristics of the West Antarctic rift system, one of the largest and least known rift systems on our planet. A comprehensive understanding of this region is lacking, as it is covered by the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), which reaches thicknesses of over 3 km. Aeromagnetic and aerogravity datasets collected by the British Antarctic Survey (Ferraccioli et al., 2007) were analyzed via a multiscale analysis (Fedi et al., 2015) useful for identifying the main structural lineaments, i.e., contacts, dykes, sills, volcanic bodies and intrusions in the Pine Island Glacier catchment of WAIS. Our results reveal that several regions are characterized by contact-type sources associated to fault systems bordering major magma-rich rift basins, like the Pine Island Rift, Byrd Subglacial Basin, and Bentley Subglacial Trench, as well as those associated with Pine Island glacier tributaries, which lie at high angle wrt to the glacier trunk and rift basins. Furthermore, we identified magmatic sources near or off-rift zones, such as the edges of the Bentley Subglacial Basin, which allow a better understanding of the sub-ice depth of the magmatic sources. In addition, our results provide new information about the main magmatism trends and their average depths. We thus showcase that potential field anomalies allow a better comprehension of the West Antarctic Rift System regional geology, tectonic architecture and magmatic patterns. This research opens interesting scenarios about the extent and position of magmatic sources and on how they contribute towards shaping the sub-ice topography within this sector of the rift system, which in turn is a primary control on ice sheet flow in this highly dynamic and potentially unstable sector of WAIS. In conclusion, potential field analysis with a multiscale approach emerges as a pivotal tool and provides valuable insights into continental rifting processes, especially in inaccessible areas such as West Antarctica, where there are only very few geological outcrops.

How to cite: Ferrara, G., Ferraccioli, F., and Fedi, M.: Potential fields characterization of inaccessible areas: multiscale analysis of the West Antarctic Rift System, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21317, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21317, 2024.

Raphaela Lopes de Andrade Silva, Renata da Silva Schmitt, Natasha Santos Gomes Stanton, and Guilherme Gonçalves Martins

According to previous reconstructions, the South Atlantic Ocean is the biggest gap of
Gondwana, with important crustal limits that controls convergent and divergent tectonic
events since the Paleoproterozoic. In the SE Brazilian continental margin, a Cambrian NE-SW
suture zone is marked by an expressive magnetic anomaly onshore that extends offshore to
the proximal Santos basin (Rio de Janeiro). This suture separates two contrasting geological
terranes: a Neoproterozoic magmatic domain (Oriental Terrane), to the west, and a
Paleoproterozoic gneissic terrane, to the east (Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain). The focus is to
determine how this suture extends offshore, hence determining the nature of the basement
that constitutes the continental margin, and how it continues in depth, determining the
orientation of the Ediacaran paleo subduction zone. We made a geological and geophysical
integration aiming to characterize the magnetic pattern of terranes and structures in order to
determinate the geometry and dip direction of the suture in depth. The methodology included
the generation and interpretation of aeromagnetic images combined with geological mapping.
Also, two magnetic sections were made on field along the suture zone and modeled on GMSYS
adopting magnetic susceptibility values obtained both on field and laboratory. The studied
area comprises mainly two geological units separated by a thrust fault (suture zone): dioritic to
granitic Paleoproterozoic rocks with metabasite layers (Região dos Lagos Complex - RLC) and
Ediacaran aluminous paragneisses with calcsilicate layers (Palmital Succession). Based on the
amplitude (intensity), geometry, magnetic signal’s texture and lineament pattern, in map view,
two domains were defined: A1 and A2. The A1 is correlated with the Paleoproterozoic
gneisses, with high amplitude, long wavelength (55 km) with numerous magnetic rectilinear
and curvilinear lineaments. Amplitude ranges between -100 and 452 nT, mostly higher than
150 nT. A2 coincides with the Palmital paragneisses, defined by a low frequency, long
wavelength (55 km) magnetic domain, with amplitudes <0 nT, resulting in a lateral contrast of
more than 500 nT with A1, where the magnetic gradient decreases to NW. Magnetic
lineaments display a preferential NE-SW direction, but in A1 a deep NW-SE fabric occurs, that
might be related with the Paleoproterozoic tectonic fabric. The suture is represented by a high
positive curvilinear lineament, extending offshore, crossing the coastline to SW before
inflecting to the east. Modeling and geological/magnetic maps correlation suggest that the
suture dips to NW. 

How to cite: de Andrade Silva, R. L., da Silva Schmitt, R., Santos Gomes Stanton, N., and Gonçalves Martins, G.: Mapping a Gondwana suture zone integrating magnetic methods and geology at the SE Brazilian continental margin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21105, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21105, 2024.

Irene DeFelipe, Alberto Santamaría Barragán, Irene Pérez-Cáceres, Puy Ayarza, Imma Palomeras, Mariano Yenes, Juan Gómez Barreiro, Raúl Prieto, Mercedes Rivero-Montero, and Yolanda Sánchez-Sánchez

Within the Iberian Peninsula and specifically in the Iberian Massif (the westernmost outcrop of the Variscan orogen in Europe), several aeromagnetic anomalies stand out, and many of them are related to late-Variscan gneiss domes. However, some of them are not fully understood because: 1) they are not clearly linked to extensional structures and/or gneiss domes, 2) they are not related with the outcropping rocks, and/or 3) the aeromagnetic map does not provide enough resolution to relate them with the local geology. For example, the Salamanca Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA), in the central-western part of Spain, is a conspicuous reverse polarity magnetic anomaly that features a maximum amplitude of 56.1 nT. However, it does not show any relationship with the magnetic properties of outcropping rocks. In this regard, preliminary studies show that the outcropping Ordovician Slates present randomly reverse polarity Natural Remanent Magnetization which is compatible with that of the SAMA but with very low intensity. Therefore, we have undertaken a large magnetic survey of this anomaly and its continuation to the south. Gravity has also been measured in an effort to constrain the source of the SAMA. The study area, which extends to the south of the city of Salamanca is affected by the Alba-Villoria NE-SW oriented Alpine fault that puts into contact Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic rocks of the Iberian Massif with Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. In addition, the Variscan Salamanca Detachment Zone, a late-Variscan extensional structure allowed deep rocks and crustal melt products to reach shallow crustal levels, probably easing Sn-W mineralization in the area. Our new Bouguer and magnetic anomaly data depict the Alba-Villoria Fault and show a straightforward correlation between gravity and magnetic maxima. Although the magnetic maxima could be the potential field response of dense and magnetic slates common in the area, the ones measured do not present high magnetic susceptibility. Accordingly, this new data might indicate that late-Variscan extension triggered the intrusion of dense and magnetic basic rocks in a process that could have contributed to Sn-W mineralization.

Acknowledgements: We thank the funding provided by the Junta de Castilla y León and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (SA084P20), the Fundación Memoria de D. Samuel Solórzano Barruso grant (FS3-2021), Grant PID2020-117332GB-C21 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and TED2021-130440B-I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and EU NextGenerationEU/PRTR. IDF received support from the Ayuda para la recualificación de sistema universitario español 2021-2023 and MRM from the Programa Margarita Sala, Ministerio de Universidades and UCM (CT18/22).

How to cite: DeFelipe, I., Santamaría Barragán, A., Pérez-Cáceres, I., Ayarza, P., Palomeras, I., Yenes, M., Gómez Barreiro, J., Prieto, R., Rivero-Montero, M., and Sánchez-Sánchez, Y.: High-resolution magnetic and gravimetric map of the South of Salamanca (Spain): tectonic insights and implications on Sn-W mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5563, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5563, 2024.

Mohamed Saleem and Hana Ellafi and the Mohamed Saleem

Delineation of Subsurface Tectonic Structures Using Gravity, Magnetic and Geological Data in the Sarir-Hameimat Arm of the Sirt Basin, NE Libya


Mohamed Saleem1 and Hana Ellafi2

1 &2 Petroleum Research Center




The study area is located in the eastern part of the Sirt Basin, in the Sarir-Hameimat arm of the basin, south of Amal High. The area covers the northern part of the Hamemat Trough and the Rakb High. All of these tectonic elements are part of the major and common tectonics that were created when the old Sirt Arch collapsed, and most of them are trending NW-SE. This study has been conducted to investigate the subsurface structures and the sedimentology characterization of the area and attempt to define its development tectonically and stratigraphically.

About 7600 land gravity measurements, 22500 gridded magnetic data, and petrographic core data from some wells were used to investigate the subsurface structural features both vertically and laterally. A third-order separation of the regional trends from the original Bouguer gravity data has been chosen. The residual gravity map reveals a significant number of high anomalies distributed in the area, separated by a group of thick sediment centers. The reduction to the pole magnetic map also shows nearly the same major trends and anomalies in the area. Applying the further interpretation filters reveals that these high anomalies are sourced from different depth levels; some are deep-rooted, and others are intruded igneous bodies within the sediment layers. The petrographic sedimentology study for some wells in the area confirmed the presence of these igneous bodies and defined their composition as most likely to be gabbro hosted by marine shale layers. Depth investigation of these anomalies by the average depth spectrum shows that the average basement depth is about 7.7 km, while the top of the intrusions is about 2.65 km, and some near-surface magnetic sources are about 1.86 km. The depth values of the magnetic anomalies and their location were estimated specifically using the 3D Euler deconvolution technique. The obtained results suggest that the maximum depth of the sources is about 4938m.

The total horizontal gradient of the magnetic data shows that the trends are mostly extending NW-SE, others are NE-SW, and a third group has an N-S extension. This variety in trend direction shows that the area experienced different tectonic regimes throughout its geological history.

How to cite: Saleem, M. and Ellafi, H. and the Mohamed Saleem: Delineation of Subsurface Tectonic Structures Using Gravity, Magnetic and Geological Data, in the Sarir-Hameimat Arm of the Sirt Basin, NE Libya, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2060, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2060, 2024.

Wen-Bin Doo, Yin-Sheng Huang, and Hsueh-Fen Wang

Similar to the feature in the U.S. East Coast, an obvious roughly NE-SW trending high-amplitude magnetic belt (NSCSMA) appears in the northern South China Sea (SCS) continental margin, which extends from southwest Taiwan to the area about 114.5°E and 20°N. The likely cause of this magnetic high is important and interesting but still controversial. This study uses wavelet spectrum analysis, 2-D magnetic modeling, and compact inversion to constrain its causative sources. Our analysis results show the evidence indicating that the geometry and depth of the causative magnetic sources were varied along the strike of the NSCSMA (~15 km in the east and ~25 km in the west). Based on our findings and previous studies, we proposed that the major causative source of the NSCSMA could be the serpentinized upper mantle material.

How to cite: Doo, W.-B., Huang, Y.-S., and Wang, H.-F.: Origins of the high-amplitude magnetic anomaly zone in the northern South China Sea continental margin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2767, 2024.

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X3

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Maurizio Fedi, Maurizio Milano
Georgios Balasis, Angelo De Santis, Gianfranco Cianchini, Constantinos Papadimitriou, Omiros Giannakis, and Stelios M. Potirakis

In November 2023, the ESA Swarm constellation mission celebrated 10 years in orbit, offering one of the best-ever surveys of the geomagnetic field and the topside ionosphere. Swarm provides an ideal platform for observing ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves and thus offers an excellent opportunity for space weather studies. For this purpose, a specialized time-frequency analysis (TFA) toolbox has been developed for deriving Pc1 (0.2-5 Hz) and Pc3 (20-100 MHz) wave indices, thus making it a useful tool for the study of magnetic storms. The TFA toolbox is also capable to identify in Swarm time series another category of natural-source electromagnetic signals, i.e., the post-sunset Equatorial Spread-F (ESF) events or plasma bubbles. There have been several studies suggesting that ULF pulsations may be associated with earthquakes. Previous studies refer mainly to the detection of these signals in ground-based magnetometer measurements. Besides, we note only a handful of studies that have been attempted to correlate ULF pulsations with seismic activity, using space-borne magnetometer measurements provided by Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites (e.g., CHAMP, DEMETER). Therefore, in this study we focus on the ULF pulsation and ESF activity observed by Swarm satellites during a time interval centered around the occurrence of the August 2016 Central Italy earthquake. Swarm has offered a variety of interesting observations around the time of this earthquake that could be associated with the occurrence of this extreme geophysical event.

How to cite: Balasis, G., De Santis, A., Cianchini, G., Papadimitriou, C., Giannakis, O., and Potirakis, S. M.: Swarm observations of ULF wave activity and plasma instability activity around extreme geophysical events, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13361, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13361, 2024.