GI6.5 | New frontiers of multiscale analysis, modeling and monitoring of environmental systems through remote and proximal sensing data
New frontiers of multiscale analysis, modeling and monitoring of environmental systems through remote and proximal sensing data
Convener: Raffaele Castaldo | Co-conveners: Grazia De Landro, Andrea Barone, Nemesio M. Pérez, Antonello Bonfante, Veronica Escobar-Ruiz
| Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 0.94/95
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X4
Orals |
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 14:00
Environmental systems often span spatial and temporal scales covering different orders of magnitude. The session is oriented toward collecting studies relevant to understand multiscale aspects of these systems and in proposing adequate multi-platform and inter-disciplinary surveillance networks monitoring tools systems. It is especially aimed to emphasize the interaction between environmental processes occurring at different scales. Special attention is devoted to the studies focused on the development of new techniques and integrated instrumentation for multiscale monitoring of high natural risk areas, such as volcanic, seismic, energy exploitation, slope instability, floods, coastal instability, climate changes, and another environmental context.
We expect contributions derived from several disciplines, such as applied geophysics, geology, seismology, geodesy, geochemistry, remote and proximal sensing, volcanology, geotechnical, soil science, marine geology, oceanography, climatology, and meteorology. In this context, the contributions in analytical and numerical modeling of geological and environmental processes and the inter-disciplinary studies that highlight the multiscale properties of natural processes are welcome.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 0.94/95

Chairpersons: Raffaele Castaldo, Nemesio M. Pérez, Antonello Bonfante
On-site presentation
Eleazar Padrón, Fiazah Hussain, Igraine Mansfield, Gladys V. Melián, Ana Gironés, María Asensio-Ramos, José Barrancos, Fátima Rodríguez, Germán D. Padilla, Pedro A. Hernández, Nemesio M. Pérez, and Antonio J. Álvarez

La Palma Island is located in the northwest of the Canary Islands. Volcanic activity at La Palma in the last 123 ka has taken place exclusively at Cumbre Vieja volcano located at the southern part, which is characterized by a main north–south rift zone 20 km long and up to 1950 m in elevation. Cumbre Vieja covers an area of 220 km2 with vents located also at the northwest and northeast. On 19 September 2021, a new eruption began at the west flank of Cumbre Vieja volcano: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption. It resulted in a fissure and powerful strombolian eruption with a magnitude VEI = 3 (Bonadonna et al., 2022), the longest volcanic event on the island during the last 600 years and the most important eruption of Europe during the last 75 years in terms of the significant amount of SO2 released (Burton et al., 2023). Since no visible degassing (fumaroles, etc.) at Cumbre Vieja occurred before the eruption, the geochemical program for the volcanic surveillance has been mainly focused on diffuse degassing monitoring. Diffuse CO2 emission surveys have been yearly performed in summer to minimize the influence of meteorological variations with continuous surveillance diffuse CO2 surveys during periods with anomalous seismic activity and during the eruptive and post-eruptive periods. Diffuse CO2 emission is measured following the accumulation chamber method in about 600 sites and later spatial distribution maps are constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs). Important increases in the diffuse CO2 emission rate were observed after the occurrence of several seismic swarms registered in 2017 and 2020, caused by an upward magma migration from an ephemeral magmatic reservoir. During the eruptive period (18 September – 13 December 2021), the diffuse CO2 emission rate showed a sustained increase up to the maximum value of the series: 4,573 ± 284 t/d in 15 December 2021. After the eruption, the time series showed a rapid decline until background values were recovered in March 2022. Diffuse CO2 emission surveys has demonstrated to be an important monitoring tool that contributes to detect early warning signals in the volcanic activity of Cumbre Vieja and to track the depressurization of magma batches beneath the volcanic system during seismo-volcanic unrest and eruptive episodes.

Bonadonna et al. (2022). J.  Geophys. Res: Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB025302.

Burton et al. (2023). Communications Earth & Environment, 4:467.

How to cite: Padrón, E., Hussain, F., Mansfield, I., Melián, G. V., Gironés, A., Asensio-Ramos, M., Barrancos, J., Rodríguez, F., Padilla, G. D., Hernández, P. A., Pérez, N. M., and Álvarez, A. J.: Geochemical monitoring of Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands) by soil CO2 degassing surveys from 2001 to 2023 , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13186,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno, Michèle Roberta Lavagna, Demetrio Labate, Stefan Vlad Tudor, Andrea Masini, Paola De Carlo, Vito Romaniello, Malvina Silvestri, and Camille Pirat

Monitor changes in volcanic activity is crucial to understand signs of an impending eruption. Satellite data provide a very effective tool to study active volcanoes remotely and to understand their evolution by analyzing different parameters in spatial and temporal dimensions. During the last two decades’ large progress has been done in volcanic remote sensing to measure temperatures and gas emissions, further developments are expected over the next decade considering the new planned space missions: ESA-LSTM, NASA/ASI-SBG, CNES/ISRO TRISHNA and other mission studies that include thermal infrared sensors. This work aims to present the development of a satellite mission study: “Vulcain” which regards a new CubeSat mission for Earth Observation dedicated to study volcanoes. The project is supervised by the European Space Agency (ESA) and coordinated by the Polytechnic of Milan with the support of five Italian partners (INGV, Leonardo Spa, Flysight srl, Leaf Space srl, Technology for Propulsion and Innovation srl).The project involves the construction of two 12U nanosatellites flying in formation. Each satellite is equipped with 2 instruments an RGB camera and a multispectral thermal camera with four channels in the 8-12 µm spectral range. The main scientific objectives are focus on measure, on a selected number of worldwide active volcanoes, the surface temperatures, sulfur dioxide emissions, to combine VIS-TIR data to enhance the spatial resolution and adding morphological analysis using the stereoscopic capability of the two nanosatellites.

How to cite: Buongiorno, M. F., Lavagna, M. R., Labate, D., Tudor, S. V., Masini, A., De Carlo, P., Romaniello, V., Silvestri, M., and Pirat, C.: Cubesat mission “vulcain” to monitor volcanoes thermal activity and gas emissions , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16576,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francesco Mercogliano, Andrea Barone, Luca D'Auria, Raffaele Castaldo, Malvina Silvestri, Eliana Bellucci Sessa, Teresa Caputo, Daniela Stroppiana, Stefano Caliro, and Pietro Tizzani

Thermal InfraRed (TIR) Remote Sensing is a well-consolidated approach to detect ground thermal anomalies for geological, environmental and urban scenarios. Specifically, several methodologies have been developed for the TIR imagery analysis to retrieve the Land Surface Temperature (LST) and describe the thermal state of the Earth’s surface. In volcanic frameworks, the analysis of LST time series represents a valid tool for a fast characterization of the shallow thermal field, supporting the surveillance networks in monitoring their status, specifically for the areas inaccessible because of the high volcanic hazard.

Here, we propose a workflow to detect the thermal patterns in volcanic areas by analyzing time series of satellite TIR images using the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique. In particular, the first step of the workflow relies on the retrieval of LST time series from Landsat-8 (L8) TIR nighttime acquisitions, which have spatial and temporal resolutions equal to 100 m and 16 days, respectively, acceptable for our purposes. We selected the nighttime images because they allow us to reduce the exogenous effects, as well as those related to the solar radiation. Therefore, we estimate the LST parameter by considering the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) based on the use of a single thermal band, as long as having the surface emissivity and the atmospheric information about the investigated area. The second step of the considered workflow deals with the application of the ICA method to the retrieved LST time series to identify the statistically independent components (ICs) of the LST multivariate dataset.

We verify the robustness of the proposed workflow by analyzing the volcanic site of Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy), which represents a well-suitable case study for the occurrence of several endogenous and exogenous phenomena. We first achieved the 2013 – 2022 LST time series and subsequently analyzed the four components identified by the ICA. We compare these main thermal patterns with other available independent datasets, for example, the seismicity, the ground deformation field and the depth of the water table in the area, proving: (i) the existence of a positive thermal anomaly at the Solfatara crater with endogenous nature; (ii) the occurrence of exogenous processes at the Agnano plain; (iii) the existence of peculiar climatic pattern at the Astroni crater.

In conclusion, we remark that the proposed methodology allows the identification of the nature of thermal anomalies, even for complex volcanic scenarios where several processes of different nature occur interfering with each other.

How to cite: Mercogliano, F., Barone, A., D'Auria, L., Castaldo, R., Silvestri, M., Bellucci Sessa, E., Caputo, T., Stroppiana, D., Caliro, S., and Tizzani, P.: Remote detection of Thermal Anomalies at Campi Flegrei caldera via Independent Component Analysis (ICA)., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7767,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Simon Plank, Emanuele Ciancia, Nicola Genzano, Nicola Pergola, Alfredo Falconieri, Sandro Martinis, and Francesco Marchese

Late’iki, formerly called Metis Shoal, and Home Reef are two active volcanoes located close to each other with a distance of approx. 23 km. Both volcanoes belong to the Tonga Volcanic Arc, west of the Tonga Trench in the South Pacific. During eruption processes, both volcanoes have produced ephemeral islands multiple times. The youngest volcanic islands were formed at Late’iki (called New Late’iki) during an eruption in mid-October 2019 and at Home Reef in September/October 2022. New Late’iki survived two months only, while the island at Home Reef survived over one year. Moreover, its area was even extended during a second eruption phase in September to November 2023. In this study, we analysed time series of multi-sensor satellite data in order to investigate the different evolution of the two youngest islands formed by the neighbouring volcanoes in 2019 and 2022, respectively. The information about the evolution of New Late’iki is taken from Plank et al. (2020), while recent multi-sensor satellite data have been analysed for the 2022/23 Home Reef eruption. Both islands, New Late’iki 2019 and Home Reef (2022), were formed during one single eruption phase. Analysis of MODIS and VIIRS visual and thermal data showed a 12-days long lasting eruption phase at New Late’iki in mid-October 2019 during which the island reached a maximum area of about 21,000 m² (measured by Sentinel-2). Six weeks later, New Late’iki Island was completely reclaimed by the sea. The 2022 eruption at Home Reef was three times longer and produced an island with a maximum area of approx. 54,900 m² (as measured on 8 October 2022). Comparing the evolution of the total island’s area, we see a 13 times faster erosion rate at New Late’iki compared to the one at Home Reef (until the beginning of the second eruption phase in September 2023). What caused the different evolution of the two neighbouring volcanic islands? Here, we will show how analysis of very high resolution (VHR) TerraSAR-X Starring Spotlight data (25 cm spatial resolution) supported by short wave infrared (SWIR) data from Sentinel-3 and HR imagery from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8/9 satellites acquired over Home Reef provides more details to a better understanding of the evolution of volcanic islands. VHR radar data clearly shows a blocky structure developed at Home Reef, typical for a lava dome, i.e. very hard material robust against erosion. VHR TerraSAR-X data also enables to differentiate between the lava dome and the newly developed beach of unconsolidated material that was previously eroded from the lava dome.



Plank, S., Marchese, F., Genzano, N., Nolde, M. & Martinis, S. (2020): The short life of the volcanic island New Late’iki (Tonga) analyzed by multi-sensor remote sensing data. Scientific Reports 10, 22293.

How to cite: Plank, S., Ciancia, E., Genzano, N., Pergola, N., Falconieri, A., Martinis, S., and Marchese, F.: The different evolution of recently grown volcanic islands in Tonga: two neighbouring volcanoes New Late‘iki and Home Reef, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10354,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Massimo Musacchio, Malvina Silvestri, Titi Melis, Federico Rabuffi, Marco Casu, and Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno

A comparative analysis was conducted between the data acquired by ASI-PRISMA (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana-PRecursore IperSpet-trale della Missione Applicativa) and DLR-EnMAP (German Aerospace Center - Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program), along with field spectrometer measurements. The chosen test site, situated at the 'Sale’e Porcus' pond in Western Sardinia, Italy, exhibits notable homogeneity, rendering it an ideal location for calibration purposes. The two agencies, ASI and DLR, acquired three remote sensing data acquisitions from July 14th(DLR-EnMAP), 15th (ASI-PRISMA) and 22nd (DLR-EnMAP) 2023. On the data acquired on July 22nd, DLR-EnMAP showed an overestimation of radiance in the VNIR region compared to both ASI-PRISMA (15th July) and the DLR-EnMAP data (14th July). However, all datasets closely align up to 2500 nm across all the considered days. Despite a slight time acquisition difference of 8 days, the relative mean difference between reflectance values estimated by ASI-PRISMA and DLR-EnMAP on the test area is approximately 5%. The maximum relative difference occurs at the spectral range's beginning and end, reaching around 10%. The study delves into the relationship between the averaged ground truth reflectance values characterizing the test site and the reflectance values derived from official catalogues. FieldSpec measurements validate the quality of reflectance estimations for both ASI-PRISMA and DLR-EnMAP.

How to cite: Musacchio, M., Silvestri, M., Melis, T., Rabuffi, F., Casu, M., and Buongiorno, M. F.: Sardinia Salty Pond area for CAL/VAL activities for supporting hyperspectral orbiting mission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5015,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrea Vitale, Carmine Cutaneo, Maurizio Buonanno, and Antonello Bonfante

Within a vineyard, the variation in plant water status is intricately tied to the spatial variability of the soil, where the physical attributes of the soil govern the processes shaping the soil water balance. As the soil and its characteristics exhibit inhomogeneity, horizontally and vertically, the productivity and qualitative response within the vineyard become less uniform. In this context, employing proximal sensing to gauge the apparent soil Electrical Conductivity (ECa) and monitoring it throughout the growing season becomes instrumental in understanding the nature of spatial variability within the vineyard. This not only aids in viticultural microzoning, identifying Homogeneous and functional Homogeneous Zones (HZs and fHZs), but also supports field experiments.

We propose a machine learning approach that works as a predictive model for soil ECa, involving spatially predicting ECa based on discrete measurements obtained from a network of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) probes capable of measuring ECa. This methodology enables the spatial prediction of ECa values across the surveyed area. The main purpose is to create a process that using multiscale and multiplatform measurements helps the farmer monitoring and interacting with the crop in a better way, reducing resources and improving the crop productivity.

Records on soil and atmosphere systems, in-vivo plant monitoring of eco-physiological parameters in 2020 and 2021, and spatial variability of plant status monitored through UAV multispectral images were used to test this approach, on a Greco di Tufo grapevines (white) in southern Italy. The apparent EC measurements were obtained using a PROFILER EMP 400 in both dipole modes and with 3 different frequencies (5, 10 and 15 kHz), exploring different depths of the soil.

The predictive model shown a good performance, with results that are in good agreement with previous knowledge of the area.

How to cite: Vitale, A., Cutaneo, C., Buonanno, M., and Bonfante, A.: Advances in monitoring vineyard with multiscale and multiplatform data for precision agriculture systems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19319,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bo Ram Kim, Chol Young Lee, and Tae Hoon Kim

As problems regarding the impact of marine debris on the marine environment emerge, research is being conducted to address the management of various types of marine debris, including coastal, floating, and sedimentation. In the case of Korea, which has a peninsula-shaped topography surrounded by the sea on three sides, significant damage from coastal debris occurs every year, and a national-level management plan is being prepared for this. Recently, to investigate the various types of beaches in Korea, coastal debris surveys using remote sensing devices such as UAV, CCTV, satellites, and mobile devices are being conducted. However, unlike human surveys where clear standards for coastal debris surveys using remote sensing devices are defined, research is needed to establish uniform standards. Therefore, in this study, we examined the optimal coastal debris survey method for each device and the application of artificial intelligence for automated recognition to establish the consistency of coastal debris survey methods using remote sensing devices and the validity of survey standards. The research method involved analyzing guidelines and previous research cases and applying visual intelligence using data collected from actual sea areas. First, we decided to use UAV, CCTV, and mobile devices for coastal debris investigation and research using existing marine debris monitoring guidelines, and derived data collection methods for each device by referencing the human-collected coastal debris investigation method. Additionally, for the analysis of previous research cases, a meta-analysis was performed using the above research papers on coastal debris using remote sensing devices, and trends in the field of coastal debris investigation by device were confirmed. In addition, coastal debris data were collected using remote sensing devices in various actual sea areas (stones, plants, sand, etc.) to qualitatively confirm the degree of object recognition and confirm differences by geographical characteristics of the coastal. Lastly, artificial intelligence provided visual information. We conducted a review of automated recognition methods other than human-eye recognition by applying it to the field of visual intelligence that uses information delivered using. Finally, we verified the unique characteristics of each remote sensing device, such as spatial resolution and available time, and extracted information such as the size that can recognize objects and the degree of color recognition. We also extracted coastal debris suitable for the device, such as the number of survey personnel required, monitoring cycle, and suitable target waters. Monitoring considerations were derived. By combining coastal debris survey considerations, we proposed criteria for coastal debris surveys, including device selection according to survey purpose and data collection methods for each device according to survey method, and used the proposed standards to collect coastal debris survey data using visual intelligence. As a result of its application, it had a positive impact. The results of this study are meaningful in suggesting guidelines for selecting a survey method according to Korean coastal areas with diverse geographical characteristics and debris distribution, and are expected to be helpful in supporting various decision-making for coastal surveys.

How to cite: Kim, B. R., Lee, C. Y., and Kim, T. H.: A Study on Establishing Monitoring Standards for Coastal Debris using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8647,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jacob Hirschberg, Valentin Tertius Bickel, and Jordan Aaron

Debris flows are destructive mixtures of water and sediments. In mountain regions, debris flows are a relevant hazard as they threaten people and infrastructure. They move with rapid to extremely-rapid velocities, and often feature a coarse-grained front followed by a liquefied tail. Recently developed LiDAR sensors allow for long-term monitoring of debris-flow dynamics at high spatial (<2 cm) and temporal (10 Hz) resolution in the field, and provide the necessary high-quality data to improve our fundamental understanding of the complex debris-flow behavior.

Here, we present a framework for object detection in debris flows using deep learning algorithms which are trained on 2D camera images, and the results were then fused with LiDAR data to obtain 3D information. We used the YOLOv5 architecture to train a detector of breaking and diffuse surge waves, woody debris, boulders and rolling boulders. The detected objects were then tracked using the SORT algorithm. By subsequently reprojecting the image detections and tracks on the point clouds, 3D information such as velocity was determined. The detector performs very well on the different surge wave types with mean average precisions exceeding 0.9 in the test dataset. The other object types such as woody debris are more difficult to detect and track but still result in mean average precisions around 0.7. Finally, we show how surge waves interact with other objects of the flow by speeding them up and increasing their potential destructive impact. Continued monitoring and application of this method to more debris-flow events will result in an extensive dataset, which would be nearly impossible to obtain with a human operator only. Ultimately, our work will help to improve our understanding of debris-flow dynamics and reduce the hazard associated with this destructive process.

How to cite: Hirschberg, J., Bickel, V. T., and Aaron, J.: 3D object detection and tracking in debris flows with cameras and LiDARs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9125,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nunzia Monte, Francesco Bucci, Michele Santangelo, Paola Reichenbach, Lucio Di Matteo, and Ivan Marchesini

The increasing availability of computational resources and the widespread use of distributed and parallel computing applications, enable the possible application of physically distributed geo-hydrological models at regional and national scales. However, the potential use of these models is constrained by the lack of data on the geotechnical and lithologic characteristics of rocks and materials. In a recent study, Bucci et al. (2022) published a lithological map of Italy at a 1:100k scale with the specific aim of facilitating the modelling of geo-hydrological phenomena. However, the lithologies on the map are not associated with values or ranges of values of the most important geotechnical parameters relevant to slope stability assessment such as: porosity, influencing soil permeability and drainage capacity, and cohesion and angle of friction, which contribute to defining the soil's resistance to erosion.

An ongoing work at CNR-IRPI, is aimed at assessing whether and how many of the lithotypes presented in Bucci et al. map (2022) can be characterized from a geotechnical perspective and with what level of precision. More than 100 articles published in indexed journals were examined, to extract information on cohesion, friction angle, and porosity for more than108 different lithotypes.

Most of the articles report data obtained through laboratory tests, field experiments, or empirical approaches. The minority of the articles, uses bibliographic sources, or provides data obtained in a mixed manner. The values of cohesion, friction angle, and porosity obtained and assigned to different lithological classes reveal, as expected, significant variability. The range of the values can be attributed to various factors, including: (i) assumptions made to assign specific rocks, formations, or soils to the (few) lithological classes present in the 1:100k map; (ii) the diversity of geological conditions in which lithotypes are formed; (iii) methods and approaches in data acquisition, and (iv) the natural variability of material characteristics.

The results will allow to better characterize or subdivide the lithotypes shown in the cartography by Bucci et al. (2022), with the purpose to reduce uncertainty regarding the values of geotechnical parameters that can be used in physics-based slope stability models.


F. Bucci , M. Santangelo, L. Fongo , M. Alvioli , M. Cardinali, L. Melelli , and I. Marchesini . A new digital lithological map of Italy at the 1 : 100 000 scale for geomechanical modelling. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 4129–4151, 2022


How to cite: Monte, N., Bucci, F., Santangelo, M., Reichenbach, P., Di Matteo, L., and Marchesini, I.: Geotechnical Characterization of theLithological Map of Italy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11460,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Abdelmajeed A. Elrasheed and Szilárd Szabó

Lithological mapping is vital approach in a variety of geological applications such as mineral exploration, study and understand the origin and tectonic setting for the area under investigation. However, it’s challenging to conduct this task in the traditional way mainly in remote areas characterised by rugged topography such as Red Sea. Recently, the integration of remote sensing and machine learning provide an effective quick and low-cost approach in lithological mapping. The aim of this research was to compare the potentiality of Landsat 9 multi-spectral and PRISMA hyperspectral remote sensing data in lithological mapping in Red Sea Area, N-E Sudan. We employed Random Forest (RF) and Naïve Bayes (NB) machine learning algorithms. The study area is covered mainly by; Ophiolite, Meta-volcanic, Marble, Granitoids, Altered rocks and superficial deposits. The results showed that, PRISMA hyperspectral data obtained better classification result compare to the Landsat 9 multi-spectral data using both classifiers. Also, our finding proved that, RF out performance NB in the multi- and hyperspectral datasets. E.g.  NB classifier gave Kappa 0.90 and 0.80 while RF provided 0.95 and 0.90 for PRISMA and Landsat 9 respectively. Moreover, the OA was 0.96 and 0.92 for PRISMA and 0.92 and 0.83 for Landsat 9. We firmly recommend this approach as an effective method for mapping lithology in the area where the rocks are cropped out and free vegetation cover regions.


Abdelmajeed A. Elrasheed is funded by the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship under the joint executive program between Hungary and Sudan.

The study was elaborated under the research project NKFI K138079.

How to cite: Elrasheed, A. A. and Szabó, S.: Comparing the Capability of Multi- and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data in Lithological Mapping Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study from Sudan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5443,, 2024.

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X4

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Andrea Barone, Veronica Escobar-Ruiz, Raffaele Castaldo
Marco Dionigi, Bianca Bonaccorsi, Enzo Rizzo, Paola Boldrin, Valeria Giampaolo, Gregory De Martino, Augusto Benigni, and Silvia Barbetta

Earthen levees represent one of the most common structural measures used to reduce the severe effects of flood events. The hydraulic risk assessment on the flood-prone areas is typically achieved by assuming the levee system undamaged during floods, but the levees can fail due to different collapse mechanisms, among which overtopping and seepage/piping, due to infiltration process through the levee body and foundation, are the most frequent.
The monitoring of the levee status through techniques such as geophysical methods is fundamental to gather data for levee vulnerability analysis and to evaluate in real-time the possible happening of a breach formation.
In this context, this study describes a practical procedure for assessing levee vulnerability to seepage and an experimental monitoring system to be developed for an earthen levee along the Tatarena stream, located in the Umbria Region, central Italy. The selected area was damaged in 2020 by a levee failure due to the presence of animal burrows.
The monitoring system is based on combined geophysical methods: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Methods (FDEM). These methods collect different geophysical parameters (i.e. electrical conductivity and permittivity) that are correlated to the main hydraulic characteristics of the investigated subsoil, such as porosity, water content, permeability. Therefore, the geophysical methods could provide useful information on water infiltration process, making it possible to check the hydraulic status of the levees that is fundamental to identify possible critical conditions.
The work was carried out in two steps: 1) levee characterization; 2) monitoring system design and implementation.
First, the levee (approximately 570 m long) was analyzed using GPR, FDEM and ERT methods. The GPR (Dual-frequency antenna 300-800MhZ) was acquired by running profiles approximately 50 m long, defining a high-resolution image up to 2.0 m deep, while the electromagnetic method (Profiler EMP-400) through a continuous profile. The ERT is long 320m and a multichannel system with 72 electrodes (Syscal Pro instrument) and an electrode spacing of 1m was used. Therefore, an optimized roll – along protocol allowed to acquire a series of profiles (n.10) with 24 shift electrodes approach. All acquired data were elaborated and inverted (ZondRes2D software) to obtain the final electrical resistivity image. All the geophysical results highlighted an integrated interpretation allowing to define the characteristics of the levee and to optimally design the monitoring system.
Second, a monitoring system has been designed. It comprises a longitudinal ERT, consisting of 96 electrodes spaced 0.5 m (total length of 47.5 m). Cross-sectional ERTs are planned to be placed along two sections, located 19 m and 28.5 m from the beginning of the longitudinal ERT, consisting of 24 electrodes spaced 0.5 m (total length of 11.5 m).
In addition, a continuous self-potential measurement system is foreseen based on 40 electrodes located at a mean distance of 1.5 m (total system length 60 m).
The data recorded during the monitoring period will be used to assess the reliability of the estimate derived through the practical procedure.

How to cite: Dionigi, M., Bonaccorsi, B., Rizzo, E., Boldrin, P., Giampaolo, V., De Martino, G., Benigni, A., and Barbetta, S.: Assessing the earthen levees’ vulnerability through practical procedure and different monitoring techniques: the experimental site along the Tatarena stream, central Italy., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5884,, 2024.

Afiq Hellmy, Faruq Aripin, Rasid Jaapar, Zakaria Mohamad, Ros Fatihah Muhammad, and Rohayu Che Omar

The characterization of discontinuities in rock slopes has traditionally been a time-consuming and expensive endeavor, the physical mapping itself involves extended stages as engineering geologists document key characteristics of the slope's discontinuities. Analyzing these discontinuities and determining their orientations are crucial for assessing the overall stability of a rock mass. However, recent advancements in remote sensing techniques such as UAV LiDAR, Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and iPhone 15 Pro LiDAR have revolutionized this process. Now, it is possible to remotely collect highly detailed point cloud data of a rock slope within a few hours and at significantly safe environment. These methods yield 3D point clouds and high-resolution images of rock outcrops, enabling the creation of three-dimensional reconstructions. The availability of such data has created new opportunities for collecting and assessing information about discontinuity characteristics, particularly geometric properties such as dip, dip direction, spacing, and persistence of joints in a rock slope. This paper presents a comprehensive review on capabilities of respective approach to characterize discontinuities on a rock slope, along with limitations and the advantages. In this study, several representative rock slopes underwent surveys using various techniques, including TLS, UAV LiDAR, and iPhone 15 Pro LiDAR. A comparative analysis of the results was conducted to determine the effectiveness of these new digital surveying and analysis approaches. The results of the study demonstrate better characterization of discontinuities by TLS with minor setbacks such occlusion and orientation bias during data collection. UAV LiDAR information provides comprehensive coverage of the rock outcrop with fewer point cloud density, while the LiDAR data acquisition from iPhone 15 Pro is limited to a specific distance from the rock slope. Indeed, the integration of these three approaches provides more inclusive analysis and characterization of rock discontinuities as each method compliments one another in terms of strength and limitation in characterizing rock slopes at various scales.

How to cite: Hellmy, A., Aripin, F., Jaapar, R., Mohamad, Z., Muhammad, R. F., and Che Omar, R.: Comparative Study of UAV LiDAR, Terrestrial Laser Scanner, and iPhone 15 Pro LiDAR in Rock Discontinuities Characterization for Rockfall Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7226,, 2024.

Francesco Guglielmino, Giuseppe Puglisi, and Alessandro Spata

In recent years, great efforts have been made by the research community to define and improve computational methods aimed at integrating DInSAR and GNSS data to estimate three-dimensional (3D) ground displacements maps. In particular, the SISTEM method (Guglielmino et al., 2011), which was the first that used the Strain Model (SM) to solve 3D deformations by combining GNSS and DInSAR data, has been both widely utilized and continuously improved since its proposal.

In this work, we propose the SISTEM PLUS method, an evolution of the original SISTEM method achieved through the adoption of a second order Strain Model.

The SISTEM PLUS method, like the original SISTEM one, is a linear in the parameters model solved by using the weighted least square (WLS). The usage of a second order Strain Model has yielded the following main advantages: a notable improvement in results accuracy and the provision of a mathematical framework for the effective integration of tilt measurements, in addition to DInSAR and GNSS data.

On the other hand, the usage of a second order Strain Model increases the complexity of this new method compared to the original SISTEM. Specifically, the SISTEM PLUS method requires the estimation of a greater number of unknown variables, which in turn, necessitates a larger set of available data to achieve robust estimations.

The proposed methodology was tested on both synthetic and experimental data, these last from GNSS and DInSAR measurements carried out on Campi Flegrei area during the 2016-2023 period. In order to appreciate the precision achieved on experimental test results, the estimated standard errors computed by Weight Last Square are provided. These new tests also allowed optimising the choice of specific parameters of the algorithm.

Currently the SISTEM PLUS method allows integration of DInSAR data taken from different geometries and different SAR sensors, (e.g. SENTINEL1, ALOS or CSK) and different kind of in situ data (GNSS, Levelling EDM and Tilt). We emphasize that, as the SISTEM PLUS method performs data integration through the resolution of a system of linear in the parameters strain model based equations, each equation being specific for a particular type of data, it has the built-in capability to integrate additional datasets, such as strain-meter and Distributed Fiber Optics to name a few. This is accomplished defining and adding a suitable set of additional strain model based equations, specifically tailored for the new datasets to be integrated, into the system of equations to be solved.

These potentialities will be fully exploited in future developments of the presented methods.

How to cite: Guglielmino, F., Puglisi, G., and Spata, A.: SISTEM PLUS: a second order Strain Model based method to integrate DInSAR and terrestrial geodetic data., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9586,, 2024.

Lorena Abad

Landscapes and geomorphic landforms are in constant change, where dynamic processes drive their evolution over time. Assessing these changes allows us to understand landscape patterns and interrelations. Further, monitoring the evolution of landforms related to natural hazards, like proglacial lakes, volcanic lava flows, landslides or gully erosion, is important for disaster risk prevention and mitigation. Advances in remote sensing techniques, such as data cubes, and the vast amounts of Earth observation data, allows the study of landscape dynamics. The gridded nature of data cubes facilitates the analysis of long time series of data at specific pixel locations. Despite their advantages, this type of queries over time ignore the spatial context of said pixel, focusing on a very limited portion of the area under study. Moving from a pixel to an object representation can improve the analysis of landscape dynamics, specially for geomorphological analyses, where landforms change their shape over time. Feature extraction techniques, such as object-based image analysis and deep learning, can aid with the detection of geomorphological features at different points in time. But once we transition from a coverage-based (array format) to a feature-based (vector format) data representation, the query and analysis advantages of a data cube are lost.

In this study, we explore the applicability of vector data cubes as a way to organise, analyse and visualise geomorphic landforms with changing geometries. The challenge lies on the changing shapes of the geomorphological features. At the implementation level, array-based and tabular representations are tested to build the data cubes. The approach is applied to volcanic lava flows as exemplary geomorphic landform. Further, the integration of vector data cube structures with raster data cubes are explored to aggregate information derived from Earth observation data over the landform geometries. The aggregation approach allows for further landform characterisation, matching the extracted data with consideration of the spatial and temporal properties of the landform. We believe that the usage of vector data cube representations could advance the spatio-temporal analysis and monitoring of landscapes and landforms, benefiting different disciplines related to the geosciences.

How to cite: Abad, L.: Geomorphic landform monitoring with raster and vector data cubes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10019,, 2024.

Aarón Álvarez Hernández, Emily Stoker, Danilo Borges Neves, Ángel Reyes López, Víctor Ortega Ramos, María Jiménez-Mejías, David Martínez van Dorth, Rubén García, Luca D’Auria, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Gravimetry and self-potential are passive geophysical techniques that can contribute to volcanic monitoring. The gravimetric method measures variations in the Earth's gravitational field due to density changes, which could be caused, for example, by magmatic intrusions and fluid accumulation. On the other hand, the spontaneous potential methods measure variations in the natural electric potential generated by the circulation of hydrothermal fluids related to the volcano dynamics. This technique is very useful to delineate the areas affected by hydrothermal activity. Combining both methods offers an integral perspective by detecting variations in mass distribution and natural electrical phenomena within the volcano. Therefore, their application allows us to see changes in the subsurface due to volcanic activity.

Applying these geophysical techniques in an active volcanic area could help better understand the temporal evolution of the volcanic activity. In this context, Tenerife represents the perfect scenario for applying these methods. This island consists of three ancient inactive volcanic systems (Anaga, Teno and Roques del Conde) located at the ends of the island, connected by three young rift zones to the center of the island where a giant volcanic caldera, known as Las Cañadas, is located. Inside the caldera and dominating the horizon is the Teide stratovolcano, which has a height of 3718 meters. The crater of Teide hosts intense hydrothermal activity with fumarole and relevant diffuse degassing.

For this purpose, since 2018, several gravimetric and spontaneous potential campaigns have been conducted each month on the island: from one side, 60 points spread over the three volcanic ridges, the caldera and the volcanic edifice of Teide were measured using a CG-6 Autograv™ Gravity Meter from SCINTREX. From the other side, 38 points distributed inside Teide’s crater were measured using a V-FullWaver datalogger from IRIS Instruments. The preliminary results show stable values for gravity, while for spontaneous potential, there are significant variations of the geoelectrical values due to variations in the hydrothermal activity.

We show how the continuous measurement of these parameters in time could contribute to the early identification of potential volcanic events in Tenerife, which is considered the island with the highest volcanic risk in the Canary Islands.

How to cite: Álvarez Hernández, A., Stoker, E., Neves, D. B., Reyes López, Á., Ortega Ramos, V., Jiménez-Mejías, M., Martínez van Dorth, D., García, R., D’Auria, L., and Pérez, N. M.: Gravity and spontaneous potential studies for volcano monitoring in Tenerife (Canary Islands), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14878,, 2024.

Giovanni Ludeno, Matteo Antuono, Caludio Lugni, Pasquale Contestabile, Diego Vicinanza, Ilaria Catapano, Giuseppe Esposito, Francesco Soldovieri, and Gianluca Gennarelli

Coastal regions are vital for human settlements since they significantly contribute to the prosperity of numerous nations. However, their vulnerability to factors like erosion and pollution necessitates constant vigilance and proactive measures. Deltas, bays, and gulfs are particularly susceptible, facing risks from natural forces and human activities, demanding ongoing management strategies. In this context, the prediction of the wave dynamics interaction with the coastline and the seabed bathymetry plays a fundamental role. To obtain reliable forecasts about sea conditions, the numerical models for wave propagation necessitate accurate initial and boundary data from real-scale motions, as well as a fine-grain representation of the seabed bathymetry, which plays a major role in dispersion and refraction phenomena. However, these prediction models need to be calibrated with accurate information about the sea state in the area under test. Usually, such information is provided by in-situ sensors (e.g. wave buoys) and remote sensing devices (e.g. radars, video-monitoring systems) [1]. Remote sensing instruments are often preferred because they allow overcoming the main limitation of in-situ devices, that is the impossibility to provide spatial and temporal information about the sea state. Among the available remote sensing technologies, radar systems such as High Frequency and marine radar, have proven to be effective in measuring the wave spectra and retrieving the sea state information in coastal areas [2]. However, the major limitation of the aforementioned systems is related to their impossibility to retrieve spatial information about sea state very close to the coastline.

As a possible solution to such an issue, this communication aims at presenting the main activities and preliminary results achieved in the frame of the Italian PRIN-PNRR 2022 Project SEAWATCH - Short rangE K-bAnd Wave rAdar sysTem Close to tHe coast. Specifically, the SEAWATCH project, which started in December 2023, aims at expanding the capabilities of wave radar technology by developing an innovative short range K-band radar prototype that is suitable to perform sea state monitoring very close to the coastline. Thanks to its small size, weight, and low power supply, the proposed system is portable and allows performing on-demand surveys [3]. In this perspective, SEAWACTH addresses the safety of human life and structures in harbour and coastal zones. Finally, the developed system is expected to provide an improvement in the knowledge of the wave phenomena nearby the coast that, actually, are considered open issues in the scientific community.


[1] P. Neill, M. Reza Hashemi, Chapter 7 - In Situ and Remote Methods for Resource Characterization, Editor(s): Simon P. Neill, M. Reza Hashemi, In E-Business Solutions, Fundamentals of Ocean Renewable Energy, Academic Press, 2018, Pages 157-191.

[2] Ludeno, M. Uttieri, Editorial for SI “Radar Technology for Coastal Areas and Open Sea Monitoring” JMSE, 2020, 8, 560.

[3] Gennarelli, et al. (2022). 24 GHz FMCW MIMO radar for marine target localization: A feasibility study. IEEE Access,10, 68240-68256.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported and funded by the EU—NextGenerationEU PNRR Missione 4— C2 Investimento 1.1, PRIN—SEAWATCH—Short-rangE K-bAnd Wave rAdar sysTem Close to tHe coast (B53D23023940001), and partially funded by the research project STRIVE (B53C22010110001).

How to cite: Ludeno, G., Antuono, M., Lugni, C., Contestabile, P., Vicinanza, D., Catapano, I., Esposito, G., Soldovieri, F., and Gennarelli, G.: Enhancing Coastal Monitoring: Short-Range K-Band Radar for Sea State Observation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15923,, 2024.

Sergio Sciré Scappuzzo, Gianluca Lazzaro, Manfredi Longo, Walter D'Alessandro, Fausto Grassa, Agostino Semprebello, Paraskevi Nomikou, Paraskevi Polymenakou, Andrea Luca Rizzo, and Angelos Mallios

The underwater volcanic activity associated with deep-seated mantle processes represents a primary driver of the chemical and biogeochemical evolution of the global oceans. Hydrothermal activity is often a manifestation of submarine volcanism, where fluxes of heat and magmatic volatiles confer both potential hazard and opportunities of resource exploitation. Despite this, research on shallow submarine arc volcanoes is still in an early stage and only a few continuous seafloor observing infrastructures have been developed until now. 
The Kolumbo underwater volcano, located in the Aegean Sea, hosts one of the most active and dynamic hydrothermal vent fields, marking it - along with the proximity to the world-known Santorini island - a severe geohazard for a combination of reasons.
Within the framework of the SANTORY (SANTORini’s seafloor volcanic observatorY) project, funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation and with the financial support of the Municipality of Thira, between 2022 and 2023, three oceanographic cruises were performed on submarine Kolumbo volcano. The oceanographic surveys were mainly aimed at the deployment of integrated operating sensors of state-of-the-art technology, for in situ monitoring.

 A new-generation stand-alone multiparametric observatory has been developed at INGV Palermo and deployed at the bottom of the crater (500 meters depth) for the first time in December 2022. The battery powered module has been able to operate autonomously for a 10-month-long period, collecting a dense, heterogeneous dataset able to describe the activity of the hydrothermal reservoir, highlighting its intense dynamic along the time.

In June 2023, the observatory was recovered and re-deployed after brief maintenance operations including battery charging and data downloading. Finally, in October 2023, the observatory was definitely recovered.

Here we present for the first time a mid-term-long chemical-physical data series acquired (pH, temperature, hydrostatic pressure, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved methane) along with passive acoustic and the preliminary findings of the system evolution within the observing window.
A variety of local VT events likely sourced in the deeper portion of the plumbing system, together with several other minor seismic events related to fluid dynamics inside “fluid-filled” cracks and conduits has been revealed by passive acoustic data. Moreover the acoustic sensor recorded all the signals generated by the bubbles along the water column. The obtained results gave back an up to date picture of the ongoing Kolumbo degassing dynamics, hydrothermal and seismic activity. 

How to cite: Sciré Scappuzzo, S., Lazzaro, G., Longo, M., D'Alessandro, W., Grassa, F., Semprebello, A., Nomikou, P., Polymenakou, P., Rizzo, A. L., and Mallios, A.: Mid-term observation of the degassing dynamics of the Kolumbo submarine volcano (Aegean Sea) gained by new-generation stand-alone multidisciplinary seafloor observatory, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17579,, 2024.

Raffaele Castaldo, Grazia De Landro, Michele Carafa, Pietro Tizzani, Maurizio Fedi, Aldo Zollo, Cinzia Di Lorenzo, Deborah Di Naccio, Vanja Kastelic, and Matteo Taroni

In Southern Italy, many natural disasters have induced significant human and material losses. The extensive damages caused by seismic events have highlighted the impelling need to improve the analyses of the risk assessment and the related planning of the economic resources for a proper environmental management. In this scenario, the most important scientific issue is the definition of a seismic hazard model using the most advanced data availability in order to include updated kinematic and thermo-rheological conditions.

This contribution describes the activities that will be developed during the Italian PRIN2022 PNRR project “funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU”. The project, entitled “Relation between 3D Thermo-Rheological model and seismic HAzard for the risk Mitigation in the urban areas of Southern Italy” (TRHAM), aims at proposing a new map of the seismic hazard of peninsular Southern Italy in order to provide a significant contribution for the seismic risk management. This newly devised map will be accomplished through the analysis and the integration of several pieces of information, including the 3D crustal, thermo-rheological, and kinematic models. In particular, the activities of the THRAM project will be organised in four Milestones (ML): the topic of ML1 is “Scientific Management and Dissemination”; the ML2 involves the definition of an integrated “3D crustal model from geophysical data”, while the retrieval of a “Thermo-Rheological model for Brittle/Ductile transition”, integrated with the kinematic one, is the main output of the ML3. Finally, the activities of the ML4 provide the “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis”, both at regional and local scales. Indeed, the computation of exceedance hazard curves for the urban zones of Abruzzo, Campania and Basilicata regions is an important output of the project. Three Research Units (RU) will collaborate for the activities of the THRAM project, whose multidisciplinary nature strongly emerges from the skills of the ten researchers constituting the RUs. The expertise of the team covers a wide spectrum of competencies within the geological and geophysical fields, including Thermo-Rheology, Seismology and Potential Fields, and Seismic Hazard and Crustal Kinematic model.

In conclusion, several intriguing and impacting features characterise the THRAM project. Specifically, the definition of a new seismic hazard map in Southern Italy will be relevant for exploring new paths in seismic risk assessment, and for increasing the awareness in the management of environmental resources. At the same time, the planned thermo-rheological studies are fundamental in the framework of the green energy exploitation of Southern Italy, as well as their integration with the kinematic data contributes to the increase in our comprehension of the Southern Apennines geodynamics, still poorly understood.

How to cite: Castaldo, R., De Landro, G., Carafa, M., Tizzani, P., Fedi, M., Zollo, A., Di Lorenzo, C., Di Naccio, D., Kastelic, V., and Taroni, M.: TRHAM PROJECT: Relation between 3D Thermo-Rheological model and seismic HAzard for the risk Mitigation in the urban areas of Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19411,, 2024.

Rubén García Hernández, Kevin Fan, Claudia Morales Fernández, Kendra Ní Nualláin, José Barrancos, Germán D. Padilla, David Martínez Van Dorth, Víctor Ortega Ramos, Luca D'Auria, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Tenerife is an active volcanic island belonging to the Canary Islands Archipelago. After its last eruption in 1909, the only visible volcanic manifestations consisted of weak fumaroles from the summit crater of Teide volcano, the most prominent geographic feature of the island. Tenerife has been monitored since 2016 by a seismic network consisting currently of 21 broadband stations.

Since October 2016, the seismic activity has shown an increase, corresponding to a relevant growth of the diffuse degassing from the summit of Teide. This has been interpreted as the effect of pressurization of the hydrothermal system triggered by repeated injections of fluids of magmatic origin.

Here, we present different analyses realized on the seismic catalogue of the island. First, we show the spatio-temporal variation in the hypocenter distribution, highlighting the temporal evolution of seismicity clusters. Then, we discuss the spatial and temporal variations of the Gutenberg-Richter b-value, which shows a remarkable increase and, in general, higher values around the central part of the island. We also highlight the presence of a significant long-period seismic activity, consisting of both isolated events and dense swarms.

Finally, we discuss the relationship between the seismicity and the internal structure of the island, inferred by recent seismic tomography studies, as well as the temporal correlation with other geophysical and geochemical parameters measured on the island.

How to cite: García Hernández, R., Fan, K., Morales Fernández, C., Ní Nualláin, K., Barrancos, J., Padilla, G. D., Martínez Van Dorth, D., Ortega Ramos, V., D'Auria, L., and Pérez, N. M.: Seismological investigation on the recent unrest of Tenerife (Canary Islands), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18988,, 2024.

Lars Konen, Malte Ibs-von Seht, Daniel Rückamp, Andreas Möller, Georg Guggenberger, and Elke Fries

Good knowledge on soil texture is a base for a sound land use management as one of the driving factors for soil fertility, and thus for a worldwide sustainable food production and safe drinking water supply using groundwater resources. Furthermore, soil texture is one of the driving factors of soil fertility. In particular, in countries of the Global South but also in other regions, high quality digital information on soil properties on regional level are rather scarce. While conventional soil inventories are time consuming, digital mapping of soil properties is a promising approach to close these gaps time and cost efficiently. For this purpose, a reliable method was developed within the project “ReCharBo” (Regional Characterisation of Soil Properties) to minimize field and laboratory work by combining gamma ray spectrometry with conventional soil survey at selected study areas characterized by different soil parent materials. Data acquisition was performed by using a portable gamma ray spectrometer and soil sampling at local scale as well as by helicopter-borne gamma ray spectrometry at regional level.

For the estimation of soil texture by gamma spectral data at different soil parent materials we developed classic multiple linear regression models based on  laboratory analyses of grain size and total Potassium and Thorium contents. To consider the soil parent materials, we calculated clay-, silt- and sand-Potassium-Ratios based on laboratory data and integrated them into the models. The statistical models were validated by dividing the data set randomly fifty-fifty into a training, and a validation data set. The results on the validation data set show that soil texture can be predicted with an error (RMSE) of 5.8% (Clay), 5.5% (Silt) and 4.6% (Sand) by gamma ray spectrometry. Based on these models, soil texture can reliably be estimated by gamma ray spectrometry accompanied by a scarce soil sampling in regions with poor data.

How to cite: Konen, L., Ibs-von Seht, M., Rückamp, D., Möller, A., Guggenberger, G., and Fries, E.: Estimation of soil texture in areas of different parent materials by using gamma ray spectrometry at local and regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21274,, 2024.

Nemesio M. Pérez, Harrison Collins, Ida Bonomini, Gladys V. Melián, Ana Gironés, María Asensio-Ramos, Eleazar Padrón, Pedro A. Hernández, Fátima Rodríguez, and Germán Padilla

Cumbre Vieja volcano, at the southern part of La Palma Island, is the last stage on the geological evolution of the island, the fifth in extension (706 km2) and the second in elevation (2,423 m asl) of the Canarian archipelago. The recent volcanic activity in La Palma Island has taken place exclusively in Cumbre Vieja volcano in the last 123 ka, being the last volcanic activity the Tajogaite eruption, from 19 September to 13 December, 2021. We report herein the results of several intensive soil gas studies, focused on the non-reactive and highly mobile gas helium (He) in Cumbre Vieja. He has unique characteristics as a geochemical tracer: it is chemically inert and radioactively stable, non-biogenic, highly mobile and relatively insoluble in water. The geochemical monitoring of soil He emission at Cumbre Vieja started in 2002. Soil gas samples have been regularly collected at ~40 cm depth using a metallic probe at 600 sites for each survey and later the He content has been analysed by means of a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Spatial distribution maps have been constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) procedure to quantify the diffuse He emission from the studied area. The time series of diffuse He emission rate has shown significant increases before and during the occurrence of seismic swarms that took place in the period 2017-2021. During the eruptive period, a significant increase was also observed, with good temporal agreement with the increase of the volcanic tremor. Increases in diffuse He preceded peaks of diffuse CO2 emission as expected by the characteristics of these gases. The absence of visible volcanic gas emissions (fumaroles, hot springs, etc.) at the surface environment of Cumbre Vieja, makes this type of studies in an essential tool for volcanic surveillance purposes.

How to cite: Pérez, N. M., Collins, H., Bonomini, I., Melián, G. V., Gironés, A., Asensio-Ramos, M., Padrón, E., Hernández, P. A., Rodríguez, F., and Padilla, G.: Diffuse He degassing monitoring of Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16451,, 2024.

Chaoyong Peng, Peng Jiang, and Qiang Ma

As one of the most earthquake-prone regions in the world, China faces extremely serious earthquake hazards, especially for those heavily populated urban areas located near major fault zones. In order to improve the ability to prevent and minimize the risk of earthquake disasters, and to reduce the losses caused by earthquakes, China is currently building a nationwide earthquake early warning system (EEWS) with more than 18,000 seismic stations. Here, we present the recent progress of this project by describing the overall architecture of the national EEWS and evaluating the system performance during four M6.0+ earthquakes that occurred within the seismic network between 2022 and 2023. The accuracy of the source characterization for these earthquakes is discussed by comparing the continuously estimated location and magnitude with the catalogs obtained from the China Earthquake Networks Center. For each earthquake, the EEWS usually generated more than one alert, and the initial alert was created about 5~8 s after its occurrence, with excellent estimates of epicentral location and origin time. In terms of magnitude estimation, the deviation for each event was relatively large at the first alert, but gradually decreased until it approached the catalog value. However, from the point view of alerting performance, the radius of the real blind zone without warning time was about 30 km and much larger than the theoretical result, mainly caused by the releasing system not considering the epicenter distance of each terminal when issuing the alerts. Although these earthquakes revealed some limitations that need to be addressed in future upgrades, the results showed that most aspects of the EEWS demonstrated robust performance, with continuous, reliable event detection and early-warning information releasing.

How to cite: Peng, C., Jiang, P., and Ma, Q.: Chinese nationwide earthquake early warning system and its performance during several M6.0+ earthquakes occurred in 2022-2023, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5037,, 2024.

Fang Nan, Chao Zeng, and Huanfeng Shen

With increasing attention to urban temperature and outdoor thermal comfort, monitoring urban microenvironments at a lower cost is an effective method to supplement the spatiotemporal deficiencies of traditional monitoring networks. But widespread use of low-cost sensors has been hampered by uncertainty about their data quality. The calibration of low-cost sensors is key to promoting their large-scale application and increasing people's confidence in related research. The purpose of this study is to calibrate low-cost integrated environmental sensors and effectively improve their hourly data quality based on an IoT case study in Wuhan, China.

Based on the standards of 24 traditional weather stations in different locations of the meteorological regulatory authorities, this study applied a total of eight machine learning (ML) algorithms to calibrate low-cost sensors and compared their performance. The eight ML algorithms are: (a) Multiple Linear Regression (MLR); (b) Random Forest (RF); (c) K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN); (d) Gradient Boosting Regression Tree (GBRT); (e) Decision Tree (DT); (f) AdaBoost; (g) Bagging; (h) Extremely randomized Trees (Extra-Trees). Hourly raw data collected by 34 low-cost sensors deployed near traditional weather stations were calibrated, and the model was tested using ten-fold cross-validation. The two farthest locations are 121km apart in a straight line, and the maximum data collected from a single sensor is 12,406 hours. In addition, the model migration effects in different field scenarios were also considered, including six typical land surface types, namely built area, scrub, water, artificial surfaces, woodland, and cultivated land.

The results show that the random forest model shows better performance than other models on multiple low-cost sensors at different locations. By applying our method, it shows an average improvement with its R-squared value from 0.682 to 0.980, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) from 5.989 to 1.355, and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) from 4.250 to 0.932. The random forest model has a better migration effect in similar scenarios. Using a model with a surface type that is more similar to the sensor to be calibrated, the average R-squared obtained by calibrating 34 sensors is 0.946, and the average MAE is 1.584. At the same time, the distance between the sensor to be calibrated and the best-performing migration model was also considered, with the farthest straight-line distance being 94km and the nearest being 7km.

This study introduces a calibration method for low-cost meteorological integrated sensors for long-term complex field environment monitoring. Moreover, we compared the migration effect of the random forest model in different typical scenes in the field. Similar surface types are more beneficial to model migration. Even in locations far apart, our model still has stable performance. The results show that this method can significantly improve data quality and increase user confidence in low-cost environmental sensor applications.

How to cite: Nan, F., Zeng, C., and Shen, H.: Calibration of integrated low-cost environmental sensors based on machine learning with multiple scenes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7377,, 2024.

Hyeon-Gyeong Han, Taehoon Kim, Cholyoung Lee, and Yong-Gil Park

The majority of ocean pollution stems from terrestrial sources, with more than 80% attributed to chemicals, industrial waste, toxic metals, plastics, sewage, and other land-based materials. Therefore, the management of ocean pollution must initiate from terrestrial interventions, necessitating the control of pollutants discharged from land sources and the crucial pursuit of identifying the roots of ocean pollution. Identifying the causes of ocean pollution enables the exploration of mitigation strategies for the entities responsible for pollution generation and facilitates the formulation of relevant policies. Furthermore, it can contribute to imposing costs for purification and raising awareness about the seriousness of ocean pollution. However, Rivers and streams that lead to the ocean are influenced by various changing factors as they pass through the land, making it a globally challenging task to pinpoint the sources of pollution.


Accordingly, in this study, we collected water quality observation data measured at five points in a specific estuary area and water quality data from five areas near the source of pollution, and conducted a study to calculate the contribution of pollution from the source. We performed statistical analysis and machine learning-based pollution source analysis, and developed an improved artificial intelligence model proposed in this study that complements the limitations of existing analysis methods. The variables used in the analysis were POC average concentration, POC δ13C, PN average concentration, PN δ15N, average concentration, and DOC δ13C. For basic data analysis, data distribution analysis, similarity/discrimination analysis, and clustering analysis of variables by branch were performed. Basic data analysis allowed for dividing the data's characteristics into four groups, but discrepancies in similarities emerged among items based on each analysis method, limiting the meaningfulness of the data analysis. For this, we analyzed which pollutants contaminated the five points in the river estuary using machine learning techniques such as XGBoost and a deep learning neural network, an artificial neural network model. The XGBoost analysis categorized pollution sources for each location into 1 to 2 categories, showing accuracies ranging from 51.04% to 99.92%. However, due to the intrinsic nature of machine learning, predicted values tend to maximize similarity to the most similar pollutant source, resulting in extreme values exceeding 99%. The artificial neural network analysis resulted in the classification of 2 or more pollution sources for each location, with accuracies ranging from 33.23% to 62.45%. This is considered a result of relatively lower accuracy due to the unique characteristics of each location.


To overcome the limitations of each model, this study created an integrated model that aggregates results from multiple models to determine the similarity. The analysis using the integrated model effectively identified pollution sources excellently without encountering extreme accuracy issues. To ensure the reliability of future pollution contribution assessment models, determining pollution contribution through isotopic fraction analysis will be necessary.

How to cite: Han, H.-G., Kim, T., Lee, C., and Park, Y.-G.: A Study Estimating the Contribution of Organic Contaminants to Ocean Pollution Using AI Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8296,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X4

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Veronica Escobar-Ruiz, Andrea Barone
Yana Savytska, Viktor Smolii, and Kira Rehfeld

Greenhouse gases (GHG) are considered major environmental pollutants and the dominant cause of the global increase in the average temperature on our planet [1,2]. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) takes 75% of all the GHG [3], so our research focuses on its monitoring and further reduction based on open-source datasets.

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is one of the leading open-source institutions monitoring GHG. CAMS monitors and records levels of CO2 in the atmosphere using instruments on the ground, in the air, and onboard satellites [4]. Modern tasks in this sphere require a near real-time mode for the GHG sinks, source identification, and balance monitoring. Image processing techniques help to solve them, especially for non-periodic or single-time GHG emission and fixation processes.

Here we present an approach to improve the information content in CO2 concentration (CDC) maps by applying digital filters. The purpose is to detect the edges of CO2 sink and source areas. Considering that the presence of sinks and sources leads to changes in the spatial concentration of GHG in the atmosphere, similar to changes in intensity or colour on images, the task of their detection can be solved using edge detection – primarily high-pass filters. Taking the atmospheric CDC as the result of carbon flux balance at the specific spatial cell and the difference of CDC between neighbouring cells, we can assess the relative effectiveness of CO2 fixation in these cells as long as transport can be neglected. The arithmetical signs of the differences define cells with higher and lower CO2 concentrations, which can be interpreted as CO2 sinks or sources when they persist over time. The magnitude of difference identifies the relative intensity of the GHG flux. We plan to further investigate the time dependence of the Laplacian in the future.

We check the effectiveness of this approach by comparing our results with events from the NASA EARTHDATA fire datasets [5,6] and show that for several significant CO2 concentration differences – a big fire and areas with different types of CO2 sinks and sources could be identified in the near real-time.


1. IPCC, 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 1-34, doi:10.59327/IPCC/AR6-9789291691647.001

2. NASA climate portal (

3. Friedlingstein, P. et. al: Global Carbon Budget 2023, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 5301–5369, doi:10.5194/essd-15-5301-2023

4. NASA climate portal (

5. Lesley Ott (2020), GEOS-Carb CASA-GFED Daily Fire and Fuel Emissions 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree V2, Greenbelt, MD, USA, Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)

6. Global carbon dioxide and methane monitoring (

How to cite: Savytska, Y., Smolii, V., and Rehfeld, K.: Towards digital filter methods for CO2 sink and source identification, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11278,, 2024.