- CSIR FOURTH PARADIGM INSTITUTE, EESD, Bangalore, India (sarksumana@gmail.com)
Spatio-temporal variability of the terrestrial hydrological processes (land heat and water storage anomalies) has important implications in the climate predictability through their effects on surface energy and water fluxes. The changes in seasonal precipitation patterns associated with the Indian Summer Monsoon can alter the hydrological processes; for a given catchment, which in turn can influence the exchange of water and energy at the land surface-atmosphere interface. Hence the reliable prediction of the basin-scale water cycle components in a physically based high-resolution hydrological model equipped with sophisticated Land Surface Models (LSMs) is of prime requirement. The modern LSMs can provide detailed representations of important biophysical, biogeochemical and hydrological processes of varying spatial and temporal scales by incorporating the necessary feedbacks between the land and the atmosphere. When coupled to a physically based fully distributed hydrological model, it can affect the soil moisture patterns means of recycling the surface and sub-surface runoff (lateral terrestrial flow). However, despite the role of lateral terrestrial hydrological processes for the improved simulation of soil moistures, the sensitivity studies involving the land surface and sub-surface feedbacks are less pronounced especially for a tropical humid region with complex physiographic settings (presence of complex topography) under monsoon regimes (strong synoptic forcings). Therefore, in the present study, we examined a process based diagnosis regarding the role of the lateral flow on the terrestrial hydrological processes (Evapotranspiration, surface and sub-surface runoff, stream flow) and surface energy fluxes (latent heat, sensible heat) by using a multi-configured modeling framework of offline WRF-Hydro with Noah-Multi parameterizations (MP) LSM to enable systematic evaluation of the multiple physical parameterizations of hydrologic process representation; the validation has been done with the reanalysis dataset, a remotely sensed product and ground based observations.
How to cite: Sarkar, S. and Lakshmikanthan, P.: Modeling the impact of lateral flow on terrestrial water balance components and surface energy fluxes using WRF-Hydro with multi-configuration ensembles: a study over Krishna River Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1783, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1783, 2025.