SSS10.6 | Digital Soil Mapping and Assessment with remote sensing and pedometrics
Digital Soil Mapping and Assessment with remote sensing and pedometrics
Convener: Laura Poggio | Co-conveners: Raffaele Casa, Eyal Ben Dor, Bas van Wesemael, Jacqueline Hannam, László Pásztor, V.L. (Titia) Mulder
| Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST)
Room D2
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X2
Orals |
Wed, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 14:00
Spatial soil information is fundamental for environmental modelling and land use management. Spatial representation (maps) of separate soil attributes (both laterally and vertically) and of soil-landscape processes are needed at a scale appropriate for environmental management. The challenge is to develop explicit, quantitative, and spatially realistic models of the soil-landscape continuum. These can be used as input in environmental models, such as hydrological, climate or vegetation productivity (crop models) addressing the uncertainty in the soil layers and its impact in the environmental modelling. Modern advances in soil sensing, geospatial technologies, and spatial statistics are enabling exciting opportunities to efficiently create soil maps that are more consistent, detailed, and accurate than previous maps while providing information about the related uncertainty. The production of high-quality soil maps is a key issue because it enables stakeholders (e.g. farmers, planners, other scientists) to understand the variation of soils at the landscape, field, and sub-field scales. The products of digital soil mapping should be integrated within other environmental models for assessing and mapping soil functions to support sustainable management. Examples of implementation and use of digital soil maps in different disciplines such as agricultural (e.g. crops, food production) and environmental (e.g. element cycles, water, climate) modelling are welcomed. All presentations related to the tools of digital soil mapping, the philosophy and strategies of digital soil mapping at different scales and for different purposes are also welcome. Also welcomed. contributions aiming at reporting the state of the art of soil properties retrieval from hyperspectral satellites, especially focusing on quantitative estimations illustrating advances in methodologies making use of data-driven approaches such as machining learning, as well as physically based modelling.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room D2

Chairpersons: Laura Poggio, László Pásztor
Digital Soil Mapping and Assessment
On-site presentation
Qianqian Chen, Anne Richer-de-Forges, Songchao Chen, Emmanuelle Vaudour, Antonio Bispo, and Dominique Arrouays

With the needs of efficient acquisition of soil information, Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) has been greatly developed and widely applied for over the past two decades. The spatial estimates of soil properties produced with diverse methods over various study areas, have been often seen as the main output of DSM, as they play an important role in environmental modelling and policy. However, compared with the soil property maps, their prediction uncertainty is still less emphasized, which may potentially lead to mis-uses of results and inappropriate decisions if the uncertainty is not assessed, reported, and taken into account by end-users.
In this communication, we present a preliminary review of the sources of prediction uncertainties in DSM coming from learning soil data (data source, sampling in space and time, measurements), covariates, and models. We also summarize the methods used to estimate the uncertainty, and to assess the reliability of the uncertainty estimates. We also consider the propagation of uncertainties when several soil attributes are combined to derive information and/or used as inputs for modelling. Furthermore, we discuss some strategies for mitigating the uncertainty, challenges, and future perspectives. This review aims to consolidate the understanding of DSM uncertainties and to contribute to reliable DSM practices, facilitating more informed decision-making in soil-related research and management. 

How to cite: Chen, Q., Richer-de-Forges, A., Chen, S., Vaudour, E., Bispo, A., and Arrouays, D.: Uncertainty in Digital Soil Mapping at broad-scale: A review, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6005,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kerstin Rau, Katharina Eggensperger, Frank Schneider, Philipp Hennig, and Thomas Scholten

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have proven to be a useful tool for complex questions that involve large amounts of data, for example, predicting soil classes on various scales. Our use case of predicting soil maps with ANNs is in high demand by government agencies, construction companies, or farmers, given cost and time intensive field work.
However, there are two main challenges when applying ANNs. In their most common form, deep learning algorithms do not provide interpretable predictive uncertainty. This means that properties of an ANN such as the certainty and plausibility of the predicted variables, rely on the interpretation by experts rather than being quantified by evaluation metrics validating the ANNs. This leads to the second challenge: these algorithms have shown a high confidence in their predictions in areas geographically distant from the training area or areas only sparsely covered by training data.

To tackle these challenges, we use the Bayesian deep learning approach “last-layer Laplace approximation”, which is specifically designed to quantify uncertainty into deep networks, in our explorative study on soil classification. It corrects the overconfident areas without reducing the accuracy of the predictions, giving us a more realistic uncertainty expression of the model's prediction.  In our study area in southern Germany we divide the soils into typical soils of valleys, the Swabian Jura and the Black Forest. As a test case, we then explicitly exclude the soil types of Swabian Jura and Black Forest in the training area but include these regions in the prediction. These two regions are characterized by very different soil types compared to the rest of the study area due to their considerably different geology, climate, and terrain.

Our findings emphasize the need to address the issue of overconfidence in ANNs, particularly for distant regions from the training area. Moreover, the insights gained from this research are not only limited to addressing overconfidence in ANNs, but also offer valuable information on the predictability of soil types and identifying knowledge gaps. By analysing regions where the model has limited data support and, consequently, high uncertainty, stakeholders can recognize the areas that require more data collection efforts.

How to cite: Rau, K., Eggensperger, K., Schneider, F., Hennig, P., and Scholten, T.: How can we quantify, explain, and apply the uncertainty of complex soil maps predicted with neural networks?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11463,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Liv Kellermann, Simon Tanner, Stefan Oechslin, Madlene Nussbaum, and Stéphane Burgos

In large parts of Switzerland, there are up to the present day no soil maps in a more precise scale than 1:25’000. In 2020 the Swiss government adopted a soil strategy to promote soil mapping and the required tools and guidelines. Furthermore, authorities are legally obligated to delineate areas for the high-quality arable land inventory. In the future, soil maps will be available at high resolution for increasingly large areas. However, farmers are not used to work with this type of soil information as it was so far not available and data products are unknown.

In a pilot study of 1’000 ha in the canton of Bern a large number of soil properties have been mapped at high resolution using digital soil mapping techniques based on 1’500 newly surveyed observations. The content of the maps ranges from continuous or classified basic soil properties such as texture or soil organic matter content to aggregated soil properties such as water storage capacity. From these baseline maps certain applications and examples were assessed for specific agricultural use and the corresponding maps were discussed with local farmers. The examples include options for precision farming, proposals for new sampling sites for the legally required soil survey, the generation of more meaningful routine measurements and planning bases for irrigation systems at regional scale. Feedback was diverse and interest in soil maps differs largely according to farm management, specialization and digital affinity. Our study shows the importance of stakeholder involvement and training as well as familiarization of the farmers with digital soil maps.

How to cite: Kellermann, L., Tanner, S., Oechslin, S., Nussbaum, M., and Burgos, S.: Useful digital soil mapping products for farmers , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17128,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Virginia Estévez, Stefan Mattbäck, Anton Boman, Pauliina Liwata-Kenttälä, Kaj-Mikael Björk, and Peter Österholm

One of the main challenges in digital soil mapping is the imbalanced datasets for soils classification. For these datasets, machine learning techniques use to overestimate the majority classes and underestimate the minority ones. In general, this generates maps with poor precision and unrealistic results. Considering these maps for land use decision-making can have dire consequences. This is the case of acid sulfate (AS) soils, a type of harmful soil that can generate serious environmental damage when drained in agricultural or forestry activities. In the study area, the probability of finding AS soils is very high. Furthermore, some of the most hazardous AS soils in Finland are located there [1]. Therefore, it is necessary to create high-precision maps to avoid environmental damage. Since the dataset for this region is highly imbalanced, the first step in creating accurate maps is to balance the dataset. Although most  soil class datasets in nature are imbalanced, this problem has been hardly studied. In this work, we analyze different techniques to address the problem of imbalanced datasets. The methods considered to balance the dataset are under- and oversampling techniques and the combination of both. For the oversampling of the minority class, we create a kind of artificial samples from the quaternary geological map. The method used for the modeling is Random Forest, one of the best methods for the classification of AS soils [2,3]. Balancing the dataset improves the performance of the model in all the studied cases, where the values of the metrics for both classes are above 80%. Furthermore, we create AS soil probability maps for the four balanced datasets and the imbalanced dataset. A detailed comparison between the maps is made. In addition, the extent of the AS soils obtained in all the cases is compared with the extent of the AS soils in the conventionally produced occurrence map [1]. The modeled probability maps created from the balanced datasets have a high precision. The results of this study confirm the importance of balancing the dataset to improve the prediction and classification of AS soils.

[1] Geological Survey of Finland. Acid Sulfate Soils–map services 

[2] V. Estévez et al. 2022.  “Machine learning techniques for acid sulfate soil mapping in southeastern Finland”. Geoderma 406, 115446.

[3] V. Estévez et al. 2023. “Improving prediction accuracy for acid sulfate soil mapping by means of variable selection”. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1213069.  doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1213069



How to cite: Estévez, V., Mattbäck, S., Boman, A., Liwata-Kenttälä, P., Björk, K.-M., and Österholm, P.: Acid sulfate soil mapping in western Finland: How to work with imbalanced datasets and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1375,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Songchao Chen, Zhongxing Chen, Xianglin Zhang, Zhongkui Luo, Calogero Schillaci, Dominique Arrouays, Anne Richer-de-Forges, and Zhou Shi

Being a fundamental indicator of soil health and quality, soil bulk density (BD) plays an important role in plant growth, nutrient availability, and water retention. Due to its limited availability of BD in databases, pedotransfer functions (PTFs) has been widely used in predicting BD, while the impact of PTFs’ accuracy on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock calculation has not been explored. Herein, we proposed a local modeling approach for predicting BD across EU and UK using LUCAS Soil 2018. Our approach involved a combination of neighbor sample search, Forward Recursive Feature Selection (FRFS) and Random Forest (RF) model (local-RFFRFS). The results showed that local-RFFRFS had a good performance in predicting BD (R2 of 0.58, RMSE of 0.19 g cm-3), surpassing the traditional PTFs (R2 of 0.40-0.45, RMSE of 0.22 g cm-3) and global PTFs using RF with and without FRFS (R2 of 0.56-0.57, RMSE of 0.19 g cm-3). Interestingly, we found the best traditional PTF (R2=0.84, RMSE=1.39 kg m-2) performed close to the local-RFFRFS (R2=0.85, RMSE=1.32 kg m-2) in SOC stock calculation using BD predictions. However, the local-RFFRFS still performed better (ΔR2>0.2 and ΔRMSE>0.1 g cm-3) for soil samples with low SOC stock (<3 kg m-2). Therefore, we suggest that the local-RFFRFS is a promising method for BD prediction while traditional PTFs would be more efficient when BD is subsequently utilized for calculating SOC stock.

How to cite: Chen, S., Chen, Z., Zhang, X., Luo, Z., Schillaci, C., Arrouays, D., Richer-de-Forges, A., and Shi, Z.: Machine learning based pedotransfer function improves soil bulk density prediction but not for soil organic carbon stock, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1755,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Madlene Nussbaum, Stephan Zimmermann, Lorenz Walthert, and Andri Baltensweiler

Maps of soil pH are an important tool for making decisions in sustainable forest management. Accurate pH mapping, therefore, is crucial to support decisions by authorities or forest companies. Soil pH values typically exhibit a distinct distribution characterized by two frequently encountered pH ranges, wherein aluminium oxides (Al2O3) and carbonates (CaCO3) act as the primary buffer agents. Soil samples with moderately acid pH values (pH CaCl2 of 4.5-6) are less commonly observed due to their weaker buffering capacity. The different strength of buffer agents results in a distinct bimodal distribution of soil pH values with peaks at pH of around 4 and 7.5. Commonly used approaches for spatial mapping neglect this often observed characteristic of soil pH and predict unimodal distributions with too many moderately acid pH values. For ecological map applications this might result in misleading interpretations.

This study presents a novel approach to produce pH maps that are able to reproduce pedogenic processes. The procedure is suitable for bimodal responses where the response distribution is naturally inherent and needs to be reproduced for the predictions. It is model-agnostic, namely independent from the used statistical prediction method. Calibration data is optimally split into two parts corresponding each to a data culmination, i.e. for soil pH values belonging to the ranges of the two principal buffer agents (Al2O3 and CaCO3). For each subset a separate model is then built. In addition, a binary model is fitted to assign every new prediction location a probability to belong either to Al2O3 or CaCO3 buffer range. Predictions are combined by weighted mean. Weights are derived from probabilities predicted by the binary model. Degree of smoothness is chosen by sigmoid transform which allows for optimal continuous transition of the pH values between Al2O3 and CaCO3 buffer ranges. For each location uncertainty distributions may be combined by using the same weights.

We illustrated application of the new approach to a medium and strong bimodal distributed response (1) pH in 0–5 cm and (2) pH in 60–100 cm of forest soils in Switzerland (2 530 calibration sites). While model performance measured at 354 validation sites slightly dropped compared to a common modelling approach (drop of R2 of 0.02–0.03) distributional properties of the predictions are much more meaningful from a pedogenic point of view. We were able to demonstrate the benefits of considering specific distributional properties of responses within the prediction process and expanded model assessment by comparing observed and predicted distributions.

How to cite: Nussbaum, M., Zimmermann, S., Walthert, L., and Baltensweiler, A.: Hierarchical modelling in digital soil mapping: Advantages for mapping bimodal soil pH, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6172,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ronald Corstanje, Bader Oulaid, Joanna Zawadzka, Ben Ingram, Alice Milne, Guy Kirk, and Jack Hannam

Digital Soil Assessment (DSA) methods are increasingly being applied as integrative step in which DSM outputs are incorporated into crop and land management decision support systems, often through the vehicle of process models. The value of the acquisition, interpretation of any soil data, and the additional effort in developing and producing a DSM product resides in its use and utility. The purpose of DSA is the development of the value argument for the conversion of quantitative data on soil properties obtained through DSM to a spatial assessment of the capacity of a soil to fulfil a particular function. Here we present the use of DSM/DSA to i) demonstrate the discovery new soil process knowledge on rice production in Bangladesh and the conditions which can determine heavy metal accumulation; ii) determine and illustrate DSA under data sparce conditions through mapping areas in West Africa under which Fe toxicity in the soil limits agricultural production and iii) integration of DSA in a wider decision support system to support decision making in a semi-arid region in Morocco, illustrating the trade-offs between agricultural production and ecosystem services. Through these case examples, we demonstrate the flexibility of DSA approaches in addressing both the generation of new knowledge around soil processes, in justifying the acquisition of new soil data and in helping landowners to manage their crops and soils sustainably.

How to cite: Corstanje, R., Oulaid, B., Zawadzka, J., Ingram, B., Milne, A., Kirk, G., and Hannam, J.: Integrated Digital Soil Assessment across South East Asia and Africa., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12959,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Wei Shangguan and Gaosong Shi

Digital soil mapping relies on statistical relationships between soil profile observations and environmental covariates at the sample locations. However, inherent limitations of legacy soil profiles, such as inaccurate georeferencing and inconsistent sampling techniques, frequently introduce location errors into these soil profiles that greatly affect the quality of digital soil mapping. To address this challenge, this study focuses on reducing the location error of legacy soil profiles and evaluating the resulting impact on digital soil mapping. We enhanced the consistency between environmental covariates (i.e., elevation, slope and land use) with relative high accuracy and detailed descriptive information of legacy soil profiles to reduce the location error of legacy soil profiles. We constructed quantile regression forest models to predict soil properties and their uncertainty at different depths using soil profiles before and after location error correction. Our results demonstrate that for the majority of soil variables, correcting positional errors in legacy soil profiles significantly enhances the accuracy of the digital soil mapping. The largest improvement was found for soil organic carbon at 5 cm depth, with 21% increase of   R^2. The impact of reduced location error is particularly noteworthy in regions characterized by complex terrain or sparse sampling. In addition, the accuracy and details of the predicted maps are significantly improved, which better represent the spatial variation of soil attributes across China. Besides, we also found that elevation was the primary controlling factor for correcting location error of legacy soil profiles, followed by land use and slope. This research presents a significant step towards producing high-resolution and high-quality spatial soil datasets, which can provide essential support for soil management and ensure future soil security.

How to cite: Shangguan, W. and Shi, G.: Reducing location error of legacy soil profiles leads to significant improvement in digital soil mapping, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2255,, 2024.

On-site presentation
András Benő, Gábor Szatmári, Annamária Laborczi, Mihály Kocsis, Zsófia Bakacsi, and László Pásztor

The adaption of our land use and agricultural practices requires more detailed and more reliable spatial soil physical data. The LUCAS topsoil database is an up to date collection of soil physical data, however it is spatially scarce. The soil physical data of the Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System (SIMS) is spatially denser and has data from multiple layers from 1992. Harmonizing and combining the two datasets can lead to the creation of better resolution and more accurate maps. Before combining the databases, we must make sure, that the sample points represent the area in the same way. The comparison of the data began with the cleansing of the datasets, followed by the conversion of the many sampling depths of the SIMS data to 0-20 cm using mass preserving splines and the conversion of the particle size limit from FAO/WRB to USDA standard. To make sure, that the sum of the sand, silt and clay fractions was 100% additive log ratio (ALR) transformation was applied on both LUCAS and SIMS. Mapping was carried out using random forest kriging with 10-fold cross-validation on a 100 m * 100 m grid using 28 environmental covariates. The ALR maps were converted back, resulting in the sand, silt and clay maps. Using the three maps, soil texture classes were calculated for both datasets using the USDA soil texture triangle. The soil texture classes were compared to each other pixel-by-pixel using the taxonomical distances of the texture classes. The particle fraction maps were compared to each other also pixel-by-pixel using linear regression. The results let us conclude that the LUCAS and SIMS databases produce very similar maps of both sand, silt a clay. The soil texture class comparison also resulted in a very close match with the majority of the country producing very close or perfect matches.  The two soil monitoring systems produce very similar results when mapping sand, silt, clay and soil texture for the whole country and can safely be combined together for future use and mapping.

How to cite: Benő, A., Szatmári, G., Laborczi, A., Kocsis, M., Bakacsi, Z., and Pásztor, L.: Comparison of predicted soil physical property maps based on (i) LUCAS topsoil database and (ii) Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18218,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zhongxing Chen, Qi Shuai, Zhou Shi, Dominique Arrouays, Anne Richer-de-Forges, and Songchao Chen

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a critical factor influencing global carbon cycling. Accurate estimates of its spatial distribution are essential for addressing global climate change. Digital soil mapping has demonstrated significant potential in providing precise and high-resolution spatial information about SOC across various scales. We conducted an evaluation of two soil mapping approaches for SOCD estimates in France: the direct approach (calculate-then-model) and the indirect approach (model-then-calculate). Our study utilized 916 topsoil samples (0−20 cm) from the LUCAS Soil 2018 dataset and 24 environmental covariates. We employed a random forest model and forward recursive feature selection to build spatial predictive models of SOCD using both the direct and indirect approaches. The results revealed that, with the random forest model and full covariates, both approaches demonstrated moderate performance (R2 = 0.28−0.32). Through the use of forward recursive feature selection, the number of predictors was reduced from 24 to 9, leading to enhanced model performance for the direct approach (R2 of 0.35), while no improvement was observed for the indirect approach (R2 of 0.28). The mean SOCD of French topsoil was estimated at 5.29 and 6.14 kg m−2 using the direct and indirect approaches, respectively, resulting in SOC stocks of 2.8 and 3.3 Pg, respectively. Notably, the indirect approach exhibited better performance in estimating high SOCD. These findings serve as a valuable reference for SOCD mapping.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Shuai, Q., Shi, Z., Arrouays, D., Richer-de-Forges, A., and Chen, S.: Comparison of direct and indirect approaches for mapping soil organic carbon stock, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1764,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Raffaele Casa, Laura Poggio
Earth Observation for Soils
On-site presentation
Jie Xue, Xianglin Zhang, Songchao Chen, Ye Su, and Zhou Shi

Detailed soil spatial information is a worldwide need for monitoring soil quality, especially in agricultural region. Remote sensing technology has evolved as a powerful tool for characterizing spectral reflectance of bare soil, which is the perquisite for retrieving soil information. However, existing methodologies were mostly designed to extract bare soil information from single satellite image, which is prone to cloud contamination and phenological variation. Although some composite algorithms based upon multitemporal images were proposed for soil mapping, they were all designed for coarse-resolution satellite dataset; besides, their generalization ability over a large scale (e.g., national) remains poorly explored. To fill the knowledge gap, we proposed a new framework, namely Two-Dimensional Bare Soil Separation (TDBSS), for extracting continuous bare soil information at 10-m spatial resolution based on multi-temporal Sentinel-2 images for cropland across China. The TDBSS used Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index and Green-Red Vegetation Index as two-dimensional indicators. The optimal thresholds for these two indicators were further obtained across two dimensions based upon ecoregion-specific samples. These thresholds were further applied for nine primary agricultural zones in China and subsequently adapted for the entire country. We also compared the framework with three widely used bare soil detecting algorithms (i.e., Geospatial Soil Sensing System (GEOS3), soil composite processor (SCMaP), and Barest Pixel Composite (BPC)) using the spatial accuracy. The TDBSS performed the best with an overall accuracy (OA = 78.28%), while SCMaP showed the lowest OA of 29.25%. The results showed the TDBSS was an effective method for a large-area mapping of bare soil. The resultant bare soil composite map holds great significance for further retrieving soil properties for Chinese cropland. TDBSS is computationally efficient and readily applied for a broad spatial scale, which is practically crucial to the food security, land management, and precision agriculture policymaking.

How to cite: Xue, J., Zhang, X., Chen, S., Su, Y., and Shi, Z.: A new framework for retrieving bare soil information using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 images across China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4622,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Asim Biswas, Solmaz Fathololoumi, and John Sulik

Evaluating the effectiveness of remote sensing-based vegetation indices in estimating the spatio-temporal distribution of Nitrogen rates

One of the main objectives of precision agriculture is to optimize nitrogen fertilizer application management. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of different vegetation indices derived from satellite data in estimating soil ammonium and nitrate values during the corn growing season. To achieve this, multi-temporal Sentinel-2 images and ground data including ammonium and soil nitrate values measured at specific ground stations throughout the corn growing season for Hunter field, Canada, were utilized. Firstly, various vegetation indices including NDVI, EVI, MSAVI, ARVI, GNDVI, and OSAVI were calculated for different dates throughout the crop growing season. Subsequently, the Pearson correlation between these vegetation indices and temporal variations in soil ammonium and nitrate values during the growing season was examined. Moreover, the relationship between vegetation indices at the crop growth peak and the amount of fertilizer applied to the soil during planting was investigated. The findings indicated that the average correlation coefficients between total soil nitrate and ammonium values throughout the growing season and the NDVI, EVI, MSAVI, ARVI, GNDVI, and OSAVI indices were -0.67, -0.72, -0.69, -0.68, -0.73, and -0.70, respectively. Furthermore, the average correlation coefficients between these indices at the growth peak and the cumulative ammonium and nitrate applied at planting were 0.60, 0.60, 0.64, 0.60, 0.68, and 0.64, respectively. The correlation coefficient and root mean square error (RMSE) between the measured and modeled sum of ammonium and nitrate, based on the six vegetation indices in a multivariate form, were 0.89 and 17.3 mg, respectively.

How to cite: Biswas, A., Fathololoumi, S., and Sulik, J.: Evaluating the effectiveness of remote sensing-based vegetation indices in estimating the spatio-temporal distribution of Nitrogen rates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4671,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sarem Norouzi, Morteza Sadeghi, Markus Tuller, Hamed Ebrahimian, Abdolmajid Liaghat, Scott B. Jones, and Lis W. de Jonge

The knowledge about soil hydraulic properties (i.e., water retention and hydraulic conductivity characteristics) is of relevance for accurate determination of land surface fluxes. Yet, the laborious and time-consuming process of measuring the soil water retention curve (SWRC) with conventional laboratory methods poses a challenge. In addition, the measured soil water content and matric potential pairs obtained with standard methods are often fragmentary and consist of only a limited number of measurements across the desired soil water content range. Proximal and remote sensing methods are rapid and cost-efficient alternatives to quantify soil attributes across different scales. However, past studies that centered around proximal and remote sensing of soil hydraulic functions mainly rely on statistical relationships and a physically-based method is still lacking. In this presentation, we introduce an innovative physics-based laboratory method that allows the direct estimation of the complete SWRC across the entire range from saturated to dry conditions. The inputs to the model include measured data pairs of soil water content and reflectance within the shortwave infrared domain. The fundamental hypothesis behind the new method is that the soil reflectance spectra are a function of both soil water content and the pore scale distribution of capillary and adsorbed soil water. The performance of the proposed model was evaluated for 21 soils that vastly differ in physical and hydraulic properties. The RMSE and R-squared between retrieved and measured water contents at various matric potentials were found to be 0.03 m³ m⁻³ and 0.96, respectively, indicating the good performance of the proposed method. The results suggest that the new method is a rapid and efficient alternative to established laboratory measurement methods.

How to cite: Norouzi, S., Sadeghi, M., Tuller, M., Ebrahimian, H., Liaghat, A., Jones, S. B., and de Jonge, L. W.: A Physics-Driven Spectroscopic Approach for Rapid Estimation of the Soil Water Retention Curve, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3053,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ameesh Khatkar, Amélie Beucher, Triven Koganti, Lars Juhl Munkholm, and Mathieu Lamandé

The current agricultural system allows farm machinery to operate randomly, thus compacting around 23-33% of the land with critical levels in Europe. To tackle this issue, the European Union (EU) has launched the mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ under the Horizon Europe program, this mission aims to have healthy soil by 2030. Mitigating soil compaction to improve soil structure has been selected as one of the eight objectives of this mission. It is evident from past research that with the increasing size and weight of farm machinery, soil compaction has become a significant threat to top and sub-soil; however, subsoil compaction is even more persistent and cumulative than topsoil. Therefore, within the SOLGRAS project, we emphasize both surface and sub-surface soil compaction. The ability of soil to withstand the soil compaction is governed by its soil strength. This soil strength depends on many soil properties, such as soil water content, bulk density, texture, and organic matter content. We aim to map these soil properties as a first step before predicting soil strength at the field level. Since proximal sensors provide rapid, low-cost, non-destructive measurements, they have significantly enhanced digital soil mapping. In this project, we have used geophysical sensors based on electromagnetic induction and gamma-ray radiometric principles to predict the above-mentioned soil properties at the field level in Denmark. The geophysical survey and collection of soil samples were performed on the same day for each of the three chosen farmer fields. Here, we present our results of predicted soil properties obtained via the proximal sensors and a limited number of laboratory-measured values. Samples of 100 cc undisturbed soil cores and bags were collected from the surface (15-cm depth) and sub-surface (40-cm depth) at 23 sampling sites for each field. Data from these sampling sites are used to train and validate our models for predicting soil properties associated with soil strength. These predicted high-resolution maps produced at the field level will enable us to set up optimum vehicular specifications and routes before entering the field.

How to cite: Khatkar, A., Beucher, A., Koganti, T., Munkholm, L. J., and Lamandé, M.: Mapping Soil Strength Markers at Field Scale Using Proximal Sensors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1659,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Abdelgadir Abuelgasim and Alya Aldhaheri

Remote sensing of saline soils has been an active area of research in the past few decades. This is particularly so as soil salinity is a major environmental geo-hazard in both agricultural lands and arid and semi-arid regions. Saline soil adversely affect soil and play a major role in soil erosion, dispersion and degradation. Furthermore, saline soils in arid and semi-arid regions lead, in certain situations, to land subsidence, and ground upheaval. In agricultural lands saline soils lead to reduced agricultural productivity, interference with plant nutrition and soil erosion.

Mapping saline soils is carried out using various techniques and procedures ranging from direct field observations and sampling to space based remote sensing techniques. Traditional methods of measuring soil salinity are time-consuming and labor intensive, making remote sensing techniques an attractive alternative. Remote sensing provides a less costly procedure due to the large global spatial coverage, continuous repetitive coverage and high-quality earth observations. Most of the remote sensing of saline soils previous research have focused on the broad band remote sensing part with primary focus on the spectral ranges in the near infra-red and the short-wave infra-red. However, higher levels of detection accuracy has not been widely achieved.

In comparison to broad band remote sensing data, hyperspectral remotely sensed data provides an alternative approach that is much more accurate in detection levels of saline soils and their spatial distribution. This research employed a hand-held hyperspectral sensor specifically the SVC-XHR-1024i to collect reflectance data over various samples of soils collected in western United Arab Emirates. The collected data were then processed to derive spectral indices that are sensitive to soil salinity. Laboratory measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) of soil water extracts were carried out for the corresponding soil samples. The study established a statistical relationship between measured soil hyperspectral reflectance and EC salinity values. The study findings indicate that the spectral ranges in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) and near-infrared (NIR) are crucial and optimal in detecting soil salinity, in comparison to any other spectral ranges. An accuracy of 71% in detecting saline soils, including salt flats, was achieved through the use of narrow band hyperspectral data at the SWIR and NIR ranges. This by far exceeds accuracy levels that were previously achieved using broad band remote sensing data. The study also, highlights the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing as a cost-effective and efficient tool for monitoring soil salinity and identifying areas at risk of salinization, which can inform land management strategies for sustainable agriculture and future land development.

How to cite: Abuelgasim, A. and Aldhaheri, A.: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Saline Soils in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4248,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Thomas Bishop, Kun Hu, Patrick Filippi, and Zhiyong Wang

An increasing number of hyperspectral satellite platforms are becoming available as exemplified by the DESIS platform.  This generates an immense amount of spectral information about the earths surface which is unlabelled.  In this work we use DESIS imagery to compare two deep learning approaches for utilising all of this unlabelled data for predicting topsoil properties. The first is transfer learning from laboratory based spectral libraries.  The second is a novel self-supervise learning approach which employs a transfer-based autoencoder architecture for unsupervised learning, analyzing spectra patterns and cultivating powerful latent representations for the downstream task of soil property analysis. Using a dataset from eastern Australia we show that the self-supervised learning approach gives superior predictions than transfer learning.

How to cite: Bishop, T., Hu, K., Filippi, P., and Wang, Z.:  A Deep Learning Approach for Improving Soil Property Prediction with Unannotated Hyperspectral DESIS Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11994,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Alessia Tricomi, Roberta Bruno, Raffaele Casa, Saham Mirzaei, Simone Pascucci, Stefano Pignatti, Francesco Rossi, and Rocchina Guarini

Soil moisture, despite its crucial role in various agricultural processes, acts as noise in retrieving properties such as texture and soil organic carbon through spaceborne hyperspectral data. High spatiotemporal variability in moisture reduces the capability of soil monitoring. Soil moisture determines a reduction of the reflectance over the entire spectrum, which is not linear and its magnitude varies depending on the spectral region and the soil type. Within the framework of TEHRA project (an Italian Space Agency research initiative), a study was carried out to explore the combined use of MARMIT-2, a multilayer radiative transfer model of soil reflectance to estimate soil water content, and Machine Learning methods to address this challenge. Two local soil spectral libraries (SSLs), including both dry/wet samples and SMC (soil moisture content) values, collected over different locations in Italy between 2021 and 2022 (Maccarese-Pignola-Castelluccio and Jolanda di Savoia, respectively), have been used to investigate two different approaches.

The first one is devoted to the retrieval of soil moisture content. By performing the inversion and the calibration of MARMIT-2 it is possible to increase the dataset by adding further wet spectra (and SMC values) for each sample of the original spectral library. The wet soil reflectance is expressed in terms of dry soil reflectance and three free parameters: the thickness of the water layer L, the surface fraction of the wet soil ε, and the volume fraction of soil particles in the water layer δ. Given a dry sample and the corresponding wet measurement, the Nelder-Mead algorithm is used to minimize a cost function.  The calibration, instead, is performed by fitting a sigmoid function following the soil-by-soil approach. The dataset is generated by varying (L, ε, δ) to simulate wet reflectances and the corresponding SMC is calculated using the sigmoid and the parameters found during the calibration. A Machine Learning Regression Model (a Multilayer Perceptron) has been trained using Maccarese-Pignola-Castelluccio plus additional libraries made available by authors of MARMIT and tested using Jolanda di Savoia. Results are very promising: MAE: 5.088; R2 score: 0.844; RMSE: 6.165. The model has been applied also to different PRISMA images proving to be coherent with respect to the values measured in laboratory included in the SSL.

The second approach is to train a deep convolutional autoencoder capable of extracting the corresponding dry spectrum from a wet one. The dataset is composed by couples of wet and dry reflectances, resampled to PRISMA bands configuration and cleansed of water vapor absorption bands. The autoencoder consists of several blocks of convolutional layers, batch-normalization, and ReLU-activation functions. The downsampling is performed by average pooling and the upsampling with inverse convolutions. The model has been trained on Maccarese-Pignola-Castelluccio SSL, with additional samples added thanks to the inversion of MARMIT-2. Jolanda SSL has been kept aside to be used for testing the model (MAE: 0.04469, MSE: 0.00317, CS: 0.98). The autoencoder has been applied also to PRISMA images; however, further developments need to be carried out given the remarkable difference between simulated and real spaceborne data.

How to cite: Tricomi, A., Bruno, R., Casa, R., Mirzaei, S., Pascucci, S., Pignatti, S., Rossi, F., and Guarini, R.: Soil moisture effects: integrating physically based models and machine learning for enhanced retrieval and dryification strategies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15629,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Saham Mirzaei, Najime Rasooli, and Stefano Pignatti

Farmers, agricultural decision-makers, and land-use planners require updated, reliable, and accurate assessments of soil characteristics for sustainable management of natural resources. Saline and calcareous soils are a significant threat to crop production and can significantly reduce agricultural productivity, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The accumulation of salt in the root zone restricts soil processes including nitrification, denitrification, and residue decomposition due to diminishing microorganism activity and soil biodiversity. On the other hand, in calcareous soils, the availability of some nutrients such as P, Fe, and Cu is limited due to the high pH. Given that traditional approaches to monitoring and mapping are costly and time-consuming, a rapid and efficient estimation of soil properties has been given attention by researchers using remote sensing data with field measurements. In this study, we have explored the performance of the PRISMA hyperspectral imagery satellite ( for estimating spatial variations of electrical conductivity (EC) and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE). The study took place in the marginal lands of Sirjan Playa, southeast of Iran (Lat. 55°32′E, Lon. 29°23′N), which are mainly under pistachio cultivation. A total of twelve PRISMA L2D (BOA reflectance) images, acquired from June 2020 to December 2023; co-registered with the closest Sentinel-2 image (of about 0.5 pixel of RMS) and smoothed by the Savitzky-Golay filter (frame size of 7 and 3rd degree polynomial), were used. Field campaigns were performed to collect 250 soil samples from the top 15 cm of surface soil. Furthermore, the EC (min = 1.25%, max = 44.75%, std = 5.65%). and CCE (min = 1.25%, max = 44.75%, std = 5.65%) was measured using HCl. Both gaussian process regression (GPR) and the partial least squares regression (PLSR) algorithms were tested to predict EC and CCE from PRISMA 2D image spectra The results revealed that GPR achieved good prediction for CCE with a R2 of 0.75, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 4.09%, and a ratio of performance to interquartile distance (RPIQ) of 2.75. The PLSR model, instead, showed the highest performance (R2 = 0.63, RMSE = 44.8, RPIQ = 1.5) for predicting EC. These models were validated by the K-fold cross-validation approach (k = 10). The reason for the weaker salinity (EC) prediction by the PLSR could be attributed to the non-linear spectral behavior with respect to the salinity level. Furthermore, it seems that the presence of significant amounts of gypsum in the area could mask the accuracy of the EC prediction. Moreover, salt (i.e., the dominant salt is halite in the study area) diagnostic absorption bands occur in the atmospheric water vapor absorption region of soil spectra. Therefore, hyperspectral remote sensing appears to be a valuable resource for monitoring the spatiotemporal variation of EC (a fair prediction model with an RPIQ of 1.5) and CCE (a very good model with an RPIQ of 2.75). Further analysis should be done to better understand the effect of the external parameter (e.g., gypsum abundance) on the EC prediction.

How to cite: Mirzaei, S., Rasooli, N., and Pignatti, S.: Evaluating the spatial variations of soil salinity and calcium carbonate in marginal lands of Sirjan playa (Iran), using PRISMA hyperspectral imagery, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20310,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xiangyu Zhao, Uta Heiden, Paul Karlshöfer, Zhitong Xiong, and Xiao Xiang Zhu

Imaging spectroscopy is commonly used for many applications like soil, water, and vegetation. Digital soil mapping, especially by space-borne sensors, has become advantageous and promising due to its high efficiency. By using multispectral or hyperspectral images, topsoil properties could be estimated efficiently and accurately on a large area scale. Moreover, deep learning has been explored in the remote sensing community and achieved excellent performances in many remote sensing tasks. In this work, we explore deep learning methods to retrieve Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) value from DESIS hyperspectral images for the whole Bavaria state in Germany. For the hyperspectral data, we use all available DESIS images in Bavaria, which is 560 in total. Regarding the soil data, we combine SOC data from LFU (Bavarian State Environment Agency) and LUCAS 2018 (Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey). Following a rigorous data selection process, we opted to include 1200 soil samples in our experiments. Starting from the raw hyperspectral images, we conduct a few preprocessing steps such as land cover masking, filtering by NDVI, building temporal composite, and then extracting patches surrounding each soil sample. These preprocessed patches are fed into deep learning models such as 1D CNN and 2D CNN, which are trained to predict the SOC value. To better interpret the model's performance, we also compute the SHAP(Shapley Additive Explanations) value for both frameworks. Specifically, we explore the SHAP value in spectral dimension for 1D CNN and analyze digital elevation features with 2D CNN in spatial dimension. During experiments, we split the whole dataset into train, validation, and test. To evaluate the performance, RMSE, R2, and RPID are computed. For the specific structure of the models, many different parameters are investigated in parameter tuning. For each trial, 5 cross-validation is applied. In the end, we visualize the prediction results by a soil map.  From the results, the best-performed model could get RMSE 0.62 and R2 0.40 on the test set. Moreover, we find that the first-order derivative of the spectrum is the most important feature for predicting SOC, while 1D CNN is capable of extracting useful information from it and achieving excellent regression results with RMSE 0.66 and R2 0.32. Additionally, spectrums between 530 nm - 570 nm and 730 nm - 780 nm are the most informative according to SHAP analysis.

How to cite: Zhao, X., Heiden, U., Karlshöfer, P., Xiong, Z., and Zhu, X. X.: Soil Organic Carbon Retrieval from DESIS Images by CNN, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9731,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sahar Ahmadi, Mark Bonner, Elaine Mitchelle, Peter Grace, and David Rowlings

Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays an important role in sequestering CO2 and assists in reducing atmospheric greenhouse gases in addition plays a critical role in maintaining the sustainability of grasslands. The valuable roles of SOC, make its accurate measurement critical however temporal changes in SOC are small and spatially vary.  Therefore, a large number of samples are required to detect the SOC changes which makes it a complex and costly task. Stratification is capable of improving the efficiency of sampling by reducing the number of samples and increasing the accuracy of SOC measurement. Stratification relies on assessing the relationship between SOC and environmental factors. Vegetation has the potential to be used as a proxy to spatially predict SOC.

This experiment aimed to assess the relationship between SOC and vegetation characteristics as a key factor in small areas with uniform climate and soil type. The three study sites were located in southern Queensland with subtropical climate. Short-term data was collected using the BOTANAL method and biomass harvesting over two years period in different seasons which included biomass, pasture composition, and vegetation type. Long-term data was extracted from various satellite images for up to 30 years which indicate the long-term effect of vegetation on SOC. Remote sensing data contained vegetation and soil indices.

The kriging method was applied to both soil and vegetation data to interpolate unsampled points for the study areas, then K-means clustering was used to cluster the data. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient was used to assess the correlation between SOC clusters and vegetation factor clusters.

While some of the vegetation parameters have a significant correlation with SOC, the correlation is not consistent between different sites and different seasons. It can be concluded from this study that vegetation factors are not capable of using landscape clustering for SOC sampling on small scale.

How to cite: Ahmadi, S., Bonner, M., Mitchelle, E., Grace, P., and Rowlings, D.: Predicting the spatial distribution of SOC using remotely sensed data and vegetation data in southern Queensland’s grasslands , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13365,, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X2

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Kamal Nabiollahi, Fereshteh Molani, Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Mohammad Hossein Tahari-Mehrjardi, Hadi Shokati, Pegah Khosravani, Ndiye Kebonye, and Thomas Scholten

Land suitability assessment is an important process in modern agricultural management, involving the evaluation of various factors such as soil properties, climate, relief, hydrology, crop varieties and socio-economic considerations. Various methods have been used to assess land suitability, such as the parametric method developed by Sys et al. (1991) and the FAO (1976) approach to land evaluation. Determining the relative weighting of the factors that influence land suitability is a particularly challenging step in the evaluation process. An alternative to these procedures is the use of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques, which enable land managers and policy makers to make informed decisions about land use and development. Spatial MCDM techniques include complex spatial data and methods such as the Technique of Preference Ordering by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), which are widely used in the agricultural sector. TOPSIS determines the optimal alternative according to the principle of minimizing the proximity to the ideal solution and maximizing the distance to the negative ideal solution. The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of land for wheat cultivation in western Iran, a country facing the challenge of becoming self-sufficient in wheat. Seventy soil profiles were selected and described on the basis of a geomorphologic map and the content of various soil properties and wheat yield were determined. MCDM (TOPSIS) and FAO models were applied and evaluated according to wheat yield. The Shannon entropy method (SHE) was used to extract the criteria weights. Land suitability assessment was mapped using a Random Forest machine learning model and auxiliary variables. According to the results of the Shannon entropy method, slope, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) are the most important criteria for wheat cultivation. Furthermore, the results are also confirmed by the spatial autocorrelation between the key criteria and wheat yield. These results also show that the soil suitability values calculated with the TOPSIS model have a higher correlation with wheat yield than the values calculated with the FAO model (0.73 and 0.67, respectively). The spatial distribution of the suitability values for wheat cultivation showed that 30 to 33% of the areas were very suitable, 13-16% moderately suitable and 51% and 57% unsuitable. For the areas with high and medium suitability, the TOPSIS and FAO results were largely in agreement, in contrast to the areas with low suitability. This study provided a comprehensive approach to land suitability for wheat cultivation using advanced MCDM techniques and machine learning, which can be beneficial for sustainable land management and food security in Iran and similar regions.

How to cite: Nabiollahi, K., Molani, F., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., Tahari-Mehrjardi, M. H., Shokati, H., Khosravani, P., Kebonye, N., and Scholten, T.: Comparison of advanced multicriteria decision and FAO models for land suitability assessment , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-740,, 2024.

DSM products at continental scale: how to assess these? 
(withdrawn after no-show)
Laura Poggio, David Rossiter, Giulio Genova, Bas Kempen, Luis Calisto, and Niels Batjes
European high resolution soil quality products 
(withdrawn after no-show)
Laura poggio, Uta Heiden, Pablo Angelo, Paul Karlshoefer, and Fenny Egmond van
Alireza Motevalli, Christen Duus Børgesen, Bo Vangsø Iversen, and Charles Pesch

Detailed soil maps are an essential tool for water resource, land management and agricultural planning. However, due to different soil processes and variation in geology, soil textural properties vary in space at different scales challenging the development of accurate soil maps. Despite the advances in sampling and efforts to produce accurate maps, uncertainties remain at many scales. Therefore, by implementing error evaluation methods such as comparing predictions and observations, it is possible to understand the performance of digital soil maps. The aim of this work was to obtain the uncertainties of soil categories from a Danish national soil map (AC map) based on measured contents of soil texture and soil organic matter. The AC maps describes the horizon characteristics (soil texture, soil organic matter, soil horizon depths and bulk density) at three depths corresponding to the A (0-30 cm), B (30-70 cm), and C (70-120 cm) horizon. In addition, it combines information on soil classification (soil texture), geology at a depth of ca. 1.5 meters as well as the national geological region. The map has a spatial resolution of 250 meters in the A and B horizons and 500 meters in the C horizon. The analysis is based on 38,000 textural points for the A horizon, 7,000 points for the B horizon, and almost 1,700 points for the C horizon. Considering mean and medians of the content of clay and organic matter together with the observed data, the AC map was validated. The uncertainties of the AC map, statistical correlation coefficient (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) were used. The results showed that the AC map has an acceptable performance when predicting the clay content in the A horizon (R2 = 0.97, RMSE = 1.15%, and NSE = 0.91), B horizon (R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 1.85%, and NSE= 0.8), and C horizon (R2 = 0.74, RMSE = 5.32%, and NSE = 0.41, respectively. The performance of the prediction of organic matter content in the A horizon (R2 = 0.84, RMSE = 0.39%, and NSE = 0.65) and B horizon (R2 = 0.66, RMSE = 0.44%, and NSE = 0.32) horizons was acceptable as well. Also, the result of validation showed that the highest residual errors of AC maps for clay content and organic matter content has been related loamy (>15% clay) and peat soils. In conclusion, the AC maps, with its optimal accuracy especially in the A and B horizons, can be a suitable tool for use at variable scales in the analysis of crop growth and nitrate leaching modelling studies.

Keywords: Soil texture, digital soil maps, soil variability, soil organic matter, clay, soil properties

How to cite: Motevalli, A., Børgesen, C. D., Vangsø Iversen, B., and Pesch, C.: Validation on the content of clay and organic matter of a digital soil map across Denmark - A median-soil texture perspective, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9981,, 2024.

High resolution 3-D mapping of soil organic carbon at field-scale with multi-source proximal sensing data fusion and INLA-SPDE
(withdrawn after no-show)
Wenjun Ji, Ye Hao, Baoguo Li, Yang Yan, Yuanfang Huang, Zhou Shi, Jianxin Yin, Tusheng Ren, and Hu Zhou
Maryam Dastranj, Christen Duus Børgesen, and Bo Vangsø Iversen

Accurate soil hydraulic parameters are crucial in effectively modeling agricultural field processes where soil water plays a crucial role (e.g. nitrate leaching processes, crop growth, etc.). Three horizons soil maps, called AC maps, have been developed for Denmark including related standard soil profile descriptions including three soil horizons (A, B and C) with data on soil texture, organic matter and soil hydraulic parameters (SHPs) which have been determined using a Danish developed pedotransfer function (PTF) predicting the vanGenuchten Mualem SHP called P10 . However, the standard soils have not been validated on simulating temporal change in soil water content (SWC). This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the SHP set up obtained from the P10 and HYPRES (European developed PTF model predicting the predicting vanGenuchten Mualem SHP) as inputs for the Daisy model simulations (Danish soil-water-plant-atmosphere system model based on solving Richards equation in 1-D), by comparing simulations with measured SWC. Soil water content was measured at four different soil depth (25, 60, 90, and 110 cm, respectively) using TDR equipment for three different soil texture classes at three different experimental fields in Denmark for a period of 20 years. Statistical parameters including root mean square error (RMSE) and normalized root mean square error and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE) were used to analysis the precision of the soil water content simulations. The results of the study indicate that the differences between simulated soil water content using the P10 PTF and measured values were not statistically significant. However, it was significant using HYPRES PTFs in Jyndevad (sandy soil). The NRMSE, RMSE (%), and NSE values varied between 0.14-0.38, 4.56-10.8 (%), and 0.78-0.98, respectively. In comparison, simulations using the HYPRES model had NRMSE, RMSE, and NSE values of 0.16-0.69, 4.16-7.39 (%), and 0.09-0.98, respectively. Our results suggest that P10 PTFs provided more accurate simulations of soil water content in Denmark compared to HYPRES. High values of NRMSE are related to the simulations in 60 cm depth for the site where the soil had the highest percentage of clay (ranging from 30-43%). However, high values of NSE indicate that the model successfully simulates the pattern of soil water variation during different days using AC map data. It is important to mention that soils with clay content exceeding 20% are rarely found in Denmark. In conclusion, the SHPs obtained from AC maps (P10 PTFs model) appear to be reliable and suitable for soil water simulations. 

Key words: Soil maps, clay content, soil water content, Daisy model, Hydraulic parameters, Pedotransfer functions. 

How to cite: Dastranj, M., Børgesen, C. D., and Vangsø Iversen, B.: Analysis of Soil Hydraulic Parameters effects on soil water modelling based on Danish soil water monitoring systems. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10446,, 2024.

László Pásztor, Brigitta Szabó, András Makó, Mihály Kocsis, János Mészáros, Annamária Laborczi, Katalin Takács, and Gábor Szatmári

Spatially detailed quantitative data regarding soil hydraulic properties is in high demand for a range of modeling applications. EU-SoilHydroGrids has demonstrated its utility at the European level, contributing to ecological forecasts, geological and hydrological hazard evaluations, and agri-environmental modeling, among other studies. Building on this continental precedent, comparable but larger-scale, 3D soil hydraulic databases have been targeted within the frame of National Laboratory for Water Science and Water Safety to be utilized at national and regional/watershed level in Hungary. First, HU-SoilHydroGrids, has been developed for the whole area of the country at 100 m spatial resolution with several enhancements (compared to EU-SoilHydroGrids) in its elaboration process.

  • Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) were developed using advanced machine learning techniques, both independently and as part of ensemble models.
  • These models were trained using the national soil hydrophysical dataset called MARTHA (acronym for Hungarian Detailed Soil Hydrophysical Database), ensuring the derivation of region-specific PTFs.
  • The set of predictors utilized in the PTFs was augmented by additional environmental variables with comprehensive spatial coverage, including DEM-derived geomorphometric indices, climatic parameters, OE provided surface reflectance and derived data products, LULC.
  • To spatially apply the resulting models, 100 m resolution information on primary soil properties was obtained from (Digital Optimized Soil Related Maps and Spatial Information in Hungary).
  • Finally, based on a detailed accuracy assessment, the spatial predictions (map products) were complemented with co-layers representing the 5% and 95% quantiles.

HU-SoilHydroGrids provides nationwide information on the most frequently required soil hydraulic properties (water content at saturation, field capacity and wilting point, saturated hydraulic conductivity and van Genuchten parameters for the description of the moisture retention curve) at a spatial resolution of 100 meters, down to 2 meters soil depth for six GSM standard layers. In comparison to EU-SoilHydroGrids, the description of soil moisture retention curves and hydraulic conductivity has significantly reduced squared error in the case of HU-SoilHydroGrids.

A further step toward larger spatial resolution is based on NATASA (Hungarian acronym for Profile-level Database of Hungarian Large-Scale Soil Mapping) initiative for the conservation and digital processing of the still available soil observation legacy data originating from large-scale surveys carried out in Hungary between the 60s and 90s. Digitization of the soil observation records is in progress, firstly concentrating on the watershed of the Lake Balaton. The partly processed area contains already almost 37.000 soil observations in the three counties neighbouring the lake, which will be used in digital mapping of primary soil properties at a scale of 25 meters. These DSM products then will be similarly adapted as the 100 m resolution products for the derivation of soil hydraulic property predictions down to 2 meters for six standard GSM soil depth layers, thus providing watershed-level, large-scale 3D Soil Hydraulic Databases (LS-HU-SoilHydroGrids).


Acknowledgement: This work has been carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project and the Sustainable Development and Technologies National Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (FFT NP FTA).

How to cite: Pásztor, L., Szabó, B., Makó, A., Kocsis, M., Mészáros, J., Laborczi, A., Takács, K., and Szatmári, G.: Elaboration of 3D Soil Hydraulic Databases in Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11606,, 2024.

John Triantafilis, Feiko Van Zadelhoff, James Ardo, Peter Edwards, Kishor Kumar, Ekanayake Jagath, and Sam McNally

Increasingly, multinational brands, manufacturers, and retail customers want to demonstrate where individual components of their supply chain have come from, and they have been made sustainably using a triple-bottom-line approach (i.e., social well-being, environmental health, and a just economy). One example is the need for farmers to demonstrate they are transforming their operations into climate-smart landscapes, decarbonising their operations (i.e., minimising inputs) and supply chains to contribute to global net zero, while at the same time being financially sustainable. Others include reduction in inputs including but not limited to precision application of fertilisers (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus), ameliorants to overcome soil acidity (e.g., lime) and water for irrigation. In the first instance, this requires information on various soil ‘conditions’ including the ‘capacity’ of soil to be improved in terms of its soil ‘capability’. In this presentation we demonstrate how we develop digital soil maps (DSM) of soil ‘capacity’ including but not limited to i) physical (mineral surface area [MSA]), ii) biological (carbon [C] and nitrogen [N]), iii) chemical (cation exchange capacity [CEC], and P-sorption [P]), and iv) hydrological (permanent wilting point [PWP], field capacity [FC], plant available water [PAW]), on the Lincoln University Dairy Farm. In this regard, the DSM are developed using digital data collected using either remote (i.e., LiDAR) or proximal sensed (i.e., gamma-ray spectrometry and electromagnetic (EM) induction) data. In this presentation, we show how the individual DSM are stored online (ArcGIS web app) and the rationale for ‘Farming digital data’ described (ArcGIS Story Map). The final DSMs are described in terms of how knowledge of the heterogeneity of different soil ‘capacity’ enables a farmer to understand how the ‘capability’ of soil can be improved, respectively, and in terms of; i) where best to invest in soil organic carbon sequestration initiatives (MSA), ii) how to monitor carbon dioxide/nitrous oxide emissions and microbial population (C:N ratio), iii) more precisely apply fertilisers (e.g., N and P) and ameliorants (e.g., lime and gypsum), and iv) improve water use efficiency with variable rate irrigation (PAW). Brief insights into how these DSMs underpin the development of a Digital Agriculture framework are also presented ‘Even when the cows come home’.

How to cite: Triantafilis, J., Van Zadelhoff, F., Ardo, J., Edwards, P., Kumar, K., Jagath, E., and McNally, S.: Farming digital data: Even when the cows come home, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14259,, 2024.

Fien Vanongeval, Jos Van Orshoven, and Anne Gobin

Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays a pivotal role in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, has the potential to mitigate climate change and provides several benefits for soil health. Understanding the spatial distribution of SOC can possibly help formulate sustainable soil management practices. Conventional soil surveys are often limited by their spatio-temporal resolution and high cost, necessitating the development of innovative techniques that can capture the intricate variability of SOC across landscapes. In response to this need, digital soil mapping (DSM) has emerged as a powerful approach that uses advanced geospatial technologies and statistical methods to predict soil properties across large areas. Predictor variables for DSM include climate data, topographical features, geological attributes, legacy soil maps, land management practices, spatial information and remote sensing data. The spectral response of bare soil, measured by multispectral satellite sensors, can be an adequate predictor of SOC and texture at the field scale and in small regions, but its use for the assessment of soil properties at large scale (thousands of km²) has been less explored 1. In this study, bare soil spectra derived from Sentinel-2 were used to estimate SOC and texture across agricultural parcels in Flanders, northern Belgium (n=169-175). Five different machine learning models were tested: generalized linear regression (GLM), partial least squares regression (PLSR), random forest (RF), cubist regression (CR) and gradient boosting machine (GBM). The SOC prediction of a DSM model using bare soil spectra was compared with that of a DSM model using environmental covariates: topography (elevation, slope and compound topographic index), climate (average annual temperature, total annual precipitation, average annual evapotranspiration), texture (sand, silt and clay content), vegetation (proportion of the year the soil is covered by vegetation) and location. The predictive performances of these models were compared to a DSM model that included both the bare soil spectra and the environmental covariates. Soil texture (sand, silt, clay) was adequately predicted using the bare soil spectra from the spring seedbed (R²: 0.53-0.71; RPD: 1.54-2.18; RPIQ: 1.36-2.41), but the predictive performance for SOC was poor (R²: 0.19; RPD: 1.07; RPIQ: 1.45). All three DSM models showed poor predictive performance for SOC, with the best performance for the model including all covariates (R²: 0.26; RPD: 1.25; RPIQ: 1.68). For the DSM model from bare soil spectra (PLSR), all Sentinel-2 spectral bands showed high relative importance except bands 2 (blue) and 3 (green). For the DSM model from environmental covariates (GBM), vegetation cover and topography explained most of the variation in SOC. The DSM model including all variables (GBM) showed a low influence of bare soil spectral bands, but a high influence of previous vegetation cover and topography. These results showed the importance of terrain characteristics and vegetation for assessing large scale SOC distribution. The overall low predictive performance for SOC obtained in this study indicates the complex nature of factors influencing SOC distribution across a large region and highlights the need for more in-depth high resolution studies.


How to cite: Vanongeval, F., Van Orshoven, J., and Gobin, A.: Contribution of Sentinel-2 Seedbed Spectra to the Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11583,, 2024.

Brenda Trust, Arsenio Toloza, Jason Mitchell, Matthias Konzett, Hami Said Ahmed, Modou Mbaye, Gerd Dercon, and Peter Strauss

Understanding the role of soil texture in soil-water management amid climate change is crucial for sustainable agriculture as it influences water availability, nutrient dynamics, erosion control, carbon sequestration, and overall soil health. Therefore, having soil texture mapping is an important decision tool for establishing sustainable resource management.

In this study, we present findings from soil sampling conducted in 2023 and a decade earlier from Hydrological Open-Air Laboratory (HOAL) in Petzenkirchen, Lower Austria. The PARIO system was used to analyse soil particle distribution utilising the Integral Suspension Pressure (ISP) method. This method utilizes the stokes’ law to calculate the particle size distribution based on changes in suspension pressure and temperature. The change of suspension pressure as well the temperature is measured at 10- seconds intervals following the chemical and physical dispersion, along with the pretreatment of soil samples involving the removal of organic matter, soluble salts and determination of sample dry weight.

The analysis of soil texture from the 2023 soil sampling, conducted using the PARIO system, revealed a predominant silty clay loam structure, with a particle distribution of 9% sand, 56% silt, and 35% clay, aligning closely with results from a decade prior. Concurrently, we utilized Gamma-Ray Sensor (GRS) technology to measure the spatial activity concentrations ( of 40K (potassium), 238U (uranium), and 232Th (thorium) over more 20 points across the fields. The aim was to correlate these radionuclide concentrations with soil texture data using a Python-based correlation model. Preliminary results showed the best correlation between 40K radionuclide concentrations versus clay (R2 = 0.8) and silt (R2 = 0.7) and 238U versus silt (R2= 0.7). Thus, spatial monitoring of 40K and 238U with mobile GRS can be used for spatial determination of clay and silt. Nevertheless, further analysis is essential to compare and validate these results with a more extensive dataset encompassing additional soil texture data.

These preliminary results demonstrate the potential of monitoring 40K and 238U concentrations by a portable gamma sensor for soil texture mapping in agricultural land. Further analysis and validation are required to verify the robustness of this model.

How to cite: Trust, B., Toloza, A., Mitchell, J., Konzett, M., Said Ahmed, H., Mbaye, M., Dercon, G., and Strauss, P.: Soil particle size distribution using the integral suspension pressure method (ISP) and gamma-ray spectrometry techniques for soil texture mapping., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5803,, 2024.

Deborah Feldmann, Michael Kuhwald, Philipp Saggau, and Rainer Duttmann

Soil aggregate stability (AS) is a key component for numerous soil processes and a significant factor in soil erosion. Despite its significance, the research on AS has been comparatively limited, possibly due to the high monetary, work and time expense needed to gain data. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of aggregate stability is influenced by various topographic and physical factors, such as surface curvature and soil characteristics. It is also affected by non-numerical conditions, for instance land use and crop type. This combination of quantitative and qualitative variables highlights the complexity of AS modeling. Therefore, it is even more important to gain further insight on the spatial distribution and prediction techniques suitable for AS.

The aim of the ESTABLE project is to model the spatial variability and distribution of AS and analyze its relationship to soil erosion processes at the catchment scale. To accomplish this, a total of 500 topsoil samples were collected from the two study sites in Northern Germany (Lamspringe and Ascheberg). All soil samples were analyzed for aggregate stability, soil texture, organic carbon content, pH, and electric conductivity.

To represent the complexity of the relationship of factors influencing AS, various machine learning models, including Boosted Tree and Random Forest, are tested to implement categorical data in addition to the wide range of numerical input variables. These models were evaluated based on their performance, parameterization, and interpretability in comparison to traditional interpolation techniques like multiple linear regression and regression kriging. It has become evident that most machine learning techniques are more effective at capturing the intricate interactions that influence aggregate stability.

The best performing model is then used to verify, that low aggregate stability areas are also prone to erosion. The use of UAVs and field mapping enable a detailed and accurate assessment of the spatial distribution of soil erosion. This model could also serve as a valuable tool for other sites and subsequent studies.

How to cite: Feldmann, D., Kuhwald, M., Saggau, P., and Duttmann, R.: Using machine learning to model Soil Aggregate Stability as an indicator for soil erosion susceptibility at the catchment scale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16301,, 2024.

Odunayo David Adeniyi, Alice Bernini, and Michael Mearker

Mapping soil classes to retrieve information for specific soil management strategies according to capabilities and limitations of soil types is an important and very useful application of Digital Soil Mapping (DSM). DSM harnesses auxiliary data, including Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and remote sensing information, to establish crucial relationship between soil characteristics and landscape attributes, facilitating the creation of soil maps. DEMs, offering detailed morphometric information about the Earth's surface, provide quantitative measurements of terrain features for GIS-based soil-mapping applications. Derived from DEMs, terrain attributes, including elevation, slope, aspect, and curvature profiles, along with secondary attributes like solar radiation and moisture index, play a pivotal role in characterizing spatial-specific landscape processes essential to soil formation. These morphometric attributes, integral to DSM due to their role in the paedogenetic process, have become indispensable auxiliary variables. The success of DSM depends heavily on the quality of input environmental covariates, with spatial resolution serving as a critical indicator. The spatial resolution of environmental covariates in DSM, often determined by the DEM's subjective spatial distribution, influences the modelling outcomes and processing efficiency. This study investigates the impact of DEM resolution on soil type classification and model transferability, focusing on the Lombardy region, Italy. Utilizing three different DEMs sources with resolutions of 5 m, 10 m, and 25 m, the research employs the Random Forest algorithm, and nested Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (nested-LOOCV) techniques to assess model performance. The findings reveal a pivotal role for spatial resolution in determining model transferability, with distinct challenges observed during upscaling and downscaling. The study emphasizes the need for a nuanced approach to variable selection based on DEM resolution and provides valuable insights for optimizing soil classification models across diverse landscapes. The research contributes to advancing Digital Soil Mapping methodologies and underscores the significance of careful consideration of spatial resolution in enhancing the applicability of soil classification models.

How to cite: Adeniyi, O. D., Bernini, A., and Mearker, M.: Assessing the Effect of DEM’s resolution on Model Transferability of soil types: A case study of Lombardy region, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16425,, 2024.

Using Digital Soil Mapping to identify where best to store soil carbon
(withdrawn after no-show)
Feiko van Zadelhoff, Sam McNally, Kishor Kumar, Jagath Ekanayake, Stephen McNeill, and John Triantafilis
Mihály Kocsis, Hilda Hernádi, András Makó, Brigitta Szabó, Piroska Kassai, Gábor Szatmári, Annamária Laborczi, Katalin Takács, Kitti Balog, János Mészáros, András Benő, Zsófia Bakacsi, and László Pásztor

A high spatial resolution soil database is under development in Hungary consisting of legacy soil observation data originating from different soil surveys. The soil data collected for the presented  pilot area situated in the Southern Great Hungarian Plain will be the part of the Profile-level Database of Hungarian Large-Scale Soil Mapping (Hungarian acronym: NATASA). Presently, the NATASA soil database contains data from about 15,000 soil profiles in the sample area. The data from the soil profile records consist of two major parts: field descriptions and results of laboratory investigations. Soil profile locations are being processed using specifically elaborated GIS tools. Digitized profile records are being revised according to the national soil system and expert-based criteria, and the content of the database is being developed according to a uniform nomenclature. Essentially, the NATASA database will form the basis for the production of target soil hydrophysical property maps using environmental auxiliary variables and proper inference methods in standardized DSM approaches providing predictions for specific soil depths.

The results obtained will not only become tangible in the form of different target maps, but will also provide very valuable information on the extent of the vulnerability of the Hungarian Southern Great Plain production areas to inland water and drought caused by weather extremes under the influence of climate change. This could help in the development of a regional drought and water deficit management system, in the establishment of a basis for irrigation investments or in the further development of the methodology of the current inland water vulnerability map. A more detailed knowledge of the hydrophysical properties of soils with spatial data could help to develop natural water retention measures.

Acknowledgement: The work was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project and the Sustainable Development and Technologies National Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (FFT NP FTA).

How to cite: Kocsis, M., Hernádi, H., Makó, A., Szabó, B., Kassai, P., Szatmári, G., Laborczi, A., Takács, K., Balog, K., Mészáros, J., Benő, A., Bakacsi, Z., and Pásztor, L.: Development of a high spatial resolution legacy soil profile database for the Southern Great Hungarian Plain, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18732,, 2024.

A high-resolution map of soil organic carbon in cropland of Southern Chinas
(withdrawn after no-show)
Bifeng Hu, Modian Xie, Yin Zhou, Hanjie Ni, Xiangyu He, Qian Zhu, Yibo Geng, Songchao Chen, Hongyi Li, and Zhou Shi
Longnan Shi, Sharon O'Rourke, Felipe Bachion de Santana, and Karen Daly

Soil bulk density (BD) is a key physical parameter in soil quality control and in the calculation from soil organic carbon (SOC) mass (g/kg) content to area stock (kg/ha). However, BD laboratory analysis is time-consuming, labour intensive and expensive, especially for a national-scale soil assessment. Hence, how to fill the omissions of BD values for all or some records in soil databases is widely discussed. This study employed different chemometric and machine learning algorithms to estimate BD in Irish soil from 671 horizon-based samples from MIR spectral libraries by partial least square regression (PLSR), random forest, Cubist and support vector machine (SVM). The best performance was observed for the SVM model with a higher ratio of performance to interquartile distance (RPIQ = 3.61) and R2 (0.81) values and lower root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP = 0.132). Moreover, BD highly correlated wavenumber bands were determined by principal components analysis (PCA) and variable importance analysis. Soil organic matter (SOM) was identified as the primary factor in the spectral soil BD model. The generalisation error of predicting unknown samples using a spectral soil bulk density (BD) model was calculated by employing leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) on SVM. Estimation of BD by the spectral BD model was compared with published traditional pedo-transfer functions (PTFs), results were then compared for the overall models, different horizon types and specific depth categories. The spectral soil BD model is significantly better than traditional PTFs overall, with RMSEP equalling 0.132 g/cm3 and 0.196 g/cm3 respectively. The spectral soil BD model showed a similar accuracy on the A horizon, but considerable performance improvements were found on the other types of horizon. As for different depth categories, there is no significant accuracy difference between shallow (A-Samples: 5-20 cm) and deep (S-Samples: 35-50 cm) topsoil for the spectral soil BD model, which differs from traditional PTFs. The findings suggest that spectral modelling techniques, such as SVM, can provide high accuracy and homogenous performance across different depth layers, making them suitable for national soil surveys and large-scale carbon stock assessments. The best SVM model was then used to estimate BD values for a large archive of samples from the northern half of Ireland (Terra Soil project) and soil BD maps were generated at two different fixed-depth layers respectively. Besides that, all predicted soil BD values will be used for calculating soil carbon stock and assessing carbon deficit and sequestration potential in subsequent stages of the research.

Keywords: Soil; Bulk density; Mid-infrared; Spectroscopy; Chemometrics; Machine learning


How to cite: Shi, L., O'Rourke, S., de Santana, F. B., and Daly, K.: Prediction of soil bulk density in agricultural soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7730,, 2024.

Leilei Dong and Weizhen Wang

Soil salinization is one of the major forms of land degradation processes from all over the world. The dielectric constant plays an important role in the process of soil salinity retrieval by using microwave remote sensing. The Dobson model has been widely used to simulate the dielectric constant of nonsaline soil, but the estimated result of the Dobson model did not perform well for saline soil. Moreover, the ions’ concentration is related to soil salinity, and the electrical conductance is a critical factor that influences the imaginary part of the dielectric constant. Therefore, the relationship between them needs to further explore. In addition, saturation is neglected in the current dielectric model of saline soil. In this letter, the relationship between the electrical conductance and ions’ concentration was analyzed based on the experimental data. The saturation as a new parameter was introduced into the Dobson model to improve the estimated accuracy of the dielectric constant of saline soil in the C-band. The comparison between the revised model, the Dobson model, the Hu Qingrong (HQR) model, and the Wu Yueru (WYR) model was presented. The results indicate that there is a significant linear relationship between the electrical conductance and ions’ concentration, with R2 of 0.996, a slope of 0.1456, and an intercept of 0.0252. Once the new parameter is implemented, the improved dielectric model based on the C-band reproduces the dielectric constant of saline soil satisfactorily in each soil sample. The simulated results of the improved model are consistent with the laboratory measurement results, with an RMSE of 0.97 and R2 of 0.953. Compared with other commonly used three dielectric models of the saline soil, the improved dielectric model performs well in simulating the imaginary part of the dielectric constant. The improved agreements between the simulations and the measurements indicate that the revised dielectric model is appropriate for simulating the dielectric constant of saline soil. The revised dielectric model of saline soil will provide a scientific foundation for the soil salinity retrieval from the microwave remote sensing technology.

How to cite: Dong, L. and Wang, W.: An Improved Model for Estimating the DielectricConstant of Saline Soil in C-Band, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15806,, 2024.

Francisco M. Canero, Diego Lopez-Nieta, and Victor Rodriguez-Galiano

Soil salinization is a paramount issue affecting crop yields and soil productivity, specially threatening the soil in arid and semi-arid regions. In Bajo Guadalquivir (southern Spain), one of the main rice production areas of Spain, soil salinity has been reported by local stakeholders as the main ecological stressor affecting rice crops. EnMAP hyperspectral mission might rise promising opportunities to improve the monitoring of soil salinity and other environmental stressors. This mission provides continuous vis-NIR spectral data with a moderate temporal resolution. The aim of this study is to evaluate EnMAP imagery in two different predictive modelling workflows based on Random Forest and Support Vector Machines.

100 samples of electrical conductivity (EC) measures were collected in May-June 2023 in the study area. A EnMAP image was acquired over the study area on 22 March 2023. Vegetated and water surfaces were masked out, resulting in 80 samples of bare soils for the date of Enmap acquisition. Raw bands and soil salinity indices (SSI) were used as predictive features. SSI were based on an iterative procedure calculating normalized indices between all pair of bands, selecting the 1% of indices with higher correlation with EC. Two ML algorithms, Random Forest and Support Vector machine, were used together with a Sequential Feature Selection method built with each modelling algorithm.

The sampling results showed high soil salinity contents, with a median value of 10.96 dSm-1. EnMAP image reached the higher accuracy using RF with R2 = 0.14, RMSE = 3.14, RPIQ = 1.53. SVR performed worse, with a model achieving R2 of -0.37, RMSE of 3.38 and RPIQ = 1.42. Both models selected the same two features, two SSI built with the 756/871 nm and the 972/1234 nm pairs. Given that the features were similar, differences might be derived from modelling algorithms. The results suggested that hyperspectral images are promising data sources, but their processing to get meaningful features is perhaps the most important task to obtain accurate soil salinity products. 

How to cite: Canero, F. M., Lopez-Nieta, D., and Rodriguez-Galiano, V.: Evaluation of EnMAP imagery for predictive modelling of soil salinity in highly saline soils, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17168,, 2024.

Akos-Etele Csibi, Hans Sanden, Pavel Baykalov, Ruth Pereira, Anabela Cachada, Boris Rewald, and David Perry

The use of Vis-NIR spectroscopy in digital soil mapping is emerging as a fast, viable option to provide 
spatial and temporal information on specific soil parameters that serve as good indicators for soil 
health. While MIR spectroscopy tends to be a much more reliable (high-precision) tool for different 
soil properties estimations, currently only NIR can be adapted for rapid in-situ soil surveys.
The Subterra Green device, developed by “S4 Mobile Laboratories”, equipped with a Visible and an 
FTIR spectrometer can optimally capture spectra until 90 cm underground down to a 1 cm resolution. 
With a carefully selected sampling pattern, a survey of several hectares can be conducted in a matter 
of few days as a single insertion takes about 2-6 minutes.
One scope of the PHENET project is to carry out soil surveys in different locations with varying soil 
types, from the humid continental zones of Austria to the temperate oceanic climate of Portugal. 
This will be done by creating models which are verified with laboratory biochemical analysis of soil 
samples. Previous scientific resource concluded that some soil properties like the soil water content 
or texture can have a major effect on the recorded spectra, so when building up a database for 
machine learning models from different site surveys (with unique spatial and temporal conditions) a 
lot of external factors should be taken into consideration and pre-processing techniques selected, 
like external parameter orthogonalization or calibration spiking for creating an accurately predicting 
model for soil parameters prediction. The aim is to provide estimations of soil organic carbon and 
nitrogen stocks as well as interpolated maps in different soil depths. Being able to do fast and highresolution soil maps using in-situ Vis-NIR soil spectroscopy makes it possible to improve precision 
agriculture and monitor soil properties over space and time.

How to cite: Csibi, A.-E., Sanden, H., Baykalov, P., Pereira, R., Cachada, A., Rewald, B., and Perry, D.: Digital soil analysis and mapping using in-situ Vis-NIR spectroscopy – Challenges and future perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19741,, 2024.

Wenzhi Zeng, Jie He, Zhipeng Ren, Chang Ao, and Tao Ma

To improve the accuracy of crop classification across temporal and spatial domains. Sentinel-2 satellite images are employed for crop classification training and prediction in select farming areas of Heilongjiang Province by calculating vegetation indices and constructing sequential input feature datasets. The Hunts filtering method was used to mitigate the influence of cloud cover, which increased the stability and completeness of the input feature data across different years. To address the issue of shifts in the input feature values during cross-scale classification, this study proposes the Hypothesis Testing Distribution Method (HTDM). This method balances the distribution of input feature values in the test set even without known crop distribution, thereby enhancing the accuracy of the classification test set. This study utilizes 2019 data on crop planting types from Yushan and Longzhen farms in Heilongjiang Province for model training and data from 10 farms in the province from 2019 to 2022 for model testing. Results indicate that HTDM significantly improves prediction accuracy in cases of substantial image quality variance. After applying HTDM, the recognition accuracy of crop types for the Bawuba Farm in the years 2020 and 2021 reached 95.5% and 96.0%, an increase of 18.2% and 25% compared to before processing, respectively. In 2022, the recognition accuracy for crop types at all farms processed by HTDM was above 87%, showcasing the strong robustness of the HTDM. An analysis of input features using SHAP values revealed that the most impactful features for rice, corn, soybean, and wheat were LSWI in May (LSWI5), LSWI in May (LSWI5), RNDVI in August (RNDVI8), and IRECI in August (IRECI8) respectively.

How to cite: Zeng, W., He, J., Ren, Z., Ao, C., and Ma, T.: Cross- regional Crop Identification Using the Hypothesis Testing Distribution Method, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14085,, 2024.

Saham Mirzaei, Raffaele Casa, Rocchina Guarini, Giovanni Laneve, Luca Marrone, Khalil Misbah, Simone Pascucci, Stefano Pignatti, Francesco Rossi, and Alessia Tricomi

Soil organic carbon (SOC), pH and calcium carbonate content have an important role in the availability of nutrients for plants. Estimation of soil pH, calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) and SOC (in the case of low variation) using satellite multi and hyperspectral data is still a challenging issue. Hyperspectral data acquired by new-generation spaceborne imagers like PRISMA and EnMAP offer new opportunities to accurately quantify soil properties. In this research the capability of Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) algorithm for SOC, pH and CCE retrieval from different pre-treated PRISMA spectra has been evaluated. To cover a wide topsoil variability, three different study areas in Italy were selected: Jolanda di Savoia (Lat. 44.87°N, Lon. 11.97°E), Maccarese (Lat. 41.87°N, Lon. 12.22°E) and Pignola (Lat. 40.56°N, Lon. 5.76°E). Soil samples were collected according to a 30 m squares elementary sample unit scheme and the SOC (n=635, min =0.19%, max=6.4%, std=1.55), CCE (n=518, min=0%, max=15.1, std=4.614) and the pH (n=460, min=5.035, max=8.075, std=0.769) was measured. The pH values of the samples show a -0.57 and 0.55 correlation with SOC and CCE, respectively. An overall total of 46 clear sky PRISMA images, acquired between 2019 and 2023, were used for this study. The L2D images were co-registered by the AROSICS algorithm which uses the Sentinel-2 image acquired at the closest date, to assure the co-registration (of about 0.5pixel of RMS). Noisy spectral bands and those affected by atmospheric water absorption in PRISMA images were removed, leaving a total of 173 spectral bands. The spectra were smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay filter (SG) with a second-order polynomial and a filter length of 7. To minimize the impact of the soil moisture (SM) effects, the spectra of 198 soil samples, at different SM levels, were acquired in our laboratory using a FieldSpec 4 spectroradiometer and then resampled to the PRISMA bands to be used for developing the external parameter orthogonalization (EPO) of the reflectance. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was also applied on the pre-treatments of the reflectance dataset (i.e., reflectance, first derivative reflectance, and EPO-projected reflectance). The first 10 PCs were selected and used for training the GPR Machine Learning (ML) models. A k-fold (k=10) cross-validation method was applied for SOC, pH and CCE modelling. The results indicate that optimal performance is achieved for SOC (R2=0.84, RMSE=0.618%) and CCE (R2=0.70, RMSE=2.527%) by employing the first derivative of EPO-projected reflectance. In the case of pH, the use of reflectance yields the most favorable outcomes (R2=0.72, RMSE=0.411). Improving the accuracy in estimating the SOC, pH and CCE soil properties, which are critical components of productive soils, is very important to allow for an efficient allocation of resources, agricultural management, and the maintenance of fertile soils for an optimal crop growth and many other purposes. Future work will include a much wider range of soil types in different soil moisture conditions.

How to cite: Mirzaei, S., Casa, R., Guarini, R., Laneve, G., Marrone, L., Misbah, K., Pascucci, S., Pignatti, S., Rossi, F., and Tricomi, A.: PRISMA SOC, pH and CCE Soil Properties Retrieval Using GPR algorithm with pre-treated datasets: Italy case studies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20367,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X2

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Lev Eppelbaum, Michal Birkenfeld, and Olga Khabarova

The modern state of Israel is located between 29o and 33o north of the Earth’s equator. It is a small (about 22,000 km2) subtropical region between the temperate and tropical zones, characterized chiefly by semi-arid and arid climates. Such climate causes increased productivity and water-use efficiency due to elevated CO2, which tends to increase ground cover, counteracting the effects of higher temperatures. As a result of this effect, Israel, while small in size, exhibits complex soil formations with variable physical properties, even within small areas. Despite its comparatively diminutive dimensions, Israel has been a focus of human exploitation and settlement since the earliest days of human expansion. More than 27,000 recorded sites form a long record of human presence in the area, starting around 1.5 Mya, presenting one of the densest national archaeological records in the world. While some sites are still clearly visible on the surface, most ancient remains of various ages and origins occur in the subsurface layers at depths of 0.5-8 m (usually in multi-layered archaeological sites). Hundreds, if not thousands, of new sites are discovered yearly due to construction and development activities, and more than 300 salvage excavations are conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority yearly. Traditional archaeological survey methods are based on covering transects of areas by foot and, while prolific, are by nature highly time-consuming and costly. Moreover, they usually do not supply information on the extent and character of sub-surface remains. Different attempts have been made over the years to apply surface geophysical methods (e.g., GPR, ERT, magnetic, paleomagnetic, subsurface seismics, self-potential, thermal, VLF, induced polarization, piezoelectric, and microgravity) for the identification of archaeological remains as rapid, effective, and noninvasive alternatives for ‘traditional’ archaeological survey methods. However, these attempts have not always been successful, mainly because of the environmental variability and complex physical-archaeological conditions. Remote Sensing (RS) is a low-expensive tool used for detecting and monitoring the physical attributes of objects of interest on or below the Earth’s surface from a considerable distance. RS has been proven instrumental in archaeological investigations and in comprehending historical contexts on a large scale. This is attributed to RS’s rapid data acquisition, expansive coverage, high resolution, and spectral sensitivity to anomalies associated with surface, subsurface, buried, and underwater archaeological features. Archaeologists gain aid in enhanced discoveries and comprehension of archaeological context by utilizing passive and active sensors on drones, satellites, aircraft, and uncrewed aerial vehicles. Active RS (such as radar and LiDAR) offers advantages in detecting buried sites in deserts or concealed archaeological landscapes within forested areas compared to passive RS (encompassing photography and multi-/hyperspectral techniques). The advanced RS application in Israel enabled the unmasking of unknown archaeological targets in the Wadi Asekt (northern Israel) and the Biq’at Sayyarim (southern Israel). Detailed surface geophysical studies (GPR and magnetic) and archaeological investigations will be conducted at the following stage in the selected areas. Information theory approaches and modern wavelet methodologies will be applied to integrate RS data numerically with geophysical (and possibly geochemical) methods.

How to cite: Eppelbaum, L., Birkenfeld, M., and Khabarova, O.: A Role of Remote Sensing Analysis for Archaeological Purposes in Arid Climate Regions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2892,, 2024.