EGU25-2519, updated on 14 Mar 2025
EGU General Assembly 2025
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Poster | Monday, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), Display time Monday, 28 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vPoster spot 1, vP1.15
The determination of the seismic sequence characteristics and post - earthquake trend of the Ms6.4 earthquake in Yangbi, Yunnan, China on May 21, 2021
Bateer Wu
Bateer Wu
  • Institute of Disaster Prevention, School of Earth Science , China (

This article mainly studies the characteristics of the earthquake sequence and the post - earthquake trend of the Ms6.4 earthquake in Yangbi, Yunnan,China on May 21, 2021. The research area is located in Yangbi Yi Autonomous County in the western part of Yunnan Province. The earthquake caused severe disasters such as housing destruction, traffic interruption, water conservancy facilities damage and power supply interruption. Through the analysis of the basic parameters of the earthquake, the tectonic stress environment and the seismogenic structure, it is determined that the earthquake is a right - lateral strike - slip rupture, with a focal depth of 8 kilometers, consistent with the direction of the Weixi - Qiaohou and Honghe fault zones. The earthquake sequence type is determined as the main shock - aftershock type (including the foreshock - main shock - aftershock type). Spatially, the source rupture expands unilaterally from the northwest to the southeast, mostly occurring in the upper crust high - speed zone or the high - low speed transition zone. Based on the G - R relationship and other analyses, the earthquake activity cycle in this area has active and quiet periods, and there are certain abnormal change laws before strong aftershocks, such as strain accumulation, calmness or enhancement of earthquakes above magnitude 3.5, and abnormal frequency of earthquakes above magnitude 2. The conclusion is that the earthquake sequence is normal, and the post - earthquake trend shows the characteristics of long - term calmness - breaking calmness - becoming calm again - signal earthquake (main shock). In the next few years, the strain accumulation may reach the peak and release. It is predicted that there may be a larger earthquake accompanied by strong aftershocks in 2025, or enter an active period with a strong aftershock magnitude exceeding 5.9 and lasting for more than half a year. Finally, the earthquake prevention and disaster reduction countermeasures are proposed.

How to cite: Wu, B.: The determination of the seismic sequence characteristics and post - earthquake trend of the Ms6.4 earthquake in Yangbi, Yunnan, China on May 21, 2021, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2519,, 2025.