BG3.31 | Terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change: integrating experiments, ecosystem observations, and models to understand carbon, nutrient, and water cycling
Terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change: integrating experiments, ecosystem observations, and models to understand carbon, nutrient, and water cycling
Convener: Benjamin Stocker | Co-conveners: Teresa Gimeno, Karin Rebel, Sönke Zaehle
| Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST)
Room N1
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X1
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X1
Orals |
Tue, 08:30
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 14:00
Human activities are altering a range of environmental conditions, including atmospheric CO2 concentration, climate, and nutrient inputs. Understanding and predicting their combined impacts on biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem structure and functioning and is a major challenge. Divergent future projections of terrestrial ecosystem models reveal uncertainties about fundamental processes and missing observational constraints. Models are routinely tested and calibrated against data from ecosystem flux measurements, remote sensing, atmospheric inversions and ecosystem inventories. However, it remains challenging to use available observations to constrain process representations and parameterizations in models simulating the response of ecophysiological, biogeochemical, and hydrological processes to environmental changes.

This session focuses on the influence of CO2, temperature, water stress, and nutrients on ecosystem functioning and structure. A focus is set on learning from manipulative experiments and novel uses of continuous ecosystem monitoring and Earth observation data for informing theory and ecosystem models. Contributions may cover a range of scales and scopes, including plant ecophysiology, soil organic matter dynamics, soil microbial activity, nutrient cycling, plant-soil interactions, or ecosystem dynamics.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room N1

Chairpersons: Benjamin Stocker, Karin Rebel, Sönke Zaehle
On-site presentation
Kim Novick and Jessica Guo

Anticipating and preparing for life on a warming planet requires a predictive understanding of how increasing drought and heat stress will affect terrestrial plants and the many services they provide. The water potential of soils and plants – which can be imagined as the blood pressure of the natural world – is a fundamental driver of ecosystem water flows, and directly controls many aspects of plant functioning during drought. However, and especially when compared to the rich information contained in flux tower networks like AmeriFlux and FLUXNET, observations of water potential are relatively sparse, undiscoverable, and plagued by methodological disparities that constrain the synthetic research necessary to improve conceptual understanding and predictive models of plant drought responses. A new network – PSInet – will confront this water potential information gap by creating an open and accessible global water potential database that is harmonized with the structure of other established and related networks (e.g. flux tower networks, SAPFLUXNET). The database creation will be complemented by efforts to develop community-crafted protocols, best-practices, and analytical tools for soil and plant water potential observation and interpretation, with a particular emphasis on emerging techniques for continuous observation of water potential in-situ. Finally, the network will build a diverse “Community of Practice” to elevate the measurement, synthesis, and application of plant and soil water potential through early career training programs, community workshops, and novel teaching and outreach tools. In this talk, I’ll describe how these activities could provide the data, collaborative platforms, and training necessary to improve our predictive understanding of ecosystem water status and flows.

How to cite: Novick, K. and Guo, J.: PSInet – a global water potential network to improve understanding of ecosystems water status and flows, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10166,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Holly Croft, Robert Caine, and Muhammad Khan

Agriculture is the largest consumer of freshwater, accounting for approximately 70% of the total global usage. As the human population continues to grow, demand for water will be exacerbated by a changing climate and shifting temperature and precipitation regimes. Dynamically modelling crop physiological function will be crucial to optimising crop management strategies. In this study we synergise hyperspectral and thermal remotely-sensed data to model plant traits and water fluxes in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) in growth chambers within a controlled environment experiment under water and/or nitrogen stress conditions. Results showed that plants which had first received nitrogen fertiliser and were subsequently droughted presented the lowest water fluxes, and the lowest leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax) values. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) analysis of hyperspectral reflectance data revealed key wavelengths sensitive to six different plant traits and fluxes (including relative water content, leaf nitrogen, stomatal conductance), with strong correlations between measured and modelled values (R2 = 0.84; p<0.001, 0.60; p<0.001, and 0.65; p<0.001, respectively). By incorporating optical reflectance data into a modified surface energy-balance model to incorporate the changing optical properties of the leaves under stress, we increased the accuracy of modelled water fluxes against leaf porometry measurements during abiotic stress (R2 = 0.46; p<0.01 and R2 = 0.61; p<0.001, for the original and improved transpiration model respectively). This work points to the importance of considering the influence of stressors on crop fluxes and traits both in isolation and combined. The novel integration of optical and thermal remote sensing techniques paves the way for the improved dynamic modelling of crop physiological function.

How to cite: Croft, H., Caine, R., and Khan, M.: Modelling crop traits and fluxes under multiple abiotic stressors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19270,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Simone M. Pieber, Ugo Molteni, Arun Bose, Celia Faiola, Jonas Gisler, Shan Gu, Stefan Hunziker, Markus Kalberer, Na Luo, Tatiana Nazarova, and Arthur Gessler

Climate models project a further increase in the average global temperature for the following decades, with Alpine regions (and their ecosystems) expected to be over-proportionally more affected. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) comprise the largest, most highly complex, and diverse fraction of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted into the atmosphere (1). By emitting BVOCs, plants communicate, fight herbivores, and attract pollinators (2). It is well known that biotic stressors (e.g., insects feeding on plants) lead to changes in plants' BVOC emissions: certain compounds can be promoted, and others reduced. Atmospheric oxidation of BVOCs affects the concentration of methane, carbon monoxide, and tropospheric ozone, leading to the formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA). Atmospheric aerosol load is crucial in defining the radiative balance and negatively impacts air-quality standards (3). Stress-induced changes in plant emissions may thus lead to changes in atmospheric chemistry and SOA properties (e.g., ref. 4). The impact of prolonged changes in abiotic factors and abiotic stress (e.g., heat and drought) on plants' BVOC composition and emissions quantities, and how this may impact atmospheric chemistry and SOA properties, need to be better understood. 

Within the experimental project "Acclimation and environmental memory” (AccliMemo), we study BVOC composition and quantities at basal conditions and under prolonged heat and drought. To this purpose, Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris) seedlings were grown from seeds collected from selected mother trees from the long-term irrigation experiment Pfynwald. Those mother trees experienced different long-term water availability. This also allows us to examine the consequence of transgenerational memory on BVOC emissions (5). 

Our conference contribution will give insight into our findings from plant chamber experiments and address i) gas-phase BVOC samples collected on sorbent tubes and analyzed by Thermal Desorption GC-MS and ii) gas-phase BVOC measurements collected in-situ using a PTR-ToF-MS. These data provide a well-resolved picture of terpene compositions and diurnal trends in emission levels. The BVOC analysis in the gas phase is complemented by a detailed analysis of the secondary metabolites in needle samples. Secondary metabolites are extracted in organic solvents and analyzed by liquid injection GC-FID/MS. 


(1) Sindelarova, K., Granier, C., Bouarar, I., Guenther, A., Tilmes, S., Stavrakou, T., Müller, J.-F., Kuhn, U., Stefani, P., and Knorr, W.: Global data set of biogenic VOC emissions calculated by the MEGAN model over the last 30 years, Atmospheric Chem. Phys., 14, 9317–9341,, 2014.

(2) Niinemets, Ü. and Monson, R. K. (Eds.): Biology, Controls and Models of Tree Volatile Organic Compound Emissions, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht,, 2013.

(3) Seinfeld, John H. and Pandis, Spyros N.: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change, 3rd Edition., Wiley, 1152 pp., 2016.

(4) Smith, N. R., et al.: Viscosity and liquid–liquid phase separation in healthy and stressed plant SOA, Environ. Sci. Atmospheres, 1, 140–153,, 2021.

(5) Bose, A. K., et al.: Memory of environmental conditions across generations affects the acclimation potential of scots pine, Plant Cell Environ., 43, 1288–1299,, 2020.

Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation, Project Numbers 189109, 199317, and, 194390.

How to cite: Pieber, S. M., Molteni, U., Bose, A., Faiola, C., Gisler, J., Gu, S., Hunziker, S., Kalberer, M., Luo, N., Nazarova, T., and Gessler, A.: Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris) seedlings BVOC emissions composition under basal,  heat and drought conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17558,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tuuli Miinalainen, Amanda Ojasalo, Holly Croft, Sönke Zaehle, Silvia Caldararu, and Tea Thum

Slowing down climate change calls for a strengthening of natural carbon sinks. Estimating current carbon stocks and the carbon storage potential of natural ecosystems necessitates a good understanding of carbon and nitrogen cycles. As the increase of land carbon sink is likely to be nitrogen-limited in temperate and boreal ecosystems, it is important to constrain the uncertainties related to the carbon and nitrogen processes in the ecosystems. Leaf chlorophyll (chlleaf) and leaf nitrogen allocated to photosynthetic fractions are closely related, as plants optimise their nitrogen resources between light harvesting and the reactions of the Calvin cycle. chlleaf is consequently one of the key factors in determining leaf photosynthetic rates and a strong proxy for photosynthetic capacity. The recent advances in remote sensing (RS) provide a novel opportunity for benchmarking the modelled terrestrial nitrogen cycle through leaf chlorophyll content.

In this study, we utilize a terrestrial biosphere model, QUINCY, for simulating the chlleaf content for different ecosystems in a global scale. QUINCY includes a comprehensive representation of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycles, and also diagnostics for chlleaf. We use a satellite-based leaf chlorophyll RS product for evaluating how well QUINCY captures spatial and temporal patterns of chlleaf. The evaluation is conducted for a selection of 400 locations distributed world-wide to represent all major global biomes. In addition, we analyse the accuracy of chlorophyll and productivity (GPP) simulation at 169 sites of the FLUXNET eddy covariance.

Our initial results reveal that on global scale, QUINCY chlleaf matches well with the RS chlleaf observations. However, the QUINCY chlleaf values seem to be constrained to a more narrow numerical range than the RS observations, indicating that not all factors contributing to the observed variation are considered in the modeling framework. For instance, the modeled grassland chlleaf shows much smaller variation between different locations when compared to RS observations at different sites. For the FLUXNET sites, the mean annual GPP values from QUINCY are slightly underestimated (on average, ~-260 gC m-2 yr-1) when compared to flux observations. Nevertheless, the QUINCY mean annual GPP for different sites correlates with the ground station data reasonably well (r=0.67). 

Our study paves way for more versatile use of satellite observations within terrestrial biosphere models. Harnessing satellite products to model evaluation helps to improve model parametrizations related to carbon and nitrogen cycles, which in turn would allow more precise modeling of the terrestrial carbon budget.

How to cite: Miinalainen, T., Ojasalo, A., Croft, H., Zaehle, S., Caldararu, S., and Thum, T.: Leaf chlorophyll: a global study employing a process-based model and remote sensing observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8382,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Gabriel Banstarck Marandola, Martin G. De Kauwe, Sabrina Garcia, Tomas Ferreira Domingues, and David Montenegro Lapola

The Amazon Rainforest vegetation responses to climate change are still far from being fully understood, especially when the focus is not on the forest canopy stratum. Concerning the changes in water use related to rising atmospheric CO2 levels, the distinct responses between forest strata of the Amazon are still uncertain. The project presented here consists in exploring data from an experimental study coupled with a mathematical modeling approach, with the goal to elucidate, in relation to rising CO2 levels, the transpiration responses of Central Amazon understorey plants, which may influence the entire region due to forest-atmosphere water flux disturbances. More specifically, we artificially increase the CO2 atmospheric concentration inside open-top chambers installed in the understory, providing a way to evaluate the response of the plants inside the chamber to the increased CO2 levels. With the estimation of carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance processes parameters defined by mathematical models, it is possible to characterize physiologically the response of the individuals in the experiment and compare the differences between control and treatment groups. Then, the impact of these changes in the understory transpiration is estimated by measuring the leaf area index of the understory and combining the obtained stomatal conductance parameters with another mathematical model, which makes it possible to compare the impact of the experimental treatment in the amount of water that travels from the understorey plants to the atmosphere through stomata. The results and methodology from this study, in addition to the importance to accomplishing the main goal mentioned above, are also relevant for the use of Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVM), as the mathematical equations employed are also frequently used in DGVM studies. Finally, the experimental site being studied is also where the first Free-Air CO2 Enrichment experiment in the Amazon, known as AmazonFACE, will be conducted, so the open-top chambers data can be considered a source of basal knowledge for the large scale project that is being implemented at the same location.

How to cite: Banstarck Marandola, G., De Kauwe, M. G., Garcia, S., Ferreira Domingues, T., and Montenegro Lapola, D.: Evaluation of leaf-atmosphere water fluxes and physiological characterization of plants subjected to an in situ elevated CO2 experiment in Central Amazon, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22125,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xiangzhong Luo, Haoran Zhou, Tin Satriawan, Jiaqi Tian, Ruiying Zhao, Trevor Keenan, Dan Griffith, Stephen Sitch, Nick Smith, and Christopher Still

Plants with the C4 photosynthesis pathway typically respond to climate change differently than more common C3-type plants, due to their distinct anatomical and biochemical characteristics. The different responses are expected to drive changes in global C4 and C3 distributions. However, current C4 distribution models may not predict this response as they do not capture multiple interacting factors and in many cases lack observational constraints. Here, we used a global database of plant photosynthetic pathways, satellite observations, and photosynthetic optimality theory to produce a new observation-constrained global estimate of C4 distribution. We found that global C4 coverage decreased from 17.7% to 17.1% of the land surface during 2001 to 2019, as a net effect of C4 natural grass decreases due to elevated CO2 favoring C3-type photosynthesis, and C4 crop increases, mainly from corn (maize) expansion. Using an emergent constraint approach, we estimated that C4 contributed 19.5% of global photosynthetic carbon assimilation, a value within the range of previous estimates (18-23%) but higher than the ensemble mean of dynamic global vegetation models (14 ± 13%). By improving the understanding of recent global C4 cover and productivity dynamics, our study sheds insight on the critical and underappreciated role of C4 plants in the contemporary global carbon cycle.

How to cite: Luo, X., Zhou, H., Satriawan, T., Tian, J., Zhao, R., Keenan, T., Griffith, D., Sitch, S., Smith, N., and Still, C.: Mapping the global distribution of C4 vegetation using observations and optimality theory, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2338,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Chongyang Xu, Hongyan Liu, Dan Yakir, Boyi Liang, Xinrong Zhu, Siwen Feng, and José Grünzweig

The optimum air temperature for photosynthetic ecosystem productivity (Topt) determines the annual maximum of terrestrial carbon uptake. Previous studies have quantified Topt and explored its acclimation in response to climatic warming. However, there remains uncertainty regarding the extent to which Topt has changed globally in recent decades and how it might evolve in the future. Our analysis, using both satellite- and ground-based datasets, reveals a slight increase in Topt over the past two decades (+0.14°C, 2000-2019), contrasting with a significant 0.46°C rise in maximum global growing-season temperature (Tmax). The lack of change in Topt was attributed to an insignificant trend of Tmax in cold areas and to drought inhibiting thermal acclimation of photosynthesis in temperate and arid regions. If global surface temperatures exceeded pre-industrial levels by 2°C, the mean Tmax over the globe was predicted to increase slightly more than Topt (1.5 vs. 1.2°C), with the gap widening under a 4°C temperature increase (4.1 vs. 3.4°C). In the +4°C scenario, soil drought dominated the widespread decline in photosynthetic acclimation across tropical and temperate vegetation, slowing the rate of Topt increase at the end of the century (+0.04°C, 2080-2099). Conversely, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations failed to have significant effects on Topt and its acclimation. These findings imply that the absorption of atmospheric CO2 by terrestrial vegetation, and subsequent carbon sequestration, may be further hampered by the limited acclimation capacity of Topt to rising global temperatures.

How to cite: Xu, C., Liu, H., Yakir, D., Liang, B., Zhu, X., Feng, S., and Grünzweig, J.: Slowdown of the rise in the optimum temperature of photosynthetic productivity under future global warming, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5169,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Manon Rumeau, Yolima Carrillo, Fotis Sgouridis, Rob Mackenzie, Michaela Reay, and Sami Ullah

Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations due to human activities, is projected to enhance photosynthesis and carbon storage of forest ecosystem. However, it is unclear how nutrient limitation will constrain the projected CO2 fertilization effect. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate how nutrient limitation will affect the response of forests to rising CO2 concentration and how it will feedback on nutrient availabilities and more especially nitrogen (N) which can become limiting with time.

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the response of N cycling processes to elevated CO2 enrichment in a N-limited northern deciduous temperate forest in the UK and a phosphorus (P)-limited Eucalyptus dominated forest in Australia. The research was conducted in two Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) facilities: BIFOR FACE located near Birmingham, UK and EucFACE in New South Wales, Australia. Furthermore, EucFACE (P-limited forest) received partial phosphorus fertilization to study its effect on N cycling.

We employed a 15N pool dilution method to assess gross protein depolymerization and gross mineralization at both study sites, along with the measurement of nitrous oxide emissions, extracellular soil enzyme activities and nutrient pools.

Results from the N-limited forest (BIFOR FACE) indicate that elevated CO2 increased belowground carbon allocation, resulting in higher root biomass, dissolved organic carbon, microbial biomass and soil respiration. The additional carbon belowground stimulated net mineralization (+ 30%) (p<0.05) over a year of monthly measurement. Gross mineralization and ammonium immobilization were only enhanced in summer (+ 47%), whilst gross nitrification was overall downregulated (- 47%) and N2O production was un-affected by elevated CO2. This suggests that root exudates selectively influence microbial communities promoting SOM decomposition to enhance ammonium availability (+15%) (p<0.05) for trees. In the phosphorus-limited forest, carbon pools, nitrogen depolymerization and mineralization were unaffected by elevated CO2. But elevated CO2 increased soil nitrate pool (+ 37%) (p<0.05) and decreased soil moisture (-13%) indicating a potential reduction in denitrification activity.

Taken together, results from this research outline how nutrient limitation drives the response of a forest ecosystem to elevated CO2. Although at EucFACE, P limitation was alleviated in the initial phase of the experiment (Hasegawa et al., 2016), it quickly truncated plant growth and carbon feedback in soils. While, at BIFOR FACE, N limitation has been alleviated via enhanced soil N mineralization and N supply to sustain plant growth enhancement for seven years. However, how long the N supply will be maintained in the face of declining nitrogen deposition in future climates remains uncertain. Results from this research aim at improving our understanding of forest response to future climate by unveiling the role of nutrient limitation in future C uptake.

Hasegawa, S., Macdonald, C.A., Power, S.A., 2016. Elevated carbon dioxide increases soil nitrogen and phosphorus availability in a phosphorus-limited Eucalyptus woodland. Glob. Change Biol. 22, 1628–1643.

How to cite: Rumeau, M., Carrillo, Y., Sgouridis, F., Mackenzie, R., Reay, M., and Ullah, S.: Nutrient limitation in soils regulate the effects of elevated CO2 on soil N cycling at BIFoR-FACE (UK) and Euc-FACE (Australia), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3495,, 2024.

On-site presentation
David Lapola, Carolina Blanco, Barbara Cardeli, João Martinelli, Carlos Quesada, Bianca Rius, and Celso Silva-Junior

The effect of CO2 fertilization is listed as the main cause of the observed increase in net primary productivity and biomass stocks in “undisturbed” tropical forests. This is generally considered to provide greater resilience to tropical forests against disturbances that cause forest degradation such as extreme droughts and logging. Here, we discuss how this may be conceptually short-sighted, given that these forests are being pushed more quickly to their growth limits compared to a situation if atmospheric CO2 concentration was not rising. Once this growth limit is reached, this shift — from a phase dominated by the CO2 fertilization effect to a subsequent state marked by progressive saturation or a decrease in carbon sinks — will potentially render these forests more vulnerable to changing climate and other disturbances. In this presentation we will discuss that, in the long term, CO2 fertilization is a disturbance that leads to forest degradation, falling within the very definition of degradation, as it is human-caused and leads to transient or long-term deleterious change in forest condition (e.g. carbon storage, forest composition). Such a recognition of the CO2 fertilization affect as a disturbance causing degradation is politically and scientifically relevant in light of climate policies, such that the responsibility for protecting these forests from climate change and other human interventions is shared with countries other than just those that host these forests.

How to cite: Lapola, D., Blanco, C., Cardeli, B., Martinelli, J., Quesada, C., Rius, B., and Silva-Junior, C.:  Just semantics?: CO2 fertilization is a disturbance leading to degradation of tropical forests, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12358,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Karin Rebel, Sönke Zaehle, Benjamin Stocker
On-site presentation
Tingting Zhu, Yanlian Zhou, Weimin Ju, Ran Yan, Rui Xie, and Yu Mao

 Methane (CH4) is the second largest greenhouse gas and affects global climate change. In turn, global changes strongly affect CH4 fluxes from the terrestrial biosphere to the atmosphere. However, it is unclear how CH4 fluxes are affected by warming (W), precipitation patterns (P), elevated carbon dioxide (eCO2), and nitrogen (N) addition. Here, we synthesized terrestrial CH4 fluxes data from 1,165 observations performed under changes in W, P, eCO2, and N across different vegetation types over the globe. Results showed N addition significantly reduced CH4 emission and uptake across upland ecosystems (-31% and -14%, P<0.05), but stimulated CH4 emission in rice paddies (3%, P>0.05) and wetlands (24%, P<0.05). CH4 emission and uptake significantly increased by 42% and 11% under W, respectively. An increase in CO2 concentration did not affect CH4  emission in wetlands while enhanced CH4 emission in rice paddies (39%, P<0.05). Increased precipitation inhibited CH4 uptake (-21%, P<0.05), whereas decreased precipitation had a significantly positive effect on CH4 uptake (26%, P<0.05) in uplands. The overall effects of four global change drivers were -9% for CH4 uptake and 13% for CH4 emission averaged across different ecosystem types. The interactive effect of multiple factors on CH4 fluxes generally was antagonistic. In addition, the responses of CH4 emission to global change drivers significantly shifted from negative to positive with the increases in wetness indices, soil clay content, and effects of global change drivers on belowground biomass (BGB) and methanogenic bacteria (mcrA) (P<0.05). In contrast, the effects of global change drivers on CH4 emission switched from positive to negative with the increases in the responses of grain yield and aboveground biomass, respectively (P<0.05). CH4 uptake increased with the increases of BGB, inorganic nitrogen, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, and mcrA induced by global change drivers but decreased with the increase of NO3- (P<0.05). The responses of CH4 fluxes to N addition, W, and precipitation changes exhibited considerable variations in sensitivities and magnitudes. This synthesis showed an urgent need to consider the effects of changing multiple global change drivers on CH4 fluxes for better understanding the methane-climate feedback.

How to cite: Zhu, T., Zhou, Y., Ju, W., Yan, R., Xie, R., and Mao, Y.: Impacts of global change drivers on terrestrial methane emission and uptake, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2528,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Viktor Van de Velde, Albert-Jonathan Magala, Joseph Mande, Ali Hassan, Félicien Meunier, Marijn Bauters, and Pascal Boeckx

Tropical forests are increasingly subjected to land-use change with important implications for biodiversity conservation and global carbon-, energy-, and water cycling. Particularly in Central Africa, slash-and-burn agriculture is the main source of forest losses, and the projected increase in the African population is only to exacerbate these dynamics. The imminence of this social-ecological front is already reflected in the decreasing length of fallow periods, combined with an increase in the number of clearing cycles.

Studying regrowth forests in a thorough and comprehensive way entails including not only biodiversity- and carbon stock recovery, but also the recuperation of nutrient cycling. The current paradigm on tropical secondary forest succession states that these forests move from a nitrogen (N) to a phosphorus (P) limitation during ecosystem recovery. However, recent research has shown that cations become scarce and potentially limiting in later successional stages in Central African forests. Additionally, in a context of repeated forest clearing, soil total and available cation stocks have been shown to decrease each clearing cycle, potentially affecting the regrowth of secondary forests.

An essential phase in the recovery of forests on fallows in Central Africa is the establishment of the pioneer tree species Musanga cecropioides R.Br. ex Tedlie, often exhibiting a temporary monodominance on abandoned fallows and creating a microclimate that facilitates the establishment of other tree species. To study the effects of nutrient losses due to land-use intensification on forest regrowth, our team installed a pot experiment with M. cecropioides close to Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the following nutrient treatments: control, nitrogen (225 kg ha-1 yr-1), phosphorus (75 kg ha-1 yr-1), and a combined cation treatment (calcium, magnesium, and potassium; each 75 kg ha-1 yr-1). These four treatments were then combined in a full factorial setup with 15 replicates. 

Plant diameters and -heights were measured biweekly for one year. Plants that received the combined cation treatment quickly overtook the ones that only received single treatments of N and P, as well as the controls, both in terms of measured diameter and height. The height measurements showed a steep increase when N was combined with cations, however, the addition of P did not show any additional effect. Plant diameter measurements showed a first increase when cations were added solely and a second increase when the cation addition was combined with nitrogen. Again, the additional provision with P did not add to the observed diameter increase, emphasizing the importance of cations as potentially limiting nutrients for forest regrowth.

A final complete harvest of the plants will allow for total biomass quantification per tissue, as well as destructive sampling for chemical analysis. Analysis of tissue concentrations and stoichiometries of C, N, P, and cations will importantly supplement the growth rates by providing more insight into the relative effects of the added nutrients and will help to disentangle the effects of the separate cations that were combined in the aggregated ‘cation’ treatment. 

How to cite: Van de Velde, V., Magala, A.-J., Mande, J., Hassan, A., Meunier, F., Bauters, M., and Boeckx, P.: Cations limit tree growth of a keystone pioneer species in Central Africa, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1532,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Helena Vallicrosa Pou and Charlotte Grossiord

The increase of nitrogen (N) deposition is a human-induced process associated with industry and agriculture that disrupts the nitrogen biogeochemical cycle. N deposition has been associated with environmental impacts such as land carbon sink increase, loss of biodiversity, and risk of eutrophication and acidity but further understanding of how N deposition affects trees of different environmental conditions, size, and leaf habit is missing. In this study, we use the ICP forest inventory data and the EMEP N deposition data to track how N deposition affects tree growth in interaction with temperature and precipitation, tree size classes, or leaf habits in Europe since 1990. We use linear mixed models to describe the interaction between mean annual temperature (MAT) mean annual precipitation (MAP) and N deposition in tree growth. In addition, we use gam models to track the different saturation points. We found contrasting interactions between N deposition and temperature in conifers and broadleaves. Conifers living in colder environments have a more positive response to N deposition than conifers living in warmer environments. On the other hand, broadleaves living in warmer environments had the most positive response to high N deposition levels. Interestingly, broadleaves showed lower saturation points than conifers, being around 25 kg ha yr and 30 kg ha yr respectively. Nonetheless, factors such as tree size and species can modulate such relations, being especially relevant for secondary forests or restoration processes. In conclusion, our findings point out climate, tree size, and leaf habit as strong modulators of N deposition impacts in tree growth that should be considered in future assessments and policy-making, especially in Europe. Further research is needed to certify these relations in other regions of the world.

How to cite: Vallicrosa Pou, H. and Grossiord, C.: Nitrogen deposition effect on tree growth depends on climate, tree size, and leaf habit, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4053,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kate Nelson and the Powell Group

Our current understanding of the tropical terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycle has been shaped by decades of field-based research, predominately at a small subset of sites across the globe. These field data inform hypotheses on how N cycling is mediated by biotic and abiotic drivers, and inform the paradigm that tropical wet forests are characterized by high rates of N inputs and outputs compared with other systems, driven by high inorganic N availability. However, recent findings that do not seem to conform to this paradigm call into question how well the bulk of our underlying data represents the diversity of the tropics as a whole. We propose that there may be blind spots in our understanding of N cycling created by a paucity of sampling from areas where environmental factor combinations differ from those often studied. Identifying these blind spots may help to resolve which drivers can be generalized across the tropics as a whole, versus which sustain system heterogeneity. We conducted a pan-tropical synthesis of field sampling sites for N fixation and denitrification (two key processes that influence system N inputs and outputs, as a proxy for general understanding of N cycling) and sampling intensity between 1950 and 2022. As a metric of geographic biases in general understanding, we tallied citations counts for each study over time. We also collated globally gridded data for a range of factors hypothesized to control N cycling rates, including soil and climatic variables, productivity, topography, vegetation type, biogeographic region, and disturbance. With these data, we: 1) mapped major axes of variation in tropical environmental conditions using principal components, 2) determined the distribution of environmental variables within sampled sites versus the tropics as a whole, and 3) identified regions where unique combinations of conditions are under sampled.

Preliminary results show a relative over-representation of evergreen broadleaf forests, and under-representation of grasslands and savannas. This corresponded to a proportional oversampling of sites with higher soil fertility (soil N and P), high net primary productivity, high rainfall, and low rainfall seasonality. To quantify system-level biases we also explored intra-biome sampling variability for factors such as fertility and elevation (e.g., tropical montane versus lowland forests). Denitrification and N fixation tended to follow similar patterns in site characteristics, suggesting that these metrics are a good proxy for overall N cycling understanding.

Overall, our study identifies regions of the global tropics where environmental drivers are similar to those dictating existing knowledge, as well as understudied regions that should be targeted to explore system heterogeneity. Future work can leverage this information to design cross-system comparisons to explicitly test current hypothesized mechanisms to advance our understanding of the N cycle. Constraining nutrient availability and cycling in tropical ecosystems is especially important in the context of global change, where shifting environmental conditions may alter how forests cycle and retain N and, therefore, how nutrient limitation will constrain productivity responses to rising carbon dioxide.

How to cite: Nelson, K. and the Powell Group: Blind spots hinder understanding of the tropical nitrogen cycle, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4469,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xia Xu

Liebig’s Law of the Minimum underscores the need for balanced nutrition for optimal plant growth; any deficiency in essential nutrients can influence plant growth and subsequent biomass accumulation. Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition can alleviate the prevailing N limitation and stimulate plant growth in many terrestrial ecosystems, thereby helping to mitigate climate change. However, the N stimulation effects may diminish under conditions where plant growth is limited by soil cation availability that is susceptible to N-induced soil acidification. How variation in soil cations influences N stimulation of plant growth is unresolved. Here, we synthesized data from 282 field experiments and found that in agreement with the optimal allocation theory, N addition asymmetrically increased plant biomass aboveground (42.5 ± 7.4%) and belowground (20.8 ± 10.1%). The increment in aboveground biomass was soil pH dependent, shifting from neutral in low pH (pH ≤ 4.5) to positive in medium (4.5 < pH ≤ 7.5) and high pH (pH > 7.5) soils. In contrast, changes in belowground biomass were independent of soil pH. The variations in biomass increments across different soil pH ranges were mediated by the levels of foliar magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca), with the responses exhibiting a shift from negative in low pH soils to neutral in medium and high pH soils. These findings suggest that reduction in foliar Mg and Ca levels diminishes the N stimulation of plant biomass despite the enhancement of root growth in low pH soils. Given the widespread stimulation of plant biomass through N addition, the extent of this effect is soil pH dependent and mediated by the foliar cation status of plants.

How to cite: Xu, X.: Nitrogen Stimulation of Plant Biomass Growth Mediated by Foliar Magnesium and Calcium Worldwide , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4852,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Eunji Byun, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Stephanie Slowinski, Christina Lam, Saraswati Saraswati, Stephanie Wright, William L. Quinton, Kara Webster, and Philippe Van Cappellen

Wildfires are increasing across northern high latitudes. Besides the immediate carbon pool losses from directly disturbed areas, recent studies have reported high porewater nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in burned areas and downstream waters for a few months to several years after fire occurrence. Increasing nutrient deposition and soil fertilizer use have been widely investigated for water quality and carbon loss in agricultural soils, but not for remote subarctic peatlands. In this study, we sampled soil cores (0-25 cm) from a bog and a fen peatland in the Scotty Creek watershed in the Northwest Territories and conducted an incubation experiment for the effects of added nutrients in porewater. Aliquots of the peatlands were divided into separate containers and artificial porewater was added, either amended with dissolved inorganic N (NH4 + NO3), P (PO4), both N and P, or unamended. The production rates of gaseous CO2, CH4 and N2O were measured at 1, 5, 15, and 25°C. We further analyzed the initial and final soil physical properties, porewater chemistry, and microbial biomass C:N:P ratios. The fen incubations yielded overall greater CO2 and CH4 production rates than the bog incubations, which we attributed to differences in soil properties and initial microbial biomass. The N addition to the bog samples increased CO2 production, while the P addition to the fen samples increased CO2 production. The addition of both N and P reduced CO2 production but elevated that of CH4 for both peatland soils. After a month, the pore water C, N, and P stochiometric ratios approached the initial soil microbial biomass ratios, suggesting microbial nutrient recycling in an inherently nutrient-poor soil environment. These preliminary results imply a complex response of carbon turnover in peatland soils to nutrient enrichment.

How to cite: Byun, E., Rezanezhad, F., Slowinski, S., Lam, C., Saraswati, S., Wright, S., Quinton, W. L., Webster, K., and Van Cappellen, P.: Complexity of nutrient enrichment on subarctic peatland soil CO2 and CH4 production , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7241,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Leena Khadke, Sandipan Mukherjee, and Subimal Ghosh

Micrometeorological variability significantly influences the structures, functions, and dynamics of ecosystems. Despite this, there is a limited understanding of the feedback and causal relationships among micrometeorological drivers in various Himalayan ecosystems. The present study aims to investigate the meteorological controls that govern the variability in net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) and Pine (Pinus roxburghii)-dominated ecosystems of the Himalayas. We use half-hourly eddy covariance fluxes from Pine and Oak-dominated ecosystems located in Uttarakhand, India. We employ an information theory-based Temporal Information Partitioning Network (TIPNet) approach to generate weekly process networks with a 6-hour lag. The analysis conducted for the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons of 2016 and 2017 reveals that sub-daily scale variations in micrometeorological variables are responsible for fluctuations in NEE in both ecosystems. The Pine ecosystem exhibits greater sensitivity to air temperature, leading to increased carbon uptake compared to the Oak ecosystem throughout the study period. Causal connections indicate that the NEE of the Oak ecosystem is moisture-driven (influenced by precipitation and relative humidity), while that of the Pine ecosystem is heat-dominated (influenced by air temperature and net solar radiation). Precipitation effects on the Pine ecosystem are not immediate due to slower infiltration and lesser fine root production compared to Oak. However, the impact of moisture stress is evident in the network structure of both ecosystems, with more causal links occurring during dry periods compared to normal periods, indicating adaptive responses to resist moisture stress. This research enhances our understanding of micrometeorological influences on carbon dynamics in Himalayan ecosystems, providing valuable insights for ecosystem management and climate change mitigation strategies.

Keywords: Micrometeorology, Process networks, Oak, Pine, Himalayas

How to cite: Khadke, L., Mukherjee, S., and Ghosh, S.: Influence of Meteorological Variables on Carbon Uptake in Oak and Pine-dominated Ecosystems of Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-615,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mingzhu He, Yonghong Yi, Xiaojun Li, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, John Kimball, Rolf Reichle, Lei Fan, Hans Chen, and Qian Zhang

Vegetation optical depth (VOD), has been widely assessed for monitoring vegetation carbon and water status under different conditions. However, their abilities to reflect the integrated dynamics in vegetation status under a changing climate are rarely investigated, especially in China. To fill this gap, this study examines seven VOD products for their capabilities to monitor the changes in vegetation status under a varying climate from 2015 to 2021 in China, including X-, C- and L-band VOD products from AMSR-E, AMSR2, SMOS and SMAP. The results indicate that most VOD products generally show consistent responses to temperature (Ta), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and soil moisture (SM) variations for the ecosystems with simple canopy structure, such as temperate grassland and shrublands, which are also water-limited ecosystems. Moreover, these VOD products also exhibit similar responses to a varying climate for Ta-constrained temperate forests, independent of retrieval frequencies and algorithms. For other ecosystems, however, the links between VOD and climate variables are sensitive to retrieval frequencies and algorithms. Specifically, due to the relatively high frequency, X-band VOD products can capture vegetation responses to Ta, VPD and SM stresses as the vegetation canopies respond rapidly to climate variations, especially for ecosystems located in the dry and warm regions. Furthermore, all seven VOD products, and especially X-band VOD, show high sensitivity to SM carry-over effects on vegetation dynamics, especially for temperate non-forests ecosystems. These findings help clarify the capability of different VOD products to mirror vegetation responses to a changing climate across different ecosystems in China, highlighting the importance of choosing the most appropriate VOD product as vegetation proxies in global and regional studies.

How to cite: He, M., Yi, Y., Li, X., Wigneron, J.-P., Kimball, J., Reichle, R., Fan, L., Chen, H., and Zhang, Q.: Divergent responses of vegetation dynamics to a changing climate through different VOD products in China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4516,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yu Zhu, Fabrice Lacroix, Lei Liu, Dongsheng Zhao, and Sönke Zaehle

The springtime phenology in permafrost regions of the Northern Hemisphere is exhibiting an extensive advance in response to climate change that is considered to be primarily driven by the rising temperature that vastly exceeds the average rate of global warming. This phenological trend emerges as the result of spatial variability in temperature and the response of vegetation to temperature (referred to here as the temperature sensitivity (ST) of phenology, change in phenological timing per unit change in temperature). In contrast to the more well-defined pattern of temperature variability, far less is known about the temperature sensitivity of vegetation phenology. Further, the above-average and highly heterogeneous warming in permafrost regions leads to changes in chilling exposure, frost risk, and other key controllers of temperature sensitivity, potentially allowing plants to adapt their phenological strategies. However, these phenological strategies  have not been investigated yet at the pan-Arctic scale in models or observations.

Here, we seek to combine remote sensing-based and process model-based approaches to reveal the spatiotemporal pattern and strategic mechanisms regarding the ST of springtime phenology. To obtain generalisable dependencies, remote sensing retrieved phenology, climate data and soil physical property data are used to explore the linkages between ST and temperature and permafrost drivers, providing insights on vegetation phenological strategies. The novel QUINCY model is then adopted at site levels to validate the plausibility of possible strategies. Sets of model experiments with respect to varying biological and environmental factors are applied to elucidate the major controllers. Results shed light on the importance of environmental variability, and provide a more elaborate explanation for the ST variability of spring-time phenology.

How to cite: Zhu, Y., Lacroix, F., Liu, L., Zhao, D., and Zaehle, S.: Unveiling the springtime phenological strategies in permafrost vegetation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12018,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sandeep Thayamkottu, Thomas Smallman, Mathew Williams, Jaan Pärn, and Ülo Mander

Arctic peatlands harbour enormous stocks of carbon (C) owing to the imbalance between photosynthesis and respiration rates. This carbon has been exposed to a changing climate, in particular warming, during the last century. The Arctic has warmed by on an average ~0.75°C (Post et al; 2019), which is almost double the rate of global average. There is a wide range of studies on Arctic peatland C cycle, but critical knowledge gaps remain. In particular, plant C traits such as allocation rates, residence time of C in foliage, structural, fine root and labile pools and their response to warming climate are rarely explored. In order to investigate these traits, we trained an intermediate complexity terrestrial ecosystem model (DALEC), which represents these key unknowns, with available in-situ data in order to generate a data constrained analysis of ecosystem function. DALEC is calibrated with a Bayesian model-data fusion framework (CARDAMOM) which retrieves a probabilistic estimate of DALEC’s parameters based on the combination of observations and their uncertainties. CARDAMOM’s analysis directly provides an estimate of our uncertainty. We used 7 years (2014–2020) of data from the Bonanza Creek rich fen peatland in Alaska using a weekly timestep. CARDAMOM used eddy covariance information, earth observation, and in-situ biophysical observations to calibrate DALEC. We found a switch from a C source to sink, which is forced by increase in photosynthesis and leaf area index . Gross and net primary production (GPP and NPP) almost doubled from 2014 to 2017, transforming the peatland from a C source to a sink. Our analysis also suggests that NPP allocation is directed primarily towards foliage over the fine root and structural C pools.

How to cite: Thayamkottu, S., Smallman, T., Williams, M., Pärn, J., and Mander, Ü.:  Carbon sink strength and allocation dynamics of a rich fen peatland in the warming Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12300,, 2024.

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 14:00–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Xiazhen Xi and Xing Yuan

Tibetan Plateau is one of the sentinels of climate warming, with complex vegetation types and noticeable regional differences. Tibetan Plateau also has the largest area of permafrost and seasonal frozen soil. With global warming and increasing compound hot-dry events, the ecohydrological processes have been changed substantially. On one hand, high temperatures can promote vegetation gross primary productivity (GPP) and respiration (Re), and also affect them by altering the permafrost freeze-thaw state. On the other hand, drought events can cause water stress and affect vegetation growth. However, the net primary productivity (NPP) of alpine ecosystem in response to compound hot-dry events is unclear. This study incorporates the carbon-nitrogen processes into a high-resolution land-hydrology coupled model, i.e., Conjunctive Surface-Subsurface Process model version 2 (CSSPv2), and conducts long-term simulations to investigate the ecohydrological effect of the changes in compound hot-dry events. Specifically, we find that GPP on the Tibetan Plateau is more sensitive to changes in soil moisture than vapor pressure deficit during flash droughts. However, the sensitivity of GPP to high vapor pressure deficit in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau increased during the hot periods of flash droughts, which have higher temperatures and more intensive radiation. Whether the soil water stress or atmospheric water stress dominates the changes in NPP is also being investigated, by using both high-resolution land-eco-hydrology model simulation and satellite remote sensing.

How to cite: Xi, X. and Yuan, X.: Impacts of compound hot-dry events on vegetation productivity in the Tibetan Plateau under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-263,, 2024.

Xiao Ying Gong, Yong Zhi Yu, Wei Ting Ma, Xuming Wang, and Hans Schnyder

The response of intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) to climate change is of uncertain magnitude owing to difficulties in accounting for physiological acclimation of plants. In particular, estimations based on controlled experiments, flux towers, and isotope data had significant differences in the historical trends of iWUE. Carbon isotope discrimination (∆) in leaf biomass (∆BL) and tree rings (∆TR) are vital indicators of how plants adjust water-carbon relations. The theory of photosynthetic 12C/13C discrimination is well-established. However, isotope fractionation downstream of photosynthesis, known as post-photosynthetic fractionation (∆post), also affects the 13C signature of plant tissues. The influence of ∆post on iWUE estimation remain uncertain, limiting quantitative study of iWUE using carbon isotopes.

In this study, we derived a comprehensive, ∆ based iWUE model (iWUEcom) which explicitly incorporates mesophyll conductance, photorespiratory fractionation and ∆post. We characterized the ∆post based on the observations of ∆BL and online carbon isotope discrimination (∆online). The iWUEcom model was further validated with independent datasets of ∆BL, ∆TR, and leaf-level gas exchange data paired by species, years, and locations across the globe.

BL was consistently larger than ∆online. Furthermore, the paired data of ∆BL and ∆TR showed a near constant offset, indicating that ∆post was different between leaf biomass and tree rings. Applying the material-specific ∆post values, iWUE estimated from ∆BL aligned well with that estimated from ∆TR and gas exchange. ∆BL and ∆TR showed a consistent iWUE trend with an average CO2 sensitivity of 0.15 ppm ppm-1 during 1975-2015, pointing out the overestimation of the historical iWUE response by the conventional model.

A process-based framework has been suggested to predict iWUE of global forest based on isotope records in leaf biomass and tree rings, providing an ultimate tool to infer changes in carbon and water cycles under historical and future climate. 

How to cite: Gong, X. Y., Yu, Y. Z., Ma, W. T., Wang, X., and Schnyder, H.: Reconciling carbon isotope discrimination between leaf biomass and tree-ring to estimate water-use efficiency of global forests, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4879,, 2024.

Ladislav Šigut and Filip Oulehle and the ICOS ecosystem site PIs

The CO2 and H2O exchange between plant ecosystem and the atmosphere is commonly interpreted in the terms of plant performance in response to micrometeorological conditions. Though changing light and weather conditions play a primary role in determining yearly ecosystem CO2 uptake and water loss, CO2 and H2O budgets are further modulated by nutrient availability (NA) and air deposition (AD). The influence of changes in NA and AD is observable only over longer time periods, thus when evaluating the time series of eddy covariance fluxes it is more practical to compare across different sites with contrasting levels of NA and AD. Water-use efficiency (WUE) proved to be a useful indicator of ecosystem performance and fitness and allows to evaluate changes in ecosystem functioning since it reflects the degree of stomatal regulation of carbon assimilation and water loss.

In this contribution we will focus on the evaluation of NA of nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium ions on WUE. For this purpose, we take advantage of the existing NA survey performed yearly within ecosystem stations belonging to the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) network. Nutrient concentrations are obtained from the leaf samples cut from sun-exposed part of the vegetation canopy. Though nutrient content in the soil is not available, leaf samples are expected to be a better measure as they should reflect both soil NA and nutrient accessibility to the plant. The wide selection of semi-natural ecosystems across Europe will allow to evaluate the capability of ICOS network to capture the impact of NA on WUE. Furthermore, we will evaluate how leaf NA relates with AD, especially in the case of nitrogen depositions. For this purpose, EMEP MSC-W modelled air deposition results will be used.

How to cite: Šigut, L. and Oulehle, F. and the ICOS ecosystem site PIs: Relation between water-use efficiency and nutrient availability in European semi-natural ecosystems , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5547,, 2024.

Revisiting drivers of the enhanced amplitude of atmospheric CO2 in northern terrestrial ecosystems
Naixin Fan, Wolfgang Buermann, Christian Rödenbeck, Kirsten Thonicke, Markus Drüke, and Matthias Forkel
Zexin Meng and Yiping Wu

Afforestation and reforestation have emerged as optimal nature-based solutions for global climate mitigation, providing critical ecosystem services and biodiversity benefits. However, the long-term impacts of two restoration modes on multiple ecosystem functions (that is, multifunctionality) at a global scale have long been recognized. Here, we compiled data from 1247 reforestation and afforestation sites worldwide, which encompass a forestation history of up to a hundred years, to explore the long-term effects of forest recovery on ecosystem multifunctionality, including plant productivity, soil carbon accumulation, nutrient cycling, decomposition metabolism, and microbial habitats. Our findings reveal that afforested ecosystems consistently exhibit an upward trend in multifunctionality over this hundred-year span, while reforested ecosystems tend to stabilize in multifunctionality after approximately 30 years. A comprehensive analysis of biotic and abiotic factors revealed that bacterial diversity is a primary driver of increased multifunctionality in afforested ecosystems, while fungal diversity plays a critical role in the initial increase and subsequent stabilization of multifunctionality in reforested ecosystems. Additionally, changes in the soil microenvironment, such as increased soil moisture and improved soil compaction, were identified as key regulators of microbial diversity, thereby impacting ecosystem multifunctionality. Overall, our study demonstrates the substantial ecological restoration potential of both reforestation and afforestation but attention should be paid to microbial diversity in future ecological restoration efforts considering the crucial role in enhancing global ecosystem function restoration and sustainability.

How to cite: Meng, Z. and Wu, Y.: Microbial diversity drives divergent multifunctionality in global afforestation and reforestation ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6697,, 2024.

Xiaoyun Wu, Hang Xu, Jianzhuang Pang, and Zhiqiang Zhang

The stability of forest carbon sinks is pivotal for mitigating carbon-climate feedbacks and achieving climate objectives. Emerging evidence suggested that this stability was diminished by climate change and extreme weather events, thus jeopardizing the carbon sequestration capacity and enhancing forest vulnerability. Yet, how biotic factors react to the effects of environmental change on it remains unknown. Here, we integrate long-term (7-29 years) flux and micrometeorological observations of 48 forest sites from ecosystem observation networks (FLUXNET2015, AmeriFlux and ICOS) with interpretable machine learning algorithm (SHAP values) to show how biotic factors and environmental factors impacts stability of forest carbon sink, quantified by critical slowing down indicators (i.e., temporal autocorrelation, TAC), and comparatively analyzed the differences between high- and low-stability forests. Our analysis revealed that environmental factors (i.e., mean annual temperature MAT; mean annual temperature, MAP; carbon dioxide concentration, Ca; incoming shortwave radiation, SW; vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD; soil water availability, the Priestley-Taylor coefficient, α) held a substantially greater impact (the cumulative mean SHAP values) on TAC than biotic factors (i.e., marginal water cost of carbon gain, G1; canopy photosynthetic capacity, Amax; reference canopy conductance, Gcref; carbon sink capacity, NEP), with most of this influence ascribed to MAT, MAP, Ca, G1, and NEP. High-stability forests more intensively presented in conditions with relatively warm and humid long-term climate, coupled with moderately conservative water-use strategies and carbon sink capacity. Although CO2 fertilization effects increased the positive effects of moderate G1 to carbon sink stability, however, higher Ca markedly diminished its stability. Our findings underscore the necessity for caution regarding the detrimental impacts of sustained rise in Ca, gradual warming and drying of the long-term climate, and extreme atmospheric and soil drought events on the stability of forest carbon sinks, given the current limitations of vegetation's biotic factors to adapt to these changes.

How to cite: Wu, X., Xu, H., Pang, J., and Zhang, Z.: The effects of environmental factors on stability of forest carbon sink exceeded biotic factors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8022,, 2024.

Benjamin F. Meyer, João Darela-Filho, Qiaolin Gu, Konstantin Gregor, Andreas Krause, Phillip Papastefanou, Allan Buras, Benjamin Hesse, Sijeh Agbor Asuk, Daijun Liu, Thorsten E. E. Grams, Christian S. Zang, and Anja Rammig

Increasingly frequent and intense drought events can jeopardize the current and future productivity and health of forests. Consequently, the ability of dynamic vegetation models (DVMs) to simulate drought impacts is paramount to improving their representation of the carbon cycle. To capture the physiological damage inflicted by drought, many state-of-the-art DVMs have implemented representations of plant hydraulic architecture in recent years. Although the understanding of the underlying processes governing hydrodynamic behavior in plants has steadily increased, the parameterization of hydraulic traits for different plant functional types (PFTs) remains a source of uncertainty in model output – in part due to limited data availability. 


Here, we use LPJ-GUESS-HYD, an extension of LPJ-GUESS with new parameters and processes to simulate plant hydraulic architecture, isohydrodynamic water-potential regulation, and hydraulic failure mortality. Using latin hypercube sampling we create 6000 sets of hydraulic parameter combinations based on values found in the literature. Based on these parameter sets, we conduct a comprehensive variance-based sensitivity analysis for a set of 12 common European tree species across 37 sites from the FLUXNET 2020 warm winter dataset, encompassing a wide range of European ecosystems. Subsequently, we determine which parameters and parameter interactions contribute the most to variations in model outputs. 


Our results indicate that of the seven parameters used in the hydraulic architecture model of LPJ-GUESS-HYD, only a few have a significant effect on the model outcomes. More specifically, Ѱ50, the water potential at which 50 percent of conductance is lost, and maximum specific leaf conductance had the largest impact on simulated processes. Parameters related with the isohydric strategy of plants, had a lesser but still substantial role in shaping the model output. 


These results suggest that certain hydraulic parameters – and combinations thereof –  play a disproportionate role in modulating simulated forest fluxes and states in LPJ-GUESS-HYD. Specific parameterization choices can drastically alter model performance, including whether PFTs can survive in a given climate or not. Aside from encouraging careful consideration of the available trait data when parameterizing new PFTs, our results may guide future experiments in choosing which hydraulic traits to focus on.

How to cite: Meyer, B. F., Darela-Filho, J., Gu, Q., Gregor, K., Krause, A., Papastefanou, P., Buras, A., Hesse, B., Asuk, S. A., Liu, D., Grams, T. E. E., Zang, C. S., and Rammig, A.: Leaf conductance, isohydric strategy, and Ѱ50 shape drought responses of European tree species in a dynamic vegetation model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8421,, 2024.

Yibo Yan, Xiujun Wang, and Georg Wohlfahrt

There is evidence of large differences in the spatial and temporal variations between soil heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration in terrestrial ecosystems. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that there were differences in the seasonal and inter-annual variations between heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration in subtropical forestlands. Here, we applied calibrated heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration models to estimate soil respiration over 2002-2022 at three forest sites in subtropical China. Our results showed smaller seasonality and inter-annual variability in heterotrophic respiration than in autotrophic respiration. The inter-annual variation was strongest in winter for both heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration. The main driving factor responsible for temporal variations was soil temperature for heterotrophic respiration, but fine root biomass for autotrophic respiration. There was a significant increasing trend only in autotrophic respiration over 2002-2022, which corresponded to the significant increasing trend in fine root biomass. Divergent inter-annual changes in these two respiration components led to the significant increasing trend in autotrophic respiration’ contribution, as well as total soil respiration. Due to the decreasing seasonality of soil temperature and fine root biomass, there was a declining seasonality in both heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration. Our results highlight the importance of separately modeling and estimating soil heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration in subtropical forestlands.

How to cite: Yan, Y., Wang, X., and Wohlfahrt, G.: The differences of seasonal and inter-annual variations  between soil heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration in the subtropical forests of China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10418,, 2024.

Laura Nadolski, Tarek El Madany, Arnaud Carrara, Jacob Nelson, Anke Hildebrandt, Markus Reichstein, and Sung-Ching Lee

Semi-arid ecosystems significantly impact the variability of the global terrestrial carbon sink and are influenced by a changing climate as well as anthropogenic nitrogen deposition. To understand how different nutrient availability impacts the drivers of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in these ecosystems across temporal scales, we analyze a long-term dataset of biometeorological, soil and flux data from 2016 to 2022 from three Eddy Covariance (EC) measurement stations in Western Spain. The site (Majadas de Tiétar) is a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem home to a large-scale fertilization experiment. One station area received nitrogen treatment, another one both nitrogen and phosphorus treatments, and the third one serves as control. We apply Singular Spectrum Analysis to identify the variability of the different variables on multiple timescales (daily, multiday, seasonal). We then utilize metrics of mutual information to identify the main drivers of NEE across these timescales.

Preliminary findings show an increase in NEE dynamics in the fertilized areas both at ecosystem scale and at the grass-layer only. The dominant factors driving the dynamics of NEE vary depending on the timescale. On the daily scale, NEE is closely coupled to radiation, whereas on the seasonal scale water availability gains importance in predicting NEE. We find that the importance of vegetation greenness at the tree layer increases with longer timescales, and that also soil temperatures affect NEE at seasonal timescale. The relationships are further modified by different nutrient availability. While on the daily scale the differences between the three fertilization treatments are marginal, they intensify at the seasonal scale. Our comprehensive analysis facilitates a detailed understanding of the complex interactions between NEE and its controls under different environmental conditions and can help to improve the accuracy of terrestrial ecosystem models.

How to cite: Nadolski, L., El Madany, T., Carrara, A., Nelson, J., Hildebrandt, A., Reichstein, M., and Lee, S.-C.: Detecting Multiscale Carbon Controls in a Mediterranean Tree-Grass Ecosystem with Different Fertilization Treatments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11553,, 2024.

Fangfang Ma

Extreme drought and land-use intensification pose significant threats to ecosystem stability. However, existing studies that assess ecosystem stability primarily focus on above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) stability and overlook the importance of below-ground net primary productivity (BNPP) stability. Here, by manipulating five levels of precipitation treatment (1/12 P, 1/4P, 1/2P, 3/4P, and P) and clipping (unclipped vs. clipped) over 7 years (2016-2022) in an alpine meadow, we examined the response patterns and drivers of ANPP stability and BNPP stability to drought and clipping. The results showed that extreme drought decreased ANPP stability but moderate drought increased BNPP stability, which challenges the traditional view that extreme drought could destabilize ecosystem stability based solely on results from aboveground processes. Besides, clipping had no impacts on ANPP stability but reduced BNPP stability, and clipping differentially regulated the stability of above- and below-ground productivity in response to extreme drought in our study.  Furthermore, ANPP stability was primarily driven by species asynchrony rather than species richness, whereas dominant species stability contributed strongly to the variations in BNPP stability of this alpine meadow confronted with drought and clipping. This study provides compelling experimental evidence for the decoupling in responses of ANPP stability and BNPP stability to extreme drought and clipping. Our findings indicate that aboveground responses should not be a sole predictor of the whole ecosystem-scale consequences of extreme drought and clipping on ecological stability, and lay stress on the necessity of evaluating ecosystem stability from a whole ecosystem perspective.

How to cite: Ma, F.: Decoupled responses of above- and belowground productivity stability to drought and clipping in an alpine meadow, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14789,, 2024.

Bibi S. Naz, Christian Poppe, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, Rosie Fisher, Juan Baca Cabrera, and Harry Vereecken

Land surface models (LSMs), when coupled with vegetation dynamic models, serve as useful tools to understand how ecosystem changes impact carbon and water cycling and interact with the climate. However, simplified vegetation parameterization schemes within LSMs makes it challenging to capture the full dynamics of vegetation processes, leading to significant uncertainties in the simulated ecosystem variables. To assess these uncertainties stemming from different model complexities in vegetation representations, we conducted model simulations employing different vegetation parameterization schemes: (1) using static vegetation distribution and prescribed leaf area index (LAI), (2) simulating full carbon cycle with static vegetation, and (3) explicitly simulating fully dynamic carbon and vegetation distribution.

Here, we use a vegetation demographic model, the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Simulator (FATES) coupled with the Community Land Model (CLM5) to evaluate the representation of vegetation dynamics and related surface fluxes across multiple forested sites in Europe selected from the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) station network. Comparison with observations showed that the CLM5-FATES model, with the full vegetation dynamics implementation, exhibited better model performance in simulating gross primary production (GPP) than the runs with prescribed leaf-area climatology. However, the model showed an underestimation of LAI with low interannual variations compared to satellite-based MODIS data, particularly for sites with evergreen forests. Additionally, the model's performance in simulating hydrological fluxes (such as soil moisture (SM) and evapotranspiration (ET)) remained consistent across all sites, irrespective of model complexity. Future work will explore uncertainties in simulated vegetation structure and distributions and parameter optimization to improve model performance in simulating forest growth and composition.

How to cite: Naz, B. S., Poppe, C., Franssen, H.-J. H., Fisher, R., Cabrera, J. B., and Vereecken, H.: Evaluating CLM5-FATES performance with different complexities of vegetation dynamics across European forested sites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14921,, 2024.

Christin Abel, Yan Cheng, Guy Schurgers, and Stephanie Horion

Terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly confronted with environmental changes such as climate change, natural disasters, or anthropogenic disturbances. Prolonged droughts, heat waves and increasing aridity are generally considered major consequences of ongoing global climate change and are expected to produce widespread changes in key ecosystem attributes, functions, and dynamics. Europe has been heavily affected by consecutive and increasingly severe droughts in the past decades, leading to large-scale vegetation die-offs and land degradation. This enhanced frequency in the past, combined with potential impacts of future climate change, makes it important to understand how these droughts affect ecosystem stability functioning and induce changes in ecosystem functioning, which is the aim of the DRYTIP project.  
As carbon gain in terrestrial ecosystems is a compromise between photosynthesis and transpiration, a ratio that is also known as water-use-efficiency (WUE), assessing changes in WUE plays a key role in assessing changes in terrestrial ecosystem functioning. We used a remote sensing-based approach to describe changes in ecosystem functioning (similar to the approach suggested in Horion et al. (2019)) across Europe between 2000 and 2023.  
We investigate how the severity and duration of droughts relates to the intensity of the change in ecosystem functioning, as well as what are the characteristics of ecosystems where abrupt changes in WUE were observed as a result of drought. We expect to find regional differences in the WUE response scenarios to drought and we will explore the underlying ecosystem conditions in exemplary cases. We finally hypothesise that these differences in ecosystem response to drought can be linked to ecosystem resilience.  
We are looking forward to presenting and discussing preliminary results at the General Assembly.  

How to cite: Abel, C., Cheng, Y., Schurgers, G., and Horion, S.: DRYTIP – understanding drought-induced changes in ecosystem functioning across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17295,, 2024.

Milan Fischer, Zoltán Barcza, Roland Hollós, Ladislav Šigut, Petra Dížková, Tomáš Ghisi, Matěj Orság, Markéta Poděbradská, Lenka Bartošová, Marian Pavelka, Emil Cienciala, and Miroslav Trnka

Ecosystem models provide a valuable tool to quantitatively describe the complex interlinked processes at the soil-plant-atmosphere interface. When combined with measurements, the well-structured process-based models allow to integrate the observed data in a framework where the individual variables gain higher interpretability and can better contribute to understanding of the complex ecosystem responses to a wide range of environmental conditions. Moreover, the models can be then applied to upscale the observed data to larger spatial scales, can be used for simulation under different (e.g. future) climatic conditions and atmospheric composition, or can be used for testing the impacts of changes in management, land use change, disturbances, etc. Biome-BGCMuSo is a widely used, popular biogeochemical model that simulates the storage and flux of water, carbon, and nitrogen between the ecosystem and the atmosphere, and within the components of the terrestrial ecosystems. In this contribution, Biome-BGCMuSo will be evaluated at several sites representing agricultural and forest ecosystems in the Czech Republic and Austria. These sites are equipped with eddy-covariance measurements of CO2, water and energy fluxes including other ancillary measurements. The main emphasis will be put on evaluation of gross and net primary productivity, net ecosystem exchange, transpiration, evaporation and soil water content dynamics. The robustness of the phenological submodule parameterization will be further examined using remotely sensed leaf area index data along the altitudinal gradient. The evaluation and model parameterization provides a first step in the wider effort in which the Biome-BGCMuSo will be integrated together with measurements of CO2 and other greenhouse gases concentrations within an atmospheric inversion system aiming to understand the spatial distribution of the greenhouse gases fluxes (i.e., sources and sinks) and their temporal dynamics. This knowledge is crucial for enhancing climate change mitigation strategies.


Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (grant AdAgriF - Advanced methods of greenhouse gases emission reduction and sequestration in agriculture and forest landscape for climate change mitigation (CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004635).

How to cite: Fischer, M., Barcza, Z., Hollós, R., Šigut, L., Dížková, P., Ghisi, T., Orság, M., Poděbradská, M., Bartošová, L., Pavelka, M., Cienciala, E., and Trnka, M.: Evaluation of the Biome-BGCMuSo model across agricultural and forest sites in Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18343,, 2024.

Xiaolin Wang, Shengmin Zhang, Haichao Li, Monica Odlare, and Jan Skvaril

The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has been progressively increasing since the onset of the Industrial Revolution and has already reached at around 420 μmol mol⁻¹ nowadays. It is well recognized that elevated CO2 concentration stimulates the yield for C3 crops, but it also simultaneously changes the essential nutrients. However, compared with the main crops, far less attention has been devoted to the effects of elevated CO2 concentration on vegetable growth and quality. Vegetables are highly recommended in daily diets due to their diverse range of beneficial compounds, such as vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and dietary fiber.  In controlled greenhouse vegetable cultivation, elevated CO2 has been widely adopted as an agricultural practice for enhancing plant growth. Thus, understanding both vegetable growth and nutrient status is crucial to assess the potential impacts of elevated CO2 on future food security in both natural and controlled environments. However, much more attention has been paid to biomass enhancement, and elevated CO2 effects on nutrient quality are less recognized. Among the nutrients, Zinc (Zn) and Iron (Fe) are essential elements in humans. Previous studies have demonstrated a decreasing trend of Zn and Fe in main crops such as wheat and rice with increased CO2, while less is known about whether this alleviation effect on Zn and Fe can apply to vegetables. Therefore, a meta-analysis was conducted in this study to evaluate the influence of elevated CO2 concentration in the atmosphere on vegetable Fe and Zn status, and quantify the potential impact of future climate on nutrition security.




How to cite: Wang, X., Zhang, S., Li, H., Odlare, M., and Skvaril, J.: Elevated CO2 effects on Zn and Fe nutrition in vegetables: A meta-analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18543,, 2024.

Yerang Yang and Hojeong Kang

Urban green spaces (UGS) are increasingly recognized as a solution to mitigate urban challenges by providing essential ecosystem services, supported by soil microbiomes crucial for biogeochemical processes. Previous studies comparing microbial diversity between UGS and natural ecosystems have shown inconsistent results, potentially due to overlooking the time elapsed since UGS construction, a significant factor influencing soil properties. To investigate this, 30 UGS across Seoul, South Korea were selected based on their age, along with 7 natural ecosystem sites outside Seoul for comparison. The study focused on exploring the relationship between UGS age and changes in soil chemical and microbial properties. The findings reveal a notable correlation between the elapsed time since UGS construction and various soil characteristics, including chemical properties, microbial community structure, diversity, and functional properties. As UGS mature, these properties gradually resemble those found in natural ecosystems, which was further confirmed through global meta-analysis. This indicates that as UGS age, soil chemical properties, especially soil organic matter, increase, thereby enhancing microbial diversity and shifting functional profiles to align more closely with natural ecosystems. This insight implies that current UGS management practices positively influence soil health and ecosystem functions. This study not only enhances our understanding of soil microbial ecology in UGS but also offers valuable guidance for managing UGS to promote sustainable urban ecosystems.

How to cite: Yang, Y. and Kang, H.: Age-associated increase in soil organic matter enhances soil microbial diversity in urban green spaces, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20138,, 2024.

Using Multi-Omics and RTMS to Unravel the Microbiome Molecular Mechanisms of Carbon and Nutrient Cycling during Rewetting after Drought
Mary Lipton, Karl Weitz, Montana Smith, and James Moran

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
A differentiable, physics-informed ecosystem modeling: investigating the photosynthetic capacity parameterization 
(withdrawn after no-show)
Doaa Aboelyazeed, Chonggang Xu, Forrest M. Hoffman, Alex W. Jones, Chris Rackauckas, Kathryn Lawson, Jiangtao Liu, Lianhong Gu, and Chaopeng Shen