AS3.33 | Advances in the measurement and modelling of radicals and their precursors in the troposphere
Advances in the measurement and modelling of radicals and their precursors in the troposphere
Convener: Keding Lu | Co-conveners: Zhaofeng Tan, Lisa Whalley, Anna Novelli
| Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.85/86
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Thu, 16:15
Atmospheric radicals (OH, HO2, RO2, NO3, and halogen oxides) drive the oxidation of trace gases, promoting secondary pollution formation and influencing the climate. Understanding the sources (reactive species, e.g. HCHO, HONO, ClNO2 etc.) and chemical fate (conversion of primary pollutants and oxidation of CH4) of radicals is fundamental to tackle regional pollution and climate change. Measuring and modelling radicals is important but extremely challenging due to their low concentration, high reactivity and the complexity of reactions that they initiate.

This session invites results relating to radical measurements and modelling including:
1. The development of different techniques for radical detection, their precursors and intermediates species;
2. The adaption of instruments to different platforms (ground, mobile, shipborne, airborne, etc.);
3. Quality assurance (e.g. calibration procedures, inter-comparison of different techniques);
4. Model development (e.g. new chemical reactions/mechanisms, new model configuration, uncertainty analysis);
5. The implementation of radical measurements and modelling in the field and in chamber studies.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 1.85/86

Chairpersons: Hendrik Fuchs, Lisa Whalley, Amalia Munoz
On-site presentation
Yee Jun Tham, Chao Yan, and Shichun Zou

Atmospheric chlorine radical plays essential roles in tropospheric photochemical processes, such as affecting the oxidation capacity and aerosol formation. Tropospheric chlorine chemistry was initially known to be important in the marine and polar atmosphere; nevertheless, more and more recent studies have indicated that chlorine chemistry was also active in inland areas. Here, we will present the vital chlorine radical precursors, such as nitryl chloride (ClNO2), molecular chlorine (Cl2), hydrochloric acid (HCl) and others that were observed in the urban atmosphere of China, as well as the recent understanding on the influence from anthropogenic chlorine sources. Our recent findings have shown the increasing importance of nocturnal chlorine activation processes in producing ClNO2 and Cl2, which ultimately contributing to the haze formation caused by NOx reduction. Another finding also showed that there is a potential atmospheric chlorine sink process in environment with low temperature and significant bromine chemistry. We will finally discuss the future challenges in the understanding of reactive chlorine chemistry in urban cities under the changing world.

How to cite: Tham, Y. J., Yan, C., and Zou, S.: Recent progress on the role of chlorine radical in urban atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14758,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jun Zheng, Tianchi Lyu, and Yan Ma

Hydroxyl radical (OH) is the dominant oxidation agent in the atmosphere due to its high reactivity. OH plays a decisive role in the degradation of primary air pollutants and the formation of secondary air pollutants (e.g., SOA and O3). For the same reason, OH atmospheric abundance is extremely low, and its atmospheric measurement usually presents a challenging job. In this work, we have developed a new method to detect OH radicals using chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS). The working principle of the new method is that OH was first completely converted into gaseous sulfuric acid (SA) and was then detected by a nitrate-CIMS. Potential interference from ambient SA and other reactive intermediates, such as Criegee Intermediates (CIs), was also dealt with by introducing free radical scavengers. A high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer was also used to explore potential isotopic interferences. The new instrument was calibrated with artificially generated SA standards, quantified with the N2O-actinnometry. A field test was conducted in the Summer of 2023. The results demonstrated that OH concentration ranged from a few 106 molecules cm-3 up to ~2×107 molecules cm-3, basically in line with OH level reported in other areas of China. The ambient SA level was significantly lower than OH, likely due to the high condensation loss near the ground surface. These observation results were further verified by a master chemical mechanism (MCM) box model simulation.

How to cite: Zheng, J., Lyu, T., and Ma, Y.: Simultaneous detection of gaseous sulfuric acid and OH radicals using chemical ionization mass spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2766,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jena Jenkins and William Brune

Reaction with hydroxyl radical (OH) initiates the removal of many pollutants from the atmosphere that impact human health and climate, but can also lead to the formation of different pollutants. Extreme amounts of OH are directly produced by lightning and other, weaker electrical discharges in the atmosphere, although estimates of the global impact of this source of OH are highly uncertain due to the limited field data. However, obtaining more field data is difficult, as measuring electrically generated OH with traditional OH-detecting instruments risks exposing both the instrument and the user to dangerous electrical currents. A possible alternative approach is to use the ultraviolet (UV) radiation generated by the electrical discharges as a proxy measurement for OH generation. Using a laboratory setup, the relationship between OH and UV radiation in different types of electrical discharges is investigated and quantified as a first step toward designing an instrument that can be safely deployed around electrical discharges in the field, leading to more certain estimates of the global impact of electrically generated OH.

How to cite: Jenkins, J. and Brune, W.: Ultraviolet radiation as a proxy measurement for electrically generated hydroxyl radicals, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12733,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Haichao Wang, Yiming Wang, and Jie Wang

Nitrate radical is an important nocturnal oxidant in the atmosphere, regulates the fate of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxide, and affects the air quality. While the concentration of NO3 in the ambient is low to several to tens of parts per trillion by volume in general on the surface. During the past decades, people attempted to detect ambient NO3 by developing several techniques including Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS), and Cavity-enhanced absorption Spectroscopy (CEAS). The latter two are widely used in NO3 measurement but suffer from the sampling loss change due to its high reactivity. Here we try to develop an open CEAS system to measure NO3 in the ambient air. This method is free of sampling loss but has its technical challenges, that as the interferences of water absorptions during the NO3 absorption window near 662 nm. Different from previous studies, we applied a small cavity cage (~40 cm high reflectivity mirror distance) during the hardware design, which features good stability. In addition, we used a sensor to measure ambient temperature and relative humidity, which helped us to calculate the real-time water vapor cross-section to retrieve the water vapor concentration with high accuracy. At last, we will report the instrumental performance in the laboratory tests and field applications.

How to cite: Wang, H., Wang, Y., and Wang, J.: Open path cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for detecting ambient nitrate radicals, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3759,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Aaron Stainsby and the AEROMMA Team

           The production of organic peroxy radicals from the reactions of the hydroxyl radical (OH) and organic compounds is frequently a rate-limiting step in the formation of ground-level ozone.  OH reactivity, the inverse of the OH radical’s lifetime, gives a measure of the production rate of peroxy radicals. A custom-built instrument that can directly measure the total OH reactivity was developed at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and employed on the AEROMMA measurement campaign, organized by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the summer of 2023. The measurement campaign utilized a variety of aircraft and an array of advanced instrumentation to investigate the chemical composition of urban pollution outflows. It is expected that the importance of vehicle emissions is decreasing and that of other emissions, like volatile chemical products, are increasing.  OH reactivity was measured over major urban areas, including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Toronto.

           A suite of instrumentation measured the OH reactants, such as inorganics, nitrogen oxides, alkanes/alkenes, aromatics, and biogenic organic compounds. In the presentation, the sum of OH reactivity from these species is compared to the measured reactivity, to explore the closure of reactivity budget.  From the measurement campaign, the relative contributions of different emission sources to the total OH reactivity including sources for VCPs are analyzed.

How to cite: Stainsby, A. and the AEROMMA Team: Airborne Measurements of OH Reactivity over Urban Megacities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2881,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jiaru Li, Yosuke Sakamoto, Nanase Kohno, Kentaro Murano, and Yoshizumi Kajii

Tropospheric ozone is harmful to human and the ecosystem, which is by-product of the reaction of OH with VOCs and NOx. Field campaign is an effective way to assess regional air quality and the detection of OH reactivity provides a top-down approach to understand the general existence of trace species under specific conditions. Concurrent trace species measurement as bottom-up approach gives information on the detailed atmospheric chemistry. We have conducted Air QUAlity Study (AQUAS) campaigns in different sites in Japan over years and explored the missing OH reactivity contributed by unknown trace species that equals to the discrepancy between top-down total OH reactivity and bottom-up calculated OH reactivity. The investigation of missing OH reactivity in field campaigns showed potential contribution from secondary products. Unconsidered missing OH reactivity on ozone production sensitivity will lead underestimation to ozone production potential and overestimation to VOC-limited regime. In addition, field observations at the same site and varied years such as before and after the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic can also shed light on the reduction of anthropogenic emission, which should be meaningful for a low emission future society. Missing trace species and unconsidered photochemistry in several field campaigns in Japan will be compared in detail and their role should be considered to make effective air quality policies.

Acknowledgement: We acknowledge all collaborators on each of the field campaigns specifically our debts to Dr. Yasuhiro Sadanaga, Dr. Kei Sato, Dr Shungo Kato, and Dr. Yoshihiro Nakashima.

How to cite: Li, J., Sakamoto, Y., Kohno, N., Murano, K., and Kajii, Y.: Missing OH reactivity contributed by photochemical reactions cause uncertainty to ozone production in AQUAS campaigns in Japan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6868,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Volatile chemical products (VCPs) emissions in China: emission characteristics, emission estimates and environmental impacts
(withdrawn after no-show)
Bin Yuan, Yibo Huangfu, Sihang Wang, Yuanting Zhang, Yang Yang, Yubin Chen, Weiwei Hu, and Xuemei Wang
Virtual presentation
Hongru Shen, Rongrong Wu, Quanfu He, Hui Wang, Yarê Baker, Sören Zorn, Hendrik Fuchs, Thomas Mentel, and Defeng Zhao

Phenolic compounds containing at least one hydroxyl functional group on the aromatic ring constitute a significant fraction of volatile organic compounds precursors in urban cities, representing a wide range of environmental, climate, and health effects. Daytime OH oxidation and nighttime NO3 oxidation reactions are their main loss pathways. However, compared to OH oxidation, although NO3 reactions demonstrate higher chemical reactivities and potentially higher SOA yields, less is known about SOA formation from NO3 oxidation of phenolic compounds and their roles in next daytime OH oxidation aging. Here, we conducted NO3 oxidation experiments of phenol and o-cresol in SAPHIR-STAR (Simulation of Atmospheric PHotochemistry In a large Reaction Chamber-Stirred Atmospheric flow Reactor) and photochemical aging experiments in SAPHIR (Simulation of Atmospheric PHotochemistry In a large Reaction Chamber). In both chamber experiments, an online EESI-ToF-MS (Extractive ElectroSpray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer) was used for direct measurement of SOA composition on near-molecular level. Combining gas measurement using NO3- CI-ToF-MS (Chemical Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer), we showed a full picture of gas-phase products formation, their partitioning to particle phase, and photochemical aging of particle phase products. In contrast to OH oxidation reactions, highly oxygenated organic molecules (O≥6) contribute a small fraction of both gas (<1%) and of particle (<10%) phase products. The main particle-phase products (monomers and accretion products) show different time series during OH oxidation aging process. Overall, our experiments help understand SOA formation and photochemical aging from NO3 oxidation of phenolic compounds and provide fundamental data support for accurate assessment of their roles in urban air quality, climate, and health effects.

How to cite: Shen, H., Wu, R., He, Q., Wang, H., Baker, Y., Zorn, S., Fuchs, H., Mentel, T., and Zhao, D.: Formation and photochemical aging of secondary organic aerosols from NO3 oxidation of phenolic compounds, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20410,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Huan Song, Keding Lu, Huabin Dong, Zhaofeng Tan, Zhongmin Chen, Limin Zeng, and Yuanhang Zhang

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl radicals (OH), hydroperoxyl (HO2), and superoxide (O2-) radicals interacting with aerosol particles significantly affect the atmospheric pollutant budgets. A multiphase chemical kinetic box model (PKU-MARK), including the multiphase processes of transition metal ions (TMI) and their organic complexes (TMI-OrC), was built to numerically drive H2O2 chemical behaviors in the aerosol particle liquid phase using observational data obtained from a field campaign in rural China. Instead of relying on fixed uptake coefficient values, a thorough simulation of multiphase H2O2 chemistry was performed. In the aerosol liquid phase, light-driven TMI-OrC reactions promote OH, HO2/O2-, and H22 recycling and spontaneous regenerations. The in-situ generated aerosol H2O2 would offset gas-phase H2O2 molecular transfer into the aerosol bulk phase and promote the gas-phase level. When combined with the multiphase loss and in-situ aerosol generation involving the TMI-OrC mechanism, the HULIS-Mode significantly improves the consistency between modeled and measured gas-phase H2O2 levels. The aerosol liquid phase could be a pivotal potential source of aqueous H22 and influence the multiphase budgets. Our work highlights the intricate and significant effects of aerosol TMI and TMI-OrC interactions on the multiphase partitioning of H2O2 when assessing atmospheric oxidant capacity.

How to cite: Song, H., Lu, K., Dong, H., Tan, Z., Chen, Z., Zeng, L., and Zhang, Y.: Aerosol particle effects on the atmospheric budgets of H2O2 and HOx radicals: studies utilizing a newly-developed multiphase model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21794,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Min Hu, Shuya Hu, Linghan Zeng, Gang Zhao, Shiyi Chen, and Weilun Zhao

Black carbon (BC), the most important absorbing component in ambient aerosols, profoundly influences the Earth's radiation system and climate change. Previous studies have demonstrated a decline in the mass concentrations of BC and BC-containing particles in Beijing over the past decade, primarily attributed to stringent emission control measures. In this study, we found a substantial decrease in the mass absorption cross-section (MAC) of BC-containing particles during the cold seasons in Beijing, declining from 9.27 to 7.34 m²/g over a span of seven years. Three reasons lead to the reduction of MAC. Firstly, we observed that the average mass equivalent diameter of the BC cores in 2022 was larger (239 nm) compared to that in 2016 (195 nm). Secondly, the corresponding coating thickness of the BC-containing particles decreased from 1.5 to 1.3. Lastly, significant changes were noted in the chemical compositions of BC-containing particles, with more nitrate and less organic matter (OM) in the coating materials, which led to a diminished absorption ability of BC-containing particles. Our research sheds light on the crucial role of microphysical-chemical properties in determining the absorption ability of BC-containing particles. The results indicate that it is imperative to resolve the MAC of BC in the climate system for better estimating BC’s climate effects. Besides, characterizing the current pollution levels, properties, and impacts of BC-containing particles may help reassess the importance of BC-containing particles in the ambient atmosphere and clarify future research priorities and mitigation measures.

How to cite: Hu, M., Hu, S., Zeng, L., Zhao, G., Chen, S., and Zhao, W.: Significant changes in the light absorption ability of BC-containing particles between the cold seasons of 2016 and 2022 in Beijing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20384,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Keding Lu, Dwayne Heard, Xin Li
On-site presentation
Dwayne Heard, Lisa Whalley, Eloise Slater, Joanna Dyson, Chunxiang Ye, Robert Woodward-Massey, and Oliver Marsh

With an area of 2.5 million km2 and an average altitude of about 4000 m above sea level, the Tibetan Plateau is the largest and highest plateau in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The high altitude, low latitude, and large snow coverage leads to strong solar radiation at the surface and, as such, a high production potential for OH. Given the large area of the Plateau, understanding the chemistry controlling OH concentrations in this region is important to accurately predict the global lifetime of the greenhouse gas, methane.

Here we present the first field observations on the Tibetan Plateau of the hydroxyl radical, OH, and also HO2 and RO2 radicals, as well as OH reactivity, made in April-May 2019 at the Nam Co research station, which is located at 4730 m above sea level. The atmospheric pressure at Nam Co is ~ 0.57 atm and these represent the highest altitude ground-based measurements of OH and other radical species. Concentrations of OH radicals were measured directly using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy at 308 nm, whereas HO2 and RO2 concentrations were measured via their chemical conversion to OH, followed by LIF. OH reactivity was measured using laser-flash photolysis followed by time-resolved LIF.

Previous photostationary steady state (PSS) calculations of the OH concentrations in this region, which consider O3 photolysis and subsequent reaction of O(1D) with H2O as the primary source of OH, and CO and methane as the OH sinks, range from 3.7 to 11 x 106 cm-3 in January and from 1.4 to 3.0 x 107 cm-3 in July. (Lin et al., J. Geophys. Res., 113, D02309, doi:10.1029/2007JD008831, 2008) suggesting an extremely photo-active environment.

The average peak OH concentration was ~4 x 106 cm-3, which is at the lower end of the previously reported PSS predictions. The average peak HO2 and total organic RO2 concentrations observed were ~3 x 108 cm-3 (~20 pptv) and ~7 x 108 cm-3 (~ 50 ppt) respectively. On average, the measured OH reactivity was low, peaking before sunrise at ~2 s-1 and displaying only a weak diurnal profile. However, the OH reactivity is up to 4 times greater than that calculated assuming only methane and CO as OH sinks. A box model utilising the Master Chemical Mechanism and constrained with in situ measurements of radical sources and sinks at the Nam Co site was used to calculate radical concentrations and OH reactivity for comparison with field measurements, and to examine chemical budgets.

How to cite: Heard, D., Whalley, L., Slater, E., Dyson, J., Ye, C., Woodward-Massey, R., and Marsh, O.: Measurements and modelling of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals and OH reactivity in the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13295,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Samuel Seldon, Lisa Whalley, Graham Boustead, Rachel Lade, Dwayne Heard, Katie Read, Anna Callaghan, Shalini Punjabi, James Lee, Lucy Carpenter, and Luis Neves

The OH radical is the dominant daytime tropospheric oxidising agent, reacting with almost all Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). The majority of global methane is removed in the tropical troposphere by OH. The oxidation of VOCs by OH forms peroxy radicals, HO2 and RO2, with formaldehyde (HCHO) often formed as a product. In remote marine environments, ozone (O3) is destroyed during the day by reaction with OH or HO2, or photolysis.

Ground-based measurements of OH, HO2, RO2, OH reactivity and HCHO, together with a comprehensive suite of supporting measurements, were made at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO), situated on the island of São Vicente located in the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean, during February 2023 as part of the NERC-funded PEROXY project. With no nearby emissions and prevailing winds from over the ocean, the clean marine air sampled was representative of the open ocean.

In this work, time series and diurnal variations of the measured species are presented, and production and destruction rates of OH, HO2 and RO2 have been calculated. Reactions of the halogen oxides, IO and BrO, are shown to be important for understanding the chemistry of OH, HO2 and RO2. The CH3O2 reactions with halogen oxides are an important sink for RO2 and a possible source of HO2 that likely enhances O3 destruction in remote marine environments. Heterogeneous losses are also shown to be important for HO2. The OH budget analysis shows a possible minor missing source of OH while net HO2 production is observed, indicating either an overestimation of HO2 sources or an underestimation of HO2 sinks. Net RO2 production is observed, with the reactions of CH3O2 with halogen oxides and heterogeneous losses of CH3O2 to aerosols and the ocean surface needed to close the RO2 budget, but the magnitude of these loss processes is currently highly uncertain.

How to cite: Seldon, S., Whalley, L., Boustead, G., Lade, R., Heard, D., Read, K., Callaghan, A., Punjabi, S., Lee, J., Carpenter, L., and Neves, L.: Measurements and experimental budget analysis of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in a remote tropical marine location, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9483,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xuefei Ma, Haichao Wang, Zhaofeng Tan, Hongli Wang, Keding Lu, and Yuanhang Zhang
Monoterpenes exert a critical influence on air quality and climate change by impacting fine particle formation. This study provides field evidence indicating that monoterpene oxidations significantly bolster local ozone production in eastern China, with the observed monoterpene likely originating from biomass burning rather than biogenic emissions. Nighttime correlation with CO and consistent ratios align with values from biomass burning experiments. Experimental determination of fast monoterpene oxidations, through direct radical measurements, reveals a daily ozone enhancement of 4-18 ppb, constituting 6-16% of total ozone production, depending on monoterpene speciation. This underscores the substantial contribution of previously overlooked anthropogenic monoterpenes to O3 production in eastern China, with potential relevance in areas worldwide characterized by massive emissions, particularly those with high NOx levels. The findings emphasize the need to consider anthropogenic monoterpenes in coordinated efforts to mitigate O3 and particulate matter pollution.

How to cite: Ma, X., Wang, H., Tan, Z., Wang, H., Lu, K., and Zhang, Y.: Exacerbation of Ozone Pollution by Anthropogenic Monoterpenes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5600,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michelle Färber, Hendrik Fuchs, Birger Bohn, Philip M.T. Carlsson, Georgios Gkatzelis, Andrea Carolina Marcillo Lara, Franz Rohrer, Sergej Wedel, Andreas Wahner, and Anna Novelli

The hydroxyl radical (OH) is the most important daytime oxidant in the troposphere, initiating chemical degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hence contributing to the formation of secondary pollutants such as ozone (O3). In the oxidation process of VOCs, peroxy radicals (RO2) and hydroperoxy radicals (HO2) are formed. In polluted areas, characterised by the presence of nitric oxide (NO), the OH radical is regenerated by the reaction of HO2 with NO, enhancing atmospheric oxidation. Ozone is mainly produced from the photolysis of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which is formed in the reaction of HO2 and RO2 with NO, where the latter reaction also leads to the formation of an alkoxy radical (RO). Depending on the fate of the RO radical, additional O3 may be produced.

Large discrepancies between measured and modelled HO2 and RO2 radical concentrations have been observed during daytime for several urban environments, both for low (< 1ppbv) and high (> 3ppbv) NO. As measured and modelled radical concentrations are commonly used to determine the instantaneous ozone production rate (P(Ox)), a large model-measurement discrepancy was also found for P(Ox) at high NO.

A systematic study of the photo-oxidation of different anthropogenic VOCs (propane, propene, iso-pentane, n-hexane, trans-2-hexene), associated with traffic emissions and involving different alkoxy chemistry, was conducted at the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, for NO mixing ratios below 1ppbv and between 3 and 5ppbv.

Measured radicals as well as precursors and oxidation products are compared with results from a zero-dimensional box model using the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM v3.3.1) which is complemented by structure-activity relationships (SAR). When including SAR, an improved model-measurement agreement of HO2 and RO2 radical concentrations was specifically found for n-hexane and trans-2-hexene. In addition, the Ox (= NO2 + O3) formation per oxidised VOC (P(Ox)VOC) could be derived from modelled radical concentrations and measured Ox concentrations. Overall, a good agreement between the different P(Ox)VOC was found.

How to cite: Färber, M., Fuchs, H., Bohn, B., Carlsson, P. M. T., Gkatzelis, G., Marcillo Lara, A. C., Rohrer, F., Wedel, S., Wahner, A., and Novelli, A.: Investigation of the ozone formation of anthropogenic VOCs in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16360,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bryan Duncan, Amir Souri, Sarah Strode, Daniel Anderson, Michael Manyin, Junhua Liu, Luke Oman, and Brad Weir

The accurate representation of tropospheric hydroxyl radical (TOH) is crucial for reasonably modeling methane concentrations — a potent greenhouse gas. We use an improved parameterization of TOH using an interpretable and agile machine learning module named ECCOH (pronounced "echo") in NASA's GEOS global model to unravel the intricacies of TOH to its key inputs. However, the accuracy of this model is hampered by the accurate representation of its critical inputs. Fortunately, retrieving trace gases like nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and formaldehyde (HCHO) from space-borne sensors, like the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), has seen remarkable progress. Consequently, we leverage these observations to assess how they can effectively alleviate some biases in TOH and can help better reproduce its long-term trends. In contrast to the earlier investigations, the refined representation of TOH archives a finer spatial resolution (1x1 degrees), and it is more up to date (2005-2019), allowing for elucidating the impact of recent emission regulations, such as those imposed in China, on TOH. OMI NO2 yields valuable insights over biomass-burning areas in Eastern Europe and central Africa, where our prior emission estimates possess significant biases, mitigating regional TOH biases up to 20%. Oceanic HCHO concentrations, serving as a proxy for TOH due to the predominant chemical pathway of VOC oxidation through OH, are only moderately altered by OMI HCHO, attributed to low signal-to-noise ratios and satisfactory representation of HCHO in the a priori simulations. Ultimately, we disentangle the convoluted map of TOH linear trends by isolating five pivotal inputs to the TOH parameterization, including stratospheric ozone, tropospheric ozone, water vapor, HCHO, and NO2. Our results demonstrate that these five parameters can collectively explain 65% of the variability in TOH trends alone. With the deployment of new satellites with enhanced sensor configurations and better temporal resolutions, our mission at NASA is to exploit those observations to improve the representation of many variables highly linked to TOH.

How to cite: Duncan, B., Souri, A., Strode, S., Anderson, D., Manyin, M., Liu, J., Oman, L., and Weir, B.: Exploring Biases and Long-term Trends in Tropospheric OH: A Synergistic Approach with Model Simulations, Interpretable Machine Learning, and Satellite Observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11121,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Clara M. Nussbaumer, Andrea Pozzer, Jos Lelieveld, and Horst Fischer

While stratospheric ozone (O3) is essential to life on Earth, tropospheric ozone can have adverse effects. At the surface, it contributes to air pollution and impacts human health. Further, it is the third most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas enhancing global warming and climate change, and its radiative forcing efficiency is largest in the upper troposphere. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate ozone formation and its sensitivity to the precursor gases nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Commonly used metrics apply to the planetary boundary layer but fail to identify O3 formation sensitivity at higher altitudes. We introduce the new metric α(CH3O2) to indicate O3 sensitivity, which represents the share of methyl peroxy radicals (CH3O2) forming O3 through the reaction with NO in competition with the reaction with HO2 terminating the catalytic (O3 forming) HOx cycle. We demonstrate the versatility and applicability of α(CH3O2) by investigating a number of studies, including several based on data from stationary field measurements, aircraft observations and model simulations in various locations around the globe, across all altitudes from the surface to the upper troposphere and over a time period of the past 20 years. We identify where O3 chemistry is sensitive to NOx or VOCs in the global troposphere considering a wide range of ambient conditions.

How to cite: Nussbaumer, C. M., Pozzer, A., Lelieveld, J., and Fischer, H.: The metric α(CH3O2) indicates ozone formation sensitivity towards NOx and VOCs in the global troposphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2586,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shengrui Tong, Meifang Chen, Shanshan Yu, and Maofa Ge

Criegee intermediates (CIs) can be generated by the ozonolysis of alkenes, and few amounts can come from radical-radical reactions. CIs are found to be the important oxidants, and can react with many gases in the atmosphere. The reaction rate of CIs with HCOOH is about 10-10 cm3molcule-1s-1, and the reaction rate of SO2 with CIs is much faster than with OH radical. A Matrix-isolate Vacuum FTIR method was constructed to capture CIs during the reaction of O3 with alkenes. Different kinds of Primary ozonides (POZs), CIs, and Secondary ozonides (SOZs) were detected, and the reaction processes were deduced. Combining of the experimental and quantum chemistry methods, the reactivity of different structure CIs were investigated. The contribution of these CIs to the formation of OH radicals and SOA were further discussed. Fundamental understanding on the structures and reactivity of CIs is crucial to deepen the understanding of Criegee chemistry and its impact on the atmospheric chemistry.

How to cite: Tong, S., Chen, M., Yu, S., and Ge, M.: Formation and reaction mechanisms of Criegee intermediates in the atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3795,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yu Wang

Peroxyacetyl (PA) radicals are one of the critical intermediates in the atmospheric oxidation and combustion of VOCs, dominating the secondary formation of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and also promoting ozone (O3) formation. This study simulated the formation pathways of PA radicals from their precursors and evaluated their contributions to PAN and O3 formation in urban, rural, and mountainous background areas in southern China with the application of an observation-based photochemical box model with master chemical mechanism (PBM-MCM).

It was found that PA formation at the mountainous background site was dependent on both volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NOx precursors (transition regime). In contrast to dominated acetaldehyde oxidation in previous urban and rural research, PA formation at the mountainous background site was primarily formed by methylglyoxal (38%), acetaldehyde (28%), other radicals (20%), and other oxygenated VOCs (13%).

Methylglyoxal oxidation was the major contributor to PA formation in urban and rural areas in southern China due to the relatively high levels of isoprene and aromatics in this region. Except for biogenic sources, xylene isomers and C4-C5 alkenes, largely from vehicle exhaust and solvent usage, were identified as the predominant contributors to PA formation in this region.

At last, PAN was net formed through the reaction of PA and NO2 in most urban, rural, and mountainous background areas in southern China, while it was thermal decomposed in coastal urban areas in the cold season due to the high level of PAN from regional transport, which released NO2 and PA radicals and promoted the local O3 formation. Overall, this study deepens our understanding of PA radical chemistry and provides valuable insights into secondary PAN and O3 formation control in contrasting environments.

How to cite: Wang, Y.: Modelling of peroxyacetyl (PA) radicals in contrasting environments: precursors, reaction pathways and their contributions to peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and ozone (O3) formation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15572,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sébastien Dusanter, Goufrane Abichou, Ahmad Lahib, Marina Jamar, Weidong Chen, Hendrik Fuchs, Anna Novelli, Michelle Färber, Franz Rohrer, and Alexandre Tomas

Ozone (O3) is a criteria air pollutant in the troposphere and powerful oxidant that damages cellular tissue along our respiratory tract, causing distress, and crops and other plants, decreasing primary productivity in the environment. O3 is also a greenhouse gas that is responsible for ~12% of the anthropogenic global warming since 1750. Unlike other criteria air pollutants that have major primary emission sources, O3 is entirely a secondary pollutant and has a complicated non-linear dependence on its precursors nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). For instance, lowering some O3 precursors can actually increase local O3 concentrations under certain conditions. Ozone concentrations observed at monitoring sites not only depend on the local chemistry but also on the transport of air masses containing O3 from other locations, and on dry deposition. It is therefore essential to clearly understand how these physicochemical processes impact ozone budgets to design efficient mitigation measures at targeted sites.

Simultaneous measurements of ozone production rates, P(O3), and ozone concentrations can provide a detailed picture of the ozone budget at a monitoring site, including a critical assessment of the O3-driving processes mentioned above. In this study, we will present how a chemical amplifier can be used to infer P(O3) from peroxy radical measurements and we will discuss the reliability of this methodology. We will present results from ozone production experiments that were performed in the SAPHIR atmospheric chamber during the ROxCOMP (ROx Comparison) campaign. We will show how P(O3) values inferred from the chemical amplifier compare to values derived from observed Ox (O3+NO2) changes in the chamber for various experiments using contrasting conditions of VOCs and NOx.

Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the French national research agency (ANR) under LABEX-CaPPA (ANR-11-LABX-005-01), the CPER-CLIMIBIO program, the French national program LEFE/CHAT INSU and the Hauts-de-France region of France. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ATMO-ACCESS Integrating Activity under grant agreement No 101008004.

How to cite: Dusanter, S., Abichou, G., Lahib, A., Jamar, M., Chen, W., Fuchs, H., Novelli, A., Färber, M., Rohrer, F., and Tomas, A.: Using peroxy radical measurements from chemical amplifiers to quantify ozone production rates in the troposphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7819,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Philip Stevens, Paige Price, Brandon Bottorff, Jena Jenkins, and William Brune

Atmospheric formation of ozone and secondary organic aerosols as well as the removal of greenhouse gases such as methane and hydrofluorocarbons depend on the fast radical cycling of the hydroxyl radical (OH). Previous measurements of these radicals in forest environments have shown serious discrepancies with model predictions, bringing into question our understanding of OH radical chemistry, especially in regions characterized by low NOx (NOx = NO + NO2) and high biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) concentrations. However, previous studies have discovered that some OH radical measurement techniques may be sensitive to interferences, such as from the ozonolysis of BVOCs. This has the potential to cause artificially high observations of OH especially in forested areas. In this work, we present an analysis of previous measurements of OH radical concentrations from rural, suburban, and urban areas while accounting for the measured interferences and covering a wide range of NOx concentrations. This re-assessment provides insight regarding our current understanding of OH radical recycling under low NOx and high BVOC conditions.

How to cite: Stevens, P., Price, P., Bottorff, B., Jenkins, J., and Brune, W.: Re-assessment of hydroxyl radical chemistry using new observation data and model comparisons, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13251,, 2024.


Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 14:00–Thu, 18 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Anna Novelli, Zhaofeng Tan, Niklas Illmann
Guoxian Zhang, Jingyi Guo, Renzhi Hu, Chuan Lin, and Pinhua Xie

To investigate the effect of oxidation on the formation of secondary pollution in different environmental conditions, a comprehensive field campaign (STORM) was carried out from October to November 2018 at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School (DXC, 22.60 °N, 113.97 °E) in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. Precursor concentrations introduced typical urban characteristics on the modeled OH reactivity (kOH) levels with a broad range between 15.0 and 30.0 s-1. The daily maxima of the observed OH and HO2 radical concentrations were (2.3–12.8) × 106 cm-3 and (1.3–9.1) × 108 cm-3, respectively. In the polluted period, abundant photolysis sources (e.g., HONO, HCHO, and O3) intensified photochemistry. The OH radical concentration peaked 6.0 × 106 cm-3 at noon (11:00-13:00). The low kOH (12.0 s-1) in the clean atmosphere suggested that the reduction in termination efficiency prolonged the OH lifetime, so that the period maintained a sustained OH concentration comparable to the polluted period. In terms of meteorology, the dominating air mass was isolated from the east and northeast directions, which promoted the transition of ozone from mild pollution to severe pollution. The abundant precursor emissions at urban sites first compensated for the negative effect of declined solar radiation, and then they amplified radical propagation. Simultaneously amplified radical propagation promoted oxidation capacity, and increased the chain length (ChL) from 3.6 to 4.1, and P(O3) has lifted effectively by approximately 13.3 %. The stable wind direction and velocity reduced physical dilution losses and thus led to the rapid rise in Ox around 16:00. Further detailed investigations are required on the environmental causes of ozone pollution to address the influence of the oxidation processes on secondary pollution formation under other environmental conditions.

How to cite: Zhang, G., Guo, J., Hu, R., Lin, C., and Xie, P.: Local radical chemistry driven ozone pollution in a megacity: A case study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14073,, 2024.

Baobin Han, Min Qin, Fanhao Meng, Wu Fang, Jianye Xie, Dou Shao, Zhitang Liao, and Pinhua Xie

Correspondence: Min Qin (

Nitrous acid (HONO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) play a crucial role in tropospheric photochemistry by contributing to the hydroxyl radical (OH) and influencing atmospheric oxidization capacity. Recent research has found that soil HONO emissions are considered to be the main source of atmospheric HONO. Here, an aerodynamic gradient (AG) method combined with a BroadBand Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectrometer (BBCEAS) system was developed to measure HONO and NOx emission flux from agricultural fields in the Huaihe River Basin. Measurements were taken at two different heights and included various agricultural management activities such as rotary tillage, flood irrigation, fertilization, transplanting rice seedlings, and top-dressing. For HONO and NO, upward fluxes were observed (0.07 ± 0.22 and 0.19 ± 0.53 nmol /(ms)), while NO2 was deposited to the ground (-0.37 ± 0.47 nmol /(ms)). The maximum emission fluxes of HONO and NO occurred at around 24°C, which is close to the optimal temperature (25°C) for soil microbial nitrification processes. This indicates that surface microbial processes may contribute to gas emissions. Specifically, during rotary tillage, continuous peaks in HONO flux and NO flux were observed. POH(HONO)net and POH(O3)net were 1.42 ppb/h and 1.35 ppb/h, respectively, with HONO and O3 photolysis accounted for 51% and 49% of the total yield. The peak of POH(HONO)net coincides with the peak of HONO emissions from agricultural fields, revealing the significant contribution of agricultural HONO emissions to atmospheric oxidizing capacity. After irrigation in agricultural fields, the increase in soil moisture content (~80% water filled pore space) restricts oxygen availability, thereby suppressing the HONO emission. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the dynamics of soil HONO and NOx emissions in agricultural fields, shedding light on their environmental implications and the role of agricultural activities in atmospheric chemistry.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U21A2028) and the National key Reearch and Development Program of China (2022YFC3701100).


How to cite: Han, B., Qin, M., Meng, F., Fang, W., Xie, J., Shao, D., Liao, Z., and Xie, P.: Surface exchange flux measurement of HONO and NOx in agricultural fields of the Huaihe River Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15664,, 2024.

Sascha Alber, Wilhelm Steffes, Fred Stroh, Hui Wang, Rongrong Wu, Annika Zanders, and Sören R. Zorn

The oxidation pathways of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), the largest natural source of sulfur in theatmosphere (Bates et al., 1992), and its impact on Earth’s radiative balance are not fully understood yet. One of the major open questions in the DMS oxidation scheme is the chemical kinetics of hydroperoxymethyl thioformate (HPMTF) formation and breakdown, which also leads to substantial HPMTF abundances in the global atmosphere as detetcted by Veres et al. in 2020 by means of aircraft observations. HPMTF is formed from methylthiomethyl peroxy radical (MTMP), one of the major oxidation products of DMS, and was first suggested by Wu et al. (2015) based on ab initio calculations. Meanwhile, several atmospheric simulation chamber studies have taken place to better understand DMS oxidation (e.g., Jernigan et al. (2022), Ye et al. (2022), Shen et al. (2022) and, von Hobe et al. (2023)).

In autumn 2023 a DMS oxidation campaign took place at the SAPHIR* chamber at the Forschungszentrum Jülich to address these issues. SAPHIR* (SAPHIR-STAR; Simulation of Atmospheric PHotochemistry In a large Reaction Chamber – STirred Atmospheric tank Reactor) is a continuously stirred tank reactor made of glass with a total volume of 2000 l. All experiments in SAPHIR* are carried out under steady state conditions. The chamber is inside a thermostat, features two independent UV light systems at 254nm (UV-C) and 365nm (UV-A), a state of the art control and gas supply system. Measurements are performed under extremely controlled conditions regarding temperature, relative humidity (RH), flows and composition/constituents. SAPHIR* features a set of standard measurements (O3, NO/NOx, CO, CO2, CH4). During the campaign three Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometers (CIMS) were used during the campaign: a CIMS-API-LTOF with a nitrate and bromide ion source, which was also used for frequent voltage scanning during the steady states, a CIMS-HTOF with iodide ion source and, FunMass-C, a rebuilt aircraft CTOF instrument employing CF3O- ion chemistry. Every of the four reagent ions is capable to detect HPMTF. Moreover, a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) and a gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS) measured DMS. For FunMass-C, this was the first time measuring under non-laboratory conditions over weeks.

As precursor of OH, H2O2 photolysis was used. This allowed for HPMTF production even at mostly dry conditions (RH < 1%) as well as the investigation of the influence of additional water vapour (RH = 20, 40 and 60 %) under atmospherically relevant OH levels (~1*107 molecules*cm-3). In addition, the dependence of several NO levels (5, 10, 20 and 30 ppbv NO) on HPMTF formation under dry conditions was investigated. Lastly, the HPMTF formation caused by nitrate radicals in the dark (100 ppb O3 and 25 ppb NO) was investigated, as well as the influence of water vapour on this reaction pathway (RH = 20 %). For all experiments the initial DMS mixing ratio in the chamber was 10 or 20 ppb. The presentation gives an overview of these experiments and discusses preliminary results.

How to cite: Alber, S., Steffes, W., Stroh, F., Wang, H., Wu, R., Zanders, A., and Zorn, S. R.: DMS oxidation experiments in the SAPHIR* simulation chamber: Constraining chemical kinetics of the HPMTF channel, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16059,, 2024.

Anna Novelli, Florian Berg, René Dubus, Andreas Wahner, and Hendrik Fuchs

Accurate knowledge of the rate coefficient of the reaction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with the hydroxyl radical (OH) is fundamental for understanding atmospheric chemical processes and for predictions of air quality forecasting models. Nevertheless, the temperature dependence of reaction rates of many organic compounds is not well investigated as measurements are challenging.

In this work, we present absolute measurements of reactions rates with the OH radical for a series of VOCs for different temperatures. An OH reactivity instrument previously used for field and chamber measurements was further developed to enable these accurate measurements of reaction rates. The OH reactivity (kOH) is the inverse lifetime of the OH radical expressed by the product of the OH reactant concentrations and its reaction coefficient with OH. In this instrument, OH reactivity is measured by the direct observation of the decay rate of OH that is produced in a flow tube by ozone laser flash photolysis at 266 nm. The decay of OH radicals is measured at a high time resolution of 1 ms. If a known concentration of an organic compound is added to the bath gas (humidified synthetic air) the decay time directly gives the rate coefficient. As the air temperature can be controlled, the Arrhenius expression of the rate coefficient can be determined.

VOC mixtures in synthetic air were prepared in canisters. The concentration was determined by the total organic carbon method, in which all carbon atoms are combusted to CO2 on heated catalysts and the CO2 concentration is measured by a commercial cavity ring-down instrument.

The method was validated with several alkanes for which reaction rates are well-known. Excellent agreement within a few percent with recommendations by IUPAC and NASA-JPL demonstrates the high accuracy of the new method. The Arrhenius expression of OH reaction rates was determined for several monoterpenes and aromatic hydrocarbons.


How to cite: Novelli, A., Berg, F., Dubus, R., Wahner, A., and Fuchs, H.: Determination of temperature dependent rate coefficients of the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with volatile organic compounds using a new OH reactivity instrument , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16085,, 2024.

Rubén Soler, Mila Ródenas, Teresa Vera, Esther Borrás, Tatiana Gómez, Marco Chen, Martin Rigler, Asta Gregorič, Bálint Alföldy, Eduardo Yubero, Javier Crespo, and Amalia Muñoz

Biomass burning (BB), including wildfires, agricultural burning and domestic heating results in the emission of complex mixture of particle and gas phase species, among which volatile organic compounds and organic aerosols (primary organic aerosol – POA) are prevailing, in the atmosphere. These emissions and their chemical aging products, including both gas-phase pollutants and secondary organic aerosols (SOA), under different atmospheric and combustion conditions, remain poorly understood and have significant but still uncertain impacts on air quality, human health and climate.

The experimental campaign in the EUPHORE outdoor photoreactors focused on studying the gas and particle phase emissions and aging processes from the combustion of different types of wood (orange tree, vineyard and beech), as well as a diesel engine car exhaust, under diurnal and nocturnal operating regimes. It consisted of an ambitious campaign that involved a wide range of analytical instrumentation, highlighting state-of-the-art mass spectrometers (PTR-ToF-MS and API-ToF-CIMS coupled to a Figaero inlet) for both gas and particle phase analysis and a newly released 9λ Aethalometer model AE36s (Aerosol Magee Scientific) for improved characterization of aerosol optical properties. This work focuses on the analysis of the particulate phase emissions and their aged SOA products using the instrument API-ToF-Iodide-CIMS+Figaero inlet.

From the analysis of the chemical composition of the particulate phase in this extensive set of experiments, significant information, similarities and differences are derived, both between different types of wood fuels and between distinct combustion regimes (smoldering vs. flaming) and aging conditions (daytime vs. night-time). In the mass spectra (MS) analysis, a general emission of higher POA m/Q compounds is observed in the smoldering combustion compared to the flaming one. After several hours of aging, evolution and differentiation from the initial fume mass spectra is observed, with a gradual transition to MS with a more significant presence of higher molecular weight compounds. Diverse compound types have been identified, including phenolic, furanic, organonitrate products, non-oxygenated and oxygenated PAHs and other BB tracers, such as levoglucosan.

Combined dark and light aging experiments reveal changing trends in the formation and evolution of numerous compounds due to light conditions shift. Aerosol night-time aging periods lead to the formation and accumulation of organonitrate BB derived products, such as nitroanisole, nitroguaiacol and nitrocatechol, leading to its degradation after the chamber opening and the exposure to natural light. This is an ongoing work currently under investigation with great potential to provide with new valuable information that can enhance our understanding of the complex aging pathways of biomass-burning pollutants and to improve model results.

This work is part of a project supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme through the ATMO-ACCESS Integrating Activity (grant agreement N. 101008004) and by the R+D project ATMOBE (PID2022-142366OB-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, the "ERDF A way of making Europe”, the Valencian Regional Government (GVA) and the EVER project CIPROM/20200/37.

How to cite: Soler, R., Ródenas, M., Vera, T., Borrás, E., Gómez, T., Chen, M., Rigler, M., Gregorič, A., Alföldy, B., Yubero, E., Crespo, J., and Muñoz, A.: Analysis of biomass burning derived aerosol under different combustion and oxidation regimes at the EUPHORE chambers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18998,, 2024.

Ke Lin, Mengli Chen, Yue-Gau Chen, and Xianfeng Wang

Despite the global phase-out of leaded gasoline, lead (Pb) pollution remains a persistent and serious issue, particularly in developing nations. To portray the temporal dynamics of Pb emissions and their responses to evolving policy interventions in Asia, we reconstructed a 60-year record of Pb concentration (Pb/Ca) and isotopic composition (i.e., 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) in a coral from Dongsha Atoll, the South China Sea. Our study reveals a fourfold increase in coral Pb/Ca levels from 1953 to mid-2000s, followed by a ~ 60% decline in the subsequent decade. In the early era from 1953 to 1960, Pb isotopic compositions in the Dongsha coral align closely with the values in natural marine sediments. When anthropogenic Pb sources became to prevail, we observe an increase in Pb/Ca values and altered isotopic compositions, attributable mostly to automotive Pb emissions but also with significant contribution from industrial Pb emissions especially after 1990s. With Pb isotopic analysis on the coral, we identify that, after 1990s, the Chinese Pb was the primary endmember that impacts the regional Pb. The influence of Chinese Pb is also registered in other East and Southeast Asian coral records, probably also in those from the Indian Ocean. The increasing trend of Pb in these records underscores the necessity to reduce Pb emissions in the post-leaded gasoline era, particularly in developing countries in the region. On the other hand, the decline in Pb/Ca in our record after the mid-2000s provides encouraging evidence of the positive impact of environmental policies in safeguarding the environment and public health.


How to cite: Lin, K., Chen, M., Chen, Y.-G., and Wang, X.: Rise and fall of lead (Pb) pollution in East Asia:  lessons learnt from a 60-yr long modern coral, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19488,, 2024.

Hendrik Fuchs, Florian Berg, Rene Dubus, Luc Vereecken, Andreas Wahner, and Anna Novelli

We present the measurement of the temperature dependent rate coefficient of the OH reaction with methacrolein between 280 and 340 K using an OH reactivity instrument that allows to accurately determine the loss rate of OH reactants. Experiments were performed in synthetic air (presence of oxygen). In the case of methacrolein, OH radicals are regenerated by the 1,4 H-shift reaction of the aldehyde group of the MACR-1-OH-O2 radical which is the main peroxy radicals formed its OH reaction. Therefore, the observed OH decay deviates from a single-exponential decay expected from a pseudo-first order loss reaction. This allows to determine the rate coefficient of the peroxy radical isomerization reaction using model calculations, in which reaction rates are optimized to best describe the observed OH radical decay. This method is one of few direct measurements of atmospherically relevant peroxy radical isomerization reaction coefficients that have been reported in literature so far. Experimentally derived values are compared to quantum-chemical calculations of the 1,4 H-shift reaction rate and to rate coefficients reported in literature for the isomerization reaction and the OH reactions of methacrolein.

How to cite: Fuchs, H., Berg, F., Dubus, R., Vereecken, L., Wahner, A., and Novelli, A.: Temperature dependent rate coefficients of the OH reaction with methacrolein and of the 1,4 H-shift reaction of the organic peroxy radical from methacrolein, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1747,, 2024.

Size distributions of source-specific risks of atmospheric heavy metals: an advanced method to quantify source contributions to size-segregated respiratory exposure
(withdrawn after no-show)
Yingze Tian, Yixuan Li, Yongli Liang, Qianqian Xue, Xin Feng, and Yinchang Feng
Danny McConnell, Graham Boustead, Dwayne Heard, Moira Hutchinson, Daniel Stone, Paul Seakins, and William Warman

Glyoxal is a second generation product of atmospheric volatile organic compound (VOC) oxidation with both biogenic and anthropogenic compounds being major sources. Measurements of glyoxal provide information on the mechanism of precursor oxidations. This can include information on site specific OH abstraction reactions and branching ratios of peroxy and alkoxy reactions. Glyoxal’s low vapour pressure means that glyoxal is relevant in the formation and growth of secondary organic aerosols, impacting human health and climate. Due to glyoxal’s strong and distinct UV absorption spectrum, measurements of atmospheric glyoxal concentrations via satellite are possible allowing spatial distributions on global and regional scales. Ratios of formaldehyde and glyoxal formation vary widely across different compound oxidation pathways, hence satellite measurements of formaldehyde and glyoxal can give information of initial VOC distributions. This presentation reports glyoxal yields from various OH initiated VOC oxidation processes including: ethene, ethanal, and glycolaldehyde.

Experiments were carried out in the HIRAC chamber with direct detection of glyoxal via laser induced phosphorescence. Precursors and stable intermediates were tracked with PTR-MS or FTIR instruments, concentrations of relevant radicals were measured using FAGE or ROxLIF and O3 and NOx via commercial analysers. Preliminary results show glyoxal yields from ethene, ethanal and glycolaldehyde as (0.60 ± 0.07)%, (0.10 ± 0.05)% and (10 ± 1)% respectively.

The implications of these glyoxal measurements on VOC oxidation mechanisms and observed atmospheric glyoxal concentrations will be discussed.

How to cite: McConnell, D., Boustead, G., Heard, D., Hutchinson, M., Stone, D., Seakins, P., and Warman, W.: Glyoxal Yields from Selected Hydrocarbon Oxidations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11531,, 2024.

Jinpu Zhang and Xinming Wang

A profound understanding of the correlation between ozone and particulate matter is crucial for the collaborative prevention and control of these pollutants. However, existing research predominantly focuses on near-surface analysis, with limited exploration into the vertical variations of the ozone-particulate matter correlation. Leveraging two years of observation data from the Canton Tower Atmospheric Pollution Vertical Gradient Observation Platform, this study investigates the correlation between ozone and particulate matter at different heights in the near-surface layer of Guangzhou urban area. The results indicate that: ①The correlation between ozone and particulate matter is more pronounced in summer and autumn at different heights but diminishes in winter; ②At lower levels, the correlation between ozone and particulate matter is weaker, ascending with altitude, and peaks at higher levels; ③Regardless of the height, the correlation between ozone and particulate matter is positively influenced by smaller particle sizes. In summary, within the near-surface layer below 500 meters in the urban area of Guangzhou, especially under meteorological conditions conducive to ozone generation, a significant positive correlation between ozone and particulate matter is evident. As altitude increases and particle size decreases, the correlation coefficient significantly rises, particularly in high-level ultrafine-sized particles, suggesting shared chemical mechanisms in the formation processes of ozone and particulate matter. This study contributes novel observational evidence supporting the cooperative control principle of ozone and particulate matter.

How to cite: Zhang, J. and Wang, X.: Correlation between Ozone and Particulate Matter in the Near-surface Layer of Guangzhou Urban Area, China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12263,, 2024.

Ming Zhou, Yuhan Liu, and Keding Lu

Chengdu Plain Urban Agglomeration (CPUA) is one of the most serious areas of ozone pollution in China. A comprehensive field experiment focused on the ozone episode characteristics, and temporal and spatial variations of ozone production rate was conducted at CPUA in the summer of 2019. Six sampling sites were set and two ozone pollution episodes were recognized. The daily maximum 8-h average (MDA8) O3 concentration reached 137.9 ppbv in the urban sites during the ozone episode. The high concentration of O3 was closely related to intense solar radiation, high temperatures, and precursor emissions. Based on the calculation of OBM, the OH-HO2-RO2 radical chemistry and ozone production rate (P(O3)) was analyzed. The OH daily maximum is in the range of 3-13×106 molecules cm−3, and HO2 and RO2 are in the range of 2–14×108 molecules cm−3 during ozone episodes, varying by the location of sites. During ozone episode, the average maximum of P(O3) in suburb sites (about 30 ppb h-1.) were compared with urban sites, while the maximum of P(O3) was 18 ppb h-1 in rural sites. The relative incremental reactivity (RIR) and empirical kinetic modeling approach (EKMA) results demonstrate that centered on the urban area of Chengdu, where it was a VOC-limited regime, the northern and southern suburban area was transition region. In the remote rural area of the southern CPUA, it was highly NOx-limited. Local ozone production driven by the photochemical process is important for CPUA. The geographically differentiated recognition of the ozone regime found by this study can help to tailor control strategies for local conditions and avoid the negative effects of a one-size-fits-all approach.

How to cite: Zhou, M., Liu, Y., and Lu, K.: Ozone production sensitivity analysis for the Chengdu Plain Urban Agglomeration based on a muti-site and two-episode observation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2984,, 2024.

Xuan Li, Huabin Dong, Keding Lu, and Yuanhang Zhang

Nitrous acid (HONO) is an important source of hydroxyl radicals (OH) in the atmosphere. Precise determination of the absolute ultra-violet (UV) absorption cross-section of gaseous HONO lays the basis for the accurate measurement of its concentration by optical methods and the estimation of HONO loss rate through photolysis. We performed a series of laboratory and field intercomparison experiments for HONO measurement between striping coil-liquid waveguide capillary cell (SC-LWCC) photometer and incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBBCEAS). Specified HONO concentrations prepared by an ultra-pure standard HONO source were utilized for laboratory intercomparisons. Results shows a consistent ~22% negative bias in measurements of the IBBCEAS compared with SC-LWCC photometer. It is confirmed that the discrepancies occurring between these techniques are associated with the overestimation in the absolute UV absorption cross-sections through careful analysis of possible uncertainties. We quantified the absorption cross-section of gaseous HONO (360-390nm) utilizing a custom-built IBBCEAS instrument, and the results was found to be 22%-34% lower than the previously published absorption cross-sections widely used in HONO concentration retrieval and atmospheric chemical transport models (CTMs). This suggests that the HONO concentrations retrieved by optical methods based on absolute absorption cross-sections may have been underestimated by over 20%. Plus, the daytime loss rate and unidentified sources of HONO may also have evidently been overestimated in pre-existing studies. In summary, our findings underscore the significance of revisiting the absolute absorption cross-section of HONO and the re-evaluation of the previously reported HONO budgets.

How to cite: Li, X., Dong, H., Lu, K., and Zhang, Y.: Revisiting the Ultra-Violet Absorption Cross Section of Gaseous Nitrous Acid (HONO): New Insights for Atmospheric HONO Budget, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3007,, 2024.

Signifificant contribution of organics to aerosol liquid water content in winter in Beijing, China
(withdrawn after no-show)
Xiaoai Jin, Yuying Wang, and Tong Wu
Development of seasonal ozone maximum reactivity scales for Beijing, China
(withdrawn after no-show)
Houhua Zhou, Yuanjun Gong, and Keding Lu
Renzhi Hu, Guoxian Zhang, Pinhua Xie, and Wenqing Liu

Measurement of OH and HO2 radicals was conducted at a coastal site in the Pearl River Delta in October 2019. The mixing of air masses of continental and marine origins can lead to more variability in radical concentrations. In the ocean-atmosphere period (OCM), the observed OH and HO2 radicals could be reflected by the RACM2-LIM1 chemical mechanism. However, the heterogeneous uptake process has a certain effect on the HOx radical chemistry, but the influence of the halogen mechanism is limited due to the NOx level. Land mass (LAM) was associated with a higher net ozone generation rate (5.52 ppb/h), and the daily maximum OH and HO2 concentrations were 7.1 × 106 cm−3 and 5.2 × 108 cm−3, respectively. Rapid oxidation process was accompanied by a higher diurnal nitrous acid (HONO) concentration (> 400 ppt). The particularity of HONO chemistry increases the ozone generation rate of the coastal atmosphere by ~40%. Without HONO constraint, simulated ozone concentration drops from ~75 ppb to a global background (~35 ppb). Therefore, the promotion of oxidation by elevated precursors deserves a lot of attention when aiding pollution mitigation policies.

How to cite: Hu, R., Zhang, G., Xie, P., and Liu, W.: Intensive photochemical oxidation in the marine atmosphere: Evidence from direct radical measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5080,, 2024.

Laura Werner, Robert Naumann, and Alexander Theis

OH radicals play a key role for the self-cleaning and oxidation capacity of the atmosphere. Therefore, the detection of OH radicals in water is of great interest for atmospheric research. Terephthalate is a commonly used reagent to detect OH radicals in the aqueous system, forming the fluorescent product 2-hydroxytherephthalate. This reaction is reported to be a selective and sensitive method that can detect OH radicals in the nanomolar range. By irradiating a solution of disodium terephthalate in ultrapure water with different wavelengths between 250 nm and 310 nm the influence of photochemical excitation on the formation of 2-hydroxyterephthalate was studied using fluorescence spectroscopy. First results indicate that in the aqueous system the fluorescent 2-hydroxyterephthalate is not only formed by OH radicals but also through a photochemical reaction upon direct excitation of terephthalate. This photochemically driven hydroxylation may lead to an overestimation of the actual OH radical concentration, which could have a significant effect on the measurement outcome, particularly when measuring at the edge of the detection limit. Therefore, it can be concluded that the excitation wavelength should be carefully considered when using terephthalate as a detection reagent for OH radicals in aqueous solutions.

How to cite: Werner, L., Naumann, R., and Theis, A.: Detection of OH radicals in aqueous solution using terephthalate: Overestimation of the OH radical concentration due to photochemical hydroxylation of terephthalate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13055,, 2024.

Jiayin Li, Shuyang Xie, Hengyu Xu, and Keding Lu

The heterogeneous uptake reaction of dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) has a great effect on generation of soluble nitrate, nocturnal atmospheric chemistry and regulating NOx. Organic matter is one of the important components of atmospheric particles, and has been proved that can significantly affect the N2O5 heterogeneous uptake coefficients (γ(N2O5)). In this study, an aerosol flow tube system was used for γ(N2O5) measurements on ammonium sulphate aerosols ((NH4)2SO4, AS) and three kinds of core-shell structured secondary organic aerosols (SOA), and explored the effects of relative humidity (RH), phase state and organic coating thickness on γ(N2O5). Three kinds of SOA with core-shell structures were generated successfully by seed particle AS, organic gas (α-pinene, isoprene and toluene) and O3, and characterized by a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and TEM. The SOA yields, i.e., organic coating thicknesses, of the three organics were ranked, given the same organic gas concentration was α-pinene (17.1±2.2, 4.8 ppm) > isoprene (4.7±0.04, 4.8 ppm) > toluene (1.3±0.7, 4.8 ppm). The experimental results showed that the γ(N2O5) on AS were in the range of 0.002~0.017 (RH=1~50%), whereas that of SOA were between 3.7×10-5~2.6×10-3 (RH=30~50%), and the order of γ(N2O5) at the same RH was isoprene SOA> toluene SOA> α-pinene SOA. γ(N2O5) of the SOA was reduced by 1-3 orders of magnitude when compared with that of AS, which suggests that organic coating significantly inhibits the diffusion of N2O5 on the surface and in the bulk phase of particles. However, the γ(N2O5) of these three SOA were not completely correlated with the organic coating thickness. The organic coating thickness of two BVOCs showed a nonlinear negative correlation with γ(N2O5) (R2>0.9), while toluene SOA with the thinnest coating thickness greatly inhibited γ(N2O5) due to its greater influence on particle hygroscopicity. Therefore, due to the large number of organic species, it is not possible to generalize the degree of inhibition of γ(N2O5) only by coating thickness. It is necessary to further consider the influence of properties and structures of organics in the future, and widely applicable parameters for evaluating the effect of organic effect need to be proposed, so as to improve the accuracy of γ(N2O5) estimation.

How to cite: Li, J., Xie, S., Xu, H., and Lu, K.: N2O5 heterogeneous uptake on secondary organic aerosol: the effect of organic coating thickness, relative humidity and phase state, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14056,, 2024.

Philip Holzbeck, Roland Rohloff, Sreedev Sreekumar, Carolina Monteiro, Anywhere Tsokankunku, Daniel Marno, Monica Martinez, Clara Nussbaumer, Dirk Dienhart, Nidhi Tripathi, Nijing Wang, Achim Edtbauer, Birger Bohn, Florian Obersteiner, Jonathan Williams, Horst Fischer, Joachim Curtius, Mira Pöhlker, Jos Lelieveld, and Hartwig Harder

In the tropics, intense solar radiation drives photochemistry and strong convection, transporting air from the boundary layer to the upper troposphere. Conditions in the tropics are characterized by high humidity and UV intensity enhancing hydroxyl (OH) radical production. In addition, OH radicals and ozone (O3) are formed through reactions of HOx (OH + HO2) with nitrogen oxides (NOx), the latter being produced by lightning in abundant convective systems. The convection also transports volatile organic compounds (VOCs), notably from emissions by the tropical rainforest. The VOCs are oxidized by radicals and O3, resulting in secondary species contributing to new particle formation. To understand and characterize the atmospheric chemistry in these conditions, the Chemistry of the Atmosphere Field Experiment (CAFE) Brazil was conducted from December 2022 to January 2023 with the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) in the Amazon region.

In this study, we present preliminary results measured with the Hydroxyl Radical measurement Unit based on fluorescence Spectroscopy (HORUS), focusing on vertical HOx profiles measured during different times of the day over both the continent and the ocean, including the outflow of both electrified and non-electrified convective systems. In contrast to the conditions over the continents where lightning-generated NOx aids in the efficient recycling of radicals, over the ocean, the limited availability of NO hinders recycling and results in radical termination. The conditions over the continent are compared to those measured over the Atlantic Ocean during the CAFE Africa expedition in summer 2018 based in the Cape-Verde islands. This unique dataset provides valuable insights into the atmospheric chemistry and oxidation capacity in these tropical regions.

How to cite: Holzbeck, P., Rohloff, R., Sreekumar, S., Monteiro, C., Tsokankunku, A., Marno, D., Martinez, M., Nussbaumer, C., Dienhart, D., Tripathi, N., Wang, N., Edtbauer, A., Bohn, B., Obersteiner, F., Williams, J., Fischer, H., Curtius, J., Pöhlker, M., Lelieveld, J., and Harder, H.: Hydroxyl Radicals and Oxidation Capacity in the Tropical Troposphere: Measurements from CAFE Field Campaigns using HORUS, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14641,, 2024.

Liyan Wei

Hydroxyl radical (OH) is recognized to be one of the most reactive oxidants in the troposphere and plays a critical role in driving the photochemistry of the troposphere. The reactions with OH initiate the oxidation of most trace gases in the troposphere, e.g. NOx and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which leads to the formation of secondary oxidation products such as ozone (O3) and particular matter (e.g. PM2.5), thus changing the atmospheric composition and affecting the climate. In this study, an observation-based model (OBM) for evaluating the OH concentrations in Guangdong province, China has been developed. We employed the OBM to derive the OH radicals in seven representative districts/cities in Guangdong province from 2015 to 2020. The average OH concentrations in the seven cities gradually increased from an average of (3.3±0.8)×106 cm–3 at 08:00 to (6.7±0.7)×106 cm–3 at 13:00 local time. The OH concentrations derived by the OBM were found in reasonable agreement with previous observations as well as modeling studies in Guangdong. In addition, the average OH concentrations derived by the OBM method in the seven cities in Guangdong Province were about five times higher than those in clean background regions such as the Amazonas, Brazil, and pre-industrial Guangdong province. This is a highly significant point in terms of the impacts of the changing OH on the atmospheric capacity and chemical composition, which can have detrimental effects on human health, ecosystem and the climate.

How to cite: Wei, L.: An observation-based analysis of hydroxyl radicals in Guangdong, China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5208,, 2024.

Yang Li, Xuefei Ma, Keding Lu, and Yuanhang Zhang

Organic peroxy radicals (RO2), derived from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) oxidation by hydroxyl radical (OH), ozone (O3), and nitrate radical (NO3) etc., play an important role in atmospheric chemistry. Direct measurements of speciated RO2 are challenging but necessary for understanding their atmospheric fate and impact. In this study, we introduce a newly developed Proton Transfer Reaction measurement method (PTR3-TOF) using NH4+ as the ion source to measure the multifunctional complex RO2 and related reactive oxidation products based on the principle of chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS). We establish a calibration system that combines a home-built OH calibration source with various standard VOC gases, enabling to quantify both RO2 radicals and closed-shell species with a detection limit of about 1.6×107 molecule cm-3 (2σ, 60 s) and an uncertainty of 10%. This technique is first applied to study the gas-phase ozonolysis of cyclohexene in our laboratory, with experiments carried out using the O3 OFR mode in a PAM-OFR system under near-real atmosphere conditions. As a consequence, a total of 30 cyclohexene ozonolysis reaction products are detected in the first step of cyclohexene ozonolysis, including 9 types of RO2 radicals and 21 types of closed-shell species, with oxygen atoms ranging from 1 to 8. We also establish a mechanistic model for the first-generation products of ozonolysis of cyclohexene, and the simulation and measurement results agree within a factor of 2-3 for the respective formulas except for some differences in a few species.

How to cite: Li, Y., Ma, X., Lu, K., and Zhang, Y.: Detection of RO2 radicals and other products from oxidation of VOCs in PAM chamber with NH4+ ionization mass spectrometry , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4899,, 2024.