CL1.2.4 | State-of-the-art in ice core sciences
State-of-the-art in ice core sciences
Convener: Rachael Rhodes | Co-conveners: Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Lison Soussaintjean, Piers Larkman, Thomas Blunier
| Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 0.49/50
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Orals |
Wed, 10:45
Thu, 10:45
The half-century since the first deep ice core drilling at Camp Century, Greenland, has seen increased spatial coverage of polar ice cores, as well as extensive development in methods of ice sample extraction, analysis and interpretation. This growth and innovation continues as we address pressing scientific questions surrounding past climate dynamics, environmental variability and glaciological phenomena. New challenges include the retrieval of old, highly thinned ice, interpretation of altered chemical signals, and the integration of chemical proxies into earth system models. We invite contributions reporting the state-of-the-art in ice coring sciences, including drilling and processing, dating, analytical techniques, results and interpretations of ice core records from polar ice sheets and mid- and low-latitude glaciers, remote and autonomous methods of surveying ice stratigraphy, proxy system modelling and related earth system modelling. We particularly encourage submissions from early career researchers from across the broad international ice core science community. This session is supported by the European DEEPICE training network for early career scientists.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 0.49/50

Chairpersons: Rachael Rhodes, Lison Soussaintjean, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen
On-site presentation
Ed Brook and the Center for Oldest Ice Exploration Allan Hills Research Team

The Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX) is a US initiative to search for climate records covering the last 5 million years, including cores from blue ice regions where very old ice has been identified. Ice cores from the Allan Hills,  Antarctica contain discontinuous ice sections that date to as old as 4.6 Ma, and numerous samples with ages between 1 and 3 Ma, all dated with the 40Aratm technique. These samples provide constraints on a variety of past environmental variables, including greenhouse gases (Marks Peterson et al., this meeting) and mean ocean and Antarctic surface temperature (Shackleton et al., this meeting), and create opportunities to explore other properties of climate and the environment beyond the 800 ka limit of the existing ice core record (for example, Hudak et al., this meeting).

The Allan Hills cores and glaciological setting are unusual. Ice flow, likely from a relatively local depositional area, traps old ice at shallow depths near the ice margin, albeit in a poorly understood manner.  In most locations drilled so far, ice younger than 1 Ma is underlain by a relatively thin layer (20-40 m) of older material. In the “Cul-de-sac” region, ice older than 1 Ma is found within 15 m of the surface

Dating Allan Hills cores clearly shows age reversals indicative of folding. Deformation of dust and tephra bands at the surface, and deformation of bubbles at depth, also indicate complex ice flow. Dust mass concentrations are lower than expected for glacial periods, with anomalously high values at greater depth indicating incorporation of basal sediment. δ15N of N2 measurements indicate a relatively shallow firn column in the original deposition site.  Three-dimensional mapping of electrical conductivity and isotopic measurements in large, 24-cm diameter cores clearly shows inclined layers and folding. Phase-sensitive radar is being used to measure spatial variations in vertical velocity (with some repeat measurements completed), and polarimetry profiles.   Temperature measurements in Allan Hills boreholes suggest heating related to shear between the old ice and shallower layers.

Results from sections that date to 500-800 ka reproduce the long-term mean values of various parameters (CO2, CH4, δ18Oatm, MOT, δ18Oice) but not the entire glacial-interglacial range.  Small-scale folding, diffusion and hiatuses are all possible explanations for the muted variability. Detailed studies of large diameter cores are currently investigating these possibilities.

So far, five cores (ALHIC1502, 1503, 1901, 1902 and 2201) sample ice older than 1 million years. ALHIC1902 contains the oldest ice dated, at 4.6 Ma. Drilling in the 23/24 field season partly completed a 24-cm diameter core (2302) at the 1902 site, intended to provide large volumes of very old ice, A 90 m core in the Cul de Sac, (2301), at the location where old ice was found near the surface, was also completed.

COLDEX drilling will continue in the Allan Hills in 2024-25 and possibly in later seasons. Future work may also include an ~1250 m ice core in a region where modelling predicts continuous stratigraphy for ~1 Ma.

How to cite: Brook, E. and the Center for Oldest Ice Exploration Allan Hills Research Team: Plio-Pleistocene ice cores from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica: recent results and prospects for future work, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4497,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ailsa Chung, Frédéric Parrenin, Robert Mulvaney, Luca Vittuari, Massimo Frezzotti, and Olaf Eisen

We present a 2.5D pseudo-steady state inverse model applied to the flow lines from Dome C to LDC and from Dome C to North Patch (an area ~10km NE of Dome C). The model is constrained by radar horizons dated from 10-476 ka using the EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core. We interpolate and extrapolate the age-depth relationship using these horizons. The simplicity of our 2.5D numerical integration scheme results in an efficient computation time allowing us to use inverse methods to determine an average accumulation rate over the past 800 ka, a mechanical ice thickness and the thinning parameter which describes the shape of vertical velocity profile. The inverted mechanical ice thickness allows us to infer either the melt rate or the thickness of a layer of stagnant basal ice.

The model shows that the EDC-LDC flow line is dominated by melting on in the upstream sections, and further downstream, there is a thick layer of stagnant ice over the LDC mountainous bedrock relief. Our results show to what extent the Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice drill site is affected by horizontal flow from upstream at the dome and the implications for the age-depth profile of the ice core currently being drilled. The deepest oldest ice at the drill site, comes from 10-15 km upstream. However, the differences between the model and observations cannot be fully explained by horizontal flow. We also show that North Patch is a promising potential oldest ice site but more high-resolution radar surveys would be required to constrain this. This model could be applied to other areas of Antarctica of Greenland such as the flow lines from Dome Fuji to EDML or at from Ridge B to lake Vostok or from GRIP to EGRIP.

This work is part of the network of DEEPICE PhD projects associated with the Beyond EPICA drilling project which aims to recover a continuous 1.5 million year old ice core from Little Dome C in Antarctica.


How to cite: Chung, A., Parrenin, F., Mulvaney, R., Vittuari, L., Frezzotti, M., and Eisen, O.: Effect of horizontal flow on the age field along the Dome C – Little Dome C flow line, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-177,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Adrien Ooms, Mathieu Casado, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Maria Hörhold, Andrea Spolaor, Rita Traversi, Joel Savarino, and Valérie Masson-Delmotte

The center of Antarctica contains some of the oldest ice available on earth for paleo-climate reconstructions. This is due to very slow ice-flow and low accumulation. Yet, low accumulation comes with the drawback that annual snow layers are thin and subject to erosion and re-deposition by wind, inducing locally mixing and sometimes missing snow layers, leading to a highly variable time vs depth gradient at sub-decadal timescales. This greatly limits the interpretation of the climatic record in ice-cores at high temporal resolution. An important challenge thus consists in describing and quantifying these local accumulation patterns on the East Antarctic plateau.

In our study, we combine observations of accumulation rate (stake farm and laser scanner), with chemical and isotopic measurements of a 50-m long snow trench to address the problem of accumulation patterns at Dome C. We suggest that high resolution alignment of the chemistry data, typically used at longer timescales with volcanic eruption alignment in deep ice-cores, is a good method for inter-annual dating of the trench profiles and reconstruction of accumulation time-series up to a 2 year resolution. We find typical annually-varying roughness as well as more persistent patterns with timescales of years, highlighting the complex dynamics of the snow accumulation in central Antarctica. We then use this dataset to explore post-deposition noise in the isotopic record (δ18O and δD) and its local spatial variability.

How to cite: Ooms, A., Casado, M., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Hörhold, M., Spolaor, A., Traversi, R., Savarino, J., and Masson-Delmotte, V.: Study of local accumulation patterns from a snow trench at Dome C, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15612,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Daniel Gunning

A comprehensive understanding of what caused the repeated growth and decay of northern hemisphere ice sheets (otherwise known as glacial-interglacial cycles) during the Quaternary Period has remained allusive. The importance of changes in the Earth’s orbital parameters for ‘pacing’ these cycles is widely acknowledged. However, the transition from 41 kyr to quasi-100 kyr glacial-interglacial cycles at the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) occurs without any significant variations in the Earth’s changing orbit. Even the dominance of 41 kyr cycles in the Early Pleistocene is unusual, given the notable absence of strong 19 and 23 kyr precession cycles. Put simply, climatic precession is the orbital parameter that alters the time of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun, which considerably influences the intensity of summer insolation. As summer insolation is considered critical for the growth and decay of northern hemisphere ice sheets according to Milankovitch Theory, it would be expected that precession cycles would strongly feature throughout the Quaternary. Explanations that account for this absence of strong precession cycles during the Early Pleistocene include an anti-correlation between summer insolation intensity and summer duration or the cancellation of out-of-phase precession cycles between the northern hemisphere ice sheets and Antarctica. Here, we introduce a zonally averaged energy and moisture balance climate model to investigate the response of the Quaternary climate system to changes in the Earth’s orbital parameters. The purpose of the model is to investigate these problems related to glacial-interglacial cycles of the Early Pleistocene. We present equilibrium simulations of the model for the pre-industrial period and the Last Glacial Maximum, to demonstrate the suitability of the model to study climate change on these large spatial and temporal scales of interest. In addition, we show the equilibrium and transient sensitivity of the model to changes in the Earth’s orbital parameters. Factors that influence the relative contributions of obliquity and precession on global temperatures and/or ice volume will be investigated in the context of the 41 kyr cycles of the Early Pleistocene.

How to cite: Gunning, D.: Investigating Quaternary climate sensitivity to orbital variations using an energy and moisture balance climate model., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13531,, 2024.

Physical properties
On-site presentation
Dorothea Elisabeth Moser, Elizabeth R. Thomas, Andrea Spolaor, Jean-Charles Gallet, and Johannes Freitag

Rising global temperatures and accelerated melting cause glaciers across the globe to shrink, thereby hampering our ability to reconstruct past climate from ice cores across the globe. In this context, melt-induced alterations of chemical signals in ice cores are an increasing issue not only for researchers working on mid- and low-latitude glaciers but in coastal Antarctica, Greenland, and other (sub-)polar sites, too.

Aiming to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of ice cores as environmental archives when affected by melt, Moser et al. (2023) have recently conducted an in-depth review of the existing literature regarding external drivers of melt events, physics of melt layer formation and behaviour during snow metamorphism, identification and quantification of melt, structural characteristics of melt features, effects of melting on records of chemical impurities, stable water isotopic signatures, and gas record, as well as applications of melt layers as environmental proxies. By briefly walking through formation, manifestation and potential interpretation of refrozen melt sections, we here provide an overview of those aspects of near-surface melting, which are important for ice-core record interpretation more widely.

Against this backdrop of existing research and gaps of knowledge, we present the setup and first results of percolation tracer experiments conducted during a field campaign near Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, in March-April 2023. Showing the alteration of snowpack structure and chemistry through liquid water in-situ, the experiments have provided new insights into (1) meltwater flow and refreezing processes in the vicinity of Ny-Ålesund, and (2) the informational value of stable water isotope records before and after rain-on-snow induced melt events. Finally, we compare these in-situ observations to high-resolution structural scans of melt features in ice cores to explore further conclusions, which help to improve our understanding of melt-affected ice cores.


Moser, D. E., Thomas, E. R., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Eichler, A., & Wolff, E. (2023). Melt-Affected Ice Cores for (Sub-)Polar Research in a Warming World. EGUsphere Preprint.

How to cite: Moser, D. E., Thomas, E. R., Spolaor, A., Gallet, J.-C., and Freitag, J.: Improving our Understanding of Melt-Affected Ice Cores Through In-Situ Percolation Tracer Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16302,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Florian Painer, Ilka Weikusat, Martyn Drury, and Sepp Kipfstuhl

Polar ice cores are a unique climate archive as they provide the most direct record of past atmospheric gas compositions. In the deeper part of polar ice sheets, most of the ancient air molecules are stored in the crystal lattice of clathrate hydrates (air hydrates). Continuous records of air hydrate number concentration, mean size and shape (geometric properties) exist for the Vostok and Dome Fuji ice cores in Antarctica and the GRIP ice core in Greenland. It was found that the geometric properties correlate with past climatic changes, but also evolve with depth due to physicochemical processes within the ice sheet.

The EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) ice core is located on an ice divide in the Atlantic sector of East Antarctica which allows for a comparison to Greenland ice cores. Furthermore, it differs from other Antarctic deep ice cores by a higher accumulation rate and higher annual mean temperatures on site. This makes it possible to analyze air hydrates with a higher temporal resolution (compared to the Dome Fuji and Vostok ice cores). These factors make the EDML ice core interesting for studying air hydrates.

We use digital image analysis on ice thick section microphotographs to create a high-resolution record of air hydrate geometric properties below the bubble-hydrate transition zone. The image acquisition was done in the field, within a few days after the sample was drilled, in order to record information of the material before relaxation. Using traditional image analysis algorithms, we can confirm the correlation between climate and air hydrate geometrical properties. In addition, we examine the air hydrate spatial distribution and evolution via depth. Digital object segmentation and object analysis offer many advantages, such as fast and efficient analysis, improved statistical data, higher spatial resolution, over the traditionally used manual methods. We are excited to contribute to the future analysis of air hydrates in polar ice cores.

How to cite: Painer, F., Weikusat, I., Drury, M., and Kipfstuhl, S.: Air clathrate hydrates of the Antarctic EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice core, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9515,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shuji Fujita, Tomotaka Saruya, Atsushi Miyamoto, Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Akira Hori, Makoto Igarashi, Yoshinori Iizuka, Takao Kameda, Hiroshi Ohno, Wataru Shigeyama, and Shun Tsutaki

An in-depth examination of rheology within the deep sections of polar ice sheets is essential for enhancing our understanding of glacial flow. In this study, we investigate the crystalline textural properties of the 3035-m-long Antarctic deep ice core, with a particular emphasis on its lowermost 20%. We examine the crystal orientation fabric (COF) and compare it with various other properties from the ice core. In the uppermost approximately 80% thickness zone (UP80%), the clustering strength of single pole COF steadily increased, reaching its possible maximum at the bottom of the UP80%. Below 1800 m in the UP80%, layers with more or fewer dusty impurities exhibit slower or faster growth of cluster strength. This situation continued until 2650 m. In the remaining lowermost approximately 20% thickness zone (LO20%), the trend of the COF clustering strength changed around 2650 m and exhibited substantial fluctuations below this depth. In more impurity-rich layers, stronger clustering is maintained. In impurity-poor layers, relaxation of the COF clustering occurred due to the emergence of new crystal grains with c-axis orientation distinctly offset from the existing cluster, and dynamic recrystallization related to this emergence. The less impure layers show apparent features of bulging and migrating grain boundaries. We argue that the substantial deformational regime of polar ice sheets involves dislocation creep in both UP80% and LO20%, with dynamic recrystallization playing a critical role in the LO20%, particularly in impurity-poor layers, to recover a potential of COF available for the continuation of dislocation-creep-based deformation. Furthermore, we observe that layers and cluster axes of COF rotate meridionally due to rigid-body rotation caused by simple shear strain above subglacial slopes. These features provide vital clues for the development of the 3D structure of polar ice sheets in the deeper part, leading to inhomogeneous deformation between layers in various thickness scales, and the formation of folds, faults and mixing depending on the layers.

How to cite: Fujita, S., Saruya, T., Miyamoto, A., Goto-Azuma, K., Hirabayashi, M., Hori, A., Igarashi, M., Iizuka, Y., Kameda, T., Ohno, H., Shigeyama, W., and Tsutaki, S.: Development of deformational regimes and microstructures in the deep sections and overall layered structures of the Dome Fuji ice core, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2636,, 2024.

On-site presentation
John-Morgan Manos, Dominik Gräff, and Brad Lipovsky

Old ice (>1 million years) has been discovered in blue ice areas in the Allan Hills, Antarctica, and ice cores have been retrieved from shallow boreholes less than 200 m depth (Higgins et al., 2015 and Yan et al., 2019). However, it remains unclear what ice properties, mechanisms, and conditions allow for the preservation of old ice in blue ice areas. A high-resolution distributed temperature sensing (DTS) deployment was carried out in the COLDEX 22/23 and 23/24 field seasons. A temperature sensitive fiber optic cable was deployed into five air-filled boreholes, one for two consecutive seasons. Temperature was recorded every ~25 cm along the fiber length at a temperature resolution of 10 mK. Borehole temperature profiles reveal both the seasonal temperature signal shallow in the ice column and recent climate temperature trends below the seasonal signal due to ground surface temperature diffusion. Discrete temperature anomalies, unrelated to ground surface temperature signals, were identified at multiple depths. The temperature anomalies appear to coincide with points of ice crystal c-axis transitions in the ice fabric, suggesting possible shear horizons at transitions between ice layers at these depths. 23/24 field season efforts aim to confirm the presence of transient shear heating events and elucidate the horizontal distribution of shear heating events as they relate to the presence of old ice.

How to cite: Manos, J.-M., Gräff, D., and Lipovsky, B.: Englacial shearing in the context of old ice preservation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6772,, 2024.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Thomas Blunier, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Lison Soussaintjean
On-site presentation
Etienne Legrain, Emilie Capron, Laurie Menviel, Axel Wohleber, Frédéric Parrenin, Grégory Teste, Amaëlle Landais, Marie Bouchet, Roberto Grilli, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Lucas Silva, Hubertus Fischer, and Thomas F. Stocker

Antarctic ice cores are a preferred climate archive to study global carbon cycle changes at multi-centennial timescales as they provide the only direct reconstructions of past atmospheric CO2 changes. Here we present a new atmospheric CO2 record from the EPICA Dome C ice core spanning Termination III (TIII) and Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7) (~260-190 ka). 203 ice samples were measured using a ball mill dry extraction system and gas chromatography at IGE. With a temporal resolution of about 300 years on average, our new record improves by a factor of three the existing CO2 record that had been measured on the Vostok ice core over this time interval. Based on our new record, we identified seven centennial-scale releases of atmospheric CO2, also referred as Carbon Dioxide Jumps (CDJ). Combining these new results with previously published ones, we evidenced that 18 of the 22 CDJs identified over the past 500 thousand years occurred under a context of high obliquity. New simulations performed with the LOVECLIM model, an Earth system model of intermediate complexity, point toward both the continental biosphere and the Southern Ocean as the two main carbon sources during CDJs connected to Heinrich events. Notably, the continental biosphere appears to be the obliquity-dependent CO2 source for these rapid events. For the first time, we demonstrate that the long-term external forcing directly impacts past abrupt atmospheric CO2 variations.

How to cite: Legrain, E., Capron, E., Menviel, L., Wohleber, A., Parrenin, F., Teste, G., Landais, A., Bouchet, M., Grilli, R., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Silva, L., Fischer, H., and Stocker, T. F.: High obliquity favours centennial-scale variations in the carbon cycle, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10996,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nasrin Salehnia and Jinho Ahn

Investigating climate change through the reconstruction and modeling of atmospheric CO2 provides valuable insights for scientists aiming to unravel climate-carbon cycle feedback. The correlation between temperature and greenhouse gases, as inferred from ice core records, holds the potential to improve the accuracy of simulating CO2 variations. This study sought to investigate modeling approaches for accurately simulating atmospheric CO2 concentrations. To address data gaps in CO2, CH4 concentration, and temperature proxies (δD and δ18O) from Antarctica ice cores were incorporated. The study utilized Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Wavelet Transform (WT) techniques to enhance precision in these simulations. Three distinct ice cores were utilized in this study, specifically the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) core for 70-115 thousand years ago (ka), the Dome Fuji (DF) core spanning 9-120 ka, and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide core covering the period of 9~70 ka. The findings affirmed that the implementation of the WT-ANN model proved to be a successful approach for simulating CO2 concentrations throughout the study timeframe. The results highlighted the notable impact of time resolution in influencing the outcomes of the AI model. Particularly, utilizing high-resolution data from the WAIS Divide spanning 9-70 ka resulted in an impressive R2 value of up to 0.96, indicating a strong correlation between the model predictions and the ice core records using the hybrid method. Applying the WT-ANN hybrid methodology, which integrated WAIS (training periods of 9-29 and 57-70 ka) and DF data (training periods of 9-29 and 57-120 ka), a simulation of CO2 concentrations spanning 29-57 thousand years ago (MIS3) was carried out. The model demonstrated superior performance during the MIS3 test phase for the WAIS, with an R2 value of 0.85 and an RMSE of 3.62 ppm, compared to the DF core, where the R2 was 0.74 and the RMSE was 6.91 ppm. In our future initiatives, we intend to broaden our modeling efforts by integrating diverse AI techniques and employing numerous ice core samples across various time periods. Through the pursuit of this strategy, we aim to create exceptionally accurate simulations of CO2 levels. This not only advances our comprehension of historical climate dynamics but also addresses research gaps, paving the way for future investigations.

How to cite: Salehnia, N. and Ahn, J.: Simulating Atmospheric CO2 Levels Using CH4 and Temperature Proxy Records by ANN-Wavelet technique, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3293,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Romilly Harris Stuart, Amaëlle Landais, Laurent Arnaud, Christo Buizert, Emilie Capron, Marie Dumont, Quentin Libois, Robert Mulvaney, Anaïs Orsi, Ghislain Picard, Frédéric Prié, Jeffrey Severinghaus, Barbara Stenni, and Patricia Martinerie

Orbital dating using δO2/N2 records is a powerful tool for constructing ice core chronologies in deep ice cores due a widely observed anti-correlation with summer solstice insolation (SSI). While understood to be linked to near-surface snow metamorphism, the physical mechanisms driving this process remain poorly constrained and the role of local accumulation rate and temperature have been scarcely considered. We primarily present the results of our new study which uses a compilation of records from 14 ice cores to show a significant dependence of mean δO2/N2 on local accumulation rate and temperature. Using EPICA Dome C as a case study, we then show that during rapid climatic changes, an accumulation/temperature signal may be superimposed on top of the SSI signal and therefore should be accounted for when using peak-matching techniques for future dating of deep ice cores, such as the EPICA or Beyond EPICA cores.Further to our study, we include new δO2/N2data measured in shallow, bubbly ice just below close-off from two newly drilled firn cores at sites with distinct close-off conditions; D-47 and Little Dome C (the Beyond EPICA site), which support our findings. Moreover, thanks to parallel firn air pumping campaigns, overlapping data from open and closed porosity at these two sites promise greater insight into the mechanisms driving close-off fractionation.

How to cite: Harris Stuart, R., Landais, A., Arnaud, L., Buizert, C., Capron, E., Dumont, M., Libois, Q., Mulvaney, R., Orsi, A., Picard, G., Prié, F., Severinghaus, J., Stenni, B., and Martinerie, P.: Local climate influences δO2/N2 variability in ice core records, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10519,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Thomas Bauska, Amy King, Korina Chapman, Shaun Miller, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Mackenzie Grieman, Xavier Fain, Emilie Capron, Robert Mulvaney, and Eric Wolff

During the Last Glacial Maximum, the Antarctic ice sheet was significantly larger than today, holding an additional 6 to 14 meters sea level equivalent. Although less than 10% of the total glacial-interglacial range in eustatic sea level change, understanding the “when and where” of how Antarctica reconfigures during a deglaciation is crucial to understanding how the ice sheet will behave in the future. Some models show that many areas of the Antarctic ice sheet are inherently unstable during the Last Glacial Maximum and, when forced by increasing temperatures and rising sea level during the last deglaciation, undergo a rapid retreat to their present-day grounding line configurations (if not beyond).  In particular, the Ross and Weddell Sea regions, which are now largely covered by floating ice shelves, were susceptible to this “tipping point” behaviour.  Recently, evidence from the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core (~79°S, 078°W, 784m altitude) using water isotopes and total air content (a proxy for elevation) provided strong evidence that the Weddell Sea underwent such a transition about 8,000 years before present (BP) (Grieman et al., in press).

Here we present new total air content data from the Fletcher Promontory ice core (~78°S, 082°W, 873m altitude) which also lies in the Weddell Sea region about 220 km from Skytrain Ice Rise site, with the fast-flowing Rutford Ice Stream situated in between. The data were measured with a novel, high-accuracy total air content system and span approximately 11,000 to 6,000 years BP with an average resolution of 150 years. The most notable feature is an 8.8 mmol/kg (+/-2.0) increase between 8,000 and 7,000 years BP. This confirms the shift observed in the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core (~6.6 mmol/kg) that has been attributed to a 430 ± 110 m drop in elevation. Using both Skytrain Ice Rise and Fletcher Promontory as the two independently derived elevation histories we will discuss the reliability of total air content as an elevation proxy as well as provide crucial constraints on state-the-art ice sheet model predictions of past “tipping point” behaviour.

Grieman, M., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Hoffmann, H., Bauska, T. K., King, A. C. F., Mulvaney, R., Rhodes, R. H., Rowell, I. F., Thomas, E. R., and Wolff, E. W.: Abrupt Holocene ice loss due to thinning and ungrounding in the Weddell Sea Embayment, Nature Geoscience, In Press.

How to cite: Bauska, T., King, A., Chapman, K., Miller, S., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Grieman, M., Fain, X., Capron, E., Mulvaney, R., and Wolff, E.: Constraining the timing and spatial extent of an early Holocene ungrounding in the Weddell Sea using ice cores: how fast and how far-reaching?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10772,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ivo Strawson, Rachael H. Rhodes, Thomas Bauska, Ben Riddell-Young, Julia Marks Peterson, Xavier Faïn, Frédéric Prié, Romilly Harris Stuart, Amaëlle Landais, Elizabeth R. Thomas, Christo Buizert, and Edward Brook

Ice core reconstructions of atmospheric methane (CH4) and its stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13CH4) provide important constraints for understanding the links between human activity, methane and climate. However, uncertainties in existing δ13CH4 records since the preindustrial (~1850 CE), reconstructed from measurements of polar firn air and a small number of high-accumulation ice core sites, limit the precise determination of the timing and rate of recent changes in source/sink evolution. To re-assess methane dynamics over the last two centuries, we present continuous multi-core records of atmospheric CH4 and carbon monoxide (CO) between 1824 and 1994 CE reconstructed from high snow accumulation Antarctic sites and supplement these data with new bubble ice measurements of δ13CH4 spanning 50-years from 1938 to 1988 CE at a < 5-year resolution. Across the 50-year record, atmospheric CH4 mixing ratios increase by > 580 ppb and each δ13CH4 measurement therefore requires a considerable correction for diffusive fractionation resulting from a sustained growth in the overlying atmospheric methane burden during firn transport. An overlap with direct atmospheric observations is used to validate corrections for this phenomenon. Source/sink dynamics necessary to drive the simultaneous temporal trends observed in CH4, CO and δ13CH4 since 1850 CE are then inferred using a 6-troposphere, multi-tracer box model. Isotopic corrections, their implications and subsequent modelling results will be discussed.

How to cite: Strawson, I., H. Rhodes, R., Bauska, T., Riddell-Young, B., Marks Peterson, J., Faïn, X., Prié, F., Harris Stuart, R., Landais, A., R. Thomas, E., Buizert, C., and Brook, E.: Re-assessment of methane cycle dynamics from the preindustrial to present-day , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16598,, 2024.

Stable isotopes
On-site presentation
Felix S. L. Ng

Diffusion limits the survival of climate signals on ice-core isotope records. Diffusive smoothing acts not only on annual signals near the surface, but also on millennial signals in deep ice where they shorten to decimetres or centimetres. Short-circuiting of the slow diffusion in crystal grains by fast diffusion along liquid veins can explain the accelerated or “excess” diffusion found on some isotope records. But direct experimental evidence is lacking whether the short-circuiting mechanism really operates as theorised; current theories of it also neglect diffusion along grain boundaries. The pattern of isotope concentrations across crystal grains caused by short-circuiting provides a testable prediction of the mechanism. Here, we extend the theory for grain boundaries and calculate the pattern for different assumptions of grain-boundary diffusivity and thickness, and different temperature, vein and grain sizes, and vein-water flow velocity. Two isotopic patterns prevail in ice of millimetre grain sizes: (i) an axisymmetric pattern with isotopic excursions centred on triple junctions in the case of thin, low-diffusivity grain boundaries; (ii) a three-spoke pattern of excursions around triple junctions in the case of thick, highly-diffusive grain boundaries. Because these signatures have excursions potentially reaching several per mil and as thick as 10–25% of the mean grain radius, they should be detectable by LA-ICP-MS mapping on ice affected by excess diffusion. We further examine how the predicted patterns vary with depth (through a wavelength of the bulk isotopic signal) to formulate the procedure of testing for the occurrence of short-circuiting, such as applicable to ice-core samples from the EPICA Dome C and Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice projects. Because our model accounts for grain boundaries and veins, it also characterises the bulk-ice isotopic diffusivity more comprehensively than past studies.

How to cite: Ng, F. S. L.: Diffusive smoothing of isotopic signals in ice cores: the grain-scale signature of excess diffusion as a testable prediction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5175,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Qinggang Gao, Louise C. Sime, Alison J. McLaren, Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Emilie Capron, Rachael H. Rhodes, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Xiaoxu Shi, and Martin Werner

We present new work that improves our understanding of the controls on Antarctic precipitation and ice cores. This is critical for gaining insights into polar changes. The work relies on our implementation of innovative water tracing diagnostics in an atmospheric general circulation model. These tracers provide new precise information on moisture source locations and properties of Antarctic precipitation - and allow us to evaluate how one should interpret water isotopic profiles of Antarctic ice cores. Heavy precipitation in Antarctica is sourced by longer-range moisture transport: it comes from 2.9° (300 km, averaged over Antarctica) more equatorward (distant) sources compared to the rest of precipitation. Precipitation during negative phases of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) also comes from more equatorward moisture sources (by 2.4°, averaged over Antarctica) than precipitation during positive SAM phases, likely due to amplified planetary waves during negative SAM phases. Our new, more precise information on moisture source properties also shows that the logarithmic definition of deuterium excess exhibits a stronger correlation with moisture source properties than the classical linear definition of deuterium excess. Results support the conventional practice of interpreting deuterium excess in terms of source sea surface temperature, without concerning source 2 m relative humidity and source 10 m wind speed. We find there is no added value to include δD for the reconstruction of source temperature in addition to deuterium excess, but including deuterium excess does bring some (small) added benefit in reconstructing site temperature in addition to δD. Nevertheless, it is arguable whether one should incorporate deuterium excess considering uncertainties in the transfer function and post-depositional effects on deuterium excess. Our results demonstrate that improving our understanding of the physics underlying supersaturation function could also help constrain the key uncertainties associated with these model results. Overall, our novel water tracing diagnostics enhance our understanding of the controlling factors of Antarctic precipitation and ice cores.

How to cite: Gao, Q., Sime, L. C., McLaren, A. J., Bracegirdle, T. J., Capron, E., Rhodes, R. H., Steen-Larsen, H. C., Shi, X., and Werner, M.: Climate controls on deuterium excess in Antarctic precipitation - insights from an isotope-enabled atmospheric GCM ECHAM6, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9894,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lei Geng, Zhuang Jiang, and Becky Alexander

The Brewer-Dobson circulation is the global atmospheric overturning circulation and regulates global mass and energy redistributions in the stratosphere as well as mass exchange between the troposphere and the stratosphere. Through transporting O3 to the troposphere and redistributing O3 in the stratosphere that influence surface UV-B radiation, the Brewer-Dobson circulation also plays an critical role in atmospheric oxidation capacity which matters for air quality, greenhouse gas removal and climate change. While many studies have assessed changes in the Brewer-Dobson circulation in the past few decades and in the future in response to greenhouse gas warming, that how Brewer-Dobson circulation has changed in the past climate is poorly constrained and limited modelling studies reached opposite results on the strength of the Brewer-Dobson circulation in the last glacial maximum (LGM). Atmospheric nitrate O-17 excess signal is sensitive to O3 abundance, and the latter is influenced by the strength of the Brewer-Dobson circulation especially during climate transitions (e.g., the glacial-interglacial cycle and the abrupt climate events). By comparing the nitrate O-17 excess records from the GISP2 and WAIS divide ice cores, we find a coherent changes in the O-17 excess signal from the LGM to the Holocene, suggesting a stronger Brewer-Dobson circulation in the LGM. In addition, during abrupt climate changes (i.e., the D-O events in Greenland and the corresponding AIM events in Antarctica), there is an apparent difference in the changes of O-17 excess in response to temperature in Greenland and Antarctica, a result implies that the Brewer-Dobson circulation should be enhanced when Greenland cools. These results are consistent with earlier model studies, but are in conflict with recent model work which predicts a weakened Brewer-Dobson circulation in the LGM. Specific mechanisms driving the response of the Brewer-Dobson circulation to past climate changes remains to be explored.

How to cite: Geng, L., Jiang, Z., and Alexander, B.: Bipolar ice core constraints on the variability of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation during climate transitions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13788,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Lison Soussaintjean, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Rachael Rhodes
On-site presentation
Chantal Zeppenfeld, Tobias Erhardt, Camilla Marie Jensen, and Hubertus Fischer

Characterising insoluble particles in ice cores provides information needed to reconstruct past climatic changes, for example, in circulation patterns and radiative transfer. Concentration, size distribution, and mineralogy of particles are influenced by how the particles are deposited on the ice sheet, transported, and mobilised in their respective source regions.

To quantify the past changes in concentration and properties of insoluble particles, the Classizer One instrument, which is based on the novel single particle extinction and scattering (SPES) method, has been incorporated into the continuous flow analysis set-up in Bern. This allows for the first time high-resolution, continuous, and simultaneous measurements of particle number concentration, diameter, and refractive index in the size range of 0.2 to 2 µm. Thus, covering the full size range of the main mode in the particle number size distribution, which is crucial for the radiative effect of dust in the atmosphere.

Here we present the first study of continuous concentration and size distribution measurements of water insoluble particles in ice cores smaller than 1 µm. The SPES method was used to characterise particles in the EastGRIP ice core from 8000 to 16000 years BP, i.e., including the Bolling Allerød/Younger Dryas climate oscillation. On the one hand, results of previous studies on supramicron dust particles can be confirmed, including the observation that particle concentration is higher, and particles are larger during colder times. On the other hand, the high-resolution measurement in a smaller size range reveals features that were previously hidden.

Over the course of the Younger Dryas (GS-1) the concentration decreases by a factor of 3.5, while the geometric mean of the number size distribution increases by approximately 9%. This is also the case towards the end of the Oldest Dryas (GS-2.1), albeit to a lesser extent. In both instances, the concentration and the modal particle diameter are anti-correlated before they both rapidly decrease at the onset of the following warm phase. While the changes at the transition from the cold to the warm phase may be explained, at least to some degree, for supramicron aerosol by changes in transport efficiency, the opposing trends during the cold phases cannot. This is because a faster transport would lead to an increase in both concentration and particle size for particles larger than approximately 1 µm, where size fractionation by dry deposition occurs.

Additional information can be gained looking at the geometric standard deviation and the effective refractive index. The latter stays relatively constant over the investigated period, which indicates that there were probably no major changes in the mix of potential source regions. The geometric standard deviation does not change abruptly at the onset of a warm phase contrary to the concentration and geometric mean. Instead, it gradually increases already starting in the cold phase. This suggests that climatic changes, probably in the source regions or en route, start taking place prior to the rapid transition to the warm phase.

How to cite: Zeppenfeld, C., Erhardt, T., Jensen, C. M., and Fischer, H.: Investigation of physical properties of particles in the EastGRIP ice core gives new insights into climatic changes during the Last Glacial Termination, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11741,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pascal Bohleber, Piers Larkman, Nicolas Stoll, David Clases, Raquel Gonzalez de Vega, Martin Šala, Marco Roman, and Carlo Barbante

Understanding the spatial variability of impurities in glacier ice on a quantitative level has importance for assessing the preservation of paleoclimatic signals and for the study of macroscopic deformational as well as dielectric ice properties. Two-dimensional imaging via laser ablation - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) can provide key insight into the localization of impurities in the ice matrix: Employing the relatively recent advances in LA-ICP-MS featuring fast wash-out devices and single laser shot resolution, state-of-the-art LA-ICP-MS imaging has revealed snapshots showing a close association between grain boundaries and some impurities as well as dispersed clusters in dust-rich ice. So far, these findings are mostly qualitative and gaining quantitative insights remains challenging. Accurate calibrations rely on matrix-matched standards which ideally show the same ablation behavior as the sample. Previous studies successfully prepared ice blocks on glass slides as calibration standards at a resolution of a few hundred microns. State-of-the-art LA-ICP-MS imaging fully reveals the imprint of the ice matrix on the impurity distribution at the grain scale, which also introduces the need for new adequate quantification strategies and consequently, the design of new calibration standards. Here, we present different quantification methods, which provide a high level of homogeneity at the scale of a few microns and, which are dedicated to imaging applications of ice core samples. For this purpose, we use small µL volumes and fast freezing techniques. One of the proposed methods has a second application, offering laboratory experiments to investigate the displacement of impurities by grain growth, with important future potential to study ice-impurity interactions. Standards were analyzed to enable an absolute quantification of impurities in selected ice core samples. Calibrated LA-ICP-MS maps indicate similar distributions of impurities in all samples, while impurity levels vary distinctly: Higher concentrations were calibrated in glacial periods and Greenland, and lower levels in interglacial periods and samples from central Antarctica. These results are consistent with known ranges from bulk meltwater analysis. Further comparison with bulk meltwater analysis calls for a more sophisticated representation of the ice chemistry across spatial scales, for which the calibrated LA-ICP-MS maps now also introduce the quantitative domain.

How to cite: Bohleber, P., Larkman, P., Stoll, N., Clases, D., Gonzalez de Vega, R., Šala, M., Roman, M., and Barbante, C.: Quantitative Insights on Impurities in Ice Cores at the Grain Scale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11279,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Kaori Fukuda, Jun Ogata, Yuki Komuro, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Fumio Nakazawa, Ikumi Oyabu, Kyotaro Kitamura, Shuji Fujita, Nobuhiro Moteki, Tatsuhiro Mori, Sho Ohata, Yutaka Kondo, Makoto Koike, Naga Oshima, Ayaka Yonekura, Yoshimi Ogawa-Tsukagawa, Kenji Kawamura, Teruo Aoki, and Naoyuki Kurita and the University of Copenhagen team

Black carbon (BC) is a crucial component among light-absorbing aerosols, significantly impacting Earth's radiation budget. BC in the atmosphere absorbs sunlight and leads to atmospheric heating, while BC deposited on snow and ice surfaces reduces albedo, accelerating snowmelt. Additionally, BC can serve as cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleating particles. Understanding the historical role of BC in pristine environments, particularly in the Arctic, where climate and environmental changes have been pronounced, is vital. However, data on preindustrial BC levels remain sparse, with limited observations unaffected by anthropogenic sources. Ice cores offer valuable proxy records of BC concentrations and size distributions since the preindustrial era.

In this study, we analyzed an ice core retrieved from the EastGRIP site in Northeast Greenland, reaching a depth of 133 meters, using a Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system at the National Institute of Polar Research. The CFA system facilitated high-resolution data collection on BC, stable isotopes of water, microparticles, and eight elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Fe). For BC analysis, we employed a recently developed Wide-range (WR) SP2 (Single Particle Soot Photometer) capable of detecting BC particles in the size range of 70 to 4000 nm. The combination of WR-SP2 and a high-efficiency nebulizer enabled precise measurements of BC concentrations and size distributions. The core was dated through annual layer counting primarily using Na concentrations, supplemented by microparticle and Ca concentrations. As reference horizons, we used volcanic sulfate peaks and tritium peaks from nuclear bomb testing. We present the EastGRIP BC record spanning the past 350 years and compare it with previously obtained BC records from Greenland.

Our findings reveal that both the number and mass concentrations of BC at EastGRIP began to increase around 1860, driven by the influx of anthropogenic BC. These concentrations peaked around 1920 and have since declined. While this temporal trend aligns with other Greenland sites, it differs slightly from that observed in southern Greenland, potentially reflecting variations in emission source contributions between northern and southern Greenland. Notably, anthropogenic BC at EastGRIP exhibited larger sizes than biomass-burning BC, consistent with previous findings for the SIGMA-D site in Northwest Greenland. In the preindustrial period, BC concentrations showed their peak during summer. However, the inflow of anthropogenic BC has shifted the peak season from summer to winter/early spring. Unlike SIGMA-D, the BC peak season did not revert to summer in the 1990s.

Our accurate, high temporal-resolution data on BC concentrations and sizes offer crucial insights into understanding BC sources, transport pathways, and deposition processes. Furthermore, this new dataset serves to constrain and validate aerosol and climate models, ultimately improving projections for future climate and environmental conditions.

How to cite: Goto-Azuma, K., Fukuda, K., Ogata, J., Komuro, Y., Hirabayashi, M., Nakazawa, F., Oyabu, I., Kitamura, K., Fujita, S., Moteki, N., Mori, T., Ohata, S., Kondo, Y., Koike, M., Oshima, N., Yonekura, A., Ogawa-Tsukagawa, Y., Kawamura, K., Aoki, T., and Kurita, N. and the University of Copenhagen team: Variability of concentrations and size distributions of black carbon particles in Northeast Greenland since the Industrial Revolution, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7115,, 2024.

Non-polar studies
On-site presentation
Hanne Notø, Anne Kasper-Giebl, Bernadette Kirchsteiger, Daniela Kau, Felix Happenhofer, Thomas Riedelberger, Elke Ludewig, and Rupert Holzinger

Organic matter in ice cores holds important climatic information, such as the prevalence of wildfires, marine algae blooms, terrestrial biosphere productivity, and antarctic sea ice extent. While organic compounds are specific tracers of the biosphere in paleoclimatic records, very little is known about their transport and deposition onto glaciers and ice sheets. Factors such as atmospheric transport, scavenging in the atmosphere and deposition efficiency can have a substantial effect on the amount of organic matter measured in the snow and ice. To better understand the deposition of organic matter onto glaciers and ice sheets, we determined the presence of organic species in clouds versus particulate matter in the atmosphere.  

In this work we present data from a sampling campaign aimed at measuring organic matter in cloudwater and aerosol particles (PM1 and PM10). Samples were collected at the Sonnblick Observatory in the Austrian Alps (3106 m a.s.l.) across 10 days in November 2022. This site represents remote alpine atmospheric conditions. The samples were analyzed using a Thermal Desorption - Proton Transfer Reaction - Mass Spectrometer (TD-PTR-MS), which quantifies volatile and semi-volatile organic species. Further processing will reveal potential differences in organic composition between cloudwater and aerosol particles. This information can provide insight into the deposition of organic matter in the cryosphere, which affects the way ice core records are interpreted. 

How to cite: Notø, H., Kasper-Giebl, A., Kirchsteiger, B., Kau, D., Happenhofer, F., Riedelberger, T., Ludewig, E., and Holzinger, R.: Chemical Analysis of Organic Matter in Cloudwater and Aerosol in High-Altitude Alps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15946,, 2024.

On-site presentation
László Palcsu, Elemér László, Mihály Veres, Gergely Surányi, Danny Vargas, and Marjan Temovski

Examining continental ice layers accumulated before the nuclear era, when the artificial tritium component can be excluded, enables us to better understand the natural variation of cosmogenic tritium (3H). The extremely sensitive 3He-ingrowth method of 3H analysis allows us to determine low level tritium activities with high accuracy. Here we provide a detailed tritium profile of two shallow ice cores drilled in the European Alps and Greenland.

A sensitive tritium profile of the top 33.7 m of the ice accumulation at Colle Gnifetti (Swiss-Italian Alps) is provided. The tritium concentrations of annual ice layers before 1953 vary between 0.050 and 0.145 TU with uncertainties of 0.0019 to 0.0048 TU. The tritium values reconstructed for the time of accumulation are varying between 4 and 10 TU. The long-term pattern of tritium in the ice (mainly before 1940) is in anti-correlation with the sunspot numbers. As the ice is not contaminated with artificial tritium, this change can be strongly attributed to the 11-year cycle of solar magnetic activity. This confirms the existing link between the Solar cycle and the cosmogenic tritium of precipitation [1].

On the contrary, in Greenland at the EGRIP camp, the signal of the solar cycle is hardly visible. The natural level of tritium at around 20 TU is disturbed by large spikes (>400 TU). These spikes seem to be randomly distributed in time. There are annual layers which are unaffected. The reason of the high tritium concentration might be the stratospheric moisture input as shown by Fourré et al. (2018) [2]. Stratospheric moisture can be also identified by its 17O-excess pattern. Here we provide the correlation of tritium and 17O, as a hint of the origin of excess tritium. On the other hand, the evaluation of the first results shows that the strength of the stratospheric intrusions qualified by tritium amount seems to be weakening over the last 100 years.

[1] Palcsu, L., Morgenstern, U., Sültenfuss, J., Koltai, G., László, E., Temovski, M., Major, Z., Nagy, J.T., Papp, L., Varlam, C., Faurescu, I., Túri, M., Rinyu, L., Czuppon, G., Bottyán, E., Jull, A.J.T. Modulation of Cosmogenic Tritium in Meteoric Precipitation by the 11-year Cycle of Solar Magnetic Field Activity, Scientific Reports 8 (2018) 12813.

[2] Fourré, E., Landais, A., Cauquoin, A., Jean-Baptiste, P., Lipenkov, V., Petit J.-R. Tritium Records to Trace Stratospheric Moisture Inputs in Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (2018), 3009-3018.

How to cite: Palcsu, L., László, E., Veres, M., Surányi, G., Vargas, D., and Temovski, M.: Influence of the solar cycle and stratospheric intrusions to the tritium variation of continental ice layers (Colle Gnifetti, European Alps and EGRIP camp, Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8535,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Giovanni Baccolo, Elena Di Stefano, Sandra O. Brugger, Sabine Brütsch, Theo Jenk, Anja Eichler, Barbara Delmonte, Valter Maggi, and Margit Schwikowski

Glaciers are well known for providing valuable climatice and environmental information which are made available through the retrieval of ice cores. Not all glaciers are equal in this respect, however. The best sites to drill ice cores for paleoclimatic purposes are the cold portions of accumulation basins. The term cold, when referred to ice, indicates ice whose temperature is constantly below the pressure melting point. The importance of cold sites for ice core science is related to the fact that under cold conditions, the stratigraphic signals used for paleoclimatic reconstructions are best preserved because of the absence of meltwater.

Because of climate change, cold portions of mountain glaciers are rapidly changing. The rise of atmospheric temperature is impacting the thermal properties of ice and firn, leading to their warming. As a consequence of this, many cold accumulation basins of high-altitude glaciers are turning to temperate and their mass balances are approaching negative values. This is posing issues on the ability of glaciers to preserve climatic and environmental signals. This is related to two distinct processes. At first, temperate ice, by definition contains a fraction of liquid water which can interfere with the preservation of chemical and physical signals. Secondarily, negative mass balances related to increased melt rates, imply the loss of upper ice layers, obliterating the most recent stratigraphic signals normally used for calibration with instrumental data.

The possibility to retrieve reliable paleoclimatic records from mountain glaciers in the future, is thus questionable. This will only be possible if the ice core science community develops new methods and competencies to extract information from temperate ice addressing meltwater disturbances. To this aim, a 223 m long ice core was drilled in 2021 at the Adamello glacier, in the Italian Alps. At the drilling site (3100 m a.s.l.) the glacier has a negative mass balance and a temperate regime. Thus, the site is ideal to test to what extent temperate ice can be used as a paleoclimatic archive.

To this aim, a set of paleoclimatic proxies has been investigated in the upper part of the ice core. We present here preliminary results. They show that while most of the analytes are significantly affected by meltwater percolation and regelation, some of them, in particular the less soluble ones, still exhibit a detectable seasonality. This has allowed to develop a chronology, estimate the age of surface ice and identify what proxies are best preserved in temperate ice.

How to cite: Baccolo, G., Di Stefano, E., Brugger, S. O., Brütsch, S., Jenk, T., Eichler, A., Delmonte, B., Maggi, V., and Schwikowski, M.: Is temperate ice a good paleoclimatic archive? Insights from the Adamello temperate ice core (Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9968,, 2024.

Broader perspectives
On-site presentation
Lisa Ardoin, Jean-Louis Tison, Paul Bierman, Pierre-Henry Blard, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Vasileios Gkinis, Catherine Larose, Jorge Peder Steffensen, Thomas Rockmann, and François Fripiat

Stratigraphically disturbed and debris-rich, the basal silty layers of Greenland ice sheet bear unique information on the environment prior to the ice sheet build up [1] and on the subglacial ecosystem [2]. Previous studies have shown that processes such as mixing, diffusion, melting and refreezing, gas expulsion, and in-situ production of CO2 and CH4 have disturbed the paleoclimatic signals within the ice silty layers of Greenland [2, 3, 4]. Analytical techniques commonly used in deep ice core studies encounter limitations when applied to the ice-bedrock interface layers due to embedded debris. As part of the DEEPICE project, we have revisited the paleoclimatic information preserved within the basal layers of Greenland updating gases measurement techniques suitable for analysing silty ice. We analysed the gas composition (N2, O2, Ar, CO2, CH4, N2O) of samples retrieved from the basal ice and underneath sediments of Camp Century (new data set) and from the basal ice of GRIP (new data set for N2O and improving previous resolution for other gases species). Our results show a large accumulation of greenhouse gases (up to 12% and 3% of CO2 and CH4) associated with O2 depletion (down to 5%), a relative accumulation of Ar (up to 1.5%) and a total gas loss (down to 5mL of gas per kg) within the last meters of ice above the bedrock. As the greenhouse gases probably have a biological origin, we performed genomic sequencing at different locations of the silty sequence to determine whether the genes required for potential biogeochemical cycling were present and whether they differed with depth. Differences are reported between Camp Century and GRIP.  In the light of these new measurements, we will discuss the processes at play in the silty layers.


[1] Christ et al., 2021, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. [2] Souchez et al., 2006, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L24503.

[3] Verbeke et al., 2002, Annals of Glaciology 35, 231-236. [4] Goossens et al., 2016, The Cryosphere, 10(2), 553-567.

How to cite: Ardoin, L., Tison, J.-L., Bierman, P., Blard, P.-H., Dahl-Jensen, D., Gkinis, V., Larose, C., Steffensen, J. P., Rockmann, T., and Fripiat, F.: Origin of silty basal ice in Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3852,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Emilie Pillon

In the history of Antarctica’s science, Ice Core Science (ICS) holds a special place. Since the 80s, it is one of the main research fields as it allows scientists to connect with our earth’s past and future climate with the unavoidable change our society will face. Beyond EPICA and the DEEPICE training programme are leading projects as they build a legacy for ICS in Antarctica. 
The purpose of this paper is to examine how ICS and its infrastructure participate in the maintenance of Antarctica as a place of science, as a territory-laboratory. 
I will be presenting the preliminary results of a multi-situated ethnography on scientific communities working in and on Antarctica. For this presentation, I will be focusing on a field work started in 2023 with DEEP-ICE’s PhD students. A first round of interviews led me to a participating observation in a glaciology laboratory, following a PhD candidate during their analysis. Early 2024, a series of follow-up interview is planned to complete my dataset and complete the history of DEEPICE. 
Once retrieved, the value of an ice core sample is directly connected to its possibility of collecting data from a specific time frame, and by that, making new scientific questions emerge. The value of Antarctica’s sample is shown by the constant care it has received. Gestures and technic are specifically tested and repeated in preparation of Antarctica’s sample, even if they later disappears from published papers. 
Communication surrounding Beyond EPICA and DEEPICE highlights the challenges faced by scientists to retrieved ice core, promoting ICS, the excellence of Antarctica’s research while securing funds. The ambition to form fifteen PhD candidates shows the necessity of transmission and heritage, and the excellence expected to perform the future analysis. The samples are valuable not only as an object of science, or because they contain unique data set. They allow our society to exist in different timescales and to overcome human temporalities. 
 With ICS, Antarctica enters in a new era : the heroic age of time exploration. ICS, with its heroic narrative and its possibility to understand past climate has protected Antarctica and its intrinsic value, a place of science and an object to be studied. The DEEPICE training program is an example of the politics of maintenance surrounding Antarctica. The increase of tourism, Ice Memory (where Antarctica is becoming a sanctuary, a living archive) and the development of drilling technic and a new era of research (blue ice) are displaying new questions about the future of ICS and its role in maintaining Antarctica as a place of science. Once the oldest ice will be reached, what new scientific quest will take part of Antarctica’s maintenance ?  

How to cite: Pillon, E.: Deep in Time : An Anthropologic Exploration of the Values of Antarctica’s Ice Core. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12664,, 2024.


Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Thomas Blunier, Rachael Rhodes, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen
Dandan Yang, Tandong Yao, and Guangjian Wu

Glaciochemical data sourced from ice cores in polar regions and the Alps have been extensively examined. However, quantitative studies on glaciochemical records of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are scarce. To address this, we investigated annual variations in the major soluble ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na, K, NH++4+, Cl, NO3, and SO42−) in the Aru ice core on the northwestern TP from 1850 to 2016. Applying a positive matrix factorization model, the sources of the major soluble ions and three factors to evaluate natural and agricultural impacts were identified. Factor 1, crustal dust with high loadings of Mg2+ (81.9%) and Ca2+ (68.7%), significantly positively correlated with wind speed and significantly negatively correlated with δ18O and net accumulation recorded by the ice core, suggesting that strong winds contributed to crustal dust transport from arid and semi-arid regions of Central Asia and deposition in the Aru glacier. However, relatively warm and wet climate prevented the transport of crustal dust. Factor 2 comprised salt lakes with high dominant loadings of Na (75.3%), SO+42− (64.1%), Cl (60.8%), NO3 (52.2%), and K (49.4%). Declining lake water levels exposed salt lake minerals, which were carried to glaciers under the dynamic conditions of strong winds, whereas warming resulted in an expansion of glacial meltwater and lake water volume, which decreased the contribution of salt lake sediments. Therefore, the contribution of salt lake deposition decreased. Factor 3 was agricultural sources with a high loading of NH+4+ (82%), whose trend aligned closely with the population number and N productions from agricultural sources in South and Central Asia, suggesting that NH3 emissions from agricultural practices are a critical contributor to Factor 3. This study quantified the proportional contribution of natural and agricultural sources to glaciochemical composition, advancing our understanding of glaciochemical records in ice cores from source recognition to quantification.

How to cite: Yang, D., Yao, T., and Wu, G.: Identifying the natural and agricultural impacts on the glaciochemistry of the Aru ice core on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1813,, 2024.

Amy King, Thomas Bauska, Edward Brook, Michael Kalk, Eric Wolff, Ivo Strawson, Rachael Rhodes, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, and Matthew Osman

Ice core records of carbon dioxide (CO2) over the last 2000 years are critical to our understanding of global carbon cycle dynamics on centennial and multidecadal timescales. They also provide context for the unprecedented anthropogenic rise in atmospheric CO2. Yet for some time intervals throughout the period, the true atmospheric history of CO2 remains uncertain. One such example is the decrease in atmospheric CO2 after 1550 CE, for which the timing and magnitude is debated. To resolve this case, we measure CO2 and methane (CH4) in the new Skytrain Ice Rise ice core from 1450 to 1700 CE, presented alongside firn smoothing analysis and land carbon modelling. Our results suggest that a sudden decrease in ice core CO2 around 1610 CE in one widely used record is most likely an artefact of a small number of anomalously low values. Instead, we observe a more gradual decrease in CO2, with our analysis suggesting 0.5 ppm per decade between 1516 and 1670 CE. The resulting inferred land carbon sink of 2.6 PgC per decade agrees with modelled scenarios of large-scale reorganization of land use in the Americas following New World-Old World contact, for which a larger and more rapid CO2 decrease is incompatible.

How to cite: King, A., Bauska, T., Brook, E., Kalk, M., Wolff, E., Strawson, I., Rhodes, R., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., and Osman, M.: Reconciling ice core CO2 and land-use change following New World-Old World contact, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5333,, 2024.

Amaelle Landais, Romilly Harris Stuart, Anais Orsi, Roxanne Jacob, Gregory Teste, Frédéric Prié, Louisa Brückner, Patricia Martinerie, Witrant Emmanuel, Fourré Elise, Capron Emilie, Baggenstos Daniel, Fischer Hubertus, and Schmitt Jochen

Understanding the processes during gas trapping in ice is essential to accurately interpret the gas records in ice cores. As a consequence, it is very desirable to have firn core and firn air sampling campaigns associated with deep ice coring. We know that elemental fractionation occurs during bubble close-off, hence largely affecting the δO2/N2 measurements further used to date the ice cores on orbital timescales. A recent study also suggested that this elemental fractionation can be linked to surface characteristics (i.e. temperature and / or accumulation rate). 

The aim of this study is to investigate the elemental and isotopic fractionation of N2 and O2 during bubbles close-off at two sites of very different characteristics (D47 located at the edge of the East Antarctic plateau with high temperature and accumulation rate and Little Dome C at the center of the East Antarctic plateau with low accumulation and accumulation rate). For this study, we did measurements both in the open and closed porosity of the firn in the lock-in zone. The D47 lock-in zone extends over nearly 20 m and, over these 20 m,  strong signals of increasing δO2/N2 (+ 7 permil) and decreasing δ15N (-0.05 permil) are observed with increasing depths. At Little Dome C, the site of the Beyond EPICA deep ice core, the lock-in depth is much thinner (a few meters thick only) and fractionation much smaller. We discuss how these signals relate to the signals measured in the closed porosity in both sites and present some perspectives for the interpretation of the gas records in the deep ice cores.   

How to cite: Landais, A., Harris Stuart, R., Orsi, A., Jacob, R., Teste, G., Prié, F., Brückner, L., Martinerie, P., Emmanuel, W., Elise, F., Emilie, C., Daniel, B., Hubertus, F., and Jochen, S.: Isotopic and elemental ratios in the open and closed porosity for two Antarctic firn cores (D47 and Little Dome C) of very different surface characteristics. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6585,, 2024.

Joel Savarino, Jack Saville, Elsa Gautier, Nils Kuhlbusch, and Dieter Juchelka

Recently, the Orbitrap Exploris instrument, a mass spectrometer designed for molecular identification and classification, has been diverted from its original purpose and transformed into a new tool for quantifying the stable isotope ratios of water-soluble compounds such as nitrates, sulfates or phosphates. At first glance, this new Orbitrap IRMS system is very attractive because it requires 10 to 100 times less ice than current standard procedures, works directly with liquid solutions, quantifies isotope ratios directly on the molecule of interest, and provides a broader range of isotope ratios by moving from the elemental isotope ratio paradigm to that of molecular isotope ratios and thus challenge the regular isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS or ICPMS). Moreover, by leaving the chemical bonds of the molecules of interest intact contrary to IRMS or ICPMS, the Orbitrap technology provides access to clumped isotopes, i.e. doubly substituted isotopic substances, thereby enriching our knowledge of matter. Extending the range of molecular isotope ratios opens up exciting new prospects, particularly for unravelling the mechanisms by which compounds are formed before being incorporated in ice. Such a radical change in the way isotope ratios are measured inevitably raises the question of the real capabilities of this new instrument. With a deeper look into statistics, can the Orbitrap-IRMS challenge the standard IRMS/ICPMS precision for analyzing soluble species? Does its performance live up to expectations? Preliminary results show that the Allan variance for a large variety of molecular isotope ratios of nitrate and sulfate are in the range of one per mil precision, including some of the clumped isotope ratios. However, the bootstrapping approach aimed at reducing acquisition time and thus the drift associated with the instrument appears to be ineffective in improving the Allan variance, indicating a possible limitation of sampling randomization, probably during the electrospray ionization (ESI) process. Other statistics, tests and performances are still in progress and will also be presented.

How to cite: Savarino, J., Saville, J., Gautier, E., Kuhlbusch, N., and Juchelka, D.: Can the Electrospray Orbitrap be a new frontier for the stable isotope analysis of oxyanions in ice cores? A statistical study of its performances, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8074,, 2024.

Emilie Capron, Dominique Raynaud, Quizhen Yin, Zhipeng Wu, Frédéric Parrenin, André Berger, Vladimir Lipenkov, and Héloïse Guilluy

Seasonal temperature reconstructions from ice cores are missing over glacial-interglacial timescales, preventing a good understanding of the driving factors of Antarctic past climate changes. Here we present a new total air content (TAC) record from the Antarctic EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core covering the last 800 thousand of years (ka).

We show that the TAC record is highly correlated with the mean insolation over the local astronomical half-year summer. Benefiting from new climate transient simulations from the Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM covering the past 440 ka, we evidence that the EDC TAC record is correlated with the simulated local summer temperature changes. Hence, our new results suggest that the EDC TAC record could potentially be used as a proxy for local summer temperature changes. We present also preliminary results exploring this link between TAC and past summer local surface temperature at other ice core sites in Antarctica and in Greenland.

Finally, our simulations show that local summer insolation is the primary driver of Antarctic summer surface temperature variations while changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and northern hemisphere ice sheet configurations play a more important role on Antarctic annual surface temperature changes.

How to cite: Capron, E., Raynaud, D., Yin, Q., Wu, Z., Parrenin, F., Berger, A., Lipenkov, V., and Guilluy, H.: Past local summer temperature revealed by the total air content record from the Antarctic EPICA Dome C ice core, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8294,, 2024.

Henrique Traeger, Florian Krauss, Markus Grimmer, Jochen Schmitt, Remo Walther, Samuel Marending, Christoph Reinhard, and Hubertus Fischer

Ice cores represent invaluable tools for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Of particular interest is the gas trapped in air bubbles and clathrates within the ice. It serves as a direct record of the changes to atmospheric composition over the last several 100kyrs. Recently, the University of Bern established joint high precision greenhouse gas (GHG) analyses (CO2, CH4 & N2O concentration, as well as δ13C – CO2) on small ice core samples (15g) thanks to sublimation extraction and multi-beam quantum cascade laser spectrometry.

Although gas bubbles form a direct record of past atmosphere, they are not an unbiased record of past atmosphere. Several processes take place prior and during bubble formation which fractionate gas concentration and gas isotopes, requiring several corrections to be applied (especially for δ13C – CO2 data). These corrections can be achieved by studying the isotope ratios of noble gases and N2. However, this requires a mass spectrometry analysis which would normally call for the use of additional samples. This is problematic for two reasons: first, the corrections applied are most accurate when comparing the various isotope ratios of the same gas sample. Even ice in close proximity is subject to small scale disruptions within the ice and can skew the results. Second, near the bottom of ice cores, glacial thinning – compression of the ice caused by the overlying material – causes thousands of years of ice to be compacted in only one metre, making two different samples, even if adjacent, incomparable.

Hence, the objective of this study is to reuse gas samples which have already undergone laser- spectrometric GHG analysis to implement δ15N – N2 & δ40Ar analysis. We outline the development and building of an apparatus which reuses the previously extracted and analysed air and captures it for mass spectrometry. Sample recapture is achieved using a helium cryostat to cool dip tubes down to approximately 10K. When connected, the gas samples are drawn from the laser spectrometer into said tubes, where they are cryogenically trapped. To avoid interferences from other gases, the samples go through a liquid nitrogen trap to remove the already measured CO2 and N2O. The sample tubes are then disconnected, warmed up to room temperature and brought to an isotope-ratio mass spectrometer for major gas isotope analysis.

Despite significant fractionation of the isotopic composition of major gas compounds (N2, O2, Ar) during the recapture process, the developed method achieves its initial objectives, with a >99% recapture efficiency. It features a δ15N – N2 reproducibility of standard gas measurements of ∼ 10 permeg and an offset of 0.1‰ and ∼ 30 permeg and 0.2‰ for δ40Ar. With this reproducibility, sufficiently precise corrections of the gravitational enrichment of isotopes in the firn column are possible, however temperature reconstructions using thermodiffusion thermometry are not yet possible. Further improvements are thought to be possible to reduce the signal to noise ratio, as well as reducing the offset.

How to cite: Traeger, H., Krauss, F., Grimmer, M., Schmitt, J., Walther, R., Marending, S., Reinhard, C., and Fischer, H.: Recapturing sublimated ice core gas samples & implementing δ15N – N2 mass spectrometry measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9440,, 2024.

Niklas Kappelt, Eric Wolff, Marcus Christl, Christof Vockenhuber, and Raimund Muscheler

The 36Cl/10Be ratio has the potential to be a dating tool for old ice, as it decays with a combined half-life of  years and is thought to be independent of production changes, which affect the individual radionuclide concentrations in ice cores. However, when EDC samples with various ages between the Holocene and 887 kyr BP were analysed, the 36Cl/10Be ratio was found to vary significantly between samples instead of decaying smoothly over time. Due to the different physical and chemical properties of 36Cl and 10Be, different sensitivities to changes in climatic parameters, such as tropopause pressure and precipitation, are potentially the cause of the observed variability. Additionally, chlorine can be lost at low accumulation sites, such as EDC, as it can turn into hydrogen chloride and gas out from the firn. We present new measurements of the 36Cl/10Be ratio from the Skytrain ice core, which should be unaffected by chlorine loss, due to the higher accumulation rate at its drilling site. The measurement series extends below the dated sections of the ice core to test the decay dating and help extend the Skytrain age scale. To analyse differences in transport and deposition between radionuclides, the 36Cl/10Be ratio will also be determined with annual resolution in samples from 1982 – 2013 and compared to several climate parameters of the NOAA/CIRES/DOE 20th century reanalysis (V3) dataset. However, the data of this project are not yet available.

How to cite: Kappelt, N., Wolff, E., Christl, M., Vockenhuber, C., and Muscheler, R.: 36Cl/10Be as a dating tool for old ice, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9695,, 2024.

Fyntan Shaw, Andrew M. Dolman, and Thomas Laepple

Deconvolution has been frequently applied to measured water isotope records, enabling reconstructions of the timeseries before diffusion. The most commonly used method, Wiener deconvolution, aims to optimise the frequencies that are restored while minimising the amplification of the measurement noise, which dominates the high frequency variability in deep ice cores. We investigate the effectiveness of Wiener deconvolution, along with modified approaches, at recovering the original climate signal, with a focus on deep, old ice. We use both real data and surrogate timeseries and apply our methods to the bottom of the Dome C d18O record, with the aim of retrieving millennial timescale variability.

How to cite: Shaw, F., Dolman, A. M., and Laepple, T.: Investigating deconvolution techniques for deep ice core water isotope profile reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10139,, 2024.

Agnese Petteni, Mathieu Casado, Christophe Leroy-Dos Santos, Barbara Stenni, Giuliano Dreossi, Amaelle Landais, Joel Savarino, Andrea Spolaor, Barbara Delmonte, Silvia Becagli, and Massimo Frezzotti

The isotopic composition (δD and δ18O) of snow precipitation, archived in the Antarctic ice sheet every year, is an important proxy of climatic conditions. This signal is observed to be dependent on several parameters including temperature, altitude and distance from the coast. The well-established correlation between water stable isotopes and local temperature - commonly used in paleoclimate reconstructions - is strongly observed in the earlier dataset of Antarctic surface snow isotopic composition (Masson-Delmotte et al. 2008), and the spatial variability of this relationship across the distinct regions of the continent was investigated to improve the use of this proxy.

Here, we aim to explore the temperature vs water stable isotopes on the East Antarctic Plateau characterized by very low snow accumulation. The surface (a few cm average) and bulk (top 1 m average) snow samples were collected as a part of the East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse (EAIIST) in the summer 2019-2020. Our sampling covers the area from Dumont D'Urville to Dome C and the unexplored area from Dome C towards the South Pole.The linear relationship between surface temperature and isotopic composition is completely lost in the latter part of the traverse. This area is subject to strong post-depositional processes such as wind redistribution and sublimation effect (Windcrust and Megadune sites). For this reason, ahead of evaluating the post-depositional effects able to modify surface snow composition, we decided to investigate a priori the snow depositional conditions and processes, which define the original isotope signal over 600 km on the Antarctic Plateau. While geographical parameters are constant, such as the altitude and the distance from the coast (increasing distance from the Indian Ocean but decreasing distance from the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean), we investigate the origin of the air masses for the different sampling sites, observing significant variations moving towards the Megadunes area. The 10-day back trajectories of the air masses were calculated for each sampling site at a 12-hour resolution, spanning from January 2016 to January 2020, using the FLEXPART - FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model. For each sampling site, we estimated the corresponding annual mean footprint. To assign greater weight to air masses responsible for precipitation on the Antarctic Plateau, those footprints are calculated through a weighted average of back-trajectories using the ERA5 precipitation rate.

The different origins can contribute to distinct isotopic signals, despite similar climatic and geographic factors on the East Antarctic Plateau. This divergence poses a challenge in the determination of the post-depositional processes affecting the isotopic composition of snow and in the reliable use of this proxy in reconstructing past temperatures in the context of Antarctic ice core science.

How to cite: Petteni, A., Casado, M., Leroy-Dos Santos, C., Stenni, B., Dreossi, G., Landais, A., Savarino, J., Spolaor, A., Delmonte, B., Becagli, S., and Frezzotti, M.: The Air Mass Back-trajectories: A Key Factor in the Interpretation of Isotopic Depositional Processes on the East Antarctic Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10936,, 2024.

Impact of accumulation rate on firn core water isotopic records from a same region of Adelie Land with high katabatic winds
(withdrawn after no-show)
Elise Fourré, Anaïs Orsi, Titouan Tcheng, Louisa Brückner, Roxanne Jacob, Coralie Lassalle Bernard, Léa Baubant, Olivier Jossoud, Frédéric Prié, Bénédicte Minster, Cécile Agosta, Christophe Leroy-Dos Santos, Mathieu Casado, Vincent Favier, Olivier Magand, Emmanuel Lemeur, Grégory Teste, Alexandre Cauquoin, Martin Werner, and Amaëlle Landais and the ASUMA raid team
Thomas Blunier, Sindhu Vudayagiri, Bo Vinther, Todd Sowers, Johannes Freitag, and Peter L. Langen

Total air content (TAC) from ice cores mainly reflects air pressure when the air is occluded and is therefore a proxy for elevation. However, there are several complications, such as melt, changes in firn structure and air pressure variability.  

We measured TAC in the RECAP ice core drilled in 2015 on the Renland Icecap in East Greenland, currently at an elevation of 2340 m. The upper 529 m of the 584 m core cover the Holocene. There is extensive melting in this part of the core, which is reflected in low air content values. Assuming constant altitude and air pressure, lower TACs at the beginning of the Holocene indicate more melting and therefore higher summer temperatures. Simulations with the regional climate model HIRHAM5 allow us to translate the observed melt fractions into summer temperatures. We conclude that summer temperatures in the early Holocene were ~2 to 3°C warmer than today, in agreement with previous findings in Greenland. The core extends into the Eemian. The air content is very low in this section, indicating excessive melting. Using the same metric as for the Holocene, we conclude that the temperature in the Eemian was at least 5°C higher than today.

The ~22m of glacial ice in RECAP from 11.7 to 119 kyr BP appear to be unaffected by melting. However, we observe large variations in total air content during periods of rapid climate change. In Greenland, similar effects have been found at NGRIP (Eicher et al., 2016). These effects cannot be due to changes in elevation. All the evidence points to a dynamic effect in the firn column that changes the pore volume. If we do not understand these effects, the interpretation of TAC in terms of elevation changes is questioned.

How to cite: Blunier, T., Vudayagiri, S., Vinther, B., Sowers, T., Freitag, J., and Langen, P. L.: Total Air Content measurements from the RECAP core, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13000,, 2024.

Andrei Kurbatov, Edward Brook, Christo Buizert, Theodore Carr, John Fegyveresi, Tyler Fudge, Geoffrey Hargreaves, Todd Hoefen, Liam Kirkpatrick, Curtis Labombard, Richard Nunn, Lindsay Powers, Kevin Rock, and Mikhail Zhizhin

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology has been increasingly used in Earth and planetary sciences. This imaging technique has been successfully tested on ice cores using VNIR (visible and near-infrared, 380-1000 nm) (Garzonio et al., 2018) and near-infrared (900 - 1700 nm) (McDowell et al, 2023)  line-scan cameras. Results show that  HSI data greatly expand ice core line-scan imaging capabilities, previously used with gray or RGB cameras (see summary in Dey et al., 2023). Combinations of selected HSI bands from the hyperspectral data cube improve feature detection in ice core stratigraphy, and map distribution of volcanic material, dust, air bubbles, fractures, and ice crystals in ice cores. Captured spectral information provides unique fingerprints for specific materials present in ice cores. This method helps to guide ice core sampling because it provides non-destructive, rapid visualization of microstructural properties, layering, bubble contents, increases in dust, or presence of  tephra material. Precise identification of these atmospheric components  is important for understanding past climate drivers reconstructed from ice cores. 

As part of the COLDEX project (Brook et al., this meeting) we adapted the SPECIM SisuSCS HSI system for ice core imaging. The ice core scanning system is housed inside the ca. -20ºC main NSF ICF freezer, and externally computer-controlled. The operator monitors scanning operations and communicates with personnel inside of the freezer via radio.  The system is equipped with a SPECIM FX10 camera that measures up to 224 bands in the VNIR range. We modified the ice core holder tray and installed a heated enclosure for the camera. The system uses SCHOTT DCR III Fiber Optic light sources with an OSL2BIR bulb from Thorlabs. IR filters are removed to extend the light spectral range beyond the 700 nm limit without heating the ice core surface during rapid (<5 minutes) scanning of an entire meter-long section. Emitted light enters ice at a 45º angle from two top and two bottom light sources. To calibrate absolute reflectance we use three Spectralon panels with 100, 50 and 20% reflectance values with every scan as well as several secondary reflective standards and USAF targets for geometric corrections. We are developing Python-based open source data processing routines and currently comparing HSI data with existing ice core physical and chemical measurements. The goal is to fully integrate the ice core HSI system with ice core processing at the NSF ICF. 

Dey et al., 2023. Application of Visual Stratigraphy from Line-Scan Images to Constrain Chronology and Melt Features of a Firn Core from Coastal Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology 69(273): 179–90.

Garzonio et al., 2018. A Novel Hyperspectral System for High Resolution Imaging of Ice Cores: Application to Light-Absorbing Impurities and Ice Structure. Cold Regions Science and Technology 155: 47–57.

McDowell et al., 2023. A Cold Laboratory Hyperspectral Imaging System to Map Grain Size and Ice Layer Distributions in Firn Cores. Preprint. Ice sheets/Instrumentation.

How to cite: Kurbatov, A., Brook, E., Buizert, C., Carr, T., Fegyveresi, J., Fudge, T., Hargreaves, G., Hoefen, T., Kirkpatrick, L., Labombard, C., Nunn, R., Powers, L., Rock, K., and Zhizhin, M.: Hyperspectral imaging system for ice core studies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13878,, 2024.

Nao Esashi, Akane Tsushima, Ryu Uemura, Sumito Matoba, Yoshinori Iizuka, Kouji Adachi, Takeshi Kinase, Rijan B. Kayastha, and Koji Fujita

Mineral dust affects climate through direct radiative forcing by scattering and absorbing solar radiation in the atmosphere and by accelerating snow and ice melting through reduced albedo when deposited on snow surfaces. The concentration and composition of dust deposited on glaciers reflect the surface conditions of the source regions and atmospheric conditions during transportation. Dust records in ice cores provide insights into historical atmospheric and land surface environments. However, ice cores drilled in high-altitude Himalayan glaciers are limited. To investigate historical variations in dust concentration in the Himalayas, we conducted ice core drilling at an elevation of 5862m on the Trambau Glacier in the Rolwaling region of the Nepal Himalaya. The ice core, covering 146 years (1874-2019), was dated using seasonal variations in NO3- and Ca2+. The 81-m ice core was divided into 1637 samples (~5 cm interval), and dust concentration (particle size ranging from 0.6 to 10.0 µm) was measured using the Coulter Counter Multisizer TM3. The Trambau ice core exhibits a higher dust concentration than the other Himalayan ice cores, particularly with an abundance of small particles (<2 µm in diameter). This suggests that the dust concentration in the Trambau ice core are mainly controlled by the supply of small particles from relatively distant regions. Furthermore, the dust concentration shows periodic fluctuations with a 20-30-year cycle, consistent with the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO). This suggests a connection between the environmental changes (precipitation, temperature, and land surface conditions) in the dust source regions and AMO.

How to cite: Esashi, N., Tsushima, A., Uemura, R., Matoba, S., Iizuka, Y., Adachi, K., Kinase, T., Kayastha, R. B., and Fujita, K.: Atmospheric dust record preserved in an ice core from Trambau Glacier, Nepal Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14084,, 2024.

Saaya Hamamoto, Sumito Matoba, Kaoru Kawakami, Mahiro Sasage, Mai Matsumoto, Kei Yoshimura, Atsushi Okazaki, Hayoung Bong, Yoshinori Iizuka, and Ryu Uemura

Ice core ages have been typically determined by counting the layer boundaries of various proxies that represent annual cycles. Some studies in Greenland have identified winter and summer layers, but it is difficult to identify them at higher resolutions (several months resolution) in ice cores drilled at sites with low accumulation rates due to diffusion. Furukawa et al. (2017) proposed a precise age model by matching the oxygen isotope (δ18O) pattern of precipitation isotope between ice core record and isotope-incorporated general circulation models. They applied this dating method to the SE-Dome I (SE1) ice core drilled from a high snow accumulation area (1.02 m w.e. a-1) in southeast Greenland. However, the SE1 core covered for the past 60 years only. Here, we report the age scale based on δ18O data of the SE-Dome II (SE2) ice core (length: 250.79 m) drilled in 2021 in southeast Greenland. The δ18O was analyzed using a cavity ring-down spectrometer (L2130-i, Picarro) with a precision (1σ) of ±0.04‰. The SE2 core δ18O highly correlated with the SE1 core δ18O (r = 0.90), suggesting that the within-year peaks in the SE core are climatic signals. The age scale was created using the SE1 core method, but for this study, we used iso-GSM nudged to historical reanalysis data (20CRv2) for 1870-1979 and created a longer age scale. There was a high correlation between the ice core data and the model (r = 0.76), and by matching the within-year patterns (typically negative peaks during the warm season). Based on this age scale, we analyzed the day on which the maximum and minimum peaks of the mean H2O2 concentration data (Kawakami et al., 2023). The maximum and minimum of H2O2 concentrations for 1980-2020 were estimated on July 20 and January 7, respectively.


Furukawa, R. et al. , Seasonal-Scale Dating of a Shallow Ice Core From Greenland Using Oxygen Isotope Matching Between Data and Simulation, Journal of Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, 122, 20, 10,873-10,887, 2017,
Kawakami, K., et al., SE-Dome II Ice Core Dating With Half-Year Precision: Increasing Melting Events From 1799 to 2020 in Southeastern Greenland, Journal of Geophys. Res.  Atmospheres, 128, 20, 2023,

How to cite: Hamamoto, S., Matoba, S., Kawakami, K., Sasage, M., Matsumoto, M., Yoshimura, K., Okazaki, A., Bong, H., Iizuka, Y., and Uemura, R.: Seasonally Resolved Age Scale based on Oxygen Isotope Record from SE-Dome II Ice Core, Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14086,, 2024.

Giuliano Dreossi, Mauro Masiol, Daniele Zannoni, Claudio Scarchilli, Virginia Ciardini, Paolo Grigioni, Massimo Del Guasta, and Barbara Stenni

An exceptional heatwave impacted on East Antarctica between March 15 and 19, 2022, causing some of the highest temperature anomalies ever measured on Earth. The heat transport was associated to an atmospheric river bringing a moisture flux from lower latitudes to inner Antarctica. Several locations, from coastal sites to the high Antarctic Plateau, experienced record temperatures. The air temperature measured at Concordia Station by the automatic weather station of the Italian Antarctic national research program (PNRA) reached a maximum of -11.7°C.

The temperature signal is imprinted in the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of precipitation: this is what allows paleoclimate reconstructions from the isotopic records in ice cores, although post-depositional processes such as the interactions between snow and atmosphere and within the snow column might affect the pristine isotopic signal.

Since 2008, precipitations have been collected daily at Concordia Station for δ18O and δD measurements; the activities have been carried out under the PNRA project WHETSTONE and will continue in the framework of the PNRA project AIR-FLOC. Isotopic values from 2008 to 2021 range between -82.63‰ and -26.97‰ for δ18O and between -595.1‰ and -223.0‰ for δD, while water stable isotope data from February to April 2022, show unprecedented high values (δ18O =-18.97‰, δD=-147.9‰), the highest recorded over the last 15 years, in correspondence to the exceptional temperatures and snow precipitations. Moreover, the daily snowfall collected during the same period reached a cumulative value of ~4.3 mm w.e. representing ~18% of the 2022 cumulative annual value (24.1 mm w.e.)

How to cite: Dreossi, G., Masiol, M., Zannoni, D., Scarchilli, C., Ciardini, V., Grigioni, P., Del Guasta, M., and Stenni, B.: The March 2022 exceptional heatwave recorded in the isotopic composition of precipitation at Dome C, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15921,, 2024.

Cécile Agosta, Christophe Leroy-Dos Santos, Elise Fourré, Mathieu Casado, Alexandre Cauquoin, Martin Werner, and Amaëlle Landais

Extreme precipitation events (EPE), defined as the top 10% of daily precipitation amounts, play a major role in Antarctica surface mass balance as they account for more than 40% of the total annual precipitation across the continent. These EPEs are often associated with high temperatures and have major consequences on the Antarctic surface mass balance. Though, it is key to estimate their recent evolution in terms of frequency and intensity in the context of climate change. As water stable isotopic composition of firn cores is known to record the temperature signal modulated by precipitation intermittency, and to be imprinted as well as by the large-scale atmospheric circulation, we can ask if EPEs could be detected in firn cores thanks to a particular isotopic signature.

In this study we construct Virtual Firn Cores (VFC) across Antarctica to investigate how winter EPEs can be misinterpreted as summer maxima in firn cores. We create VFC using (1) temperature, precipitation rate and a linear temperature-d18O relationship from atmospheric regional model MAR, (2) d18O in precipitation from ECHAM6-wiso and (3) d18O in precipitation from LMDZ6-iso, for the period 1979-2022. Additionally to standard VFCs, we generate a second set of VFCs excluding each year the highest winter precipitation event (5-days period). We then run a detection algorithm to find local maxima for both sets of VFCs. We observe some regions with nearly 20% more “summer” detected in standard VFCs compared to VFCs without the winter maximum precipitation event. We argue that firn cores drilled in those regions are more likely to contain isotopic signals that could be used to detect EPEs temporal variability.

How to cite: Agosta, C., Leroy-Dos Santos, C., Fourré, E., Casado, M., Cauquoin, A., Werner, M., and Landais, A.: Extreme precipitation events in firn core isotopic records: where to find the best drilling site?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15991,, 2024.

Rachael Rhodes, Yvan Bollet-Quivogne, Daniel Clarke, Piers Barnes, and Eric Wolff

To extract climatically relevant chemical signals from the deepest, oldest ice in the polar ice sheets, we must first understand the degree to which chemical ions diffuse within solid ice. Volcanic sulfate peaks are the ideal target for such an investigation because they have a uniform peak shape at deposition. Processes of chemical diffusion and ice sheet thinning modify sulfate peak shapes with depth/age in an ice core. Our previous work developed a forward model, which simulates sulfate peak evolution in the ice sheet, and identifies the optimum effective diffusion rate for individual peaks. Analysis of the EPICA Dome C (EDC) sulfate record over the last 450 kyr suggests that the rate of sulfate diffusion is initially relatively rapid (2.4 ± 1.7 x 10-7 m2yr-1 median for Holocene ice) and slows down over time to rates on the order of 1 x 10-8 m2 yr-1 or less. We hypothesize this may result from a switch in the mechanism of diffusion resulting from the changing location of sulfate ions within the ice microstructure. Here we apply our forward model to three other ice cores: NGRIP (Greenland), EDML (East Antarctica) and WAIS Divide (West Antarctica) to determine sulfate diffusion rates and their evolution over depth/age. These ice cores are different to each other, and to EDC, in terms of their temperature profiles, ice grain size evolution and dust loading, all factors which may influence sulfate diffusion rates.

How to cite: Rhodes, R., Bollet-Quivogne, Y., Clarke, D., Barnes, P., and Wolff, E.: Comparison of effective diffusion rates in multiple ice cores, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17285,, 2024.

Johannes Freitag and Michael Salamon

In this study we report on the first continuous records of three dimensional firn structure reconstructions using archive pieces of firn cores that cover the whole depth range of firn starting from surface down to the transition to bubbly ice. The CT-measurements have been performed on 1m-core segments with the means of the AWI-X-ray-computer tomograph especially designed for ice applications. Flyby recording in helical mode under a time-optimized measurement protocol enabled us to reduce the scanning time to 25 minutes per meter firn. The reconstructed volumes have a spatial resolution of 120 µm, giving about 1 million cross-section images per firn core. The analytical work flow includes three steps of pre-processing with denoising, image segmentation and a manual check for outliers at break positions and a layer-wise (5.5 mm thick) calculation of several geometrical parameters like density, ice and pore cluster sizes, intercept lengths, autocorrelation functions, structural anisotropy, Euler number (connectivity), coordination number, bubble number density, closed and open porosity.

The method was applied to archive pieces of EGRIP-S6 (firn air pumping site, 2018, North-East-Greenland, 75.6°N ,35.9°W), B40 (Kohnen station, 2013, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, 75.0°S, 0.1°E) and B51 (CoFi-Traverse 2013, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, 75.1°S ,15.4°E). Temperature and accumulation rates at the different core sites vary between -30°C and -50°C and 130 mm w.eq./a and 40 mm w.eq./a respectively. The selected sites cover a wide range of recent environmental conditions of polar regions.

In this contribution we present several fundamental relationships between the derived geometrical parameters. The evolution of firn structure with depth will be discussed in respect to the dominant processes acting at different sintering/densification stages. The potential value for densification modelling, gas transport and enclosure modelling will be highlighted.

How to cite: Freitag, J. and Salamon, M.: Digital twins – fast flyby-X-ray CT measurements of polar firn, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17500,, 2024.

Inès Ollivier, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Barbara Stenni, Giuliano Dreossi, Mathieu Casado, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Alexandre Cauquoin, Martin Werner, and Amaëlle Landais

The ability to infer past temperatures from ice core records has in the past relied on the assumption that after precipitation, the stable water isotopic composition of the snow surface layer is not modified before being buried deeper into the snowpack and transformed into ice. However, in extremely dry environments, such as the East Antarctic plateau, the precipitation is so sparse that the surface is exposed to the atmosphere for significant time before burial. Several processes have been recently identified as impacting the snow isotopic composition after snowfall, including moisture exchanges between the snow and the lower atmosphere, wind effects and diffusion inside the snowpack.

Here we present the result of a study that combines existing and new datasets of the precipitation, snow surface and subsurface isotopic compositions (δ18O and d-excess), meteorological parameters, ERA5 reanalysis products, outputs from the isotope-enabled climate model ECHAM6-wiso and a simple modelling approach to investigate the transfer function of water stable isotopes from precipitation to the snow surface and subsurface at Dome C, East Antarctica. We find that (i) moisture fluxes at the surface of the ice sheet lead to a net sublimation of snow throughout the year, from 3.1 to 3.7 mm water equivalent over the 2018-2021 period, (ii) the precipitation isotopic signal only cannot account for the intra-annual to seasonal variability observed in the snow isotopic composition and (iii) the cumulative impact of post-depositional processes at the surface over five years lead to an enrichment in δ18O of the snow surface by 3.3‰ and a lowering of the snow d-excess by 3.5‰ compared to the precipitation isotopic signal. This study reinforces previous findings about the complexity and multiple origin of the snow isotopic composition at Dome C and provides a first step toward a quantitative attribution of the different processes building up of the isotopic signal in the snow surface that is crucial for the interpretation of isotopic records from ice cores.

How to cite: Ollivier, I., Steen-Larsen, H. C., Stenni, B., Dreossi, G., Casado, M., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Cauquoin, A., Werner, M., and Landais, A.: Surface processes and drivers of the snow water stable isotopic composition at Dome C, East Antarctica – a multi-datasets and modelling analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17885,, 2024.

Thomas Laepple, Nora Hirsch, Alexandra Zuhr, and Fyntan Shaw

The temperature distribution through the ice sheet is a record of past climate changes. This allows reconstructing the past surface temperature history from the vertical temperature profile measured in a borehole (‘borehole palaeothermometry’). Such a reconstruction from the inversion of the heat advection-diffusion equation is independent from the analysis of oxygen isotopes in the ice but requires high-precision measurements of the borehole-temperature on the milli-Kelvin level. 

The precision and accuracy of the measurements is influenced by the spatial and temporal (seasonal to multi-hour) variations of the borehole temperature, the influence of the measurement setup (disturbance of the temperature profile from the borehole or snow pit drilling), the heat transfer between the ice/snow and the sensor as well as the uncertainty of the measurements (depth uncertainty and sensor precision and accuracy).  

Here, we report on our efforts to quantify these uncertainties of near surface (10m) firn and shallow (~200m) borehole temperature measurements using a newly developed winch-based borehole measurement system as well as stationary chains of borehole/firn temperature sensors at replicate sites near the EDML drilling site, Antarctica.

How to cite: Laepple, T., Hirsch, N., Zuhr, A., and Shaw, F.: Minimizing the uncertainty in shallow borehole-temperature logging, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18685,, 2024.

Isobel Rowell, Thomas Bauska, Emma Fisher, Ivo Strawson, and Rachael Rhodes

Measurements of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in ice cores have provided invaluable data, offering insights into the role of GHGs in the climate system over millennia. While previous research has successfully employed continuous analysis techniques to achieve high resolution records of methane (CH4) variations, analyses of nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have historically been limited to discrete, dry-extraction, measurements due to the gases’ high solubility. Obtaining records of centennial-scale (or finer) variability in N2O and CO2, akin to that of CH4, necessitates a new approach. In this work, we employ a new laser spectrometer designed for low flow rates, accompanied by a novel, custom-built gas extraction unit, to re-extract dissolved N2O and CO2 from a synthetic melt-stream. We modify physical parameters at the gas extraction site, controlling temperature, downstream pressure and flow rate. Through optimisation of these parameters, we aim to achieve a high and consistent rate of extraction. Our findings demonstrate the potential of these developments in improving re-extraction of N2O and CO2 to obtain more accurate concentrations from analysis of a mock continuous ice core melt stream. This work marks a step towards refining and applying the method to an Antarctic ice core, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the finer scale palaeoclimatic variations of all major GHGs.

How to cite: Rowell, I., Bauska, T., Fisher, E., Strawson, I., and Rhodes, R.: Towards continuous ice core measurements of N2O and CO2, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19981,, 2024.

Helena Pryer, Margareta Hansson, Hubertus Fischer, Rachael Rhodes, Andrea Burke, James Rae, Gabor Újvári, Alexandra Turchyn, Robert Mulvaney, and Eric Wolff

The sulfur (S) isotope composition of ice cores represents a novel proxy to quantify variability in the sources of atmospheric sulfate. Sulfate aerosols exert a crucial but highly uncertain feedback on the climate system, acting as cloud condensation nuclei and scattering incoming solar radiation. Ice cores from Antarctica indicate that the majority of sulfate aerosols are sourced from marine biogenic activity, with little variability in emissions between glacial and interglacial periods. However, there are currently no published S isotope studies from the Arctic extending beyond the Common Era, and it is unclear how processes could differ between hemispheres. We present a high-resolution S isotope record of the NEEM ice core from Greenland, covering an entire glacial cycle from 0-128 ka BP. S isotope values appear to co-vary with the climate, exhibiting far lighter isotopic compositions during the Last Glacial compared to the Holocene or Last Interglacial. Systematic variability of S isotope values across Dansgaard–Oeschger events and strong linear relationships with water isotope compositions and calcium concentrations of the ice are also observed. We interpret these trends to show climatically controlled changes in the key sources of sulfate reaching the NEEM ice core site. During peak glacial conditions, the budget is dominated by sulfate sourced from terrestrial dust and volcanic emissions, with a negligible marine biogenic component. This finding suggests that we can use S isotopes to identify time periods when the source region for marine biogenic emissions reaching Greenland may have been completely ice-covered. Overall, this study provides new insights into the processes controlling sulfate aerosols in the Arctic and how the S cycle interacts with the climate.

How to cite: Pryer, H., Hansson, M., Fischer, H., Rhodes, R., Burke, A., Rae, J., Újvári, G., Turchyn, A., Mulvaney, R., and Wolff, E.: Sulfur isotope compositions of the NEEM ice core reveal glacial-interglacial and millennial-scale variability in the sources of sulfate aerosols , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21625,, 2024.

Piers Larkman, Nicolas Stoll, Rachael Rhodes, Carlo Barbante, Barbara Stenni, Geunwoo Lee, Chantal Zeppenfeld, Hubertus Fischer, Martin Šala, and Pascal Bohleber

Ice that will be extracted from close to the bedrock of the Antarctic ice sheet during the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice (BE-OI) project is expected to have more than 14,000 years of climatic information contained in a single vertical meter of ice. High-resolution analysis is required to extract meaningful climate signals from the impurities contained in this ice. This analysis should be comparable to the currently established continuous flow analysis (CFA) approach, which acquires a 1-dimensional impurity signal at approximately centimetre resolution. To date, it has been shown that smoothed high-resolution profiles taken using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) are comparable to CFA signals. However, the physical origin of this link needs to be better understood, especially in view of the imprint of the impurities on the ice crystal matrix recently revealed by 2D imaging on the micron scale.

Here we present a framework to generate and explore 3-dimensional models mapping the location of soluble impurities within ice samples. This framework helps link experimentally acquired smoothed LA-ICP-MS profiles, 2-dimensional LA-ICP-MS maps of impurities, and CFA data. The conceptual step into 3-dimensions allows exploration of the distortions of the climate signal due to interactions of impurities with the ice matrix. In shallow ice with relatively small grains and well resolved stratigraphy, this distortion is likely not significant enough to compromise analysis that takes large sample volumes with large mixing, such as seen during CFA. In order to extract signals in deep ice with large crystal sizes and dense layering, where this distortion will be most relevant, we find that carefully designed LA-ICP-MS experiments coupled with post-processing upscaling techniques are required. For a test against experimental data, this work is now being applied to a comparative study involving Antarctic ice measured with both CFA and LA-ICP-MS systems to prove its application to shallower, better-understood ice intervals. Ultimately, the goal is to develop a combination of cm-scale CFA, micron-scale LA-ICP-MS imaging and 3D modelling that will provide key insight on the impurity-related climate signals in deep ice at the BEOI core and elsewhere.

How to cite: Larkman, P., Stoll, N., Rhodes, R., Barbante, C., Stenni, B., Lee, G., Zeppenfeld, C., Fischer, H., Šala, M., and Bohleber, P.: A new 3D approach to linking high-resolution analysis on impurities for application to deep ice, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16818,, 2024.

Andreas Plach, Sabine Eckhardt, Ignacio Pisso, Nathan Chellman, Joseph R. McConnell, and Andreas Stohl

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is an air pollutant which can have harmful effects on both human health and the environment. Furthermore, SO2 also contributes to climate change — SO2 emissions form sulfate aerosols that act as cloud condensation nuclei, increasing cloud formation and decreasing solar radiation reaching the surface. An accurate knowledge of past SO2 emissions is therefore essential to quantify and model the associated global climate forcing. Current bottom-up SO2 emission inventories used for historical Earth System Modeling (ESM) are poorly constrained by observations prior to the late 20th century.

Here we revisit and evaluate the historical SO2 emission inventories of the last 150 years used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). Our emission reconstruction is based on an inversion technique employing an array of ice core records of deposited sulfur and atmospheric transport/deposition modeling. The inversion technique minimizes discrepancies between the spatial-temporal patterns of emission inventories and the observed deposition at the ice core sites.

We find substantial differences between reconstructed SO2 emissions and existing bottom-up inventories which do not fully capture the spatial-temporal emission patterns. Our results imply that changes to existing historical emission inventories might be necessary in order to ensure an accurate modeling of the Earth’s climate sensitivity within future ESM simulations.

How to cite: Plach, A., Eckhardt, S., Pisso, I., Chellman, N., McConnell, J. R., and Stohl, A.: Evaluation of historical SO2 emissions based on an inversion of ice core records using atmospheric transport modeling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2650,, 2024.

Jack Saville, Elsa Gautier, Joël Savarino, and Alexis Lamothe

Innovative enhancements to the bioanalytical Orbitrap mass spectrometer now allow quantification of stable isotope ratios of soluble species. The novel technique, known as Orbitrap-iso, enables deeper-than-ever isotopic analysis of ice core oxyanions, including nitrate and sulfate.

On paper, the Orbitrap-iso methodology presents a compelling alternative to the established Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) approach for quantification of isotope ratios of ice core oxyanions. Unlike IRMS, which necessitates the conversion of nitrate samples into gases (N2, O2) for analysis, Orbitrap-iso directly measures isotopologue ratios on intact ions in liquid solution. This streamlined process significantly simplifies sample preparation and enables additional quantification of enrichments in multiply-substituted (clumped) isotopologues in ice core oxyanions. These enrichments can offer valuable insights into the historical oxidative environment of Earth's atmosphere.

Moreover, Orbitrap-iso boasts the capability to deliver simultaneous measurements of multiple isotopologue ratios from minuscule sample quantities, as low as nanomoles. This requirement represents a monumental reduction in sample size compared to IRMS, empowering the extraction of higher temporal resolution records from ice cores.

Despite these notable advantages of the Orbitrap-iso method, questions linger regarding its accuracy, reproducibility, and precision relative to the long-established industry standard, IRMS. In an effort to validate the quality of Orbitrap-iso isotopologue ratio measurements, our study rigorously compares the analysis of identical ice core nitrate samples using both systems, aiming to establish a ground truth for the Orbitrap-iso methodology.

How to cite: Saville, J., Gautier, E., Savarino, J., and Lamothe, A.: Ground-truthing the performance of Orbitrap-iso for ice core nitrate stable isotope ratios by comparison to traditional Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5349,, 2024.

Nicolas Stoll, Piers Larkman, David Clases, Raquel Gonzalez de Vega, Elena Di Stefano, Barbara Delmonte, Carlo Barbante, and Pascal Bohleber

Ice cores can supply high-resolution insights into abrupt changes within the climate system. The RECAP ice core from the Renland ice cap, East Greenland, contains a substantial variety in dust particle size throughout its record, reaching back to the Eemian. Changes in dust particle sizes have been shown to reflect smaller ice cap extent during interglacial periods. Thus, local dust sources are only periodically available and can be characterised by large dust particles. For abrupt changes during the last glacial period, it is necessary to disentangle the potential imprint of dust sources and the role of snow accumulation. To better understand dust chemistry and size changes at high resolution, we apply several analytical methods in an ongoing investigation: Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) 2D imaging, coulter counter (CC), time-of-flight single particle analysis (SP ICP-TOFMS), and Low- Background Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (LB-INAA). We show that high-resolution (10-40 µm) 2D chemical images, focusing on Na, Al, Mg, and Fe, reveal the clustering of particles in the microstructure and a species-dependent preferred localisation. Subsequent measurements, taken where possible on the same samples provide new insoluble particle size and concentration data (CC) and further in-depth elemental characterisation of the dust particles (LB-INAA). Furthermore, first results from SP analyses display their potential for ice core research regarding largely unexplored areas, such as the characterisation of rare earth elements of dust deposited in Greenland. The expertise and insight on high-resolution dust chemistry and size gained during this multi-method approach on ice with partly highly thinned annual layers will eventually be crucial for interpreting the dust signal stored in future Antarctic ice cores reaching back up to 1.5 Myr.

How to cite: Stoll, N., Larkman, P., Clases, D., Gonzalez de Vega, R., Di Stefano, E., Delmonte, B., Barbante, C., and Bohleber, P.: Characterising dust particles in the RECAP ice core with a multi-method approach to investigate abrupt climate changes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9596,, 2024.

Clara Mangili, Barbara Delmonte, Roberta Pini, Claudio Artoni, Giovanni Baccolo, Llorenç Cremonesi, Elena Di Stefano, Deborah Fiorini, and Valter Maggi

Paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental stratigraphic reconstructions from temperate glaciers are hindered by surface melting and ice metamorphism, which cause mobilization and concentration of impurities, as well as their interaction through englacial reactions.

Despite meltwater intrusions, other impurities such as pollen grains and other palynomorphs remain to their original depth of deposition thanks to their large grain-size. Temperate glaciers close to vegetated areas, therefore, can include palynomorphs of different types that i) can be reliable annual markers for ice-core dating and, ii) allow reconstructing paleoenvironmental changes through time.

The Adamello Glacier (Central Alps, Italy) is a temperate glacier that extends over ca 14.35 km2 (2020) at elevations ranging between 2560 and 3420 m a.s.l. In the framework of the CLIMADA Project, a 224 m long ice core (ADA 270) was recovered in 2021 from Pian di Neve, the summit plateau at about 3200 m a.s.l. in the accumulation area of the glacier. Preliminary estimates date the surface ice of the glacier to the 1980s while the bottom of the core might be Medieval in age. Radionuclide-based dating (3H, 14C, 137Cs, 210Pb) is in progress.

The multiproxy approach adopted in this study includes black carbon, dust grain size and mineralogy, oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes and palynomorphs, these last being the main object of this work. Given the site location, the palaeoecological signal is believed to be of regional significance.

Despite the stratigraphy may not be preserved for some soluble chemical species, the core contains a high variety of palynomorphs, which allow the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variations at subannual resolution. The mean ice accumulation rate is about 0.9 m w.eq. yr-1. Consequently, the mean sampling resolution adopted for the palynomorph study is 0.1 m, increased to 0.01 m in specific intervals. Palynomorphs are mainly found in layers representing the spring-summer deposition while their concentration is very low during other periods of the year. Pollen grains, spores, diatom frustules, phytoliths and charcoals characterize the spring-summer layers; glass shards of volcanic origin and green algae have been observed in few intervals. Sporadic but massive Saharan dust events, carrying characteristic dust particles and pollen of African provenance, were identified throughout the core. The comparison between these intervals and the historical “red rain” events in Northern Italy will help better constraining the ice core dating.

At ca 66 m depth, an ice interval characterized by a high impurity content has been investigated at 0.01 m resolution. Different palynomorphs are recorded in this interval, implying a quasi-continuous presence of humans and animals on the glacier for few years. Preliminary results link these layers to World War I, intensively fought between Italians and Austro-Hungarians on the slopes surrounding the Pian di Neve. The comparison between historical, archeological and ice core data allow delineating, at subannual resolution, the climate and environmental changes that characterized those years.

How to cite: Mangili, C., Delmonte, B., Pini, R., Artoni, C., Baccolo, G., Cremonesi, L., Di Stefano, E., Fiorini, D., and Maggi, V.: The Adamello Glacier: paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variations at subannual resolution, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11175,, 2024.

Francois Burgay, Thomas Singer, Daniil Salionov, Dmitrii Sharkov, Anja Eichler, Theo Jenk, Sabine Bruetsch, Carla Huber, Alexander Vogel, Elena Barbaro, Niccolo Maffezzoli, Federico Scoto, Elisabeth Isaksson, Librada Ramirez, Sasa Bjelic, and Margit Schwikowski

Organic aerosols make up to 70-90% of the total aerosol mass, yet ice-core studies have predominantly focused on a limited set of compounds or bulk fractions altogether. Previous investigations have centered on biomass burning tracers, marine phytoplankton oxidation products, low molecular weight carboxylic acids and persistent organic pollutants, leaving a large majority of molecules unidentified. Advances in high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) have recently enabled the exploration of a wider chemical space through the development of non-target screening (NTS) workflows.

In this work, we present three applications of a novel NTS method. Designed to detect secondary organic aerosol compounds in ice-core and snow samples, the method has contributed to a more comprehensive characterization of past molecular aerosol composition and has supported the development of new molecular proxies. Initially, the method was applied to the Belukha ice core (Siberian Altai, 4072 m. a.s.l.) between 1830 and 1980 CE, providing the first NTS ice-core record that embraces both the pre-industrial and industrial periods. More than 400 compounds were identified, and a clear anthropogenic fingerprint was recognized over the industrial period. Subsequently, the ice core samples from Colle Gnifetti (Switzerland, 4500 m. a.s.l.) covering the period from 1750 to 2000 CE were analyzed. Here, a smaller number of molecules was detected (≈200), consistent with the lower concentrations of dissolved organic carbon observed at this site. In both cores, most of the molecules are composed of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) and are associated with atmospheric oxidation of monoterpenes and isoprenes (e.g., succinic acid, pinic acid, azelaic acid). The industrial onset was characterized by an increase in nitrogen and sulfur containing compounds, likely due to the atmospheric reactions with anthropogenic NOx and  SO2. The higher occurrence of compounds with higher O/C ratios during the industrial period observed at both locations, suggests an increase in the atmosphere oxidative capacity. Lastly, the method was applied to 56 snow samples collected in springtime close to Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago) and covering both pre- and phytoplankton bloom periods. Together with marine observations of algal bloom, the NTS results suggest promising evidence towards new ice-core marine productivity proxies for long-term reconstructions.

How to cite: Burgay, F., Singer, T., Salionov, D., Sharkov, D., Eichler, A., Jenk, T., Bruetsch, S., Huber, C., Vogel, A., Barbaro, E., Maffezzoli, N., Scoto, F., Isaksson, E., Ramirez, L., Bjelic, S., and Schwikowski, M.: Non-target screening analysis on ice and snow samples: a new opportunity to enhance our understanding on past and present atmospheric aerosol composition., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11478,, 2024.

Julien Westhoff, Paul Bons, Nicolas Stoll, Ilka Weikusat, Chantal Zeppenfeld, Tobias Erhardt, and Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

The EastGRIP ice core is drilled through the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, which has a surface velocity of 55 m/yr towards NNE at the drill site. Deriving a better understanding of internal deformation and the rheology within an ice stream is crucial for ice flow models and projections of future solid ice discharge. We use the line scanner to make the stratigraphy visible and document disturbances in the layering in the depth region from 1375 to 2120 m covering a large part of the Glacial Period. Disturbances are visible in cuts perpendicular to the ice flow direction, and not in cuts parallel to flow. Between these two extremes, we have a gradual change in type and amount of disturbances. As with all other ice cores, the ice in the EastGRIP ice core is thinned vertically. Due to the advanced thinning of layers, it is clear that the visible structures are not the remnants of surface features, such as sastrugi.  However, the disturbances, or deformation structures, are the result of strain caused by the stress field at the EastGRIP site, which is described by a compressional component perpendicular to and an extensional component parallel to the ice flow direction. In most samples cut perpendicular to ice flow, i.e. with the compressional setting visible, we find structures, very similar to geological duplex structures. We identify duplex structures extending the width of the core by the sudden change of layer tilt within one bag at a time. Duplex structures are confined by layer parallel shear zones, with tilted layers in between them. The small-scale shear zones only become evident due to the deformation they cause and can extend well beyond these visible structures. We furthermore suggest, that shear zones are present parallel to layering, but do not show up, as a lateral displacement of layers, does not disrupt the vertical profiles. We discuss one example, from a depth of 1651 m (26 ky b2k), in detail. We further investigate approx. 30 m of chemical CFA data, mainly NH4+ and Ca++, from the same depth. We find peaks that double, in both the visual stratigraphy as well as the CFA data. These may be a result of the duplex structures that stack the stratigraphy and have the potential to disturb the climate record. Our results display the importance of understanding internal deformation when interpreting the climate record.

How to cite: Westhoff, J., Bons, P., Stoll, N., Weikusat, I., Zeppenfeld, C., Erhardt, T., and Dahl-Jensen, D.: Duplex Structures in the EastGRIP Ice Core - the Loss of Stratigraphic Integrity, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15771,, 2024.

Miguel Sanchez Moreno, André Lamott, Sepp Kipfstuhl, and Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

The physical properties of ice crystals are strongly related to the flow and deformation of ice. This has been established by detecting crystal size and crystal orientation on 10cm x 10cm thin sections of ice through many of the deep ice cores by microstructure mapping. This method maps etch grooves on polished and sublimated surfaces at microscopic resolution generated by the Extra Large Area Scanning Microscope (xLASM) and allows for a detailed investigation of deformation-induced microstructural features. 

Here, we carry out a detailed examination of the microstructural features present along 25 meters of ice within the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling project (NEEM). The study analyzes ice from 2003 meters to 2028 meters in depth, covering three abrupt events (GI-19.2, GS-20, and GI-20) within the Last Glacial Maximum. In combination with fabric measurements and borehole logging data, we aim to understand shifts in ice rheology and flow dynamics during these abrupt events. 

How to cite: Sanchez Moreno, M., Lamott, A., Kipfstuhl, S., and Dahl-Jensen, D.: Microstructural insights during Abrupt events, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16768,, 2024.

Geunwoo Lee, Tobias Erhardt, Chantal Zeppenfeld, Piers Larkman, Pascal Bohleber, and Hubertus Fischer

The single particle inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometer (sp-ICP-TOFMS, model: icpTOF R from TOFWERK, Switzerland) coupled to the Bern continuous flow analysis (CFA) has demonstrated its ability to resolve signals of individual insoluble particles in the meltwater. This offers valuable insights into the characteristics of mineral dust obtained from the elemental composition of the mineral dust as - in contrast to bulk analyses - it allows deciphering of the complete elemental range of particle composition, which can be a mixture of different minerals (Erhardt et al. 2019). 

To apply this new technique for the first time to sections of an Antarctic ice core covering several glacial and interglacial stages, we conducted aerosol chemical CFA measurements on a selection of 18 Antarctic EPICA Dome C (EDC) 55 cm ice core sections, from both glacial and interglacial periods over the last 800 kyr using CFA-sp-ICP-TOFMS.

We present the new preliminary results of our CFA campaign with a nominal 55 cm bag mean resolution (or 110 cm where two consecutive bags were measured). The depth resolution corresponds to a time period in the range of 40 to 602 years of precipitation history in the Holocene, the last glacial period, and various marine isotope stages (MIS 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, and 18). Our goal is to extract detailed information about changes in climate and environmental conditions from individual elemental mineral dust particles. We compare the element-bearing particle number concentration (PNC) measured with sp-ICP-TOFMS for both major and minor crustal elements to the dust PNC optically measured with a laser absorption particle sensor (Abakus from Klotz, Germany), irrespective of its elemental composition, providing a complementary perspective. Furthermore, we examine the variability of dust composition using the elemental mass ratio of individual mineral dust particles during different warm and cold periods.

How to cite: Lee, G., Erhardt, T., Zeppenfeld, C., Larkman, P., Bohleber, P., and Fischer, H.: Exploration of elemental details of single mineral dust particles in the EPICA Dome C ice core during interglacial and glacial periods, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17433,, 2024.

Eirini Malegiannaki, Daniele Zannoni, Pascal Bohleber, Ciprian Stremtan, Agnese Petteni, Barbara Stenni, Carlo Barbante, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, and Vasileios Gkinis

Addressing the intricate challenges of water isotope analysis in polar ice cores, especially in extracting detailed climate records from older and thinner ice layers, the innovative integration of Laser Ablation (LA) with Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) is introduced. The micro-destructive LA technique, which employs a nanosecond excimer pulsed laser operating at 193 nm for ice surface irradiation, demonstrates potential in achieving continuous, high-resolution sampling and gas phase sample generation, complementing the CRDS analyzer's precision in measuring water isotopes in gaseous state. Recent advancements include the successful adaptation of an existing LA system, previously coupled with an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) for ice core impurity analysis, to establish a connection with the CRDS analyzer. This was accomplished by making adjustments to the coupling procedure and laser parameters, to ensure efficient gas sample generation and robust delivery for water isotope analysis. A method for creating ice standard samples by transforming liquid water standards into ice yielded ice isotope standards, crucial for setting up initial measurement protocols. Their implementation on both standard ice samples and sections of ice cores revealed valuable insights into areas for improvement. This represents a significant step towards establishing a reliable method for high-quality water isotope analysis in ice cores, aiming to significantly enrich our understanding of long-term climate trends.

How to cite: Malegiannaki, E., Zannoni, D., Bohleber, P., Stremtan, C., Petteni, A., Stenni, B., Barbante, C., Dahl-Jensen, D., and Gkinis, V.: Advancing towards high-quality water isotope measurements in ice cores: a micro-destructive approach using Laser Ablation coupled with Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12902,, 2024.