- 1National Geographic Institute of Spain, Geodesy, Spain (eazcue@transportes.gob.es)
- 2UAVAC, Applied Mathematics Dept., University of Alicante, Spain (jm.ferrandiz@ua.es)
- *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract
A Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) affiliate is an organization or entity that collaborates with the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) to enhance the global geodetic infrastructure and support the objectives of GGOS in a region.
With this goal, a GGOS affiliate was created to enhance geodetic infrastructure and scientific collaboration across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region. It is called GGOS IberAtlantic. This project focuses on improving the accuracy and reliability of geospatial data through the co-location and integration of geodetic space techniques to support various scientific and practical applications, including global reference frame maintenance, climate change monitoring, natural hazard assessment, in the perspective of a sustainable development. GGOS IberAtlantic aims to establish a robust network of geodetic stations, facilitate high-accuracy data collection, and promote international cooperation among geodetic institutions, contributing to a better understanding of Earth's dynamic processes. It is also focused on supporting decision-making in the area and bringing geodesy closer to society, specially to young scientists.
The upcoming presentation will outline the steps taken to establish the GGOS IberAtlantic group, as well as its future directions and objectives.
Acknowledgment. This presentation was supported partially by Spanish Project PID2020-119383GB-I00 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)
Esther Azcue Infanzón (National Geographic Institute of Spain); Luísa Magalhães (Azores Mission Structure for Space and RAEGE Azores Association); João Agria Torres (College of Geographical Engineering of the Order of Engineers, Portugal); José Manuel Ferrándiz Leal (University of Alicante, Spain); Paulo Manuel Patrício (Directorate-General for the Territory, Portugal); Antonio Pazos García (Royal Observatory of the Spanish Navy); Helena Ribeiro (Directorate-General for the Territory, Portugal); Javier González García (Yebes Observatory, National Geographic Institute of Spain); Clara Lázaro (Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto); Manuel Ángel Sánchez Piedra (Royal Observatory of the Spanish Navy); Isabel Vigo (University of Alicante, Spain); Mariana Moreira (Santa Maria RAEGE Station, RAEGE Azores Association)
How to cite: Azcue, E. and Ferrándiz Leal, J. M. and the GGOS IberAtlantic Governing Board: GGOS IberAtlantic Affiliate: Bringing Geodesy Closer to Society across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17154, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17154, 2025.