CL5.5 | Regional Climate Modeling, Including CORDEX and Constraining Global Multi-Model Ensembles
Regional Climate Modeling, Including CORDEX and Constraining Global Multi-Model Ensembles
Convener: Eun-Soon Im | Co-conveners: Said Qasmi, Lukas Brunner, Melissa Bukovsky, Csaba Zsolt Torma
| Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room E2
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Tue, 10:45
This session aims to identify and compare innovative strategies and approaches for climate modeling. Contributions cover the spatiotemporal scales from global to regional and extract climate information from climate simulation ensembles such as CORDEX or CMIP6 for the assessment of climate and its changes.

Global and regional climate modeling has experienced tremendous growth in the last decades, encompassing a large and diverse scientific community. Regional climate models (RCMs) can be run on a wide range of scales, from hydrostatic to convection-resolving resolutions, and they support a variety of applications. Strategies for weighting, filtering, constraining, and the general sub-selection of global climate models (GCMs) have also grown in number. These methods are used in simulation ensemble analysis but also in the selection of boundary conditions for statistical or dynamical downscaling and, hence, constitute a connection point between the global and regional modeling communities.

This session welcomes contributions related to:
- methodological developments in regional climate modeling, performance analysis of RCMs, use of RCMs for regional processes studies, past and future climate projections, as well as studies on extreme events and impact assessment;
- constraining and sub-selecting GCMs: methods of emergent constraints, regional weighting, and filtering approaches, as well as qualitative and quantitative model sub-selection. Approaches based on model performance, model independence, and model spread in a range of variables or derived quantities are also considered;
- complementarity between constrained GCMs and RCMs.

Contributions related to the CORDEX program, including the production and analysis of CORDEX, CORDEX-CORE, and/or CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study (FPS) experiments and simulations are welcome. Approaches aiming at evaluating or selecting CMIP6 models for the latest iteration of CORDEX are particularly encouraged as this session also aims to connect the global and regional climate modeling communities.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room E2

Chairpersons: Eun-Soon Im, Csaba Zsolt Torma, Melissa Bukovsky
Region climate modeling
On-site presentation
Marie-Pier Labonté, Dominic Matte, John Scinocca, Slava Kharin, Martin Leduc, and Dominique Paquin

A novel runtime empirical bias correction (EBC) has recently been developed and applied to enhance the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling and Analysis' (CCCma) global earth system model CanESM, demonstrating significant improvements in future climate projections, particularly under strong climate change scenarios. The application of EBC to CanESM provides enhanced driving data for dynamical downscaling through regional climate models (RCMs).

This project aims to assess the impact of the improved EBC driving data on two RCMs, namely CanRCM5 (CCCma) and CRCM5 (Ouranos), in order to evaluate the systematic improvement of meteorological variables. Multiple 10-member ensembles are utilized to investigate the added value of employing EBC in driving the RCM simulations. The ensembles consist of three sets: the first set utilizes the original CanESM5 as driving data, the second set incorporates EBC on sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice concentration (SIC) using the original CanESM5, and the third set employs bias-corrected atmosphere, SST, and SIC data. All three ensembles are compared against ERA5 data as a reference for the historical period.

Results indicate a clear advantage of using EBC, particularly in cases where the initial bias is substantial. For instance, significant improvement in modeling key meteorological phenomena, notably the North American monsoon and the northeasters (extratropical cyclones). These improvements can be attributed not only to the refinement in addressing climatological biases in land and ocean data but also to an enhanced representation of cyclonic activities due to a better representation of overall circulation in our region. Ultimately, this research seeks to contribute to the scientific community by providing a methodology to mitigate uncertainties in downscaled projections of future climate change through the utilization of EBC.

How to cite: Labonté, M.-P., Matte, D., Scinocca, J., Kharin, S., Leduc, M., and Paquin, D.: Enhanced Driving Data for Regional Climate Models: Investigating the Systematic Improvements with GCM Run-time Empirical Bias Correction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10824,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stefanie Börsig, Dominik L. Schumacher, Mathias Hauser, Erich Fischer, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Our warming climate enhances both the frequency and intensity of weather extremes. To enable adequate mitigation and adaptation decision-making and planning,  accurate long-term climate projections across scales are essential. Europe has warmed faster than any other World Meteorological Organization region in the last decades, yet a vast majority of RCM simulations does not capture the strong observed temperature rise. This discrepancy is in part related to the widespread use of constant aerosol representations in RCMs, and emerges most clearly during summer, i.e. the period of strong insolation. Thereby it also affects (changes in) heat extremes even more strongly than the mean warming. This warming mismatch is, crucially, not restricted to the past but also affects climate projections. Several European national climate services of several European countries still rely on these simulations and solutions are required.

Here, we present a novel method to adjust the large-scale warming in RCM simulations based on a reference such as observations or other model simulations. In particular, we re-assemble RCM simulations to match the long-term annual mean temperature evolution over Western Europe in state-of-the-art GCMs, which show less (or no) underestimation of the observed summer warming than the RCMs. We demonstrate that our approach preserves the high-resolution information provided by the RCMs, but ensures consistency with respect to both historic as well as projected large-scale warming. It employs existing regional climate information without the use of interpolation methods, and, as the re-assembling is performed based solely on yearly average temperatures, ensures consistency among different climate variables. We show how correcting European warming affects projections of both the mean state as well as weather extremes at the national level, and illustrate results for Switzerland, a small country characterized by complex orography. 

How to cite: Börsig, S., Schumacher, D. L., Hauser, M., Fischer, E., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Bias-adjusting for underestimated large-scale European warming in regional climate model simulations and implications for future extremes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18186,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marco Reale, Graziano Giuliani, Emanuela Pichelli, Matilde Garcia-Valdecasas Ojeda, Fabio Giordano, Erika Coppola, Stefano Querin, and Stefano Salon

Northern Italy is an area located in the northern part of the Mediterranean region where several factors make the modeling of its climate dynamics particularly challenging. The area is characterized by significant environmental gradients due to the complexity and high orography of  the Alpine arc surrounding the relatively flat area of the Po Valley, while strong air-sea interactions and deep water formation processes in the northern Adriatic Sea are associated with Bora wind episodes flowing over the basin. Moreover, the peculiar West-East oriented topography of the region drives the formation of a complex river network including the Po river, which is one of the major freshwater sources of the Mediterranean Sea. 

Here we assess the performances of a state-of-the-art convection-permitting configuration of the Regional Earth System Model RegCM-ES specifically developed for the northern Italy region. The modeling tool components are : (i) RegCM5  with an horizontal resolution of 3 km and 50 vertical levels for the atmosphere, (ii) MITgcm  with an horizontal resolution of approximately 700 m and 59 vertical levels (non hydrostatic) for the ocean and (iii) CHyM with an horizontal resolution of approximately 1 km for the rivers.

Model performances have been evaluated against observations and reanalysis datasets (available for the region) in a numerical experiment driven at the boundaries by ERA5 for the atmosphere and by the Copernicus Marine Service (CMS) reanalysis for the ocean. The model well captures  the spatial gradients and mean values of land and seawater temperature, precipitation and sea surface salinity. Still some deficiencies are observed such as a warm bias in summer over the western part of the Po Valley and an overestimation of precipitation over the Alps, although the latter is likely linked to the poor coverage of high altitude measurement stations in the area. 

This configuration will be adopted in the future to produce high resolution climate projections for the region.

How to cite: Reale, M., Giuliani, G., Pichelli, E., Garcia-Valdecasas Ojeda, M., Giordano, F., Coppola, E., Querin, S., and Salon, S.: Challenging the complexity: assessing the performances of the convection-permitting configuration of the Regional Earth System Model RegCM-ES over northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17308,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michelle Reboita, Rosmeri da Rocha, Leidinice da Silva, Erika Coppola, and Francesca Raffaele

Synoptic-scale cyclones in the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean often result in heavy rainfall, strong winds, sudden temperature drops, and other abrupt changes that affect important metropolitan areas along the south-southeastern coast of Brazil. Despite notable advancements in understanding these systems, numerical simulations continue to face difficulties in accurately reproducing cyclone-induced rainfall and intense winds. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the ability of convection-permitting scale simulations (CP) with a spatial resolution of 3 km, to reproduce the mesoscale structures associated with two extratropical cyclones that caused multiple fatalities in the southern Brazil in June and July of 2023. Regional Climate Model (RegCM) version 5 is configured in CP mode and runned continuously from May to July 2023 in a large domain (lon: -81.12 to -33.09; lat: -48.45 to -10.47). The first month is considered a spin-up period. Precipitation simulated in CP mode is compared with locally observed data and with satellite estimates. The comparison with observations indicates that the resolution refinement and the use of cloud microphysics in CP simulation develop many of the cyclone mesoscale structures generating intense precipitation events. The authors thank CNPq, FAPESP and FAPEMIG for their financial support.

How to cite: Reboita, M., da Rocha, R., da Silva, L., Coppola, E., and Raffaele, F.: The impact of convection-permitting simulation on the mesoscale structures of two severe synoptic-scale cyclones on the south-southeast coast of Brazil in 2023 austral winter, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5801,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maria Leidinice da Silva, Erika Coppola, Michelle Simões Reboita, Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha, and Francesca Raffaele

Southeastern South America (SESA) stands out as a hotspot on the planet where weather and climate extremes occur with notable frequency, exerting negative impacts on various socio-economic activities. One cause of these extremes are the synoptic-scale cyclones. In this sense, the objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of a convection-permitting scale simulation (CP) with Regional Climate Model version 5 (RegCM5) in simulating the cyclone features (frequency, intensity, lifetime, preferential regions, precipitation, etc.) in the SESA region from January 2018 to December 2021. The CP simulation was driven by ERA5 reanalysis with 3.0 km of horizontal grid spacing in a domain covering from ~ 11°S to 35°S. Cyclones are identified with a tracking algorithm based on relative vorticity at 925 hPa. The cyclone features in the CP simulation are compared with that from ERA5. The mesoscale structure of the simulated precipitation associated with cyclones is compared with satellite estimates. Overall, CP simulation captured the main observed features associated with cyclones.

How to cite: da Silva, M. L., Coppola, E., Reboita, M. S., da Rocha, R. P., and Raffaele, F.: The role of convection-permitting RegCM5 simulations in representing synoptic-scale cyclones over Southeastern South America, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5482,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tomas Halenka, Michal Belda, Natália Crespo, Gaby Langendijk, and Peter Hoffmann

Cities play a fundamental role on climate at local to regional scales through modification of heat and moisture fluxes, as well as affecting local atmospheric chemistry and composition, alongside air-pollution dispersion. Vice versa, regional climate change impacts urban areas and is expected to increasingly affect cities and their citizens in the upcoming decades. Indeed, the share of the population living in urban areas is growing, and is projected to reach about 70 % of the world population up to 2050. Urban impact is especially critical in connection to extreme events, for instance heat waves with extremely high temperature exacerbated by the urban heat island effect, in particular during night-time, with significant consequences for human health. Additionally, from the perspective of recent regional climate model development with increasing resolution down to the city scale, proper parameterization of urban processes plays an important role to understand local/regional climate change.  

The inclusion of the individual urban processes affecting energy balance and transport (i.e. heat, humidity, momentum fluxes, emissions) via special urban land-surface interaction parameterization of distinct local processes becomes vital to simulate the urban effects properly. This will enable improved assessment of climate change impacts in the cities and inform adaptation and/or mitigation options by urban decision-makers, as well as adequately prepare for climate related risks (e.g. heat waves, smog conditions etc.). Cities are becoming one of the most vulnerable environments under climate change. Similarly as WCRP, CORDEX community identified cities to be a prime scientific challenge. Therefore, we introduced this topic to the CORDEX platform, within the framework of so-called flagship pilot studies. Main aims of this activity will be presented together with a call for participation in ensemble experiment for selected city following adopted coordinated simulations protocol.

Preliminary results from the analysis of first experiments covering specific case studies, i.e. strong heat wave as an important factor in the urban effects, and strong convective episode to study the convection permitting RCMs performance in urban environment, will be presented. The ensemble of participated teams for selected city – Paris - will be analysed and the first results based on this ensemble will be shown.

How to cite: Halenka, T., Belda, M., Crespo, N., Langendijk, G., and Hoffmann, P.: CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study URB-RCC – Case Studies on Urban Environment Implementation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20302,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sara Top, Steven Caluwaerts, Lesley De Cruz, and Rafiq Hamdi

To investigate the effect of climate change on cities and climate adaptation strategies in cities, high-resolution climate model data is needed to resolve urban-rural and intra-urban processes. Due to computational limits, it is currently impossible to create long-term (sub-)kilometric simulations over extended regional domains, such as the EURO-CORDEX domain (Jacob et al., 2020). However, short-term climate simulations at 2.5 km horizontal resolution were performed over Europe with the atmospheric model ALARO which was coupled to the land surface model SURFEX. The model output has been validated against conventional datasets and non-traditional measurements such as those of urban meteorological networks (Caluwaerts et al., 2021). Including non-traditional meteorological measurements is important to verify whether the model captures the urban signature well. Further, a methodology will be presented to obtain climate projections with a more detailed spatial resolution over several European cities. The added value of this new avenue using machine learning to emulate the climatological characteristics from a limited set of cities and generalise this to other cities in the EURO-CORDEX domain will be investigated.


Caluwaerts, S., Top, S., Vergauwen, T., Wauters, G., De Ridder, K., Hamdi, R., Mesuere, B., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Wouters, H. and Termonia, P., 2021. Engaging schools to explore meteorological observational gaps. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(6), pp.E1126-E1132.

Jacob, D., Teichmann, C., Sobolowski, S., Katragkou, E., Anders, I., Belda, M., Benestad, R., Boberg, F., Buonomo, E., Cardoso, R.M. and Casanueva, A., 2020. Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectives from the EURO-CORDEX community. Regional environmental change, 20, pp.1-20.

How to cite: Top, S., Caluwaerts, S., De Cruz, L., and Hamdi, R.: High-resolution climate model data over EURO-CORDEX with a focus on cities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3896,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sandro Calmanti, Alessandro Anav, Marta Antonelli, Adriana Carillo, Franco Catalano, Alessandro Dell'Aquila, Roberto Iacono, Salvatore Marullo, Ernesto Napolitano, Massimiliano Palma, Giovanna Pisacane, Gianmaria Sannino, and Maria Vittoria Struglia

In the framework of the coordinated regional modeling initiative Med-CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment), we present an updated version of the regional Earth System Model ENEA-REG designed to downscale, over the Mediterranean basin, the models used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). The regional ESM includes coupled atmosphere (WRF), ocean (MITgcm), land (Noah-MP, embedded within WRF), and river (HD) components with spatial resolution of 12 km for the atmosphere, 1/12° for the ocean and 0.5° for the river rooting model.

For the present climate, we performed a hindcast (i.e. reanalysis-driven) and a historical simulation (GCM-driven) over the 1980-2014 temporal period. The evaluation shows that the regional ESM reliably reproduces the mean state, spatial and temporal variability of the relevant atmospheric and ocean variables.

In addition, we analyze the future evolution (2015-2100) of the Euro-Mediterranean climate under three different scenarios (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP5-8.5), focusing on several relevant essential climate variables and climate indicators for impacts. Among others, results highlight how, for the scenarios SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5, the intensity, frequency and duration of marine heat waves continue to increase until the end of the century and anomalies of up to 2°C, which are considered extreme at the beginning of this century, will become the new normal condition of the Mediterranean Sea in less than a hundred years under the SSP5-8.5 scenario.

Overall, our results demonstrate the improvement due to the high-resolution air-sea coupling for the representation of high impact events, such as marine heat waves, and sea-level height.

How to cite: Calmanti, S., Anav, A., Antonelli, M., Carillo, A., Catalano, F., Dell'Aquila, A., Iacono, R., Marullo, S., Napolitano, E., Palma, M., Pisacane, G., Sannino, G., and Struglia, M. V.: Dynamical downscaling of CMIP6 scenarios with ENEA-REG: an impact oriented application for the MED-CORDEX region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9624,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Péter Szabó and Rita Pongrácz

Winter phenomena such as fog and freezing rain can significantly impact our daily lives by creating hazardous conditions for transportation and other outdoor activities. Dense fog reduces visibility, leading to traffic disruptions and potential accidents on roads, while freezing rain leaves surfaces with a layer of ice with high risks of falls and slide resulting in personal injuries, in addition, both can disrupt air travel as well. The Carpathian Basin can experience an increased occurrence and persistence of fog due to its unique geographical features, such as low-lying areas, lower wind speed, and river valleys that facilitate temperature inversions. Freezing rain is also prevalent in the Carpathian Basin when raindrops of warmer air masses from the Mediterranean fall through a sub-freezing, inversional layer of air before reaching the ground.

To assess these impacts, we created a methodology based on daily, gridded data sets: we analyzed daily minimum and mean temperature, mean relative humidity, and wind speed for the fog from the best available, homogenized, high-resolution HuClim observational database. For the freezing rain, we collected hourly variables of temperature, total precipitation, and snow from the high-resolution, observation-based but modeled reanalysis of ERA5-Land. For the future, we assessed corrected, daily variables from an ensemble of EURO-CORDEX regional climate model simulations. Several scenarios were taken into account for the effects of human activity: RCP2.6 is a scenario aiming at 2 °C global warming by 2100, RCP4.5 urges strong mitigation from 2040, while RCP8.5 is a non-mitigation scenario.

Results suggest that the number of foggy days slightly decreased over parts of the area of interest in the last few decades, but freezing rain did not change remarkably. Regarding the future, the days with fog would decrease significantly following the RCP8.5 scenario, especially by the end of the 21st century, while they would not change much with the RCP2.6. These are one of the rare positive impacts of regional climate change, however, it does not compensate for the adverse effects of anthropogenic climate change.

How to cite: Szabó, P. and Pongrácz, R.: Change of winter climate indicators over the Carpathian Basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19984,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Melissa Bukovsky, Csaba Zsolt Torma, Eun-Soon Im
On-site presentation
ben booth, Tom Crocker, Citlali Solis Salas, Carol McSweeney, and Tim Andrews

An emerging literature has been exploring RCM-GCM differences over Europe and linking many of these differences to the lack (or in a few cases, underestimation) of aerosol “Brightening” in the RCMs (Boe et al, 2019, Gutiérrez et al, 2020, Tarana et al, 2022).  Here we illustrate these differences for mid-century European surface SW, temperature and rainfall projections, with a focus on the spread.  The tendency for the RCMs to underestimate the GCM warming and drying is evident.  For example the RCMs at the lower end show roughly half the warming of the lowest driving CMIP5 GCM and roughly 50% of the RCMs suggest wetter projections that 6 out of 7 driving CMIP5 GCMs.  

We extend this analysis to the wider CORDEX regions and identify where lack of time varying aerosol representation does, and does not matter.   We also use single forcing (AER) CMIP6 experiments, to illustrate how this data can be a useful tool to predict where time varying aerosol representation is (and where it is not) likely to be important in ongoing CMIP6 downscaling.

How to cite: booth, B., Crocker, T., Solis Salas, C., McSweeney, C., and Andrews, T.: Exploring CORDEX and driving GCM differences, in the context of time evolving aerosols , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6495,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Daniel Abel, Katrin Ziegler, Felix Pollinger, and Heiko Paeth

The representation of land surface processes is crucial to reduce biases of climate model simulations and increase their reliability. Thus, our study examines the effects of recent improvements of the regional climate model REMO2015 related to soil hydrological and vegetation processes and their interactions with the atmosphere. In detail, a multilayer soil scheme and an interactive vegetation module are combined with each other and substitute the former single layer scheme and static vegetation being used in the recent CORDEX-CORE simulations.

We investigate the effect of the improvements on the climatology and the annual cycle of different variables relevant for the land surface-atmosphere process chain including soil moisture, LAI, evapotranspiration, and 2m temperature. We further study the simulation’s performance of selected warm and dry events. As benchmarks, we consider different validation datasets and compare our simulations with the former REMO2015 model version as well as with recent simulations from CORDEX-CORE covering the study area.

How to cite: Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F., and Paeth, H.: Effects of improved land surface processes in the regional climate model REMO on climate means and extremes in Mainland Southeast Asia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18422,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Praveen Rai, Freddy Bangelesa, Daniel Abel, Katrin Ziegler, Jingshui Huang, Timo Schaffhauser, Markus Disse, and Heiko Paeth

Our study aims to investigate the development of extreme climate indices based on temperature and precipitation over Central Asia using multiple RCMs from CORDEX-CORE. The study area is defined by an overlapping area of the Central Asian (CAS) and the East Asian (EAS) CORDEX domains to increase the number of ensemble members from 4 to 10. This enables us to compare the biases and projections among the ensembles of the different domains as well. We focus on three-time slices of the present (1981-2005), the mid- (2031-2065), and far-future (2071-2095) using the scenario RCP8.5.

For precipitation indices, an increase of consecutive dry days in EAS and a slight to moderate decrease in the northern parts of CAS during the mid-future compared to present values is observed. Consecutive wet days, very heavy precipitation events (R20mm), the maximum one-day precipitation, and very wet days (R95p) are projected to increase in most areas. All indices show a further intensification towards the end of the century over large parts of the domain. For temperature indices, the ensembles project a strong increase over the high mountain regions and southern parts for the consecutive summer days, the heat wave duration index, and the percentage of very hot days (TX90p). Accordingly, the number of consecutive frost days and the percentage of very cold days (TX10p) are projected to decrease. However, some discrepancies in the projected changes prevail among the different RCMs being part of the two CORDEX-domains and in specific landscapes like complex mountain or lake areas.

How to cite: Rai, P., Bangelesa, F., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Huang, J., Schaffhauser, T., Disse, M., and Paeth, H.: Future projection of extreme precipitation and temperature indices in Central Asia using CORDEX-CORE, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15085,, 2024.

On-site presentation
XueJie Gao, Jie Wu, Xianbing Tang, and Filippo Giorgi

We use an ensemble of a regional climate model (RegCM4) projections to assess future changes in surface air temperature, precipitation and Köppen-Trewartha (K-T) climate types in mid-high latitude Northern Asia (NA) under the 1.5-4°C global warming targets. RegCM4 is driven by five CMIP5 global models over an East Asia domain at a grid spacing of 25 km. Validation of the present day (1986-2005) simulations shows that the ensembles of RegCM4 (ensR) and driving GCMs (ensG) reproduce the major characters of the observed temperature, precipitation and K-T climate zones reasonably well. Greater and more realistic spatial detail is found in RegCM4 compared to the driving GCMs. A general warming and overall increases in precipitation are projected over the region, with these changes being more pronounced at higher warming levels. The projected warming by ensR shows different spatial patterns, and is in general lower, compared to ensG in most months of the year, while the percentage increases of precipitation are maximum during the cold months. The future changes in K-T climate zones are characterized by a substantial expansion of Dc (temperature oceanic) and retreat of Ec (sub-arctic continental) over the region, reaching ~20% under the 4°C warming level. The most significant change in climate types in ensR is found over Japan (~60%), followed by Southern Siberia, Mongolia, and the Korea Peninsula (~40%). The largest change in the K-T climate types is found when increasing from 2°C to 3°C.

How to cite: Gao, X., Wu, J., Tang, X., and Giorgi, F.: Projected changes in Köppen-Trewartha climate zones under 1.5–4°C global warming targets over mid-high latitudes of Northern Asia using an ensemble of RegCM4 simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5253,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zixuan Zhou, Eun-Soon Im, and Hyun-Han Kwon

Accelerated global warming is anticipated to intensify the frequency and severity of concurrent extremes, leading to negative impacts that surpass those of individual extreme events. Southeastern China has experienced a rise in the occurrence of concurrent hot and dry extremes in recent years, and the expected amplification of such events is likely to worsen economic losses and endanger human well-being. Due to the significant impacts of such concurrent extremes, there is a strong demand for dependable future projections at the local level. However, most studies have focused on univariate analysis of single extremes using coarse-grid global climate models (GCM), which may not fully capture the region-specific climate impacts of global warming. To address this issue, this study will utilize convection-permitting (CP) regional climate modeling and multivariate statistical analysis to evaluate the future changes in concurrent hot and dry extremes. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) will be used to downscale the bias-corrected CMIP6 GCM projections under the SSP5-8.5 scenario at the convection-permitting scales (4km) over southeastern China. The study aims to investigate the process-based added value of CP projections when assessing future changes in concurrent hot and dry extremes over densely populated regions in China. The high-resolution simulation is expected to enhance the understanding of compound climate extremes and provide quantified insights into prospective climate risks.


This research was supported by project GRF16308722, which was funded by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong. This research was also partly supported by Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through Water Management Program for Drought Project, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (2022003610003)

How to cite: Zhou, Z., Im, E.-S., and Kwon, H.-H.: Changes in concurrent hot and dry extremes based on convection-permitting projections under the SSP5-8.5 scenario, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3119,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hui Sun and Xiaodong Liu

The impacts of topographic uplift in different areas of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on the arid climate and dust cycle in the sandy areas on the north and south sides of the plateau are studied using a regional climate model (RCM) by comparing numerical experiments on the uplift of the Pamirs and the northern TP. Simulation results based on tectonic geological records can be used to explain the differences in drought evolution in different areas around the TP. The results show that: (1) The mechanical blocking effect caused by the uplift of the Pamirs has mainly intensified the aridification and desertification of the Taklimakan Desert since the Pliocene, and its uplift has blocked the water vapor channel in the west side of Tarim Basin, causing a 50% reduction in the annual precipitation (mainly winter precipitation) and a 10-30% increase in the atmospheric dust loading in the Taklimakan Deserts. (2) The uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau mainly intensifies the aridification of the Thar Desert. The uplift of the northern TP controls the position and intensity of the subtropical high center at 700 hPa in the Thar Desert, causing a 50% reduction in summer and annual precipitation and increase in the atmospheric dust loading in the Thar Desert. (3) The aridification of the Gobi Desert and Loess Plateau since the Miocene is also related to the uplift of the northern TP. The uplifting suppresses the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), causing a 30-50% reduction in summer precipitation in the Gobi Desert and Loess Plateau. Drought further causes a 10-20% increase in the dust loading in the above areas. (4) In view of the limited geological evidence of remarkable tectonic uplift in the northern TP and the Pamirs since the Miocene and Pliocene respectively and based on the current numerical simulation results, it is speculated that the formation of the Thar Desert should be earlier than the Taklimakan Desert.

How to cite: Sun, H. and Liu, X.: Impacts of the uplift of the Pamirs and northern Tibetan Plateau on the aridification of the Taklimakan and Thar deserts since the Miocene, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2880,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Subin Ha, Eun-Soon Im, Jina Hur, Sera Jo, and Kyo-Moon Shim

In South Korea, daily weather forecasts are currently limited to a 10-day range, which is insufficient for adequately preparing weather-dependent sectors like agriculture for the impact of meteorological conditions over longer periods. To meet the growing demand for subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions, organizations worldwide provide GCM-driven forecasts that extend several weeks or even months ahead. One example is the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) operational forecast by NCEP, which is initialized every 6 hours and extends up to 9 months. Its large pool of available forecast members with different initialization times enables the construction of a time-lagged ensemble, which can improve forecasting accuracy by offering a range of potential future meteorological conditions and accounting for the inherent uncertainty in a single deterministic forecast. In this regard, this study aims to build an optimal time-lagged ensemble for 1-month forecasts in South Korea by employing a systematic method to select suitable members from a pool of hundreds of CFSv2 forecast members. Furthermore, the selected ensemble members will be dynamically downscaled to address limitations arising from their coarse resolution. The integration of the time-lagged ensemble and dynamical downscaling methods will be evaluated from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives to assess their added value in enhancing forecasts. By evaluating the performance of the optimized time-lagged ensemble combined with dynamical downscaling, this study will provide valuable insights into the improvement and practical application of subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasts in South Korea, benefiting various sectors that can leverage the enhanced long-term weather predictions.



This study was carried out with the support of “Research Program for Agricultural Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ014882)”, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

How to cite: Ha, S., Im, E.-S., Hur, J., Jo, S., and Shim, K.-M.: Enhancing 1-Month Forecasts in South Korea with the Combination of Time-Lagged Ensemble and Dynamical Downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8433,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Chao Tang and Béatrice Morel

As intermittent meteorological resources become increasingly vital in our energy system, it is crucial to better understand how a changing climate may affect weather variability and, in turn, influence future wind energy production. This study evaluates the performance of climate models in reproducing wind resources over Southern Africa (SA), and in assessing potential impacts of climate change. An ensemble of climate simulations is evaluated over SA, which includes simulations from three Regional Climate Models (RCM; i.e., CCLM4, RegCM4, and REMO2009) that participated in the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment program over Africa (CORDEX-Africa) at a horizontal resolution of approximately 25 km, and the coarser-resolution ones from their four driving General Circulation Models (GCMs; i.e., HadGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR, and NorESM1-M) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). The simulated wind is first compared to the reference datasets, derived from ground-based measurements and reanalyses, during 2000-2023 at 3-hour intervals, covering both surface and hub-height (100 m) levels. The performances of both RCMs and GCMs are quantified and compared in terms of their representation of wind resource characteristics, including the mean wind speed and its spatio-temporal variability at hourly-to-annual timescales. Then wind energy potential and capacity factors are also derived for the wind resource assessment in SA, where direct observational data is limited. Finally, the potential impact of climate change on the 100-meter wind energy potential in SA is assessed based on this ensemble of climate projections, up to 2099, under the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios. This study helps to understand the performance difference between regional and global models in simulating wind resources and provides insight into how changing climate conditions might affect wind energy production over the long term in SA.

How to cite: Tang, C. and Morel, B.: How do climate models represent wind resources in Southern Africa and predict their future changes?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8855,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Armelle Remedio, Torsten Weber, Francois Engelbrecht, Sophie Biskop, Jessica Steinkopf, Jonathan Padvatan, Cornelis van der Waal, Theo Wassenaar, Kawawa Banda, Keabile Tlhalerwa, and Jem Perkins

Based on the IPCC AR6 Report, the southern African climate change signal is projected to have a rapid warming compared to the global signal. A decreasing trend in the observed mean precipitation can already be detected in most of southern Africa and an increasing trend in heavy precipitation in eastern southern Africa. While some areas are experiencing increased rainfall and flood risks, other regions are facing reduced rainfall and more frequent droughts. These changes are projected to intensify in a warmer world, with significant impacts on water security, food security and biodiversity. 

 In this study, the climate change signal for selected hotspot regions in southern Africa were assessed under the “TIPPing points Explained by Climate Change (TIPPECC)” project embedded in the BMBF-funded SASSCAL 2.0 research program. The temperature and precipitation changes were analyzed from existing high resolution simulations (CORDEX, CORDEX-CORE, CMIP6 Simulations) using 2 regional concentration pathways scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5) during different time periods over case study regions in Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa. Based on the initial results from CORDEX-CORE simulations, the ensemble mean of absolute change of precipitation ranges from about -1 to 1 mm/day for both RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios in the near future. The ensemble mean of absolute change of mean 2-m temperature ranges from about 0.5 to 1.7 K in RCP2.6 and about 0.8 to 3.2 K in RCP8.5 in the near future. These regional climate change signals can be used as information for adaptation measures and sustainable development strategies to mitigate the impacts and enhance the resilience of communities and ecosystems in southern Africa, which is a region already water-stressed and with low adaptive capacity. 

How to cite: Remedio, A., Weber, T., Engelbrecht, F., Biskop, S., Steinkopf, J., Padvatan, J., van der Waal, C., Wassenaar, T., Banda, K., Tlhalerwa, K., and Perkins, J.: Projected climate change signals for selected hotspot regions using regional climate simulations in southern Africa  , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16077,, 2024.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Lukas Brunner, Said Qasmi
Model selection
On-site presentation
Stefan Sobolowski and the EURO-CORDEX CMIP6 GCM Selection & Ensemble Task Team

High resolution climate information is critical for the research community and the downstream vulnerability, impacts, adaptation, and climate services communities (VIACS). Coordinated ensembles generated by initiatives such as the World Climate Reseaerch Program's Coodinated Regional Downscaling Experiments (CORDEX) provide consistent and comparable information for the present as well as future scenarios. CORDEX is the initiative responsible for delivering regional climate data over fourteen different domains encompassing all land areas of the globe. And its output forms the basis for downstreams impacts assessments, adaptation planning and climate services development. This talk will focus on the European CORDEX initiative (hereafter EURO-CORDEX), an established framework of European regional climate modelers, and its coordinated effort to build regional climate ensembles for the years to come. In its first phase (2014 until now), EURO-CORDEX produced a rich ensemble of regional climate simulations under different representative concentration pathway scenarios. The EURO-CORDEX dataset is hosted in global and European databases and fed into the Regional Atlas of 6th IPCC Assessment Report. However, this ensemble and others like it suffered from several shortcomings, which the community seeks to address in the next phase of production. Chief among these is the oft cited criticism that the selection of GCMs that provide input to the regional climate models was not robust and that the resulting ensemble represents an “ensemble of opportunity”. Here we will show how the community has addressed these shortcomings and present a toolkit, which can be used for evaluating the suitability of GCMs for downscaling. The utility of this toolkit extends well beyond the regional climate and VIACS communities to include researchers interested in researching model biases, constraining future change and exploring so-called future storylines. The toolkit is open-source and the community encourages contributions and sugestions for imporvement. Therefore a short tutorial is also included as part of this talk. 

How to cite: Sobolowski, S. and the EURO-CORDEX CMIP6 GCM Selection & Ensemble Task Team: GCM Selection & Ensemble Design: Best Practices and Recommendations from the EURO-CORDEX Community, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1884,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Fien Serras, Kobe Vandelanotte, Ruben Borgers, Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Matthias Demuzere, Piet Termonia, and Nicole van Lipzig

The process of selecting suitable time periods within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) for a specific region and warming level presents notable challenges, such as the incomplete representation of atmospheric dynamics and climate-change uncertainties. This study aims to develop a selection procedure for CMIP6 model periods using a methodology to address both the representation of atmospheric dynamics and the relevant changes in the climate variable of interest. In the first step, the representation of past atmospheric dynamics is evaluated to investigate the model quality. This is then used as a criterion to exclude underperforming models. The second step gives information on interesting model periods and indicates which model periods are relevant for selection.

To eliminate models that did not adequately represent historical atmospheric dynamics, the Lamb Weather Type (LWT) classification was used to assess the representation of large-scale circulation patterns across 33 CMIP6 models and compare these with ERA5. This resulted in the exclusion of three CMIP6 models for the circulation regimes over Belgium. Furthermore, in order to account for the increased occurrence of weather patterns related to extreme heat, while also reducing the number of different weather types of the existing LWT classification, the classification was adapted to incorporate a temperature-dependent classification through the optimization of the clustering of weather types and the associated maximum temperatures. Additionally, a new index, the hot weather type index, was introduced and combined with a set of heat-related metrics to illustrate the selection methodology. The final period selection was made based on the combination of the ranks of the different metrics for each global warming level considered.

The method developed in this study offers a framework for selecting periods within CMIP6 while considering both the uncertainties of the large-scale circulation patterns and changes in the climate-change signal. This framework holds potential to contribute to regional climate modelling and facilitate decisions related to the selection of model periods for dynamical downscaling of relevant climate projections.

How to cite: Serras, F., Vandelanotte, K., Borgers, R., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Demuzere, M., Termonia, P., and van Lipzig, N.: GCM selection based on weather patterns for extreme heat: a case study over Belgium, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7537,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tekalegn Ayele Woldesenbet and Nadir Elagib

 Selecting representative climate models for climate change impact studies: A case study of the eastern Omo basin

Tekalegn Ayele Woldesenbeta b, Nadir Ahmed Elagiba


a Institute of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

b Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Selecting reliable general climate models (GCMs) is crucial for assessing the impact of climate change in a region. The current study evaluated the performance of 34 GCMs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) in simulating monthly total rainfall. To this end, the case of eastern Omo basin was considered with observed rainfall data at seven meteorological stations for the period 1985–2014. The corresponding GCM-simulated rainfall data were compared using seven performance metrics. Eight performance metrics were selected under four categories as follow: error metrics (mean bias error, mean absolute error, root mean squared error), model efficiency (Nash and Sutcliffe’s model efficiency, absolute model efficiency, Kling-Gupta model efficiency), indices of agreement (modified index of agreement), and goodness of fit (coefficient of determination). Three key results were obtained: 1) There is no single best overall GCM across the meteorological stations using a single performance metric, 2) No single best GCM was found for a meteorological station using all the performance metrics, and 3) Based on all performance metrics across all the meteorological stations, the best GCMs in order of performance are SAM0-UNICON, TaiESM1, INM_CM5_0, AWI_ESM_1_1_LR, and CMCC_CM2_HR4. The selected GCMs can be used for evaluating the impact of climate change on hydrology, water resource availability, ecological flow regime and for climate adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Keywords: performance metrics, CMIP6, rainfall, climate models, ranking, Omo basin,

How to cite: Woldesenbet, T. A. and Elagib, N.: Selecting representative climate models for climate change impact studies: A case study of the eastern Omo basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3740,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Anna Merrifield, Lukas Brunner, Ruth Lorenz, Vincent Humphrey, and Reto Knutti

As the number of models in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) archives increase from generation to generation, there is a pressing need for guidance on how to interpret and best use the abundance of newly available climate information. Users of the latest CMIP6 seeking to draw conclusions about model agreement must contend with an "ensemble of opportunity" containing similar models that appear under different names. Those who used the previous CMIP5 as a basis for downstream applications must filter through hundreds of new CMIP6 simulations to find several best suited to their region, season, and climate horizon of interest. Here, we present methods to address both issues, model dependence and model subselection, to help users previously anchored in CMIP5 to navigate CMIP6 and multi-model ensembles in general. We refine a definition of model dependence based on climate output to designate discrete model families within CMIP5/6. We show that the increased presence of model families in CMIP6 bolsters the upper mode of the ensemble's bimodal effective Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) distribution. Accounting for the mismatch in representation between model families and individual model runs shifts the CMIP6 ECS median and 75th percentile down by 0.43˚C, achieving better alignment with CMIP5's ECS distribution.

 Subsequently, we present a new cost-function minimization-based approach to model subselection, Climate model Selection by Independence, Performance, and Spread (ClimSIPS). We demonstrate ClimSIPS by selecting sets of 2, 3, and 5 CMIP models for European applications, incorporating the new dependence definition along with a performance metric based on agreement with observed mean climate fields and the ensemble spread of projected midcentury change in mean surface air temperature and precipitation. Because different combinations of models are selected by the cost function for different independence, performance, and spread priority balances, we present all selected subsets in ternary contour "subselection triangles". ClimSIPS represents a novel framework to select models in an informed, efficient, and transparent manner and addresses the growing need for guidance and simple tools so those seeking climate services can navigate the increasingly complex CMIP landscape.

How to cite: Merrifield, A., Brunner, L., Lorenz, R., Humphrey, V., and Knutti, R.: Climate model Selection by Independence, Performance, and Spread (ClimSIPS), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-28,, 2024.

Model aggregation and constraining
On-site presentation
Nicola Maher, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, and Sebastian Milinski

Projecting how temperature variability is likely to change in the future is important for understanding future extreme events. This comes from the fact that such extremes can change due to both changes in the mean climate and its variability. The recent IPCC report found large regions of low model agreement in the change of temperature variability in both December, January, February (DJF) and June, July, August (JJA) when considering 7 Single Model Initial-Condition Large Ensembles (SMILEs). In this study we use the framework described by Suarez-Gutierrez et al, (2021) to constrain future projections of temperature variability by selecting the SMILEs that best represent observed variability.

We consider 11 SMILEs with CMIP5 and CMIP6 forcing over 9 ocean regions and 24 land regions. We find that CESM2-LE, GFDL-SPEAR-MED and MPI-GE-CMIP6 perform best in DJF and CESM2-LE, CESM1-LE and GFDL-SPEAR-MED perform best in JJA. We find that the Southern Ocean is poorly represented in all models and that few models can represent Central America, the Amazon, North-East Brazil, and eastern and southern Asia, with western and eastern Africa poorly represented in JJA and northern Australia poorly represented in DJF. Overall models perform well over the Northern Hemisphere land masses. When we constrain temperature variability estimates, variability is generally lower, particularly over South America, Africa, and Australia – the same regions where the constraint improves projections, and where the projected change is smaller in the constraint. Where hot extremes increase so do cold extremes showing projected changes in all regions as a fattening or thinning of the distribution rather than a change in skewness.

How to cite: Maher, N., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., and Milinski, S.: Constraining temperature variability projections using SMILEs that best represent observed variability, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13517,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lucas Schmutz, Soulivanh Thao, Mathieu Vrac, Denis Allard, and Grégoire Mariethoz

Various approaches have been proposed to combine individual climate models and extract a robust signal from an ensemble, such as the Multi-Model Mean or the weighted Multi-Model Mean. However, they often rely on weights that are applied to models globally, overlooking the fact that individual models often demonstrate strengths in specific regions. This suggests that a more localized approach could improve climate projections based on models ensembles.

So far, the only approach that really exploits the regional strengths of different models over multi-decadal timescales is the graph cuts approach (Thao et al., 2022). It consists in selecting for each grid point the most appropriate model, while at the same time considering the overall spatial consistency of the resulting field. Although this method showed encouraging results, outperforming other combination approaches, it is limited to optimizing for one variable, resulting in an inconsistent model selection for each and thus a loss of the multivariate relationships observed in the models. For instance it is known that precipitation and temperature are physically linked. Therefore having an independent model combination for each variable can result in inconsistencies. Moreover, the method was only applicable to multi-decadal averages, not allowing for retrieving distributional properties of the combined models such as extreme events.

Here we present a series of improvements of graph cuts enabling to combine distributions of daily-means while preserving multivariate relationships, thus better capturing the complete span of climate dynamics. Using the Hellinger distance to measure model performance, we are able to select, at each grid location, the model that best represents the joint distribution of the target variables while minimizing the apparition of unrealistic discontinuities in the resulting fields. The resulting projections display more realistic extremes and compound events representations.



Thao, S., Garvik, M., Mariethoz, G., & Vrac, M. (2022). Combining global climate models using graph cuts. Climate Dynamics, February.

How to cite: Schmutz, L., Thao, S., Vrac, M., Allard, D., and Mariethoz, G.: Better than Multi-Model Means: combining climate models using multivariate graph cuts for improved CMIP6 projections, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19233,, 2024.

On-site presentation
valentin portmann, Didier Swingedouw, Marie Chavent, and Omar Khattab

For a given greenhouse gas emission scenario, climate models are showing very significant differences for the future climate, due to processes complex to simulate. Among them, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) fate has been shown to be very uncertain, explaining large amount of the differences in climate projections in the North Atlantic region. Indeed, under the ssp2-4.5 scenario, CMIP6 models show an AMOC maximum at 26°N that goes from 18.1 ± 4.1 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3/s, ensemble mean of 30 models one standard deviation) during the period 1850-1900, to 11.6 ± 3,9 Sv in the last decade of 2100, with AMOC ranging from 4.3 to 21.3 Sv depending on the model. There is thus a clear need to improve estimates of the AMOC in the future.

In this respect, methods called emergent or observational constraint (OC) have been recently developed. They combine climate models and observations, by finding and using an emergent relationship between a given climate variable in the future and observable predictors, to refine the best guess and uncertainty estimation of this climate variable. This study proposes to apply them to the case of AMOC projections. Both the choice of the predictor, and of the OC method can be key. What are the best choices to reduce most the uncertainty of the AMOC at the end of the 21st century? To answer such a question, this study compares two possible cases: it uses either only one predictor, the past AMOC, or a set of predictors, the sea surface temperature and salinity from various regions in the world, which are known to impact on-going and future fate of the AMOC. Moreover, this study compares five different OC methods. The uncertainty is evaluated for each couple of predictors and OC choice, considering cross-validation and observational errors.

The best estimates of future AMOC under ssp2-4.5 scenario, constrained by the observed AMOC over the period 2004-2021, is 11,6 ± 2,5 Sv, using the linear regression method. When constrained by a larger set of predictors, it is 7,9 ± 2,1 Sv, using also the linear regression found here as the best OC method, with a Ridge regularization that limits overfitting. Thus, the future AMOC, in 2091-2100 compared to 1850-1900, is weakening by 56% when constrained by various recent observations that count for AMOC dynamics, in place of 36% when estimated using ensemble mean or AMOC observation only, as done in last IPCC reports. This result might have therefore considerable impacts on future adaptation plans within the North Atlantic regions.

How to cite: portmann, V., Swingedouw, D., Chavent, M., and Khattab, O.: Comparison of different observational constraint methods to reduce the uncertainty in the AMOC at the end of the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5341,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Jie He

Precipitation is an important aspect of the climate and is expected to change from increasing greenhouse gases. However, model projections of precipitation changes are stubbornly uncertain, particularly in tropical regions. It has been long recognized that much of the uncertainty in tropical precipitation changes is rooted in the uncertainty in sea surface temperature (SST) changes. But unfortunately, constraining SST changes at regional scales has been quite difficult. Here, we advocate that instead of fixating on regional SST changes, it is much more productive to focus on constraining precipitation sensitivity to SST changes (i.e., hydrological sensitivity). We show that local hydrological sensitivity varies widely among the state-of-the-art global climate models, but it can be effectively constrained by honing in on specific aspects of the observed precipitation-SST relationships. We find that despite the large inter-model disagreement, regional hydrological sensitivity in tropical oceans is accurately projected by the CMIP6 multi-model averages.

How to cite: He, J.: Constraining Hydrological Sensitivity in Tropical Oceans, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6803,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Yawen Shao, Craig Bishop, Gab Abramowitz, and Sanaa Hobeichi

The uncertainty of future climate change is typically estimated by a collection of models from various climate institutions. The Ensemble Dependence Transformation (EDT) method has proven effective in producing ensembles with means that lie closer to the verifying observations and with variances that match the variance of the observations about the ensemble mean. However, EDT does not specifically address temporal variability and persistence attributes within individual models. This limitation can potentially be addressed by the Time Variability Correction (TVC) method, designed to quantify, and correct model variability errors across differing time scales.

In this study, we test and compare four approaches: 1) TVC only; 2) EDT only; 3) TE: Applying TVC to individual models first, followed by EDT; 4) ETE: Applying EDT to obtain the time-varying mean series, using TVC to correct the EDT-transformed series, and applying EDT again to TVC post-processed model series. These methods are employed to post-process 26 CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) daily mean temperature projections across Australia under a model-as-truth setup.

We evaluate the results using verification metrics for assessing both individual models and multi-model ensembles. Findings indicate that, overall, ETE performs better in improving individual model statistics, including variance and lag correlations relative to the time-varying ensemble mean. Additionally, ETE enhances ensemble statistics, notably ensemble standard deviation (ESD) during both in-sample historical and out-of-sample projection periods. TE is particularly effective at improving root mean squared difference (RMSD) between ensemble mean and observations, along with continuous ranked probability skill score (CRPSS).

How to cite: Shao, Y., Bishop, C., Abramowitz, G., and Hobeichi, S.: Improving Multi-model Ensembles of Climate Projections through Time Variability Correction and Ensemble Dependence Transformation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6796,, 2024.

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Eun-Soon Im, Melissa Bukovsky, Lukas Brunner
Csaba Zsolt Torma and Filippo Giorgi

This study presents a preliminary analysis of the performance of the latest version of the RegCM regional modelling system, RegCM5, when run at a convection permitting resolution of 2 km over the Carpathian Basin. The performance of the model is evaluated by comparing various statistics of surface air temperature and precipitation against the CARPATCLIM high-resolution observational dataset and the ERA5 reanalysis, which is also utilized as the driving field for the simulations. Overall, the model performs well; however, certain biases are observed. During the warm season (JJA), a warm bias is detected over the Hungarian lowlands, while a wet (dry) bias is observed over the mountain chains (flat regions) within the basin. In addition, the model shows a significant orographic forcing effect on precipitation. An important finding is that the high-resolution of the model notably improves its ability to simulate medium to high-intensity precipitation events. This added value enhances its applicability, especially for the studies of such events. Given these promising initial results, future work will include further testing of the model with different physics configurations, longer simulations, and exploring its usability in climate change studies related to the Carpathian Basin.

How to cite: Torma, C. Z. and Giorgi, F.: Convection permitting regional climate modelling with RegCM5 over the Carpathian Region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-324,, 2024.

Shahid Ul Islam and Sumedha Chakma

This study addresses the significant factors contributing to warming during the 20th century, namely Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and Land Use (LU), emphasizing the need for localized hydrological impact assessments. Recognizing the limitations of Global Climate Models (GCMs) in predicting local-scale phenomena, the research employs a downscaling approach for hydrological impact studies. Observed datasets and downscaled GCM data are utilized to analyze temperature, precipitation, and potential evapotranspiration (PET) trends. The study integrates downscaled GCM data from the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project 6 (CMIP6) to project future climate scenarios under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5. Runoff data from three stations within the Jhelum Basin is collected and analyzed over various time scales, providing a comprehensive understanding of historical and future hydrological trends. Future climate projections are corrected using the Daily Bias Correction (DBC) method). The study then employs the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, given its suitability for hydrological studies with limited data availability. SWAT is calibrated and validated using SWAT CUP, incorporating observed river discharge. The impact assessment on runoff considers different climate change and land use change scenarios. Future Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) predictions are made for 2025 to 2100, and the model is rerun to analyze the combined impact of changing climate and LULC on runoff. The study aims to achieve a robust understanding of future water resource dynamics for runoff generation; the integrated assessment of climate and land use impact on the hydrological dynamics of the Jhelum Basin uncovers substantial shifts in runoff patterns. The combination of changing climate conditions and evolving Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) scenarios reveals intricate interactions, influencing the basin's hydrological response. Future projections highlight the nuanced interplay between climate scenarios and LULC changes, offering valuable insights into the complex dynamics of water resource management. These results provide essential information for policymakers and decision-makers, guiding the formulation of adaptive strategies to address the evolving challenges in runoff generation within the Jhelum Basin. The research explores runoff responses to LULC and climate change through scenario-based setups. By quantitatively analyzing the effects on runoff and peak discharge across different periods, the study provides valuable insights for policymakers and decision-makers in water resources. This integrated assessment contributes to a more informed and sustainable approach to water resource management in the Jhelum Basin amidst changing climatic and land use conditions.

How to cite: Islam, S. U. and Chakma, S.: Integrated Assessment of Climate Change and Land Use Impact on Runoff Dynamics in the Jhelum Basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-581,, 2024.

Csilla Simon, Csaba Zsolt Torma, and Anna Kis

As a result of technological progress, general circulation models and regional climate models (GCMs and RCMs, respectively) became the principal tools for climate science. It is important to note, that these model simulations are encumbered with uncertainty of various origins, leading to biases in model outputs. By using bias-adjusted datasets and evaluating several RCMs together as members of an ensemble, the above-mentioned uncertainties can be quantified and reduced. In addition, unbiased data is required for impact studies (e.g. hydrology, agriculture) and the implementation of a bias-correction procedure has become a standard step in the process of using climate model outputs. However, a reliable observational dataset is required serving as reference data for all bias-adjustment methods.

Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiments (CORDEX) is an ongoing international initiative which provides a large number of climate model simulations for 14 domains worldwide. EURO-CORDEX is a sub-programme of CORDEX, covering the European domain and providing raw and bias-adjusted RCM outputs at a horizontal resolution of 0.11° (about 12.5 km) and 0.44° (about 50 km). In our study an ensemble of 5 RCMs (CCLM, HIRHAM, RACMO, RCA, REMO) with the finer resolution driven by 4 different GCMs are investigated for the period 1976–2099 under two radiative forcing scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). Bias-corrected model simulations are also available from the EURO-CORDEX, which were produced using a distribution-based scaling method and the calibration period of 1989–2010 from the MESAN reanalysis data.

The goal of our research is to investigate how the choice of the reference dataset and different calibration periods affects the results of the bias-corrected simulations focusing on Hungary. For this purpose, a bias-adjustment was carried out by applying the percentile-based quantile mapping method, using the HuClim dataset as a reference, which is the most accurate, measurement-based, quality controlled gridded data for Hungary currently available for the period 1971–2022. Two calibration periods were chosen for this procedure: an earlier (1976–2005) and a more recent (1993–2022) period. Four variables are used for this study (daily minimum- and maximum temperature, mean temperature and precipitation) and the following climate indices are assessed: summer days, frost days, tropical nights, wet days, the warmest day, the coldest night, the highest daily precipitation amount and extremely wet days. The validation of the data is presented here for the selected validation period 1993–2005, which is the common part of the three different calibration periods.

According to our preliminary results, the accuracy of the bias-corrected simulations depends on the chosen calibration period and the selected climate index. The average annual number of tropical nights are overestimated by bias-adjusted simulations using MESAN and the later HuClim period, but simulations corrected by the earlier HuClim period are in a good agreement with the reference values. In the case of precipitation-related indices negligible differences can be seen for the two sets of HuClim-based bias-adjusted model outputs, while the bias-adjusted data based on the MESAN dataset generally show more pronounced underestimation.

How to cite: Simon, C., Torma, C. Z., and Kis, A.: The effect of different calibration periods based on bias-adjusted EURO-CORDEX simulations over Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-663,, 2024.

Xianbing Tang, Yuanhai Fu, and Xuejie Gao

Tibetan Plateau (TP, with the height > 3000 m) is a region with complex topographical features and a large diversity of climate both in space and time. Future climate change over TP and the surrounding areas is investigated based on the ensemble of a set of the 21st century climate change projections using a regional climate model, RegCM4. The model is driven by five different GCMs at a grid spacing of 25 km. Results show the RegCM4 greatly improves the temperature and precipitation simulations by providing finer scale spatial details of them over the region. The topographic effects are well reproduced by RegCM4 but not the GCMs. General warming and increase in precipitation are found in both GCM and RegCM4 simulation, but with substantial differences in both the spatial distribution and magnitude of the changes. For temperature, RegCM4 projected a more pronounced warming in DJF over TP compared to its surrounding areas. The increase of precipitation is more pronounced and over the basins in DJF for RegCM4. For the extreme indices of snowfall, RegCM4 generally reproduces the spatial distributions although with overestimation in the amount. General decreases in SNOWTOT and S1mm, with greater magnitude over the eastern part are projected. Both S10mm and Sx5day show decrease over the eastern part but increase over the central and western parts. Notably, S10mm shows a marked increase (more than double) with high cross-simulation agreement over the central TP. Significant increases in all four indices are found over the Tarim and Qaidam basins, and northwestern China north of the TP. The projected changes show topographic dependence over the TP in the latitudinal direction, and tend to decrease/increase in low-/high-altitude areas.

How to cite: Tang, X., Fu, Y., and Gao, X.: Projected changes in mean temperature, precipitation and extreme snowfall events over the Tibetan Plateau based on a set of RegCM4 simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4982,, 2024.

Zuzana Rulfova and Romana Beranova

Regional climate model ALADIN-CLIM-CZ operated by Czech Hydrometeorological Institute has been upgraded to the convection permitting resolution of 2.3 km together with the implementation of the non-hydrostatic, fully elastic dynamical core. This study deals with the validation of the reanalysis using the ALADIN-CLIM-CZ model in the area of Europe with a focus on the area of Central Europe. The main motivation for this validation is to evaluate the quality of the model in connection with its planned use for forecasting the future climate in Central Europe and especially in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Due to the goal of validation, the study presents standard climate statistics for months and quarters such as long-term means and mean annual cycles and compares them with measurements at selected stations. We validated the following predicted quantities: precipitation amount and number of wet days, mean, minimum and maximum temperature at 2 m above surface, relative humidity at 2 m above surface, wind speed at 10 m above surface and global radiation at the surface.

How to cite: Rulfova, Z. and Beranova, R.: Validation of regional climate model ALADIN-CLIM-CZ, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5782,, 2024.

Pep Cos, Leandro B. Díaz, Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Raül Marcos-Matamoros, and Markus G. Donat

Multi-model ensembles of climate simulations often fail to correctly represent the climate evolution of the next decades due to the dominance of internal variability uncertainty in the near-term future. With the objective to solve this issue, in recent years new constraining methods have been developed. These methods aim to select members from the ensemble of climate simulations that have their variability and forced response most in phase with an observational or climate prediction reference. Through an evaluation of the performance of the different methods (Befort et al. 2020, Mahmood et al. 2021, Mahmood et al. 2022) against observations, we find that applying them directly to the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble exhibits high sensitivity to variations in the different parameters that define the methods. This complicates the interpretability of the results. 

We will illustrate the results of a study where we simplify the complexity of the ensemble selection methods by applying them to a single-model large ensemble. We use a perfect-model approach where, in turns, one of the members plays the role of the constraining and evaluation reference. In this study there is only one climate system involved, the one of the climate model chosen, and the differences between models and biases against observations no longer influences the results of the selection methods. Therefore, through this idealized approach, the mechanisms of the different selection methods can be better isolated and studied. Furthermore, this study offers perspectives of the potential improvements that could be expected from these methods and opens the door to finding ways of optimizing the metrics and approaches used to constrain a climate projections ensemble.


How to cite: Cos, P., Díaz, L. B., Doblas-Reyes, F., Marcos-Matamoros, R., and Donat, M. G.: Assessment of ensemble selection methods aligning decadal climate variability in a perfect-model framework, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8994,, 2024.

Emily Potter, Sihan Li, Julie Jones, Íñigo Irarrázaval, Tom Matthews, Baker Perry, and Jeremy Ely

The Andes has the longest mountain range in the world, stretching over 7000 kilometres from Colombia in the tropics to the bottom of Chile in the extratropics. Millions of people depend on water supply from the Andes for their consumption, agriculture, hydropower, and ecosystem services. Often, this water comes from snow and glacier melt, and these water stores can be especially important in times of drought, or during dry seasons for regions with strong annual cycles of precipitation. The inaccessibility of the higher regions in Andes makes setting up weather stations difficult, and the extremely complex topography leads to sharp gradients in weather and climate with varying altitudes of snowline, therefore requiring very high-resolution models to accurately capture the small-scale processes occurring. Due to these challenges, snowfall and snowcover in the Andes remain poorly understood and difficult to model, which are critical to address in the face of a changing climate, with potential for future precipitation occurring in fewer, more extreme snowfall events.

Here we present initial work optimising a high-resolution climate model over the Andes from Peru to the bottom of Chile. We have determined the best setup to model snowfall over the Andes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. The results of a sensitivity study with multiple different setups are compared to observations from weather stations and satellite data. We also show the capability of the model to represent extreme snowfall events at different latitudes. This model setup will be used to create both hindcasts and future projections of snowfall across the Andes mountain range, to better understand the implications for changing water resources in the Andes

How to cite: Potter, E., Li, S., Jones, J., Irarrázaval, Í., Matthews, T., Perry, B., and Ely, J.: Snowfall over the Andes: a convection-permitting climate model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9010,, 2024.

Natália Machado Crespo, Eva Holtanová, Michal Belda, and Tomáš Halenka

Global climate models (GCMs) are important tools for studying the climate system and climate change projections. Due to their coarse spatial resolution, downscaling is necessary on a regional scale, hence, regional climate models (RCMs) represent a common solution for this issue. Nevertheless, outputs of RCMs are influenced by the boundary conditions provided by GCMs. This study evaluates CMIP6 GCMs regarding the variables relevant as RCM boundary conditions. Special focus is on the simulation of CNRM-ESM2-1, which is being used as a driving model for convection-permitting Aladin-Climate/CZ RCM, used as one source feeding new Czech climate change scenarios. The analysis is conducted over the boundaries and inside the RCM integration domain, where ERA5 is chosen as reference for the boundary and E-OBS for the inner domain. The CNRM-ESM2-1 performs well in terms of near-surface variables over the Czech Republic, but it exhibits larger errors along the boundaries, especially for air temperature and specific humidity. Weak statistical relationship between the GCM performance over the boundaries in the upper levels and over the inner domain suggests that the nested RCM simulation does not necessarily have to be influenced by the biases in the driving data.

How to cite: Machado Crespo, N., Holtanová, E., Belda, M., and Halenka, T.: On the relation of CMIP6 GCMs errors at RCM driving boundary condition zones and inner domain for Central Europe , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9141,, 2024.

Frederik Bart, Benjamin Schmidt, Xun Wang, Achim Holtmann, Dieter Scherer, Fred Meier, and Marco Otto

The Central European Refined analysis (CER) was developed in 2016 as a high-resolution, reanalysis-based, gridded dataset for Central Europe. The second version (CER v2) aims to further improve the performance of the CER with a particular focus on precipitation data for the metropolitan region Berlin-Brandenburg. The simulation setup consists of two-way nested, cascaded domains for Germany (10 km grid spacing) and the region Berlin-Brandenburg (2 km grid spacing) and employs a daily re-initialization approach. Major changes from the precursor version include the use of ECMWF-ERA5 reanalysis forcing data and a newer WRF version, allowing for the production of longer time series. To further improve the precipitation performance for the CER v2 we performed sensitivity experiments with five cumulus and five microphysics schemes. The results of these test simulations were evaluated using one year of daily precipitation data at 244 stations of the German Weather Service (DWD) in the 2 km domain of the model.  The best average performance was achieved for a combination of the conventional Kain-Fritsch cumulus and the Thompson microphysics scheme. Using this setup, we simulated the precipitation conditions for 30 years (1991-2020) and evaluated monthly and annual precipitation averages against station and radar data by the DWD. Here, the CER v2 showed a significant reduction in deviations and mean bias compared to the previous version. Based on the spatial resolution of the ERA5 data, we resampled the CER v2 and observational data to compare the performance of both datasets. We observed a wet bias in the ERA5 precipitation data for this region, which was significantly reduced in the CER v2. Results of monthly averages indicated a comparable performance to ERA5 data throughout most of the year. Deviations from the observational data were typically higher during the summer months. However, due to the significant bias reduction and the high spatial resolution, the CER v2 could provide important insights about the local- to mesoscale precipitation dynamic of this region.

How to cite: Bart, F., Schmidt, B., Wang, X., Holtmann, A., Scherer, D., Meier, F., and Otto, M.: The Central Europe Refined analysis version 2 (CER v2): Dynamical downscaling of ERA5 precipitation data for the metropolitan region Berlin-Brandenburg, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9204,, 2024.

Rafaella - Eleni Sotiropoulou, Ioannis Stergiou, and Efthimios Tagaris

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRFv4.0 ARW) mesoscale meteorological model dynamically downscales data from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) GCM ModelE2 atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) CMIP5 version (Model E2-R) over Europe to replicate the observed bias and temporal variability and the previously observed impact of climate change on critical meteorological parameters. Given that RCM outputs are still susceptible to climate model errors from the RCM's structure and the driving GCM/ESM's initial and boundary conditions, examining a model's ability to replicate changes in climatic factors over the last several decades is an intriguing task. This activity identifies systematic biases and examines their sources. WRFv4.0 ARW is single-nested with 0.75°–0.25° grid resolutions. The past and current periods are represented by two 30-year datasets, 1951–1980 and 1981–2010. Model biases for mean temperature, mean precipitation, the number of days with temperatures exceeding 25 °C, and days with precipitation surpassing 5 mm (following WMO guidelines) were compared against E-OBS observations at a 0.25° spatial resolution. The analysis revealed consistent underprediction of mean temperature changes across all subregions, indicating a colder climatology assessment, especially during winter in southern and eastern subregions. Most subregions have the strongest bias in winter. The southern and eastern subregions show the largest bias due to land-atmosphere interactions. Conversely, spring or fall simulate the lowest biases. The lower snow cover during these seasons counters the overestimation of surface albedo in winter, and the radiation scheme has a gentler effect than in summer. In terms of days with a mean temperature above 25 °C, Southern Europe experiences an increased number of them. Model biases in mean precipitation displayed a general negative trend across subregions, a known issue in WRF simulations influenced by regional weather patterns that do not show a geographically regular trend. Over the two time slices, northwestern Europe had more days per month with mean daily precipitation above 5 mm than the middle and southern regions. Model simulated bias is quite small everywhere, demonstrating competence in predicting changes beyond the threshold. Model seasonal findings were always comparable to observations, despite minor regional differences. This study underscores the importance and need for more observations, particularly from southern Europe, for more credible evaluation studies.

How to cite: Sotiropoulou, R.-E., Stergiou, I., and Tagaris, E.: Examining Patterns of Temperature and Precipitation Biases in a Dynamic Downscaling Process across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11350,, 2024.

Dominic Matte, Martin Leduc, Marie-Pier Labonté, and Dominique Paquin

Recent studies have demonstrated that the uncertainty in projections can be reduced by weighting the GCMs based on their ability to accurately reproduce historical climate conditions in specific geographical regions. This study aims to reduce the uncertainty in projections of the annual maximum snow amount from obtained from the most recent iteration of GCMs in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). To do so, we implement a three-phase approach in order to adapt the Climate model Weighting by Independence and Performance (ClimWIP) algorithm to the main drivers of snow-amount projections.
Phase one of our research involves identifying and implementing the most effective metric combinations that yield a weighted field closely aligning with the reference dataset's state. In phase two, these optimal combinations are applied within a perfect model protocol to determine the most appropriate combination for practical application. The final phase uses the selected combination to compute weights specifically for the climate projection of the annual maximum snow amount.
Our findings indicate that our approach primarily impacts regions where snow amount is a critical factor. Additionally, we observe a narrowed range of uncertainties in both the annual maximum snow amount and the 2-meter temperature projections. This study's outcomes not only demonstrate the efficacy of our approach but also offers valuable insights for future climate projection and adaptation strategies in Canada.

How to cite: Matte, D., Leduc, M., Labonté, M.-P., and Paquin, D.: Reducing snow amount Uncertainty in CMIP6 Pan-Canadian Climate Projections, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11420,, 2024.

Sujeong Lim, Seon Ki Park, and Claudio Cassardo

Asian dust storms (ADSs) are widely considered to have originated in the Taklimakan and Gobi Deserts, Inner Mongolia, and northeast China. Because dust emissions are dependent on surface conditions such as wind speed and soil moisture, accurate land surface conditions in dust source areas are essential. We use regional climate projections from the Regional Climate Model version 4 (RegCM4) along with emission scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways; RCP) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emissions Scenarios to look into how the energy and water budgets of ADS source regions change in response to different climate change scenarios. To quantify changes in energy and hydrologic components over the source regions of ADS, we use the University of Torino model of land Processes Interaction with Atmosphere (UTOPIA), a diagnostic one-dimensional model that represents the interactions between the atmosphere, land surface, vegetation, and soil layers. We will examine the energy and hydrologic climate projections based on two emission scenarios (e.g., RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) with respect to ADS predictions.

How to cite: Lim, S., Park, S. K., and Cassardo, C.: Projected Changes in Energy and Hydrologic Budget over Asian Dust Source Regions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12626,, 2024.

Shruti Verma, Anahí Villalba-Pradas, Tomáš Halenka, Natália Machado Crespo, Jan Karlický, and Peter Huszár

Urban environments not only affect the warming rate over cities but also induce changes in other relevant meteorological variables. One of the main goals of the FPS URB-RCC Project and the Horizont research project Impetus4Change (I4C) is to improve our understanding of the impact of urban areas on the regional climate and vice versa, as well as to identify how urban parameterizations impact the regional-to-local scale processes, and, in general to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of near-term climate information. To evaluate these impacts in the long term, first we need to find the “best” configuration possible for our models and then validate them against high-quality observations.  


In this study, we present preliminary results from a series of sensitivity tests focusing on two extreme events occurred in 2020 over Paris, with the aim of finding the “best” model configuration. Simulations were performed using two models (WRF and RegCM5) with a double-nested domain at 12 and 3 km resolution, respectively, centered over Paris. Urban schemes of different complexity are used in WRF (in particular, we use the bulk, SLUCM and BEP+BEM urban schemes) as well as different physics options in both models. In the case of the RegCM5 model, different cores were tested too. The results show that relevant meteorological variables, such as temperature and precipitation, depend on the urban canopy scheme used as well as on the microphysics and planetary boundary layer schemes. Moreover, the effects of dynamical core in RegCM5 are more prominent than explicit moisture schemes for simulation of heat wave events. 

How to cite: Verma, S., Villalba-Pradas, A., Halenka, T., Machado Crespo, N., Karlický, J., and Huszár, P.: Sensitivity study of WRF and RegCM models to different physics schemes during two extreme weather events over Europe , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15257,, 2024.

Generalized drought index: A novel multi-scale daily approach for drought assessment
João Careto, Rita Cardoso, Ana Russo, Daniela Lima, and Pedro Soares
Natalia Zazulie, Francesca Raffaele, and Erika Coppola
One important type of information for stakeholders is the time of emergence (TOE) of a particular climatic impact-driver (CID) in a specific region as reported also in the latest IPCC AR6. The TOE is the time when a certain signal emerges from the natural variability, thus it is an indicator of the magnitude of the climate change signal and it can be very important in a risk framework for mitigation purposes. Moreover, a focus on big cities and urbanized areas is becoming more and more crucial to plan adaptation strategies.
The Euro-CORDEX regional climate projections, together with the CORDEX-CORE ones, are a good starting point to look at the impact of urbanization on climate change since most of the models in those ensembles are able to detect urban areas and use an urban model parametrization. In this study, we use the available CORDEX ensembles to compute tailored CIDs for some big urban areas all over the world, in order to understand which is the role of the urban effect in enhancing or dumping the specific signal compared to the more rural regions.
The analysis will be done at several resolutions according to the data availability to assess the need for higher-resolution information. As expected urban areas show an exacerbation of the extreme climate signal for several CIDs highlighting the importance of the development of tailored local adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Zazulie, N., Raffaele, F., and Coppola, E.: Urban hot spots of Global Temperature of Emergence of several CIDs for the biggest cities in the CORDEX domains, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19815,, 2024.

Platon Patlakas, Ioannis Chaniotis, Christos Stathopoulos, Andreas Kallos, Ishaq Sulaymon, Alaa Mhawish, and Jumaan Alqahtani

The Middle East and North African region (MENA) is characterized by unique climate patterns due to its complex topography and large-scale atmospheric circulation. On top of that, MENA is significantly affected by impacts associated with climate change. Moreover, desert dust serves as a crucial component in shaping the regional climate. It is present in high concentrations throughout the year and significantly modifies the radiative budget and energy distribution of the atmosphere. Dust particles can also have a crucial role in cloud physics and shape the evolution of extreme events. Dust storms, however, have a more direct effect on communities, influencing health, transportation, aviation and various socioeconomic activities that are crucial for the local economies.

To this end, a multidecadal high resolution atmospheric and dust dataset is developed. The exploration of this comprehensive database can enable the identification of trends, anomalies, and potential climate shifts, in several variables presenting a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and climate scientists. Therefore, this effort not only contributes to a better understanding of the regional climate system but also serves as a basis for future studies and mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Patlakas, P., Chaniotis, I., Stathopoulos, C., Kallos, A., Sulaymon, I., Mhawish, A., and Alqahtani, J.: A multidecadal high resolution atmospheric and dust dataset for the Middle East and North Africa, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20375,, 2024.

Kavya Rajagopal, Dr. Stephen Nash, and Dr. Paul Nolan

This study focuses on the validation of wind speed simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) against observed station data in Ireland.The aim is to assess the performance of 10 CMIP6 regional climate model (RCM) ensembles in capturing the spatiotemporal variability of wind speeds, a crucial parameter for various applicationssuch as renewable energy assessments and climate impact studies.

Station observation data for wind speed are obtained from 7 Met Éireann weather stations across Ireland, providing a comprehensive and high-quality dataset for model evaluation from 1981 to 2010.The 10 CMIP6 model ensembles are selected based on their representation of historical climate conditions, and a detailed comparison is conducted for various temporal scales.

Key metrics, such as bias, root mean square error, and correlation coefficients, percentiles are employed to quantify the agreement between CMIP6 model outputs and observed wind speed data.Additionally, annual, and monthly climatological patterns of wind speed across different regions of Ireland are examined to identify potential biases or deficiencies in model performance.

The COSMO-CLM regional models overestimate similar patterns, while the WRF simulates underestimated wind speeds for the stations. Despite these notable differences, all models accurately predicted the windiest months, which are January and February, and the least windy months, which are July and August. The windiest location in Ireland is also well represented by the models, which are Malin Head in County Donegal, where winds peak in January while the lowest wind speed is recorded at Valentia Observatory in July.

 The findings of this validation study contribute to our understanding of the reliability and accuracy of CMIP6 model simulations in reproducing wind speed characteristics specific to Ireland. The outcomes have implications for climate model improvement and can enhance the credibility of future climate projections for the region. Improved confidence in wind speed simulations is crucial for supporting informed decision-making in areas such as renewable energy planning, infrastructure design, and climate change adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Rajagopal, K., Nash, Dr. S., and Nolan, Dr. P.:  Assessment of CMIP6 Regional Climate Model Performance for Wind Speed in Ireland. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20532,, 2024.

Eun-Soon Im, Zixuan Zhou, Ji Won Yoon, and Seon Ki Park

The fifth version of the regional climate model (RegCM5) has recently been released, incorporating updates in several model components such as the dynamic core and physical parameterizations. Traditionally, sensitivity tests based on random selection have been employed to identify the optimal sets from various combinations of model dynamics and physics. However, this approach is largely limited by computing power, often failing to explore the complete range of possible combinations necessary for an accurate representation of the regional climate. To overcome these limitations, advanced optimization techniques have emerged to efficiently explore the complete range of possible combinations, without relying solely on random-based sensitivity tests.  In this study, we employ a micro-genetic algorithm (micro-GA) for combinatorial optimization of the dynamic cores, cumulus parameterizations, and microphysics parameterizations in RegCM5. The model domains consist of one 20km mother domain covering the majority of East Asia, and two 2.5km nested domains covering the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and Pearl River Delta (PRD), two densely populated regions in China. The focus is on conducting comparative assessments of simulated precipitation and temperature patterns in Southeastern China based on a series of experiments using the coupled RegCM5-micro-GA interface. The findings from this study will provide valuable insights to facilitate the wider use of RegCM5 by customizing its performance over the target regions.  

[Acknowledgements] This research was supported by project GRF16308722, which was funded by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.

How to cite: Im, E.-S., Zhou, Z., Yoon, J. W., and Park, S. K.: Combinatorial optimization of dynamics and physics in RegCM5 using a micro-genetic algorithm for precipitation and temperature simulations in Southeastern China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20577,, 2024.

Sarah Schöngart, Peter Pfleiderer, and Carl-Friedrich Schleußner

We investigate the potential of utilizing the precipitation emulator MESMER-M-TP as a tool to gain insights into precipitation patterns derived from Earth System Models (ESMs). MESMER-M-TP generates spatially explicit, monthly mean precipitation fields (2.5°x2.5° resolution) by employing spatially explicit, monthly mean temperatures as input. The approach involves modeling local precipitation as the response variable of a generalized linear model (GLM) with local modes of temperature variability as predictive variables.

The emulator is trained on 24 different ESMs from the CMIP6 dataset based on a single ensemble member across Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). This results in a set of 24 distinct parameter sets for each month and location. These parameters link precipitation to temperature via the GLM, providing a basis for quantitatively analyzing inter-model differences and parametric uncertainties. We focus on three key aspects: (1) Investigating parameter distributions to identify locations and months with poor inter-model agreement and understanding how individual predictors contribute to overall discrepancies. (2) Utilizing a clustering-based approach to group the 24 climate models based on their parameters, revealing consistency with genealogy and code streams of CMIP6 model development. (3) Exploring the sensitivity of the emulator to parameter choices.

This explorative analysis offers valuable insights into the intricacies of precipitation modeling in ESMs by providing a quantitative understanding of inter-model variations and exploring sampling strategies that take inter-model variations into acocunt.

How to cite: Schöngart, S., Pfleiderer, P., and Schleußner, C.-F.: Exploring Variability and Uncertainty in Precipitation within Earth System Models Using Parametric Estimates from the Precipitation Emulator MESMER-M-TP, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20718,, 2024.

Anna E. Sikorska-Senoner, Jan Rajczak, Massimiliano Zappa, and Sven Kotlarski

Impact modelling requires fine-scale climate information to simulate possible impacts of climate change on different sectors such as agriculture, water management or food production. Such impact models are run at a much finer spatial and temporal resolution than global or regional climate models, and therefore a pre-selection of climate model chains is required due to the computational limitations of these models. To date, there is no structured guidance for practitioners and impact modelers on how to select climate model chains. This is also the case for the Swiss Climate Scenarios (CH2018), which main products are usually communicated to the users as median, upper and lower estimates calculated for each product and time slice individually.

In this work, we present a new sub-selection climate ensemble method tailored to the users’ needs and the desired emission scenario (Representative Concentration Pathways, RCP). The method builds on the core statements of the CH2018, i.e., droughts, heat waves, heavy rainfalls, and snow-scarce winters, and complements them with three further application cases, i.e., temperature, precipitation, combined temperature and precipitation. For each application case and each RCP, three representative climate model chains are selected from the full ensemble to cover the range of the climate change signal. These include one chain corresponding to the upper, middle and lower limits of the ensemble range. The selection of climate model chains is based on the climate change signals calculated for a set of pre-selected climate indicators (e.g., mean temperature or number of hot days). Next, each climate model chain is ranked for each climate indicator according to its climate change signal calculated between the end of the century and the CH2018 reference period (i.e., 2070-2099 vs. 1981-2010). This ranking is used to divide the models into three terciles, representing the upper, lower and middle bounds of the ensemble. For each tercile, one climate model chain is next selected that best meets the selection criteria. As a result, a sub-selected ensemble with three climate model chains is proposed to the users.

The method has been developed for Switzerland and five major Swiss regions using the CH2018 GRIDDED dataset, which contains of 68 daily, transient and bias-corrected simulations of climate model chains covering the simulation period of 1981-2099. The method allows the CH2018 users to choose from three RCPs (RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) and seven application cases to obtain a set of three representative climate model chains. The selected climate model chains were next successfully implemented in a hydrological impact model to assess their applicability for assessing climate impacts on hydrological variables. The method is very flexible and can easily be applied to a new or an extended climate model ensemble or to newly defined application cases.

How to cite: Sikorska-Senoner, A. E., Rajczak, J., Zappa, M., and Kotlarski, S.: A ranking-based sub-selection of the climate ensemble for climate impact studies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19356,, 2024.

Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Kobe Vandelanotte, Nicolas Ghilain, Hans Van de Vyver, Fien Serras, Nicole Van Lipzig, and Piet Termonia

Regional climate models (RCMs) may provide detailed climate information that is required by local stakeholders. Additionally, RCMs have shown added value in their representation of extremes such as extreme rainfall, with respect to Global Climate Models (GCMs). However, RCM simulations are computationally very expensive and depend strongly on the forcing GCM. Therefore, it is essential to carefully select the GCM. Previous coordinated ensemble simulations from EURO-CORDEX forced by GCMs from CMIP5 did not include a coordinated GCM selection. Recent efforts using CMIP6, on the other hand, do provide a framework for GCM selection (Sobolowski et al., 2023) based on different criteria for Europe. These criteria include model performance, availability and reliability of the climate-change signal. In Belgium, the II project aims to provide regional climate-change information for climate services in support of climate adaptation and mitigation.  This information will be extracted using three regional climate models: ALARO-SURFEX, COSMO-TERRA-URB and MAR at convection-permitting resolutions (Termonia, et al., 2018). We present the overall setup of the II methodology and the GCM selection. Thereby, the selection criterion of covering the entire range of climate-change signals, as used within the EURO-CORDEX effort, is replaced with the criterion to obtain the strongest changes in climate extremes possible, in line with the demand from the main stakeholders. More specifically, based on the EURO-CORDEX downscaling results forced by CMIP5, we outline a methodology for GCM selection to obtain the highest likelihood of strong changes in rainfall extremes. We explore the dependence of this likelihood with respect to different model predictors, RCM and GCM model groups and regions over Europe. We then apply this methodology on the CMIP6 ensemble over Belgium to obtain a list of selected runs for dynamic downscaling.

Termonia, et al. (2018). The CORDEX. be initiative as a foundation for climate services in Belgium. Climate Services, 11, 49-61.

Sobolowski et al. (2023) 10.5281/zenodo.7673399.

How to cite: Van Schaeybroeck, B., Vandelanotte, K., Ghilain, N., Van de Vyver, H., Serras, F., Van Lipzig, N., and Termonia, P.: GCM selection for dynamical downscaling of extreme rainfall changes over Belgium, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7207,, 2024.