GI6.6 | Cosmic rays across scales and disciplines: the new frontier in environmental research
Cosmic rays across scales and disciplines: the new frontier in environmental research
Convener: Martin Schrön | Co-conveners: Daniel Rasche, Jannis Weimar, Cosimo Brogi, Konstantin Herbst
| Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.16
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X4
Orals |
Tue, 14:00
Fri, 10:45
Cosmic rays carry information about space and solar activity, and, once near the Earth, they produce isotopes, influence genetic information, and are extraordinarily sensitive to water. Given the vast spectrum of interactions of cosmic rays with matter in different parts of the Earth and other planets, cosmic-ray research ranges from studies of the solar system to the history of the Earth, and from health and security issues to hydrology, agriculture, and climate change.
Although research on cosmic-ray particles is connected to a variety of disciplines and applications, they all share similar questions and challenges regarding the physics of detection, modeling, and the influence of environmental factors.

The session brings together scientists from all fields of research that are related to monitoring and modeling of cosmogenic radiation. It will allow the sharing of expertise amongst international researchers as well as showcase recent advancements in their field. The session aims to stimulate discussions about how individual disciplines can share their knowledge and benefit from each other.

We solicit contributions related but not limited to:
- Health, security, and radiation protection: cosmic-ray dosimetry on Earth and its dependence on environmental and atmospheric factors
- Planetary space science: satellite and ground-based neutron and gamma-ray sensors to detect water and soil constituents
- Neutron and Muon monitors: detection of high-energy cosmic-ray variations and its dependence on local, atmospheric, and magnetospheric factors
- Hydrology and climate change: low-energy neutron sensing to measure water in reservoirs at and near the land surface, such as soil, snowpack, and vegetation
- Cosmogenic nuclides: as tracers of atmospheric circulation and mixing; as a tool in archaeology or glaciology for dating of ice and measuring ablation rates; and as a tool for surface exposure dating and measuring rates of surficial geological processes
- Detector design: technological advancements in the detection of cosmic rays and cosmogenic particles
- Cosmic-ray modeling: advances in modeling of the cosmic-ray propagation through the magnetosphere and atmosphere, and their response to the Earth's surface
- Impact modeling: How can cosmic-ray monitoring support environmental models, weather and climate forecasting, agricultural and irrigation management, and the assessment of natural hazards

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room -2.16

Chairpersons: Martin Schrön, Cosimo Brogi, Daniel Rasche
On-site presentation
Marek Zreda

Cosmogenic particles, such as neutrons and muons, have many practical applications in the earth and environmental sciences. One important application is measuring water content at and below the land surface using low-energy neutrons. The field of cosmic-ray hydrology provides the tools to measure soil water, snow water equivalent, or vegetation water, and water fluxes related to these reservoirs, such as precipitation and infiltration.

Cosmic-ray hydrology has its roots in cosmogenic geochronology, which uses cosmogenic isotopes to date depositional and erosional features on the land surface. In cosmic-ray paleohydrology geological proxy records are used to reconstruct past hydrologic conditions, such as precipitation rates or the distribution and size of water reservoirs. Such proxies should be clearly related to the environment, such as precipitation rates, lake levels, or river discharge in the geological past. This presentation will discuss several examples of geological records of ancient water systems, including mountain moraines, paleolake shorelines, river terraces, valley incisions, and ocean paleo-beaches. The combination of mountain moraine positions and their corresponding ages provides valuable information about the temperature and precipitation rates that allowed the glacier to reach the position marked by the moraines. Paleolake shorelines, dated with cosmogenic isotopes, offer insights into the size of the reservoir, which is useful in water mass balance reconstructions and paleoclimate studies. The height of river terraces indicates past river discharge rates at times determined through cosmogenic dating of the deposits. Dated valley incisions provide information on the last significant erosion episode, which is linked to high river discharge. Dated ocean paleobeaches provide a record of sea-level changes in the geological past.

Although measuring water reservoirs and fluxes today uses different tools than those which are used in paleohydrology, the two are linked by the cosmogenic particles that are at the heart of these tools.

How to cite: Zreda, M.: Cosmic-ray paleohydrology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22534,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lukas Wacker, Nicolas Brehm, Marcus Christl, Hans-Arno Synal, Charlotte C. Pearson, Kurt Nicolussi, Thomas Pichler, Alex Bayliss, David Brown, and Niels Bleicher

While the sun, as the primary source of energy on earth, is considered to have a constant energy output, small fluctuations can be observed over time. Historical records of solar activity (e.g., sunspot numbers) are however scarce, and only available over the last 400 years. Cosmogenic nuclides stored in tree rings (14C) or ice cores (10Be, 36Cl) can be used as proxies for solar activity and allow solar reconstructions reaching much further back in time1,2. However, only recently the presence of the eleven-year solar cycle could be revealed in an annually resolved 14C record from tree-rings covering the past 1000 years. The amplitude of this so called Schwabe cycles is found to correlate with the general level of the solar activity with high amplitudes during periods of strong solar activity and vice versa3.

Here, we present the solar activity, and specifically the 11-year cycles, reconstructed from 14C in tree-rings covering two grand solar minima, one around 400 BCE and another one around 3400 BCE. The results will be compared with the two previously analysed grand solar minima (Spörer and Maunder) of the last millennia, coinciding with the Little Ice Age.


1 Bard, E. et al. (2000) Solar irradiance during the last 1200 years based on cosmogenic nuclides. Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 52, 985-992.

2 Muscheler, R. et al. (2007) Solar activity during the last 1000 yr inferred from radionuclide records. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 82-97.

3 Brehm N. et al. (2021) Eleven-year solar cycles over the last millennium revealed by radiocarbon in tree rings. Nature Geoscience. 14(1), 10-15.

How to cite: Wacker, L., Brehm, N., Christl, M., Synal, H.-A., Pearson, C. C., Nicolussi, K., Pichler, T., Bayliss, A., Brown, D., and Bleicher, N.: Uncovering variations in solar activity through tree-ring radiocarbon measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15539,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Minjie Zheng, Florian Adolphi, Sylvaine Ferrachat, Florian Mekhaldi, Zhengyao Lu, Andreas Nilsson, and Ulrike Lohmann

A prerequisite to applying 10Be in natural archives for solar and geomagnetic reconstructions is to know how 10Be deposition reflects atmospheric production changes. However, this relationship remains debated. To address this, we use two state-of-the-art global models GEOS-Chem and ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 with the latest beryllium production model. During solar modulation, both models suggest that 10Be deposition reacts proportionally to global production changes, with minor latitudinal deposition biases (<5%). During geomagnetic modulation, however, 10Be deposition changes are enhanced by ~15% in the tropics and attenuated by 20%-35% in subtropical and polar regions compared to global production changes. Such changes are also hemispherically asymmetric, attributed to asymmetric production between hemispheres. For the extreme solar proton event in A.D. 774/5, 10Be shows a 15% higher deposition increase in polar regions than in tropics. This study highlights the importance of atmospheric mixing when comparing 10Be from different locations or to independent geomagnetic field records.

How to cite: Zheng, M., Adolphi, F., Ferrachat, S., Mekhaldi, F., Lu, Z., Nilsson, A., and Lohmann, U.: Modeling atmospheric transport of cosmogenic radionuclide ¹⁰Be using GEOS-Chem 14.1.1 and ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3: implications for solar and geomagnetic reconstructions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2846,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Boglárka Abigél Stefán, László Balázs, Gergő Hamar, Gergely Surányi, and Dezso Varga

Muography uses cosmic ray muons to image the inner structure of large
objects like geological formations or artificial buildings.
Cosmic muons have wide energy spectrum, while their slow energy loss is
proportional to the density and length of the traversed rock.
Counting these muons one measures the absorption of the overburden rock,
images its inner density structure and reveals anomalies (eg: ore, caves,
This multidisciplinary technology requires expertise in particle
physics instrumentation, geological knowledge, and industrial design,
to became a novel tool for geophysical surveys.
In the last decade several research groups started on various methods
to develop and demonstrate its practical usability.

The Innovative Gaseous Detector R&D Group in the Wigner RCP in Hungary is
a well-known team of the muography community that focuses on
technological advancement and applications. The group has used this
measurement technique in a number of mining, archaeological, and
speleological investigations. I will present the series of
measurements made for these subsurface applications with the results and
practical experiences of our group.

The success of any measurement is based on the right plan,
especially in muography, where devices are mounted into hardly-accessible
territories while measurements take up to several weeks or months.
Choosing the most suitable muograph type and geometry, and
estimate the required measurement time for expected anomalies are
essential. While in practice it is usually done by experience and educated
guess, for new challenges and complex structure it requires mathematical
modeling and computation, that could even be used to planning for
tomographic inversion series.
I will present the developed model for the direct problem,
verify it with laboratory measurements and underground raw data as well.

How to cite: Stefán, B. A., Balázs, L., Hamar, G., Surányi, G., and Varga, D.: Application of MWPC based muography in geophysics, experiments and planning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1013,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Enrico Gazzola, Luca Stevanato, Barbara Biasuzzi, Marcello Lunardon, Luca Morselli, Stefano Gianessi, Mario Zara, and Federica Lorenzi

As Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) gains increasing importance in Hydrology and other fields related to measurement of water in various form (notably Soil Moisture, Snow Water Equivalent, Biomass Water Equivalent), its large-scale application risks to be hindered by the complex calibration of site-specific parameters.

The success of CRNS comes from its ability to straightforwardly determine the amount of water content in soil and snow, overcoming limitations in scale representativity of more traditional technologies like point probes and satellites. A single, autonomous probe placed over the ground is in fact capable of delivering a real-time estimation of the Soil Moisture (SM) on a large scale (hectares) and in depth (tens of cm in soil, meters in snow).

CRNS is based on the fact that neutrons strongly interact with hydrogen, of which water is rich, therefore providing a correlation between the number of neutrons backscattered by the soil and the water content. The neutrons source is provided by the interaction of cosmic radiations with the atmosphere. Advantageous as it is to use a naturally available source, it comes with the drawback of having a natural variability that needs to be account for, which is usually done by refferring to a public network of cosmic neutrons observatories (the Neutron Monitor DataBase, NMDB). A second critical hurdle is calibration, requiring the determination of a site-specific reference value for the neutrons count rate through a complex campaign of soil sampling and analysis.

Finapp developed a patented detection technology characterized by the unique capability of contextually detecting muons, another kind of particle generated by cosmic rays. Since muons are not backscattered by the soil, their measurement is only related to the incoming flux. Years of measurements provide evidence of the correlation of local muons flux variations with the general trend of incoming neutrons as measured by NMDB stations.

Not only this offers the possibility to monitor the incoming flux variations locally without the need to rely on an external entity, but it furthermore suggests that the expected reference neutrons rate on a given site should be proportional to the measured muons flux. Although additional parameters will still need to be included to account for Additional Hydrogen Pools in the soil, this approach can greatly simplify the calibration procedure.

We will therefore present the state-of-the-art of the use of muons as a reference in CRNS and in particular early results of the novel muons-based calibration approach.

How to cite: Gazzola, E., Stevanato, L., Biasuzzi, B., Lunardon, M., Morselli, L., Gianessi, S., Zara, M., and Lorenzi, F.: Contextual detection of muons and neutrons as a way to self-referenced Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7468,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lasse Hertle, Steffen Zacharias, and Martin Schrön

Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) is a technique to measure water content, for example soil moisture, on the hectare scale through the measurement
of epithermal neutrons. The neutrons are results of particle showers in the earth’s atmosphere caused by cosmic rays impinging on it. The abundance and
global distribution of neutrons is changed in time through different factors. On the largest scale, the heliosphere and therefore the solar cycle greatly affect the amount of galactic cosmic rays that are able to reach earth. Large solar events, such as Forbush decreases, also cause rapid changes in the cosmic ray flux. The aim of any correction method is ultimately to account for these heliospheric changes.

The next smaller scale is the earth’s magnetic field. The biggest consequence here is an uneven distribution of neutrons across latitudes, as with increasing cut-off rigidity less cosmic rays are able to reach the atmosphere. This presents a challenge to correction methods based on neutron monitors, since any neutron measurement is always localised to specific geomagnetic and atmospheric conditions.

Lastly, the abundance of neutrons at different energy bands is strongly tied to the local conditions. In particular hydrogen abundance is of vital importance. The CRNS technique is based upon the sensitivity of neutrons to hydrogen, which is dependent on the energy of any given neutron. As these neutrons are still dependent on heliospheric and geomagnetic conditions, their measurement needs to be corrected for the amount and variation in incoming radiation. Neutron monitor based correction methods are tackling two challenges at the same time. Firstly, a neutron signal, free of local interference, needs to be extracted from the neutron monitor data. This signal is representative of the heliospheric conditions localised through the geomagnetic conditions to the neutron monitor site. Secondly, the signal needs to be localised to the point of the CRNS measurement, which rarely coincides with the position of a neutron monitor. Multiple correction methods have been evaluated and compared, with consideration towards both challenges.

How to cite: Hertle, L., Zacharias, S., and Schrön, M.: Comparison and evaluation of neutron monitor based incoming corrections for Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16578,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Patrick Davies, Roland Baatz, Heye Bogena, Emmanuel Quansah, and Leonard Amekudzi

Accurate soil moisture estimation from Cosmic-ray neutron sensor (CRNS) entails necessary steps in pre-processing observed neutrons at the Earth's surface. One of the most important corrections to the measured neutron data is compensation for the influence of the atmosphere, also called the barometric effect (β). However, the correction for this effect is not universal, as values can vary depending on geographical location (i.e. cut-off rigidity), altitude, atmospheric conditions, and sensor type (i.e. energy range); hence, site-specific β values are required to reduce these offsets. In this study, 25 CRNS stations from around the world are used to estimate site-specific and to explore the sensitivity of β on soil moisture measurement with CRNS. The results obtained showed that β varied both spatially and temporally. Within the cut-off rigidity range of 1 to 4.5 GV where these sites are found, the average monthly for the investigated sites ranged between -0.53 to -0.96 %mbar. Although the cut-off rigidity range was small, we found an increasing relationship of β with increasing cut-off rigidity. In addition, we show how β affects soil moisture estimates through its effect on the atmospheric pressure correction during the CRNS calibration. The results of our study highlight the importance of site and sensor-specific for CRNS calibration and the correction of atmospheric effects on CRNS-derived soil moisture.

How to cite: Davies, P., Baatz, R., Bogena, H., Quansah, E., and Amekudzi, L.: Revisiting the barometric effect on cosmic-ray neutron soil moisture sensing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16814,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Heye Bogena, Jannis Jakobi, Cosimo Brogi, Johan Alexander Huisman, Jordan Bates, Carsten Montzka, and Marius Schmidt

Continuous information on plant traits such as plant height, leaf area index (LAI), and above-ground biomass (AGB) is important in the study of plant growth and such information can help farmers achieve better yields while reducing agricultural inputs, e.g. through more efficient water use. Knowledge on plant traits is also key to further test and develop crop and land surface models. Cosmic-ray neutron sensors (CRNS) have primarily been used to determine soil moisture. Recently, Jakobi et al. (2022) found that thermal neutrons can be used to monitor aboveground biomass (ABG) and that the variations in measured thermal neutron intensity may also depend on the vegetation biomass and structure. However, different soil properties of the test sites may have influenced the results (e.g. related to differences in soil chemistry). In this follow-up study, a single agricultural field was investigated over a long measurement period (2015-2023) to avoid site-specific effects on the CRNS measurements. This new dataset contains different crop rotations with repetitions of the same crop and continuous measurements of plant height instead of sporadic biomass measurements. Based on this data, we developed regression models that take into account plant structure to predict traits (i.e. plant height and LAI) from observed thermal neutron intensity.

The annual regression models for plant height provided generally high R²-values (0.86 on average), with the highest values found for potato and winter wheat. An aggregation by crop type of the different seasons resulted in a slight reduction of the R² to 0.84 for winter wheat (3 seasons), 0.68 for sugar beet (2 seasons), and 0.75 for potato (2 seasons). The slope values of these regressions were distinctly different, thus supporting the assumption that the relationship between plant traits and thermal neutron intensity depends on vegetation structure. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the plant height predicted with thermal neutrons were 12 cm for winter wheat and 14 cm for both sugar beet and potato. In addition, we tested a prediction of LAI based on thermal neutrons. For this, we used a regression model that predicts LAI based on plant height (R²: 0.78). Using this model, we were able to predict the LAI for a period of 5 years with LAI observation data with an RMSE of 1.23 m/m, which is still within the uncertainty range of radiation-based LAI methods (Fang et al., 2019).  Independent validation was performed also against spatio-temporal LiDAR-based plant height and multispectral-based LAI measurements, each averaged for the CRNS footprint area. Our results demonstrate the potential of cosmic-ray neutron sensing for continuous monitoring of plant traits at the field scale.



Fang, H., F. Baret, S. Plummer and G. Schaepman‐Strub (2019): An overview of global leaf area index (LAI): Methods, products, validation, and applications. Reviews of Geophysics 57(3): 739-799. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11274

Jakobi, J., J.A. Huisman, H. Fuchs, H. Vereecken and H. Bogena (2022): Potential of Thermal Neutrons to Correct Cosmic-Ray Neutron Soil Moisture Content Measurements for Dynamic Biomass Effects. Water Resour. Res. 58(8): e2022WR031972. DOI: 10.1029/2022WR031972

How to cite: Bogena, H., Jakobi, J., Brogi, C., Huisman, J. A., Bates, J., Montzka, C., and Schmidt, M.: A new application of cosmic neutron sensing for monitoring plant traits, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14860,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andre Daccache, Nuo Xu, and Francisco Puig

By 2050, the demand for food must increase by 50% to satisfy the needs of the expected 9 billion people. Precision agriculture, primarily driven by technology, aims to produce more with less input (i.e., water) by managing in-field soil and plant variability. Point measurement with traditional soil moisture sensors calls for a large number of sensors, thus increasing costs. The low spatial resolution and the limited measurement depth of the space-borne microwave sensors are not pertinent to field-scale and agricultural applications. Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors (CRNS) emerge as an alternative technology for large-scale measurements of moisture (SM) content and biomass water equivalent (BWE). However, a lot of uncertainties are still in assessing the measurement footprint in space and depth. This work will explore the potential of combining high-resolution microwave L-band measurements using a UAV platform with CRNS to evaluate the spatial and temporal moisture content distribution. An experimental setup of one eddy covariance station and 2 Finapp CRNS (with and without Gadolinium) was installed on an alfalfa field  (Davis, California). TDR measurements were taken before and after irrigation at two different depths to calibrate both CRNS and Microwave L-band measurements. An on-site multispectral sensor (Arable) was used to monitor canopy development and to validate CRNS’ BWE and the microwave’s vegetation optical depth (VOD). The calibrated values were also compared with satellite measurements. Both CRNS and high-resolution microwave measurements showed promising results, especially when used in conjunction. However, research is still needed before unlocking the full commercial potential and mass adoption in the agricultural sector.    

How to cite: Daccache, A., Xu, N., and Puig, F.: Unleash the strength of precision irrigation with Portable L-band microwave and cosmic ray neutron sensors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16636,, 2024.

Posters on site: Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X4

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Jannis Weimar, Cosimo Brogi, Konstantin Herbst
Kateřina Podolská, Michal Kozubek, Miroslav Hýža, and Tereza Šindelářová

The concentrations of the radionuclide Be-7 are reliable indicators of various atmospheric processes, and primarily determined by the solar activity level and space weather conditions. The highest values of cosmic radiation are observed during the solar minima because, at that time the penetrability of the Earth’s and Sun magnetosphere is largest. In our work, we try to contribute to better understanding of the dynamics of processes by associating them with long-term trends of stratospheric temperature dynamics.

We investigate mainly the coupling of concentrations of the cosmogenic radionuclide Be-7 in the longitudinal view during the years 1986 – 2023 (time series of activity concentration of Be-7 in aerosols evaluated by the corresponding activity in aerosols on a weekly basis at the National Radiation Protection Institute Monitoring Section in Prague) to space weather parameters (Kp planetary index, disturbance storm time Dst, proton density, proton flux), and stratospheric dynamics parameters (temperature, zonal component of wind, O3, and ERA5 temperatures profiles).

We compare Be-7 concentrations during periods of strong solar and geomagnetic storms with periods of low solar activity in the longitudinal view (years 1986 – 2023). On short timescales, solar proton flux 60 MeV induces only small changes of the Be-7 concentration in aerosols in several days. On a long timescale, solar radio flux and disturbance storm time have impact on the Be-7 concentration in aerosols. The Be-7 concentration trend component (TCt) is significantly influenced by the trend of solar activity degree and by variations in the geomagnetic field on this time scale.

How to cite: Podolská, K., Kozubek, M., Hýža, M., and Šindelářová, T.: Analyzing the Impact of Space Weather on Stratospheric Dynamics: Insights from Be-7 Cosmogenic Radionuclide Concentration, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1399,, 2024.

Kseniia Golubenko, Eugene Rozanov, Gennady Kovaltsov, Mélanie Baroni, Timofei Sukhodolov, and Ilya Usoskin

A simple parameterization of cosmogenic 10Be is presented based on the specialized SOCOL-AERv2-BE chemistry-climate model coupled with the CRAC:10Be isotope production model. The model includes all the relevant atmospheric processes and allows computing the isotope concentration at any given location and time. The full model was verified by 10Be isotope measurements in five Antarctic and Greenland ice cores for the period 1980 – 2007. The model reasonably well reproduces the average concentration and solar-cycle dependency for most observational sites but does not perfectly catch the interannual variability at sites with complex orography likely due to the too-rough model grid. This implies that the model correctly reproduces the large-scale atmospheric dynamics but effectively averages out synoptic-scale variability.  A parameterization of the full-model results is agreed with the full model within 20% in polar regions. This parameterization allows the user to make a quick estimate of near-ground 10Be concentrations based only on production rates without heavy calculations.

How to cite: Golubenko, K., Rozanov, E., Kovaltsov, G., Baroni, M., Sukhodolov, T., and Usoskin, I.: Simplified parameterization of GCR/SEP-produced 10Be using CCM SOCOL-AERv2-BE, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2457,, 2024.

László Balázs, József Gábor Szűcs, Bence Rabóczki, Boglárka Abigél Stefán, Gábor Nyitrai, Gergely Surányi, Gergő Hamar, László Oláh, and Dezső Varga

Muon-tomography is a rapidly evolving technique whis is widely and increasingly used in geology, geotechnics, and archaeology.The method provides an approximate 3D density distribution of the object under investigation (scanned), which is inherently loaded with artifacts. The analysis of the artifacts is essential for the interpretation and post-processing of the tomographic image, allowing the highlighting of the real density anomaly regions.

In the poster presentation, the structure and characteristics of the artifacts will be analysed, depending on whether the source of the artifact is a real anomaly, measurement noise, side effect or perhaps an insufficiently accurate consideration of the topography. The anomaly contrast distortion effect of muographic mapping is also analysed. The results are illustrated with simulated and real measurement anomalies. The poster presentation will also cover the possibility of suppressing artifacts. The applicable procedures depend on the method of parameter discretization (voxelization) and the angular resolution of the muographic measurements recorded in different positions, but the applied regularization of the inversion procedure is the key factor in our study. In the presentation, results of parameter studies on these issues will be presented.

How to cite: Balázs, L., Szűcs, J. G., Rabóczki, B., Stefán, B. A., Nyitrai, G., Surányi, G., Hamar, G., Oláh, L., and Varga, D.: Artifacts in muon-tomography, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3832,, 2024.

Daniel Rasche, Martin Schrön, Jannis Weimar, Markus Köhli, Konstantin Heber, Bertram Boehrer, Lasse Hertle, Simon Kögler, and Steffen Zacharias

Cosmic radiation on Earth responds to heliospheric, geomagnetic, atmospheric, and lithospheric changes. In order to use its signal for soil hydrological monitoring, the signal of thermal and epithermal neutron detectors needs to be corrected for external influencing factors. However, theories about the neutron response to soil water, air pressure, air humidity, and incoming cosmic radiation are still under debate. To challenge these theories, we isolated the neutron response from almost any terrestrial changes by operating a bare and a moderated neutron detector in a buoy on a lake in Germany from July 15 to December 02, 2014. We found that the count rate over water has been better predicted by a recent theory compared to a traditional approach. We further found strong linear correlation parameters to air pressure and air humidity for epithermal neutrons, while thermal neutrons responded differently. Two correction approaches for air humidity were similarly able to remove correlations of epithermal neutrons to air humidity. Correction for incoming radiation proved to be necessary for both thermal and epithermal neutrons, for which we tested different neutron monitor stations and correction methods. Here, an estabilished approach worked best with the Jungfraujoch monitor in Switzerland, while more recent approaches were able to adequately rescale data from more remote neutron monitors. However, no approach was able to sufficiently remove the signal from a major Forbush decrease event on September 13th, to which thermal and epithermal neutrons showed a comparatively strong response. The buoy detector experiment provided a unique dataset for empirical testing of traditional and new theories on CRNS. It could serve as a local alternative to reference data from remote neutron monitors.

How to cite: Rasche, D., Schrön, M., Weimar, J., Köhli, M., Heber, K., Boehrer, B., Hertle, L., Kögler, S., and Zacharias, S.: Buoy-based detection of low-energy cosmic-ray neutrons to monitor the influence of atmospheric, geomagnetic, and heliospheric effects, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22267,, 2024.

Martin Schrön, Nurit Agam, Adit Arazi, and Steffen Zacharias

The precise measurement of soil water content is a technological challenge. Traditional electromagnetic or remote-sensing approaches exhibit a range of problems, such as not covering the soil spatial heterogeneity, sensing only shallow soil horizons, exhibiting strong sensitivity to temperature, or losing accuracy under extremely dry conditions. A new approach based on cosmic-ray neutron sensing technology (CRNS) has promised to address most of these issues. For the first time, the method has been tested in the Negev desert in Israel to determine its potential and limitations under extremely dry conditions.

The soil moisture product of a stationary CRNS system agreed reasonably well with nearby TDR measurements during the rain and dry seasons between 2021 and 2023. However, it turned out that the sensor showed significant sensitivity to changes of air humidity and incoming radiation that were not covered by existing correction approaches. We found new correction parameters to remove these effects and thereby achieved a measurement precision of less than 0.25 vol. % at soil moisture values below 5 vol. %. In a mobile mode, the method also allowed to identify wet spots in soils in otherwise dry environments. Once the processing of CRNS data has been adapted to the special regional conditions of Israel, it has the potential for hydrological and agricultural applications. 

How to cite: Schrön, M., Agam, N., Arazi, A., and Zacharias, S.: Neutrons at the dry end: sensing water content with cosmic rays in the Negev desert, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19942,, 2024.

Jan Diels

Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) is becoming a well-established technique to measure topsoil soil moisture content at the multihectare scale. There are prospects that cheaper devices can be developed so the technique could also be used outside of the research community, e.g., for providing soil moisture information in real-time for irrigation scheduling purposes. A limitation for such applications is that the soil depth over which the CRNS technique measures, depends on the soil moisture content (deeper in drier soil) and that it produces a depth-weighted average moisture content, with the weights rapidly decreasing with depth.

For practical applications like irrigation scheduling, it will be necessary to translate the CRNS count in an average soil water content of the topsoil (for, say, the top 20 cm or 30 cm), with an associated confidence interval that accounts for the fact that depth-weighting leads to uncertainty. That is because different average soil moisture contents in the topsoil can produce the same CRNS count: a wetter topsoil layer with a drying front at the top can produce the same CRNS count rate as a much dryer topsoil layer in which an infiltration front is developing at the top. At present, soil moisture contents are always derived from CRNS count rates using the well-established relationship that is strictly speaking only valid when the soil moisture content does not vary with depth.  No procedure is available to account for soil moisture gradients that develop all the time in topsoil under natural conditions. These gradients lead to non-uniqueness of the relationship between the CRNS count and the average soil moisture content of a topsoil layer.

We investigated this non-uniqueness by running simulations with the Hydrus1D-COSMIC model for different soil textures with multi-year time series of daily weather data and sequences of cropped and bare soil conditions similar to the ones occurring in the field. We observed a pronounced clockwise hysteretic relationship when plotting the average (simulated) 20-cm or 30-cm topsoil moisture content versus the CRNS count rate (N/N0) derived with COSMIC from the simulated vertical soil moisture content distribution. Strategies were explored to deal with this hysteretic behaviour and to translate the CRNS count into an average soil water content of the topsoil with an associated confidence interval that accounts for the non-uniqueness.

How to cite: Diels, J.: Converting Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing count rates into average topsoil moisture contents when vertical soil moisture gradients occur in the topsoil, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19898,, 2024.

Development of a site-specific standardised Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor (CRNS) calibration protocol
Konstantin Shishkin, Owen Fenton, Klara Finkele, Tamara Hochstrasser, Karl Richards, and Paul Murphy
Lena M. Scheiffele, Katya Dimitrova Petrova, Martin Schrön, Felix Nieberding, Heye R. Bogena, Lucille Verrot, María O. García Quiroz, and Josie Geris

Cosmic ray neutron sensor (CRNS) technology is increasingly promoted in agricultural environments for monitoring of volumetric soil water content (SWC). Among its advantages over traditional measurements is the provision of field-scale representative SWC timeseries without obstruction of management activities. To derive an integrated SWC average at a site, CRNS is typically calibrated using observations of gravimetric SWC, soil organic matter and bulk density (BD). Those variables may in the best case be derived from a large number of soil samples, collected ideally on multiple occasions and under a range of hydrometeorological conditions. Most CRNS applications use an average site-specific value of bulk density derived for a site from ≥1 field calibration and it is considered static over time. While this is a safe assumption for many environments, in agricultural settings, management activities (e.g. tillage) may introduce substantial changes in BD over time. This may affect the accuracy of the CRNS-based SWC estimates, which in turn could affect management decisions (e.g. on irrigation) or modelling efforts, relying on the CRNS estimates as inputs.

Therefore, the objective of this work is to quantify the relevance and potential impact of temporal changes in BD both on the estimation of CRNS SWC (e.g. of interest for land managers) and on the neutron count rate. We focused on agricultural environments where temporal changes in BD are deemed relevant. For that we used data from four agricultural sites (three in Germany and one in Scotland, UK) spanning different soil types, level of agricultural management and hydrometeorological conditions. The selected sites are equipped with a stationary CRNS and BD was sampled on 3 or more occasions for sensor calibration. We quantify the differences in estimates of SWC by using the range of average BD values at a site and compare these differences to other sources of uncertainty (e.g. the integration time of neutron counts). We additionally consider existing theories on the interaction of neutrons and soil bulk density to evaluate the direct impact of BD changes on the neutron count rate with dedicated simulations. Finally, we make recommendations on when BD variability and thus its sampling over time may become important for the derivation of CRNS outputs.

How to cite: Scheiffele, L. M., Dimitrova Petrova, K., Schrön, M., Nieberding, F., Bogena, H. R., Verrot, L., García Quiroz, M. O., and Geris, J.: Do temporal changes in soil density affect cosmic ray neutron sensing: a multi-site comparison, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18086,, 2024.

Samir K. Al-Mashharawi, Marcel M. El Hajj, Matthew F. McCabe, and Susan C. Steele-Dunne

Biomass water equivalent represents the cumulative vegetation water content and biological hydrogen contained within plant tissue and can provide valuable insights into ecosystem-scale water dynamics. Several studies conducted in crop and forest fields have reported that variation in biomass water equivalent can decrease the accuracy of soil moisture estimates when using the Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor (CRNS): a novel approach for real-time soil moisture monitoring. Indeed, with an increasing biomass water equivalent, more neutrons at epithermal and thermal energy levels are held by the hydrogen atoms in the vegetation, leading to an overestimation of soil moisture. In this study, we explore the impact of such variations in biomass water equivalent on the estimated soil moisture from CRNS sensors installed in two distinct orchard plantations. The first plantation is an olive orchard located in northern Saudi Arabia (desert climate), while the second is a cherry orchard located in southeastern France (Mediterranean climate). Utilizing a site-specific calibration value (N0), soil moisture was derived from neutron counts, and compared to reference in-situ soil moisture. The estimated and reference soil moisture difference was analyzed as a function of biomass water equivalent variations. As biomass water equivalent measurements were not possible to obtain at equivalent CRNS acquisition rates, the vapor pressure deficit (VPD), a meteorological variable, in plants, it is used to describe the difference in water vapor pressure between the inside of a leaf and the surrounding air, was used as a proxy. An optimization procedure was performed to update N0 (N0.opt) in such a way that the difference between estimated and reference soil moisture is minimized. Variations in N0,opt are subsequently correlated with VPD to confirm the link between neutron count variations and seasonal changes in biomass water equivalent. Results showed that without considering the effects of biomass water equivalent on neutron counts, the estimated soil moisture overestimates the reference soil moisture when the VPD is low (no stress conditions) and matches the reference soil moisture when the VPD is high (water stress conditions). Moreover, the results showed that the change in N0 (1 - N0.opt / N0) correlated well with VPD (R2 = 0.7). An improved understanding of the potential effects of biomass water equivalent on CRNS signals is required for understanding water dynamics in trees and providing insights for optimizing irrigation.

How to cite: Al-Mashharawi, S. K., El Hajj, M. M., McCabe, M. F., and Steele-Dunne, S. C.: Impact of Biomass Water Equivalent on Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor Estimates , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6790,, 2024.

Felix Nieberding, Cosimo Brogi, Sardar Salar Saeed Dogar, and Heye Reemt Bogena

In recent years, the use of Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) for climate-compatible agriculture has attracted increasing attention, as it allows the soil moisture in the root zone to be determined continuously and non-invasively at field scale. However, the intrinsic integration of the neutron signal across the entire monitored field, and possibly beyond, can mask the distinct contributions from above-average dry or wet areas. This can potentially lead to biased soil moisture observations. In strip-irrigated fields, varying amounts of water are applied to different areas over the course of an irrigation cycle that, depending on field dimension and availability of machinery and water wells, can last multiple days. Hence, the neutron signal is not only affected by heterogeneities in soil properties but also by the irrigation pattern itself.

To better understand the contribution of heterogeneous soils and irrigation patterns on the neutron signal, we ask the following research questions: 1) Can different irrigation events be sensed by the neutron detectors and by point-scale measurements alike? 2) How much do strip irrigation events that only affect a portion of the field contribute to the neutron signal? 3) What is the effect of soil heterogeneity on the signal contribution? 4) How sensitive does the CRNS need to be in a given environment? To answer these questions, three CRNS detectors with different sensitivities were installed across a 14 ha potato field with marked soil heterogeneity and compared to soil moisture measurements at point-scale using two different profile probes. Prior to the measurement campaign, the spatial distribution of soil characteristics was assessed using Electro-Magnetic Induction (EMI) and the measurement sites were chosen to cover the main soil types present in the field. To gain a better understanding of the effects of localized irrigation events on the neutron signal, we used the URANOS neutron transport model to simulate the movement of neutrons in the studied environment and under the observed soil moisture conditions, taking into account the soil and sensor characteristics.

We found that the CRNS clearly outperformed the point-scale profile soil moisture probes, as these tend to lose contact with the soil due to erosion of the potato dams, thus leading to erroneous soil moisture measurements at all measurement sites. Despite the higher measurement accuracy of the CRNS, their sensitivity to irrigation decreased with the distance from the irrigated areas and not all irrigation events were sensed by all stations. Comparing CRNS with different measurement sensitivity, we found that using CRNS with only one proportional counting tube placed far from the center of the field was less suitable for detecting the irrigation events. On the contrary, the use of a CRNS with two proportional counter tubes placed in the center of the field provided sufficient sensitivity to adequately detect irrigation events.

How to cite: Nieberding, F., Brogi, C., Dogar, S. S. S., and Bogena, H. R.: Influence of strip-irrigation on CRNS soil moisture measurements under heterogeneous soil properties, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7361,, 2024.

Daniel Altdorff, Sascha Oswald, Solveig Landmark, Steffen Zacharias, Peter Dietrich, Sabine Attinger, and Martin Schrön

Soil water content (SWC) is a key variable in various environmental processes, such as atmospheric interaction, infiltration, groundwater recharge, and stream water fluxes. An assessment and the prediction of these highly relevant processes demand quantification about SWC on the field scale (100 m to kilometers). To date, large-scale SWC has been either measured remotely by satellite systems or computed numerically by hydrological models. Both approaches contain a range of disadvantages, extensively discussed in the recent literature, such as the lack of the desired resolution, of detailed soil information, or the very shallow integral depth from satellite products. Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) has become a popular method for noninvasive SWC measurements within the last decade. Particularly the hectare-scale lateral footprint and its integral depth of several decimeter bridged the instrumentation gap between point-scale SWC measurements and the remote-sensing products. CRNS could provide more representative SWC measurements than satellite products and thus has the potential to support model calibration. However, to reach a quantity of CRNS-based SWC measurements that cover large-scale areas as needed to match the dimensions of satellite and modeled SWC products, stationary and conventional car-bourne CRNS roving are not sufficient. In this study, we introduce the concept of large-scale SWC measurements by multiple mobile Rail-CRNS systems installed on cargo trains as a vision for the calibration of existing SWC products and to support model development. Up to five Rail-CRNS systems run almost daily along several hundreds of kilometers across Germany, recording near real-time SWC values along the tracks. However, as the CRNS signal is not solely affected by SWC, other hydrogen pools (e.g. biomass, vegetation, surface water), topography and anthropogenic constructions along the railway can influence the recordings. To convert the CRNS signal into reliable SWC values, signal corrections and interpretations are still part of ongoing investigations. Moreover, while the amount of measured SWC data increases, also the complexity of data processing and quality control rises and demand further consideration. Finally, the question of data accessibility and formatting needs to be addressed in the future to serve the needs of end users, such as the remote sensing and hydrological modelling communities or land use managers and local authorities. 

How to cite: Altdorff, D., Oswald, S., Landmark, S., Zacharias, S., Dietrich, P., Attinger, S., and Schrön, M.: A vision for country-wide soil moisture monitoring by train-based cosmic-ray neutron sensors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22272,, 2024.