BG4.1 | Vegetated coastal ecosystems: Bridging disciplines to understand Blue carbon dynamics under global change
Orals |
Wed, 14:00
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 14:00
Vegetated coastal ecosystems: Bridging disciplines to understand Blue carbon dynamics under global change
Convener: Marie ArnaudECSECS | Co-conveners: Steven Bouillon, Carmen B. de los Santos, Pere Masqué, William Austin
| Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.23
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X1
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X1
Orals |
Wed, 14:00
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 14:00
Blue carbon ecosystems are coastal vegetated environments that are among the most carbon-dense ecosystems on Earth. They include salt marshes, mangroves, seagrasses and, more recently, macro-algae. These ecosystems provide nature-based solutions essential to mitigate residual anthropogenic carbon emissions, while also delivering co-benefits such as biodiversity support or coastal protection. Yet, coastal vegetated ecosystems are increasingly under pressure from climate change and local anthropogenic activities that are already affecting their carbon dynamics. There is a pressing need to better address those global changes impacts by better understanding the carbon cycle in these ecosystems. In particular, this requires to better understand the feedback loops between soil carbon and plants, the intricate exchanges of carbon between the atmosphere, soil, and water, and the interplay between human activities and carbon dynamics in vegetated coastal ecosystems.
The purpose of this session is to foster a convergence of scientists from multiple disciplines, including biogeochemists, ecologists, geographers, geologists, social scientists, biologists, and also environmental managers. The session aims to highlight pioneering studies that i) advance our comprehension of all processes related to carbon in salt marshes, mangroves, seagrasses and macro-algae under current and future environmental conditions; and ii) spotlight successful management, conservation, and restoration practices to keep or enhance the carbon sequestration service with delivery of co-benefits. This session will contribute to the United Nations Decade for Ocean Sciences, with co-convenorship by the Decade Programme for Blue Carbon in the Global Ocean.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 2.23

Chairpersons: Marie Arnaud, Steven Bouillon, William Austin
Mechanisms of Blue Carbon sequestration and loss
On-site presentation
Tania L. Maxwell, Mark Spalding, and Thomas A. Worthington and the global marsh soil C team

Tidal marshes are known for their capacity to store large amounts of carbon in their water-logged soils; however, this coastal ecosystem is threatened by land conversion, climate change, and habitat degradation. Therefore to support conservation efforts, it is important to accurately quantify and map the benefits of this ecosystem such as their current soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. Based on the newly developed tidal marsh extent map by Worthington et al. (2023), we produced the first global spatially-explicit map of SOC storage in tidal marshes at 30 m resolution, as well as presenting the uncertainty and limitations around the predictions  

To produce our predictions, we used training data from the recently published global tidal marsh soil organic carbon (MarSOC) dataset, supplemented by data from the Coastal Carbon Research Coordination Network database. We modelled SOC in relation to potential landscape-level environmental drivers, including vegetation indices, elevation, tidal amplitude, and climatic variables. Finally, we trained a random forest model using the dataset and the environmental covariates, taking into account the spatial nature of the data in the cross validation. We applied a new area of applicability method from Meyer & Pebesma (2021) to avoid predicting SOC values into unknown space, and estimated pixel-level uncertainty using the predicted model error. 

Globally the model predicts on average 83.09 Mg SOC ha-1 (average predicted error 44.77 Mg ha-1) is held in the 0-30 cm layer and 185.27 Mg ha-1 (average predicted error 105.71 Mg ha-1) in the 30-100 cm layer. However due to the current sparsity of data in places, the area of applicability of the model for the 0-30 cm layer represents 58.0% of mapped marshes and this drops to 46.2% for the 30-100 cm layer. Considering the total tidal marsh extent, we estimate tidal marshes to hold 1.44 Petagrams of SOC to 1 m globally. Regionally, higher predicted stocks per unit area are found in the Arctic; however, this is confounded by high uncertainty. The Temperate Northern Atlantic is estimated to hold the highest amount of carbon due to the large tidal marsh extent in this region. 

Due to the lack of training soil carbon data we were unable to provide accurate predictions in several areas, therefore our approach also highlights the need for further sampling efforts in specific geographies. It also highlights the needs for the development of additional global covariate layers, to improve our estimates on SOC stocks in tidal marshes. Notwithstanding, our model and map will be valuable to support conservation efforts, aiding the implementation of blue carbon actions in Nationally Determined Contributions.

How to cite: Maxwell, T. L., Spalding, M., and Worthington, T. A. and the global marsh soil C team: Predicting global soil organic carbon dynamics in tidal marshes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5934,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shanshan Song, Yali Ding, Wei Li, Yuchen Meng, Jian Zhou, Ruikun Gou, Conghe Zhang, Shengbin Ye, Neil Saintilan, Ken Krauss, Stephen Crooks, Shuguo Lv, and Guanghui Lin

Significant efforts have been invested to restore mangrove forests worldwide through reforestation and afforestation. However, blue carbon benefit has not been compared between these two silvicultural pathways at the global scale. Here, we integrated results from direct field measurements of over 370 restoration sites around the world to show that mangrove reforestation (reestablishing mangroves where they previously colonized) had a greater carbon storage potential per hectare than afforestation (establishing mangroves where not previously mangrove). Greater carbon accumulation was mainly attributed to favorable intertidal positioning, higher nitrogen availability, and lower salinity at most reforestation sites. Reforestation of all physically feasible areas in the deforested mangrove regions of the world could promote the uptake of 671.5–688.8 Tg CO2-eq globally over a 40-year period, 60% more than afforesting the same global area on tidal flats (more marginal sites). Along with avoiding conflicts of habitat conversion, mangrove reforestation should be given priority when designing nature-based solutions for mitigating global climate change.

How to cite: Song, S., Ding, Y., Li, W., Meng, Y., Zhou, J., Gou, R., Zhang, C., Ye, S., Saintilan, N., Krauss, K., Crooks, S., Lv, S., and Lin, G.: Mangrove reforestation provides greater blue carbon benefit than afforestation for mitigating global climate change, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2506,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sarah Robin, François Baudin, Claude Le Milbeau, and Cyril Marchand

A buried layer rich in organic matter (OM) has been identified in the mangrove soils along the West coast of New Caledonia (South Pacific), resulting from a long period of stable sea levels during the Holocene. This study aims to characterize this OM-enriched layer isotopically, molecularly (lignin and neutral carbohydrates), and using Rock-Eval pyrolysis, while identifying the decomposition and preservation processes in these anoxic and sulfidic conditions. The study site is a mangrove forest of the West coast of New Caledonia, with a vegetation typical of this semi-arid area. The species Rhizophora stylosa develops in monospecific stand seaward and the species Avicennia marina landward. Multiple parameters such as the high total organic carbon content (10%) indicate the presence of this enriched layer below 30 cm depth beneath the A. marina stand. Stable isotopic ratios indicate that the roots of R. stylosa are the primary source of OM in this layer. Degradation mechanisms include dehydrogenation and the loss of major neutral sugars (glucose, xylose, galactose), while preservation processes involving arabinose, vanillin, and p-hydroxyacetophenone contribute to the stabilization of OM. The presence of well-preserved root material associated with pyrite observed using a scanning electron microscope, along with high Sorg/C ratio provide tangible evidence of interactions between OM and minerals and OM sulfurization, reinforcing preservation in anoxic and sulfidic environments. Through radiocarbon dating, the OM-enriched layer is placed in the historical context of a period characterized by stable sea levels approximately 4,000 years ago, emphasizing the profound impact of prolonged stability on OM accumulation and preservation in mangrove soils.

How to cite: Robin, S., Baudin, F., Le Milbeau, C., and Marchand, C.: Millennial-aged organic matter sequestration and preservation in anoxic and sulfidic mangrove soils: insights from isotopic and molecular analyses, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-189,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gloria Reithmaier, Damien T. Maher, Ceylena Holloway, Rogger E. Correa, and Isaac R. Santos

Blue carbon ecosystems, e.g., mangroves and saltmarshes, may help to mitigate climate change by storing atmospheric carbon. Most blue carbon studies focus on carbon burial in soils. However, lateral exports from blue carbon systems (termed outwelling) represents an additional carbon sink. We investigated dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and alkalinity (TA) outwelling rates as well as CO2 emissions from 18 estuaries fringed by mangroves and saltmarshes. On average, estuaries exported 344 ± 150 mmol m-2 y-1 DIC and 120 ± 55 mmol m-2 y-1 DOC. Carbon outwelling rates were ~20-times higher than estuarine CO2 emissions (33 ± 20 mmol m-2 d-1). Blue carbon ecosystems contributed 19 – 41 % to the overall carbon export to the ocean. In addition to wetland cover, estuary size and runoff were key drivers impacting carbon outwelling rates. Overall, small estuaries exported disproportionally high carbon loads, contributing up to 80% of the carbon outwelling from Australian estuaries. To improve global carbon budgets, it is crucial to consider carbon outwelling from small estuaries fringed by blue carbon ecosystems.

How to cite: Reithmaier, G., Maher, D. T., Holloway, C., Correa, R. E., and Santos, I. R.: Size matters – small estuaries fringed by blue carbon ecosystems deliver disproportionately high dissolved carbon to the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1961,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Vona Méléder, Pierre Polsenaere, Patrick Launeau, Bruno Jesus, Meng Zhang, Johann Lavaud, Manuel Giraud, Philippe Rosa, Jonathan Deborde, Philippe Geairon, James Grizon, Eric Lamaud, and Jean-Marc Bonnefond

Intertidal mudflats, present all over the world are excluded from global carbon budget calculation; while these ecosystems are increasingly recognized to be as productive as tropical forests. With an annual global productivity estimated to be in the order of 500 million tons of carbon, mudflats can therefore represent up to 20% of the global production of the oceans, whereas they occupy only 0.03% of their surface, with a total area estimated at 130,000 km2. Despite their potentially high contribution to the overall carbon budget, their actual contribution remains unknown. Moreover, these ecosystems are currently under threat from global climate changes and increased human activities. In this context, estimating the actual carbon uptake by these ecosystems from the local to the global scale is a challenge that has to be tackled, which is the objective of this project.

The main innovation of our project resides in coupling hyperspectral remote sensing, with CO2 fluxes measured at different spatial and temporal scales using benthic chambers and atmospheric eddy covariance. The first results shown the effect of seasons, tide, and habitats on CO2 fluxes, making intertidal mudflats as a sink, rather than a source of CO2. The final objective is to map the gross primary production (GPP) to estimate for the first time the contribution of these ecosystems at the global carbon cycle and more specifically, to the Blue Carbon. Such tools and results will help predicting what will happen to the tidal ecosystems due to changes linked to global climate changes and assist in developing mitigation and adaptation strategies to comply with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

How to cite: Méléder, V., Polsenaere, P., Launeau, P., Jesus, B., Zhang, M., Lavaud, J., Giraud, M., Rosa, P., Deborde, J., Geairon, P., Grizon, J., Lamaud, E., and Bonnefond, J.-M.: Mapping intertidal mudflat gross primary production (GPP) by hyperspectral imagery, coupling with atmospheric CO2 fluxes at varied temporal and spatial scales: from the lab to the ecosystem level, through the seasons., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6525,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Panunporn Tutiyasarn, Peter Müller, Gibran Romero Mujalli, Bryce Van Dam, Jens Hartmann, and Philipp Porada

Salt Marshes and other vegetated coastal ecosystems play a crucial role in sequestering anthropogenic CO2 by storing carbon as organic matter within the ecosystem. Additionally, these ecosystems have been identified as potential hotspots for alkalinity generation, via anaerobic respiration and dissolution of carbonate minerals within sediments. In this way, they enhance the capacity of the ocean for CO2 removal. Quantitative insights into alkalinity generation at small scales, particularly those where rhizosphere processes and associated feedback take place, still remain limited. Our study addresses this gap by conducting a two-factorial lab-based column experiment coupled with water chemistry analysis to elucidate the influence of increased rainfall intensity and elevated soil CO2 levels on alkalinity generation in organic-poor minerogenic salt marsh soil. The results revealed a significant positive effect of increased rainfall intensity and elevated soil CO2 levels on alkalinity generation. Carbonate mineral dissolution was identified as the dominant driving force, with an additional dissolution of silicate minerals. Together, this study advances the understanding of rhizosphere environments characterized by relatively high CO2 levels as potential hotspots for alkalinity generation through mineral dissolution processes. Moreover, it indicates a clear association between intensified rainfall and heightened alkalinity generation, underlining an implication for future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Tutiyasarn, P., Müller, P., Romero Mujalli, G., Van Dam, B., Hartmann, J., and Porada, P.: Minerogenic Salt Marsh Soil Responses to Increasing Rainfall Intensity and Soil CO2: Implications for Alkalinity Generation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3934,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Sandip Kumar Mohakud, Amrit Kumar Mishra, and Syed Hilal Farooq

The saltmarsh ecosystems of India are least studied,  despite being considered as nature-based solutions (NbS) towards climate change mitigation. This study quantifies the seasonal variation in carbon stocks of mono-specific saltmarsh specie (Porteresia coarctata) and its potential to play an important role in India’s climate change mitigation plans. Seasonal (pre-and post-monsoon) sampling of P. coarctata surface water, biomass and 30 cm sediment core was collected across four estuarine locations on the east coast of India to quantify the sediment dry bulk density (DBD), organic matter (OM%), organic carbon (Corg%), Corg stocks of sediment and biomass, total carbon (C%) and nitrogen (N%) and stable isotope ratios of Carbon (δ13C) and Nitrogen (δ15N).  In general, the sediment DBD, OM and Corg of P. coarctata meadows was higher in post-monsoon and was influenced by salinity and pH changes. Carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of sediment C sources suggested, particulate organic matter (POM) contribution was highest (0.04-0.79%) followed by P. coarctata (0.01–052%) and other macrophytes across our study locations.  The seasonal variation of δ13C showed increased contribution of marine derived particulate and dissolved organic matter into P. coarctata meadows in post-monsoon season.  Higher δ15N values observed in post-monsoon season suggest an anthropogenic input, that was utilized by P. coarctata to increase its above and below-ground biomass and shoot density. The combined ecosystem (30 cm sediment + biomass) Corg stocks of P. coarctata was 1.7-fold higher in post-monsoon (4021.20± 917 Mg C) compared to pre-monsoon (2297.36 ±647 Mg C) season among the four locations with a sediment Corg contribution >70%. Based on the International Panel for Climate Change Tier II assessment the P. coarctata meadows (443 ha) can help in avoiding the pre-and post-monsoon emissions of 8431.34 and 14757.84 Mg CO2, respectively. The combined price of the total CO2 equivalent stored in P. coarctata meadows in pre- and post-monsoon is calculated to be US$ 14.50 and US$ 25.38 million, respectively. Further studies quantifying the NbS potential of mono-specific and mixed P. coarctata meadows along the coast of India is important, along with the integration of saltmarsh ecosystems into India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change.

Keywords: Saltmarsh, Carbon stocks, Porterasia coarctata, Nature-based solution, Stable isotopes

How to cite: Mohakud, S. K., Mishra, A. K., and Farooq, S. H.: Data deficient saltmarsh species has climate relevant carbon stocks from the east coast of India, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-846,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alex Houston, Mark Garnett, and William Austin

International policy frameworks recognize the net drawdown and storage of atmospheric greenhouse gases through management interventions on blue carbon ecosystems (saltmarshes, mangroves, seagrasses) as potential emissions offset strategies. However, key questions remain around the ‘additionality’ of the carbon sequestered by these ecosystems, and whether some fraction of the organic carbon (OC) that does not derive from in-situ production (allochthonous) should be included in carbon budgets. This study compares the radiocarbon (14C) contents of saltmarsh soils and CO2 evolved from aerobic laboratory incubations to show that young OC is preferentially respired over aged OC, and that the latter is also vulnerable to remineralisation under oxic conditions. The results from this study are the first to empirically show the remineralisation of aged OC from a blue carbon ecosystem. This highlights that management interventions which reduce the exposure of saltmarsh soils to oxic conditions support the inclusion of some portion of allochthonous OC in carbon budgets. Elevated temperature incubations provide preliminary evidence that the predominant source of respired OC will not change under predicted future warmer conditions. Saltmarsh typology also influences the 14C content of both the bulk soil and respired CO2, highlighting the importance of site selection for optimized blue carbon additionality. 

How to cite: Houston, A., Garnett, M., and Austin, W.: Blue Carbon Additionality: New Insights from the Radiocarbon Content of Saltmarsh Soils and their Respired CO2, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-552,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: William Austin, Steven Bouillon, Marie Arnaud
Blue Carbon policy and global processes across time and space
On-site presentation
Daniel Murdiyarso, Trialaksita SP Ardhani, Mikah Royna, Phidju M Sagala, and Sigit D Sasmito

Over the years the northern coast of Java has been subjected to extensive land-use change due to high population pressure. Removal of mangroves and development of aquaculture are rampant. As a consequence, many parts of the region have been flooded and submerged. It is not clear however, whether the submergence is due to sea level rise or land subsidence or both. Here, we reveal the range of surface change with high accuracy following land management strategy post conversions. Mangroves in converted area suffered the most from subsidence, which ranged between 5 and 45 mm yr-1. Meanwhile, in protected areas, instead of subsidence, land build up or accretion which ranged between 11 and 22 mm yr-1 were observed. These data suggest that restoring degraded mangrove should take into account the accommodation capacity of the landscape in order to secure the survival of newly introduced seedlings. In addition, the threat of sea level rise of 4.7 mm yr-1.

Keywords: accretion rate, restoration, rSET, sea level rise, sub-surface change

How to cite: Murdiyarso, D., Ardhani, T. S., Royna, M., Sagala, P. M., and Sasmito, S. D.: The dynamic of surface elevation changes over a range of mangrove management strategies in degraded coastal zone of Java, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20654,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lucila Xaus, Cédric Gaucherel, and Christine Dupuy

Understanding how social-nature and ecological-nature functions and their dynamics affect carbon emissions is critical due to the growing anthropogenic impact and its constant denial. According to the Paris Agreement in 2015, several countries and cities aim at becoming zero-carbon areas by 2050. In this context, wetlands and other coastal vegetated systems have been recognized for their major roles in “blue carbon” sequestration and storage. In addition, wetlands such as marshes can be either natural or managed by man for agriculture, aquaculture or other anthropogenic needs. Therefore, it is essential to accurately comprehend wetlands ecological functions for a better understanding of CO2 regulating factors and how they affect carbon budgets in these dynamic and heterogeneous systems. A few quantitative models are already in use for the study of social-ecological system (SES), however qualitative models have demonstrated to be an alternative and novel way for representing the essential long-term dynamics of SES. These models make it possible to qualify the responses of the system as a whole to its many exposed disturbances (human pressures, global change, biological activity, etc.), as well as to predict them. Here, a qualitative rule-based model for La Rochelle city (France) SES in wetlands has been developed to assess carbon neutrality, using the Ecological Discrete-Event Network (EDEN) modeling framework. The most important ecological components (variables) related to carbon emission for wetlands (e.g., phytoplankton, sediments, plants) and social (e.g., transportation, agriculture) domains have been carefully chosen from the literature, field studies, interviews and data analyses. Using these variables and related processes, every possible pathway will be computed to assess whether carbon neutrality is reachable from a chosen initial state by this modeled SES. Moreover, by the hand of EDEN, the recommended and dangerous pathways will be identified. The Eco-Marsh model is the first qualitative and possibilistic model ever, to our knowledge, for assessing carbon neutrality in a social-ecological system as a whole including wetlands. The first results will be presented, and will become part of a larger model which will include additional physicochemical, economical and political domains of La Rochelle region. In a second step, such an integrated model will enable the mechanisms governing these areas to be presented to stakeholders, so that integrated management strategies will be devised to optimise regional carbon functioning.

How to cite: Xaus, L., Gaucherel, C., and Dupuy, C.: Zero-Carbon Wetlands’ from qualitative and possibilistic perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7714,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Martin Zimmer and the sea4soCiety-Consortium

Climate change-mitigation requires immediate and long-lasting drastic reductions in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. As some of these emissions are considered hard-to-abate, the net-zero emissions aim can only be reached through carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategies. Many of these rely on technical, physical or chemical approaches that are promising but not yet fully implementable nor fully accepted by society ( Nature-based Solutions (NbS), by contrast, may be less efficient but enjoy high societal desirability and methodological feasibility. sea4soCiety ( aims at developing innovative approaches to enhance the potential for Blue Carbon sequestration in mangrove forests (and other blue carbon ecosystems: saltmarshes, seagrass meadows, kelp beds) through expanding their spatial extent into new areas, if and where ecologically feasible, in an environmentally sound, legally and ethically unobjectionable, socially acceptable, and economically viable manner. With the first phase (2021-2024) of the long-term project ending, I will critically shed light on the general concept, progress. Based on first findings -specifically with respect to methodology, organic matter stability and origin, faunal effects on carbon fluxes, and societal perception and acceptance-, an outlook to the second phase (2024-2027) will provide a glimpse at future plans and directions towards Blue Carbon-based climate change-mitigation through the (re-)establishment of coastal vegetated ecosystems.

How to cite: Zimmer, M. and the sea4soCiety-Consortium: searching for solutions for Carbon-sequestration in coastal ecosystems: an international and interdisciplinary approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5956,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem, Adrien Comte, Patrice Guillotreau, Christophe Proisy, Solène Manouvrier, Issa Sakho, Claudia Agraz Hernández, Mario Soares, and Romain Chabrol

Sustainable science, socio-environmental justice and equity will determine the co-benefits necessary for the credibility, acceptability and effectiveness of blue carbon credits. Bringing together a team of researchers from various disciplines and regions of the world, we reflect on our experience of mangrove ecosystems and the influence of carbon markets on the evolution of mangroves to produce policy recommendations. The blue carbon market must not distract policy-makers from the goal of urgent and massive emission reductions in the Global North, and must be demonstrated to be equitable and inclusive in and with the Global South and useful to effectively sequester and store carbon everywhere. For this to happen, blue carbon finance strategies must be co-designed with all stakeholders, with a particular attention to the most vulnerable people in the Global South. More globally, an integrated approach addressing carbon storage but also adaptation capacities, biodiversity conservation and benefits for the communities is to be preferred.

How to cite: Cormier-Salem, M.-C., Comte, A., Guillotreau, P., Proisy, C., Manouvrier, S., Sakho, I., Hernández, C. A., Soares, M., and Chabrol, R.: Blue carbon credits: a lot of promises but even more uncertainties for the Global South, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20114,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pierre Polsenaere, Camille Péry, Eric Lamaud, Maxime Paschal, Nicolas Lachaussée, Natacha Volto, Nathalie Long, Bénédicte Dubillot, Jonathan Deborde, Louis Costes, Lucila Xaus, Benjamin Amann, Eric Chaumillon, Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Pierre Guéret, Marine Afonso, and Christine Dupuy

Vegetated coastal ecosystems are still under represented in regional/global carbon cycling and flux studies. Despite their small surface area, they represent a significant part in annual global ocean productivity (mudflats, up to 20%), carbon stored on Earth and in air-sea CO2 fluxes (wetlands, 17%). In the context of rising greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and mitigation, it is paramount to increase integrative and multidisciplinary approaches to better understand processes, flux dynamics and controlling factors at terrestrial-aquatic-atmospheric exchange interfaces at the various spatiotemporal scales. In this objective and the framework of the La Rochelle Zero Carbon Territory project (LRTZC 2019-27), the carbon dynamic was studied within a temperate intertidal bay (Aiguillon, French Atlantic coast) at its mudflat - salt marsh edge, colonized by microphytobenthic communities and halophytic plants respectively, and likely to influence associated carbon processes and fluxes. An atmospheric Eddy Covariance station was deployed with simultaneous seasonal in situ and satellite measurements within the different compartments (air, soil/sediment, water) and associated interfaces to temporally and spatially characterize atmospheric CO2 exchanges and controlling factors. Our first results showed mean CO2 sink values higher in spring than winter (-2.42±4.21 and -0.73±1.83 µmol m−2 s−1), at low than high tides (-1.26±3.14 and -0.49±2.45 µmol m−2 s−1) and from mudflats than marsh habitats (-1.47±2.79 and -0.98±3.56 µmol m−2 s−1). Photosynthetically active radiation, air temperature as well as wind direction significantly controlled CO2 fluxes through photosynthesis and respiration activities of involved habitats. At the small-time scales (diurnal, tidal), the tide clearly influenced carbon processes and fluxes at the studied site, though 90% of the time emerged. However, at larger time scales (seasonal, annual), observed incoming CO2 oversaturated coastal waters did not question the overall CO2 sinks ensured by the mudflat – marsh system. These ongoing LRTZC measurements and results take part in the better carbon process/flux understanding of under studied blue carbon ecosystems in France and elsewhere and will earn to be discussed in the context of the climate change and its potential impact on carbon budgets.

How to cite: Polsenaere, P., Péry, C., Lamaud, E., Paschal, M., Lachaussée, N., Volto, N., Long, N., Dubillot, B., Deborde, J., Costes, L., Xaus, L., Amann, B., Chaumillon, E., Lacoue-Labarthe, T., Guéret, J.-P., Afonso, M., and Dupuy, C.: Carbon dynamics at the mudflat-marsh edge of a temperate tidal bay, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15440,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christopher Owers, Rafael Carvalho, and Jeffrey Kelleway

Australia’s coastal wetlands include a diversity of vegetation structures and compositions across intertidal and supratidal elevations. While there have been significant recent advances in continental-wide information on mangrove and saltmarsh, neighbouring supratidal forests represent a significant missing link in knowledge of the distribution of coastal ecosystems in Australia. Without the ability to classify supratidal forests using remotely sensed imagery, it is currently not possible to identify where this ecosystem exists across Australia or to track changes over time, including increases in extent from restoration projects. This knowledge gap impacts a range of end-users, including federal and state/territory government portfolios responsible for monitoring and managing coastal wetland sites across Australia. In addition, the Clean Energy Regulator and project developers require access to current and historic coastal wetland extent to track and report on changes of supratidal forest extent for new Blue Carbon methods under Australia’s Emissions Reduction Fund. Access to publicly available, nationally consistent supratidal forest maps would further benefit coastal wetland managers, including state and territory governments, NRM groups and local councils across Australia.

We have developed an initial ecosystem extent workflow and associated maps of supratidal forest distribution, with the view to develop a continental scale national supratidal forest mapping workflow for Australia. This workflow and associated maps are based upon an emerging conceptual understanding of supratidal forest characteristics and biophysical drivers from multiple settings around the country. New field measurements will be used to calibrate and validate an improved workflow and national map products. The final outputs from this project will align with Australia’s Ocean Accounts, providing a missing piece in national mapping and reporting on Australia’s ocean-based natural assets. Addressing this data gap is crucial for effective management and protection of coastal wetland ecosystems and their associated services.

How to cite: Owers, C., Carvalho, R., and Kelleway, J.: Towards continental-scale mapping of supratidal forests to support blue carbon initiatives for Australia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14194,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Saule Akhmetkaliyeva, Eliza Fairchild, and Grace Cott

Coastal blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs) are one the of largest carbon sinks and play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Approximately 40 km2 of coastline in Ireland are saltmarshes. Despite their importance, globally BCEs are being lost at an alarming rate of 1–2% for tidal marshes and 0.4–2.6% for seagrass beds annually, primarily due to anthropogenic activity, which is exacerbating climate impacts. Understanding the relative contributions of allochthonous and autochthonous carbon sources to saltmarsh carbon sequestration and the origin and sources of organic carbon, termed “carbon provenance”, is essential for accurately assessing the carbon sequestration potential of saltmarshes and developing effective strategies for climate change mitigation. This study aims to develop our understanding of the carbon sequestration mechanisms in saltmarshes in Ireland using organic carbon (OC) concentration and bacteriohopanepolyol biomarkers (BHPs, a group of membrane lipids that can be used to trace major microbial groups). We sampled two estuarine saltmarsh sites, one on the east coast (North Bull Island, county Dublin) and one on the west coast (Derrymore island, county Kerry) of Ireland. Initial OC concentrations ranged from 0.40 to 23.69 wt% in samples from North Bull Island and from 0.40 to 28.53 wt% in Derrymore island. Further, we expect to gain a better understanding of terrestrial versus marine input of OC using an Rsoil index using relative distribution of soil specific BHPs and bacteriohopanetetrol (used as a marine signature). These results will guide management and successful saltmarsh restoration schemes aimed at enhancing blue carbon sequestration in Ireland.

How to cite: Akhmetkaliyeva, S., Fairchild, E., and Cott, G.: Carbon provenance study of Irish saltmarshes using bacteriohopanepolyol biomarkers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19749,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Misael Diaz Asencio, Mark Brenner, Nancy Suárez-Mozo, Jason Curtis, Corina Solís, María Cejas-Rodríguez, Luis W. Daessle, Vanesa Papiol, and Cecilia Enriquez

Coastal zones are dynamic regions that change over time because of both natural processes and human activities. Such changes occur over different time scales, from days (e.g., those caused by hurricanes) to millennia (e.g., those caused by sea level rise). Sediments in these zones preserve information about past environmental changes, which can be inferred from shifts in the composition and accumulation rate of accrued deposits. We investigated the transformation of an intertidal zone dominated by mangroves into an underwater system characterized by carbonate accumulation. We used stratigraphic records of sediment cores to estimate organic carbon burial rates during the intertidal phase (flooded mangrove), which existed more than 3000 years ago. We collected sediment sequences using a piston corer in the eastern sector of the coastal Río Lagartos Lagoon, northern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, which, because of its shallow depth and morphology, is very sensitive to drivers of change. Organic matter was relatively higher at depth in the core (15-50 cm), but upper sediments (0-15 cm) were dominated by carbonate. AMS 14C ages on total organic matter were obtained at two depths. The 14C age at 40-45 (3498 ± 35 years BP) was only slightly older than the age at 25-30 cm (3312 ± 35 years BP). The mean organic carbon (OC) burial rate in the interval 25-40 cm was 53 g m-2 yr-1, a value in the range reported for recent OC accumulation in mangroves of Yucatán. Based on the age of the 25-30 cm section and the current water depth in the area (~1 m), we estimate an increase in the sea-level rise of 0.4 mm yr-1 over the last 3000 years, lower than values reported for the area using estimates of recent accretion of sediments. This work highlights the high OC burial rates in ancient mangroves, which today are flooded and are areas that are accumulating carbonate. Our findings illustrate the importance of conserving mangrove-dominated lagoon systems on the Yucatán Peninsula, which are important carbon sinks.

How to cite: Diaz Asencio, M., Brenner, M., Suárez-Mozo, N., Curtis, J., Solís, C., Cejas-Rodríguez, M., Daessle, L. W., Papiol, V., and Enriquez, C.: Flooded mangroves as a record of sediment accretion and carbon burial rates during Holocene sea-level rise in Rio Lagartos, northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20196,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Annemiek I. Stegehuis, David T. Ho, Laurent Bopp, and Bertrand Guenet

Mangroves, one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, are an important link between land and ocean and are crucial for moderating carbon fluxes to the ocean in the tropics and sub-tropics. Besides their vulnerability to sea-level rise and other human-induced changes, they are regularly exposed to hurricanes. Here we studied the impact of Hurricane Irma on dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC and DIC) fluxes in the mangrove estuary of Shark River in the Everglades National Park, the largest mangrove estuary in North America. We found that both DIC and DOC fluxes decreased severely directly after Irma made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane. The DIC flux recovered quickly, while the DOC flux remained lower up to two months after Irma. Besides the change in absolute numbers, we found that the contribution of estuarine (i.e., mangrove root respiration and calcite dissolution) vs non-estuarine (i.e., from upstream of the estuary) sources to DIC decreased considerably at the site closer to the ocean after the hurricane. Although both DIC and DOC fluxes were still lower up to two years after Irma, the high inter- and intra-variability of both fluxes made it difficult to draw solid, long-term conclusions.

How to cite: Stegehuis, A. I., Ho, D. T., Bopp, L., and Guenet, B.: The effect of a strong hurricane on carbon export from the largest contiguous mangrove forest in North America, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9161,, 2024.


Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Steven Bouillon, William Austin
Marion Maceiras, Marie Arnaud, Catherine Lovelock, Alex Pearse, Huyen Dang, Sarah Robin, Cyril Marchand, Axel Felbacq, Samuel Abiven, Johanne Lebrun Thauront, Nicolas Bottinelli, Amrit kumar Mishra, Syed Hilal Farooq, Tuhin Bhadra, and Cornelia Rumpel

Mangrove ecosystems are one of the most carbon dense ecosystems worldwide. Yet, the stabilization and recalcitrance of carbon (C) and organic matter (OM) are little understood in mangroves, especially across eco-geomorphological settings and depths. Here, we characterized the sediment C and OM of Indo-Pacific mangroves, located in four distinct eco-geomorphological settings (i.e., delta, estuary, non-carbonated open coast, carbonated open coast) and at two different depths (i.e., 0-20 cm and 80-100 cm). We quantified the fraction of C within (i) mineralized associated organic matter (MAOM), and (ii) within particulate organic matter (POM). We coupled these analyses with lignin quantity and composition, as well as stable C isotopes analysis in mangrove sediments.

We found significant variation in the quantity of MAOM and POM across mangrove eco-geomorphological settings, but not across mangrove sediment depths. The terrigenous deltaic mangrove exhibited up to three times more MAOM than the carbonate open coast mangrove, which was dominated by POM. Mangroves of the carbonate coast type had higher C content than other eco-geomorphic types. The  was not different across mangrove eco-geomorphologies, but was different across mangrove sediment depths. Regarding OM recalcitrance, the lignin content displayed strong variations across the different eco-geomorphologies, however, there was no clear pattern of lignin degradation stage across depths. Finally, an inverse correlation between sediment C recalcitrance (i.e., lignin content) and stabilization (MAOM) processes were determined across mangroves.

Our findings suggest that the processes leading to OM preservation differ among mangroves in various eco-geomorphological settings. Those results have important implications to guide mangrove restoration for carbon persistence and to model carbon pools across mangrove areas.

How to cite: Maceiras, M., Arnaud, M., Lovelock, C., Pearse, A., Dang, H., Robin, S., Marchand, C., Felbacq, A., Abiven, S., Lebrun Thauront, J., Bottinelli, N., Mishra, A. K., Hilal Farooq, S., Bhadra, T., and Rumpel, C.: Carbon recalcitrance and stabilization processes vary across mangrove eco-geomorphologies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8023,, 2024.

Alex Cabral, Gloria M. S. Reithmaier, Yvonne Y. Y. Yau, Luiz C. Cotovicz Jr., João Barreira, Bárbara Viana, Juliana Hayden, Steven Bouillon, Nilva Brandini, Carlos E. de Rezende, Alessandra L. Fonseca, and Isaac R. Santos

Mangroves have high CO2 sequestration capacity, storing large amounts of carbon on their biomass and sediments/soil. Mangrove carbon is also transported to the ocean, i.e. outwelling or lateral fluxes, where it can be stored for long time scales. Here, we used radium isotopes (224Ra and 223Ra) to resolve carbon and alkalinity outwelling to the ocean from two mangrove seascapes in Brazil. We sampled porewaters to define the source composition, mangrove creek waters to resolve tidal cycles, and performed transects away from the mangrove into continental shelf to trace mangrove carbon across the seascape. High-resolution observations of radium isotopes in the creek indicated that tidal pumping is the main driver of carbon exchange. Low pH (6.8 – 7.0) and high 224Ra activities (165 – 290 dpm 100L-1) were found during low tides, indicating mangrove porewater exchange. Radium mass balance models revealed porewater exchange at 20.0 ± 25.4 cm d-1 in the tropical mangrove and 3.0 ± 2.0 cm d-1 at the sub-tropical mangrove. Radium-derived transport rates of mangrove porewater to the continental shelf were higher in the mesotidal tropical (667 ± 313 m d-1) than the microtidal subtropical (371 ± 168 m d-1) seascape. Radium isotopes were positively correlated (p < 0.05) with dissolved inorganic (DIC), organic (DOC) and particulate organic (POC) carbon across the entire seascape. DIC as bicarbonate (HCO3-) was the main form of carbon on all scales in both mangrove seascapes, representing 57 – 82% of the total carbon pool. DOC and POC accounted for 5 – 12% and 1 – 7% of total carbon, respectively. Although mangrove waters emitted CO2 to the atmosphere (38.4 – 142.9 mmol m-2 d-1), both bays and continental shelves were a CO2 sink (-1.9 – -0.6 mmol m-2 d-1). Porewater-derived carbon outwelling exceeded carbon fluxes at the mangrove-bay and bay-shelf interfaces, indicating carbon transformations across the seascape continuum. Total carbon outwelled from mangroves were 3 – 4 times higher than soil carbon burial at both mangrove sites. Bicarbonate outwelling (31.0 – 71.6 mmol m-2 d-1) reaching the continental shelves increased mangrove soil carbon sequestration capacity by 234% in these mangrove systems. Hence, overlooking outwelling as a blue carbon sink mechanism would underestimate the role of mangroves in sequestering CO2 and mitigating climate change.

How to cite: Cabral, A., M. S. Reithmaier, G., Y. Y. Yau, Y., C. Cotovicz Jr., L., Barreira, J., Viana, B., Hayden, J., Bouillon, S., Brandini, N., E. de Rezende, C., L. Fonseca, A., and R. Santos, I.: Large porewater-derived carbon outwelling across two mangrove-seascapes revealed by radium isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19077,, 2024.

Liang-Yu Hsu, Wan-Ling Tseng, Pei-Chun Hsu, Kuan-Yu Chen, Shih-Yu Wang, and Hsing‐Juh Lin

While decadal predictability is one of the key information demands on marine management and conservation endeavors, the lack of long-term observed records and complex climate variability challenges understanding it. Seagrass beds are not only important blue carbon sinks but also crucial habitats and feeding grounds for diverse marine organisms. This study uses in-situ data from 2001 to 2021 to investigate the primary decadal environmental control, the Pacific Meridional Mode, on seagrass growth in southern Taiwan. Two primary seagrass metrics, aboveground biomass and cover, were examined against various environmental and meteorological variables. Our initial findings reveal a significant correlation between PMM and seagrass growth. Aboveground biomass exhibits a robust negative correlation with PMM, while cover displays a weaker yet positive association. Further examination of regional climate dynamics unveils notable shifts in surface solar radiation, temperature, and rainfall concerning seagrass. Specifically, increased aboveground biomass coincides with reduced solar radiation, lower temperatures, and enhanced rainfall in southern Taiwan, resembling a negative PMM-like pattern. This pattern underscores the sensitivity of aboveground biomass to large-scale climatic fluctuations across the Pacific basin. Conversely, seagrass cover demonstrates opposing patterns compared to aboveground biomass but with less statistical significance. This suggests that cover growth is influenced by a broader array of factors, resulting in a more nonlinear response. In essence, our research underscores the vital role of PMM and regional climate conditions in shaping tropical seagrass growth, offering further insights for marine conservation efforts.

How to cite: Hsu, L.-Y., Tseng, W.-L., Hsu, P.-C., Chen, K.-Y., Wang, S.-Y., and Lin, H.: On the decadal linkage of seagrass growth in southern Taiwan with the Pacific Meridional Mode, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4577,, 2024.

Coastal carbon sink accounting toward construction of three-dimensional ocean carbon sink field
(withdrawn after no-show)
Shang Chen and Xiaoping Sun
Massimo Materassi

This paper presents a model of competition between the arborescent canopy-forming algae Cystoseira s.l., and the smaller size algae forming turf on rocky bottoms. The two algal assemblages are both grazed by sea urchins. The algae and invertebrates involved in the model play an important role in the health of coastal ecosystems and particularly in the conservation of biodiversity-rich habitats of temperate nearshore rocky reefs: the model presented is intended to help describing real ecological processes of canopy degradation and recovery. The model is a 3-species space implicit food web. Its distinctive feature is the inclusion of community border effects in interactions, as only the individuals laying along the canopy border of Cystoseira s.l. forests take part in recruitment and competition with algal turfs, and undergo grazing by sea urchins. Also endogenous recruitment of turf involves only border individuals. These border effects are taken into account in the same way of herd behavior in the mathematical ecology of animal species. Some important features of the model phase space are investigated, focussing on the capacity of the system to mimic the transitions among ecologically different states of the rocky bottom (canopy, turf, and barren).

How to cite: Materassi, M.: Modelling Cystoseira s.l.-turf competition via a space-implicit model with border dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5113,, 2024.

Margaret Williamson, Tom Jilbert, Alf Norkko, and Camilla Gustafsson

Distribution of the common reed (Phragmites australis) has increased in coastal ecosystems across the globe. Currently, there appears to be a gap in knowledge about carbon (C) cycling and sequestration in reed beds though preliminary findings indicate these systems are unique, show great potential for C storage, and, therefore, should be taken into consideration while developing blue carbon (BC) budgets. The aim of my study is to quantify how much C is stored in reed bed biomass and sediment along the brackish Pojo Bay system in coastal Finland. We selected 6 reed beds to sample along Pojo Bay covering a range of salinities and wave exposure from the northern-most part of the Bay to the southern-most part opening into the Baltic Sea. Within each reed bed, samples were taken from randomly selected sites within each of the 3 reed bed zones (terrestrial, intermittent, and littoral) and replicate samples were taken within each zone along a transect. Plant and sediment samples were collected and taken back to the lab to run for C content.  

My results from sediment LOI (loss of ignition) show higher organic matter content in the upper segments of sediment profiles and a general trend towards higher organic matter content in terrestrial and intermittent zones than littoral zones of reed beds. Preliminary results for C content within sediment and biomass samples show similar trends. These findings are significant as they help rectify a gap in knowledge and provide us with an estimate of how much C is stored in reed bed biomass and sediment. Information on how much C is stored within this rapidly expanding coastal ecosystem type is important for the management of reed beds and greatly impacts calculations for coastal carbon budgets to combat climate change. Further information will be gathered from these field sites every 3 months for 2 years to show seasonal variability in the C storage, C isotope analysis, and methane emissions to get a more comprehensive picture of C cycling in these important coastal ecosystems reed bed systems.

How to cite: Williamson, M., Jilbert, T., Norkko, A., and Gustafsson, C.: Carbon storage in coastal reed (Phragmites australis) ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5320,, 2024.

Dan Yang, Asger Jensen, Brian Sorrell, Hans Brix, and Franziska Eller

Saline wetlands play a crucial role in climate regulation through their robust cooling effect, attributed to rapid carbon sequestration and minimal methane production. Despite this, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms supporting such carbon exchange, and their specific contributions to greenhouse gas mitigation potential, is lacking, particularly in salt marshes facing the impacts of global climate changes. Here, we test the effects of water table levels, grazing, and plant community composition on CO2 and CH4 fluxes during the growing season of salt marshes by a controlled manipulative experiment and an in situ experiment. Rising water table levels resulted in higher CH4 emissions but reduced photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration. Conversely, grazing enhanced ecosystem respiration but suppressed plant photosynthesis. Furthermore, CH4 emissions from Phragmites-dominated communities were nearly a thousand times higher compared to Spartina-dominated communities. Our findings indicate that, throughout the growing season, lower salt marshes function as carbon sinks, whereas grazed Phragmites-dominated salt marshes are carbon sources. Our study accounted for CH4 fluxes, CO2 uptake and emission together, and identified the mechanisms controlling carbon exchange, an approach that is crucial for evaluating the potential of saline tidal wetlands as net atmospheric carbon sinks and developing scientifically sound climate mitigation policies.

How to cite: Yang, D., Jensen, A., Sorrell, B., Brix, H., and Eller, F.: The impact of water table level and grazing on greenhouse-gas exchange in salt marshes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5983,, 2024.

Hejia Zhang, Mingyu Zhang, Bibek shrestha, Shou-En Tsao, Derrick Vaughn, Maodian Liu, and Peter Raymond

Wetlands are recognized as critical sinks of carbon among terrestrial ecosystems. The demand for atmospheric carbon mitigation, exacerbated by climate change, underscores the importance of wetland carbon sequestration. Meanwhile, due to the strong affinity of mercury (Hg) with organic matter, Hg in the atmosphere can also be scavenged and buried in wetlands. However, increased anthropogenic activities, such as urbanization, disrupt sediment dynamics in coastal wetlands, affecting their capacity to sequester carbon and Hg. To explore the urbanization impacts, One-meter sediment cores were collected from five salt marshes in Connecticut and Massachusetts, USA. Sediment samples were collected every 2 cm, and then processed through freeze-drying, sieving, acidification, and weighing. Subsequent laboratory analyses include total organic carbon (TOC), stable carbon isotope (δ13C), carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and mercury (Hg) concentrations throughout the core. The TOC source (terrestrial vs. marine) was determined using an isotopic mixing model with Monte Carlo simulation. The data indicate a temporal decrease in terrestrial TOC and an uptick in marine-derived TOC. Within the terrestrial fraction, local vegetation is the primary contributor. This shift in TOC source, driven by reduced terrestrial contributions, suggests wetland degradation and a potential decline in carbon sequestration due to urbanization. Furthermore, Hg analysis reveals a negative correlation with TOC in disturbed salt marshes, highlighting Hg dilution by marsh-derived organic matter and the effects of anthropogenic point source releases of Hg. Notably, two sites uniquely showed extremely high Hg concentrations and decoupling between Hg and TOC, tracing back to localized Hg releases from industrial activities in Danbury, Connecticut, during the 19th century. This study demonstrates the temporal shifts in sources of TOC, a decline in carbon sequestration, and historical Hg contamination across Northeast US salt marshes, underscoring anthropogenic impacts on these ecosystems. Future work will incorporate Lead-210 and radiocarbon dating of sediment cores to better understand the temporal variation of carbon sequestration. 

How to cite: Zhang, H., Zhang, M., shrestha, B., Tsao, S.-E., Vaughn, D., Liu, M., and Raymond, P.: Investigation of carbon sequestration and mercury contamination in the Northeastern US salt marshes and the potential impact of anthropogenic activities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6747,, 2024.

Dahai Liu and Tong Dong

Global warming, accelerating at an alarming rate, has thrust climate change into the forefront of global concerns. The recent warning from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) about the record-low Antarctic sea ice coverage serves as a stark reminder of the urgency surrounding environmental issues in the twenty-first century. Climate change is undeniably one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today, with far-reaching implications for our survival and socio-economic development.In response to the escalating crisis, there has been a global call to action, urging nations to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius. Oceans, as the primary regulators of climate change, emerge as pivotal players, holding approximately 93 percent of the Earth's CO2. In exploring solutions, the concept of "blue carbon" has emerged, drawing attention to coastal ecosystems' carbon sequestration potential. However, the effective management of blue carbon presents a myriad of challenges, necessitating a holistic approach. There is a growing consensus that international standards for assessing marine carbon sinks are lacking. Experimental methods, including those proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), have been explored. However, the absence of a universally accepted framework impedes progress. It is within this context that the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), China, has embarked on a pioneering initiative, developing China's first comprehensive marine carbon sink accounting standard. The standard, structured into five parts—Scope, Documents, Definitions, Accounting, and Appendix—provides a vital foundation for research, development, and management of blue carbon projects. Key terms and definitions, including ocean carbon sinks, mangroves, salt marshes, seagrass beds, phytoplankton, macroalgae, and shellfish, contribute to a robust scientific framework for the comprehensive understanding of marine ecosystems.Despite these advancements, challenges persist in blue carbon management, requiring focused attention. From a scientific perspective, understanding carbon sink mechanisms, potential, and capacity is essential. At the technical level, the development of observation systems, monitoring data, and international standards is crucial. On a practical level, conducting high-level dialogues, implementing international blue carbon plans, and establishing global blue carbon governance structures are imperative for improving the quality and functioning of marine ecosystems. In conclusion, the journey towards effective blue carbon management is a complex but imperative one. Standardizing practices, promoting international cooperation, and encouraging transactions related to carbon sink accounting are pivotal steps in our collective efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the health of marine ecosystems worldwide.

How to cite: Liu, D. and Dong, T.: Blue Carbon Management for Climate Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7022,, 2024.

Andrea Celeste Curcio, Luis Barbero, and Gloria Peralta

To quantify the amount of carbon sequestered by salt marshes, it is essential to estimate their aboveground biomass (AGB). In this study, we propose utilizing low-altitude remote sensing techniques to collect high-resolution LiDAR and multispectral (MS) data for biomass assessment. We characterized salt marsh vegetation habitats by examining vegetation indices (VIs), and the high-resolution topographic information from LiDAR helped assess habitat distribution. Specifically, the Anthocyanin Reflectance Index 2 (ARI2), combined with the Digital Surface Model (DSM), allows for the identification and separation of the two habitats with distinct dominant species (Sarcocornia spp. and Sporobolus maritimus). The VIs for the two vegetation classes exhibit different seasonal changes throughout the annual cycle, suggesting distinct growth mechanisms for each. Biomass models for the specific seasons are created, showing higher precision (up to 99%) from habitat-specific models compared to those treating species uniformly. Differences are observed in biomass estimation patterns depending on whether the marsh is assessed as a whole or separated into dominating habitats, indicating that the two dominant species exhibit different behaviours that influence biomass production differently throughout the year. Seasonal variations in AGB indicate a peak in summer and a decline in spring, with annual variation accounting for just 9% of the total output, possibly influenced by increased soil salinity and stress in spring. Using LiDAR and MS data from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is essential for precise identification of primary marsh habitats, facilitating the creation of highly accurate biomass models. This user-friendly, repeatable, and cost-effective method enables the study of salt marshes, evolutionary trends, and climate change response requiring less fieldwork.

How to cite: Curcio, A. C., Barbero, L., and Peralta, G.: Enhancing salt marshes monitoring: Estimating biomass with drone-derived habitat-specific models., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9838,, 2024.

Jesús Andrés Canul Cabrera, Jorge Alfredo Herrera Silveira, Misael Díaz Asencio, Eunice Pech Poot, Beat Gasser, and Pere Masque

Mangroves, as well as other coastal ecosystems, perform a fundamental role as sinks of carbon in their soils for long periods of time (hundreds to thousands of years). This capacity for sequestering carbon is controlled by several factors, such as mesoscale meteorology, structural complexity of the forest, hydrological regimes, and microtopography. Therefore, quantifying the carbon on these forests is fundamental to understand their potential for climate change mitigation and local adaptation. The Ria Celestun Biosphere Reserve is a natural protected area located in a karstic region in Mexico with a shallow slope and a strong environmental gradient that allows the presence of different ecological types of mangroves. Based on the analysis of sedimentary cores collected in mangrove areas and dated with the 210Pb method, we assessed the soil and carbon accumulation rates in the upper 50 centimeters in four ecological types of mangroves (fringe, basin, dwarf and peten). According to preliminary results, basin mangrove dominated by Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia germinans showed higher values of carbon stocks (360 MgCha-1), than fringe and peten mangroves (240 MgCha-1 and 270 MgCha-1, respectively). Taking into account gaps in mangrove knowledge in karst regions and among mangrove associations, the results could be used as a tool for decision-making and priority-setting of conservation actions.

How to cite: Canul Cabrera, J. A., Herrera Silveira, J. A., Díaz Asencio, M., Pech Poot, E., Gasser, B., and Masque, P.: Soil and carbon accumulation rates in different ecological types of mangroves in a karstic region (Celestún, Yucatán), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13829,, 2024.

Spatio-temporal changes and hydrological forces of wetland landscape pattern in the Yellow River Delta during 1986-2022
(withdrawn after no-show)
Mengqi Qiu
Tzu-Yi Lu, Sarah Russell, and Sara Knox

Globally, salt marshes play a pivotal role as efficient carbon (C) sinks, absorbing and storing substantial C in the soil. Despite their high C sequestration potential, understanding C exchange mechanisms in salt marshes along the Pacific coast in western Canada remains limited, resulting in uncertainties in estimating regional C budgets. This study addresses this gap by analyzing two years of eddy covariance (EC) measurements in a temperate salt marsh, revealing a shift from being a C sink (-185.3 gC m-2 yr-1) in the first year to a weak C source (10.4 gC m-2 yr-1) in the second year.

Exploring the annual patterns of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) sheds light on the dynamics of C exchange within the ecosystem. GPP of the first year is significantly higher than that of the second year during the growing season, from April to October. The light response curve indicated that the second year had lower light use efficiency and light-saturated net photosynthesis rate than the first-year data. Moreover, we found similar values in temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Q10) for both years using Reco and soil temperature, with the first year slightly higher. Notably, the annual estimates for 2021 reveal a GPP of 1488.9 gC m-2 yr-1 and Reco of 1303.6 gC m-2 yr-1. Conversely, for 2022, GPP was 1147.8 gC m-2 yr-1, and Reco was 1158.2 gC m-2 yr-1. The contrasting GPP values between the two years suggest a significant influence of GPP over Reco on the overall C balance of the ecosystem, which predominantly controls the variations in NEE.

In delving into the relationship between environmental factors and C exchange patterns, it becomes evident that water availability emerges as a key determinant at this site. The rainfall during the growing season of the first year closely matched 30-year averages from nearby meteorological stations, approximately 15% above the Climate Normals. In contrast, the second growing season precipitation was below average, only 52% of the long-term average. Additionally, it is noteworthy that in 2022, the growing season had a significantly higher Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD), which led to lower GPP. This salt marsh demonstrates enhanced C uptake capabilities in a specific range of VPD, with peak efficiency observed at VPD levels ranging from 3 to 10 kPa. Conversely, CO2 absorption capacity diminishes when VPD falls outside this range.

Water scarcity negatively impacts plant life, potentially leading to ecosystem instability and reduced C uptake capacity under climate change. A focused exploration of influencing factors is warranted to enhance our understanding of the observed transition from a C sink to a weak C source in the second year. Considering the broader implications of water scarcity on plant and ecosystem health could inform strategies to mitigate climate-induced stress. Addressing these areas will advance our knowledge of C dynamics in salt marsh ecosystems, guiding conservation and management efforts.

How to cite: Lu, T.-Y., Russell, S., and Knox, S.: Controls on Interannual Variability of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in a Coastal Wetland Ecosystem: Insights from Two-year Measurements in a Temperate Salt Marsh , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14700,, 2024.

Andrea Fuchs, Shannon Burke, Isabelle Delamer, and Grace Cott

Saltmarshes protect the coast against storm surges and erosion, are important ecosystems for breeding and sheltering birds and fishes, and sequester large amounts of carbon in their soils. Natural plant colonisation of mudflats as well as future sea-level rise will contribute to new saltmarsh formation and additional managed realignment projects can improve national capacities to meet climate targets. In this study, we’re investigating the current and future extent of saltmarshes in Ireland and estimate their carbon storage potential. The areas of current saltmarshes are identified based on literature and openly available GIS data. The potential natural development and expansion of existing saltmarshes is analysed using mean and extreme water level data from marine tidal gauges and topographic elevation data of the adjacent terrestrial areas. Further, carbon storage in up to 1 m deep soils was determined in various types of saltmarshes in a nationwide field campaign and upscaled to estimate future blue carbon potential. Results show that e.g. saltmarshes in County Dublin could increase from 181 ha to 227 ha due to natural saltmarsh expansion, with a potential increase of stored carbon by 22,688 Mg Corg and avoiding the emission of 83,264 t CO2. However, saltmarsh depth plays a significant role in carbon sequestration. Thus, when considering carbon storage in only 10 cm deep soils the estimated carbon storage increase is reduced to 1,588 Mg Corg and 5,828 t CO2 emission avoided. Further, our results indicate that Irish saltmarsh plants sequester less carbon than species in China or the United States, thus lowering global blue carbon estimates. Results of this study will serve as a basis for managers and policymakers estimating carbon credit potentials of saltmarshes and planning Managed Realignment projects.

How to cite: Fuchs, A., Burke, S., Delamer, I., and Cott, G.: Estimating current and future saltmarsh areas and carbon storage in Irish Blue Carbon habitats, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15255,, 2024.

Lisa Jessen, Elke Eichelmann, Andrea Fuchs, and Grace Cott

Saltmarshes are important ecosystems for carbon capture and storage and play a vital role in carbon cycling processes. Despite their significance, the carbon fluxes within Irish saltmarshes remain poorly understood, with a notable absence of greenhouse gas flux data from coastal wetlands in the region. This study addresses this gap by employing the eddy covariance method to calculate carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes from Derrymore saltmarsh, County Kerry, a natural estuarine saltmarsh on the west coast of Ireland, from May 2023 to the present. The tower is equipped with an open path CO2 and water vapour (H2O) infrared gas analyser (LI-7500, LI-COR biosciences) and a sonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell Scientific) set 3.2m above the marsh surface. This method allows us to get continuous high frequency CO2 and H2O data with measurements being taken ten times per second.

Our findings reveal patterns in net ecosystem exchange (NEE), with higher values observed during autumn compared to summer months, attributed to reduced photosynthetic CO2 uptake. These findings are comparable to saltmarshes in other regions. With a project duration of 12 months, our hypothesis suggests Derrymore saltmarsh will act as a modest CO2 sink.

The use of the eddy covariance method allows us to get an overall picture as to the extent to which this saltmarsh acts as a carbon sink, giving us a better understanding of the carbon dynamics from this Kerry saltmarsh. This ongoing project contributes vital data to a broader initiative in Irish saltmarsh research, aiming to establish a scientific foundation for a comprehensive management framework. The framework will guide efforts in saltmarsh protection, restoration, and optimisation of carbon sequestration. Our research underscores the importance of understanding local variations in carbon dynamics, paving the way for informed environmental strategies in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Jessen, L., Eichelmann, E., Fuchs, A., and Cott, G.: Carbon dioxide fluxes from an Irish saltmarsh, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15567,, 2024.

Marie Anais Perdrau, Pierre Polsenaere, Lilia Mzali, and Christine Dupuy

Recent scientific investigations have classified blue carbon ecosystems as coastal vegetated areas characterized by rooted vegetation and marine sediments, spanning coastal, continental shelf, and offshore regions. While vegetated coastal salt marshes are recognized as highly effective carbon storage ecosystems, there is a limited understanding of the blue carbon potential when these ecosystems are transformed into embanked freshwater agricultural marshes. In regions like Charente-Maritime (France), where marshes cover 15 to 20%, comprising 95,000 hectares of freshwater marshes and 15,000 hectares of saltwater marshes, human activities through farming and water control, play a pivotal role in shaping and managing these areas. This results in a blend of water and land habitats, namely ditches and meadows, crucial for biodiversity maintenance and carbon storage. Despite the well-documented green carbon storage potential of meadows, able to store up to 1200 Kg C/ha/yr, the blue carbon footprint (uptake/sequestration) of associated freshwater ditches or wet meadows under various water management practices remains inadequately understood.

The present PhD work is closely aligned with two prominent regional blue carbon initiatives in France, namely TETRAE MAVI (Living Marshes) and LRTZC (La Rochelle Zero Carbon Territory). It focuses on the impact of water management practices in Charente's marshes on biodiversity and carbon dynamics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The study targets three different habitats - ditches, ditch edges, and wet meadows- and their corresponding compartments. Efforts will be made to understand the functional diversity of aquatic organisms (pelagic and benthic) and carbon dynamics in the water column, along with associated fluxes at exchange interfaces (water-air, sediment-air) using various methods such as sensors, chambers, samplings, and laboratory analyses.

A significant innovation of our work lies in the simultaneous consideration and measurement of blue carbon (aquatic) and green/brown carbon (terrestrial), leading to an integrative and comprehensive assessment. For example, one management approach, i.e. the dredging of a marsh (ditch), will enable a coupled analysis of blue carbon and green/brown carbon capture and sequestration, addressing the dual challenge of biodiversity and carbon balance on the terrestrial part too, considering all ecosystem components, and associated human activities.

The aim of this presentation is to present my PhD work in the framework of MAVI and LRTZC projects and to discuss the measurements and methodologies employed in our approach. Anticipated results will revolve around evaluating functional diversity and carbon capture/sequestration in the three studied habitat systems, considering human activities. To achieve this, a two-year on-site monitoring, coupled with laboratory measurements, will be conducted within an experimental unit in Charente-Maritime, encompassing diverse freshwater marsh habitats and ensuring logistical instrumentation and reliable data acquisition. Standardizing carbon footprint analysis methodologies is crucial for a consistent and reliable assessment of the carbon balance as intended here in this work presentation that would benefit from discussions to optimize the associated efficiency and overall benefit to the blue carbon community.

How to cite: Perdrau, M. A., Polsenaere, P., Mzali, L., and Dupuy, C.: Carbon footprint (uptake/sequestration) of freshwater marshes according to agricultural water management practices, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17518,, 2024.

Tegan Blount, Sonia Silvestri, Marco Marani, and Andrea D'Alpaos

As an ecosystem of high socioeconomic and ecological importance, global loss and degradation of salt-marshes has multifaceted detrimental impacts. Salt-marshes are recognised as blue carbon ecosystems and play a notable role in the global carbon cycle, due to their enhanced ability to efficiently uptake and store organic carbon over long time scales. The characterisation of salt-marsh carbon sequestration capacity across spatial and temporal scales, however, is challenging due to the inherent complexities of the factors which dictate these processes. To capture the spatial variability, it is necessary to formulate relationships between halophyte specie above and below ground biomass and subsoil organic carbon content and then examine how this interacts with hydraulic regimes, geomorphological context and external pressures. In this study, seven typically occurring associations of halophyte species in the Venice Lagoon (Italy) were selected and the relative magnitude of above and below ground biomass as well as their relationship to soil organic carbon content was examined for each association. Specifically, the analysis examined measurements of AGB, BGB, LOI, SOC and Bulk Density at 54 sample sites over two different years for species associations dominated by Inula crithmoides, Sarcocornia fruticose, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Spartina maritima, Spartina anglica, and Salicornia veneta. The results confirmed that the association type is influential and must be considered when mapping carbon sequestration capacity. The halophyte evolutionary differences paired with geomorphology and external forcings play a key role in determining the spatial variability of carbon sequestration capacity. Above ground biomass has a stepped increase on the transition between low and high marsh with the greatest densities being found in the high marsh, often adjacent to channels. Whereas, below ground biomass and soil organic carbon content peaked in the middle marsh zone. Furthermore, the below ground to above ground biomass ratio depends strongly on the association, the higher ratios being found in the low to middle marsh. Overall, the derived patterns in halophyte biomass and sequestration capacity across diverse associations of species is vital for predicting below ground biomass and organic carbon content based on above ground biomass. These results support salt-marsh monitoring and modelling endeavours, particularly in a sustainable coastal management and blue carbon assessment context.

How to cite: Blount, T., Silvestri, S., Marani, M., and D'Alpaos, A.: The diverse influence of halophyte species on carbon sequestration capacity in salt-marshes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18253,, 2024.

Gyde Krüger, Silvia Huber, Lisbeth T. Nielsen, Paul Daniel, Charalampos Malathounis, and Lars B. Hansen

A human-in-the-loop approach to monitor blue carbon ecosystems at scale with Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery

Blue carbon ecosystems, such as seagrass meadows, mangroves or coral reefs play an essential role for food provision, erosion control, disaster resilience, biodiversity and as habitats, and in addition they serve as important natural sinks for carbon. With increasing climate pressures and human impacts related to eutrophication, overfishing and habitat fragmentation, the coverage and health of these coastal habitats have declined globally. To address this, it requires first and foremost an accurate quantification of the distribution and quality of these ecosystems. This poses challenges from multiple angles (i.e., lack of manpower, fiscal limitations, etc.). By exploiting the full capacity of Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery and AI technology, we have developed a cloud-based interactive platform, MCSAV – short for Mangrove, Coral and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (Figure 1) – to map and improve the planning, management and monitoring of blue carbon ecosystems worldwide. The platform is designed with a focus on making coastal mapping as easy as possible for users with greater local knowledge of blue carbon ecosystems but without expert knowledge in satellite image processing or machine learning. The entire mapping process, from the selection of suitable satellite imagery to the final classification, can be executed in just a few clicks with the platform. The backbone of the classification model that is integrated into the backend of the platform, is a pretrained convolutional neural network (DeepResUNet). A Human-in-the-Loop component allows fine-tuning of the pre-trained classification model with additional training data.

Our approach has already been applied to high latitude regions with success [1] and is currently applied to Semporna in Sabah, Malaysia, as part of the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) third cohort of Ocean Innovations on marine protected areas, area-based management, and blue economy.

We will give an introduction into the project, present the methods implemented in our interactive mapping approach, and demonstrate the coastal mapping tool. We will conclude with some lessons learnt and an outlook.

Figure 1 MCSAV interface showing Copernicus Sentinel-2 image of 13 March 2023 after pre-processing module has been run (top) and an example habitat classification (preliminary) and deepwater areas for Mapul region (bottom).



[1]          S. Huber et al., “Novel approach to large-scale monitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation: A nationwide example from Sweden,” Integr Environ Assess Manag, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 909–920, 2022, doi:


How to cite: Krüger, G., Huber, S., Nielsen, L. T., Daniel, P., Malathounis, C., and Hansen, L. B.: A human-in-the-loop approach to monitor blue carbon ecosystems at scale with Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18776,, 2024.

Andrea D'Alpaos, Alice Puppin, Davide Tognin, Massimiliano Ghinassi, Erica Franceschinis, Nicola Realdon, and Marco Marani

Salt marshes are crucial eco-geomorphic features of tidal environments, providing numerous important ecological functions and delivering a wide range of ecosystem services that contribute to human well-being. Salt-marsh evolution is controlled by the interplay between hydrodynamics, geomorphology, and vegetation, as marshes accrete vertically through the deposition of both organic matter (OM) and inorganic sediments. This allows marshes to keep pace with relative sea-level rise, and likewise capture and store carbon (C), making them valuable allies in climate mitigation strategies. Thus, Soil Organic Matter (SOM) plays a key role within salt-marsh environments, directly contributing to soil formation and supporting C storage. Distribution patterns of SOM in salt marshes may vary in space and time across and within tidal wetland types depending on different factors including vegetation, sediment, and morphodynamics.


To better understand variations in SOM distribution and further comprehend physical and biological factors driving OM and C dynamics in salt-marsh soils, we analyzed soil organic content in 10 salt marshes of the microtidal sediment-starved Venice Lagoon (Italy), from 60 sediment cores to the depth of 1 m. These analyses allowed us to relate SOM patterns to soil, vegetation, and morphological variables, as well as depositional patterns testified by recent sedimentary successions.


Our results reveal two scales of variations in sedimentary OM content in salt-marsh soils. At the marsh scale, OM variability is influenced by the interplay between surface elevation and changes in sediment supply linked with the distance from tidal channels. At the system scale, OM content distribution is dominated by the gradient generated by marine and fluvial influence. Variations in inorganic and organic inputs, both autochthonous and allochthonous, sediment grain size, and preservation conditions may explain the observed variations in SOM. Our results highlight marsh importance as carbon sink environments, furthermore emphasizing that environmental conditions within a tidal system may generate strongly variable and site-specific carbon accumulation patterns, enhancing blue carbon assessment complexity.

How to cite: D'Alpaos, A., Puppin, A., Tognin, D., Ghinassi, M., Franceschinis, E., Realdon, N., and Marani, M.: Spatial variability of Soil Organic Matter and Carbon content in the salt marshes of the Venice Lagoon, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19624,, 2024.

Pan Zhou, Siyuan Ye, Liujuan Xie, Ken W. Krauss, Lixin Pei, Samantha K. Chapman, Hans Brix, Edward A. Laws, Hongming Yuan, Shixiong Yang, Xigui Ding, and Shucheng Xie

Aims Coastal salt marshes are productive ecosystems that are highly efficient carbon sinks, but there is uncertainty regarding the interactions among climate warming, plant species, and tidal restriction on C cycling.

Methods Open-top chambers (OTCs) were deployed at two coastal wetlands in Yancheng, China, where native Phragmites australis (Phragmites) and invasive Spartina alterniflora (Spartina) were dominant, respectively. Two study locations were set up in each area based on difference in tidal action. The OTCs achieved an increase of average daytime air temperature of ~1.11–1.55 °C. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), ecosystem respiration (Reco), CH4 fluxes, aboveground biomass and other abiotic factors were monitored over three years.

Results Warming reduced the magnitude of the radiative balance of native Phragmites, which was determined to still be a consistent C sink. In contrast, warming or tidal flooding presumably transform the Spartina into a weak C source, because either warming-induced high salinity reduced the magnitude of NEE by 19% or flooding increased CH4 emissions by 789%. Remarkably, native Phragmites affected by tidal restrictions appeared to be a consistent C source with the radiative balance of 7.11–9.64 kg CO2-eq m–2 yr–1 because of a reduction in the magnitude of NEE and increase of CH4 fluxes.

Conclusions Tidal restrictions that disconnect the tidal hydrologic connection between the ocean and land may transform coastal wetlands from C sinks to C sources. This transformation may potentially be an even greater threat to coastal carbon sequestration than climate warming or invasive plant species in isolation.

How to cite: Zhou, P., Ye, S., Xie, L., W. Krauss, K., Pei, L., K. Chapman, S., Brix, H., A. Laws, E., Yuan, H., Yang, S., Ding, X., and Xie, S.: Tidal restriction likely has greater impact on the carbon sink of coastal wetland than climate warming and  invasive plant, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1293,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Carmen B. de los Santos, Pere Masqué
Morimaru Kida, Kota Hamada, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, Nobuhide Fujitake, Toshihiro Miyajima, Yusuke Yokoyama, and Yosuke Miyairi

The mechanisms underlying stabilization of soil organic matter (SOM) in vegetated coastal ecosystems, including mangrove forests, are poorly understood, limiting our ability to predict the consequences of disturbances. Here, we introduce density fractionation to mangrove soils to identify the distribution and properties of the functional components of SOM with regard to degradation state, stability, and origin, namely, the free low-density fraction (f-LF), mineral-associated LF (m-LF), and high-density fraction (HF).

Three 1-m soil cores were collected in the Fukido mangrove forest on Ishigaki Island, Japan, segmented into 10 cm intervals, and analyzed for C and N concentrations, stable carbon isotopes (13C), and radiocarbon isotopes (14C) followed by density fractionation. Although HF exhibited the highest abundance, the massive production of mangrove fine roots resulted in a high abundance of LFs throughout the cores, which markedly differed from terrestrial soils. The relative abundance of LFs collectively accounted for 38%–66% of total soil C. Notably, m-LF was as abundant as f-LF and 1.6 times higher in relative abundance than the global average of terrestrial soils. The C/N ratios and δ13C values exhibited a clear increase with depth in all fractions, attributed to the increased contribution from roots. A consistent pattern in Δ14C values across density fractions in the deepest section was observed, with HF exhibiting the oldest values (between -149‰ and -97‰), followed by m-LF (between -130‰ and -87‰), and f-LF (between -89‰ and 78‰). This implies that mineral association may play a pivotal role in long-term carbon storage in the mangrove mineral soil studied.

A further analysis of reactive iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) present in HF through pyrophosphate (PP) and dithionite-citrate (DC) extractions suggested that PP-extractable, organically complexed metals regulate organic carbon concentrations in HF, rather than crystalline or nano-crystalline Al and Fe phases. Our analysis successfully identified meaningful functional components of mangrove SOM, yet several questions remained unanswered, including the large variability in Δ14C values among different cores.

How to cite: Kida, M., Hamada, K., Ohtsuka, T., Fujitake, N., Miyajima, T., Yokoyama, Y., and Miyairi, Y.: Functional organic matter components in mangrove soils revealed by density fractionation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2741,, 2024.

Baqer Al-Ramadan, Bijay Halder, Zaher Mundher Yaseen, and Liew Juneng

Mangrove forests are important in Indian Sundarban Biosphere Research (SBR) for coastal hazards and vulnerability reduction. Recent extreme natural disasters like flood inundation, cyclonic effects, shoreline change, and river bank erosion are the main threatening phenomena for coastal livelihood and forest cover change. Mangrove forest is not only a shelter for human life but also important for animals and gradually forest degradation triggers their life in serious issues. Technologies can assist in reducing those serious issues through space-based analysis, and adaptation policies and give them a sustainable life. Current space-based technologies can be applied for forest cover change analysis in the SBR area. This analysis investigates the forest cover in different years (2018 and 2022) through Sentinel-2 data. Various biophysical and ecological variables are measured because of recent cyclonic effects that have gradually affected this region. Some recent cyclones like Titli (2018), Fani (2019), Bulbul (2019), Amphan (2020), and Yass (2021) gradually triggered coastal geomorphology change, shoreline shifting, river bank erosion, and mangrove forest losses. Sentinel 2 data is applied in ArcGIS v10.8 and SNAP v9.0 for calculating those outcomes. The highest NDVI values are observed at 0.72 (2018) and 0.53 (2022), while the highest TNDVI values are also remarkable observations like 1.11 (2018) and 1.02 (2022) respectively. During cyclonic effects, those regions are affected by flood inundation, increased soil salinity, bank erosion, and huge economic losses observed. Similarly, high SAVI values are 1.08 (2018) and 0.81 (2022). The forest areas mainly decrease in G-plot, L block, some parts of Kultali block, and Jambu Dweep areas, while Blacky Island, HaLF-FiSH Island, and near Kakdwip block have increased mangrove forest areas. The high NDSI values observed were 0.42 (2018) and 0.49 (2022) because of saltwater intrusion which is triggering the crop dynamics and production losses in those regions. The S2REP and IRECI, both chlorophyll estimation indices indicate that the forest cover areas are lost during the study periods. The forest degradation index (FDI) values and threshold-based forest health index are also warned for adopting those regions, otherwise, the mangrove environment is gradually destroyed by natural extreme events and some man-made activities. Mangrove forest protection is essential for the planners, policy-makers, and stakeholders for safe forest life as well as coastal environment and coastal livelihood. Some adaptation strategies like cyclone shelters, mangrove plantations, early warning systems, river bank erosion reduction, and awareness can help to reduce the risk of extreme natural hazard events.

How to cite: Al-Ramadan, B., Halder, B., Yaseen, Z. M., and Juneng, L.: High resolution Sentinel-2 data-based ecological and biophysical variables analysis in Indian part of Sundarban Mangrove Forest, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4233,, 2024.

Changes in coupled Iron and organic Carbon geochemistry following mangrove conversion to shrimp ponds and pasture in the Brazilian Amazon
(withdrawn after no-show)
Francisco Ruiz, Tiago Osório Ferreira, and Angelo Fraga Bernardino
Juliet Rounce and Iris Moeller

Saltmarshes provide many vital benefits (ecosystem services), including carbon sequestration, flood protection and nutrient exchange. As “carbon sinks”, these ecosystems sequester carbon up to twice the rate of terrestrial forests. Recent national and international carbon emissions targets highlight the importance to both protect and increase the area of coastal saltmarshes. In addition, these intertidal wetlands are influenced by complex interacting bio-sedimentary and hydrological processes, thus restoration projects need to consider the various processes impacting such ecosystems. To address carbon emissions targets, upscaled estimates of carbon accumulation are required, for which modelling and time-consuming field surveys are employed. An understanding of within-marsh controls on soil organic carbon content (SOC) and the resulting feedbacks (sedimentary, hydrological, geomorphological, ecological) can improve field survey efficiency and provide training data for models.  Such data aids in constraining uncertainties around scaled-up carbon accumulation estimates per unit area saltmarsh for regional, national and international inventories. Quantitative data on the variation in SOC and the facilitating processes remains relatively scarce.

This research investigates SOC distribution, alongside potential explanatory factors within unmanaged and managed saltmarshes. Through the collection of sediment samples (near-surface, core), alongside location-specific data on elevation, inundation, biomass and accretion rates in Turvey Nature Reserve (Co. Dublin), this project aims to quantify the impact of several key factors (e.g. drainage, topography, biomass and accretion) on carbon accumulation. SOC will be determined through Loss-on-Ignition laboratory analysis. An existing carbon accumulation model will then be improved upon, and the updated model will be utilised to inform an investigation of future carbon storage potential under various climate scenarios.

Initial results from an on-going project are presented to provide quantitative field- and laboratory-derived data, enhancing knowledge of within- and between-marsh variation of SOC in saltmarshes.

How to cite: Rounce, J. and Moeller, I.: Spatial variation in carbon storage within managed and unmanaged saltmarsh systems: A case study in the Rogerstown Estuary, Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13500,, 2024.

Man Zhao and Juan Diego Gaitán-Espitia

Seagrass meadows are globally important blue carbon sinks, accumulating organic carbon within their beds from both seagrass and the burial of non-seagrass organic matter.  To date, substantial attention has been attracted on this nature-based carbon offsetting solution, especially for countries with large blue carbon resources (e.g., Australia, Indonesia, and USA). However, the carbon sink potential of small coastal regions characterized by high carbon densities of blue carbon ecosystems and its contribution to regional climate change mitigation efforts remain largely unclear. This study focusses on the quantification of seagrass carbon stock in an urbanized coastal area, Hong Kong. We collect 1-meter sediment cores from four sites (i.e., San Tau, Yam O, Sheung Pak Nai and Ha Pak Nai) covering two seagrass species (i.e., Halophila beccarii and Halophila ovalis). Our investigation encompasses the analysis of total organic carbon (OC%), organic carbon sources (δ13C and δ15N), labile and recalcitrant organic carbon pools, and organic carbon accumulation rates (Pb210) at various depths within the sediment cores. The results of this study will shed light on the extent to which seagrass ecosystems can contribute to Hong Kong's Nationally Determined Contributions, as assessed under the IPCC Tier-II framework.

How to cite: Zhao, M. and Gaitán-Espitia, J. D.: Assessing Blue Carbon Storage in an Urbanized Coastal Region: Insights from Hong Kong's Seagrass Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14230,, 2024.