EMRP3.3 | Insights into Geomagnetic Field Variation at Different Time Scales: Data, models and applications with a focus on the South Atlantic Anomaly
Insights into Geomagnetic Field Variation at Different Time Scales: Data, models and applications with a focus on the South Atlantic Anomaly
Co-organized by SSP1
Convener: Evdokia Tema | Co-conveners: Kirolosse Girgis, Saioa A. Campuzano, Angelo De Santis, Anita Di Chiara, F. Javier Pavón-Carrasco, Filipe Terra-Nova
| Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.20
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X3
Orals |
Fri, 14:00
Thu, 10:45
Thu, 14:00
To retrieve the variation of the Earth’s magnetic field in the past, in scales varying from hundreds to millions of years, indirect records from archaeological material, volcanic rocks, sediments, and speleothems are necessary. Such data can be used for geomagnetic field reconstructions and field modeling, contributing to a better understanding not only of the field changes at the Earth’s surface but also at the core-mantle boundary, offering indirect evidence of the processes that take place in the Earth’s core. This session welcomes abstracts presenting new directional and palaeointensity data from short- (secular variation) to long- (magnetic reversals) time scales, methodological advances, and archaeo/palaeomagnetic reconstructions at regional and global scales. Particular attention is focused on the investigation of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and other regions of weak intensity field, exploring the interactions of the SAA with the biosphere and forecasting its possible connection with climate and the corresponding radiation effects on the upcoming Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite missions. Applications in the fields of geomagnetism, stratigraphy, volcanology, absolute and relative chronology, climate, geobiology, and geospace are welcome.

Orals: Fri, 19 Apr | Room -2.20

Chairpersons: Kirolosse Girgis, Evdokia Tema, Anita Di Chiara
On-site presentation
Sanja Panovska

The Earth's magnetic field provides protection against highly energetic particles from the Sun and outer space. Throughout geological epochs, the time-varying geomagnetic field exhibited periods of dramatic changes, both in intensity and direction. Recent data compilations of paleomagnetic records enable us to model the long-term, global evolution of the geomagnetic field and better understand the internal dynamics and underlying phenomena. Until now, global reconstructions of the geomagnetic field cover the past 100,000 years and the Matuyama-Brunhes reversal. A few models are available for the Laschamps excursion 41,000 years ago, a period marked by globally low intensity and a complex, multipolar field structure. These models enable the identification of robust characteristics of the geomagnetic field's behavior during this extreme event.

The spatial and temporal changes influence the shielding and cosmogenic nuclide production rates. In general, the higher the field intensity, the larger the shielding and the fewer cosmogenic nuclides are produced in the atmosphere. Variations in the production rates of cosmogenic radionuclides reconstructed from ice cores and sediments provide an independent proxy of paleointensity variations. On the one hand, models constrained by paleomagnetic data can be validated through comparison with actual measurements from ice and marine cores. On the other hand, the cosmogenic radionuclide data can be jointly inverted with the paleomagnetic data to build multi-proxy models of the geomagnetic field. Cosmogenic radionuclide records also serve as a proxy for solar variability and extreme solar events. Global geomagnetic field reconstructions are used to assess the space weather effects during an extreme solar storm event over the past millennia.

How to cite: Panovska, S.: Long-term changes of the geomagnetic field: recent progress, challenges and applications , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10977, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10977, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ahmed Nasser Mahgoub Ahmed, Monika Korte, and Sanja Panovska

Paleomagnetic data enables the global reconstruction of the Earth's magnetic field, allowing the investigation of significant global events like polarity reversal. When compared to prior polarity reversals, the most recent one, the Matuyama-Brunhes (MB), is the best recorded reversal event in terms of the amount of available paleomagnetic data. Nevertheless, the majority of these data have poor age control, and they are not distributed equally over the world. Few global spherical harmonic (SH) models have been presented so far for the MB; the most recent is the GGFMB model. These models investigated the evolution of the dipole and non-dipole field components during the reversal process, as well as the morphology of the magnetic field at core-mantle boundary and at the Earth's surface. However, the accuracy of the models features is limited by the aforementioned issues associated with the MB data. In this study, a set of eight SH models were generated for the MB from sub-sets of data, which were classified according to their geographic distribution, timescale reliability, temporal resolution, and type. Comparing the model outputs will allow us to assess how robustly the MB's models can resolve characteristics of the reversal.

How to cite: Ahmed, A. N. M., Korte, M., and Panovska, S.: Robustness of new models of the Matuyama-Brunhes field reversal, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9550, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9550, 2024.

On-site presentation
Emilio L. Pueyo, Luis Otaño, Roi Silva-Casal, Pablo Calvín, César Laplana, Mª Angeles Galindo-Pellicena, Mathieu Duval, Mª Pilar Mata, Josep María Parés, and Arsenio Muñoz


The Porcupine geomagnetic excursion was firstly described at the IODP Site U1308 (North Atlantic). It is a reverse polarity record defined near the top of the Gauss chron (within C2An.1n) and chronostratigraphically constrained between the Kaena and the base of Matuyama reversed chrons. So far, it has been only reported in two different core sections from that site (U1308C-20H-5 and U1308F-20H-2; Channell et al., Q Sci. Rev. 2016). The Porcupine excursion displays a mean age of 2.737 Ma (with an undefined duration) and corresponds to MIS G6 and G7.

The almost 100 m-thick sedimentary infill of the Villarroya Basin (NE Spain), covers part of the Pliocene-Pleistocene period, from about 3.2 Ma to 2.6 Ma. It has been chronologically constrained by means of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic analysis from the middle-upper part of Gauss (chron C2An.2n between Kaena and Mammoth reversed subchrons) to the lower-middle part of Matuyama chron (above the Feni normal event, formerly Réunion). In that work, a short reversal was identified in the upper part of the normal interval N2 of the local magnetostratigraphic sequence attributed to the top of the Gauss chron (C2An.1n around meter 17, figure 7 in Pueyo et al. IJES, 2016), which could possibly represent the first continental record of the Porcupine excursion (ca 2.7 Ma). Such identification was made possible by the occurrence of an outstanding lithological record; annually varved millimetric-scale lacustrine deposits at the base of the basin displaying unusually high sedimentation rates, which may have enabled the detection of such short magnetic excursion.

Given these encouraging results, these deposits were specifically targeted for a subsequent high-resolution palaeomagnetic study focused on ca. 6 m thick subsection where 55 new stratigraphic levels (mean spacing of 10 cm) were studied in detail. In total, more than 120 new specimens were analyzed. Both, stepwise AF and TH demagnetizations of samples were carried out in the paleomagnetic laboratories of the University of Burgos and the National Research Centre on Human Evolution (CENIEH) using 2-G cryogenic superconducting magnetometers. ChRM directions unblocking temperatures between 250-550°C yield the best results and document a complex reverse polarity record. A preliminary and cautious estimation of the time span of this excursion based on the number of annually varved sediments gives a duration of less than 0.5 ka if the sedimentation rate is assumed to be constant and significant sedimentary hiatuses are ruled out.


Channell, J. E. T., Hodell, D. A., & Curtis, J. H. (2016). Relative paleointensity (RPI) and oxygen isotope stratigraphy at IODP Site U1308: North Atlantic RPI stack for 1.2–2.2 Ma (NARPI-2200) and age of the Olduvai Subchron. Quaternary Science Reviews, 131, 1-19.

Pueyo, E. L., Muñoz, A., Laplana, C., & Parés, J. M. (2016). The last appearance datum of Hipparion in Western Europe: magnetostratigraphy along the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary in the Villarroya basin (Northern Spain). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 2203-2220.

How to cite: Pueyo, E. L., Otaño, L., Silva-Casal, R., Calvín, P., Laplana, C., Galindo-Pellicena, M. A., Duval, M., Mata, M. P., Parés, J. M., and Muñoz, A.: The first continental geomagnetic record of an elusive Porcupine?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8153, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8153, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yaochen Yue, Jiawei Gao, Yong Wei, Fei He, Shuhui Cai, Huapei Wang, Yuqi Wang, and Zhaojin Rong

Paleomagnetism and modern geomagnetic measurements indicate that SAA is undergoing rapid changes, with rapid expansion of area and rapid decreasing of intensity. Even in recent years SAA has expanded the minor minima seen in southern Africa. This has led to speculation that the expanding SAA may be an indicator of an upcoming geomagnetic reversal. However, how to know the future evolution direction of SAA is still debatable.

Apparently, the study of the changes of other SAA-like structure anomaly regions in history has important implications for the study of SAA evolution. Here, we focus on the evolution and disappearance of the paleo West Pacific Anomaly (WPA). Utilizing the gufm1 model, it is found that WPA occurred between 1620 and 1810 CE. Over its duration, WPA underwent phases of rapid expansion, drift, and split, eventually the primary part vanished, while a new segment persisted and expanded. The striking similarity in evolutionary behavior between WPA and the rapid expansion, drift, and recent splitting in the SAA over the past century is noteworthy. This similarity can be attributed to the fact that WPA, like the SAA, is controlled by the reversal flux patch in the CMB on the northern hemisphere. Therefore, we posit WPA as a significant magnetic anomaly in the Northern Hemisphere, and propose that its evolutionary patterns can serve as predictive indicators for the future evolution of the SAA. Studying the evolution of WPA is an important means to understand the global magnetic field and the evolution of Southeast Asia magnetic field. It is of great significance for us to understand the nature of SAA and predict the evolution trend of SAA.

How to cite: Yue, Y., Gao, J., Wei, Y., He, F., Cai, S., Wang, H., Wang, Y., and Rong, Z.: Evolution and Disappearance of the paleo-West Pacific Anomaly: implications to the South Atlantic Anomaly, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13711, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13711, 2024.

On-site presentation
Patrick Arneitz, Elisabeth Schnepp, and Roman Leonhardt

The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is a dynamic feature of the geomagnetic field. Systematic observations have revealed an expansion of the SAA in terms of its geographical extent and a decrease in field strength over the last decades. Its evolution can be reconstructed further back in time by means of archeo- and paleomagnetic investigations conducted on suitable recorders of the ancient geomagnetic field. Historical geomagnetic field models indicate a westward movement of the SAA from Africa during the last centuries, while its emergence is still under debate, mainly due to the lack of ancient field records in the Southern hemisphere. However, even on much longer timescales, paleomagnetic studies on volcanic rocks from the South Atlantic have suggested a persistence or recurrence of the anomaly.
Here we present ancient geomagnetic field records from the island of Saint Helena from two different periods. Archeomagnetic directions and intensity were obtained from a historical lime kiln that operated until the middle of the 19th century. The reconstructed geomagnetic field components agree well with available instrumental measurements from the island. Geological timescales are covered by paleomagnetic examinations of lava flow profiles from Prosperous Bay and Munden’s Hill. A geomagnetic polarity transition was recorded by some flows at Properous Bay. Several other flows characterized by stable field directions are associated with weak intensities below 20 µT. These results suggest a prolonged anomalous field behavior in the South Atlantic region as indicated by previous studies.

How to cite: Arneitz, P., Schnepp, E., and Leonhardt, R.: Archeo- and paleomagnetic records from Saint Helena, South Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7439, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7439, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pedro Silva, Ricardo Ramalho, José Madeira, Mário Moreira, João Mata, António Brum Silveira, and Silvia Foiada

The recovery of the secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field in places of low latitude and in volcanic oceanic islands is crucial for the development of more precise models. Fogo Island (Lat. N14º57’; Long. W24º20’) in the Cabo-Verde Archipelago (Atlantic Ocean) is formed by a major conical and asymmetrical Quaternary strato-volcano with a summit depression (Chã das Caldeiras). It presents itself as a good object of study given its geographical position and frequency of eruptive events, 28 since 1460 A.D.. Accordingly, around Chã das Caldeiras and the east flank of the island, were sampled for paleomagnetic purposes 40 historical and prehistorical lava flows, representing 55 sampling sites. Rock magnetic and petrographic analyses reveal as main magnetic carriers several phases of the titanomagnetite solid solution without visible effects of alteration, as expected for such young basaltic rocks and semi-arid climate. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid is low and no effect in the paleomagnetic directions is observed. Thermal and alternating field demagnetizations were successful, retrieving well clustered mean characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM) directions. In a first instance twelve ChRM of lava flows previously mapped as historical were compared with known models of secular variation, revealing that nine are in close agreement with the suspected ages while the remaining three failed that concordance, corresponding to prehistoric eruptions. Moreover, it is possible to verify that ChRM of prehistoric lava flows closely follow known secular variation curves showing a small and consistent angular difference. Therefore, such results contribute for a better constraint of the volcano stratigraphy of this island and supply new paleomagnetic directions needed to improve the accuracy of secular variation models.

This research has been funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/50019/2020), UIDP/50019/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDP/50019/2020) and LA/P/0068/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/LA/P/0068/2020). This work is a contribution to projects REGENA (Ref. PTDC /GEO-FIQ/3648/2012) and GEMMA (Ref. PTDC/CTA-GEO/2083/2021).

How to cite: Silva, P., Ramalho, R., Madeira, J., Moreira, M., Mata, J., Brum Silveira, A., and Foiada, S.: Archeomagnetic study at low latitude - North Atlantic Ocean (Fogo Island, Cabo Verde Archipelago), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13316, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13316, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rafael Dinis, Eric Font, Josep Parés, Janine Carmo, Ricardo Trindade, Luís Vilhena, Ana Sofia Reboleira, Altug Hasözbek, Fernando Jimenez-Barredo, and Emanuel Carvalho

Speleothems magnetism is considered an excellent recorder of short-lived variations of the Earth’s magnetic field. Here we provide new geochronological, petrographic, paleomagnetic, and rock magnetic data of a stalagmite from the Estremenho Limestone Massif (from Central Portugal). The stalagmite was dated at 114.7 (±1.5) k.y. B.P. to 106.3 (±1.6) k.y. B.P. based on the U-Th series. This time interval is coeval with the age of the Blake Geomagnetic Excursion (~116.5 ± 0.7 k.y. B.P. and 112.0 ± 1.9 k.y. B.P.). Petrographic observations under a binocular stereo microscope of two thin sections located at the lower part of the stalagmite and scanning electron microscopic observation of rock fragments show the alternance of porous and compact columnar calcite and dendritic calcite, which are typical features of primary calcite precipitation. No significant gap in the calcite growth was identified along the two thin sections. After alternating field demagnetization, a viscous secondary magnetization was cleaned below 10 mT, followed by a primary magnetization pointing to the origin. Magnetic vectors have an average declination of 60.3° with a mean inclination of 20.1°. No geomagnetic excursion or reversal was identified along the stalagmite. Analysis of Isothermal Remanent Magnetization curves shows the presence of two components. Component 1 has a mean coercivity of ~35 mT and DP ~0,20-0.25, typical of pedogenic/detrital magnetite, and contributed to 75% of the total remanence. Component 2 has a mean coercivity of ~95 mT and DP ~0.30, interpreted as being hematite, and contributing to 25% of the total remanence. We also calculated relative paleointensity (RPI) based on the Pseudo-Thellier method. The RPI curve exhibits a consistent and gradual increase from the base to the top of the stalagmite, with a pattern of variation comparable to the reference curves of marine sediments from the Portuguese margin, in the same time interval. In summary, petrographic and magnetic data point to a primary origin for the calcite precipitation and the corresponding remanent magnetization. The absence of the record of the Blake excursion in this stalagmite still remains to be resolved.


This work was supported by the SAMEPA project funded by FCT (ref. PTDC/CTA-GEO/0125/2021) and is part of the Ph.D. of Rafael Dinis (FCT-10216.2022.BD).

How to cite: Dinis, R., Font, E., Parés, J., Carmo, J., Trindade, R., Vilhena, L., Reboleira, A. S., Hasözbek, A., Jimenez-Barredo, F., and Carvalho, E.: Paleomagnetism and Relative Paleointensity of Estremenho Limestone Massif stalagmites, from Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17017, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17017, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kaixian Qi, Shuhui Cai, Huafeng Qin, Chenglong Deng, Yongxin Pan, Yuhji Yamamoto, Xin Cheng, Hanning Wu, and Rixiang Zhu

Retrieving precise information about the ancient geomagnetic field strength (paleointensity) is crucial for understanding the Earth's interior evolution. The Shaw-type method is one of the major protocols used to estimate paleointensity, characterized by relatively expeditious processes and high success rates. However, albeit employing strict selection criteria, Shaw-type paleointensity results occasionally exhibit bias, necessitating further methodological development. Despite the significance of identifying the causes of these biased estimates, there has been limited detailed discussion on this issue.

To clarify the culprit of bias in Shaw-type paleointensity, we conducted a pseudo-Tsunakawa-Shaw experiment using Permian basalts from the Tarim large igneous province (TLIP). In this experiment, the "NRMs (natural remanent magnetizations)" of the samples were acquired in a controlled lab field. We then monitored changes in various rock magnetic parameters, such as squareness (Mrs/Ms), coercivity (Bc), ARM, amtLTD (amount of remanence demagnetized by low-temperature treatment), MDF (median destructive field), and R (the ratio of thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) to anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM)), before and after heating, and compared them to the recovered paleointensities.

Our analysis uncover a proportional relationship between changes in R and the bias in paleointensity, likely attributed to variations in grain sizes. Combining with microscopic observations, we further reveal samples with particular magnetic grain sizes (~200 nm) are more prone to alteration in the integral TRM/ARM efficiency during heating. Building on these findings, we propose an innovative computational method exploiting the linear regression of R with various cut-off coercivity intervals for Shaw-type paleointensities (LoRA-Shaw), which yield accurate results in both laboratory-tested and modern lava samples. We also invoke curve fits for samples with “folding” phenomenon which are not suitable for linear regression. The LoRA-Shaw method combined with curve fits may help in mitigating bias from the thermal alteration and multi-domain effect in paleointensity study, and enhance the success rate in paleointensity determinations for constraining geomagnetic field evolution.

How to cite: Qi, K., Cai, S., Qin, H., Deng, C., Pan, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Cheng, X., Wu, H., and Zhu, R.: The Culprit of Bias in the Shaw-type Method of Estimating Geomagnetic Paleointensity and an Innovative Computational Method for Enhanced Reliability, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9314, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9314, 2024.

On-site presentation
Claudia Principe, Debora Brocchini, Simone Arrighi, Jonas Malfatti, Avto Gogichaishvili, Ilaria Cerbai, Marina Devidze, Sergio Crocetti, Annarita Paolillo, Sonia La Felice, and Daniele Giordano

This work, based on cartographic, morphologic, structural, paleo-magnetic, stratigraphic, and petro-chemical data, depict a new scenario of the Monte Somma growth and the volcanic evolution of this portion of Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex. The volcanic growth is dominated by the migration of the volcanic source along three main tectonic trends (N040-050°, N070°, and N320°) that governed the formation of the poly-phased Somma caldera. Stratigraphic evidences, stressed by the UBSU use and by age clustering, reveal the occurrence of important climatic changes during Monte Somma formation, affecting its morphology and producing huge volcaniclastic glacial deposits. Magneto-stratigraphic data confirm the presence of an old edifice (Proto Somma Super-Synthem, 25,000 – 39,000 a BP) in the Cognoli di Trocchia area, beheaded by the Pomici di Base flank collapse about 22 ka ago. After this cataclysmic event, volcanic activity produced news volcanic morphologies (Somma Super-Synthem, 5,600 – 25,000 a BP). This second portion of the reconstructed and dated stratigraphic series is subdivided on the four main units: Cognoli di Santa Anastasia, Cognoli di Ottaviano, Cognoli di Levante, and Mercato Synthems. 

How to cite: Principe, C., Brocchini, D., Arrighi, S., Malfatti, J., Gogichaishvili, A., Cerbai, I., Devidze, M., Crocetti, S., Paolillo, A., La Felice, S., and Giordano, D.: Monte Somma magneto-stratigraphy and growth, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21570, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21570, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Marina Puente-Borque, F. Javier Pavón-Carrasco, Saioa A. Campuzano, María Luisa Osete, Alicia González-López, and Marta Folgueira

Historical records of lunisolar eclipses and star occultations provide us useful information on the variation of the length of day (LOD) over the last 3,000 years. Besides a steadily increasing trend caused by tidal friction effects, there is evidence for a 1300-year oscillation in the LOD. An adequate explanation for this phenomenon requires considering an interaction between the Earth's mantle and core. Several mechanisms in which the geomagnetic field is directly or indirectly involved have been suggested, including electromagnetic coupling or angular momentum exchange. This study explores the potential connection between fluctuations in the length of day and the energy of the Earth's magnetic field. Through a frequency domain analysis and correlation tests, we examined non-tidal observations in LOD and geomagnetic field energy, using the latest archaeoreconstructions of the global magnetic field spanning the last 3,000 years. As a result, we have found a shared 1,300-year period in the LOD and energy of the non-axial terms of the Earth's magnetic field. These findings are interesting and open a possibility for further research in this field to validate and enhance our understanding of the nature and underlying causes of this potential connection between the Earth's magnetic field and the temporal variability in the LOD

How to cite: Puente-Borque, M., Pavón-Carrasco, F. J., Campuzano, S. A., Osete, M. L., González-López, A., and Folgueira, M.: Temporal variability in Earth's length of day and its connection with the geomagnetic field energy over the last 3,000 years, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19446, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19446, 2024.

Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X2

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Anita Di Chiara, Filipe Terra-Nova, Kirolosse Girgis
Kirolosse Girgis, Tohru Hada, Akimasa Yoshikawa, and Shuichi Matsukiyo

The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) represents the minimum magnetic field intensity on Earth, influencing the energetic particle motion within the radiation belts, drawing them closer to our planet. The anomaly region serves as a key location for understanding the dynamics of the radiation belts affected by the magnetospheric response to solar activity.

Our investigation relied mainly on our recent numerical simulation results of the inner radiation belt during two magnetic storm events: May 15, 2005, and February 3-4, 2022. We developed a test particle simulation code to compute the 70-180 MeV proton trajectories in the inner magnetosphere. The IGRF and Tsyganenko models provided the background time-dependent electromagnetic field in response to the input solar conditions. The AP8 model and SAC-C satellite observation confirmed the numerical results. We summarize that protons tend to concentrate more in the SAA’s southern region, while further research found that electrons exhibit a higher tendency to populate the SAA’s northern region due to wave-particle interaction. In light of this conclusion, we identified prolonged Pc5 waves in the ground magnetic field data acquired from stations near the SAA’s northern region provided by MAGDAS/CPMN network.

Examining the particle dynamics inside the SAA is crucial for predicting the radiation environment of LEO missions, forecasting the thermosphere’s response to intense space weather, and anticipating the possible long-term climate changes.

How to cite: Girgis, K., Hada, T., Yoshikawa, A., and Matsukiyo, S.: A multi-disciplinary approach to investigate particle dynamics in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1630, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1630, 2024.

Austin Clark, Shing Fung, Natasha Buzulukova, Timothy Lang, and Burcu Kosar

We present spatiotemporal patterns of interference in low-Earth orbit (LEO) lightning observations within the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and compare them to the patterns obtained from modeled and in situ observations of particle energies and fluxes. In particular, the high sampling frequency of the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) allowed mapping of the SAA to reveal its seasonal and diurnal variability. Overall, lightning observation interference patterns in the SAA have been observed to vary with solar cycle, to lag in peak timing between solar cycle and maximum interference, and to drift longitudinally, similarly to the generally known behaviors of the SAA. However, the seasonality of the SAA from TRMM LIS differed from that of the higher altitude Optical Transient Detector (OTD) and previous studies, e.g., Schaefer et al. (2016), which have shown a bimodal seasonality compared to the more unimodal pattern from TRMM LIS. This is indicative of other potential influences on the interference patterns at the TRMM LIS altitude of 400km.

The LIS and OTD were optical lightning instruments operating in low-Earth orbit from 1995-2023. These packages were designed to observe the near-infrared (777.4-nm) channel, which is emitted by lightning and scattered by the clouds to produce a detectable signal, with a charge-coupled device (CCD) array. Radiation in the low-Earth environment would also impact the sensors and lead to false detections. Much of this noise could be filtered out given the typically random spatiotemporal distribution of radiation, especially when compared to the more organized lightning signal. Recently, however, spatiotemporal patterns have been noted in some portions of these lightning records within the SAA. The trapped radiation in the SAA yields far more false detections than anywhere else for these instruments, and occasionally this increased volume of noise can overwhelm the sensors’ processing capabilities and render it unable to intake new data, effectively blinding it. The blinded state is known as a First-In First-Out (FIFO) buffer overflow and is recognizable as a reduction in the time that the instrument was operating nominally over a given region. Although this effect also occurred with large and intense thunderstorm systems, it was an order of magnitude more common in the SAA, leading to reductions in nominal observation time of up to 80% (per-month for LIS; lifetime for OTD). Tracking the nominal observation time and the FIFO buffer flagging reported by the science data has allowed for the SAA patterns of interference to be extracted, as lightning itself is unaffected by the SAA. The differences in altitude and inclination angle between the OTD and the LIS on TRMM and the International Space Station (ISS) allow for interesting inter-instrument comparisons within these patterns as well, including coincidence with other instruments aboard the ISS during the ISS LIS lifetime.

Schaefer, R.K., Paxton, L.J., Selby, C., Ogorzalek, B.S., Romeo, G., Wolven, B.C., and Hsieh, S.Y., 2016: Observation and modeling of the South Atlantic Anomaly in low Earth orbit using photometric instrument data. Space Weather, 14, 330–342. doi: 10.1002/2016SW001371.

How to cite: Clark, A., Fung, S., Buzulukova, N., Lang, T., and Kosar, B.: Influence of the South Atlantic Anomaly on Low-Earth Orbit Lightning Observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13724, 2024.

Filipe Terra Nova dos Santos and Hagay Amit

Thermal core-mantle interactions affect the convection pattern in the outer core and thus the morphology of the generated geomagnetic field.
Correlations between longitudes of lowermost mantle seismic anomalies and prominent geomagnetic flux patches (normal and reversed) provide
evidence for mantle control on the geodynamo (Gubbins et al., 2007, Terra-Nova et al., 2016). Analyses of geomagnetic field models and numerical dynamos with heterogeneous outer boundary heat flux inferred from lower mantle seismic anomalies demonstrated that the SAA longitudinal preferred position is also mantle controlled (Terra-Nova et al., 2019). In contrast, the present latitude of SAA was seldom reproduced. For fundamental understanging of the type of CMB heat flux pattern that may lead to large latitudes of surface intensity minima, we explore dynamo models with different single harmonic CMB heat flux patterns. Our goal is to unravel the core-mantle interaction that induces recurrent large latitude surface intensity minima. Here we show preliminary results from these simulations.

How to cite: Terra Nova dos Santos, F. and Amit, H.: Necessary core-mantle boundary heat flux pattern ingredients for observed latitudes of geomagnetic surface intensity minima, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7419, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7419, 2024.

Maximilian Arthus Schanner, Monika Korte, and Matthias Holschneider

Many existing global geomagnetic field models for historical and longer timescales are based on spherical harmonics for the spatial part and low order basis splines for the temporal dynamics. The related modeling procedure is well established and implements a regularized non-linear least squares inversion. Early papers on the methodology already mention uncertainty estimation in this context. Even though they use a different language, this connects the regularized least squares approach to Bayesian statistics. However, most likely due to computational costs, the ideas from the early papers were lost in subsequent studies and most presented models rely on bootstrapping methods for uncertainty estimation or do not include uncertainties at all. In a statistical setting, this translates to presenting a point estimate (mean or mode) of the posterior distribution.

We revised the established spline based modeling formalism in order to excavate the procedure for uncertainty estimation and complement the point estimate by covariance matrices. This way, uncertainty estimates can be provided for many existing models retrospectively. Using ensemble techniques, the estimated uncertainty can also be propagated to derived quantities like the PSV-index or geomagnetic shielding. Finally, the statistical view provides a new way of estimating the regularization parameters using marginal likelihood optimization. The presented method is applicable to satellite based models in principle, although it is less relevant there due to the large amount of data and uncertainties from other sources (e.g. external fields).

How to cite: Schanner, M. A., Korte, M., and Holschneider, M.: Spline-based geomagnetic field  modeling revisited, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10662, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10662, 2024.

Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Mario Moreira, and Brian Jicha

New paleomagnetic measurements, coupled with 40Ar/39Ar dating of terrestrial lava sequences, are revolutionizing our understanding of the geodynamo by providing high resolution records of the paleomagnetic field. As part of an investigation of the short-term behavior of the geomagnetic field, we have sampled 25 cooling units of the Mauna Kuwale Wai’anae Volcano, Oahu Hawaii. After the flank collapse of the volcano 22 Icelanditic and 3 Rhyodacitic units were identified and sampled in detail for paleomagnetic, rock magnetic and petrofabric (AMS) studies. We performed both NRM and induced magnetic detailed experiments of the 25 individual cooling units. At least eight samples, collected from each of 25 successive cooling units at Mauna Kuwale, were stepwise demagnetized by both alternating field (5 mT to 100 mT) and thermal (from 28°C to 575650°C) methods. Mean directions were obtained by principal component analysis. All samples yielded a strong and stable ChRM trending towards the origin of vector demagnetization diagrams based on seven or more demagnetization steps, with thermal and AF results differing insignificantly. Low-field susceptibility vs. temperature (k–T) analysis conducted on individual lava flows indicated approximately half with reversible curves. Curie point determinations from these analyses revealed a temperature close to or equal to 580°C, indicative of almost pure magnetite ranging from single domain (SD) to pseudo-single domain (PSD) grain sizes for most of the flows. FORCs were also determined. The mean directions of magnetization of the entire section sampled indicate a normal polarity, with 12 transitional cooling units of the sequence characterized by excursional directions. The record shows paleosecular variation within the transitional portion of the record similar to the Lower Mammoth polarity transition found on 3 adjacent units of the Wai’anae volcano. The 40Ar/39Ar isotopic determinations yielded an integrated age obtained from several specimens of 3.314+/- 0.034 Ma.


How to cite: Herrero-Bervera, E., Moreira, M., and Jicha, B.: A geomagnetic  and AMSrecord of the  Lower Mammoth  (ca. 3.314+/- 0.034 Ma)  polarity transition recorded in the Icelandic and Rhyodacite  Mauna Kuwale long volcanic sequence Wai’ane Volcano, Oahu, Hawaii, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12842, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12842, 2024.

Anita Di Chiara, Sara Satolli, Sarah Friedman, Deepa Dwyer, Boris Th. Karatsolis, Paul N. Pearson, Tom Dunkley Jones, Takuma Suzuki, Anne Briais, Ross E. Parnell Turner, and Leah J. LeVay and the Expedition 395 Science Team

Drift sediments are characterized by a rapid accumulation rate (≥10 cm/kyr), which can provide high-resolution records of the geomagnetic field behavior. Previous ocean drilling in the North Atlantic (e.g., ODP Leg 162 and IODP Exp 306) discovered magnetic instabilities of short duration, such as the Iceland Basin Excursion (188 ka). These records have contributed to our understanding of Earth’s magnetic field variations in the geological past and the foundation of the Geomagnetic Instability Time Scale (GITS) in the Quaternary (0-2.58 Ma).

Between 2020 and 2023, IODP Expeditions 384, 395C, and 395 drilled six sites: five along a transect on the eastern side of the modern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (between 20-30°W at a latitude of ~60°N) and one on the western side, off the coast of Greenland. The expedition aims to investigate the formation of V-shaped ridges and V-shaped troughs in the Reykjanes Ridge and the evolution of deepwater currents.

Shipboard paleomagnetic and microfossil data provided a preliminary age model for all sites, extending the regional record to 11 Ma.

During the Expeditions(s), archive half sections were subjected to alternating field stepwise demagnetization cleaning of natural remanent magnetization. Shipboard paleomagnetic data were processed to remove edge effect, core disturbance, and are integrated with data from discrete samples. All directional data were interpreted, isolating the primary magnetization through the principal component analysis. The discrete samples confirm all polarity changes recognized in the shipboard inclination data. Here, we present the preliminary results from two of the sites drilled during the Expeditions 395C, U1555 (~2.7 Ma) and U1563 (~5.2 Ma), where most of the magnetic events (including excursions and reversals) reported in the Geomagnetic Instability Time Scale of the Quaternary are recognized. These high-resolution records provide the potential to extend the GITS further in the past, expanding the potential of using magnetic instabilities as a dating tool and help to refine our understanding of how the Earth’s magnetic field changed in the past.

How to cite: Di Chiara, A., Satolli, S., Friedman, S., Dwyer, D., Karatsolis, B. Th., Pearson, P. N., Dunkley Jones, T., Suzuki, T., Briais, A., Parnell Turner, R. E., and LeVay, L. J. and the Expedition 395 Science Team: The Gauss and Matuyama recorded in drift sediments from the North Atlantic: preliminary study from IODP Expedition 395C., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15530, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15530, 2024.

Eva Vernet Tarragó, Manuel Calvo Rathert, Ángel Carrancho Alonso, Yuhji Yamamoto, Josep Parés, and Vicente Soler

La Palma, located in the westernmost part of the Canarian Archipelago, is one of the youngest islands in the archipelago. In this study, we present a paleomagnetic and paleointensity study performed in lava-flows from Upper Pleistocene and Holocene prehistoric eruptions from Cumbre Vieja volcano, in the southern part of La Palma Island. Thirteen different sites, each one with a different isotopic age date (Guillou et al., 1998; 2001), have been sampled including basalts, tephrites and phonolites. These rocks represent most of the Upper Pleistocene and prehistoric Holocene dated lava flows in the island.

The aim of this study is to obtain a full-vector record of the Earth’s Magnetic Field in the island during a period comprised between 56 to 1 ka BP. This has been accomplished using alternating field and thermal stepwise demagnetizations to retrieve paleomagnetic directions. For absolute paleointensity determinations, a multi-method approach has been conducted using both Thellier-Coe with pTRM checks and Tsunakawa-Shaw methods, obtaining several consistent results. The agreement of the results with different paleointensity methods provides an additional paleointensity reliability check. In addition, different rock magnetic experiments have been performed, such as magnetization versus temperature curves, isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) curves, hysteresis loops, backfield and FORCs, showing low coercitivity and variable Curie temperatures, displaying magnetite with different cation substitutions as the main magnetic mineral carriers. All these experiments have been carried out at the University of Burgos, the CENIEH research centre in Burgos (Spain) and the Marine Core Research Institute in Kochi University (Japan) Paleomagnetic Laboratories.


Guillou, H., Carracedo, J. C. Day, S. J., Carracedo, J. C. (1998). Dating of the Upper Pleistocene Holocene volcanic activity of La Palma using the unspiked K-Ar technique. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 86(1–4), 137-149.

Guillou, H., Carracedo, J. C., Duncan, R. A. (2001). K–Ar, 40Ar–39Ar ages and magnetostratigraphy of Brunhes and Matuyama lava sequences from La Palma Island. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 106(3), 175-194.

How to cite: Vernet Tarragó, E., Calvo Rathert, M., Carrancho Alonso, Á., Yamamoto, Y., Parés, J., and Soler, V.: Full vector record of the Earth’s Magnetic Field from Upper Pleistocene to prehistoric Holocene lava-flows in La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19081, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19081, 2024.

Ingo Wardinski and Filipe Terra-Nova
Archeo- and paleomagnetic field models show a wide range of temporal variability and of spatial content. While the temporal variability may reflect true geomagnetic field variation, the different spatial content of individual models could be explained by different modeling strategies and data sources, but most likely by data uncertainties. To overcome these problems, we derive a time-dependent mean, median and robust Huber models over the last 100 kyrs from a large suite of different archeo- and paleomagnetic field models (AFM-M, AFM-Md and AFM-H, respectively). These models allow to identify common features of the past field  and to qualitatively assess the robustness and the significance of these spatial features throughout time.
We evaluate each model over the entire period and compute structural criteria that quantify axial dipole dominance, equatorial symmetry, zonality and radial flux concentration at the CMB. These criteria are used to quantify the Earth-likeness of numerical dynamo simulations. Over 100 kyrs, the criteria show larger fluctuations than previously assumed, which implicates a wider range of numerical dynamo simulations to be considered as Earth-like.

How to cite: Wardinski, I. and Terra-Nova, F.: Evaluation of archaeological and pleistocene magnetic field models and their common features, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15636, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15636, 2024.

Posters virtual: Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X3

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: F. Javier Pavón-Carrasco, Filipe Terra-Nova, Angelo De Santis
Saioa A. Campuzano, Angelo De Santis, F. Javier Pavón-Carrasco, and Enkelejda Qamili

The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is an area with values of the geomagnetic field intensity lower than expected ones. The SAA represents one of the most important features of the present geomagnetic field and it is related to the presence of reversed flux patches at the Core-Mantle Boundary. In the satellite era, it has been observed that the SAA areal extent has been continuously growing, with periods alternating positive and negative accelerations. Periods with minima in the acceleration of the SAA areal extent seem to be related to the occurrences of geomagnetic jerks for the last 2 decades. This finding was published in 2021 using the CHAOS-7.2 model. Here, we use the new updated CHAOS-7.16 release to confirm these results, especially relevant in very recent times when edge effects could have affected previous calculations. This new analysis reinforces the proposed link and weaken the idea of a connection by chance. We have also analyzed the acceleration of the areal extent of South American and African reversed flux patches at the Core-Mantle Boundary related to the presence of the SAA at surface and have registered minima in the same periods when they are observed in the SAA at surface. As geomagnetic jerks are sudden changes in the geomagnetic field secular variation related to changes in outer core flow patterns, this result could reinforce the hypothesis that the core dynamics involved in the origin of jerks is related to the physical processes that produce the reversed flux patches, and in turn the SAA evolution.

How to cite: Campuzano, S. A., De Santis, A., Pavón-Carrasco, F. J., and Qamili, E.: South Atlantic Anomaly as marker of geomagnetic jerks during satellite era, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18282, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18282, 2024.

Pablo Rivera, F. Javier Pavón-Carrasco, Angelo De Santis, Maria Luisa Osete, Saioa A. Campuzano, and Gianfranco Cianchini

The continuous update of the archaeomagnetic database spanning the last 3000 years has facilitated the refinement of geomagnetic models, unveiling the presence of non-dipolar anomalies previous to instrumental measurements. Within the Holocene epoch, two anomalies have become notably well-defined. The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), characterized by low geomagnetic intensities in the South Atlantic, stands out as the most significant present-day anomaly. Its origin and evolution before instrumental records is still under debate and has been suggested as a possible persistent or recurrent feature of the field. In addition, the Levantine Iron Age Anomaly (LIAA) has been defined as a geomagnetic spike characterized by abnormally high intensities affecting Levant and Europe during the first half of the first millennium BCE.

We approach to the analysis of these anomalies with a simple model, using a monopolar source to locally fit the non-axial field around these anomalies. The movement of the monopoles associated with SAA and LIAA seems to align with regions of the mantle characterized by low shear velocity, particularly the edges of the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province (LLSVP), suggesting a correlation with lower mantle heterogeneities.


How to cite: Rivera, P., Pavón-Carrasco, F. J., De Santis, A., Osete, M. L., Campuzano, S. A., and Cianchini, G.: Magnetic core field anomalies in the non-axial field: approach with a monopole., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19772, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19772, 2024.

Raquel Bonilla Alba, Miriam Gómez-Paccard, F. Javier Pavón-Carrasco, Elisabet Beamud, Saioa Arquero Campuzano, Verónica Martinez-Ferreras, José María Gurt-Esparraguera, and María Luisa Osete

Thanks to recent archaeomagnetic studies, it has been observed that the intensity of the magnetic field undergoes abrupt variations in different eras and regions of the planet. In particular, the Levantine Iron Age Anomaly (LIAA), first observed in Israel, has been studied. This phenomenon is characterised by reaching exceptionally high levels of intensity in a short period of time, followed by a rapid decline. Despite the importance of this anomaly, the geographical limit of the LIAA to the east is poorly constrained, with very few studies from Central Asia. The aim of this work is twofold: first, to provide the first high-quality archaeointensity data for the 2nd millennium BC in Central Asia. For this propose, 76 potteries sherds, collected from three different archaeological sites in Uzbekistan date between 2000 and 300 BC, were analysed by Thellier-Thellier method. The second objective is to present a first paleosecular variation (PSV) intensity curve for the last 4000 years, which allows a detailed understanding of the magnetic intensity behaviour in Central Asia. This work not only deepens our understanding of the LIAA and its magnetic implications, but also contributes to the global understanding of variations in the Earth's magnetic field over time.

How to cite: Bonilla Alba, R., Gómez-Paccard, M., Pavón-Carrasco, F. J., Beamud, E., Campuzano, S. A., Martinez-Ferreras, V., Gurt-Esparraguera, J. M., and Osete, M. L.: First paleosecular variation intensity curve for the las 4k years for Central Asia , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19724, 2024.
