- Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Earth and Environmental Science, India (naman24@iiserb.ac.in)
In a mountainous watershed, there are many confluences at which two or more streams join. Due to inaccessible terrain and associated costs, river discharge data is collected only at a few confluences. It is, therefore, important to assess which confluence is critical. By critical, we mean the junction which will create maximum fragmentation in a river network. In this study, we analysed river networks with uneven topography in the Alaknanda River basin, which is vulnerable and prone to geo-hydro hazards. We applied Unsupervised Machine Learning (UML) algorithms such as Isolation Forest, Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), and Linear Integer Programming (LIP) to identify the critical confluence locations. We compare our results with the well-established graph-based centrality metrics (Degree centrality, Betweenness centrality, Closeness centrality, and Eigen Vector Centrality). Our results suggest that DBSCAN outperformed other approaches in terms of detecting crucial nodes. We obtained better results using LIP than other techniques except DBSCAN. The outcome of this study will help the Central Water Commission, in deciding which confluence to focus on, and in assessing the locations of new gauges.
Keywords: Critical nodes; Alaknanda Basin; Machine Learning; Hazards
How to cite: Rajouria, N., Parajapati, P., and Jha, S. K.: Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms for identifying critical river confluence in a mountainous watershed., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19050, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19050, 2025.