HS5.2.3 | Innovation in Hydropower Operations and Planning to integrate Renewable Energy Sources and optimize the Water-Energy Nexus
Innovation in Hydropower Operations and Planning to integrate Renewable Energy Sources and optimize the Water-Energy Nexus
Co-organized by ERE2
Convener: Epari Ritesh Patro | Co-conveners: Elena Pummer, David C. Finger, Nathalie Voisin, Veysel Yildiz
| Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
PICO spot A
Thu, 08:30
Hydropower is a mature and cost-competitive renewable energy source, which helps stabilize fluctuations between energy demand and supply. The structural and operational differences between hydropower systems and renewable energy farms may require changes in the way hydropower facilities operate to provide balancing, reserves or energy storage. Yet, non-power constraints on hydropower systems, such as water supply, flood control, conservation, recreation, and navigation may affect the ability of hydropower to adjust and support the integration of renewables. Holistic approaches that may span a range of spatial and temporal scales are needed to evaluate hydropower opportunities and support a successful integration maintaining a resilient and reliable power grid. In particular, there is a need to better understand and predict spatio-temporal dynamics between climate, hydrology, and power systems.

This session solicits academics and practitioners contributions that explore the use of hydropower and storage technologies to support the transition to low-carbon electricity systems. We specifically encourage interdisciplinary teams of hydrologists, meteorologists, power system engineers, and economists to present case studies and discuss collaboration with environmental and energy policymakers.

Questions of interest include:
- Prediction of water availability and storage capabilities for hydropower production
- Prediction and quantification of the space-time dependences and the positive/negative feedback between wind/solar energies, water cycle and hydropower
- Energy, land use and water supply interactions during transitions
- Policy requirements or climate strategies needed to manage and mitigate risks in the transition
- Energy production impacts on ecosystems such as hydropeaking effects on natural flow regimes.

This session has the support of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) which established the joint program “Hydropower” to facilitate research, promote hydropower and enable sustainable electricity production. Further information can be found here:

PICO: Thu, 18 Apr | PICO spot A

Chairpersons: Epari Ritesh Patro, David C. Finger, Veysel Yildiz
On-site presentation
Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Castelletti, Angelo Carlino, and Wyatt Arnold

African nations are striving to meet increasing energy demands driven by population growth and improving living standards. To reduce emissions, many national capacity expansion plans are attempting to use low-carbon electricity sources and exploit the untapped continental hydropower potential with 300 new hydropower projects planned for a total of around 100 GW of new installed capacity. However, climate, socio-economic, and technological changes are making these investments in new dams more risky and less economically efficient.

In this talk, we discuss the role of hydropower projects across different power capacity expansion pathways in Africa. Our multi-scale analysis is built on an integrated modeling framework that combines an Integrated Assessment Model (GCAM), an energy system planning model (OSeMOSYS-TEMBA), a power system model (PowNet), and a strategic river basin-scale reservoir system model. This framework allows the simulation of different future scenarios that harmonize global climate policies, land-use change, climate impacts on water availability, final energy demands, and multipurpose reservoir operations.

Our results show that, depending on the scenario considered, between 32 and 60% of the proposed hydropower capacity is not cost-optimal. Moreover, our analysis suggests that hardly any new hydropower will be built after 2030, meaning that its role in terms of installed capacity and generation will gradually decrease in favor of solar and wind power. Besides, floating photovoltaics might also represent a low-impact alternative to hydroelectric dams, producing 20-100% of the electricity from planned hydroelectric dams depending on the scale of deployment of this new technology on existing hydroelectric infrastructure at the African power pool scale. Lastly, we show how policy fragmentation between developed and developing countries in their approach to land use change emissions can have negative side effects on local water demands, producing favorable conditions for the realization of extensive agricultural projects in Africa that increase local irrigation demands and constrain the availability of water resources for hydropower production.

These findings show that strategic planning of water-energy systems is essential to navigate the complex landscape of hydropower development in Africa. By adopting a systemic approach, African nations can identify cost-efficient climate-resilient hydropower projects that will contribute in securing a sustainable and resilient energy future.

How to cite: Giuliani, M., Castelletti, A., Carlino, A., and Arnold, W.: Reconsidering hydropower in the African energy transition, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7354, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7354, 2024.

On-site presentation
Emmanuel Olorunyomi Aremu, Agnidé Emmanuel Lawin, David Olukanni, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, and Nathalie Voisin

Hydropower can play a significant role in advancing the production of green hydrogen. However, hydro-climatic variability impacts hydropower production and thus the hydrogen potential. In this study, we developed novel analytics to understand how hydropower inter-annual variability translates to hydrogen production. We address this by; (i) analyzing Jebba dam hydro-climatic variables and associated hydropower generation (ii) translating the annual and quarterly hydropower production into hydrogen using five assumed scenarios; (iii) estimating the re-electrification potential and (iv) determining the quantity of petrol (or gasoline) that would be replaced and the amount of CO2 and CO that would be avoided. We find that hydropower energy generation has increased significantly at the station. The estimated annual and quarterly green hydrogen potentials indicated that the highest potentials were 59,111 tons and 18,744 tons and have a re-electrification potential of 1,182 GWh and 374 GWh, which can replace 0.224 million liters and 0.071 million liters of petrol (or gasoline) in the year 2021 and the fourth quarter of 2021–04, respectively. This would prevent 0.52 million kg of CO2, 0.92 thousand kg of CO in the year 2021, and 0.163 million kg of CO2, 0.293 thousand kg of CO emissions in the fourth quarter of 2021–04. The study concludes that the impact of hydro-climatic variation on hydropower generation affects green hydrogen production potential. Nevertheless, using a percentage of hydropower energy can present a unique opportunity to move the nation toward the production of green hydrogen energy as a long-storage solution for rural areas' re-electrification and to meet electricity demand when the hydropower dam’s water storage is low. Furthermore, the adoption of a green hydrogen energy solution can contribute to the nation's and global climate change mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Aremu, E. O., Lawin, A. E., Olukanni, D., Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., and Voisin, N.: Assessment of Hydropower Generation and Green Hydrogen Production Potential in Jebba Dam, Nigeria, West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-216, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-216, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xinyue Liu and xing Yuan

In comparison to traditional fossil fuels, hydropower has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and play a crucial role in promoting a low-carbon energy structure transformation. However, the reliability and stability of the hydropower system in the warming future remain unclear. Here, we evaluate the impact of future climate change on hydropower production, regional electricity demand, and energy system supply-demand balance in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB), which is China's largest hydropower production base. We have utilized two indexes, i.e., Energy Production Drought (EPD) and Energy Supply Drought (ESD), to characterize the changes in the hydropower energy system. EPD refers to a series of days with low hydropower production, while ESD refers to a series of days with mismatched production/demand. We utilize 15 global climate models from CMIP6 to force the Conjunctive Surface-Subsurface Process version 2 (CSSPv2) land surface model with consideration of reservoir regulations, to estimate the generation capacity of 86 mainly hydropower plants in YRB. In addition, an empirical electricity demand model considering socio-economic and climate factors is adopted to evaluate the changes in electricity demand in the receiving areas of southern China. Under climate change, the projected hydropower generation in the YRB is expected to increase throughout the 21st century. However, the future electricity demand will also rise due to GDP growth. Climate change will alter the distribution of seasonal electricity demand, resulting in an increasing mismatch between electricity demand and hydropower supply. Therefore, hydropower EPD and ESD are also being investigated, and the study is crucial for understanding future changes in the electricity supply and demand balance, as well as mitigating the impact of global warming.

How to cite: Liu, X. and Yuan, X.: Future changes in hydropower energy system in the Yangtze River Basin under different warming levels, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-264, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-264, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kasiapillai S Kasiviswanathan and Chandni Thakur

El Niño events pose a significant threat to water security in the Godavari river basin (GRB), leading to adverse impacts on water-energy nexus. To enhance long-term energy security, we developed an integrated framework combining the hydrological model, variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model, and geospatial tools to identify potential sites for run-of-river small hydropower (RoR-SHP) plants. The study utilized long-term (1951-2020) daily streamflow data, simulated with the VIC model for design discharge computation at 30%, 75%, and 90% flow dependability. The analysis revealed considerable potential for RoR-SHP development within the GRB, identifying 226 initial sites based on the head along the river, with a combined power and annual energy generation estimate of 92 MW and 0.4 TWh/yr, respectively, at 90% flow dependability. After meticulous screening, 11 potential sites based on the head and the power potential were identified. The detailed analysis during El Niño years demonstrated a decline of approximately 46%, 38%, and 18% in total annual energy at 30%, 75%, and 90% flow dependability, respectively, compared to normal years. Consequently, we proposed nine potential sites based on the head, power potential, and viability under El Niño for RoR-SHP development, capable of maintaining the firm power even during El Niño years. Our findings highlighted the increased risk of power shortages in the GRB during El Niño years, emphasizing the imperative need for implementing water-energy nexus strategies to cope with the risks associated with El Niño events.

How to cite: Kasiviswanathan, K. S. and Thakur, C.: An Integrated Hydrological Modeling Framework for Enhancing Water-Energy Nexus during El Niño Events in the Godavari River Basin, India , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1567, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1567, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zilin Wang, Meili Feng, Faith Chan, and Matthew Johnson

Reservoirs are an important source of emissions of carbon-based greenhouse gases (GHGs). China has about tens of thousands of reservoirs, about half of the world's total reservoirs, and therefore needs a more accurate estimate of current carbon emissions from reservoirs. This study utilizes the Greenhouse Gas from Reservoirs (G-res) model to assess CO2 and CH4 fluxes for 1479 reservoirs in China. The findings reveal that Chinese reservoirs contribute 0.156 Tg CO2 eq yr−1 in CO2 emissions and 6.657 Tg CO2 eq yr−1 in CH4 emissions. Across the nine main river basins in China, negative CO2 diffusive emissions from reservoirs are observed where large size reservoirs were attributed specifically the Northern inland and Xinjiang basin, southwest international basin, Yangtze basin, and Pearl basin. Similarly, CH4 fluxes through degassing and ebullition diffusion pathways exhibit a decreasing trend from small to large in the categorisation according to storage capacity. The findings in this study investigated significant GHG emissions from reservoirs in China, but also highlighted the different circumstances under which certain large reservoirs have the potential to act as CO2 carbon sinks. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it is crucial to strategically review hydropower planning, in which the cumulative effects of small reservoirs and the large impacts of large reservoirs should be considered.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Feng, M., Chan, F., and Johnson, M.: Assessing Carbon Emissions from Reservoirs in China: Insights from the G-res Model and Implications for Hydropower Planning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2281, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nicola Crippa, Pietro Marzaroli, and Marco Tarabini

Alpine hydropower reservoirs play a crucial role in the energy system as a source of renewable energy and energy storage, as well as in water management mitigating the impacts of extreme events and augmenting freshwater availability. The effective operation of hydropower reservoirs requires knowledge of the expected inflows, and the inflows prediction methods usually require the historical series of observed inflows. The reservoir inflow is often estimated because it is hardly measurable due to its spatial distribution along the reservoir sides. However, traditional methods such as the Simple Water Balance for estimating inflows can yield fluctuating and potentially negative results due to errors in water level measurement and stage-storage relationships. This study focuses on the estimation of inflow to ten reservoirs belonging to three different hydropower cascade systems situated in the Italian Alps. Two new methodologies to estimate reservoir inflow are proposed. The first (Optimized Inflow Estimation from Water Balance, OIEWB) consists of an optimization-based method and extends a known literature optimization technique to cascade reservoirs. In particular, the OIEWB method estimates the inflows to cascade reservoirs solving a bi-objective optimization problem aiming to minimize both the differences between consecutive inflow and the differences between observed and estimated water levels. It also includes an automatic calibration of the weight of the objectives according to the physical characteristics of each reservoir, avoiding any a priori calibration. The second (Filtered Inflow Estimation from Water Balance, FIEWB) consists of a low-pass filter shaped as a piecewise linear function whose slope is defined, again, by the physical characteristics of each reservoir. The low-pass filter is applied to the SWB cascade reservoir inflow to remove the high-frequency fluctuations that can be generated by measurement and estimation errors. The proposed procedures have been compared with the traditionally used ones in terms of Inflow Variability (the difference between inflow at two consecutive time steps) and Storage Error (the difference between the estimated reservoir storage and the observed one). Results show that both the OIEWB and FIEWB methods generate smoother inflows compared to the SWB, reducing the average Inflow Variability standard deviation, of 86.6% and 79.3%, respectively. However, the FIEWB does not guarantee the positivity of the inflows and can lead to large Storage Errors. The OIEWB method has been found to be more flexible and automatically adaptable to reservoirs with a wide range of physical characteristics. Nevertheless, a relationship between the OIEWB and the FIEWB has emerged. This relationship can be used to design new low-pass filters that can emulate the behavior of the OIEWB, combining the flexibility of the latter with the simplicity of the FIEWB. By contributing to provide more accurate and reliable inflow predictions, the proposed methodologies reveal their utility in optimizing cascade reservoir operation, thereby facilitating better decision-making.

How to cite: Crippa, N., Marzaroli, P., and Tarabini, M.: Automatic estimation of reservoir inflows of Alpine hydropower cascade systems using level and outflow data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3867, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3867, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ali Mchayk, Ali Torabi Haghighi, Hannu Marttila, and Björn Klöve

The role of hydropower as a renewable and balancing power source is expected to significantly increase in a scenario of Net Zero Emissions by 2050. As a common phenomenon in hydropower plants, hydropeaking will become more prominent, resulting in additional stresses on the ecological status of rivers. Here we propose a novel engineering approach to operate auxiliary reservoirs, termed re-regulation reservoirs to address the challenges posed by hydropeaking on river flow regimes. A re-regulation reservoir aims at smoothing flow fluctuations caused by hydropeaking by diverting and retaining parts of high flows and returning them back to river corridors during low flows. The regulatory performance of re-regulation reservoirs is a function of its geometry and volume availability, and It is defined and optimized by restricting the thresholds of various flow components.

In this study we developed a methodology and an open-access algorithm to operate re-regulation reservoirs using data from Kemijoki River, one of the most regulated rivers in Finland. The theoretical foundation of the algorithm was based on two main objectives, with the first aiming to reduce the hourly peak flow and increase the minimum hourly flow induced by hydropeaking. While the second objective aims to reduce the up- and down- ramping rates to increase the timespan of water level changes in the river’s corridor. Thus, the algorithm establishes a hierarchy of conditions to restrict peak flow, minimum flow, up-ramping rates, and down-ramping rates. However, as the ideal flow conditions for various ecosystem services may be different, a range of thresholds was utilized in each of the algorithm’s conditions resulting in thirty-five possible hydropeaking mitigation scenarios.

In all of the thirty-five tested scenarios, the re-regulation reservoir limits peak and minimum hourly flows and ramp rates according to thresholds defined by the algorithm. The results demonstrated that in most cases the required volume of the re-regulation reservoir increased as the thresholds for flow components became more stringent. However, for some scenarios this trend was not observed, indicating that matching the peak and minimum hourly flow with the ramping rates thresholds is required to achieve optimal re-regulation reservoir design. Nonetheless, our calculations show clear theoretical possibilities for regulating hydropeaking with re-regulation reservoirs.

Compared to other mitigation measures, such as the installation of downstream flow control devices or modifying the operation of hydropower facilities, re-regulation reservoirs offer greater flexibility and adaptability to changing environmental conditions, power, and water demand without increasing the operational cost of power systems.

How to cite: Mchayk, A., Torabi Haghighi, A., Marttila, H., and Klöve, B.: Hydropeaking Mitigation with Re-Regulation Reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6751, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6751, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bethany Bronkema, David C. Finger, Bjarnhédinn Gudlaugsson, and Dogan Gezer

Recent developments in eastern Europe, increasing climate disasters and the continuous threat of volcanic eruptions have revealed the vulnerability of present energy and water supply systems. To enhance the resistance of existing water and energy infrastructure, holistic monitoring relies on decentralized energy production. Energy harvesters (EH) utilize kinetic energy in existing water pipelines to produce an electric current to power sensors and other components related to water infrastructure monitoring, replacing vulnerable and cost intensive diesel generators.  EHs could represent an ideal solution to provide reliable and continuous power to decentralized monitoring systems. To characterize and assess the environmental impacts of EH, a complete life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted using GaBi software and the ecoinvent database, as well as data collected from various case studies. This LCA focuses on EH in existing water facilities and networks and includes manufacturing, transport, usage, and decommission stages for the EH. In modeling this technology from cradle-to-grave, a more complete understanding of its environmental impacts can be obtained. Special focus in this LCA was given to the allocation of impacts to services provided by water networks, e.g., drinking water supply, heat supply and water purification. Preliminary results suggest that a scale up of these harvesters could bring their global warming potential – measured in g CO2, eq/kWh – down to a level that is competitive with conventional hydropower while having significantly less impacts on surrounding natural areas. Our results focus on the case study in Iceland, the district heating system in Reykjavik. The preliminary results suggest that most impacts stem from the production of the material needed for the harvester, with little coming from the operation phase. As discussed above, EHs could provide a solution to decentralized monitoring systems. One application being explored for these harvesters is to power sensors along the existing water facility network, thus adding not only to the reliability of power supply, but to the overall reliability of the water network and provided a cleaner source of power than traditional diesel generation. If considered as part of an allocation LCA, these emissions savings constitute an additional reduction in the harvesters’ impacts. Essentially, the results of this LCA suggest that EH in existing water systems represents a crucial element in the low-carbon energy transition. EH could increase resiliency and energy security, while tapping into already existing water supply networks, ideally without adverse effects on these systems. While our results focus on a case study in Iceland, we plan to apply the approach to drinking water supply systems in Ferlach, Austria and Izmir Turkey, water purification in Padova, Italy and natural currents in the lagoon of Venice, Italy. The ensemble of the results from all case studies could reveal the full potential of EH across Europe.

How to cite: Bronkema, B., Finger, D. C., Gudlaugsson, B., and Gezer, D.: A Life cycle assessment of energy harvesters in existing European water networks for distributed network monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8003, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8003, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jignesh Shah, Jing Hu, Oreane Edelenbosch, and Michelle van Vliet

Hydropower is considered as an important source of renewable energy due to its flexibility and storage capabilities. However, hydropower faces significant challenges with climate change and especially the increasing risks of extreme weather events such as droughts.

In this study, we analysed the impact of historical droughts on hydropower at a global scale by developing a hybrid model that combines a physically based hydropower model with a machine learning model. This integrated approach enables us to capture important features affecting hydropower generation beyond water availability, considering the details of local specific conditions at hydropower plant sites while it can be applied across the globe. A new open-source global dataset is developed that contains key information of the hydropower plant characteristics and their reservoir attributes by merging various plant sources with a global reservoir database. The hybrid model is trained against observed monthly hydropower generation data at the power plant level. By employing this approach, we aim not only to enhance the realism of simulating hydropower output compared to the simplistic physically based equation but also to leverage the flexibility of machine learning. Additionally, this method enables us to circumvent detailed power system modelling which requires significant computing power and extensive data.

We found that the performance of our hybrid hydropower model surpasses the simple physics-based hydropower equation at most hydropower plant sites. Key findings highlight the significant losses of hydropower generation during major historical drought events across the globe.

How to cite: Shah, J., Hu, J., Edelenbosch, O., and van Vliet, M.: Global loss in global hydropower supply under droughts using a hybrid model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8551, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8551, 2024.

On-site presentation
Solomon Brown, Veysel Yildiz, and Charles Rougé

Hydropower stands out as an economical, reliable, sustainable, and renewable source of energy. It has been the leading source of renewable energy across the world, generating more than 15 % of total electricity in 2022. Therefore, it will likely play a crucial role as the energy system shifts towards a carbon-free future. The turbine system is at the heart of the hydropower plant and converts flowing water into mechanical energy. Remarkably, around 154 gigawatts, or one-fifth of the installed hydropower turbines, will be more than 55 years old by 2030 globally. Modernising these aged turbines is essential for sustaining optimal plant performance and this will create opportunities to retrofit hydropower facilities to improve their adaptability to changing hydrological conditions. A well-defined methodology is necessary to evaluate feasibility and select optimal solutions for upgrades. 

This study addresses this critical necessity in the context of run-of-river (RoR) hydropower plants with the HYPEROP toolbox to efficiently evaluate and choose optimal turbine replacement or upgrade options. HYPEROP provides operational optimization capabilities coupled with design flexibility and expanded simulation features for complex turbine configurations. It facilitates the selection of turbine systems featuring large and small turbines. The effectiveness of this toolbox is illustrated through the  case study of the Bonnington RoR hydropower plant, commissioned in 1927 on the upper reaches of the River Clyde in Scotland, United Kingdom. Bonnington RoR features a pair of two identical Francis turbines, each designed for a discharge of 12 m³/s and equipped with an installed capacity of 5.5 MW.

Our analysis indicates that, by prioritising Net Present Value (NPV) maximisation through a single objective function and considering historical discharge records, HYPEROP offers a novel configuration featuring non-identical Francis turbines with design discharges of 16.13 and 9.13 m³/s.  Optimal design increases power production by approximately 3.4 GWh (~7 %) annually by providing operational flexibility and retaining high efficiency over a range of discharge values. The optimal design yields an NPV of approximately 3 million dollars (USD), factoring in the additional energy increase as revenue, turbine replacement cost, and lifetime operation cost. The payback period for this investment is projected to be 15 years when considering only the additional energy as revenue. It's worth highlighting that the optimised design notably outperforms the current configuration, particularly in response to variable streamflows, including both high and low flows. Therefore, optimal design is expected to be less vulnerable to climate change due to higher efficient configuration. 

How to cite: Brown, S., Yildiz, V., and Rougé, C.: Modernising RoR Hydropower: A Study on Retrofitting Aged Turbines for Optimal Performance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9612, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9612, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yann Yasser Haddad, Lukas Gudmundsson, Elena Raycheva, Jonas Savelsberg, Tobias Wechsler, Massimiliano Zappa, Gabriela Hug, and Sonia Isabelle Seneviratne

Clean and renewable energy systems play a pivotal role in climate change mitigation strategies. Nevertheless, climate change constitutes a threat to current and future supply of clean energy.  

In this study, we investigate how climate variability affects hydropower production and electricity systems planning in Switzerland. As the “water tower of Europe”, Switzerland encompasses a wide range of hydro-climatological conditions and showcases a high share of hydropower in its energy mix, making it a relevant case study.

Focusing on all hydropower plants with a capacity > 300 kW, we used daily runoff simulations from the PREVAH model, at 500 m resolution spanning 1991-2022, to estimate water availability and hydropower production for each power plant. The climate-impacted hydropower production time series are then given as input to Nexus-e, an integrated electricity systems modeling framework. This enables us to model the future state of the electricity system in Switzerland while considering climate variability.

Our method provides an accurate estimation of national hydropower generation and its variations. The integration of climate informed inputs into Nexus-e yields strong impacts on simulated investments in renewable energy and economic indicators such as power prices and imports/exports. Notably, in case of a projected decrease in hydropower generation due to increased drought occurrence, an increase in wind turbine and alpine PV capacity is needed to meet electricity demand. This scenario poses several societal and political questions regarding the implementation of a resilient energy system for Switzerland in the context of increasing changes in the climate system and pressure on ecosystems and biodiversity.

How to cite: Haddad, Y. Y., Gudmundsson, L., Raycheva, E., Savelsberg, J., Wechsler, T., Zappa, M., Hug, G., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Vary me a river: investigating the impacts of climate variability on hydropower and electricity systems planning in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9908, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9908, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Andri Gunnarsson, Hörður B. Helgason, Óli G. B. Sveinsson, and Gunnar G. Tómasson

In Iceland, hydropower represents around 72% of the gross electricity generation annually, with energy production capabilities around 13.8 TWh/a. Most of the hydropower infrastructure is in the central highlands, relying on water resources temporarily stored as snow and ice. These resources are vulnerable to climate change, projected to undergo substantial changes in the coming decades. Changes in flow volumes, seasonality of flow and extremes will have a strong impact on the hydropower system in Iceland as over 50% of inflow energy to the system originates from glacier ablation during summer. The high natural climate variability and energy system isolation pose a risk to the energy security of the power system as droughts and cold periods are usually not foreseen with great advance. Changes in hydrological flow dynamics, e.g.: onset of snow- and glacier melt, melt magnitudes and precipitation patterns pose a series of challenges for the hydropower system.

In glacier-dominated catchments, climate warming will initially increase glacier meltwater runoff to a maximum and then runoff will reside as the glacier area and volume decrease over time. The timing of the discharge peak is influenced by the catchment topoclimate characteristics and location. Understanding and quantifying these changes is important both for operational control and planning of energy infrastructure on shorter timescales (days, months, years) and climate change adaptation, on longer time scales, for both current energy projects as well as future development to maximize efficient water resource utilization.

To assess the impacts of changes in inflow dynamics on the hydropower system, hydrological models were developed to create inflow scenarios. Historical inflows were first reconstructed, followed by a construction of future runoff scenarios using climate projections and different glacier geometry evolution. This allowed for the assessment of meltwater-induced changes in runoff, although generally increasing in the next decades, certain areas are closer to reaching maximum meltwater production and will decrease in the coming decades. In all cases meltwater-induced increase in runoff is temporary, while large uncertainties exist with the timing of maximum peak inflow.

Utlization of the inflow scenarios created include current day operation to optimize reservoir management strategies and the design of future power projects, including refurbishments and capacity increases. This accommodates the expected increased flow rates 10–50 years into the future.




How to cite: Gunnarsson, A., Helgason, H. B., Sveinsson, Ó. G. B., and Tómasson, G. G.: Climate change, water resources and the hydropower system in Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9926, 2024.

On-site presentation
Balasundaram Pattabiraman and Kasipillai Sudalaimuthu Kasiviswanathan

The impacts of climate change and complex local weather in the Himalayan region tend to change the characteristics of the precipitation, leading to a high non-stationarity. While studies have been performed to analyse the change in the rainfall pattern due to climate change, no attempts were made for the quantifiable impacts linking with reservoir operating policy. The assumption of stationary while deriving the operating policy of reservoirs is prevalent due to less computational effort. Reservoirs built for hydropower generation is expected to meet the energy demands that largely varies. Thus, adopting the conventional stationary operating policy derived based on the historical data might lead to create a havoc leading to underutilized when the reservoir operation is mainly meant for hydropower generation. In this study, the influence of alterations in the meteorological and inflow pattern on the dynamics of operation policy is explored for the reservoirs located in the snow dominated Himalayan region (Tehri reservoir). To demonstrate the proposed simulation optimization framework, the daily gridded rainfall data (0.25o x 0.25o) for the period 1901 - 2021 collected from Indian Meteorological Department and monthly inflow of tehri reservoir for the period 1965 - 2021 was used.  Several statistical methods were employed to quantify the alterations in the precipitation data and inflow to the reservoirs. A stochastic optimization algorithm was applied to derive the dynamic reservoir rule curves for maximizing the hydropower generation including the weighted over-shifting and seasonality. The statistical analysis of both precipitation and inflow shows negative trend during the drawdown periods (January, March, October, and December) with a mean release of 170 MCM. Further, the alteration in precipitation and inflow is dynamically accounted in operating policy under two release scenarios (i.e. scenario 1 by increasing reservoir release (10%, 20%, 30%) in the negative trend period and decreasing release in the positive trend period and scenario 2 by only increasing release during negative trend period). It is found that the scenario 2 (only increase in release) have resulted in higher hydropower generation. In addition, the changing pattern of the precipitation and inflow is performed by superimposing principle the assessed similar performance in hydropower generation. The outcome of the study indicates the adaptivity of developed framework and applied in other reservoirs under changing environment.

Keywords: Reservoir Operation, Rule curve, Pumped storage, Hydropower.

How to cite: Pattabiraman, B. and Kasiviswanathan, K. S.: Deriving dynamic reservoir operating policy under the changing precipitation and inflow patterns in snow-dominated Himalayan regions , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14292, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14292, 2024.

On-site presentation
Arianna Paschetto, Chiara Caselle, Sabrina Bonetto, and Claudia Leso

Europe's pursuit of climate neutrality by 2050 necessitates innovative strategies in renewable energy deployment. The European Union has championed policies to harness clean energy sources as hydroelectric energy. This study delves in Piedmont region (North-West of Italy), evaluating its residual potential for run-of-river hydroelectric plants.


More in detail, the research focuses on the Sangone catchment, aiming at performing a regional-scale study made to identify the best sites for potential hydroelectric plants. To ensure alignment with European Union biodiversity and environmental conservation directives, particularly the Habitats Directive and Birds Directive, the research prioritizes sites that are not in areas dedicated to environmental protection.

Moreover, the study includes landscape analysis and evaluation of geological and geomorphological constraints, such as landslide and hydraulic hazard, and technical and economic feasibility of plants.

After that, utilizing freely accessible data encompassing temperature, precipitation, land use, and soil characteristics specific to Piedmont, the study employed the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT).This GIS-integrated hydraulic model extrapolated flow rate metrics for water catchment areas devoid of direct measurement, optimizing site selection for maximal hydroelectric energy yield.The simulation used 17 years of meteorological data from 42 measuring stations and the model was run over the Sangone stream catchment. The model has also been calibrated to simulate runoff in the Sangone catchment. The outputs divide the stream in sections with equivalent potential power production.


Preliminary findings underscore the effectiveness of SWAT by using free data and free tools. It can be a useful planning tool for hydropower implementation by locating sites suitable for run-of-river plants, considering environmental impact and geo-hydrological hazard. As Europe navigates its green transition, such integrative approaches emphasize the feasibility and sustainability of hydroelectricity as a linchpin in the continent's renewable energy matrix.

How to cite: Paschetto, A., Caselle, C., Bonetto, S., and Leso, C.: Hydrological flow modelling with SWAT: a useful GIS based tool to assess hydropower production., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15780, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15780, 2024.

On-site presentation
Adil Ashraf, Mikiyas Etichia, Mohammed Basheer, and Julien Harou

Linking integrated water-energy simulation with multi-objective search algorithms provides a practical design tool for interdependent river basins and power systems. However, this approach is typically limited by the computational resources required to complete the many thousands of simulations to discover efficient solutions. We introduce an artificial neural network-based power system emulator to enable optimized design of large-scale detailed multi-sector water-energy systems. The proposed framework links an integrated power system emulator and river system simulator to an AI-driven multi-objective search design process. We compare optimized designs using both the power system emulator and simulator to check the emulators’ computational speed and accuracy. The framework is applied to the Sudanese power system and its link to the Eastern Nile river basin, to investigate how optimized operational strategies of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) could affect Sudan’s resource systems. Results are similar for the power system emulator and simulator, showing the emulator helps to significantly reduce the computational cost of using sophisticated multi-sector policy design approaches.

How to cite: Ashraf, A., Etichia, M., Basheer, M., and Harou, J.: Machine learning power system emulation for rapid screening of multi-sector policies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20054, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20054, 2024.
