AS1.11 | Mixed-phase and ice cloud observations and modelling
Mixed-phase and ice cloud observations and modelling
Convener: Christian Rolf | Co-conveners: Luisa Ickes, Odran Sourdeval, Hinrich Grothe, Georgia SotiropoulouECSECS
| Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 0.11/12
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Wed, 14:00
Thu, 10:45
Thu, 14:00
Cold clouds (mixed-phase and ice) play an important role in the Earth’s radiation budget because of their high temporal and spatial coverage and their interaction with long wave and short wave radiation. Yet, the variability and complexity of their macro- and microphysical properties, a consequence of intricate ice particle nucleation, secondary ice production and growth processes, makes their study extremely challenging. As a result, large uncertainties still exist in our understanding of cold cloud processes, their radiative effects, and their interaction with their environment (in particular, aerosols).

This session aims to advance our comprehension of cold clouds by bringing observation- and modelling-based research together. A diversity of research topics shall be covered, highlighting recent advances in cloud observation techniques, modelling and subsequent process studies:

(1) Airborne, space borne, ground- or laboratory-based measurements and their derived products (e.g. retrievals), which are useful to characterise cloud properties like extent, emissivity, or crystal size distributions, to clarify formation mechanisms, and to provide climatologies.

(2) Process-based, regional and global model simulations that employ observations for better representation of cold cloud microphysical properties and radiative forcing under both current and future climate.

The synthesis of these approaches can uniquely answer questions regarding dynamical influence on cloud formation, life cycle, coverage, microphysical and radiative properties, crystal shapes, sizes and variability of ice particles in mixed-phase as well as ice clouds. Joint observation-modelling contributions are therefore particularly encouraged.

Please also note the session "Atmospheric surface-science and ice nucleating particles" for more experimental studies related to Ice Nucleating Particles (INPs). Abstracts related to ice formation on this more microphysical scale would better fit into this session.

Session assets

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 0.11/12

Chairpersons: Christian Rolf, Odran Sourdeval, Hinrich Grothe
In-situ observation
On-site presentation
Emma Järvinen, Martin Schnaiter, Guanglang Xu, and Shawn Wagner

Airborne in-situ measurements provide a valuable opportunity to measure ice cloud properties in their natural atmospheric contexts, significantly contributing to our understanding of complex atmospheric processes. Traditional in-situ measurement techniques, relying on forward scattering, shadowgraphs or holography, have provided valuable insights into cloud particle size information and shape. However, finding answers to unresolved research questions often requires alternative and more advanced measurement technologies.

In this talk, we discuss one of those more advanced airborne instruments, a single-particle cloud imager and nephelometer (PHIPS), and review its first decade of airborne operations. PHIPS was intended to unravel the link between ice crystal microphysics and angular light scattering properties in cirrus clouds on a single particle basis. We demonstrate how the combination of angular scattering function measurements with simultaneous in-situ microscopy can be used to develop new parameterisations of ice cloud single-scattering properties for radiative transfer models. Furthermore, we explore the distinctions between these observational-based parameterisations and conventional parameterisations assuming idealised ice crystal shapes.

The single-particle light scattering function, detected with high enough angular resolution, emerges as a potent tool to distinguish between spherical and aspherical particles. Consequently, such measurements could be used to reliably discriminate hydrometeor phases in mixed-phase clouds. We illustrate how this method provides new insights into the ice formation via secondary ice processes in Southern Ocean boundary layer clouds. Additionally, we present first attempts to evaluate parameterisations for secondary ice processes in numerical models (CAM6 and CM1) based PHIPS observations. 

Our results underscore the necessity of airborne in-situ measurements and more advanced technologies in improving our understanding of fundamental ice cloud physics. This leads to more realistic parameterisations of microphysical processes as well a radiative properties of ice and mixed-phase clouds to be used in future climate and weather predictions. 

How to cite: Järvinen, E., Schnaiter, M., Xu, G., and Wagner, S.: Advancements in Cold Cloud Physics: Insights from a Decade of Airborne In-Situ Measurements with the PHIPS Instrument , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4086,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yan Yin, Jing Yang, Yuting Deng, and Xiaoqin Jing

The distribution of ice particles strongly affects the microphysical processes in mixed-phase clouds, but the inhomogeneity of ice distribution is not well understood. In this presentation the inhomogeneity and clustering of ice distribution in a stratiform cloud system is quantitatively analyzed using the pair correlation function (PCF) method, based on airborne in-situ measurements from northeast China. The results show that ice clusters on scales of a few kilometers dominate the inhomogeneity of the ice distribution. Due to the cumulative impact of ice clusters on different scales, the probability of finding relative high ice concentration within a lag of 80 m can be enhanced by 0.1 to 3.5 times. On average, the scale of ice cluster is ~100 m for a sampling distance of 1 km, and increases to 3.2 km for a sampling distance of 20 km. It is also found that the ice growth is not fast enough to cluster the ice water content (IWC), and the inhomogeneity of IWC is strongly influenced by ice generation in addition to ice growth in the observed clouds. The results provide potentially important information to improve the parameterizations of microphysics in numerical weather prediction and climate models.

How to cite: Yin, Y., Yang, J., Deng, Y., and Jing, X.: Quantifying the spatial inhomogeneity of ice concentration in mixed-phase stratiform clouds using airborne observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6934,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nina Maherndl, Manuel Moser, Mario Mech, Nils Risse, Aaron Bansemer, and Maximilian Maahn

Observations show that ice water content (IWC) is not distributed homogeneously in mixed-phase clouds (MPC). Instead, high IWC tends to occur in clusters. However, it is not sufficiently understood, which ice crystal formation and growth processes play a dominant role in IWC clustering. Additionally, spatial scales of IWC clusters are not well known. This leads to uncertainties of atmospheric models in representing MPC.

Riming, which occurs when liquid water droplets freeze onto ice crystals, is an important ice crystal growth process. It plays a key role in precipitation formation in MPC by efficiently converting liquid cloud water into ice.

In this study, we analyze the influence of riming on IWC variability  and compare shallow Arctic MPC to mid-latitude winter storms. We use airborne data collected during the HALO-(AC)3 field campaign performed in spring 2022 west of Svalbard, and the IMPACTS field campaign, which took place over the eastern USA (winter 2020, 2022 and 2023). In both campaigns, two aircraft were flying in formation collecting closely spatially collocated and almost simultaneous in situ and remote sensing observations.

We quantify the amount of riming using the normalized rime mass M, which we retrieve from a closure of measured radar reflectivity Ze and measured in situ particle size distributions (PSD). As forward operators in the M retrieval, we use the Passive and Active Microwave radiative TRAnsfer tool (PAMTRA) and empirical relationships of M and particle properties. We calculate IWC from the retrieved M and the measured PSD. In addition, we calculate IWC assuming no riming (M = 0) and perform forward simulations of Ze for the (theoretical) unrimed case. 
Then, we quantify spatial variability of IWC and Ze with and without riming using autocorrelation, pair correlation, and power spectra. Further, we compare shallow Arctic MPC to mid-latitude winter storms and analyze the role of ice particle number concentration and size.

This will lead to a better understanding of the spatial scale and driver of IWC variability and thereby help to improve modeling of MPC.

How to cite: Maherndl, N., Moser, M., Mech, M., Risse, N., Bansemer, A., and Maahn, M.: Characterizing the influence of riming on the spatial variability of ice water content in mixed-phase clouds using airborne data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7424,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Mathieu Lachapelle, Kenny Bala, Cuong Nguyen, Natalia Bliankinshtein, Keyvan Ranjbar, Margaux Girouard, Julie M. Thériault, Justin Minder, David Kingsmill, Jeffrey French, Mengistu Wolde, and Leonid Nichman

Predicting the accurate type of precipitation during winter storms is crucial for the implementation of mitigation measures such as aircraft deicing in commercial aviation or the spreading of salt and abrasives on roads. For this reason, a better understanding of the microphysical processes leading to winter precipitation types is essential. During freezing rain events, secondary ice produced by the freezing of supercooled raindrops via the fragmentation of freezing drops (FFD) process can initiate a chain reaction, potentially transitioning freezing rain into ice pellets. However, including this process in numerical weather prediction models is challenging due to the uncertainty in the efficiency of this mechanism. To bridge this gap, this study aims to evaluate the efficiency of the FFD process during ice pellet precipitation using measurements collected onboard the NRC Convair-580 research aircraft during the WINTRE-MIX field campaign, in February 2022. Specifically, measurements from two missed-approaches conducted in the Saint Lawrence Valley, Quebec, Canada during an ice pellet storm are analyzed. These missed-approaches provide unique datasets collected above, within, and below the ice pellet freezing altitude using in-situ and remote sensing instruments. In the region characterized by completely frozen ice pellets, a bi-modal particle size distribution, indicative of secondary ice production, was measured. Observations from imaging and optical-array probes suggest that particles smaller than 200 µm in diameter were, likely, non-spherical ice crystals, whereas the particle size mode with the larger diameters was associated with ice pellets. The observations of fractured ice pellets and ice pellets with bulges and spicules on most large particles suggested the occurrence of the FFD process. Subsequently, the measured number concentration of small ice particles, which was of the order of 500 L-1, was compared with the number concentration of ice particles simulated through existing parametrizations of secondary ice production. This analysis  will be valuable for selecting the most accurate FFD process parametrization to use for freezing rain and ice pellets simulation. 

How to cite: Lachapelle, M., Bala, K., Nguyen, C., Bliankinshtein, N., Ranjbar, K., Girouard, M., M. Thériault, J., Minder, J., Kingsmill, D., French, J., Wolde, M., and Nichman, L.: Airborne and ground measurements for vertical profiling of secondary ice production during ice pellet , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10694,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Deepak Waman, Sachin Patade, Arti Jadav, Vaughan Phillips, and Corinna Hoose

In many aircraft studies of natural convective clouds (CCs), it has long been observed that at subzero levels warmer than –38oC, the number concentrations of ice particles exceed the number concentration of available active ice nuclei particles (INPs). This suggests that following initial primary ice formation via INP activity at these levels in CCs, there must be some natural mechanisms present to enhance the number concentration of ice crystals, known as secondary ice production (SIP) mechanisms. SIP may form 1) during riming of supercooled cloud droplets between –3 and –8oC (Hallett-Mossop [HM] process), and during 2) fragmentation of freezing raindrops, 3) ice-ice collision, and 4) sublimation of ice particles. However, the relative importance of these SIP processes may differ for differing cloudy conditions.

The present study discusses the importance of the age of the simulated CCs in their lifecycle to determine which SIP process is active. The degree of enhancement in the number concentrations of ice crystals due to SIP activity is defined using the term called ‘ice enhancement’ (IE) ratio. A line of CCs observed during the MC3E campaign in 2011 over Oklahoma, USA was simulated using the WRF-based Aerosol-Cloud (AC) model for a 3D mesoscale domain. AC initiates primary ice by predicting the INP activity of solid aerosol particles such as mineral dust, black carbon, and biological particles. Furthermore, AC forms secondary ice from the SIP processes mentioned above. The simulated microphysical characteristics of the MC3E clouds agree well with the coincident aircraft, ground-based, and satellite observations, with errors of ±30%.

It is predicted that for relatively young developing CCs, with their tops warmer than –15oC, the HM process and raindrop-freezing fragmentation dominate the overall ice enhancement, creating an IE ratio as high as 104. As the cloud goes through its lifecycle, becoming mature, fragmentation in ice-ice collision becomes prolific, forming IE ratios of about 103, both in updraft and downdraft regions. While it is weak (IE ratios < 10) in the updraft regions, fragmentation in sublimation is predicted to create IE ratios of up to about 102.

How to cite: Waman, D., Patade, S., Jadav, A., Phillips, V., and Hoose, C.: Importance of Age of Convective Clouds for Explosive Ice Crystal Number Growth via Secondary Ice Production, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2859,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Declan Finney, Alan Blyth, Paul Field, Martin Daily, Benjamin Murray, and Steven Boeing

Cloud feedbacks associated with anvil cirrus are some of the most uncertain. The Deep Convective Microphysics EXperiment (DCMEX) aims to reduce this uncertainty by improving the representation of microphysical processes in climate models. In support of this aim, we present analysis of the cloud radiative properties from cloud-resolving simulations with the Met Office Unified Model (UM). We apply the Cloud AeroSol Interacting Microphysics (CASIM) module within the UM. 

Overall, the results suggest that an increase in cloud droplet number or ice nucleating particles can increase the reflectivity of anvil cloud. However, the magnitude of these effects shows a dependency on environmental conditions such as wind shear.

Our simulations are based upon a number of case studies from the DCMEX 2022 field campaign held over the Magdalena Mountains in central New Mexico. In the campaign, numerous cases of deep convective cloud formation were observed using the FAAM aircraft, radar,  ground-based aerosol instruments,  and automated cameras. A number of observation-informed, sensitivity simulations have been performed to explore the representation of cloud microphysics within the UM-CASIM model. 

With the model sensitivity simulations we explore the effect of a range of measured microphysical features. The features include: 1) Cloud droplet number concentration, 2) Temperature dependence of heterogeneous freezing, and 3) Secondary ice formation rate from the Hallett-Mossop process.

There is consistently higher outgoing radiation from high cloud, and across the whole domain, in experiments using higher cloud droplet concentration. This aggregate radiative effect manifests from changes in anvil cloud area and reflectivity. Experiments using the ice nucleating particle-temperature relationship derived from DCMEX observations are compared to a simulation using the widely-used Cooper curve. We find an increase in high cloud reflectivity in several cases, but the magnitude of the difference varies from 0-10%, depending on environmental conditions. Overall, the sensitivity experiments vary in all-domain mean outgoing radiation by greater than 10 Wm-2.

Our results offer an important contribution to the understanding of anvil cloud effects on climate through describing the potential effect of small-scale processes on radiation. These microphysical processes are not well represented in climate models. Our finding that their effect depends on environmental conditions encourages a focus on evaluation methods that take this into consideration.

How to cite: Finney, D., Blyth, A., Field, P., Daily, M., Murray, B., and Boeing, S.: Microphysical influence on cloud radiative effect during New Mexico deep convective cloud cases, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7679,, 2024.

Remote Sensing
On-site presentation
Florian Mandija, Dunya Alraddawi, Philippe Keckhut, and Sergey Khaykin

Cirrus as high-altitude clouds are formed at the highest layers of the troposphere, usually at the altitude range 5,000 – 14,000m. Cirrus clouds are composed mainly by asymmetric ice crystals, which are formed during the freezing process of the water vapor at the regions of very low temperature. In global scale, over land, their frequency of occurrence ranges between 28 and 42%, depending on the geographic location and season.

Cirrus clouds are classified with respect to optical thickness into four major classes; thick cloud (τ > 3), opaque cirrostratus (0.3 < τ < 3), transparent or thin cirrus (0.03 < τ < 0.3), and subvisible cirrus (τ < 0.03). Another classification of cirrus comes from their origin; in-situ and liquid origins.

This cloud type plays a key role in the Earth’s radiation budget. In general, cirrus has a net warming effect (21 W/m2), due to the warming LR and cooling caused by SR reflection. However, difficulties to investigate optically very thin cirrus clouds with satellite observations, don’t allow to have the whole picture of the cirrus radiative forcing. Local investigations, engaging  ground-based lidar measurements enable the detection of cirrus clouds of optical depths down to 10-3 and hence a better quantification of the effect of the thin clouds.

In this study, we have investigated the cirrus cloud geometrical properties, during the period 2020 – 2023, based on the nocturnal measurements of the high-resolution Rayleigh/Mie lidar at the  Observatory of Haute Provence (OHP) in France (43.9°N, 5.7°E). The analysed parameters are the top/base/mid- cloud heights, mid-cloud altitude and geometrical thickness .

Coincident meteorological parameters Data, such as  mid-cloud temperature and relative humidity are provided by ERA-5 (climate reanalysis produced by ECMWF).

Clouds are then considered as cirrus based on the following  criterias: In-cloud temperature must be as lower than −25 C,  the Scattering Ratio SR, must be above its average plus three times its standard deviation in the 17–19 km altitude range.

Multivariate analysis combining the principal component analysis and cluster methods are used to classify cirrus cloud with respect of their geometrical properties. Overall results of these analysis indicate three major cirrus cloud classes; mid-troposphere thin cirrus, thick upper-troposphere cirrus and thin-tropopause cirrus. These cirrus classes have different geometrical thickness and mid-cloud altitude. These classes differ also in terms of meteorological parameters, such as relative humidity and In-cloud temperature.

This study is done in the framework of the project CONTRAILS funded by MEFR/BPI France under the contract number DOS0182436/00. 

How to cite: Mandija, F., Alraddawi, D., Keckhut, P., and Khaykin, S.: Midlatitude cirrus cloud investigations from ground-based lidar and ERA-5 re-analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11218,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations (PolarCAP)
Willi Schimmel, Fabian Senf, Jens Stoll, Patric Seifert, Kevin Ohneiser, Jan Henneberger, Ulrike Lohmann, Robert Spirig, Fabiola Ramelli, Christopher Fuchs, Anna Miller, Huiying Zhang, and Nadja Omanovic
On-site presentation
Anna Weber, Veronika Pörtge, Tobias Zinner, and Bernhard Mayer

We present a method to retrieve cloud thermodynamic phase from multi-angle polarimetric and spectral imaging. Spectral absorption differences between water and ice in the near infrared are commonly used to discriminate between liquid, mixed, and ice clouds. For example, the spectral slope between 1500 and 1700 nm increases with decreasing liquid cloud fraction. These methods are very sensitive to small amounts of ice in liquid clouds. On the other hand, the polarization signal of clouds shows different features depending on the cloud thermodynamic phase. The cloudbow is formed by single scattering on liquid cloud droplets. Observation of the cloudbow indicates the presence of liquid water while its absence indicates pure ice clouds. In addition the slope of the Q component of the Stokes vector for scattering angles in the range of 60 to 100 degree depends on the partitioning between liquid and ice phase. The polarimetric method is much more sensitive to small amounts of liquid water compared to the spectral method and represents cloud thermodynamic phase at cloud top. In addition, polarization is dominated by single scattering and thus does not suffer from 3D radiative effects.

Both methods are applied to data of the airborne hyperspectral and polarized imaging system specMACS measured during the HALO-(AC)3 campaign. specMACS provides wide-field and high spatial resolution data with a horizontal resolution down to a few 10m. By a combination of the spectral and multi-angle polarimetric observations we will retrieve cloud thermodynamic phase partitioning of single layer mixed-phase clouds and investigate spatial and temporal scales of phase transitions in low-level arctic mixed-phase clouds.

How to cite: Weber, A., Pörtge, V., Zinner, T., and Mayer, B.: Cloud thermodynamic phase from spectral and multi-angle polarimetric imaging with specMACS, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10252,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Odran Sourdeval, Hinrich Grothe, Christian Rolf
On-site presentation
Kai Jeggle, Mikolaj Czerkawski, Federico Serva, Bertrand Le Saux, David Neubauer, and Ulrike Lohmann

Remote sensing observations of cloud ice in cirrus and mixed-phase clouds have been playing a crucial role in advancing our understanding of cloud processes and validating climate models. On the one hand, many studies have used polar-orbiting active satellite instruments like CALIPSO’s lidar and CloudSat’s radar to analyze microphysical properties of ice clouds. These instruments are able to provide a vertical profile of cloud structures and thus allow a detailed view on cloud microphysical properties. But, due to their long revisiting times it is impossible to study the evolution of individual clouds. On the other hand, passive geostationary satellite instruments such as SEVIRI onboard the Meteosat satellites retrieve every 15 minutes a top-down view of Earth’s surface by measuring intensities of the reflected solar radiation and terrestrial infrared radiation but only in 2D.

IceCloudNet is a novel machine learning model that fuses the benefits of passive geostationary and polar-orbiting active satellite instruments to create a new vertically resolved (3D) data set of cloud ice in cirrus and mixed-phase clouds with high spatio-temporal coverage and resolution. To this end, we train IceCloudNet to predict the vertical structure of cloud ice from SEVIRI input data and co-located vertically resolved cloud ice retrievals from DARDAR as target data. Despite being only supervised with sparsely available DARDAR reference data, IceCloudNet shows good performance in predicting complex cloud structures including multi-layer clouds, when tested on independent validation data. The new data set created by IceCloudNet will enable the scientific community to conduct novel research on ice cloud formation and improve the understanding of microphysical processes by tracking and studying cloud properties through time and space.

How to cite: Jeggle, K., Czerkawski, M., Serva, F., Le Saux, B., Neubauer, D., and Lohmann, U.: IceCloudNet: 3D reconstruction of cloud ice from Meteosat SEVIRI input, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11933,, 2024.

On-site presentation
George Horner and Edward Gryspeerdt

Large cirrus outflows detrained from deep convection play a vital role in modulating the radiative balance of the Earth’s atmosphere. The total cloud radiative effect (CRE) in the tropics is close to zero due to a cancellation between a large shortwave (SW) cooling from optically thick clouds and a longwave (LW) warming from high-altitude thin cirrus that spread over much of the tropics. Any small percentage changes to the LW or SW components of these large detrained cirrus in a future climate could, therefore, have significant impacts on the overall CRE in the tropics.

A crucial question is how the lifetime of these detrained cirrus impacts the total cloud radiative effects in the tropics. Characterising the detrained cirrus outflows, how they evolve over time, and how they might change in a future climate is vital in order to understand their role in the climate system and to constrain past and future climate change.

Building on the ‘Time Since Convection’ product used in Horner & Gryspeerdt (2023), this work investigates how the initial conditions of deep convection influence the radiative evolution and lifetime of the detrained cirrus. If we extend the lifetime of detrained cirrus, how does this change their total radiative effect and the radiative balance in the tropics? To answer this question, data from the DARDAR, ISCCP, and CERES products are used to build a composite picture of the radiative and microphysical properties of the clouds, which are investigated under varying initial conditions.

It is found that the initial conditions of the convection, in particular whether the convection occurs over land or ocean, play an important role in determining the lifetime and total CRE of the detrained cirrus clouds, due to the strong diurnal contrasts in convection over ocean and land. Furthermore, it is found that artificially extending the lifetime of the detrained cirrus increases the total CRE of high clouds in the tropics in all cases.

How to cite: Horner, G. and Gryspeerdt, E.: How does the lifetime of cirrus detrained from deep convection impact the cloud radiative effect of the tropics?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13338,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Athulya Saiprakash, Martina Krämer, Patrick Konjari, Christian Rolf, Jérôme Riedi, and Odran Sourdeval

Understanding the formation mechanisms of ice clouds has been hindered by the complexity of their composition and the diversity of their growth processes. Previously, observational constraints have been limited, leading to substantial gaps in our comprehension and representation of ice clouds. Satellite measurements face a significant challenge due to the lack of essential environmental context information, that is necessary to identify and understand the cloud's formation mechanism and evolution. Indeed, these representations only capture a snapshot of the state of a cloud and its microphysical properties at a given time. This study addresses this limitation by providing additional metrics on ice cloud history and origin along with operational satellite products.

Here, we present a novel framework that combines satellite observations with Lagrangian transport and ice microphysical models, to obtain information on the history and origin of air parcels that contributed to their formation. The air mass transport model CLaMS (Chemical LAgrangian Model of the Stratosphere) was employed to track the trajectory of air parcels along the DARDAR-Nice track. CLaMS-Ice model is jointly used to simulate cirrus clouds along trajectories derived by CLaMS. This approach provides information on the cloud regime as well as the ice formation (in-situ vs liquid origin) pathway. Our findings, derived from case studies involving multiple cloud types, present a realistic representation of these complex processes. We explore the sensitivity of our methodology to initial conditions and thresholds. Additionally, a statistical analysis examines how satellite cloud microphysics are sensitive to CLaMS-Ice metrics. This comprehensive approach advances our understanding of ice cloud processes and helps to refine satellite-based representations of these atmospheric phenomena.


How to cite: Saiprakash, A., Krämer, M., Konjari, P., Rolf, C., Riedi, J., and Sourdeval, O.: Exploring ice cloud formation mechanisms through satellite observations and integrated Lagrangian transport with microphysical models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12059,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Marios Chatziparaschos, Montserrat Costa-Surós, María Gonçalves Ageitos, Paraskevi Georgakaki, Athanasios Nenes, Maria Kanakidou, Twan van Noije, Philippe Le Sager, Zamin A. Kanji, Philip Brodrick, and Kathleen Grant

Wind-driven erosion of arid and semi-arid surfaces produces desert dust, the primary source of ice-nucleating particles (INP) in the atmosphere. These particles play a crucial role in the phase partitioning of mixed-phase clouds (MPCs) by influencing heterogeneous freezing processes. As global warming progresses, the shift from ice to liquid water in MPCs is anticipated to increase cloud reflectivity, potentially cooling the planet. However, the uncertainty surrounding this negative cloud-phase feedback is substantial, mainly due to uncertainties in the magnitude, spatiotemporal distribution, and trends of INP.

In dust-enriched environments, MPC glaciation is intricately linked to dust abundance and INP efficiency. Increased dust concentrations may enhance ice crystal formation, reducing overall cloud albedo and inducing a positive radiative effect, thereby diminishing the negative cloud-phase feedback. Currently, significant knowledge gaps impede the accurate representation of INP abundance, trends, and physical/chemical properties, hindering our understanding of its impact on ice formation in MPCs and climate.

This review assesses the current state-of-the-art in representing and quantifying the contribution of desert dust to ice nucleation in MPCs and its associated radiative forcing. Additionally, we offer a perspective on how new observational constraints, such as historical dust trends, satellite retrievals of quartz and feldspar surface abundances, recent measurements of mineral size distributions and mixing state at emission, and improved modeling with tailored ageing schemes, could help mitigate the existing uncertainties in estimating dust forcing via interactions with mixed-phase clouds.

How to cite: Pérez García-Pando, C., Chatziparaschos, M., Costa-Surós, M., Gonçalves Ageitos, M., Georgakaki, P., Nenes, A., Kanakidou, M., van Noije, T., Le Sager, P., Kanji, Z. A., Brodrick, P., and Grant, K.: Perspectives on the Desert dust Contribution to Ice Nucleation in Mixed-phase Clouds and Associated Radiative Forcing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16916,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Diego Villanueva

Due to limited in-situ observations, spaceborne retrievals of cloud top phase are often used to study the behaviour of mixed-phase clouds and their sensitivity to aerosols. By stratifying 35 years of cloud observations by temperature and cloud thickness, we gained valuable insights into the interplay between aerosols and mixed-phase clouds.

First, there is evidence that the ice-to-liquid frequency (ILF) is dominated by two sources of cloud ice: For thin clouds, a cirrus-origin due to ice sedimentation from temperatures colder than -38 dgC, and for thick clouds, a glaciation-origin due to aerosol-driven droplet freezing. These different sources of ice may explain differences in the ILF from different retrieval methods. For example, active instruments, which are more sensitive to thin cirrus, may estimate a higher ILF compared to passive instruments, which are more sensitive to thick clouds.

Second, we find that in extratropical thick mixed-phase clouds, aerosols have two dominant effects on the ILF: For liquid clouds, aerosols increase cloudiness at warm temperatures, but they decrease cloudiness at cold temperatures. Our results suggest that precipitation inhibition (by increasing the number of droplets) and enhanced cloud glaciation (by increasing the rate of droplet freezing at cold temperatures) can explain this behaviour. As a result, we find that the indirect effect of aerosols through mixed-phase clouds is strongly temperature dependent.

Third, at cold temperatures, both dust aerosol and organic aerosols are temporally correlated with higher ILF on a monthly basis. Spatially, this correlation coincides with regions downwind of deserts and highly biologically productive regions in the ocean. We also find that the ILF increases logarithmically with increasing aerosol concentrations, at a rate consistent with the behaviour reported from laboratory studies. Thus, for the first time, we provide a link between laboratory studies of droplet freezing and space-based studies of cloud glaciation.

How to cite: Villanueva, D.: The competing effect of aerosols on stratiform mixed-phase clouds, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4359,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tomi Raatikainen, Silvia Calderon, Emma Järvinen, and Sami Romakkaniemi

Ice number concentration is a critical parameter for Arctic mixed-phase clouds. Several observations have shown that such relatively warm clouds can have orders of magnitude higher ice concentrations than expected based on typical Ice-Nucleating Particle (INP) concentrations. The most common explanation is that Secondary Ice Production (SIP) such as rime splintering (Hallett-Mossop ice multiplication) process causes the increase in ice concentration. Here we use observations from two field campaigns. In both campaigns the observations indicated that one or more SIP processes were actively producing ice. Due to the high temperatures around 265 K, the focus is on Hallett-Mossop process. Observed meteorological conditions and aerosol size distributions were used to initialize high-resolution large-eddy model UCLALES-SALSA simulations. Primary ice formation was modelled based on fixed INP concentrations so that the observed ice concentration was at least ten times larger than the INP concentration. Hallet-Mossop ice multiplication factors due to rime-splintering did not reproduce observed rates of secondary ice production. An increment of about one order of magnitude was needed to find agreement between modeled and observed ice number concentrations. This highlights the urgent need of laboratory and model studies that unveil the variable dependencies controlling SIP mechanisms. Secondary ice production can be increased by adjusting the simulated cloud temperature towards the optimal value and by increasing cloud water content. Extending simulation time up to 10 hours or more will also help. Although high ice concentrations can be obtained simply by increasing the INP concentrations, details such as vertical ice distribution and spatial variability will be different than in the case where SIP is used. Although this difference has a small impact on cloud dynamics during these 10-hour simulations, long-term impacts are likely.

How to cite: Raatikainen, T., Calderon, S., Järvinen, E., and Romakkaniemi, S.: Modelling secondary ice production in Arctic mixed-phase clouds, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14948,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christof Beer, Johannes Hendricks, and Mattia Righi

Atmospheric aerosols can act as ice-nucleating particles (INPs) thereby influencing the formation and the microphysical properties of cirrus clouds. However, the knowledge on the atmospheric distribution of INPs is still limited and consequently the understanding of their climate impacts is highly uncertain. We perform model simulations with a global aerosol-climate model coupled to a two-moment cloud microphysical scheme and a parametrization for aerosol-induced ice formation in cirrus clouds and present a global climatology of INPs in the cirrus regime. In addition to the broadly considered mineral dust and soot INPs, this climatology also comprises crystalline ammonium sulfate and glassy organic particles. The simulated INP number concentrations range from about 1 to 100 L−1 and agree well with in-situ observations and other global model studies. Our model results show large ammonium sulfate INP concentrations, while the concentrations of glassy organic INPs are mostly low in the cirrus regime. By coupling the different INP-types to the microphysical cirrus cloud scheme, we analyze their ice nucleation potential under cirrus conditions, considering possible competition mechanisms between different INPs. The resulting radiative forcing of the total INP-cirrus effect, considering the difference between a simulation with all different INP-species and a simulation with purely homogeneous freezing, is simulated as −28 and −55 mW m−2, assuming a smaller and a larger ice-nucleating potential of INPs, respectively. While the simulated impact of glassy organic INPs is mostly small and not significant, ammonium sulfate INPs introduce a considerable radiative forcing, which is nearly as large as the combined effect of mineral dust and soot INPs. Assuming a larger ice-nucleating potential of INPs, the INP-cirrus effect due to anthropogenic INPs, considering the difference between present-day (2014) and pre-industrial (1750) conditions, is simulated as −29 mW m−2.

How to cite: Beer, C., Hendricks, J., and Righi, M.: The global distribution of ice-nucleating particles and their impacts on cirrus clouds and radiation derived from global model simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15251,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Eric Jensen, Rei Ueyama, and Leonhard Pfister

Past investigations have shown that gravity waves can affect both when/where cirrus form in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) and the ice concentrations produced by homogeneous freezing nucleation.  Here, we use high-resolution two-dimensional simulations to investigate the impacts of wind shear and gravity waves on TTL cirrus evolution after the nucleation stage is complete.  We use a bin microphysics model to simulate the physical processes of ice crystal growth/sublimation, advection, and sedimentation.  Gravity wave temperature and wind perturbations are calculated using a Fourier series of wave frequencies with periods ranging from 1 day to near the Brunt Vaisala period, with amplitudes based on aircraft and superpressure balloon measurements.  The simulations are initialized based on high-altitude aircraft measurements of a case just after a homogeneous-freezing ice nucleation event has produced numerous small crystals in a supersaturated environment.  We show that wind shear alone rapidly alters the structure of the cloud, and strong shear can significantly reduce the cloud lifetime.  High-frequency gravity wave temperature oscillations accelerate the reduction of ice concentration as the cloud evolves.  Gravity waves can temporarily increase or decrease cloud optical depth (depending on the initial wave temperature tendencies), but the overall lifetime of the cloud is reduced by the waves.  We will further discuss the relative importance of different wave frequencies on the evolution of TTL cirrus.

How to cite: Jensen, E., Ueyama, R., and Pfister, L.: How do wind shear and gravity waves affect the evolution of optically thin cirrus in the tropical tropopause layer?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4453,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Peter Spichtinger and Philipp Reutter

In the tropopause region, the thermal structure is strongly influenced by the interaction of radiation, ice clouds and water vapour. Features as the tropopause inversion layer as well as potentially unstable layers are suspected to be (partly) driven by radiative effects in connection with the frequently occurring large concentrations of water vapour (i.e. supersaturations with respect to ice) and ice clouds. Since there is a high variability of water vapour and ice clouds in terms of microphysical properties and vertical layers, it is still unclear under which conditions clouds and their precursor (i.e. water vapour) lead to a stronger or a weaker stratification, respectively.

In this study we investigate the interaction of radiation and clouds within an idealized framework of a combined cloud-radiation scheme within a vertical column. Using different environmental conditions in terms of water vapour concentrations, ice cloud properties, and thermal stratification we investigate the temporal evolution of the thermodynamic properties of the tropopause region. The results are statistically investigated for characterizing dominant impacts and feedbacks.

How to cite: Spichtinger, P. and Reutter, P.: Impact of radiation, water vapour and ice clouds on the tropopause region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10561,, 2024.


Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Christian Rolf, Odran Sourdeval, Hinrich Grothe
Kaito Sato and Masaru Inatsu

The response of snow cloud bands to the increase in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over the Japan Sea was investigated. We focused on a typical snowfall event in Japan by intense cloud bands around a convergence zone on December 25, 2021. After confirming that a regional atmospheric model fairly reproduced the event, we conducted three sensitivity experiments replacing the initial and boundary values with air temperatures and/or SSTs uniformly increasing by 4 K. The results revealed that the model experiment with higher SSTs or lower air temperatures supplied more evaporation to the planetary boundary layer, which encouraged the higher cloud to along the convergence zone. This dominated the transversal mode (T-mode) of cloud bands in the east of the zone, diagnosed by a newly developed technique that discriminates it from the longitudinal mode (L-mode) by means of the absolute value of horizontal advection of hydrometers. In contrast, the experiment with lower SSTs or higher air temperature exhibited wider areas dominated by the L-mode cloud bands over the Japan Sea.

How to cite: Sato, K. and Inatsu, M.: Response of Snow Cloud Bands to Sea Surface Temperatures over Japan Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1436,, 2024.

Gravity waves and ice clouds – Interaction of dynamics and microphysics using a Lagrangian approach
Hannah Bergner and Peter Spichtinger
Yunpei Chu, Huiying Zhang, Xia Li, and Jan Henneberger

Ice crystals play a crucial role in precipitation formation and radiation budget, with their various shapes influencing these processes differently. The shape of ice crystals is related to the environmental conditions (i.e. temperature) under which the ice crystal forms and the microphysical processes that ice crystal experiences. Therefore, ice crystal shape classification is important for understanding conditions and microphysical processes in cloud. However, current methods are mainly supervised learning algorithms like convolutional neural networks (CNNs), heavily relying on extensive manual labelling, which requires substantial labor. Moreover, the limitations in human’s knowledge of ice crystals and the bias of human subjectivity in classification hinder the generalization ability of these networks. In response to these challenges, we propose a semi-supervised algorithm for ice crystal classification. We use data from the 2019 Ny-Ålesund NASCENT campaign, collected by a holographic imager mounted on the balloon-borne platform HoloBalloon, which includes 18,864 ice crystal images. In our algorithm we initially extract key features from ice crystal images using an unsupervised learning network, prioritizing generalization rather than dependence on labelled data, which ensures unbiased feature identification. Subsequently, a small subset of images is manually labelled into nineteen categories based on a multi-label classification scheme that consider both basic habits and microphysical processes. The classification accuracy of our hybrid algorithm on nineteen categories is similar to the performance supervised learning algorithm. This hybrid algorithm not only reduces the labor needed for manual labelling but also incorporates physics-based constraints, which prevents the network from making unfounded assumptions, thus offering a robust and efficient framework for ice crystal classification.

How to cite: Chu, Y., Zhang, H., Li, X., and Henneberger, J.: Ice crystal images classification using semi-supervised contrastive learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6010,, 2024.

Romain Joseph, Emmanuel Fontaine, and Jérôme Vidot

As part of the NWCSAF (Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility), the CNRM participates in the retrieval of cloud properties from geostationary satellite observations. These retrievals include the Cloud Mask and Cloud Types classification, thermodynamics properties at the macroscopic scales (Cloud Top Temperature and Height) as well as microphysical cloud properties (effective radius, optical thickness, liquid and ice water path). The cloud optical properties (including scattering, absorptions and emissions) are derived from cloud microphysical model in order to perform radiative transfer simulations. In this study, I combine cloud microphysical properties retrieved from DARDAR and in-situ observations with ERA-5 reanalysis to perform radiative transfer simulations with RTTOV. Hence, these simulation are compared with Meteosat Second Generation observations. Our goal is to identify the cloud properties that can affect the difference between observations and simulations in order to propose a new parameterization of the ice cloud scattering phase function in the radiative transfer model RTTOV (Radiative Transfer for TOVS).

How to cite: Joseph, R., Fontaine, E., and Vidot, J.: Improved ice cloud phase function for passive remote sensing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5684,, 2024.

Sun-Young Park, Kyo-Sun Sunny Lim, Kwonil Kim, Gyuwon Lee, and Jason A. Milbrandt

Ice particles in cloud microphysics schemes are traditionally categorized as ice crystals, snow, graupel, and/or hail. Each category is defined by static parameters that determine density, diameter-mass relationship, and diameter-fall speed relationship. Several previous studies have reported considerable sensitivity in simulated precipitation systems based on these fixed parameters. This study introduces a prognostic approach for graupel density in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Double-Moment 6-class (WDM6) microphysics scheme, based on the work of Milbrandt and Morrison (2013). This allows graupel density to vary from 100 to 900 [kg/m3]. The modified WDM6 is tested for idealized squall line and winter snowfall cases over the Korean Peninsula. In the idealized squall line case, simulation results reveal variant graupel density in time and space, according to the evolution of squall line. For winter snowfall cases, simulations using the modified WDM6 show improved statistical skill scores, such as the root mean square error and bias, compared to the original WDM6, mitigating the positive precipitation bias simulated in the original WDM6. The modified WDM6 increases surface graupel amounts and decreases graupel suspended in the atmosphere due to faster sedimentation of graupel. Therefore, the major microphysical processes that generate graupel are influenced, subsequently reducing surface snow and precipitation over mountainous regions. Importantly, the modified WDM6 adeptly captures the relationship between graupel density and fall velocity, as verified by 2D video disdrometer measurements. *This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (grant no. RS-2023-00272751).

How to cite: Park, S.-Y., Lim, K.-S. S., Kim, K., Lee, G., and Milbrandt, J. A.: Impact of Prognostic Graupel Density on Simulated Precipitating Convections, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7185,, 2024.

Juhee Kwon, Sun-Young Park, Kyo-Sun Sunny Lim, Kwonil Kim, and Gyuwon Lee

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Double-Moment 6-class (WDM6) microphysics scheme only predicts the number concentrations for CCN and liquid-phase hydrometeors such as cloud water and rain. Although the double-moment approach for the cloud ice is recently introduced in the WDM6 scheme by Park and Lim (2023), the single-moment approach, in which only mixing ratio is prognosed, is still employed for solid-phase precipitating hydrometeors such as snow and graupel. In this study, the double-moment approach is introduced to WDM6 for all hydrometeors by adding prognostic number concentration of snow and graupel. To evaluate the effects of prognostic snow and graupel number concentrations, simulated results between the new and original versions of WDM6 scheme are compared. The four summer-precipitating (cold-type and warm-type; Kim et al. 2019) and seven winter-precipitating convection cases (cold-low type and warm-low type; Ko et al. 2022) are selected to evaluate the new scheme. In comparison to the original WDM6 scheme, the new scheme exhibits increased snow mixing ratio, except for cold-type summer cases. Additionally, the new scheme reduces the graupel mixing ratio and rain number concentration for all cases. In the new scheme, the raindrop size becomes larger due to the reduced rain number concentration, which is more consistent results with the observation data from 2DVD. Furthermore, larger raindrop size in the new scheme makes the evaporation inefficient. Therefore, the new scheme produces more surface precipitation than the original one. Meanwhile, among total 11 cases, the new scheme improves the equitable treat score (ETS) for eight cases and probability of detection (POD) for seven cases.


*This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government. (MSIT) (RS-2023-00208394)

How to cite: Kwon, J., Park, S.-Y., Lim, K.-S. S., Kim, K., and Lee, G.: Double-moment approach for snow and graupel in the WDM6 scheme and its effects on simulated precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7194,, 2024.

Zhen Yang, Dan Li, Jiali Luo, Wenshou Tian, Zhixuan Bai, Qian Li, Jinqiang Zhang, Haoyue Wang, Xiangdong Zheng, Holger Vömel, Frand G. Wienhold, Thomas Peter, Dale Hurst, and Jianchun Bian

Balloon sounding with the Compact Optical Backscatter Aerosol Detector (COBALD) and Frost Point hygrometers (FPs) provides in situ data for a better understanding of the vertical distribution of cirrus clouds. In this study, eight summer balloon-borne measurements in Kunming (2012, 2014, 2015, and 2017) and Lhasa (2013, 2016, 2018, and 2020) over the Tibetan Plateau were used to show the distribution characteristics of cirrus clouds. Differences of cirrus occurrence were compared by different indices: the backscatter ratio (BSR) at a 455 nm/940 nm wavelength (BSR455 > 1.2/BSR940 > 2), the color index (CI > 7), and the relative humidity with respect to ice (RHice > 70%). Analysis of the profiles indicated that BSR455 > 1.2 was the optimal criterion to identify the cirrus layer and depict the distribution of the CI and RHice within cirrus clouds. The results showed that the median CI (RHice) within the cirrus clouds at both sites was mostly in the 18–20 (90%–110%) range at pressures below 120 hPa. Furthermore, the balloon-borne measurements combined with Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) measurements indicated a high frequency of cirrus occurrence near the tropopause in Kunming and Lhasa. The top height of cirrus occurrence at both sites was above the cold point tropopause and the lapse rate tropopause. Both Kunming and Lhasa had the highest frequency of thin cirrus clouds in the 0–0.4 km vertical cirrus thickness range.

How to cite: Yang, Z., Li, D., Luo, J., Tian, W., Bai, Z., Li, Q., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Zheng, X., Vömel, H., Wienhold, F. G., Peter, T., Hurst, D., and Bian, J.: Determination of Cirrus Occurrence and Distribution Characteristics Over the Tibetan Plateau Based on the SWOP Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7972,, 2024.

Thomas Lefebvre, Helene Brogniez, Laura Hermozo, and Frédéric Chevalier

Convective clouds serve as a primary mechanism for the transfer of thermal energy, moisture, and momentum through the troposphere. The lack of understanding of the convective updraft properties and their relationship to environmental factors limit our ability to represent deep convection and its feedbacks in large-scale circulation models. Satellites are the only viable means of efficiently sampling tropical convective clouds, predominantly found in ocean-covered regions.

The C2OMODO Project, proposed by CNES as contribution to the AOS NASA program scheduled for 2029, aims to target the vertical development of deep convective cells. The proposed concept is a tandem of identical microwave radiometers aboard two different satellites in the same orbit, separated by a small-time delay, between 1 and 2 minutes. Each radiometer will measure at 89 GHz, 183 GHz (6 Channels) and 325 GHz (6 Channels), with footprints of 10, 5, and 3 km, respectively. These observations inform about the vertical distribution of ice, thanks to the scattering of radiation (in the line of ICI, STERNA, SAPHIR instruments). The derivative-time measurements of the C2OMODO tandem will provide information on the updraft dynamics of growing convective cells. Furthermore, C2OMODO will contribute to enhance the understanding of the life cycle of convective systems and improve the representation of deep convection in both weather prediction and climate models.

The aim of the presented study is to introduce the inversion method developed to estimate convective mass flux of ice from C2OMODO measurements, based on the variational approach (1D-VAR). Assimilation approaches, based on Bayesian theory, are commonly applied to the inversion of satellite observations. To simulate C2OMODO measurements, the radiative transfer model, RTTOV, serves as the forward operator while the mesoscale model MESO-NH is used as nature-like representation for atmospheric state. Only growing convective cells are selected in this work. The general 1D-VAR approach is adapted to integrate derivative-time measurements, thereby directly incorporating the dynamical properties in the restitution process. In this presentation, we describe the ongoing development of the variational approach. Additionally, the restitution of vertical ice mass flux and the performance of the 1D-VAR be discussed.

The ongoing development of this method has yielded promising preliminary results, instilling optimism about the wealth of information that will be accessible through C2OMODO.

How to cite: Lefebvre, T., Brogniez, H., Hermozo, L., and Chevalier, F.: Measuring dynamical properties of atmospheric convection using C2OMODO: a tandem of microwave radiometers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8065,, 2024.

Melina Sebisch, Corinna Hoose, Julia Bruckert, and Gholamali Hoshyaripour

Aerosol-cloud-interactions are one of the major causes of uncertainty in the radiative forcing as presented in the IPCC report WG1 (2021). The aerosols in the atmosphere can act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCNs) or ice nucleating particles (INPs) and affect cloud properties. A quantification of the impact of aerosols on these properties is difficult since clouds are also strongly affected by synoptic conditions.

Volcanic eruptions are an ideal testbed as they cause a local perturbance of aerosol concentrations in the atmosphere. The emitted aerosols such as SO2 reacting to sulfuric acid or ash can act as CCNs or INPs respectively. By comparing a simulation with and without the volcanic eruption the impact can be quantified directly. The simulation with an eruption can be validated by comparison to observations, e.g. satellite data.

In the presented work, the eruption of the Raikoke volcano in 2019 is simulated using the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic model (ICON) and the module for Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases (ART). The model is run in limited area mode on a R2B10 grid with about 2.5 km horizontal resolution for a time span of 3 days. The volcanic plume is simulated using a setup provided by J. Bruckert. During this time, the plume overlaps with cloud systems associated with a low-pressure system east of the volcano. The simulations with and without the eruption are compared to observational data to improve the implemented interaction mechanisms between cloud particles and volcanic aerosols with a focus on ice nucleation due to volcanic ash particles. Additionally, a new parameterization for volcanic ash formulated by Umo et al. (2021) based on laboratory experiments is implemented and compared to the commonly used ice nucleation parameterizations for mineral dust by e.g. Ullrich et al. (2017). First results of an offline calculation of the ice nucleation active site show a decrease in the ice nucleating efficiency for the parameterization for volcanic ash.

These first results on the interactions between the volcanic ash plume and mixed-phase and ice clouds will be presented.

How to cite: Sebisch, M., Hoose, C., Bruckert, J., and Hoshyaripour, G.: The response of mixed-phase and ice clouds to volcanic eruptions- A model case study of the Raikoke eruption 2019, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8070,, 2024.

Kasper Juurikkala, Tomi Raatikainen, and Ari Laaksonen

Dusty cirrus clouds, a rare phenomenon occurring approximately a few times a year globally, are associated with desert dust plumes in the upper troposphere. The formation of these clouds involves a high-humidity layer above a mineral dust-rich layer. In the intermediate layer between these two layers, initially, a thin cirrus cloud forms heterogeneously on the mineral dust particles. The latent heat release caused by the ice nucleation and radiative cooling above the thin cirrus cloud layer cause instability and convection to occur. This convection uplifts mineral dust particles even higher until the humid layer is fully mixed with the mineral dust, resulting in the dusty cirrus covering the humid layer.
The objective of this study is to investigate the formation mechanisms of dusty cirrus clouds. Addressing the challenges highlighted by Seifert et al. (2023), current atmospheric models struggle to predict these events. This work aims to validate the hypothesis presented by Seifert and further advance the understanding of the formation mechanisms. The study involves a simulation study conducted using the UCLALES-SALSA large-eddy model (Tonttila et al., 2017). A case study is performed using the atmospheric conditions present during Saharan dust plumes over Europe in recent years.
The simulated dusty cirrus clouds show that the upward transport of the mineral dust is not as effective as in the regional model study by Seifert et al. (2023). This is because the mineral dust which gets uplifted initially sediments down back to the original mineral dust layer with the sedimenting ice crystals. Also, the predominant mechanism for the instabilization of the air in the initial stages of the cloud formation is the latent heat release caused by the ice nucleation and the growth of the ice crystals, rather than the radiative cooling suggested by Seifert et al. (2023).
In the future, simulations will be conducted using idealized cases to comprehensively understand the most relevant mechanisms involved in the formation of dusty cirrus clouds.


Seifert, A., Bachmann, V., Filipitsch, F., Förstner, J., Grams, C. M., Hoshyaripour, G. A., Quinting, J., Rohde, A., Vogel, H., Wagner, A., and Vogel, B. (2023) Aerosol–cloud–radiation interaction during Saharan dust episodes: the dusty cirrus puzzle, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 6409–6430

Tonttila, J., Maalick, Z., Raatikainen, T., Kokkola, H., Kühn, T. and Romakkaniemi, S. (2017).
UCLALES-SALSA v1.0: a large-eddy model with interactive sectional microphysics for aerosol,
clouds and precipitation. Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 169-188

How to cite: Juurikkala, K., Raatikainen, T., and Laaksonen, A.: Patterns in dusty cirrus cloud formation mechanisms revealed by LES modeling study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9194,, 2024.

Sudha Yadav, Pierre Grzegorczyk, Lilly Metten, Florian Zanger, Subir Kumar Mitra, Alexander Theis, and Miklós Szakáll

Experiments were conducted in the cold room of the wind tunnel laboratory at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, encompassing collisions between bare graupel-graupel, bare graupel-ice sphere, bare graupel-graupel with dendrites and bare graupel-snowflake. This study addresses the underrepresented domain of secondary ice processes in clouds, focusing on fragmentation due to ice-ice collisions and their role in augmenting ice particle concentration. For this study, graupels were created using a setup that simulates the natural rotation and tumbling motion of freely falling graupels. The first set of experiments aimed to recreate previous collision experiments by producing more realistic nature-like graupels, while also improving the ice crystal fragment detection and counting process. 2mm and 4mm sized graupels were chosen based on previous observational studies.

This research contributes vital preliminary data, including fragment number and size distribution, as well as their dependency on collision kinetic energy. For this purpose, new coefficients fitted on our experiments following the theoretical framework have also been proposed, which can be used to parameterize the number of fragments resulting from ice-ice collisions. Our study attempts to bridge the gap between laboratory observations and numerical simulations, advancing the accuracy of atmospheric models.

How to cite: Yadav, S., Grzegorczyk, P., Metten, L., Zanger, F., Kumar Mitra, S., Theis, A., and Szakáll, M.: Fragmentation of atmospheric ice particles due to collision, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10554,, 2024.

Corinna Hoose, Deepak Waman, Behrooz Keshtgar, Christian Barthlott, and Gabriella Wallentin

Microphysical processes in the mixed-phase clouds play an important role in modulating the earth’s weather and climate. However, uncertainties in both observational data and model parameterization of microphysical properties (e.g., number concentrations of ice particles) constrains our ability to accurately simulate mixed-phase clouds and their impact with weather and climate models. Model configuration, such as one- or two-moment microphysical schemes, horizontal and vertical resolution of the model can affect the representation of cloud and precipitation processes and cloud radiative effects. For simplicity, many numerical models use 1-moment microphysical scheme to represent clouds. However, this scheme may not represent microphysical and precipitation processes accurately as it only predicts the mass or number mixing ratios of hydrometeors. To address this issue, the present study uses the Icosahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) model to assess the sensitivity of model configuration by comparing the predicted microphysical properties with the observations. In ICON, the one-moment microphysical scheme represents mass fractions of five cloud as well as precipitation particles such as: cloud water and ice, snow, graupel, and rain. Furthermore, the two-moment microphysical scheme in predicts both mass and number mixing ratios of hail and the five prognostic variables mentioned above. For the above discussed purpose, a case of observed mixed-phase clouds will be simulated with ICON. The profiles of the simulated cloud microphysical properties will be compared with the coincident aircraft and ground-based observations. Furthermore, various simulations will be performed by varying the vertical as well as horizontal resolution to analyse the changes in model predicted microphysical properties.

How to cite: Hoose, C., Waman, D., Keshtgar, B., Barthlott, C., and Wallentin, G.: Sensitivity of Microphysical Properties of Mixed-Phase Clouds on Model Resolution and Microphysics Scheme in ICON, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11022,, 2024.

Soumi Dutta, Davide Ori, Jana Mendrok, and Ulrich Blahak

Radar Forward Operators (RFO) act as an important link between the physical properties of cloud and precipitation and the observed radar quantities. A major source of uncertainty in radar forward operators is identified in the scattering properties of frozen and mixed-phase hydrometeors. Appropriate modeling of the internal structures of complex-shaped hydrometeors plays a pivotal role in the simulation of their polarimetric scattering properties. When RFOs are applied to weather model output, it is also desirable to ensure the consistency between the properties of hydrometeors assumed in the weather model and those implemented in the scattering simulations. Failing to do so, would impede a correct interpretation of model-observation comparison studies. The present study aims to model the microphysical and scattering properties of realistic ice crystals and snowflakes using the snow particle aggregation and DDA scattering models. The aggregation model includes realistic monomer generators for various ice crystal shapes. The simulated scattering properties are implemented into the EMVORADO RFO of the ICON model. Simulated properties are primarily kept consistent with the ICON microphysical assumptions. The shapes of snowflakes and ice crystals (dendrites and plates) are generated from the aggregation model, and used as input to the DDA scattering model to compute multi-frequency polarimetric radar scattering properties. The derived scattering properties are expected to explain better the observed polarimetric radar signatures of ice crystals and snow aggregates. Nonetheless, when simulating the snowflake shapes, one must make some decisions regarding its monomer composition. This study also explores the use of the innovative Lagrangian-particle cloud model McSnow in combination with the snowflake aggregation simulator. McSnow is able to simulate the snowflake evolution based on the physical and thermodynamic profiles of clouds and thus informs the aggregation model about the snowflake composition in terms of monomer shapes, size, and number. The synergy of these models is expected to elucidate the link between ice cloud processes and the polarimetric properties of cold clouds.

How to cite: Dutta, S., Ori, D., Mendrok, J., and Blahak, U.: Scattering properties generated from real shaped ice crystals and snowflakes for ICON’s Radar Forward Operator EMVORADO, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12253,, 2024.

Formation and modulation of ice clouds by gravity waves
Stamen Dolaptchiev and Ulrich Achatz
Nils Brast, Yun Li, Susanne Rohs, Patrick Konjari, Christian Rolf, Martina Krämer, Andreas Petzold, Peter Spichtinger, and Philipp Reutter

As the most important greenhouse gas in the Earth's atmosphere, the presence of water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) is essential for influencing global radiation patterns and surface climate conditions. Even minor changes in water vapor levels within the mostly dry lower stratosphere (LS) can impact the vertical water vapor gradient, making it a crucial factor in the decadal variability of surface temperature.
In condensed form, water holds significant importance for planetary radiation. Clouds play a dual role by reflecting incoming solar radiation into space and absorbing/emitting longwave radiation from the surface. Estimating the impact of cirrus clouds on the radiation budget is particularly challenging as it depends on a variety of factors, such as altitude, humidity and the microphysical properties of the cloud.
During the lifetime of a cirrus cloud, the radiative impact can even change from a warming to a cooling effect and vice versa. For the formation of cirrus clouds, ice supersaturated regions (ISSRs) play an important role. However, the required amount of supersaturation is dependent on the nucleation mechanism, with at least ∼ 45% supersaturation for homogeneous freezing and as low as ∼ 20% for heterogeneous freezing.
We present a statistical intercomparison of the In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) dataset with ERA5, the latest reanalysis product of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Furthermore, a machine learning based algorithm is developed to improve the accordance of relative humidity with respect to ice (RHi) of reanalysis data with in-situ measurements, enabling large scale analyses of water vapor in the UTLS region. 
With this tool, we build three-dimensional climatologies of RHi and ISSRs over the North Atlantic region and show their seasonal and regional variability. This will help foster a general understanding of the occurence of cirrus clouds and their impact on weather and climate.

How to cite: Brast, N., Li, Y., Rohs, S., Konjari, P., Rolf, C., Krämer, M., Petzold, A., Spichtinger, P., and Reutter, P.: Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Ice Supersaturation: A 3D climatology over the North Atlantic Region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13078,, 2024.

Impact of ice nuclei on deep convection in Saudi Arabia's Southwest mountains
(withdrawn after no-show)
Udaya Bhaskar Gunturu, Abdulmunam Aldhaif, and Khalid Abandeh
Peggy Achtert, Torsten Seelig, Matthias Tesche, Gabriella Wallentin, and Corinna Hoose

While prior research on Arctic clouds has predominantly focused on single-layer clouds, the presence of multi-layer clouds in the Arctic holds significance. In such complex atmospheric systems, upper-level clouds can exert influence on the phase of lower clouds. A notable scenario occurs when ice crystals descend from higher altitudes into supercooled liquid water clouds, triggering the formation of mixed-phase clouds.

Our project is dedicated to investigating the occurrence of multi-layer clouds and their seeding, employing a combination of radiosonde and cloud radar observations. We will share findings from various locations, including research stations in Ny Alesund and the ARM North Slope of Alaska site, as well as insights from research cruises in the Arctic. Data from several research cruises were utilized in this study, namely MOSAiC (2019/20), Arctic Ocean 2018, and the ACSE 2014 campaign.

In addition, for the MOSAiC campaign, we employ back trajectories from various cloud levels and clear sky regions above the clouds to gain deeper insights into the occurrence and formation of multi-layer clouds. Our focus extends to different seasons, particularly emphasizing the Arctic melt and freeze-up periods.

How to cite: Achtert, P., Seelig, T., Tesche, M., Wallentin, G., and Hoose, C.: Occurrence of multi-layer clouds and ice-crystal seeding in the Arctic observed by Radar and radiosondes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15772,, 2024.

Mareva July Wormit, Benoît Vié, and Christine Lac

Supercooled cloud water is the source of a meteorological phenomenon with significant societal challenges: icing. Icing occurs when supercooled water droplets freeze upon contact with a solid surface and is even more intense with larger drops, resulting in stronger accretion. Anticipating the icing risk is crucial to ensure aviation safety, as ice on the fuselage can lead to a loss of lift. Icing as well occurs on wind turbines and train catenaries, making it a concern for both energy and transport sectors.

Supercooled water is often underestimated in numerical models. Our objectives are first to assess the two-moment microphysical scheme LIMA (Vié et al., 2016), second to identify the physical processes which are responsible for the lesser supercooled water before improving them.

To this end, numerical simulations of the research model Meso-NH (Lac et al., 2018) are compared to the observations of the ICICLE measurements campaign ( This airborne campaign was launched in February 2019 from Rockford (USA) by the USA’s Federal Aviation Administration. During 29 flights, microphysical parameters as the mixing ratio and the size of liquid and icy hydrometeors have been measured. These observations form an exceptional data set for studying the microphysical behaviour of models.

19 days, including all the 23 research flights of the campaign, were simulated. An extensive evaluation of the simulations was carried out, both on a flight-by-flight basis using Meso-NH’s flight simulator, and statistically combining observations from all flights. During the campaign, several cases of classical freezing rain, and lake effect situations, were sampled, allowing for a robust evaluation of model performance in these situations.

For lake effect cases, supercooled liquid water is forecast down to −30 °C, and mixed phase clouds are present between 0 °C and −10 °C, but cloud are almost completely icy around −20 °C. In freezing rain events, the precipitation tends to freeze again below the warm part of the cloud. To identify the sources of supercooled liquid water underestimation, a detailed analysis of microphysical processes budgets is performed. The impact of aerosols on forecasts is also investigated, using in-situ aerosol observations and CAMS reanalyses.

How to cite: July Wormit, M., Vié, B., and Lac, C.: Supercooled liquid water representation with the LIMA 2-moment microphysical scheme during the ICICLE field campaign, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16983,, 2024.

Odran Sourdeval, Athulya Saiprakash, Quentin Coopman, Silvia Bucci, and Tuule Müürsepp

Complementarily to their formation mechanism, the origin of cirrus (liquid or in-situ) can substantially affect their microphysical and radiative properties. Liquid-origin cirrus, which stem from the freezing of water droplets at cirrus temperatures, are typically characterised by high ice crystal concentrations and associated with strong cooling effect. However, the global occurence and distribution of this cirrus type as well as the environmental conditions in which they originate. The role of aerosols on liquid-origin cirrus, through their influence on liquid clouds, is also not well understood but can be critical for understanding radiative forcings associated with aerosol-cloud interactions and in implications of potential geo-engineering strategies.

This study investigates cirrus by coupling satellite and reanalysis dataset. Observations from lidar-radar satellite instruments (DARDAR-Nice) provide detailed retrievals of cirrus microphysical properties, such as ice water content and crystal number concentration. To trace the origins of cirrus clouds, we employ Lagrangian air mass trajectories based on ERA5 reanalyses, using FLEXPART. The presence and role of aerosols during the formation phase of these clouds, either in mixed-phase or warm regions, are assessed by integrating these trajectories with aerosol reanalysis products, specifically from CAMS. 

This joint cloud-aerosol dataset from satellite and reanalysis tools is created for one year of satellite observations. The global occurence of liquid-origin cirrus is analysed. The role of aerosols on the formation of liquid-origin clouds is finally investigated, in particular to understand the relevance of low-level aerosols on cirrus properties. Associated radiative effects will also be explored.

How to cite: Sourdeval, O., Saiprakash, A., Coopman, Q., Bucci, S., and Müürsepp, T.: Investigating the Impact of Aerosols on Liquid-Origin Cirrus from Global Observations and Reanalysis Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19522,, 2024.

Yasmin Aboel Fetouh, Jan Cermak, Corinna Hoose, and Emma Järvinen

In the past, numerous airborne in-situ measurements of mixed-phase clouds have exhibited a clear discrepancy between the observed ice particle and ice nucleating particle (INP) number concentrations of up to four orders of magnitude, with the highest differences observed in marine clouds. This suggests that primary ice nucleation is not the dominant source of cloud ice and that secondary ice production (SIP) plays a significant role in governing the ice phase in these clouds. Based on laboratory and field observations a number of SIP mechanisms have been hypothesized. However, most of these mechanisms are not well quantified and, therefore, only a few SIP mechanisms are included in weather models so far.

In our research, we aim to spatially extend the observations from aircraft campaigns by linking them to satellite data. Here we will show the work done linking the albedo and brightness temperatures from the 16 available spectral bands of Himawari-8, ranging from 0.47 – 13.3 µm, with the ice particle number concentrations observed during the SOCRATES campaign in low-level boundary layer clouds over the Southern Ocean. Finally, we employed multiple linear regression machine learning techniques and also made use of the SOCRATES campaign lidar/radar onboard.

How to cite: Aboel Fetouh, Y., Cermak, J., Hoose, C., and Järvinen, E.: Secondary ice production over the Southern Atlantic Ocean: linking satellite data with aircraft observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20442,, 2024.

Luise Schulte, Linus Magnusson, Richard Forbes, Jonathan Day, Vera Schemann, and Susanne Crewell

Mixed-phase clouds are common in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer and their representation is challenging for models. Recent studies suggest that the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS) shows too many cloudy periods in the Arctic in summer and generally misses the periods with clear skies, while in winter the cloudy state is underrepresented.
We use ground-based remote sensing data from the MOSAiC campaign to assess systematic errors in modelled liquid cloud water over the whole MOSAiC period and combine this with more detailed analyses of selected cases.
In addition, we perform sensitivity tests to identify ways to improve the parametrization for Arctic mixed-phase clouds in the IFS.
We run cases in the Single Column Model (SCM) version of the IFS and investigate the representativity of model sensitivities in the SCM for the 3D model.

How to cite: Schulte, L., Magnusson, L., Forbes, R., Day, J., Schemann, V., and Crewell, S.: Representation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System during MOSAiC, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20507,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Christian Rolf, Odran Sourdeval, Hinrich Grothe
Georgia Sotiropoulou, Foteini Floka, and Platon Patlakas

The Mediterranean basin is characterized by cyclonic activity that can often lead to adverse weather conditions. Lately, there is an increasing interest to specific types of cyclones, such as medicanes, due to their dynamic characteristics. However, these events can also lead to extreme precipitation, often resulting in flooding and causing severe damage, with potential human casualties. While there is continuous effort to understand the  dynamic evolution of these  systems, little is known about the underlying microphysical processes. Secondary Ice Production (SIP) processes are ice multiplication mechanisms that have been frequently linked to the onset of heavy precipitation and the generation of high concentrations of precipitation particles. In this study we investigate the impact of four SIP mechanisms (rime-splintering, collisional break-up, drop-shattering, sublimation break-up) on the evolution of medicane Qendresa using the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model. Qendresa occurred in 2014 mainly in the vicinity of Italy and Malta, causing three fatalities and at least $250 million in damages in Italy.




How to cite: Sotiropoulou, G., Floka, F., and Patlakas, P.: Secondary Ice Processes during a Medicane Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9345,, 2024.