- 1Clausthal University of Technology (TUC), Institute of Geotechnology and Mineral Resources, Dept. of Geosciences (tanja.schaefer@tu-clausthal.de))
- 2Harzwasserwerke GmbH, Hildesheim
Concerning water supply in mountainous regions where surface water plays an important role, the understanding of lake stratification or even hypolimnia can be important for water treatment actions.
The historical dam reservoirs were used for the continuous water supply to the ore mines in the Upper Harz Mountains. The first reservoirs were built in the 16th century. The dam heights reach up to 15 m and the stored water volumes are between 10,000 and 600,000 m3. There are about 70 of such lakes around Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Today only few of them are directly used for drinking water supply in the surrounding communities.
Hydrogeochemical data of the lakes have been investigated for about ten years. The specific electrical conductivity (SEC) of the lakes’ surface water ranges between 30 and 280 µS/cm (Bozau et al., 2015, Schäfer et al. 2024). Three lakes (Kiefhölzer, Langer and Oberer Grumbacher Teich) differing in chemical composition and morphometry (area, mean depth and maximum depth) were selected for the investigation of seasonal changes in the water columns. Samples were taken by boat with a Ruttner sampler. SEC and pH were measured on the boat. The titration for HCO3 was done directly after sampling. The main ions were analyzed by ion chromatography and the trace elements by ICP-MS.
Stratification during summer could be clearly observed in all of the three lakes. The degradation of organic material and accompanying redox reactions are seen in the measured pH, SEC, HCO3-, Fe(II), NO3-, NH4+ and SO42- concentrations. Each lake showed a characteristic temporal and chemical behaviour. The development of an anoxic hypolimnion above the lake sediments was obvious in the two shallower lakes Langer Teich (max. depth ~ 5 m) and Kiefhölzer Teich (max. depth ~ 7 m) as being accompanied by H2S-odor in the water column starting ~ 1 m above sediment. This feature was absent in the deepest lake Oberer Grumbacher Teich (max. depth ~ 9 m), which also showed weaker increase of SEC and HCO3- in the profile. The aeration of the hypolimnion started in autumn leading to a well mixed, chemically uniform water column.
Bozau, E., Licha, T., Stärk, H.-J., Strauch, G., Voss, I., Wiegand, B. (2015): Hydrogeochemische Studien im Harzer Einzugsgebiet der Innerste. Clausthaler Geowissenschaften, 10, 35-46.
Schäfer, T., Bozau, E., and Hutwalker, A.: Reservoir lakes in the Upper Harz Mountains (Germany): GIS Implementation and hydrochemical development, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5085, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5085, 2024.
How to cite: Schäfer, T., Bozau, E., and Hutwalker, A.: Seasonal Changes in Water Columns of Historical Reservoir Lakes in the Upper Harz Mountains (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2730, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2730, 2025.