EGU25-13099, updated on 15 Mar 2025
EGU General Assembly 2025
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Poster | Thursday, 01 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), Display time Thursday, 01 May, 08:30–18:00
vPoster spot 1, vP1.20
Performance of a new set of analytical corrections to planetary nutations: preliminary results and outlook
Ahmed Zakarya Zerifi, José M Ferrándiz, Alberto Escapa, Tomás Baenas, Miguel A Juárez, Santiago Belda, and Maria Karbon
Ahmed Zakarya Zerifi et al.
  • university of alicante, method mathematics and modelling in ingenierie science, Spain (

The need to improve Earth rotation theories and models in a consistent and accurate
manner is currently widely recognized. Several researchers and groups at different
institutions have been working on this problem using quite different approaches, either
from the theoretical or computational perspective.
A potential source of the loss of accuracy of celestial pole offsets can be due to the
mismodeling of the planetary component of the IAU2000 nutation series. In fact, as
recognized in Ferrándiz et al. (2018), this component is actually based on a rigid-Earth
solution and does not include the Oppolzer terms that are significantly affected by the
Earth non-rigidity.
Such hypothesis was showed to be realistic by adjusting directly the amplitudes of a
small number of nutation periods of strictly planetary origin that could be reasonably
well separated by analyzing the series of VLBI observations. The results provide
significant fittings and the WRMS was successfully decreased by amounts comparable
to those achieved with lunisolar amplitude rescaling. A further step in this direction
requires the consideration of theoretical developments for the amplitudes of the non-
rigid Earth planetary nutations.
In this contribution, we present preliminary results considering the analytical formulae
of such planetary amplitudes for a two-layer earth model including dissipation effects at
the core-mantle boundary and anelasticity, obtained from a Hamiltonian method. Their
performance is assessed using several series of VLBI observations, with satisfactory
results, and is placed in the general context of the improvement of the precession and
nutation models sought by the IAG and the IAU.
Acknowledgment. This research was supported partially by Spanish Projects PID2020-119383GB-I00 funded by
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033); SEJIGENT/2021/001, funded by
Generalitat Valenciana; and the European Union—NextGenerationEU (ZAMBRANO 21-04).

How to cite: Zerifi, A. Z., Ferrándiz, J. M., Escapa, A., Baenas, T., Juárez, M. A., Belda, S., and Karbon, M.: Performance of a new set of analytical corrections to planetary nutations: preliminary results and outlook, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13099,, 2025.