- ISIS Follonica, Grosseto, Italy
The city of Follonica is an energy community and the high school is involved in the "Pecora River Agreement", a local project whose aim is to redevelop the river ecosystem.
Outdoor education is a method that encourages students to be active participants and become citizens aware of the importance of environmental protection.
Students have projected a study (using IBSE method) of the polluted area around the river. The city's history is studied, using local library, showing its importance in climate, the changes in the water regime, and the shape of the river during the XX century.
The environmental situation is measured through chemical and physical parameters of the water, soil texture, quality indicators of soil (analysis of soil fauna), and water (Extended Biotic Index).
The digital products are: a website, some reports, and an interactive map of the river.
School has communicated the situation to the local authorities as a part of the Agreement, moreover, students make proposals: plants on the riverbank, activities to sensitize the local community, and monitoring through an ecological index for the future of the city
How to cite: Severi, A.: Outdoor education for rehabilitation of a river, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20776, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20776, 2025.