BG3.19 | Impact of grassland management on carbon and nitrogen cycling: Field and modelling studies
Impact of grassland management on carbon and nitrogen cycling: Field and modelling studies
Convener: Eduardo Vázquez | Co-conveners: Camille Rousset, Emanuele Lugato, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Daniele De Rosa, Marco Carozzi, Jacobo Arango
| Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.17
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X1
Orals |
Fri, 08:30
Fri, 16:15
Grasslands cover about 40% of the Earth’s ice-free land surface, and their soils play a key role in climate regulation by storing about 20% of global carbon (C) stocks. These ecosystems are also characterized by its potential to sequester C as well as by emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as CO2, N2O and CH4. In the last decades, intensified grassland management has resulted in a grassland deterioration and subsequent soil C loss and enhanced GHG emissions. Reverting this trend offers huge opportunities for climate change mitigation with the potential to sequester up to 150 Tg of soil C per year (CO2 eq) through adequate management practices such as improved grazing management or the introduction of silvopastoral systems (SPS). In addition, the promotion of legumes or organic fertilizers can reduce the use of synthetic N fertilizers limiting the negative impacts of fertilization. Making this C sequestration and GHG mitigation potential become reality will require both, joint action and thorough understanding of the mechanisms underlying C sequestration and GHG mitigation across different environmental conditions and grassland systems. Although several restoration strategies and improved management practices have been tested, there is still a lack of evidence of the mechanisms driving the C sequestration potential and GHGs mitigation by these management strategies at across the globe.
This session will focus on studies aiming to evaluate the impact of different grassland restoration- and management practices on soil nutrient C and N cycling emphasizing on soil C sequestration and GHG emission and mitigation. These grassland management practices encompass different grazing management strategies, grazing exclusion, fertilization optimization, organic farming, promotion of legumes and silvopastoral systems, use of improved forages or soil liming. Field and modelling studies are encouraged, although mesocosms studies testing hypothesis related to C and N cycling of grassland soils are also welcome.

Orals: Fri, 19 Apr | Room 2.17

Chairpersons: Eduardo Vázquez, Camille Rousset, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
On-site presentation
Elisabeth Ramm, Diana R. Andrade-Linares, Noelia Garcia-Franco, Jincheng Han, Andreas von Heßberg, Batnyambuu Dashpurev, Anke Jentsch, Alexander Krämer, Michael Schloter, Martin Wiesmeier, and Michael Dannenmann

Alpine pastures have shaped the landscapes of the European Alps for millennia. However, more and more alpine pastures have been abandoned since the 1950s, e.g., due to the work intensiveness at high altitudes. Such abandonment of alpine pastures in the long term leads to natural reforestation. And despite ample potential surface in the mountains, the pressure to provide important ecosystem services by pastures under the auspices of climate change nowadays concentrates on the lowlands, because already abandoned alpine pastures are still very rarely re-established. Meanwhile, it has been widely acknowledged that alpine pastures fulfill important provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem services, with particularly cultural landscape and plant and faunistic biodiversity being at risk due to reforestation.

     Cattle grazing during summer not only means a soil disturbance which can increase plant biodiversity, but also increases nutrient availability and has unclear effects on soil organic carbon and associated soil functions. However, the precise effects of grazing have only rarely been proven. To test whether the preservation of intact alpine pastures by re-introducing cattle grazing is worth supporting, it is important to evaluate the effects of re-grazing on the soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, the soil nitrogen (N) cycling, and water contamination with nutrients.

     Within the SUSALPS (Sustainable use of alpine and pre-alpine grassland soils in a changing climate) project, a typical alpine pasture in the German Alps abandoned in 1955 (Brunnenkopf, Ammergauer Alpen) is being re-grazed since 2018 with the traditional robust old cow breed “Murnau-Werdenfelser”. Here, we compared non-grazed to different grazed areas (low grazing intensity, high grazing intensity, bare soil due to trampling) after five years of experimental re-grazing. The data show a non-significant effect of grazing on N cycling, with only the bare soil area (6% of the pasture) showing increased gross N mineralization and soil nitrate concentrations. The nitrate concentration in the drainage water stayed overall very low (range 0.3–2.2 mg N L-1). What was striking, however, is a strong and statistically significant re-grazing-induced increase in the SOC stock by 11.8 t SOC ha-1 in five years although we corrected for bulk density increases.

              Our results suggest that extensive grazing- and trampling-induced changes in belowground plant biomass, the soil microbiome, and overall productivity, are fostering soil functions of an alpine grassland soil. These findings are for the first time underpinning the presumed positive effects of grazed alpine pastures on soil functions with data.

How to cite: Ramm, E., Andrade-Linares, D. R., Garcia-Franco, N., Han, J., von Heßberg, A., Dashpurev, B., Jentsch, A., Krämer, A., Schloter, M., Wiesmeier, M., and Dannenmann, M.: Re-grazing of an alpine pasture sustains ecosystem services, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12037,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Niklas Wickander, Marit Jørgensen, and Peter Dörsch

Ethiopia is experiencing severe loss of farmable soil due to high erosion and nutrient depletion. The loss of agricultural land puts pressure on Ethiopian farmers to produce more food on less land. The large number of livestock in Ethiopia further exacerbate the situation, since the high grazing intensity removes plant cover and crop residues and limits the return of organic matter to the soils. Introduction of perennial forage species could break the vicious circle by providing high-quality feed to animals while increasing the input of organic matter to the soil and stimulating soil life. We investigated the effect of four forage species, two grasses, Brachiaria hybrid Cayman and Panicum maximum, and two legumes, Desmodium intortum and Stylosanthes guianensis, in varying mixtures planted according to a simplex design at two locations in Southern and Northern Ethiopia. The field sites were established in six different locations, three in the Sidama and three in the Amhara region. In each region we had one large scale site, at Hawassa and Bahir Dar university respectively, and two smaller farm sites. To assess how the species mixtures affected the soil, we measured the above-ground biomass and took soil samples before and after 2 years of plant growth. We measured labile carbon, nitrification rate, and soil enzymatic activity involved in C, N and P acquisition. The effect of plant input will be compared to time-zero measurements to discern if there are any effects of the species mixtures on the soils. Currently, we see an effect of the total above ground yield of the plots on soil functions, indicating that a higher density of plant coverage influences the soil microbial activity and turnover in the soil.

How to cite: Wickander, N., Jørgensen, M., and Dörsch, P.: Can soil quality in subtropical agriculture be improved by selected forage species? , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10529,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Julia Kepp, Michael Dannenmann, Ralf Kiese, Narda Pacay, Stefanie Schulz, Steffen Schweizer, Michael Schloter, and Theresa Schwärzler

For the past 17 years the Biodiversity Exploratories (BEs) in Germany have collected detailed data on land use intensity (LUI), climate as well as plant and microbial biodiversity for over 100 grassland sites in three different exploratories across Germany. Since these factors alongside physicochemical processes interactively drive soil nitrogen (SON) and carbon (SOC) cycling and storage, the BEs offer a unique opportunity to gain a mechanistic, process-based understanding of the interactions between soil type, climate, biodiversity and management that drive N and C turnover and storage in grasslands.

We quantified SON and SOC stocks as well as δ15N and δ13C isotopic signatures for 25 grassland plots in each of the three exploratories, thereby covering a wide range of LUI. Currently, the results for the Schwäbische Alb exploratory are available. These data clearly show the importance to distinguish for the individual effects of LUI components (fertilization, mowing and grazing). For example, SOC and TN concentrations and stocks in the top 30 cm of soil tend to increase with LUI, but this increase is largely driven by the individual effect of the grazing component of LUI. The C:N ratio on the other hand was largely impacted by mowing and fertilization, possibly because mowing was a relatively important C loss pathway while fertilization was relatively important for N inputs. The narrower C:N ratio with increasing LUI negatively affected plant biodiversity.

Both δ15N and δ13C were related largely to the overall LUI and plant biodiversity. Topsoil δ15N increased with higher LUI and lower plant biodiversity, likely due to the high δ15N of added organic fertilizer and reduced importance of biological N fixation with its low δ15N signature.

Currently, our results indicate that grazing is the dominating management factor regulating SON and SOC stocks in calcareous grasslands of Southwest Germany, with grazing increasing SOC and SON stocks and associated soil functions. Further measurements and data evaluation will show whether this finding is of more universal importance for grasslands across Germany.

How to cite: Kepp, J., Dannenmann, M., Kiese, R., Pacay, N., Schulz, S., Schweizer, S., Schloter, M., and Schwärzler, T.: Grazing dominantly regulates top soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10411,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Derek Bell, jonathan Leake, David Beerling, and Dimitar Epihov

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is the process of spreading basalt rock on agricultural soils to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). If rolled out globally models predict it could sequester gigatonnes of atmospheric CO2 by the end of the century (Beerling et al., 2020). Extensive research is being carried out on identifying potential co-benefits of ERW and validating carbon dioxide sequestration within tilled arable soils; the annual nature of crops grown in these soils and their associated fertiliser use causes plants to have limited total root surface areas and disturbed mycorrhizal networks. ERW’s potential in grasslands, where perennial plants dominate with stable root biomass and mycorrhizal partners, is yet to be tested thoroughly. It does offer potential, as previous studies have shown that mycorrhizal fungal association to plant roots enhances mineral weathering (Quirk et al., 2012). To characterise whether grasslands carry any potential as an ERW system 50 tonnes per hectare of basalt was applied in March 2022 to 5 plots, with 5 adjacent plots being left un-treated within a traditional mildly acidic hay meadow in the Peak District. Over the course of the growing season soil pH, cations, phosphorus, and plant available silicon was assessed at regular intervals for treated and untreated samples. Furthermore, plant yield, nutrition data, and biodiversity were also analysed. Results indicate that rock weathering did occur, with significant increases in soil magnesium, silicon, and pH noted over the course of the experiment. There were no significant changes to plant yield, biodiversity, or nutrition in most cases; however, in basalt treated samples there were significant increases in the plant concentrations of silicon, magnesium, strontium, and sodium. Results indicate that ERW could benefit acidic grasslands through its pH and soil nutrient effects, while also potentially resulting in the absorption of CO2.

How to cite: Bell, D., Leake, J., Beerling, D., and Epihov, D.: Enhanced Rock Weatherings Effects on Soil and Plant Chemistry in Acidic Biodiverse Grassland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20750,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jincheng Han, Ralf Kiese, Rainer Gasche, and Michael Dannenmann

We applied 15N labelled cattle slurry over one year to pre-alpine grassland in order to study its importance for plant N nutrition not only in the year of application, but also in the four following years. This five-year 15N tracing study was combined with a space for time climate change experiment in order to assess long-term fertilizer N cycling under current and future climatic conditions. In the year of 15N fertilizer application, the recovery of 15N in harvested aboveground plant biomass was as low as 7-17%, while fertilizer 15N retention in the soil nitrogen pool was considerably higher (32-42%). In the year after its application, fertilizer was of equal importance for plant N nutrition compared to the year of application, as illustrated by a plant 15N recovery of 9-14%. 15N recovery in mowed plant biomass then only slowly declined in the following years and stayed significant over the entire 5 years monitored in this study.

After five years, the cumulative 15N recovery rate in mowed biomass was 33 to 41 %. Considering 15N recovery in soil and roots after 5 years revealed a total 15N tracer recovery of 66% for the climate change treatment and 77% for the climate control treatment. These results show a rapid cycling of nitrogen through soil organic matter until remineralization and plant uptake. Furthermore, we reveal a minimal contribution of recent fertilizer nitrogen to plant nutrition and the dominance of soil organic nitrogen over fertilizer nitrogen for plant nutrition in such grasslands. The findings reinforce the concept that fertilizing such grasslands is largely a fertilization of soils rather than a fertilization of plants, thereby replenishing mineralized soil organic nitrogen (SON) stocks that is exported by harvests. Particularly under climate change conditions, the low N recovery rates of plant nitrogen, high plant N export and the rapid remineralization of soil organic nitrogen led to negative nitrogen balances.

How to cite: Han, J., Kiese, R., Gasche, R., and Dannenmann, M.: High importance of organic fertilizer N for grassland plant N nutrition in the years following fertilization, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12121,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christof Ammann and Lena Barczyk

Grazed and fertilized pastures are considerable sources of the greenhouse gas N2O. While fertilizer applications usually lead to short emission pulses, animal excreta lead to small-scaled emission hotspots resulting in a non-homogeneous source distribution. The strong spatial and temporal source variability represents an inherent problem for the quantification of gaseous emissions from pastures with chamber techniques. The eddy covariance method, integrating emissions over a larger footprint domain, is well suited to quantify total field-scale N2O emissions, but the partitioning of emissions for different sources and the determination of source-specific emission factors (according to the IPCC guidelines) is still a challenge.

We present results of two multiple-year field experiments carried out in different regions of Switzerland. The investigated pastures were grazed by dairy cows in an intensive rotational management. The fields were additionally fertilized with organic and/or mineral fertilizer. The field-scale N2O fluxes were quantified with the eddy covariance technique using a fast response Quantum cascade laser spectrometer for N2O concentration measurements. The management and environmental conditions resulted in high temporal and spatial dynamics of the N2O fluxes with highest values typically occurring after fertilization events in the summer months. Total annual N2O emissions amounted to between 2.5 and 5 kg N ha-1 y-1. Data-based partitioning methods of different complexity were used to attribute the observed field-scale emissions to the main source classes (grazing excreta, fertilizer application, and background) and to derive annual N2O emission factors. Using random forest and other regression methods the effect of environmental parameters on grazing-related emissions were analyzed.

How to cite: Ammann, C. and Barczyk, L.: Pasture N2O emission fluxes by eddy covariance - partitioning and driver analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11377,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Valeh Khaledi, Roland Baatz, Danica Antonijević, Mathias Hoffmann, Ottfried Dietrich, Gunnar Lischeid, Mariel F Davies, Christoph Merz, and Claas Nendel


Wet grassland sites have accumulated large amounts of carbon in their soil over millennia. While under excessive drainage and intensive agriculture, these sites have shown substantial losses of the stored carbon to the atmosphere, the current climate mitigation strategies see a conversion of this process through rewetting. Situated in the fringe of ascending groundwater, these sites respond very sensitively to changes in the water table, both in the vegetation and the turn-over processes in the soil. While researchers have extensively investigated how wet grasslands respond to changes in environmental conditions or management practices from various perspectives, there is a lack of a comprehensive simultaneous study addressing the intricate interplay of water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles in these ecosystems. This study aimed at addressing the water, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics in a wet grassland site using a process-based agroecosystem model to prepare the model for future scenario simulations under various options for rewetting.

Material and method

The study site is situated in the Spreewald wetlands, where a lysimeter station featuring four lysimeters with different groundwater level management practices has been installed. Within the lysimeter station, a weather station records the meteorological conditions. Above-ground biomass is measured after each cut, and various parameters including evapotranspiration, gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, nitrogen amount in biomass, nitrate leaching, and N2O are monitored. The process-based model employed in this study is the MONICA model (Model for Nitrogen and Carbon in Agro-ecosystems). The SPOTPY algorithm was used for optimising the model.


Presented in three categories are the results: firstly, evapotranspiration as a vital component of the water cycle; followed by gross primary productivity and ecosystem respiration, offering insights into the carbon cycle. Additionally, nitrogen content in biomass, nitrate leachate, and N2O are examined, providing information related to the nitrogen balance.

Within a wet grassland ecosystem, MONICA has effectively reproduced these essential variables, showcasing remarkable performance with rRMSE ranging between 0.05 to 0.81, and Willmott’s Refined Index of Agreement dr ≥ 0.3 in all cases. This substantiates its capability to simulate the impacts of environmental or management changes, particularly those associated with modifications in surface-near groundwater conditions. The model's robust replication of crucial variables emphasizes its suitability for comprehensive assessments in dynamic ecological scenarios.

Keywords: Wet grasslands, Carbon, Nitrogen, MONICA, SPOTPY algorithm

How to cite: Khaledi, V., Baatz, R., Antonijević, D., Hoffmann, M., Dietrich, O., Lischeid, G., Davies, M. F., Merz, C., and Nendel, C.: Using MONICA model to investigate the water, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics in wet grasslands for future rewetting plans., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3836,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yuqiao Wang and Christof Ammann

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a significant greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, with one of the major sources being agricultural fertilizer application. In Europe, grass-clover ley plays a crucial role in the agricultural ecosystem. However, N2O emissions and emission factors (EFs) associated with it are not well documented. We therefore monitored N2O emissions in grass-clover ley and assessed the feasibility of using the process-based model DayCent to simulate N2O emissions and the underlying N cycling. The experiment was undertaken in a long-term fertilization experiment on a ley–arable rotation in Switzerland. We compared N2O emissions and EFs from organic fertilizer (slurry), mineral fertilizer and control (unfertilized) plots over three years (2021–2023). The results showed average N2O emissions of 0.50 ± 0.08, 0.51 ± 0.03 and 0.01 ± 0.04 kg N ha-1 yr-1 from organic, mineral and control treatments, respectively. The N2O EF, which was determined from measured emissions of the fertilized treatments after subtracting of the control treatment, was much lower than the IPCC default of 1%, with values of 0.22% and 0.40% for organic and mineral fertilizer treatments, respectively. DayCent was adjusted for plant C/N ratio parameters and the biological N fixation parameter. It accurately predicted soil moisture, soil temperature, and aboveground N yield, with deviations of 2.2%, 4.4%, and 6.0% from the measured values. Concerning N2O emissions, DayCent simulated average EFs of 0.24% and 0.28% for organic and mineral fertilizers, respectively, suggesting a good agreement with the measurements. Our field observation and model simulation results indicate that using IPCC default EF may overestimate the N2O emission from grass-clover ley, and that, DayCent is able to reproduce the comparatively low N2O emissions. 

How to cite: Wang, Y. and Ammann, C.: Assessing N cycling and N2O emissions from ley within a crop rotation using measurements and modeling , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10897,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tulasi Thentu, Daniel Forster, Perttu Virkajärvi, Matthew Tom Harrison, and Narasinha Shurpali

The aim of this paper was to compare effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from legume grasslands in Finland. We invoke DNDC, a process-based model that integrates effects of agricultural practices, soil characteristics, nitrogen mass balance and climate change on GHG emissions from soil-plant ecosystems. Data measured in the field were collected from 2017 to 2020 using an eddy covariance site cultivated with legume grass species (Phleum pratense L., Festuca pratensis Huds, Trifolium pratense L., Hordeum vulgare L.) at Anttila, Maaninka, eastern Finland. The focus of the modelling was to evaluate the performance of DNDC heat exchange version under two distinct management practices: organic input, utilizing digestate residue (slurry), and mineral input (NPK) with chemical fertilizer. The primary emphasis was on understanding the model's accuracy in simulating greenhouse gas emissions and comparing the total annual greenhouse gas exchanges between these two management approaches. The DNDC heat exchange model version was calibrated and validated for key processes, including Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Ecosystem Respiration (Reco), Soil Temperature, and Water-Filled Pore Space (WFPS) at 5 cm and 20 cm depths. The model demonstrated satisfactory performance in estimating the total annual GHG exchanges during validation years under both management practices. For the mineral treatment, the model demonstrated fair performance (Spearman's correlation (ρ) for GPP (0.81), NEE (0.72), and Reco (0.85)). Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) values indicated reasonable agreement between model predictions and measured data. Notably, soil temperature simulations demonstrated an excellent correlation (ρ=0.99) with low RMSE and MAE. Water-Filled Pore Space (WFPS) at both 5 cm and 20 cm depths exhibited good correlations, with acceptable RMSE and MAE values. Similarly, for organic inputs, the DNDC model had fair correlation (ρ) for GPP (0.81), NEE (0.72), and Reco (0.85). Soil temperature and WFPS at 5 cm presented high positive correlations (ρ=0.98 and 0.55), accompanied by low RMSE and MAE. WFPS at 20cm, while exhibiting good correlation (ρ=0.065), displayed a slightly elevated RMSE and MAE. Overall, we conclude that the model offered valuable insights into GHG dynamics associated with organic and mineral fertilization practices. Overestimation of biomass yield for some of the data by DNDC suggests that future work would be well placed targeting physiology determinants of biomass in the model.

How to cite: Thentu, T., Forster, D., Virkajärvi, P., Harrison, M. T., and Shurpali, N.: Accurate simulation of greenhouse gas emissions across fertilizer scenarios with DNDC, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7642,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Measure, Model and Verify (MMV) for soil carbon sequestration strategies under climate change in Australian pasture systems by combining DayCent and Eddy Covariance flux towers
Naoya Takeda, Zahrasadat Mirsafi, Ken Day, David Rowlings, William Parton, and Peter Grace

Posters on site: Fri, 19 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X1

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 14:00–Fri, 19 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Eduardo Vázquez, Camille Rousset, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
Clemens Weber, Clemens Scheer, Ralf Kiese, and David Kraus

In the last century, the global N (nitrogen) cycle has been profoundly disturbed by human influences. One of the most detrimental consequences is the release of large quantities of N2O (nitrous oxide) into the atmosphere, which significantly contributes to global warming (Gulev et al., 2021). Most of the anthropogenic contribution to atmospheric N2O originates from the transformation of excessive reactive N inputs in agricultural food production systems (Tian et al., 2019). Mitigation strategies propose the use of EEFs (Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers), which have shown large potential in decreasing N2O emissions from various types of agricultural systems (Akiyama et al., 2009; Fan et al., 2022). Two types of EEFs are generally considered: NIs (Nitrification Inhibitors) and CRNFs (Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers). However, the effectiveness of EEFs is yet to be estimated at large spatial and temporal scales.

The use of process-based biogeochemical models allows for the estimation of N2O emissions at various spatial and temporal scales and with greater accuracy than widely applied emission factors from the IPCC methodology. Within this thesis, a new routine to model EEFs is implemented in the LandscapeDNDC model framework (Haas et al., 2013). The routine largely follows the recent implementation in the DAYCENT model described by Gurung et al. (2021). For accurate results, biochemical models require their parameters to be calibrated on field data. Therefore, the new LandscapeDNDC routine was calibrated on measurement data from three corn cropping systems in the US. Contrary to DAYCENT model calibration in Gurung et al. (2021), it is the pretense of LandscapeDNDC to not only quantify cumulative emissions but to predict N2O emissions dynamics in higher temporal, e.g., daily time resolution. Thus, the calibration was performed over the entirety of available measurements instead of only on cumulative emissions. Moreover, it was investigated whether calibrating the model over every site simultaneously instead of separately for every site significantly contributes to overall uncertainty in the final results. Our results demonstrate how LandscapeDNDC is able to recreate site and year-specific differences in EEF mitigation potentials. The RRMSE for NIs during the growing season ranges between 1.42 and 2.42. For CRNFs, the range is between 1.05 and 3.52. When reduction factors based on cumulative emissions are concerned, for NIs, the posterior reduction factor proposed by LandscapeDNDC is -12% (- 36% to 12%) (mean and 95% confidence interval), which is lower than the reduction factor suggested by the DAYCENT model -12% (-61.8% to 3.1%) and large observational datasets -38% (-44% to -31%) (Akiyama et al., 2009). For CRNFs, LandscapeDNDC returns a reduction factor of -2% (-28% to +25%), which is again lower than the DAYCENT reduction factor of -12% (52% to +1%) and the reduction factor suggested by large global datasets -35% (-58% to -14%) but compares with a larger observational dataset of multiple US corn cropping systems of -5% (-18% to +7%) (Eagle et al., 2017). However, considering the simulated magnitude and relative EEF reduction potential, large uncertainties remain, which are attributed to site-specific edaphic characteristics and growing season variability.

How to cite: Weber, C., Scheer, C., Kiese, R., and Kraus, D.: Modeling N2O emission reduction potential from Enhanced-efficiency-nitrogen-fertilizers (EEFs) in LandscapeDNDC: Model calibration and assessment of uncertainties , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10394,, 2024.

Sebastian Floßmann, Kaiyu Lei, Sigrid van Grinsven, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Jörg Völkel, and Michael Dannenmann

Nitrogen (N) fertilization is essential to increase grassland productivity, but losses of excess N to the environment are causing environmental and health issues such as nitrate contamination and eutrophication of water bodies, greenhouse gas emissions, and impaired soil and air quality.  Especially organic fertilization with cattle slurry is known for high environmental N losses. In that respect, different refined cattle slurry management strategies targeted to increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are legally prescribed. However, a holistic assessment of the nitrogen-related agronomic and environmental impacts is still missing. This study aims to test different slurry application techniques for their effects on NUE, hydrological and gaseous N losses, productivity and fodder quality, soil organic nitrogen formation and total N balances. In a small-scale experiment 15N enriched slurry was applied on 1 m² grassland plots using the following application methods: (1) traditional slurry broadcast spreading under dry weather; (2) application like (1) followed by a heavy rainfall event to increase slurry infiltration into the soil; (3) broadcast spreading of slurry diluted with water; (4) injection of slurry into the soil via shallow slits; and (5) injection of slurry into the soil via deep slits. Variants (4) and (5) represent modern trailing shoe injections requiring extensive machinery. Fates of fertilizer N such as plant uptake, stabilization in soil through microbial immobilization as well as NO3 leaching were investigated by 15N tracing approaches in order to create full fertilizer N balances. Sampling and harvest began 3 months after fertilization with 15N-labeled slurry and first results indicate that both injection treatments lead towards a markedly higher slurry-N retention in the soil compared to broadcast spreading, which was not achieved by slurry dilution and traditional application plus strong irrigation. Based on further isotopic analyses, full fertilizer N balances for the different cattle slurry application techniques will be provided. 

How to cite: Floßmann, S., Lei, K., van Grinsven, S., Kögel-Knabner, I., Völkel, J., and Dannenmann, M.: Effects of different slurry application techniques on Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) in an extensive grassland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16600,, 2024.

María J. Muñoz-Gómez, Ana Andreu, María D. Carbonero, Ángel Blázquez-Carrasco, and María P. Gónzalez-Dugo

Grasslands of Mediterranean oak savannas supply numerous ecosystem services and are key for the rural development of extensive regions. Their phenology and overall productivity are significantly influenced by water availability. As a result, the considerable year-to-year fluctuations in production are tied to the variable nature of the Mediterranean climate.

This study aimed to assess the grasslands net primary production (NPP) in a region of Southern Spain for a period of 17-year (2001-2018). The spatiotemporal variations and linkages to water availability, with a focus on practical on-farm management were examined.  A Light-Use Efficiency model to estimate NPP was combined with the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) models to derive evapotranspiration and the anomalies of relative evapotranspiration, used as a proxy of water stress. Both models were adapted to the particular structure of these savanna-type systems and applied integrating meteorological information and MODIS satellite data. 

The findings yielded valuable insights into how these grasslands respond to drought conditions in the region. During the major droughts of 2004/2005 and 2011/2012, the reduction in aerial biomass production was 42% and 67%, respectively.  The study pinpointed the most productive area, characterized by low slopes and moderate tree cover. The biomass production time series classification identified four distinct trends in the region, all displaying shifted relationships with similar slopes between production and anomalies of relative evapotranspiration. However, a seasonal and monthly analysis was necessary to explain the behavior of years with unusual relationships. 

In addition to the known importance of spring for annual grassland production in this area, the seasonal analysis highlighted the significance of autumn, particularly with spring water deficits. The most productive years exhibited favorable conditions in both spring and autumn.

The proposed methodology to characterize grassland productivity in relation to water availability can be a useful tool for farmers. When combined with forecast data, it could assist in determining the optimal level of management intensification, leading to an adjustment of their stocking rate.

How to cite: Muñoz-Gómez, M. J., Andreu, A., Carbonero, M. D., Blázquez-Carrasco, Á., and Gónzalez-Dugo, M. P.: Influence of water stress on the productivity of Mediterranean oak savanna grassland , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18830,, 2024.

Anna-Lena Müller

In this study the process-based ecosystem model LandscapeDNDC (LDNDC) was calibrated on long-term observations from large weighable grassland lysimeters of the TERENO observatory at two sites, the Graswang site (860 m ASL, 4757′ N, 1103′ E) and the Fendt site (600 m ASL, 4783′ N, 1107′ E) which were both exposed to different management intensities, e.g. intensive and extensive management cultivation, in the pre-alpine region of Germany. The annual average temperature of the high elevation site Graswang was 6.5 °C with an annual precipitation of 1359.3 mm, while the low elevation site Fendt showed an annual air temperature of 8.6 °C and a precipitation of 981.9 mm (2014-2017). 

The observations used for the models calibration were based on daily data of soil temperature, soil moisture and grass biomass yield from cuttings of three lysimeter replicates in a timeframe from 2012-2021, whereby for the biogeochemical observations, the cumulative sums / estimates of annual emissions for nitrogen (N2), nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH4), nitrate (NO3) leaching as well as observed changes in soil carbon and nitrogen stocks were considered. Hereby, N2O observations were derived from sub daily fully automated flux measurements using a robot system together with laser spectrometry. Annual N2 emission estimates were based on isotope ratio mass spectrometer measurements coupled to an elemental analyzer, whereas NH4 observations deployed acid trap passive samplers. 

The observations for the low elevation grassland site in Fendt showed N input via slurry was 76 vs. 174 kg-N, while total N in harvested grass was 127 vs.  230 kg-N for extensive vs intensive management while biological nitrogen fixation was estimated to 10 kg-N ha-1. Estimates for annual N2O emissions were 0.25 vs. 0.6kg N2O-N ha-1, NO emissions of 0.1 kg NO-N ha-1, NH3 volatilization of 15 vs. 36 kg NH3-N ha-1, N2 emissions of 20 vs. 35 kg N2-N ha-1 and NO3 leaching showed rates of 3 vs. 6 kg NO3-N ha-1 for the extensive versus intensive managed grassland cultivation. Annual soil carbon losses of approximately 1.5 ton-C ha-1 for intensive management were observed while extensive SOC losses were 0.8 ton-C ha-1. The observation dataset was split for model calibration and validation. 

With the present study we show a detailed analysis of the model’s calibration including all above quantities to constrain process parameters for the prediction of grassland functionality, representing a novel approach due to using an exceptional high number of different observation quantities and measures.

The calibrated model was finally applied for the assessment of the full nitrogen balance of extensive and intensive grassland cultivation and thereby represents the typical pre-alpine grassland belt of Germany. With that, we can report estimates of gaseous nitrogen emissions and aquatic nitrogen losses into the surface waters, nitrogen exports via grass biomass as well as estimates of the dynamics of the soil carbon stocks. In addition, the described approach presents an uncertainty quantification associated to the LDNDC modelling approach.

How to cite: Müller, A.-L.: Calibration and validation of the LandscapeDNDC model for grassland bio-geochemistry in the prealpine grassland belt of Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20134,, 2024.