AS2.1 | Atmospheric Boundary Layer: From Basic Turbulence Studies to Integrated Applications
Atmospheric Boundary Layer: From Basic Turbulence Studies to Integrated Applications
Convener: Carlos Yagüe | Co-conveners: Jielun Sun, Xabier Pedruzo Bagazgoitia
| Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.85/86
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 16:15
Mon, 14:00
Driven by atmospheric turbulence, and integrating surface processes to free atmospheric conditions, the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) plays a key role not only in weather and climate, but also in air quality and wind/solar energy. It is in this context that this session invites theoretical, numerical and observational studies ranging from fundamental aspects of atmospheric turbulence, to parameterizations of the boundary layer, and to renewable energy or air pollution applications. Below we propose a list of the topics included:

- Observational methods in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Simulation and modelling of ABL: from turbulence to boundary layer schemes
- Stable Boundary Layers, gravity waves and intermittency
- Evening and morning transitions of the ABL
- Convective processes in the ABL
- Boundary Layer Clouds and turbulence-fog interactions
- Micro-Mesoscale interactions
- Micrometeorology in complex terrain
- Agricultural and Forest processes in the ABL
- Diffusion and transport of constituents in the ABL
- Turbulence and Air Quality applications
- Turbulence and Wind Energy applications

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room 1.85/86

Chairpersons: Carlos Yagüe, Jielun Sun
New experimental efforts and theoretical developments in Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence
On-site presentation
Mehmet Ogut, Shannon Brown, Sidharth Misra, Eric Kittlaus, Pekka Kangaslahti, Janusz Murakowski, and Michael Gehl

The Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) is the portion of the troposphere that is directly influenced by the Earth’s surface and responds to combined action of mechanical and thermal forcing. Most of the energy exchange with respect to solar heating and evaporation that drive the atmosphere and the ocean occur within the ABL, yet it is one of the most poorly observed and modeled regions of the atmosphere. Conventional passive microwave systems fall well short of being optimized for near surface sensing due to limited number of spectral channels and coarse spectral resolution covering only a small portion of the spectrum of interest for ABL sensing.


The so called “window regions” of the microwave spectrum between and on the shoulders of the strong oxygen and water vapor absorption lines carry the information on the near surface thermodynamic structure in the boundary layer. Sampling these regions requires new spectrometers capable of resolving >50 GHz spectral regions at modest spectral resolution (~1GHz). The ultra-wideband photonic spectro-radiometer instrument is funded by NASA ESTO under ACT-20 program to combine low-noise wideband RF technology with a novel photonic integrated circuit (PIC) design for obtaining large bandwidth (>50 GHz) with enhanced channel resolution (<1 GHz). A high-speed, low-loss electro-optic modulator is used to convert radio frequency energy into sidebands on an optical carrier, preserving both amplitude and phase of the radiometric signal. The designed PIC includes an input star-coupler that divides the optical power transmitted from the optical modulator among N waveguides monotonically increasing in length within an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) that provides chromatic dispersion, an output star-coupler that forms an image of the optical spectrum, and an array of photodiodes that convert the optical power to electrical signals. The ultra-wideband 50 GHz direct acquisition spectrometer capability has been successfully tested and validated on the fabricated PIC. The combination of a low-noise wide-band RF radiometer with an RF Photonics backend system is a key technology development allowing unprecedented ability to spectrally resolve the complete microwave spectrum which is critically needed for the planetary boundary layer sensing. In this paper, we will describe the capabilities of this system for measuring the thermodynamic structure in the lower ~2km of the atmosphere.


How to cite: Ogut, M., Brown, S., Misra, S., Kittlaus, E., Kangaslahti, P., Murakowski, J., and Gehl, M.: Atmospheric boundary layer sensing using ultra-wideband photonic microwave spectrometer, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2074,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Monica Campanelli, Annalisa Di Bernardino, Erika Brattich, Stefania Argentini, Francesco Barbano, Giampietro Casasanta, Andrea Cecilia, Silvana Di Sabatino, Margherita Erriu, Serena Falasca, Tiziano Maestri, and Anna Maria Siani

The “uRban hEat and pollution iSlands inTerAction in Rome and possible miTigation strategies” (RESTART) is a 2-years project, funded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research as a Project of National Interest (PRIN2022).RESTART aims to explore the interaction between the Urban Heat Island (UHI) and the Urban Pollution Island (UPI) in Rome (Italy),providing a series of mitigation strategies, including tailored Nature-Based Solutions, and ready-to-use guidelines for the improvement of well-being and liveability in urban environments. The connection between UHI and UPI is investigated by inspecting quality-checked datasets of meteorological trace gases and aerosol observations, provided by local and international observatories and dense networks of instruments in Rome.Specifically,the UHI is studied by examining the time series of atmospheric near-surface temperature (average, minimum, maximum daily), relative humidity, pressure, and wind speed, while the UPI is characterised by the observations of trace gases (e.g., NO, NO2, O3, CO), particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5),aerosols optical properties (e.g., aerosol optical depth, AOD, Ångström exponent, single scattering albedo, SSA, particle volume size distribution) in terms of surface and columnar contents and vertical profiles, based on the availability of measurements.The city of Rome (Lat. 41.90 °N, Lon. 12.54 °E) is the most populous and extended Italian city and the third most densely populated metropolis in Europe. Rome is located in the central region of the Italian Peninsula, about 27 km inland from the Tyrrhenian coast. Due to its position in the middle of the Mediterranean Basin and the complex orography of its surroundings, the city is frequently subjected to the advection of Saharan dust in the case of persistent southerly winds, and to the sea breeze regime from the southwest, the latter particularly evident during summertime under anticyclonic conditions. In recent years, the city has experienced significant atmospheric warming and a substantial intensification of extreme weather events, such as heat waves, tropical nights, and droughts.This work explores the connection among some meteorological observations (near-surface temperature and relative humidity) from weather stations, columnar aerosol properties (AOD and SSA) from Skynet and AERONET international networks, and UHI intensities during heat waves, paying particular attention to nighttime. During the selected events, the synoptic weather conditions affecting the interaction between the UHI and the aerosol properties, are discussed.

How to cite: Campanelli, M., Di Bernardino, A., Brattich, E., Argentini, S., Barbano, F., Casasanta, G., Cecilia, A., Di Sabatino, S., Erriu, M., Falasca, S., Maestri, T., and Siani, A. M.: Connection among meteorological observations,columnar aerosol properties and urban heat island during nighttime extreme heat events in the uRban hEat and pollution iSlands inTerAction in Rome and possible miTigation strategies(RESTART)project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1856,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Yan Ren and Hongsheng Zhang

Turbulence intermittency driven by submeso motions limits the progress of turbulence theory. Field observations from the Horqin Atmospheric Boundary-Layer and Environment Experimental Station, China were used to investigate turbulence intermittency. An automated algorithm to Separate and reconstruct Submeso and Turbulent motions (SST) was improved for more accurately extraction and quantitative characterization of submeso motions. The existing intermittency intensity indices, the local intermittency strength of turbulence (LIST) and intermittency strength (IS), which are based on kinetic energy only, are revised by considering the potential energy of submeso and turbulent motions to quantify intermittency intensity more comprehensively. The analysis of eight cases revealed that turbulent intermittency events are characterized by quiescent (pulsation, material, and energy transportation are weak) and burst (pulsation, material, and energy transportation fluctuate violently) periods. The conversion of both the kinetic and potential energy of submeso to turbulent motion contributes to the transition from quiescent to burst periods. The transition always occurs after ΔTE<0 (the Total Energy difference between the submeso motion and turbulence), followed by a significant increase in ΔTE. Atmospheric stability decreases during the transition from quiescent to burst periods in most cases. In a totally intermittent night, the burst periods take up most of the material and energy transport, and the amount transported is not smaller than that during a totally turbulent night. The weaker the intermittency at night, the greater the capacity of turbulent transport. A comparison of five types of turbulence intermittency intensity indices highlights the consistency and advantages between LIST (IS) and indices in the literature. Finally, we found that turbulent intermittency events tended to occur more easily in atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) with small winds (U<2 m/s) or stable stratification (Rib>1), although they can also occur in ABL with unstable stratification and in the non-stationary state of the day-night transition.

How to cite: Ren, Y. and Zhang, H.: Quantitative description and characteristics of submeso motion and turbulence intermittency, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3266,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Norman Wildmann, Johannes Kistner, and Almut Alexa

Small uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) are platforms which have been introduced into every-day life within the last decade due to their low cost, good availability and ease of use. They serve a large variety of applications, including aerial photography and cinematography, but also scientific purposes in earth observation. In atmospheric sciences, fixed-wing UAS have been used at first to collect in situ measurements especially in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The way data was collected was based on common know-how from piloted research aircraft. Flow probes and fast-response sensors were installed to measure thermodynamic variables and derive turbulent fluxes. This study focuses on small multicopter UAS which are the most common type of UAS and usually referred to as `drones'. These systems are easier to operate due to their capability of vertical take-off and landing and advanced control systems.
For the most part in atmospheric measurements, multicopter UAS are applied to collect vertical profiles of wind, temperature and humidity. For such profiling tasks, similar sensors as in radiosondes can be deployed and provide a good accuracy for temperature and humidity, but resolving turbulence is usually not the primary focus. However, if multiple systems can be placed at most flexible locations within the ABL to observe thermodynamic features at a high resolution, this enables a variety of new possibilities for research. We show that with the DLR SWUF-3D (simultaneous wind measurement with a UAS fleet in 3D) quadrotor fleet that consists of 35 UAS, turbulence eddies can be resolved with a frequency of up to 2 Hz by the individual drones. This applies for 3D wind measurements as well as for temperature measurements with a newly developed fine-wire platinum resistance thermometer (FWPRT). Within the limits towards the smallest scales we show that the data can be used to calculate fluxes of momentum and sensible heat with reasonable uncertainties in many atmospheric conditions. Additionally to field measurements, the UAS were calibrated and the results were verified in a wind tunnel setup. 
We show how data of the SWUF-3D fleet can be used to calculate spatial correlation and coherence in ABL flow. The system was also used to measure complex flow in an Alpine valley and in the near wake of a wind turbine.  An overview of the applications is given to show the potential of turbulence-resolving, spatio-temporal measurements with a large fleet of multicopter UAS.

How to cite: Wildmann, N., Kistner, J., and Alexa, A.: Turbulence-resolving Spatio-temporal measurements of ABL flow with a large fleet of multicopter UAS., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16193,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Federica Gucci, Lorenzo Giovannini, Samuele Mosso, Ivana Stiperski, Dino Zardi, and Nikki Vercauteren

Classical theories of atmospheric turbulence work well for isotropic turbulence. However, near the surface, as well as under strongly stable stratification, turbulence can be very anisotropic, due to the physical constraints of the ground and the buoyancy, respectively. This anisotropy has an impact on the mixing properties of turbulence, which need to be taken into account in parameterizations.

In atmospheric boundary-layer studies, turbulence anisotropy mainly refers to the difference in intensity of velocity fluctuations along different directions. This analysis can be performed along the principal directions of the Reynolds stress tensor. By doing so, a classification of turbulence according to its anisotropy, independent of the choice of the coordinate system where turbulence is measured, can be developed. This classification is an useful tool for improving current scaling relations of near-surface turbulence.

The present contribution focuses on the physical understanding of these different anisotropic states of turbulence, by exploring the possible sources which are driving  them. In addition, their relation with the variances and turbulent fluxes evaluated in the coordinate system commonly adopted in studies of near-surface turbulence is investigated. Special attention is given to results for stably stratified boundary layer, as under this condition the anisotropization of turbulence is considered one of the causes for poor performance of current parameterization at high Richardson number. 

How to cite: Gucci, F., Giovannini, L., Mosso, S., Stiperski, I., Zardi, D., and Vercauteren, N.: Physical understanding of anisotropy in the Reynolds stress tensor of near-surface turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20206,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Samuele Mosso, Marc Calaf, and Ivana Stiperski

Almost all Earth System Models (ESM) use Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) to parameterize near surface turbulence. Despite its popularity, MOST has limited applicability and creates high uncertainties in very stable and unstable regimes, over heterogeneous and complex terrain, and is known to incorrectly represent the fluxes at the surface. Including turbulence anisotropy as a non-dimensional scaling parameter has recently proved successful in extending MOST to complex terrain for the scaling of variances and other near surface statistical properties.

Here we extend this approach to the scaling of surface gradients of mean wind and temperature, using data from five datasets ranging from flat and homogeneous to slightly complex terrain. The flux-gradient scaling relations exhibit large scatter, especially in unstable conditions where the data’s behavior is unclear. We show that adding turbulence anisotropy into the scaling of gradients allows to drastically reduce the scatter in the relations and develop new and more accurate parametrizations. This is especially true for the flux-gradient relations for wind shear (φm) in unstable conditions, and for temperature gradient (φh) both in unstable and stable regime.

The strong dependence of scaled wind speed gradient (φm), on turbulence anisotropy also allows us to finally settle the debate on the free convective regime, which clearly exhibits a -1/3 power law when anisotropy is considered. Whereas the strong dependence of scaled temperature gradients (φh) might explain a poorer performance of that scaling relation in predicting the surface sensible heat flux. Furthermore, the eddy diffusivities for momentum and heat and the turbulent Prandtl number are heavily modulated by anisotropy and the latter vanishes in free convective conditions.

These results further accentuate the need to incorporate turbulence anisotropy in boundary layer studies and parametrizations, paving the way for reliable surface parametrizations in ESMs.

How to cite: Mosso, S., Calaf, M., and Stiperski, I.: Flux-gradient relations: insights from anisotropy analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16046,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ivana Stiperski, Gabriel Katul, and Marc Calaf

Anisotropy fundamentally defines the nature of turbulent flows in natural environments, engineering, and technology.  At large scales, turbulence rarely attains an energy state that is equipartitioned between the three velocity components or a state where turbulent stresses disappear. This deviation from isotropy underscores turbulence's essential role in promoting momentum transfer.

In canonical boundary layers, turbulence anisotropy emerges primarily from two distinct mechanisms: streamwise energy injections through shear forces and the vertical modulation of turbulent kinetic energy by buoyancy, acting either as a source (unstable stratification) or sink (stable stratification) of turbulence kinetic energy. Close to a solid surface turbulence additionally experiences wall blocking, limiting the energy in the wall-normal direction. Furthermore, in complex terrain, a multitude of factors intricately modify the turbulence anisotropy, thus altering the applicability of traditional similarity scaling.

Here, we use simplified Reynolds stress budgets to examine how stratification influences the normal stress components across a comprehensive range of measurement datasets from canonical to highly complex terrain. This reduced set of budget equations assume a balance between shear and buoyancy production and dissipation, and model the return to isotropy using a linear Rotta scheme adjusted by the isotropization of the production. This model provides expressions for normalized velocity variances as function of Richardson number, highlighting the change of anisotropy as stratification becomes progressively more dominant. In canonical terrain, the model is shown to capture the dependence of energy anisotropy on Richardson number away from the surface (heights above 60m), however, it fails in predicting energy anisotropy close to the surface. Furthermore, the increase of terrain complexity leads to a decoupling of the dependence of anisotropy and Richardson number not predicted by the model, and shows a consistent decrease of the contribution of streamwise  velocity variance and increase of spanwise velocity variance to the total TKE budget. Finally, a progressively more important wind turning with height with terrain complexity in neutral stratification causes near-surface turbulence to be more anisotropic over complex than over canonical terrain. 

Our findings outline the nuanced role of terrain in shaping turbulence anisotropy, providing avenues for enhanced turbulence modeling and highlighting limitations of conventional approaches in complex environments.

How to cite: Stiperski, I., Katul, G., and Calaf, M.: Examining Turbulent Flow Anisotropy: Insights from Simplified Variance Budget Analyses, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15135,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jianping Guo, Deli Meng, Xiaoran Guo, Yuping Sun, Tianmeng Chen, and Hui Xu

The planetary boundary layer (PBL) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) imposes significant impact on regional and global climate, while its vertical structures and evolution features remain poorly understood. This study examines the evolution and possible mechanisms of daytime PBL turbulence profiles for cloud- and clear-sky conditions by using one-year observations from the radar wind profiler (RWP) network deployed over the TP, in combination with the measurements from the automatic weather station (AWS), millimeter-wave cloud radar (MMCR). The results show that the turbulence dissipation rate (e) are stronger and PBL height is higher in the norther part of TP (NTP), compared with those in the southern part of TP (STP). The presence of clouds inhibits turbulence transport within the PBL over the NTP, while the opposite effect was found over STP. Analysis of surface-air temperature difference  and wind shear data shows that both the thermal and dynamical effects strengthen the turbulence within PBL, and the thermodynamic effect is more important over STP than the NTP. The probability of PBL-cloud coupling is higher over the STP, and the cloud is found to enhance the PBL turbulence due to the strong wind shear, even although clouds can reduce the PBL height through radiative cooling effect. The findings help fill our knowledge gap in the PBL turbulence profiles throughout the whole TP, and highlight the significant role of the interaction between PBL turbulence and cloud in affecting the development of PBL turbulence over the whole TP.

How to cite: Guo, J., Meng, D., Guo, X., Sun, Y., Chen, T., and Xu, H.: Elucidating the boundary-layer turbulence profiles observed by a radar wind profiler network in the Tibetan Plateau , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1783,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hao Wu

Ultrafine particles (UFPs) are ubiquitously distributed throughout the global atmosphere. Their dimensions, often less than 100 nm, vary significantly from the surface. New particle formation (NPF) is a key process occurring in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Newly formed particles are an important source of aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) that influence clouds and climate, while the distribution of these new particles at different altitudes has rarely been studied. In-situ measurements of ultrafine particles (UFP) and New particle formation (NPF) observed at the ground and at the top of the Canton Tower (454 m) and Shenzhen tower located in southern China,both were analyzed using the measurements of multiple meteorological and physicochemical quantities, as both observed during a field campaign and simulated with the WRF-chem model. We found that turbulence and NPF characters vary considerably with heights, with UFP concentration diminishing by half from the surface to the tower top. This indicates the UFP transports upward from the ground in the lower boundary layer. A consistent relationship is established between the occurrences of NPF and the evolution of turbulence. The correlation between the exchange ratio at the tower top has correlated well with nucleation growth, suggesting that turbulence can play an important role in the episodes of NPF growth, whose growth rate is closely related to the turbulence exchange ratio, effectively dictating the ultrafine particle concentration before and during the lockdown period. A new mechanism is thus hypothesized: NPF happens eailer near the surface and grows faster at the upper PBL, attributed to condensable vapors being transported by turbulent vertical mixing in the boundary layer. Model simulations using the WRF-Chem model reveal that the exchange ratio changed the NPF parameters, supporting the proposed mechanism that the evolution of the PBL variation has a significant impact on NPF, which should not be omitted in the NPF research, since this physical factor could be a dominant one in the NPF mechanism.

How to cite: Wu, H.: Vertical transport of ultrafine particles and turbulence evolution impact on new particle formation based on tower observation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2582,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jordi Vila-Guerau de Arellano and the CloudRoots-Amazon22

How are rainforest photosynthesis and turbulent fluxes influenced by clouds? To what extent are clouds affected by local processes driven by rainforest energy, water and carbon fluxes? These interrelated questions were the main drivers of the intensive field experiment CloudRoots-Amazon22 which took place at the ATTO/Campina supersites in the Amazon rainforest during the dry season, in August 2022. CloudRoots-Amazon22 collected observational data to derive causal-effect relationships between processes occurring at the leaf-level up to canopy scales in relation to the diurnal evolution of the clear-to-cloudy transition. First, we studied the impact of cloud and canopy radiation perturbations on the sub-diurnal variability of stomatal aperture. We found an asymmetry modulated by clouds that favors photosynthesis in the morning. Second, we combined 1 Hz-frequency measurements of the stable isotopologues of carbon dioxide and water vapor with measurements of turbulence to determine carbon dioxide and water vapor sources and sinks within the canopy. Using scintillometer observations, we inferred 1-minute sensible heat flux that responded within minutes to the cloud passages. Third, collocated profiles of state variables and greenhouse gases enabled us to determine the role of clouds in vertical transport. We then inferred the area fraction of cloud cover and cloud mass flux to probe the need of collecting a comprehensive data set to establish casualty between canopy and cloud processes and improve the representations in weather and climate models. Our findings contribute to advance our process knowledge of the coupling between cloudy boundary layers and primary carbon productivity of the Amazon rainforest.

How to cite: Vila-Guerau de Arellano, J. and the CloudRoots-Amazon22: CloudRoots-Amazon22: Integrating clouds with photosynthesis by crossing scales, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2905,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Jielun Sun, Xabier Pedruzo Bagazgoitia
Solicited Presentation given by Dr. Dino Zardi
On-site presentation
Dino Zardi
The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in mountainous regions is characterised by a variety of airflows, originating from complex landform forcing, which encompass a range of scales of motion, from synoptic scale flows to very local phenomena, such as the daily-periodic thermally-driven circulations developing over inclines and in the valleys under clear sky and in the absence of major synoptic forcing. These airflows, and turbulence generated therein, affect a variety of processes, including surface-atmosphere exchanges of momentum, energy and mass, and transport across a variety of scales. They may also contribute to the initiation of orographic convection. 
The talk focuses on the simplest of these flows, namely slope winds, outlines the state of our present understanding, from measurements as well as from numerical model simulations, and highlights still open questions concerning the structure of turbulence properties and their representation in terms of similarity. Ongoing efforts to investigate these flows within the current initiative TEAMx - Multi-scale transport and exchange processes

in the atmosphere over mountains – programme and experiment (  are also presented.

How to cite: Zardi, D.: Turbulence in thermally-driven slope winds, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15299,, 2024.

Turbulence in modeling frameworks for Atmospheric Boundary Layer flows: from DNS to Earth System Models
On-site presentation
Oscar Hartogensis, Francisca Aguirre Correa, Francisco Suárez, Felipe Lobos-Roco, Reinder Ronda, and Jordi Vilà-Guerau de Arellano

The Chilean Altiplano is a region composed by endorheic basins immersed in a complex topography. These basins are predominantly characterized by desert surfaces in which small-scale heterogeneities can be found in the form of salt flats with shallow, salt water lagoons, that act as preferential pathways for evaporation (E). Thus, understanding the processes that control E in the lagoons is essential for water balance predictions, and to understand the impacts of climate change on the region.

In addition to the local saline lagoon and desert conditions, the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) and its interaction with large-scale forcing, play a key role in regulating E. Observations over a salt water lagoon in the Salar del Huasco basin show that in the morning E is virtually zero, with turbulence as a limiting factor due to the absence of wind. Under these conditions, a shallow, stable ABL is formed over the water. In the afternoon, E is triggered by the entrance of a thermally driven and topographically enhanced regional flow characterized by strong winds. Simultaneously, the ABL turns into a deep mixed layer similar to the one observed over the surrounding desert.

In this research we investigate the coupling between the ABL and E drivers using a land atmosphere model, observations and a regional model. We also analyze the ABL interaction with the aerodynamic and radiative components of E using the Penman equation adapted to salt water. Our results demonstrate that the morning ABL is controlled by the local advection of warm air (∼5 Kh-1), resulting in a shallow (<350 m), stable ABL, with virtually no mixing and no E (<50 Wm−2). The warm air advection ultimately connects the ABL with the residual layer above, sharply increasing the ABL height by ∼1 km around midday. During the afternoon, the regional flow arrives to the lagoon, causing an increase in wind (∼12 ms-1) and an ABL collapse due to the entrance of cold air (∼-2 Kh-1) with a shallower ABL (∼-350 mh-1). The turbulence produced by the wind decreases the aerodynamic resistance and mixes the water body releasing the energy previously stored in the lagoon. The ABL feedback on E through the vapor pressure enables high E values (∼450 Wm-2). These results are exemplary to E of water bodies in semiarid conditions and emphasize the importance of understanding ABL processes when describing E drivers.

How to cite: Hartogensis, O., Aguirre Correa, F., Suárez, F., Lobos-Roco, F., Ronda, R., and Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.: Evaporation driven by Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes over a Shallow Salt-Water Lagoon in the Altiplano, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17882,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mary Rose Mangan, Jordi Vila-Guerau de Arellano, Bart van Stratum, Marie Lothon, Guylaine Canut, and Oscar Hartogensis

The Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-arid environment (LIAISE) field experiment took place in July 2021 in the Ebro River Valley in the northeast of Spain. In the domain of the LIAISE field campaign, thermal surface heterogeneity is induced by irrigation which was applied to agricultural fields that cover ∼65% of the LIAISE region contrasting with the remaining 35% of the region covered by non-irrigated agricultural fields. Observed Bowen ratios reach approximately 20 in non-irrigated fields, while observed Bowen ratios are approximately 0.1 in the irrigated fields. This contrast could lead to an interaction of scales that range from the a regional scale that encompasses both the irrigated and non-irrigated areas (∼10 km) down to a scale of an individual field (∼100 m).  In addition to surface fluxes, profiles of both the mean state of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) and turbulent transport in the ABL were measured over both the irrigated and non-irrigated landscapes. Observations confirm that the surface heterogeneity is felt most strongly near the surface; however, approximately 1000 m above ground level, there appears to be a blending height in which heterogeneity mixes so that the observed ABL potential temperature and specific humidity profiles are similar over both landscapes. Conversely, profiles of turbulent transport shows notable differences between the irrigated and non-irrigated boundary layers. Buoyancy flux over the irrigated area is driven by moisture fluxes, and above an internal boundary layer (approximately 25% of the non-irrigated ABL height), turbulent fluxes of scalers reach their maximum. Turbulence kinetic energy is higher over the non-irrigated landscape because of the increased buoyancy from the surface sensible heat flux, and the observed ABL heights are 100-500 m higher in the non-irrigated landscape than the irrigated landscape.


In this study, we discuss novel experiments that combine the synoptic- and meso-scale forcing (ERA) with the explicit simulation of secondary circulations driven by surface heterogeneity using large-eddy simulation (LES).   The surface of the LES is defined with prescribed sensible and latent heat fluxes from observations. With the LES, we aim to better understand the development of the ABL over the LIAISE domain and how the ABL differs in space between the irrigated and the non-irrigated areas Furthermore, we focus on the turbulent transport – both vertically and horizontally in space – to illustrate the most important processes which contribute to the locally observed ABL.

How to cite: Mangan, M. R., Vila-Guerau de Arellano, J., van Stratum, B., Lothon, M., Canut, G., and Hartogensis, O.: The Diurnal Evolution of Atmospheric Boundary Layers in the LIAISE Field Campaign , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16872,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Cedrick Ansorge
Knowledge of the wind profile in the planetary boundary layer is key to many applications from wind power engineering via boundary-layer schemes in the atmosphere to PBL closure in large- and mesoscale models. In this presentation, we will present an account on existing, operational wind profile models against a novel representation of the wind vector across the Ekman layer. Our novel representation of the wind profiles is based on a consistent non-dimensionalization of the entire boundary layer down to the surface and thus takes into account rotational effects in vicinity to the bottom boundary. We compare our theory to both existing wind profile models and to data from direct numerical simulation up to Reτ~4000.

*This work is part of the project "trainABL" funded by the European Commission throgh the European Research Council (ERC) under its Starting Grant Scheme (ERC-2019-StG Grant No. 851374)

How to cite: Ansorge, C.: Comparison of Wind profile models across the Ekman layer, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18003,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lijie Zhang, Stefan Poll, and Stefan Kollet

In numerical weather prediction models, the local first-order closure of turbulence, also known as K-theory, is widely used to parameterize the turbulent flux in the surface roughness layer. The non-local effects of large eddies in turbulent flows are not resolved by K-theory, leading to the flux imbalance that the simulated and measured fluxes are typically smaller than the true heat flux. Higher order closure schemes mitigate the flux imbalance problem but lead to increased complexity in parameterization and higher demands on computational resources. At the same time, flux imbalance models based on large eddy simulation results have been able to capture non-local effects of the energy-containing large eddies that span the entire boundary layer and improve the flux imbalances on both simulation results and eddy covariance measurements. These models inspired us to propose a new modified K-theory based on a correction factor that includes the non-local effects mentioned above, without using an extra term (e.g. counter-gradient flux). The formulation of the modified K-theory is straightforward and requires atmospheric stability parameters (u*/w*) and the ratio of measurement to boundary layer height (z/Zi), which are readily available in simulations and observations.

To test the performance of the modified K-theory, an idealized large eddy simulation was performed over a dry convective boundary layer with a prescribed sensible heat flux at the land surface. The result shows that the K-theory underestimates the sensible heat flux by 18% due to the mesoscale circulations, while the proposed modified K-theory reduces the underestimation to less than 6%, offering the potential to improve the parameterization in numerical weather prediction.

How to cite: Zhang, L., Poll, S., and Kollet, S.: A Nonlocal First-Order Closure PBL Parameterization for Sensible Heat Flux using Flux Imbalance Models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7952,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sally Issa, Cedrick Ansorge, Juan Pedro Mellado, and Jonathan Kostelecky

In the pursuit of advancing our comprehension of the atmospheric boundary layer and the associated exchange processes near the surface, the accessibility of high-quality data assumes a pivotal role. An open-access approach is acknowledged for catalyzing collaborative efforts, empowering researchers globally to harness available information for their investigations. This has the potential to refine existing models, validate hypotheses, and instigate innovations in climate modeling and predictive simulations. Here, we introduce an open benchmark data repository, accessible through static collection of DOIs, to share the statistics of simulations for turbulent Ekman flow. This data, forming the foundation for numerous publications on Ekman flow, has been established as a suitable virtual lab environment in prior works for studying crucial aspects of the atmospheric boundary layer. We believe that the availability of this data under the FAIR paradigm has the potential to facilitate further exploitation, enhancing our understanding of process-level intricacies in the atmospheric boundary layer.
The data is being generated since 2011 using the tLab tool-suite ( for direct numerical simulation (DNS) on some of Europe’s largest supercomputers, including juqueen and juwels at Jülich Supercomputing Centre, and hawk at Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart. It is now accessible in the long-term data repository of Freie Universität Berlin.
The inaugural contribution to this repository is a comprehensive, curated set of data exploring the influence of turbulence scale separation, specifically the Reynolds number. A series of simulations spans a range of Reynolds numbers, corresponding to a variation of approximately tenfold in the friction Reynolds number Reτ. The shared dataset encompasses various parameters, including vertical profiles of velocity, budget terms of scalar and momentum budgets, statistical moments up to the third order of velocities, scalars, and derivatives, providing a holistic view of Ekman flow dynamics across a range of Reynolds numbers. This enables the identification of inviscid scaling behavior and the development of scaling theories for the application of these simulations to real-world problems.
While the dataset also captures effects of stable stratification and rough surfaces, these aspects are, beyond the scope of this abstract.

Keywords— Numerical simulation, Ekman flow, Turbulence, Surface layer, Simulation Theory

This work is funded by the ERC Starting Grant "Turbulence-Resolving Approaches of the Intermittently Turbulent Atmos-
pheric Boundary Layer [trainABL]" of the European Research Council (funding ID 851347). The data was generated under that
computing grants hhh07, hku24, stadit at Jülich supercomputing centre and trainABL / Bundesprojekt 44187 at Höchstleistungs-
rechenzentrum Stuttgart)

How to cite: Issa, S., Ansorge, C., Pedro Mellado, J., and Kostelecky, J.: Open access Data Sets of Vertical Profiles for Turbulent Ekman Flow generated by DNS tlab code, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9484,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mathieu Landreau, Boris Conan, and Isabelle Calmet

The complexity and variety of phenomena that can occur in coastal areas (e.g. breezes, internal boundary layers, low-level jets (LLJ)) often result in wind profiles strongly deviating from the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Moreover, the lack of offshore experimental data leads to gaps in knowledge of the marine coastal atmospheric boundary layer (MCABL). Characterizing the wind resources in MCABL has been identified by Veers et al. (2022) as one “Grand Challenge” for the development of offshore wind farms.

To partially fill these gaps, a joint numerical and experimental study is currently being performed. In 2020, scanning LiDAR measurements were carried out within a few kilometers of the French Atlantic coastline (Conan and Visich, 2023). In parallel, mesoscale to microscale simulations are performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) code, using the grid-nesting method to progressively decrease the horizontal mesh size from a few kilometers (RANS modeling) down to a hundred meters (LES modeling). The simulation, giving access to more atmospheric variables in a large area, allows a complementary analysis.

On a particular week of this experiment, complex velocity profiles have been observed in the LiDAR data, highlighting the presence of LLJ and high wind-shear events. Velocity profiles from RANS simulations show good comparison with LiDAR data, which suggests that the mechanisms responsible for the observed phenomena are well reproduced. In addition, these large-scale simulations allow the identification of a complete sea-breeze circulation in the complex coastal area of Brittany.

The marine extent of the sea-breeze can be defined as the isoline where cross-coast velocity component decreases with the distance from the coast to a value of 1 m/s (Arritt, 1989 ; Finkele et al., 1995). The RANS results indicate that the sea-breeze can reach a distance of 70 km offshore during the studied period. A first analysis of the simulations also suggests that the nighttime LLJ observed on the Atlantic coast is related to the residual of a sea-breeze front moving southward from the north coast of Britanny.

Analysis of the LES simulations will permit to study more precisely the onset of the sea-breeze, the evolution of the LLJ across the coastline (related to transition in atmospheric stability and surface roughness) or the turbulence kinetic energy budget in the jet core.


Arritt, R.W. 1989. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 115 (487): 547‑70.

Conan, B.,and A. Visich. 2023. Wind Energy Science Discussions, October, 1‑23.

Finkele, K., et al.. 1995. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 73 (3): 299‑317.

Veers, P., et al.. Wind Energy Science 7 (6): 2491‑96.

How to cite: Landreau, M., Conan, B., and Calmet, I.: Analysis of coastal breeze and low-level jets events from numerical modeling and LiDAR measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10013,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Prabhakar Namdev, Maithili Sharan, and Saroj K. Mishra

The planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) is a crucial component in almost all planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterizations, and the PBLH is calculated using a method based on the bulk Richardson number (RiB), which utilizes a threshold value of RiB called the critical bulk Richardson number (Ricr). In most of the PBL schemes, Ricr prescribed as one single value, and its dependency on thermal stratification has been ignored. In the present study, an effort has been made to incorporate Ricr based on different stratification conditions following a study by Zhang et al. (2014) in the PBL parameterization proposed by Holtslag and Boville (1993) of the National Centre for Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Mode version 5 (NCAR-CAM5). The modified scheme is evaluated over Indian land and associated different climatic zones in simulating PBLH, surface turbulent fluxes, near-surface atmospheric variables, and precipitation during the winter (DJF), pre-monsoon (MAM), monsoon (JJA), and post-monsoon (SON) seasons. The simulations with the default and modified schemes have been carried out at a spatial resolution of ~1o for a period of six years, discarding the first year as spin-up time and considering the last five-year simulation for the analysis. The study reveals that the modified scheme is able to produce more accurate estimates for PBLH than the default scheme compared to the ERA5 reanalysis dataset over Indian land, which further enhances the accuracy of turbulent transport of heat, moisture, and momentum inside the PBL under various atmospheric stability regimes. The modified scheme noticeably improved the simulation of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, surface air temperature, and precipitation compared to the default scheme over Indian land during all four seasons.

How to cite: Namdev, P., Sharan, M., and Mishra, S. K.: Impacts of using thermal stratification dependent critical bulk Richardson number in a PBL scheme of a climate model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11351,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marten Klein and Heiko Schmidt

Atmospheric boundary layers (ABLs) exhibit transient processes on various time and length scales, with a scale separation between the large-scale forcing and the small-scale response. Some crucial but standing challenges in modeling and simulation of ABL flows lie in the detailed representation of boundary layer turbulence (e.g. [1]). This includes intermittent and transient processes and the resulting turbulent and laminar response mechanisms. State-of-the-art subgrid-scale models utilize statistical closures for an averaged resolved flow state on the basis of the Monin–Obhukov similarity theory (MOST) to represent scalar fluxes and momentum fluxes (e.g. [2]). Fluctuations are not resolved in MOST. Instead, their ensemble effect is parameterized by the resolved large scales, neglecting backscatter from the unresolved small scales. Data-driven stochastic approaches aim to incorporate fluctuations and the spontaneous occurrence of instabilities, but at the expense of ad hoc forcings (e.g. [3]).

The mentioned limitations can be removed by a physically compatible representation of turbulent fluctuations. This is addressed here by utilization of a map-based stochastic approach that is based on the one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model [4]. ODT autonomously evolves vertical flow profiles for prescribed initial and boundary conditions, and physical forcings. The model captures turbulent cascade phenomenology and aims to resolve all relevant turbulent scales along a physical coordinate. Turbulent advection is modeled by a stochastically sampled sequence of spatial mapping events that punctuate the deterministic advancement due to viscous and Coriolis forces. The offered dynamical complexity removes the need for artificial forcings.

In the contribution, key results from recent and ongoing studies related to the reduced-order modeling of ABL flows will be presented. First, surface scalar and momentum fluxes in turbulent channels are discussed emphasizing the correctly predicted inapplicability of the Reynolds analogy [5]. Second, the influence of system rotation and stratification is discussed for low-order velocity statistics and the participating turbulent scales [6,7]. Third, results for nonequilibrium conditions are presented for a transient ABL that exhibits turbulent bursts in response to an oscillatory geostrophic forcing [8]. Last, some preliminary results on the stochastic deconvolution of averaged data [9] will be presented focusing on the additional physical insight that is offered by the model.




[1] L. Mahrt. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 46:23–45, 2014.
[2] I. Stiperski, and M. Calaf. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130:124001, 2023.
[3] V. Boyko, and N. Vercauteren. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 149(755):2125–2145, 2023.
[4] A. R. Kerstein, and S. Wunsch. Bound.-Lay. Meteorol. 118:325–356, 2006.
[5] M. Klein, H. Schmidt, and D. Lignell. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 93:108889, 2022.
[6] M. Klein, and H. Schmidt. Adv. Sci. Res. 19:117–136, 2022.
[7] L. S. Freire. Bound.-Lay. Meteorol. 184:25–43, 2022.
[8] M. Klein, and H. Schmidt. Adv. Sci. Res. 20:55–64, 2023.
[9] C. Glawe, M. Klein, and H. Schmidt. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23:e202300055, 2023.

How to cite: Klein, M. and Schmidt, H.: Capturing features of transient boundary layers with a map-based stochastic modeling approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15560,, 2024.


Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 14:00–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Xabier Pedruzo Bagazgoitia, Carlos Yagüe
Ahana K k, Satheesan Karathazhiyath, and Ajil Kottayil

This study investigates the climatology of atmospheric turbulence, focusing on the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (ε) in the lower troposphere. Utilizing data from the 205 MHz S-T radar located in Kochi, Kerala, India, our examination extends to the lower troposphere, particularly the boundary layer characterized by meteorological factors such as temperature gradients, wind shear, and convective processes that contribute to turbulent air motion. Turbulence in the atmosphere can arise either thermally through convection-related instability or mechanically through phenomena like Kelvin–Helmholtz billows, the reversal or disruption of gravity waves, and inertial gravity waves. A thorough understanding and prediction of turbulence in this atmospheric layer are critical for ensuring the safety and efficiency of air travel and advancing our understanding of the intricate interplay of atmospheric dynamics. The study employs the spectral width method for estimating turbulence dissipation rate, accounting for broadening effects due to shear and beam. After filtering out convective data, turbulence dissipation rates are estimated over 6 years from March 2017 to December 2022 from a height of 0.4 to 5 km. Monthly median analysis reveals a subtle increasing trend in the lower troposphere, with a slope of 1.6 x 10-3. The vertical distribution indicates maximum data in the range of -4.5 to 1.75 m2 s-3, exhibiting a decrease in ε with height. ε displays definite seasonal variations, with maximum values and the least variation occurring within a specific range in the monsoon season. Winter season marks the least turbulent season. The study also explores the periodicity of the turbulence dissipation rate in the study region.

How to cite: K k, A., Karathazhiyath, S., and Kottayil, A.: Climatology of Lower Tropospheric Turbulence at Kochi using S-T radar., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-834,, 2024.

Kelvin–Helmholtz Waves within the Rising Turbulent Layer during the Morning Transition at Dome C, Antarctica: Regimes and Patterns
Igor Petenko, Giampietro Casasanta, Margarita Kallistratova, Vasily Lyulyukin, Christophe Genthon, Roberto Sozzi, Alessandro Conidi, Andrea Cecilia, and Stefania Argentini
Cole Lord-May, Valentina Radić, and Ivana Stiperski

Understanding the development of katabatic wind systems above mountain glaciers is essential to better constrain the response of the local glacier microclimate and surface melting to large-scale climate forcing. The vertical turbulent flux profiles, and consequently turbulent fluxes at the glacier surface during katabatic flow, depend strongly on the height of the near-surface katabatic jet. However, direct measurements of jet heights are rare as they require balloon soundings or meteorological towers; neither of which are appropriate for long-term installation on glaciers. In this study, we conduct a multi-month field campaign in the summer of 2023 on the Kaskawulsh Glacier in the Yukon, Canada, measuring mean meteorological variables (up to 5m above the glacier surface), and turbulent fluxes at three heights (1m, 2m, and 3m above the surface) derived from eddy-covariance measurements. Over 30 hours of atmospheric  profiling with wind and temperature sensors tethered to a kite provides temporally and spatially high-resolution vertical profiles of katabatic flow. Using Multi-Resolution Flux Decomposition (MRD) applied to the eddy-covariance data from only one near-surface sonic anemometer, we introduce a method to infer the height of the katabatic wind speed maximum using the length scales of the most energetic eddies contributing to the heat flux. The inferred katabatic height for each 30-min interval of observations agrees with the corresponding measured 30-min average height from the atmospheric profiling, with a correlation of 0.73 and a mean bias error of 0.3m between the two datasets. We demonstrate that turbulent mixing lengths of momentum and heat fluxes can also be quantified with the use of MRD on the eddy-covariance data, and we propose a simple modification in the parametrizations of mixing-length models accounting for the near-surface katabatic jet. We corroborate these findings with data collected as part of the Second Meteor Crater Experiment (METCRAX II), providing tower-based measurements of deep katabatic flow at non-glacier terrain in the Arizona Meteor Crater.

How to cite: Lord-May, C., Radić, V., and Stiperski, I.: Inferring Katabatic Jet Height with Near-Surface Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14296,, 2024.

Jielun Sun, Volker Wulfmeyer, Florian Spaeth, Holger Voemel, William Brown, and Steven Oncley

The hydrostatic equilibrium addresses the approximate balance between the positive force of the vertical pressure gradient and the negative gravity force and has been widely assumed for atmospheric applications. The hydrostatic imbalance of the mean atmospheric state for the acceleration of vertical motions  in the vertical momentum balance is investigated using tower, the Global Positioning System radiosonde, and Doppler Lidar and Radar observations throughout the diurnally varying atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) under clear sky conditions. The imbalance is found to be mainly due to the vertical turbulent transport of changing air density as a result of thermal expansion/contraction in response to air temperature changes following surface temperature changes. In contrast, any pressure change associated with air temperature changes is small, and the positive vertical-pressure-gradient force is strongly influenced by its background value. The imbalance is found to be mainly responsible for the vertical advection of vertical turbulent motions, which is the vertical variation of the turbulent velocity variance. The vertical variation of the turbulent velocity variance from its vertical increase in the lower convective boundary layer (CBL) to its vertical decrease in the upper CBL is observed to be associated with the sign change of the imbalance from positive to negative due to the vertical decrease of the positive vertical-pressure-gradient force and the relative increase of the negative gravity force as a result of the decreasing upward transport of the low-density air. The imbalance is reduced significantly at night but does not steadily approaches to zero. Understanding the development of hydrostatic imbalance has important implications for understanding large-scale atmosphere especially for cloud development. 

How to cite: Sun, J., Wulfmeyer, V., Spaeth, F., Voemel, H., Brown, W., and Oncley, S.: Investigation of Physical Processes in Development of Hydrostatic Imbalance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2197,, 2024.

Pablo Ortiz-Corral, Carlos Román-Cascón, Carlos Yagüe, Juan Alberto Jiménez-Rincón, Mariano Sastre, Cristina Vegas-Cañas, Mathilde Jomé, Fabienne Lohou, Marie Lothon, and Jielun Sun

This research focuses on the observational analysis of the nocturnal downvalley flows within a valley in southern France, near Pyrenees.  Three meteorological stations strategically positioned throughout the valley were installed at different locations within the frame of the LATMOS-i* and WINDABL** projects and in collaboration with the french project MOSAI***. In addition to the measurements near the surface, several radiosoundings were launched during the nights with downvalley flow in order to characterize the vertical structure of these winds. Near the surface, nights with downvalley are characterized by southerly (from the Pyrenees) and progressively increasing winds that produce higher values of turbulent parameters than those observed during daytime when weak synoptic conditions are present. 

Moreover, the vertical structure of downvalley flow presents significant variations throughout the night, influenced by a complex interaction between the synoptic conditions and the surface processes. Days characterized by strong synoptic forcing, typically from the west in the study region, completely inhibit the downvalley flow formation. However, on days with even moderate synoptic forcing, the north-south orientation of the valley, coupled with the presence of mountains, seems to act as a shield against synoptic winds, allowing the nocturnal downvalley flow to form inside the valley. An analysis of the atmospheric stability using bulk Richardson number at different layers will also be presented. A key focus is to differentiate those layers with higher static/dynamic stability to discern whether turbulence originates from ground-induced thermal effects or dynamically driven by wind.

This study highlights the complexity of observational studies trying to differentiate the factors influencing the nocturnal downvalley flows behavior, emphasizing the need to consider both synoptic conditions and surface processes, including the significant roles played by local topography. 

How to cite: Ortiz-Corral, P., Román-Cascón, C., Yagüe, C., Jiménez-Rincón, J. A., Sastre, M., Vegas-Cañas, C., Jomé, M., Lohou, F., Lothon, M., and Sun, J.: Observational Study of Valley Breezes in Heterogeneous Terrain: Vertical and horizontal characterization in the Aure Valley (Pyrenees), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8700,, 2024.

Carlos Román-Cascón, Juan Alberto Jiménez-Rincón, Pablo Ortiz-Corral, and Carlos Yagüe and the WINDABL team

Thermally driven winds (breezes) are mesoscale diurnal/nocturnal wind circulations initiated by surface temperature gradients in areas with contrasting surfaces when weak and fair-weather synoptic conditions dominate. The characteristics of the breezes depend on the strength of the surface temperature gradient, but also on the interaction with other winds of different spatio-temporal scales, such as the background winds (of low-moderate intensity). Besides, the thermodynamic vertical profile of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) can also impact the breeze characteristics. In this context, some recent modelling experiments have shown how the vertical structure of the pre-existing ABL is a key factor that controls the impact of specific surface changes on the breeze characteristics. This issue motivated the development of the WINDABL project* to further investigate this finding through an observational and modelling strategy.

In this work, we present the methodology carried out for the observational part of the project, which consisted of the installation of meteorological (and surface energy balance) stations at strategic locations for the long-term monitoring of breezes and the launching of atmospheric soundings during intensive observation periods characterised by breeze conditions. This strategy was developed both at a coastal and a mountainous (valley) area. The former corresponds to the northern part of the Gulf of Cádiz (southwestern Iberian Peninsula coast) and the latter to the Vallée d’Aure, on the Northern side of the Pyrenees.

We also present some first results obtained from the analysis of the data of the different towers and from 26 radiosoundings launched during 8 different breeze events that allow to highlight the breezes characteristics during contrasting background winds and different ABL thermodynamic vertical structure at both locations. The results indicate how the contrasting synoptic conditions lead to important differences in the variables observed near the surface. As an example, we show how the formation hour, the duration and the degree of impact on the surface variables of the daytime marine breezes display a totally different behaviour depending on the pre-existing synoptic conditions.

* The WINDABL project (PR2022-055) is a project to impulse the career of young researchers funded by the University of Cádiz (Spain) (Plan Propio). The field activities of this project were developed in collaboration with the MOSAI project (Model and Observation for Surface-Atmosphere Interactions,  and with the LATMOS-i project (Land-ATMOSphere interactions in a changing environment: How do they impact on atmospheric-boundary-layer processes at the meso, sub-meso and local scales in mountainous and coastal areas?) (PID2020-115321RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033).

How to cite: Román-Cascón, C., Jiménez-Rincón, J. A., Ortiz-Corral, P., and Yagüe, C. and the WINDABL team: Investigating the impact of the vertical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer and the surface heterogeneities on the development of the valley and coastal breezes (the WINDABL project)., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17564,, 2024.

Pablo Fernández-Castillo, Carlos Román-Cascón, and Carlos Yagüe

Sea breezes are thermally-driven flows that develop on the mesoscale as a result of differential surface heating between the land and ocean surface. These wind circulations appear on coastal areas, influencing their thermal regime and comfort, the characteristics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL), the diffusion of pollutants, transport and circulation of relevant gasses, offshore wind power production and convection onset. Moreover, an important part of the worldwide population lives near the coast and is thus affected by sea breezes, highlighting the importance of their study and understanding of the associated processes. The sea breeze on the coast of Malaga (southern Spain) is analysed in this study, an area where the sea breeze has not been studied yet. This region features complex topography and shoreline orientation, high density of buildings as well as enhanced variability of sea-surface temperatures (SST) due to frequent coastal upwelling events. These factors interact with sea breezes, adding complexity and interest to the study. The first objective of this work is to characterize sea breezes in Malaga, for which observational data from three synoptic stations during the summer months of 2022 are analysed. Despite being relatively close to each other (a few kilometers), the sites exhibit differences in the evolution of temperature and humidity on sea breeze days. The arrival of the sea-breeze front is particularly visible closer to the shoreline, where it contributes to a temperature decrease, which is not apparent on sites 2-5 km inland. The sea breeze also causes an increase in the specific humidity and wind speed. The analysis of the breeze events and the SST suggest that this variable has an impact on temperature close to the shoreline on sea breeze days. The second objective is to perform and analyse a numerical simulation with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model of a sea breeze event of particular interest, in which important temperature differences existed between the observational sites. Results from the numerical simulation show that complex wind circulations appear in the study area and may explain the observed temperature differences, highlighting the contribution of high-resolution numerical simulations to the understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms.

How to cite: Fernández-Castillo, P., Román-Cascón, C., and Yagüe, C.: Observational study and numerical simulations of sea breezes on the coast of Malaga, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17008,, 2024.

Observational analysis of a fog event in the oyashio extension area
(withdrawn after no-show)
Suping Zhang and Xin Zhang
Contribution of cloud-fog transitions near the Kuroshio Extension to the fog-prone area in the northwest Pacific in summer
(withdrawn after no-show)
Xinbei Li and Suping Zhang
Yin Changqin, Xu Jianming, Gao Wei, Pan Liang, Gu Yixuan, Fu Qingyan, and Yang Fan

To investigate the physical and chemical processes of fine particle matters at mid-upper planetary boundary layer (PBL), we conducted one-year continuous measurements of fine particle matters (PM), chemical composition of non-refractory submicron aerosol (NR-PM1) and some gas species (including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ozone) at an opening observatory (~600 m) at the top of Shanghai Tower (SHT), which is the Chinese 1st and World’s 2nd highest building located in the typical financial central business district of Shanghai, China. This is the first report for the characteristics of fine particles based on continuous and sophisticated online measurements at the mid-upper level of urban PBL. The observed PM2.5 and PM1 mass concentrations at SHT were 25.5±17.7 and 17.3±11.7 μg m-3 respectively. Organics, nitrate (NO3) and sulfate (SO4) occupied the first three leading contributions to NR-PM1 at SHT, accounting for 35.8 %, 28.6 % and 20.8 % respectively. The lower PM2.5 concentration was observed at SHT by 16.4 % compared with that near surface during the observation period. It was attributed to the decreased nighttime PM2.5 concentrations (29.4 % lower than surface) at SHT in all seasons due to the complete isolations from both emissions and gas precursors near surface. However, daytime PM2.5 concentrations at SHT were 12.4-35.1 % higher than those near surface from June to October, resulted from unexpected larger PM2.5 levels during early to middle afternoon at SHT than surface. We suppose the significant chemical production of secondary aerosols existed in mid-upper PBL because strong solar irradiance, adequate gas precursors (e.g., NOx) and lower temperature were observed at SHT favorable for both photochemical production and gas-to-particle partitioning. This was further demonstrated by the significant increasing rate of oxygenated organic aerosols and NO3 observed at SHT during 8:00-12:00 in spring (7.4 % h-1 and 12.9 % h-1), autumn (9.3 % h-1 and 9.1 % h-1) and summer (13.0 % h-1 and 11.4 % h-1), which cannot be fully explained by vertical mixing. It was noting that extremely high NO3 was observed at SHT both in daytime and nighttime in winter, accounting for 37.2 % in NR-PM1, suggesting the efficient pathway from heterogeneous and gas oxidated formation. Therefore, we highlight the priority of NOx reduction in Shanghai for the further improvement of air quality. This study reported greater daytime PM2.5 concentrations at the height of 600 m in urban PBL compared with surface measurement, providing insight into their potential effects on local air quality, radiation forcing, and cloud/fog formations. We propose that the efficient production of secondary aerosol in mid-upper PBL should be cognized and explored more comprehensively by synergetic observations in future.

How to cite: Changqin, Y., Jianming, X., Wei, G., Liang, P., Yixuan, G., Qingyan, F., and Fan, Y.: Characteristics of fine particle matters at the top of Shanghai Tower, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2065,, 2024.

Yu Shi and Fei Hu

Similar ramp-like structures exist in the time variations of surface PM2.5 accumulation
during the four different heavy haze pollution processes in Beijing, from 3 November 2017 to 15 January
2018. Based on the ultrasonic anemometer observations at seven different altitudes on a 325 m tower, it is
shown that turbulence momentum flux exchanges between different altitudes were very weak during
the ramp period of PM2.5 concentration. Turbulence at the higher altitude associated with strong wind
shear, occasionally mixed downward toward the surface, showing upside-down transportation of turbulent
kinetic energy (TKE), especially during the rapid removal stage of the pollution. This was different from
the traditional upward TKE transportation above the surface. Vertical distribution of nondimensionalized
standard deviation of the horizontal velocity, vertical velocity, and potential temperature in the stable
boundary layer within the ramp-like structure show obvious “z-less” similarity, independent of z, and
almost equal to constants (𝜎u/u∗l ∼ 3.9, 𝜎w/u∗l ∼ 1.52, and 𝜎𝜃/T∗ ∼ 3.96).

How to cite: Shi, Y. and Hu, F.: Ramp-Like PM2.5 Accumulation Process and Z-Less Similarity in the Stable Boundary Layer, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1419,, 2024.

Seonok Hong, Jinwon Kim, Young-Hwa Byun, Jinkyu Hong, Je-Woo Hong, Keunmin Lee, Sang-Sam Lee, and Yeon-Hee Kim

The monitoring and comprehension of CO2 fluxes in urban environments face challenges due to severe spatiotemporal heterogeneity of emissions sources and limited measurement networks. This issue is particularly critical for large cities, which stand as major contributors to anthropogenic CO2 in the climate system. Focusing on Seoul, Korea, this study analyzes CO2 fluxes at eight surface energy balance sites spanning 2017–2018. These sites comprise six urban locations (vegetation-area fraction < 15%) and two suburban sites (vegetation-area fraction > 60%), aiming to attribute the fluxes to local land-use and business types. To compare with rural area, CO2 fluxes from the Boseong Standard Meteorological Observatory, characterized by rice paddy, were utilized. Results reveal that CO2 flux variations at suburban sites are predominantly influenced by vegetation, while disparities between urban and suburban sites arise from differences in vegetation-area fraction and anthropogenic CO2 emissions.  For the CO2 fluxes at the urban sites; (1) vehicle traffic (traffic) and heating-fuel consumption (heating) contribute > 80% to the total, (2) vegetation effects are minimal, (3) the seasonal cycle is driven mainly by heating, (4) the contribution of heating is positively related to the building-area fraction, (5) the annual total is positively (negatively) correlated with the commercial-area (residential-area) fraction, and (6) the traffic at the commercial sites depend further on the main business types to induce distinct CO2 flux weekly cycles. This research demonstrates that comprehending and estimating CO2 fluxes in sizable urban areas necessitate meticulous site selections and analyses founded on detailed consideration of the refined land-use and business types, going beyond the commonly used single representative land-use type in contemporary studies. 

How to cite: Hong, S., Kim, ., Byun, .-H., Hong, ., Hong, .-W., Lee, ., Lee, .-S., and Kim, .-H.: Variations in CO2 Fluxes at the Surface-Atmosphere Interface Within the Seoul Metropolitan Area, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8430,, 2024.

Young-Hee Lee, Hee-Jeong Lim, and Gyuwon Lee

The planetary boundary layer (PBL) flows over complex terrain during a cold surge event were investigated using 3-hourly radiosonde measurements in the upwind, near ridge, and downwind of mountains in the northeastern part of South Korea and high-resolution (333-m) numerical simulation. A cold surge occurred on 23 January 2018 and lasted for 4 days. We analyzed onset day of the cold surge when air temperature dropped rapidly. Analysis of the radiosonde data shows that the PBL is characterized by an adiabatic layer with strong capping inversion in early morning and evening as well as during daytime in the upwind and near-ridge sites. The PBL flow at the near-ridge site was strongest among three sites except at 0600 local standard time (LST) when the PBL flow in the lee was strongest. We performed high-resolution (333-m) numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The adiabatic PBL in the upwind site at 0600 LST was simulated, although its depth was underestimated. The model reproduced the strong low-level wind at 0600 LST and large wind shear during the daytime in the lee, but it did not capture the exact timing of the large wind shear. Model showed an overall good performance in simulating the vertical profile of the virtual potential temperature and wind below 2 km above sea level at the three sites, with a high index of agreement (IOA) except for the wind at 1200 and 1500 LST in the lee. To examine the cause for the different behavior of PBL flow in the lee of mountains between 0600 LST and the daytime, we calculated the Froude number for PBL flow using radiosonde measurements based on reduced gravity shallow water (RGSW) theory. At 0600 LST, the upwind Froude number F0was close to 1, while during the daytime, it was much lower than 1. The observed lee flow behavior was consistent with the flow regime change of a single layer over an obstacle with changing F0; the flow with a propagating lee jump changes into that with a stationary lee jump with decreasing F0. Numerical simulation shows that the steepening of streamlines of lee-wave field leads to a jump-like structure in the lee of mountains during the daytime.

How to cite: Lee, Y.-H., Lim, H.-J., and Lee, G.: Planetary Boundary layer flow over complex terrain during a cold surge event: a case study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13675,, 2024.

Magdalena Fritz, Stefano Serafin, and Martin Weissmann

The accurate representation of turbulent exchange in the mountain boundary layer is particularly challenging for numerical weather prediction models. However, the use of common planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization schemes, which invariably assume flat and homogeneous terrain, results in significant model errors over mountains.

We seek to improve the accuracy of PBL parameterization schemes over complex terrain using ensemble-based parameter estimation (PE). PE within the data assimilation framework offers a way to reduce model errors by constraining model parameters with atmospheric observations. For this purpose, we use an idealized modelling environment adopting Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) that consist of a large-eddy simulation (LES) providing a virtual truth and a single column model (SCM) ensemble, where the only model error source is the PBL parameterization. We attempt to estimate parameters in PBL schemes of varying complexity affecting vertical turbulent mixing by assimilating appropriate synthetic surface observations and vertical profiles from the LES run. We demonstrate that, with proper configuration of the data assimilation system, PE makes the estimated parameters converge towards optimal values, and at the same time reduces systematic errors in simulations of the atmospheric state.

How to cite: Fritz, M., Serafin, S., and Weissmann, M.: Parameter estimation for boundary-layer turbulence parameterizations over heterogeneous terrain, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3410,, 2024.

Natalie Harvey, Helen Dacre, Chris Walden, Kirsty Hanley, and Humphrey Lean

Turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer governs the exchange of heat, moisture, and other atmospheric constituents between the surface and the free troposphere. This exchange plays a pivotal role in initiating moist convection which influences the timing and location of convective rainfall. As operational weather forecasts increasingly move towards km and sub-km grid spacing, resolving larger boundary layer turbulent structures becomes possible, necessitating adjustments to turbulence parameterisation schemes. The UMBRELLA (UM Boundary-layer REpresentation with Land-Atmosphere Interactions) project aims to evaluate the performance of the UM (Met Office Unified Model) boundary layer turbulent parameterisation schemes for different grid spacings, ranging from 100m to 10km. 

Here, analysis of long-term Doppler lidar and sonic anemometer observations at Chilbolton, Hampshire is presented, with particular focus on long-term statistics on boundary layer vertical velocity, vertical velocity variance and skewness, along with sensible heat flux. These quantities are combined with the presence of cloud and aerosol height to classify the boundary-layer into different regimes and used to evaluate the UM turbulence parameterisations. The Doppler lidar statistics are compared to an 18-member ensemble UM run at 300m grid spacing for the 3-month WesCon field campaign which took place in the UK during summer 2023. While the primary focus of this project is on the UK and the UM, the developed methodology could be applied to other locations worldwide.

How to cite: Harvey, N., Dacre, H., Walden, C., Hanley, K., and Lean, H.: Long-term evaluation of turbulence parameterisations using Doppler lidar , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8366,, 2024.

CFD modeling of wind flow in a real urban site under low wind conditions
Boulos Alam, Amir Ali Feiz, Pierre Ngae, and Amer Chpoun
Lukas Bührend, Antonia Englberger, and Andreas Dörnbrack

A realistic representation of the stable (nocturnal) boundary layer (SBL) is challenging for large-eddy simulations (LES) due to the small turbulence intensity and size of turbulent eddies compared to the daytime convective boundary layer. This increases the relevance of the subgrid scale (SGS) model, which parameterizes turbulent fluxes with a size smaller than the numerical grid. The SGS parameterization influences the shape of the mean wind and temperature profiles, especially close to the surface. The turbulence intensity also influences the SBL height. It is important to note that in the SBL, the mean wind and temperature profiles are different from the Monin-Obukhov similarity forms, especially within the roughness sublayer, which becomes relevant approaching to finer vertical resolution. Additionally, typical SBL characteristics like supergeostrophic mean windspeeds (low-level jets) and the rotation of the mean wind direction with height (Ekman spiral) are influenced by the SGS model.

In our work, we use the TKE (turbulent kinetic energy) closure model as described by Schumann (1990). To obtain resolved turbulence, a modification as described by Sullivan (1994) is used, which takes account of the turbulence anisotropy and the enhanced influence of mean shear close to the surface. We use an intercomparison of SBL-LES by the GABLS-initiative as reference.  The numerical results are produced with the multiscale flow solver EULAG (see Prusa et al. (2008)), solving the governing Boussinesq equations for velocity components and potential temperature perturbation.  Periodic boundary conditions (BC) are used for the horizontal border planes. For the surface, free slip Neumann BC (NBC) with surface fluxes for the potential temperature are applied. The combination of a sensible heat flux and a stably stratified regime is compliant due to the NBC at the surface. The use of NBC did not require the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. This makes EULAG suitable for a detailed investigation of the dependency of the resulting mean wind, temperature and TKE profiles on numerical and physical parameters. The results thereof will be presented, with special emphasis placed on the SGS model in highly resolved LESs.

How to cite: Bührend, L., Englberger, A., and Dörnbrack, A.: The Relevance of the Subgrid-Scale-Model in Large-Eddy-Simulations of the Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6303,, 2024.

Characterizing a turbulent flow using the zero-crossings of velocity fluctuations
Martin Obligado, Amelie Ferran, and Aliseda Alberto

Posters virtual: Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Xabier Pedruzo Bagazgoitia, Jielun Sun
Hans-Stefan Bauer, Kirsten Warrach-Sagi, Diego Lange, Syed Saglain Abbas, and Volker Wulfmeyer

The land surface strongly influences the evolution of turbulence in and the energy exchange with the planetary boundary layer (PBL). High-resolution model simulations provide detailed insights into the evolving processes.

We apply the WRF-NOAHMP model system in a nested configuration from the mesoscale (1.25 km) down to the LES scale (10 m). Driven by the ECMWF operational analysis, this setup allows high-resolution simulations with realistic lower boundary and meteorological forcing. A consistent set of physical parameterizations is applied through the whole chain of domains.

Applying this setup, the evolution of the planetary boundary layer and land-atmosphere (L-A) feedback were investigated in detail for a selected day around the Land-Atmosphere-Feedback Observatory (LAFO) in Hohenheim.

Apart from the evolution of the boundary layer at different horizontal resolutions, another focus is set on the derivation of turbulence variables and its comparison with data from lidar systems operated at the LAFO observatory on that day.

The comparisons revealed that the high-resolution simulations in turbulence-permitting and LES scale realistically represent the temporal and spatial evolution of the convective boundary layer including the transitions between the nighttime and daytime boundary layers. Time-height cross sections of turbulence variables and fluxes are compared with lidar data and first results are presented on the meeting.

How to cite: Bauer, H.-S., Warrach-Sagi, K., Lange, D., Abbas, S. S., and Wulfmeyer, V.: Evolution of the convective boundary layer in connection with land-atmosphere interactions at the Land Atmosphere Feedback Observatory in Stuttgart-Hohenheim, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18883,, 2024.