- 1Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy (gabriele.guidolotti@cnr.it)
- 2Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy
- 3Institute for BioEconomy National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy
- 4European Forest Institute, Biocities Facility, Italy
- 5Segretariato generale della Presidenza della Repubblica – Servizio Tenuta di Castelporziano, Italy
- *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract
Costal pine Italian forests, like mostly monospecific plantations, are much more vulnerable than natural and multi-specific stands. This fragility was completely expressed in the Castelporziano Presidential Natural Reserve in Italy (west coast of central Italy), where, in only 6 years, the combined action of the alien pathogens Toumeyella parvicornis with the native one Tomicus destruens led to the disappearance of the stone pines (Pinus pinea L.) that were covering more than 250 hectares of monospecific stands. The subsequent removal of standing dead trees left large open areas where various ecosystem restoration strategies can be applied including reforestation to natural recolonization and different options for grazing control. An ICOS station was already present inside the natural reserve and now, thanks to the fruitful collaboration of three European Research Infrastructures (ICOS, eLTER and LifeWatch), five additional monitoring plots will be established. At moment of the present abstract submission three station plots have been already implemented and started to measure in mid-August 2024, while the other two are under implementation with the start of the measurements planned for spring 2025. The different plots, covering each a different post-pine option with a different ecosystem structure, are all equipped with an eddy covariance system for CO2, water and energy continuous exchange measurement. Beyond the functionality in terms of carbon absorption, other investigation activities will be carried out in the plots with a specific focus on vegetation and soil characteristics, biodiversity evolution and hyperspectral and SIF local measurements among others. In this presentation the first preliminary results will be illustrated, together with the plan and the activities on-going. The data, collected in the context of the European Research Infrastructures, are open access and FAIR and will be fundamental for better evaluating and understanding different restoration options and the consequent vegetation dynamics from a holistic point of view including carbon storage, water balance, plants and animal biodiversity, with a link to the remote sensing for their possible upscaling.
P. Sconocchia, M. Micali, D. Piastrelloni, L. Sessa, L. Ancillotto, G. Antoniella, A. Barbati, D. Cecca, G. Chirici, T. Chiti, D. Cimini, G. D’Amico, L. Di Fiore, O. Dondina, S. Fares, D. Liberati, F. Mazzenga, E. Mori, F. Recanatesi, R. Salvati, C. Zabeo
How to cite: Guidolotti, G., Papale, D., Mattioni, M., Nicolini, G., Sabbatini, S., Bonella, G., Calfapietra, C., Matteucci, G., and Scarascia Mugnozza, G. and the CastelPorziano Presidential Natural Reserve Research Team: Exploiting a natural disaster for a comprehensive evaluation of different ecosystem recovery strategies: the example of Castelporziano network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8435, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8435, 2025.