- 1Catholic University of America, Washington DC, United States of America (chigomezyo.ngwira@nasa.gov)
- 2UCLA, Los Angeles, United States of America (jweygand@igpp.ucla.edu)
Space weather causes geomagnetic disturbances that can affect critical infrastructure. Understanding the dynamic response of the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system to severe space weather is essential for mitigation purposes. This paper reports on a detailed analysis of the most recently observed May 10, 2024, storm. We demonstrate that the global response to the storm dynamics was strikingly different in various sectors and at various latitudes. Results in the American and European sectors show that the most extreme mid-latitude response was associated to substorm related activity. However, no adverse impact of the storm on bulk power systems was report in North America or other parts of the world.
How to cite: Ngwira, C. and Weygand, J.: Global Geomagnetic Response and Impact During the 10 May 2024 Gannon Storm – Observations and Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12754, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12754, 2025.