ITS5.14/GD7.3 | Viscous Flow in Polycrystalline Materials: across disciplines
Viscous Flow in Polycrystalline Materials: across disciplines
Co-organized by CR6
Convener: Daniel Richards | Co-conveners: Felicity McCormack, Lisa Craw, Ágnes Király
| Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 1.34
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X2
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 10:45
Geological materials such as ice and olivine are often modelled as viscous fluids at the large scale. However, they have complex, evolving microstructures which are not present in normal fluids, and these can have a significant impact on large-scale flow behaviour. These different materials have many commonalities in how the evolving microstructure influences the large scale flow, yet research is often siloed into individual disciplines.

With this session, we aim to bring together researchers from a range of disciplines, studying a variety of anisotropic materials, and working on different aspects of complex viscous flow such as: viscous anisotropy related to CPO or extrinsic microstructures; crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) or fabric evolution; other controls on rheology such as grain size, dynamic recrystallisation and deformation mechanisms; and impact of rheology on complex flow, e.g. in the transition through a shear margin.

We encourage submissions investigating this topic through numerical modelling, laboratory experiments and observational studies. We are aiming to convene an inclusive and collaborative session, and invite contributions from all disciplines. We particularly encourage early career researchers to participate.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room 1.34

Chairpersons: Lisa Craw, Ágnes Király, Daniel Richards
On-site presentation
Paul D. Bons, Steven Franke, Daniela Jansen, Yu Zhang, and Ilka Weikusat

The Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) is a fascinating, over 500 km long structure in the Greenland Ice Sheet. The ice stream shows many features, such as folds and shear zones, that are also common in other ductile rocks. Geological methods and expertise may contribute to a better understanding of NEGIS and similar deformation structures in ice sheets. It is standard practice in oil and gas exploration to create 3D-structural models from parallel seismic lines. This approach, applied to radar profiles, is relatively new in glaciology (Bons et al., Nat. Comm. 2016, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11427) but provides far more insight into the structural architecture and evolution of ice sheets than single radar sections. A 3D-structural model of upstream NEGIS reveals how pre-existing folds are offset within the ice stream. With that, classical strain analysis methods can be applied to quantify the deformation of these folds in the shear margins. This reveals that the total offset at the level of the EGRIP drilling project is in the order of up to 75 km and that the finite shear strain in the shear margins is around 18. With present-day shear-strain rates in the shear margins, such a finite offset and shear strain are achieved in ≤2000 yrs. This strain analysis also proves that ice does not flow through shear margins, but that the shear margins instead advect with the ice. This means that 'flow lines' (which should better be called 'streamlines') are not the same as 'path lines', as is now often assumed. The two are only the same in a time-invariant velocity field, which does not apply to NEGIS. Shear zones in other ductile rocks show that rocks never flow through shear zones, but shear zones can shift or 'jump' to new locations, as is actually observed in NEGIS. Geological principles to analyse and date the formation and activity of salt diapirs and syn-sedimentary faults can also be applied to folds observed in and around NEGIS. This reveals that fold amplification inside the shear margins ceased about 2000 yrs ago, which can be explained by the formation of the shear margins and concomitant reorientation of the CPO. A combination of several structural geological methods thus enables constraining the age of NEGIS as we now know it to about 2000 yrs, which is much less than previously assumed. The surprisingly late appearance of NEGIS, as well as the demise of ice streams in the Holocene (based on 3D-analyses of folded stratigraphy; Franke et al., Nature Geosci. 2022, Doi: 10.1038/s41561-022-01082-2) indicates that ice sheets are very dynamic, mostly due to the highly non-linear (n=4) and anisotropic rheology of ice.

How to cite: Bons, P. D., Franke, S., Jansen, D., Zhang, Y., and Weikusat, I.: A structural geologist's view on the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4569,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kyra Streng, Johanna Kerch, Paul Bons, Nicolas Stoll, Daniela Jansen, and Ilka Weikusat

Solid ice discharge from land-based ice masses into the ocean raises the global sea level and accelerates due to anthropogenic climate change. Modelling ice flow dynamics aims to provide better projections of future sea level rise. The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are predominantly drained through ice streams, which are regions of higher ice flow velocity than their surroundings, and thus play an important role in ice sheet dynamics. However, little is known about their rheology. Therefore, they may introduce large uncertainties in ice sheet models.

In order to study the main deformation and recrystallization mechanisms dominant in an ice stream, we conducted microstructural analyses on samples from the EastGRIP ice core that was drilled in the largest Greenlandic ice stream, the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS).

The data set contains 1064 samples, oriented vertically and horizontally to the ice core axis, from depths between 111 and 2121 m. Analyses of the deepest 550 m of the ice core are pending. All samples were scanned with 5 µm resolution under bright-field illumination with a Large Area Scanning Macroscope (LASM). The obtained microstructure, i.e. grain shape, size, and elongation, was extracted using digitalised grain boundary networks by means of a machine-learning based image analysis software. We determined six different rheological regimes through the ice column. Most microstructural changes were interpreted as changes in recrystallization mechanisms, whereas the dominant deformation mode, horizontal extension, appears to remain fairly constant below 500 m of depth. Previous numerical high-strain ice deformation simulations showed strain localisation with the development of visible shear bands. A similar setting was expected inside ice streams, but at the investigated depths of the EastGRIP ice core, no clear shear bands could be discerned so far for the applied sampling resolution.

These results indicate that NEGIS has no strong high-strain localisation down to 2121 m depth but probably deforms as a block with extension along flow. The high ice flow velocities, therefore, might have to be compensated either in the lowest 500 m or below the ice.

How to cite: Streng, K., Kerch, J., Bons, P., Stoll, N., Jansen, D., and Weikusat, I.: Deformation and recrystallization inside the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream – findings from microstructural analysis of the EastGRIP ice core, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11580,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yu Zhang, Paul D. Bons, Till Sachau, and Steven Franke

Satellite and airborne sensors have provided detailed data on ice surface flow velocities, englacial structures of ice sheets and bedrock elevations. These data give insight into the flow behaviour of ice sheets and glaciers. One significant phenomenon observed is large-scale folds (over 100 m in amplitude) in the englacial stratigraphy in the Greenland ice sheet. A large population of folds is located at ice streams, where the flow is distinctly faster than in the surroundings, such as the North-East Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). While there is no consensus regarding the formation of large-scale folds, unraveling the underlying mechanisms presents significant potential for enhancing our understanding of the formation and dynamics of ice streams.

Ice in ice sheets is a ductile material, i.e., it can flow as a thick viscous fluid with a power-law rheology. Furthermore, ice is significantly anisotropic in its flow properties due to its crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). Here, we use the Full-Stokes code Underworld2 (Mansour et al.,2022) for 3D modelling of the power-law and transversely isotropic ice flow, also in comparison with the isotropic ice models.

Our simulated folds with anisotropic ice show complex patterns on a bumpy bedrock, and are classified into three types: large-scale folds (fold amplitudes >100 m), small-scale folds (fold amplitudes <<100 m, wavelength <<km) and recumbent basal-shear folds. Our results indicate that bedrock topography contributes to perturbations in ice layers, and that ice anisotropy due to the CPO amplifies these into large-scale folds in convergent flow by horizontal shortening. As for our ice stream model, we simulate convergent flow as initial condition, which subsequently initiates the development of shear margins due to the rotation of the ice crystal basal planes. As soon as the shear margins develop, the ice stream starts to propagate upstream in a short time and narrows in the upstream part. Our modeling shows that the anisotropic rheology of ice and CPO change play a significant role for large-scale folding and for the initiation of ice streams with distinct shear margins. Hence, we promote the implementation of ice anisotropy in large-scale ice-sheet evolution models as it holds the potential to introduce novel perspectives to the glaciological community on the dynamics of ice flow.



John Mansour, Julian Giordani, Louis Moresi, Romain Beucher, Owen Kaluza, Mirko Velic, Rebecca Farrington, Steve Quenette, & Adam Beall. (2022). Underworld2: Python Geodynamics Modelling for Desktop, HPC and Cloud (v2.12.0b). Zenodo.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Bons, P. D., Sachau, T., and Franke, S.: How ice anisotropy contributes to fold and ice stream in large-scale ice-sheet models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5872,, 2024.

On-site presentation
William R. Halter, Roman Kulakov, Thibault Duretz, and Stefan M. Schmalholz

Viscous flow controls large parts of tectonic deformation. Viscous strain localization and associated softening mechanisms are important for subduction initiation and the generation of tectonic nappes. However, viscous flow of geologic materials can have a complex behaviour due to their evolving microstructure, such as an evolving anisotropy due to fabric development or a crystallographic preferred orientation, or due to other evolving microstructure, like, e.g., grain size or dynamic recrystallization.

In this contribution, we focus on strain localization in viscous rock due to the generation of anisotropy resulting from fabric evolution. Particularly, we focus on multi-scale anisotropy evolution in shear zones with many strong or weak inclusions, representing for example porphyroclasts. The shape change and relative alignment of the inclusions during shearing generates an anisotropy on the scale of the inclusions, termed here macroscale. We spatially resolve this macroscale anisotropy in the numerical simulations. Additionally, we consider the evolution of a microscale anisotropy in the shear zone matrix, representing the formation of a mylonitic foliation. We do not spatially resolve this microscale anisotropy but model it with an anisotropic flow law that involves different normal and tangential viscosities. We calculate the finite strain ellipse during shearing and use its aspect ratio as proxy for the anisotropy that governs the ratio of normal to tangential viscosity. To track the orientation of the anisotropy during deformation we apply a director method.

We perform numerical simulations with the two-dimensional state-of-the-art thermo-mechanical code MDoodz (Duretz et al. 2021). We evaluate the impact of micro- and macroscale anisotropy on strain softening and localization in shear zone up to shear strains in the order of ten. We further discuss the quantification of effective anisotropies that can be used for upscaling, for example for lithospheric scale numerical models. Moreover, we compare the numerical results to the analytical solution and the numerical results of Dabrowski et al. (2012). A particular feature of some simulations is the formation of buckle folds in regions with highly stretched weak inclusions.



Duretz T., R. de Borst and P. Yamato (2021), Modeling Lithospheric Deformation Using a Compressible Visco-Elasto-Viscoplastic Rheology and the Effective Viscosity Approach, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. 22 (8), e2021GC009675

Dabrowski, M., D. W. Schmid, and Y. Y. Podladchikov (2012), A two-phase composite in simple shear: Effective mechanical anisotropy development and localization potential, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B08406, doi:10.1029/2012JB009183

How to cite: Halter, W. R., Kulakov, R., Duretz, T., and Schmalholz, S. M.: Multi-scale anisotropy development in viscous flow due to fabric evolution: Numerical modelling, upscaling, and application for strain localization, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19147,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nicholas Rathmann, David Lilien, Christine Hvidberg, Aslak Grinsted, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Klaus Mosegaard, Ivanka Bekkevold, and David Prior

We present a spectral-space CPO model that allows for efficient and seamless simulation of anisotropic polycrystalline flows at large scale, relevant for ice sheets and Earth’s upper mantle. The CPO model is two-way coupled with a bulk orthotropic power-law rheology using a linear grain homogenization scheme, making analytical and frame-independent calculations of CPO-induced viscous anisotropy possible and computationally cheap. The effect of two-way coupling flow and CPO evolution is explored in idealized finite element simulations of ice stream flow and mantle thermal convection. In both cases, we find that strain-rate fields are non-trivially affected, and we briefly discuss the consequences for ice-stream self-reinforcement and the coupling between plate motions and the sublithospheric mantle.

This contribution is mainly focused on introducing our modeling framework “specfab” to the wider community.

How to cite: Rathmann, N., Lilien, D., Hvidberg, C., Grinsted, A., Dahl-Jensen, D., Mosegaard, K., Bekkevold, I., and Prior, D.: Modeling ice and olivine CPO evolution and its affect on large-scale flow in two-way coupled simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2189,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Olivier Castelnau and Pedro Ponte Castañeda

Rocks from the Earth mantle and polar ices have in common a nonlinear rheology and low crystal symmetries leading often to a limited number of independent slip systems for the glide or climb of dislocations. Both deform at elevated homologous temperatures, mostly under creep. Very large plastic deformation occurs during large scale geophysical flows, leading to pronounced crystallographic texture and an associated anisotropic rheology. Polar ice is a pure material, whereas several mineral phases are present simultaneously the mantle. The mantle deforms at extremely slow strain-rates, 10 orders of magnitude smaller than standard laboratory strain-rates, and thus the estimation of the mantle behaviour requires a drastic extrapolation from lab data. A consequence of the features outlined above is that deformation of mantle rocks or polar ices leads to a strong heterogeneity of the stress and strain-rate fields inside the polycrystalline aggregates, at the intragranular (micron) scale. This field heterogeneity has strong implication in terms of texture evolution, recrystallization, but also on the effective flow stress. Another consequence is that simple or ad-hoc micromechanical models are often inaccurate when the goal is to estimate the in situ nonlinear and anisotropic rheology, and the microstructure evolution at large strain, as the activation of slip systems is highly sensitive to stress fluctuations. In this presentation, we will review existing mean-field models for polycrystalline aggregates, show their capabilities / limitations with respect to reference full-field solutions, and show the benefit of the fully-optimized second order self-consistent scheme recently proposed by Song and Ponte Castañeda [2018]. Examples for ice and few mantle minerals will be given for illustrative purpose.


D. Song and P. Ponte Castañeda, Fully optimized second-order homogenization estimates for the macroscopic response and texture evolution of low-symmetry viscoplastic polycrystals, Int. J. plasticity 110 (2018), 272–293

How to cite: Castelnau, O. and Ponte Castañeda, P.: Accurate mean-field micromechanical modelling of the nonlinear anisotropic response of polycrystalline aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8435,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maurine Montagnat, Thomas Chauve, Véronique Dansereau, Pierre Saramito, Kevin Fourteau, and Andréa Tommasi

Dynamic recrystallization can have a strong impact on texture development during the deformation of polycrystalline materials at high temperature, in particular for those with strong viscoplastic anisotropy such as ice. Owing to this anisotropy, recrystallization is essential for ensuring strain compatibility. The development of recrystallization textures leads to significant mechanical softening, both in laboratory or natural conditions (glaciers, ice sheets). Accurately predicting ice texture evolution due to recrystallization during tertiary creep remains a challenge, yet is crucial to account adequately for texture-induced anisotropy in large-scale models of glacial ice flow. We propose a new formulation for texture evolution due to dynamic recrystallization. This formulation is physically-based on an orientation attractor which maximizes the Resolved Shear Stress (RSS) on the easiest slip system in the crystal (basal slip for ice). The attractor is implemented in an equation of evolution of the crystal orientation with deformation, which is coupled to an anisotropic viscoplastic law (Continuous Transverse Isotropic - CTI) that provides the mechanical response of the ice crystal. The set of equations, which is the core of the R3iCe open source model is solved using finite elements method with a semi implicit scheme coded using the Rheolef library. R3iCe is validated by comparison with laboratory creep data for ice polycrystals under simple shear, uniaxial compression and tension. It correctly reproduces the texture evolution and the mechanical softening observed during tertiary creep. R3iCe therefore allows predicting enhancement factors that may be implemented in large-scale flow models. Although the validation was performed for ice, the R3iCe implementation is generic and applies for any material adequately described using a CTI law.

How to cite: Montagnat, M., Chauve, T., Dansereau, V., Saramito, P., Fourteau, K., and Tommasi, A.: A physically-based formulation for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization. A case study for ice, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7333,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Ron Maor, Lars Hansen, and David Goldsby

Mechanisms of energy dissipation in ice and olivine have been studied experimentally in the past, with an observed strain-amplitude dependence that indicates nonlinear viscoelastic behavior resulting from the presence and motion of dislocations. In a range of low to moderate stress amplitudes, dislocations can ”bow out” between pinning points. If the resolved shear stress is sufficiently large, dislocations may escape their pinning points and elastically interact with each other. The transition from pinned to unpinned motion, along with the subsequent interactions and recovery processes, are associated with the shift from anelastic to steady-state viscous behavior. This transition forms the basis of a viscoelastic model. Despite the experimental evidence of nonlinear mechanisms, the availability of comprehensive nonlinear viscoelastic models for geological materials is limited. In this work, we propose a nonlinear viscoelastic model that captures the effect of dislocation dynamics on energy dissipation. The model is based on the well-known linear Burgers model, modified to incorporate non-linear steady-state viscous flow, and enhanced by the integration of fabric and grain-size evolution dynamics. The proposed model is tested against data from constant strain-rate and forced oscillation experiments, and the parameters are constrained using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. The model successfully reproduces data from deformation experiments in the dislocation creep regime and can be extended to experiments involving other deformation mechanisms as well.

How to cite: Maor, R., Hansen, L., and Goldsby, D.: Nonlinear Viscoelastic Model for Ice and Olivine, Constrained by Experimental Data using MCMC, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14098,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Diffusive, Linearly-Viscous Deformation of Temperate, Watery Ice at Stresses of 50-180 kPa
Jacob Fowler, Collin Schohn, Neal Iverson, Lucas Zoet, and Natasha Morgan-Witts

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X2

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Daniel Richards, Ágnes Király, Lisa Craw
Yuanchao Yu, Maria-Gema Llorens, Albert Griera, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Paul D. Bons, Daniel Garcia-Castellanos, Baoqin Hao, and Ricardo A. Lebensohn

The deformation of the upper mantle is predominantly governed by the mechanical behavior of olivine (Karato et al., 1989). During mantle flow, olivine undergoes crystal-plastic deformation, leading to the development of crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs). In this process, the a-axes of olivine polycrystalline aggregates align with the flow direction (Hansen et al., 2012). Consequently, the observed CPOs in olivine-rich rocks serves as an indicator of the mantle flow direction. While the influence of plastic deformation is well understood, the role of dynamic recrystallization during deformation remains not fully comprehended, hindering our ability to interpret the deformation history of naturally-deformed rocks.

This contribution employs microdynamic numerical simulations of olivine polycrystalline aggregates with varying iron content (fayalite content) to explore the CPO and grain size response to dynamic recrystallization. Utilizing a full-field approach with explicit simulation of viscoplastic deformation (; Bons et al., 2008; Piazolo et al., 2019) and dynamic recrystallization processes under simple shear boundary conditions up to high strain, this study indicates that simulations with only dislocation glide and also those including recrystallization successfully reproduce such steady state conditions, without requiring other potential mechanisms. The model establishes a framework for understanding the development of olivine CPOs in mantle rocks, highlighting the interplay between plastic deformation and dynamic recrystallization processes, including grain boundary migration, intracrystalline recovery, and new grain nucleation.

Acknowledgements: Yuanchao Yu acknowledges funding by the China Scholarship Council for a PhD scholarship (CSC-202008130104). This work has been developed using the facilities of the Laboratory of Geodynamic Modelling of GEO3BCN-CSIC.

How to cite: Yu, Y., Llorens, M.-G., Griera, A., Gomez-Rivas, E., Bons, P. D., Garcia-Castellanos, D., Hao, B., and Lebensohn, R. A.: Dynamic recrystallization of olivine during simple shear: evolution of microstructure and crystallographic preferred orientation from full-field numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-425,, 2024.

Laura Rysager, Nicholas Rathmann, Christine Hvidberg, and Aslak Grinsted

The evolution of grain orientations as a function of flow in polycrystalline glacier ice can greatly affect the bulk viscous anisotropy of ice, and hence mass loss from Earth’s large ice sheets through fast-flowing ice streams where such effects are thought to be important. In this study, we model the strain-induced evolution of grain orientation (fabric) of Lagrangian parcels of ice propagating into, and through, the North-East Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) given the local deformation as observed from satellite-derived surface strain rate fields. This allows us to estimate the local flow enhancement factors to be better at understanding the relevance of viscous anisotropy of ice in the ice streams. As the parcels move into and through the ice stream, very different strain-rate regimes are encountered (outside, in the shear margin, and inside the ice stream) which change the fabric over short spatial/temporal scales. To test the model predictions, we compare the modeled fabric eigenvalues with horizontal eigenvalue differences inferred from radar measurements made near the EGRIP drill site.

How to cite: Rysager, L., Rathmann, N., Hvidberg, C., and Grinsted, A.: The coupled evolution of crystal orientation fabric and ice flow in ice streams, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8169,, 2024.

Lisa Craw, Michael Prior-Jones, Nicolas Rathmann, Jonathan Hawkins, Christine Dow, and Elizabeth Bagshaw

Field observations of ice flow properties on large temporal and spatial scales are vital to improve our understanding of ice sheet and glacier dynamics. However, we are currently limited in what we can observe, and on what timescales, with wired instrumentation and remote sensing. We present preliminary tests of wireless instrumentation to measure the kinematics and anisotropy of flowing ice.

We used a spherical probe ("cryoegg") emitting VHF radio waves to measure birefringence in 19 azimuthal directions around a borehole in the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). From these data we are able to infer information about crystal anisotropy in the ice in three dimensions, and compare with a transfer matrix radio propagation model. This is a significant improvement on previous monostatic radar methods, which are limited to observations of crystal orientations in the horizontal plane.

Additionally, we present initial observations of borehole tilt, temperature, pressure and conductivity from Donjek Glacier, Canada, collected using wireless borehole instruments ("cryowursts''). These data were transmitted through up to 170m of ice, and received at a solar-powered and satellite-enabled receiving station on the glacier surface. There is potential for these instruments to transmit data continuously from surging glaciers over multiple years.

These preliminary studies demonstrate new possibilities for collecting exciting long-term datasets for glaciology.

How to cite: Craw, L., Prior-Jones, M., Rathmann, N., Hawkins, J., Dow, C., and Bagshaw, E.: Eggs and sausages: wireless instrumentation for measuring ice anisotropy and kinematics, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10371,, 2024.

Ágnes Király, Clinton P. Conrad, Lars N. Hansen, Yijun Wang, and Ben Mather

Earth’s various layers – from the inner core to the cryosphere – exhibit mechanical anisotropy, meaning their properties depend on the direction in which forces are applied. In the upper mantle, the primary source of anisotropy is the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of olivine that is a result of sub-grain rotation during plastic deformation. The alignment of olivine grains allows the anisotropic behavior of single olivine crystals to add up leading to a macroscopic scale anisotropic viscosity (AV) linked to the CPO.

The role of anisotropic viscosity has been examined in various geodynamic scenarios. However, due to the computational complexity of the problem, there has not been a comprehensive integration of olivine CPO development with the linked anisotropic viscous behavior into geodynamic models. Here, we present an approach that directly derives anisotropic viscosity parameters from the orientation distribution (texture) of olivine grains.

Olivine polycrystals exhibit an orthotropic symmetry within the CPO’s reference frame, i.e., when the models' reference frame is aligned with the mean orientation of the olivine symmetry axes. In this case, AV can be characterized by six independent parameters, which are related to the Hill plastic yield criteria (Hill, 1948; Signorelli et al., 2021).  To determine these independent parameters, existing micromechanical models are employed, enabling the calculation of the stress required to achieve a specific strain rate on an aggregate. By applying the micromechanical model to a given texture, we can evaluate different strain rates and use the anisotropic constitutive equation (e.g. Signorelli et al., 2021) to fit the calculated strain rates with those employed in the micromechanical model, thereby identifying the best-fitting anisotropic parameters. However, simply applying this method inside a geodynamic model is too computationally costly. Thus, we built a large database (>10 000 entries) of textures occurring in geodynamic simulations, describing each texture with a set of scores derived from the orientation matrices of the three olivine symmetry axes. For each texture we applied the micromechanical model by Hansen et al., (2016), and used a minimum search function to find the best fitting AV parameters. Finally, linear regression models were utilized to establish a straightforward mapping of anisotropic parameters directly from a combination of textures scores. To determine which combination of texture scores provides the best outcome, we tested the results against both laboratory data and on a simple shear (numerical) experiment.

The approach presented here is advantageous for integrating anisotropic viscosity into 4D geodynamic models because it allows for a direct determination of the viscosity tensor from the evolving rock texture, saving a large amount of computational time.


Hansen, L.N., Conrad, C.P., Boneh, Y., Skemer, P., Warren, J.M., and Kohlstedt, D.L., 2016a, Viscous anisotropy of textured olivine aggregates: 2. Micromechanical model: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Hill, R., 1948, A theory of the yielding and plastic flow of anisotropic metals: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Signorelli, J., Hassani, R., Tommasi, A., and Mameri, L., 2021, An effective parameterization of texture-induced viscous anisotropy in orthotropic materials with application for modeling geodynamical flows

How to cite: Király, Á., Conrad, C. P., Hansen, L. N., Wang, Y., and Mather, B.: Direct estimation of anisotropic viscosity parameters using texture scores of olivine polycrystals, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11119,, 2024.

Kasra Amini, Yanan Chen, Christophe Ancey, Outi Tammisola, and Fredrik Lundell

Flow of lava, avalanches, mudslides, and many geophysical and planetary flow systems are examples of free-surface flows of Yield Stress Fluids (YSFs). This category of fluids is known for its dual behavior below- and above a yielding threshold for the applied shear stress on each fluid element. The material behaves as an amorphous elastic solid below the yielding threshold and fluidizes above it. This will lead to the presence of unyielded plug regions translating and rotating as solid-like segments within the yielded surrounding fluids. The existence of macroscopic particles in the fluid adds to the complexity of the flow setting. Transport of debris in the riverbeds and avalanches, dispersion of the cooled-down agglomerates of lava in the molten medium, and migration of solid material such as icy rocks in high pressure YSF-like, sub-terranean oceans of Europa (Jupiter’s moon) are among numerous natural examples of particle-laden flows of YSFs. To replicate the conditions experimentally, aqueous solutions of Carbopol with yield stress  are used in combination with hydrogel particles. The elastic hydrogel particles have been used in volume fractions φ = 0, 10, 20, and 30 % as mono- and duodispersed suspensions. The excellent refractive index matching of these elastic particles with Carbopol permits accurate recording of the illuminated flow field seeded with tracer particles for PIV measurements, without optical blockage of the macro particles in the optical path. Measurements are performed with channel inclinations ranging from zero to 18°, with controlled deployment of gate opening ranging from 3 cm (i.e. 50 % of the channel width) to a full open dam-break situation. Stream-wise PIV recordings of the transient and semi-steady field are complemented with span-wise recordings targeting statistical results on the particle migration and sedimentation. The results are put in context with the experiments on Newtonian and YSFs in free surface flumes containing rigid particles [1,2], as well as duct flow experiments on Carbopol with the same elastic particles [3].      


 [1] Christophe Ancey, Nicolas Andreini, Gaël Epely-Chauvin, The dam-break problem for concentrated suspensions of neutrally buoyant particles, J. Fluid Mech. (2013), vol. 724, pp. 95–122.

[2] G Rousseau, C Ancey, An experimental investigation of turbulent free-surface flows over a steep permeable bed, J. Fluid Mech. (2022), vol. 941, A51.

[3] Sagar Zade, Tafadzwa John Shamu, Fredrik Lundell, Luca Brandt, Finite-size spherical particles in a square duct flow of an elastoviscoplastic fluid: an experimental study, J. Fluid Mech. (2020), vol. 883, A6

How to cite: Amini, K., Chen, Y., Ancey, C., Tammisola, O., and Lundell, F.: Refractive Index Matched (RIM) PIV in Free Surface Flows of Particle-Laden Yield Stress Fluids, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12319,, 2024.

Jason Ott, Cailey Condit, Matej Pec, and Baptiste Journaux

The rheology and deformation mechanisms of mafic blueschists play a key role in the mechanical behavior of subducting oceanic crust in subduction zones. While mafic blueschists are often ubiquitous along the plate interface from the base of the seismogenic zone (~35 km) to the sub-arc depths (~100 km), the strength of this lithology still remains poorly constrained. Observations of blueschists from exhumed subduction terranes suggests that blueschist can accommodate significant strain, largely partitioned into the sodic amphibole glaucophane. However, it remains an open question whether the observed deformation is accommodated by dislocation or diffusion deformation processes.

We present microstructural and textural analyses to investigate the glaucophane fabric and deformation mechanisms in three naturally deformed blueschists exhumed from variable P-T conditions: (1) a lawsonite blueschist from the Catalina Schist (Santa Catalina Island, CA, USA), (2) higher-grade epidote blueschist from the Bandon blueschist (Bandon, OR, USA) and (3) an epidote-blueschist from the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Tinos, GR). We used electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) to interpret the textural and geochemical record of deformation mechanisms that were active during the subduction history of these exhumed blueschists. All three blueschists display well-developed foliations and lineations which are defined by interconnected layers of glaucophane. EBSD microstructural analysis of glaucophane in the samples reveals evidence of dislocation accommodated deformation including: (1) strong crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development, (2) intragranular orientation gradients, (3) activity of dislocation motion on multiple slip systems, and (4) subgrain boundary formation. Core-mantle structures in which the daughter grains display evidence of a weakened CPO inherited from the mother (core) grains imply the activity of subgrain boundary recrystallization in the samples. Taken together, this microstructural evidence implies that dislocation creep accommodated deformation was active in all three blueschists during their deformation history. SEM images and EDS maps of glaucophane reveal evidence of chemical zoning in grains with higher Ca and Al concentrations in the rims and along the walls of  (micro)fractures within the grains (Bandon, OR Sample). The Catalina lawsonite blueschist displays interspersed evidence of microfractures with higher concentrations of Fe and lower Al and Mg concentrations. This chemical zoning and microfractures suggest micro-boudinage and/or coupled dissolution-precipitation occurred in these samples, and that potential fluid-mediated diffusion accommodated deformation processes may be preserved in these two mafic blueschists. We leverage the relationships between the textural and chemical evidence in concert with P-T estimates for their host terranes to interpret the deformation histories of these samples during subduction and exhumation. Crosscutting relationships between the chemical zoning and intragranular orientation gradients in the samples suggests that dislocation-related deformation was prograde and predates diffusion-related processes which became active in the Catalina and Bandon samples at or near peak conditions and during retrogression. Together, these results suggest that glaucophane can readily deform by dislocation creep, and also record fluid-mediated processes during deformation.

How to cite: Ott, J., Condit, C., Pec, M., and Journaux, B.: Microstructural evidence of dislocation creep and diffusion accommodated deformation of glaucophane in naturally deformed lawsonite and epidote blueschists, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14104,, 2024.

Exploring the attenuation of ice at elevated confining pressure
David Goldsby, Travis Hager, and Ron Maor