- Gansu Meteorological Information and Technical Equipment Support Center, Lanzhou, China (hanyuting124@qq.com)
In order to solve the problem of quantity traceability of precipitation phenomenon instrument, a precipitation phenomenon checking device was developed. By simulating the precipitation particles of 4.3 mm and 9.5 mm, corresponding to the velocities of 2m/s, 7M/s and 12M/s respectively, the on-site verification of the precipitation phenomenometer and the test program of the upper computer software are carried out, the relevant particle channels are recorded and displayed in the map, and the performance of the precipitation phenomenometer is judged automatically. It has many advantages, such as complete function, reasonable design, easy to carry, friendly software interface, one-button detection, automatically judge whether the equipment is qualified, and according to the template to generate a verification report. The practical application proves that the device provides a strong support for the meteorological department's equipment support personnel to carry out the verification work of the precipitation phenomenometer, improves the working efficiency, and plays a role in supervising and inspecting the quality of the precipitation phenomenometer's equipment, it has a good application prospect in the field verification of precipitation phenomenometer.
How to cite: Han, Y.: Development and application of the calibration device of precipitation phenomenometer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17395, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17395, 2025.