TM – Townhall Meetings
Monday, 28 April
As the impacts of climate change continue to intensify across the globe, the demand for reliable and actionable climate information and services has risen sharply. This growing demand is accompanied by an increasing recognition of significant gaps in our understanding of the climate system. Numerous challenges persist, including limited observational networks in certain regions, particularly in the Global South, and large inequities in access to data. Furthermore, insufficient coordination between the climate modeling and observational research communities undermines the full potential of accurate climate modelling and climate services. Existing climate data also faces several issues, such as a lack of standardized processing, verification, and homogenization, which can compromise their reliability. Another key issue is the limited integration of diverse data sources, such as satellite observations, in-situ measurements, and citizen science contributions, which could otherwise provide a more comprehensive understanding of the climate system. At the same time, end-users can encounter barriers in accessing specific data products or difficulties in properly interpreting and utilizing the information, limiting its practical application.
To address these complex and interrelated challenges, we are convening a panel of experts from the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) to provide valuable insights into ongoing international coordination efforts and to explore innovative, collaborative strategies aimed at improving climate research and information accessibility. The panel will feature scientists and representatives from key WCRP initiatives, including ESMO (Earth System Modelling and Observations), CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment), and the RifS (Regional Information for Society) Global Extremes Platform (GEP). The townhall will include presentations from the experts, including some user cases or ‘best practices’, followed by an open discussion. We will briefly introduce the new Working Groups on Observations for Researching Climate (from ESMO) and Event Attribution (from RifS). The community will have the opportunity to provide input and discuss how they might contribute to these coordinated activities.
We invite you to join us at the EGU 2025 townhall session dedicated to the FLUXNET network of eddy covariance measurements and its many regional and related partners. This session welcomes everyone interested in the intersection of flux data and environmental science, including data producers, users, processors, software developers, synthesizers, educators, and those simply curious about these efforts. Our community thrives on collaboration and inclusivity, and we look forward to your participation.
The session will begin with a brief overview of key activities from flux networks around the globe. Highlights will include:
1) Opportunities for engagement in working groups—focusing on scientific collaboration, data availability, education, and career development for early-career researchers.
2) Updates on ongoing data and scientific initiatives—including plans for the highly anticipated Fluxnet2025 synthesis release, which promises to enhance understanding of global flux patterns.
3) International exchange opportunities—such as hosting students and participating in workshops and training sessions to foster knowledge sharing and skill development.
After the updates, we’ll transition into a structured, open discussion aimed at addressing the following topics:
• Informing global carbon, water, and energy budgets, as well as improving climate models.
• Enhancing data quality, availability, and usability for diverse scientific disciplines and user groups.
• Strengthening international collaboration through working groups, exchange programs, and strategic partnerships.
• Identifying pathways to better engage early-career scientists.
• Addressing challenges, research gaps, and data needs to advance the field.
We encourage all attendees to contribute their ideas and experiences during this discussion, helping shape the future of flux research and its broader applications.
The session will conclude with an off-site informal social event—an excellent opportunity to network, share ideas, and establish connections in a relaxed setting.
Our aim is to inform the scientific community about FLUXNET’s ongoing and future initiatives while inspiring new collaborations and research ventures.
We look forward to seeing you there and working together to advance the science of eddy covariance and beyond!
Are you ready to elevate your research? The IRISCC project invites you to an engaging and interactive Town Hall meeting where we will explore how Transnational Access (TA) and Virtual Access (VA) can open doors to groundbreaking opportunities for geoscience researchers.
Transnational Access enables researchers to visit state-of-the-art facilities, conduct experiments on sophisticated equipment, and work directly with unique collections and data. Virtual Access allows you to interact with cutting-edge datasets, instruments, and computational tools without leaving your lab, providing seamless access to e-infrastructures and virtual research communities. Both mechanisms are designed to empower researchers with the resources they need to tackle pressing scientific challenges.
EU-funded projects, like IRISCC, together with European Research Infrastructures across domains such as agriculture, aquaculture, atmospheric, and ecosystem research, offer free-of-charge access to their services. These opportunities are available to researchers in Europe and, in some cases, to those from non-EU countries.
During this interactive session, we will explain the terminology, introduce how TA and VA work, and explain the exciting opportunities they offer. You’ll learn how researchers can benefit from physical access to laboratories, platforms, and specialised equipment; remote access to powerful tools and data; hybrid access that combines on-site visits with remote analysis; and virtual access to advanced datasets and instruments.
This session will also cover funding pathways, eligibility, and application procedures, making it easier for you to navigate the process. You’ll hear inspiring success stories from researchers who have leveraged these mechanisms to advance their work and have the chance to engage with experts, participate in discussions, and ask questions to explore collaborative opportunities.
Whether you’re conducting field research, developing new methodologies, or exploring big datasets, TA and VA offer unparalleled opportunities to enhance your research. Join us and discover how these mechanisms can help you access world-class resources, connect with leading experts, and achieve new breakthroughs in geosciences and beyond.
Who Should Attend?
This session is perfect for geoscientists looking to access state-of-the-art facilities, tools, and data to enhance their research. Whether you’re seeking on-site experimentation, remote data analysis, or virtual collaboration, this is your chance to learn, engage, and explore new possibilities.
Join us at EGU 2025 for this interactive session and discover how Transnational and Virtual Access can help you achieve your research goals and push the boundaries of science!
COST Actions are unique types of projects that foster collaboration and networking among scientists and a wide range of stakeholders across various disciplines. The unique approach also lies in the way how you can participate in these projects since it is possible to join them during the project's lifetime, not just during the writing and submission period. Here, we have invited leaders of seven COST Actions projects that focus on creating strong networks with a focus on the forest ecosystem but from different perspectives. They will be highlighting their goals, achievements, and opportunities for collaboration. More concretely, their focus varies across a variety of topics through the novel technologies, such as different remote sensing approaches for precision forestry or even augmented reality. Another is focused on supporting decision-making or mitigating climate extremes. Additionally, those focusing on the urban forest and urban tree health are in the picture as well.
Organising the Townhall meeting, we want to give you the opportunity to learn about these projects and their goals and results and indicate opportunities for how you can collaborate and join these projects.
During the Townhall meeting, seven COST Actions will be introduced, followed by a Q&A from the audience. The topics of the COST Actions are terrestrial-based technologies for precision forestry and forest ecology (3DForEcoTech.eu), Augmented reality in forestry (ARiF), remote sensing technologies for precision forestry (Pangeos.eu), climate extremes and atmospheric deposition impacts on European forests (Cleanforest.eu), new methodological approaches for decision support systems to enhance sustainable forest management for providing ecosystem services in the landscape (https://www.dss4es.com/), safeguarding urban trees against pests and pathogens (UB3Guard) and integrative approach of urban forestry (INTUF).
The expected outcomes and goal of the meeting are to bring greater awareness of COST Actions and introduce new opportunities for collaboration among academics and introduce a practical knowledge on engaging with and contributing to these initiatives. The COST Actions have various networking tools that can be used by the community, for example, short-term scientific missions, training schools and conference grants, to name a few. And our goal will be to motivate participants of the Townhall meeting to engage more in the future.
EGU Committees play an important role in providing educational opportunities and encouraging community involvement. The EGU Education Committee (EC) supports EGU's objective of fostering "the next generation of geoscientists by providing world-class education, training, and resources to secondary school teachers, university geoscience educators, and early career scientists." On the other hand, the EGU Outreach Committee aims to raise public awareness of the EGU membership's scientific activities and promote the distribution of information outside of the geoscience community, while the EGU Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee organises sessions and discussions on EDI problems as part of the EGU General Assembly, as well as other conferences and events hosted by EGU and its sister institutions.
In this Townhall Meeting (TM) we invite EGU community members, scientists, geoscience teachers and related fields in higher education, early career scientists and anyone interested in contributing to the educational growth of EGU to present them the wide range of educational activities and resources developed and planned within the EC, Outreach and EDI committees.
Our goal is to increase awareness and understanding of the various EGU committee's educational initiatives and supporting opportunities, strengthen community engagement and collaboration, identify potential collaborators and volunteers for upcoming projects, enhance community support and facilitate meaningful discussions and idea exchange, leading to innovative strategies and approaches.
Public Information:
The session will include a series of brief presentations given by representatives from each committee. These presentations will cover their ongoing initiatives, highlight the financial support opportunities they provide, and present the various resources they produce, which are freely accessible to the public. Additionally, there will be a short demonstration on how attendees can access these resources and stay informed about future engagement opportunities. Following each presentation, there will be a 5-minute discussion period during which members of the audience will have the chance to ask questions and engage directly with the presenters.
Tuesday, 29 April
The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) coordinates research on some of the most pressing scientific questions related to the complex nature of the climate system, working with all nations to find answers from a multidisciplinary perspective. WCRP-supported research builds the climate science that underpins the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, including national commitments under the Paris Agreement of 2015, and contributes to the knowledge that supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and multilateral environmental conventions. Through its Core Projects, Lighthouse Activities and the Academy, WCRP brings together scientists from all over the world at all stages of their careers. The aim is to advance our understanding of the multi-scale interactions between components of the climate system, to investigate climate predictions from intra-seasonal to multi-decadal time scales, to understand the response to external forcing anomalies, and to address and study the role of humans on climate. WCRP is also working with partners at the science-society interface to ensure that global, regional, and national climate research communities provide the rigorous and scientific foundation needed to meet society’s demand for robust and useful climate information. WCRP also works with nations and funding agencies to mobilize the resources required to achieve these aims.
This townhall will bring together the WCRP community, its partners, and stakeholders to discuss the latest progress of the Programme and its scientific directions for 2025 and beyond. The townhall will present new scientific highlights and initiatives that bridge science and society and outline the different types of engagement that individual researchers, whatever their career stage, can have with the Programme. We aim to strengthen international collaborations within our scientific activities to ensure a vision for the future that reflects the needs of all regions of the world. A discussion will follow on research gaps and priorities, at a regional or global scale, that require scientific engagement from WCRP in the future. There will also be time for discussion with some of WCRP's partners and with funding agencies.
The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (PlioMIP3) aims to improve our understanding of Earth System behaviour in the Pliocene – a warm climate of the past where CO2 levels were similar to today. This townhall will bring together scientists from a number of institutions to discuss progress on PlioMIP3. Since PlioMIP3 is an international collaboration it can be difficult for the community to meet in person, and this townhall will be a valuable opportunity to complement online meetings that are already taking place.
Modelling groups will be able to update the community on their progress and to discuss problems and potential solutions. The best way of coordinating the scientific outcomes will be discussed, in order to ensure maximum impact of the project. The townhall will also provide an opportunity for Early Career Researchers and PhD students, who have recently started working on the Pliocene, to meet the community.
The target audience is mainly scientists who are running the PlioMIP3 experiments and analysing the model output. However, it will also be of interest to the wider Pliocene community and scientists who model other time periods. For example, there are numerous opportunities for Pliocene data-model comparison – which will be discussed. Also, it is useful for all model intercomparison projects to work together for maximum scientific impact, and the townhall will provide a space where we can discuss how this will be achieved. It will benefit the project to get feedback on expected scientific outcomes from the wider audience that will be attending EGU.
We anticipate that the townhall will advance the PlioMIP3 project, by providing project updates, sharing ideas, and making decisions about the best way forward. Ultimately the project will provide an increased understanding of warm climates, including physical processes, uncertainties, and the synergies between models and data.
This meeting will explore recent technological developments in the EMODnet and Copernicus Marine data offering and will provide details on the key role of these two EU marine data services in the European Digital Twin of the Ocean, with a presentation on the infrastructure project (EDITO, https://dive.edito.eu/) and EDITO-Model Lab, including ways that research, academia and wider stakeholders can get involved, including upcoming funding opportunities to exploit the EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service common data lake and EDITO resources for big data analyses, ocean prediction, and more.
Both EMODnet and Copernicus Marine are operational marine data services of the European Commission, with EMODnet as the most diverse pan-European service for in situ data offering hundreds of parameters across the seven thematics of bathymetry, biology, chemistry, geology, human activities, physics and seabed habitats in one single Portal, and the Copernicus Marine Service offering a rich and unique ocean data catalogue across blue, white and green parameters, available to download and visualise via its Marine Data Store (MDS), and including model hindcasts, nowcast and forecasts, ocean monitoring indicators, unparalleled satellite and targeted in situ data. The features of both services will be explored and discussed at this meeting.
EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service are working together to deliver a shared, high performance, cloud based, data science platform as a key contribution to the European Digital Twin Ocean, that offers users a new toolbox to preform big data analyses with data and data products from EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service, and model applications such as prediction, forecasting and scenarios. This platform, called EDITO, follows the paradigm of ‘bringing the compute to the data’, recognizing that it is more efficient to run analytics and code as close to Big Data as possible. EDITO II starts in 2025 and represents a scaling up of the existing EDITO infrastructure, as part of EDITO II there is funding available for innovative ideas that make use of the features of the EDITO platform, and this funding mechanism will be explained.
Join us for an informative, interactive discussion, where we welcome the scientific community across all domains to learn more about the European Union’s assets for Marine Knowledge, and for you to give us your feedback, advice and new ideas for the future developments of EMODnet, Copernicus Marine Service and EDITO.
Citizen science is a powerful approach that involves members of the public in scientific research and problem-solving efforts. In the context of plastic pollution, citizen science enables individuals and communities to contribute directly to understanding and addressing this critical environmental challenge. By engaging in activities such as data collection, analysis, and awareness campaigns, citizens play an active role in building a more sustainable future.
The aim of this session is to highlight innovative approaches and successful initiatives of public participation to address one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. This will include the best practices and lessons learned from successful citizen science and engagement projects (e.g., Remedies, INSPIRE, Nexus-Monarc, Upstream, MAELSTROM, Plastic Pirates, BLUEMISSIONMED, BLUEMISSIONAA). The townhall also serves as a space to explore innovative strategies for reducing plastic pollution. Examples include implementing circular economy principles, advocating for policy changes, and promoting behavioral shifts like reducing single-use plastics.
Key topics on how citizen science and community engagement can drive meaningful change and help us move towards a plastic-free future include:
Citizen Science Projects: Discover how citizen science projects are mobilizing communities to collect data on plastic pollution, contributing to scientific research, and influencing policy changes. These projects empower individuals to become active participants in environmental monitoring and conservation efforts.
Community Engagement: Learn about effective strategies for engaging diverse communities in plastic pollution initiatives, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards local environments. We will discuss how to build strong community networks and sustain long-term involvement.
Educational Campaigns: Explore educational campaigns designed to raise awareness about plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices among citizens of all ages. These campaigns aim to inform and inspire action, from reducing single-use plastics to participating in local clean-up events.
Technological Innovations: See how technology is being leveraged to enhance citizen science efforts, from mobile apps for data collection to online platforms for collaboration and information sharing.
Case Studies: Hear from project leaders and participants about their experiences, challenges, and successes in citizen-led plastic pollution initiatives.
This townhall welcomes everybody who wants to learn and discuss about Free Open Source Research Code for the Geosciences, and wants to meet and discuss with his/her peers face to face at EGU General Assembly, as a kick-off for follow up activities.
This townhall provides an open forum to discuss how Open Source Research Software, Open Data and FAIR credit tie into and support current data-driven scientific research, but also the challenges (elefants in the room) which need to be addressed and the different kinds of emerging opportunities for researchers, research organisations, journals, publishers and infrastructure providers.
In the last years, significant progress was made regarding making FAIR and Open Science the emerging new gold standard for sustainable and trusted scientific practice, publications and means to obtain project funding. While this is based on and requires the establishment of reliable technical cross-domain infrastructures, like the integration of software code repositiories, Open Access repositories and persistent identifiers (PID) for research products, individuals and organisations, organisational change has to be embraced and practiced by researchers, organisations and founding agencies. For this outreach and educations programmes are a key factor, especially to reach early career scientists.
The townhall is hosted by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).
OSGeo is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology by being an inclusive software foundation devoted to an open philosophy and participatory community-driven development. The foundation provides financial, organizational and legal support to the broader open-source geospatial community.
It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding, and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open-source geospatial community and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.
The foundation’s projects are all freely available and useable under an Open Source Initiative certified open source license.
This first-ever Software Underground Townhall Meeting invites earth scientists interested in open-source software who are concerned about usage of Large Language Models (LLMs) in learning processes, software development and its environmental impacts. We will discuss how communities like Software Underground can be an alternative resource by creating collaborative environments and strengthening professional relationships as well as promoting reliable and reproducible research practices.
Software Underground is a grassroots community of digital subsurface professionals engaged in a diverse array of topics, united by a common interest in open-source scientific software and open science. Our mission is to offer technical and professional development opportunities to the global earth sciences community while advocating for the use of open-source digital technologies in solid earth investigations.
LLMs are presented as time-saving tools for writing tasks and code generation. However, one of the pushing concerns regarding the wide use of LLMs is their environmental impact: from their increased demand of energy and clean water, up to the predicted amount of e-waste they'll generate in future years. The other concerning factor is their ability to produce inaccurate or even false statements, and how they replicate existing biases in our society. This is particularly relevant when learners use them to acquire new knowledge. They could also make the learning process more isolated, hindering the interaction with peers to challenge acquired knowledge or to build new knowledge in a collaborative environment.
During this meeting we'll discuss about the ethical use of LLMs and other AI tools in scientific research and software development. We'll explore the benefits of these novel tools can bring to scientific research, and what type concerns they raise. We'll also discuss how communities of peers can create alternative paths to gather new knowledge, make research more collaborative and build stronger professional relationships.
The discussion will be encouraged through a set of questions like:
- Do LLMs pose a threat to the global efforts to mitigate climate change?
- Do LLMs provide a viable way of learning computer science and software development skills?
- Is the learning process becoming more isolated through usage of LLMs?
- What ethical uses of LLMs and AI do exist?
- Can communities like Software Underground overcome the difficulties that LLMs have by fostering human-human interactions?
The conveners will promote group dialogues designed to encourage meaningful conversation between all participants, which will be captured in collaborative shared notes.
Wednesday, 30 April
South America (SA) holds nearly one-third of the world’s freshwater resources, with the Amazon rainforest acting as one of the planet’s most significant net carbon sinks. Additionally, the region is deeply influenced by the Andes cordillera and the El Niño Southern Oscillation, that modulate the regional climate and weather, and generate far-reaching impacts on global atmospheric circulation. These unique characteristics make SA pivotal for understanding global hydrology and climate processes. However, the continent’s vulnerability to climate extremes, i.e., heatwaves, floods, droughts, and their compounds, that cascade to water management and political conflicts, is exacerbated by socio-economic challenges, including low development rates and reliance on agricultural commodities. Addressing these vulnerabilities requires integrating local knowledge into the global climate debate.
Climate research provides the foundation for international agreements, increasingly shaping global geopolitics. SA’s strategic importance in global climate mitigation elevates its role in these efforts. With the 2025 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30) set to take place in Belém, Brazil, countries are expected to present ambitious climate action plans. This represents a significant milestone for global climate adaptation, underscoring the need for collaboration between scientists, governments, and institutions to advance climate governance at local and global levels.
On this basis, critical questions are raised about how regional expertise is integrated into broader hydrologic and climate sciences. Specifically, i) what are the collective responsibilities of the international scientific community associated with local civil society, stakeholders, and decision-makers in addressing regional climate challenges in SA?, and ii) how can transboundary research support the development of hydrology- and climate-focused early career researchers and practitioners in the continent, ultimately promoting justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in research?
These questions are designed to spark discussion about the importance of incorporating local knowledge and promoting early career professionals into the global hydrologic and climate debate. Strengthening regional and international cooperation can address SA’s unique challenges while fostering advances in climate science worldwide. Prioritizing these actions paves the way for achieving the shared goal of equitably advancing global climate adaptation.
Solar Terrestrial and Solar Planetary plasma physics (corresponding to EGU ST division and PS division, respectively) have significant overlap in terms of common fundamental physics and with scientific groups working on both subjects.
We consider that this can be covered by the single disciplinary term of Heliophysics, a term now commonly used by NASA and ESA, which we broadly us to describe the science of understanding the Sun and its interaction with bodies in the solar system (including the Earth, planets and small bodies) and the solar system medium itself. Heliophysics has a large and active international community, with substantial expertise and heritage in the European Space Agency and Europe.
The broad nature of this science has meant that there is no single community list or organizational body associated with it in Europe. This hinders the community in terms of interactions to facilitate science, advertising career opportunities, as well as team building for mission and project proposals to various funding bodies.
To address this, the European Heliophysics Community (EHC) was formed with the aim to improve communication between European heliophysics scientists across this broad discipline. This has included several previous splinter meetings at EGU, the beginning of a series of "Heliophysics in Europe" workshops both in person and online, specific EGU sessions related to this topic (utilising the EHC term in the session title), and an ongoing ISSI forum.
This townhall meeting continues the discussion, to grow and mature the EHC and to ensure that we capture as many people who may not even know they can identify as a Heliophysicist. Such community building will lead to better communication of activities, science and opportunities (in particular to support Early Career Researchers). This will also work to indentify commonalities and synergies and demonstrate the diversity of this science and its unique and powerful cross discipinary nature. ALL are welcome.
In 2023, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) announced the establishment of a new Lighthouse Activity focused on Research on Climate Intervention. WCRP’s Lighthouse Activities are designed as ambitious, trans-disciplinary research initiatives aimed at advancing the science and institutional frameworks required to manage climate risk effectively. These efforts are intended to meet society’s urgent demand for robust, actionable, and equitable climate information.
Climate interventions encompass the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s environment to counteract the impacts of anthropogenic climate change. They primarily include two key approaches: large-scale marine and terrestrial carbon dioxide removal (CDR) measures, and solar radiation modification (SRM). The Research on Climate Intervention Lighthouse Activity seeks to evaluate these approaches, their associated Earth system risks and opportunities, remaining uncertainties, and research gaps.
In this townhall, members of the Lighthouse Activities Scientific Steering Committee aim to engage with the EGU community to clarify the goals of this new initiative and seek feedback on its objectives. The session will provide an opportunity to discuss concrete plans such as a comprehensive stocktake of ongoing research activities, the creation of an overview of expected risks and opportunities, and the development of best practices for SRM and CDR research and experimentation.
We will bring three specific discussion points to the audience:
1. Why should solar radiation modification and carbon dioxide removal be considered together in the Lighthouse Activity on Climate Intervention?
2. What are the most pressing issues that you see for climate intervention research today? Which information do we need to provide for the upcoming IPCC assessment report?
3. How can we ensure a globally inclusive and responsible landscape for climate intervention research?
The valuable feedback gathered from this session will directly inform and shape the future priorities, strategies, and actions of the Research on Climate Intervention Lighthouse Activity, ensuring it remains aligned with both scientific and societal needs.
Over four decades, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) has driven massive improvements in the modelled representation of the Earth system, whilst also seeing huge growth in scope and complexity. In its most recent phase, CMIP6, a broad spectrum of scientific questions continue to be answered across twenty-four individual model intercomparison projects (MIPs). However, despite the invaluable science enabled by CMIP6 data, many challenges were faced by the model data providers, data delivery infrastructure, and users, which need to be addressed moving forwards.
The CMIP Panel have developed the design of the CMIP AR7 Fast Track – a novel component of the latest evolution of CMIP’s experimental design. This fast track, focused on the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7), is a subset of climate modelling experiments that have been identified as vital for climate assessments and for informing policy and decision making. The CMIP Panel, supported by the CMIP task teams, have defined this subset of experiments to reduce the burden placed on modelling centres and maximise computational efficiencies, while continuing to deliver impactful climate model data on assessment and policy relevant timelines.
With CMIP7 simulations due to start in many modelling centres this year, a number of key components are being finalised to enable this. The forcing datasets required to run the DECK are due to be published by the end of February 2025 and the final version (v1.2) of the CMIP AR7 Fast Track Data Request expected by the end of March 2025. Together these components are being developed and delivered by a huge group of scientists across the CMIP community. Additionally, work has begun on developing the CMIP AR7 Fast Track Rapid Evaluation Framework (REF) to enable a systematic and rapid performance assessment of the models uploading AR7 Fast Track data.
The Townhall will feature updates on the forcing datasets (including future scenarios), CMIP7 Data Request, the Rapid Evaluation Framework, and an update from the Fresh Eyes on CMIP group. There will be opportunities throughout the event for community discussion.
We invite our growing community to attend. We will describe ongoing planning for CMIP7, and beyond, highlight engagement and consultation opportunities, and invite attendee feedback and participation. The Townhall will be presented by members of the CMIP Panel, Fresh Eyes on CMIP group, and CMIP7 Task Teams.
Note to EGU - as discussed via email, please could we have this Townhall for 90 minutes rather than 60?
The intersection of motherhood and fieldwork presents unique challenges and opportunities for researchers, particularly in the geoscience disciplines, which require extensive field research. Both fieldwork and parenting demand significant time, effort, and emotional investment – combining the two is an especially Herculean task that mothers in academia are often forced to face. Despite the growing recognition of the challenges faced by researchers with caregiving responsibilities, there remains a gap in support from academia that specifically addresses the dual pressures of motherhood and field research.
This townhall meeting aims to foster a dialogue among researchers who identify as mothers, sharing their experiences and strategies for coping while conducting fieldwork and managing parenting responsibilities. The topics discussed will reflect on personal narratives and strategies, while presenting a call to action for institutional support mechanisms that facilitate the integration of motherhood and rigorous research efforts. By bringing together mothers who are currently or have previously been engaged in fieldwork, we can illuminate diverse experiences and articulate best practices that may offer inspiration and support to others navigating this complex landscape. This townhall meeting represents a significant opportunity to amplify the voices of mother-researchers and to create a supportive community that recognizes and addresses the unique challenges faced by those balancing the demands of fieldwork and parenting. We believe that the insights gained from this gathering will not only benefit individual researchers but also contribute to broader institutional changes that prioritize work-life balance.
We invite mothers currently or previously engaged in fieldwork to attend the meeting and share their experiences. The townhall meeting is open to all researchers of any gender, academics, and practitioners interested in gender and family dynamics. We would especially appreciate attendance by institutional leaders interested in supporting work-life balance in academia. We hope that hearing experiences from mother-researchers can inspire the next generation of women academics and show that there does not need to be a choice between career and motherhood. We look forward to your participation and the meaningful conversations that will emerge from this collective gathering of experiences and ideas.
Although Machine Learning (ML) is becoming relatively common in many areas of climate science, it is still relatively under-used in paleoclimate studies. This is despite the fact that ML offers exciting novel techniques for addressing long-standing problems in the field, through improving computational efficiency and accuracy, and enabling the management of large, complex datasets. Whereas traditional methods often rely on a limited set of statistical techniques that may not fully capture the complexity inherent in the data, ML provides a suite of algorithms capable of handling non-linear relationships and high-dimensional data, allowing for a more sophisticated analysis. When integrated with proxy data and output from Earth system models (ESMs), ML provides innovative approaches to efficiently reconstruct, interpret, and analyze paleoclimate conditions in ways that were previously unattainable. There are also applications of ML to improve proxy calibrations, and to improve ESMs themselves, for example, through developing more accurate model parameterisations. Furthermore, ML techniques can be employed to develop surrogate models that approximate the behaviour of more complex ESMs. These surrogates can be used to efficiently conduct sensitivity analyses or long simulations.
We aim to bring together those from the modelling and proxy communities, along with experts in machine learning, to showcase existing work applying ML to paleoclimate studies, and to discuss opportunities for future work. Through this meeting, we hope to foster collaborations and discussions that leverage ML for new insights into paleoclimates. The Town Hall meeting will cover, but not be limited to, the following topics:
*) Emulators as surrogate models for ESMs to enable efficient paleoclimate simulations;
*) Efficient model tuning to enhance the performance in simulating paleoclimate;
*) New model parameterisations developed through ML;
*) Improvements in management and stratigraphic calibration of large proxy dataset;
*) Advances in proxy calibration and quantifying uncertainties;
Model + Proxy Integration
*) Data assimilation and field reconstruction;
*) Proxy system modelling;
*) Downscaling model results for model-data comparisons
The session will be led and facilitated by scientists from the University of Bristol, UK, and Nanjing University, China.
Prepare for lift-off as we embark on a journey into the future of scientific research! This Townhall Meeting will chart new horizons in Open Science, exploring how fully integrated global data sets, tools, and research infrastructures can transcend national and disciplinary boundaries, revolutionising the way we conduct science.
Looking up to the stars: we’ll take flight into the Open Science Universe, identifying what’s already in orbit—what scientific starships can reach and how we can maximise these discoveries. We’ll envision the scientific breakthroughs awaiting us through Open Science and the tools needed to make them a reality.
Looking back to Earth: As we return to base, we’ll assess the obstacles and challenges that stand in the way of achieving this ambitious vision. What will it take to break down these barriers and boldly go where no scientist has gone before? Together, we’ll brainstorm creative solutions to shift our mindset and accelerate progress.
After light-years of exploration, the Starship will return to Earth loaded with transformative methods, new opportunities, and innovative solutions for impactful research in Earth and Environmental Science. Drawing insights from stellar initiatives like AUSCOPE, EARTHSCOPE, Geo-Inquire, EarthChem, and ENVRI—along with its moons like EPOS, EMSO, LifeWatch, and ICOS—we’ll chart a course for a bold new era of Open Science, powered by alien-derived intelligence!
This is a gathering of The Next Generation of researchers who have embraced Open Science principles—leveraging open data repositories, publishing in open access, and using publicly funded large research infrastructures to improve the quality of research. Hear their stories, their struggles, how each small step they took led to a giant leap in their careers and research, and share your own Open Science Space Missions.
Join us to see how their work and careers have been enhanced by Open Science and to explore the possibilities ahead. This Town Hall Meeting builds upon the sessions ESSI 2.2, ESSI 3.1, ESSI 4.4 ESSI 3.2 and ITS1.17/ESSI4.1, showcasing successful integration across disciplines and borders, driving us closer to true Open Science.
The vision of the Global Tsunami Model Association, recently inaugurated in Rome is to saving lives, reducing losses, and enhancing resilience, through the advancement of tsunami science, provision of expert information, and promoting dialog about tsunami hazard and risk.
GTM aims to establish a global tsunami community and consolidate a competence centre for tsunami hazard and risk. This will be achieved through the establishment of curated pools of experts, a commitment to training the next generation of experts, and the promotion of state-of-the-art scientific developments.
GTM will provide services and products related to tsunami hazard and risk, develop reference models and maps, improve and develop analysis methods, tools and good practices with a focus on probabilistic methods.
GTM members will collaborate with users of tsunami hazard and risk products to ensure relevance and proper dissemination of results with the objective of communicating uncertainty transparently.
GTM’s contribution to risk management, reduction and education will be in line with the SFDRR 2015-2030 and SDGs.
The townhall meeting intends to invite the global community to take part in this initiative. GTM Association will be registered as a registered association under German legislation and allows for individual as well as institutional membership. The townhall meeting will feature presentations of recent scientific advancements, current and envisioned projects, the structure of the association, an outline of the business model and future strategy.
GTM fills a gap in knowledge transfer from the scientific community to societal stakeholders. Probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk assessment requires an involved understanding of underlying geological processes, their uncertainty and its quantification, as well as methodological insight. In order to bridge the knowledge gap, GTM is committed to developing standardized and transparent workflows, educate practitioners in applying these to best practices, communicate with decision makers and industry, and disseminate towards the general public.
The townhall meeting invites tsunami scientists as well as stakeholder representatives from all involved disciplines, such as seismology, ocean sciences, risk analysis, volcanology, land slide research, modeling, and others.
The polar oceans, encompassing the Arctic and Antarctic region and their adjacent seas, play a vital role in regulating Earth’s climate and in hosting a unique diversity of life. These regions act as key drivers of oceanic and atmospheric circulation, serving as heat and carbon sinks that mitigate the impacts of global warming, and they are highly productive. The interplay of sea ice, ocean currents and mixing, fringing ice shelves, and biogeochemical and ecosystem processes in polar environments influence weather patterns, global sea level, the Earth energy balance, the carbon cycle, and marine biodiversity, extending their impact far beyond the poles, directly affecting human welfare and societal development. However, rapid warming and ice loss in these areas highlight their vulnerability and the urgent need for action to understand the causes of these changes and mitigate climate and ecosystem impacts.
Thus, beyond the UN decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the UN has also called out for a Decade of Science Action for the Cryosphere 2025-2035, and the international polar community is preparing for the International Polar Year 2032/2033.
With this townhall we invite the ocean community to discuss new international missions being developed and their contribution to sustainable ocean observation much needed in the frame of the CCMLR convention as well as in the implementation of the Central Arctic Ocean fishing moratorium.
Addressing these and other challenges necessitates unprecedented international cooperation. The logistical and financial complexities of studying these remote regions call for shared infrastructures, such as icebreakers, observational networks, and advanced research stations. Collaborative initiatives, like the UN Decade Programme Antarctica InSync, the EU-funded infrastructure network POLARIN as well as the planned transpolar drifts of the Tara Polar Station in the Arctic provide new solutions to enhance scientific understanding but also foster equitable access to resources, ensuring that nations worldwide benefit from and contribute to polar science. By working together, we can harness innovation and data-sharing to understand and protect these fragile systems, highlighting the polar oceans’ irreplaceable role in sustaining a stable and livable planet.
This townhall aims to underline the importance of joint international efforts in advancing polar research and to support and inform about collective actions for preserving the climatic balance that polar oceans provide.
Coastal vegetated environments are among the most carbon-dense ecosystems on Earth and are often collectively referred to as Blue Carbon habitats. These habitats include salt marshes, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows. They play a variety of important roles such as biodiversity support and coastal protection, while also providing nature-based solutions contributing to the mitigation of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.
Coastal vegetated ecosystems are under increasing pressure globally due to climate and sea-level change, as well as local anthropogenic activities, which can disrupt their resilience and their carbon balance. There is a pressing need to understand and address these global change impacts and pressures upon carbon cycling in these ecosystems, as well as the disruption to their overall ecosystem dynamics. A better understanding of the feedback loops between sediment carbon and vegetation, the intricate exchanges of different forms of carbon between the atmosphere, sediment, and water are required.
In this townhall, we will host ECRs who are actively shaping the field of research and policy, and discuss emerging opportunities in national and international programmes, with guest panellists to answer questions.
All are welcome - and the event is particularly aimed at ECRs wishing to build their networks.
If you would like to get involved, please contact: bluecarbon@st-andrews.ac.uk
Coastal vegetated environments are among the most carbon-dense ecosystems on Earth and are often collectively referred to as Blue Carbon habitats. These habitats include salt marshes, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows. They play a variety of important roles such as biodiversity support and coastal protection, while also providing nature-based solutions contributing to the mitigation of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.
Coastal vegetated ecosystems are under increasing pressure globally due to climate and sea-level change, as well as local anthropogenic activities, which can disrupt their resilience and their carbon balance. There is a pressing need to understand and address these global change impacts and pressures upon carbon cycling in these ecosystems, as well as the disruption to their overall ecosystem dynamics. A better understanding of the feedback loops between sediment carbon and vegetation, the intricate exchanges of different forms of carbon between the atmosphere, sediment, and water are required.
Earth system sciences undoubtedly depend on the availability and quality of good measurement and observational data from a wide range of disciplines. Data formates hereby cover wide ranges of types, size and complexity. However, a holistic view of the Earth system requires that such research data are available across disciplines and organizations in order to understand Earth system processes as a whole, enable reliable scientific predictions, and be able to play out scenarios for intervention strategies.
In the meantime, there are a wealth of initiatives and projects that aim to organize research data from Earth system sciences within the framework of digital infrastructures according to the FAIR principles, and to prepare them for broad reuse.
This results in the increasingly greater challenge of networking such initiatives across specialist domains and organizational boundaries in such a way that users are able to work with the data and associated tools without any apparent interruption. Typically, many of the approaches follow the perspective of a dedicated user community and thus tend to focus on certain domain-specific aspects of Earth system science. However, initiatives such as NFDI4Earth in Germany purposely foster a compartment overarching, holistic approach.
Following a data-centric perspective and making use of state-of-the-art technologies, both approaches can be combined towards building a joint distributed digital research infrastructure. The key idea hereby is to harmonize approaches while allowing individual contributors to detail-out their specific requirements.
The aim of the meeting is to bring together various perspectives of users, data providers, infrastructure providers and policy makers to discuss the principles and agreements needed to establish a network of virtual infrastructures. Hereby, examples from ongoing initiatives will be brought together with experiences in establishing cross-domain collaboration. Both will be complemented with providing perspectives from the point of view of users. Ideally, the discussion will result in a common roadmap for joint action. Furthermore, the discussion will show where gaps still exist and which approaches are suitable for closing them.
Thursday, 1 May
This meeting delves into the multifaceted implications of deep-sea mining, examining its legal, scientific, and environmental dimensions. Featuring an exceptional panel of experts, the discussion will address the challenges posed by the International Seabed Authority’s (ISA) Mining Code, equitable benefit-sharing, and the urgent need for robust legal frameworks to safeguard marine ecosystems.
Att. Dr. Virginie Tassin Campanella: Renowned attorney specializing in ocean, environmental and outer space law, with extensive experience in international tribunals and sustainable ocean governance. Her legal acumen provides a critical perspective on the regulatory complexities of deep-sea mining.
Dr. Matthias Haeckel: A leading marine biogeochemist, Dr. Haeckel brings pioneering research on the environmental impacts of seabed mining, particularly in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. His work sheds light on the ecological consequences of resource extraction in one of the world’s most biodiverse yet fragile marine environments.
Dr. Pradeep Singh: An authority on international environmental law, Dr. Singh bridges legal and ecological perspectives. His research emphasizes equitable and inclusive governance of marine resources, ensuring sustainable approaches that consider the needs of vulnerable communities and global stakeholders.
Our Moderator, Professor Sandor Mulsow is an esteemed scientist recognized for his expertise in marine geology and the environmental implications of seabed mining. A former Director of the Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources at the International Seabed Authority, he provides critical insights into the regulatory and ecological challenges surrounding seabed resource exploitation. Additionally, his research emphasizes sustainable practices and equitable management of ocean resources to safeguard marine ecosystems.
By bringing together experts in law, science, and sustainability, this session seeks to deepen understanding of how international regulations can effectively balance resource utilization with the preservation of ocean health. Participants will gain actionable insights into one of the most pressing marine challenges of our time.
Sooo. Magazine is a nonprofit initiative that bridges the worlds of science, art, and environmental advocacy with a focus on ocean conservation. The magazine serves as a platform to amplify awareness of pressing marine issues such as deep-sea mining, biodiversity loss, and sustainable ocean governance. By combining stunning visuals with expert-driven content, Sooo. Magazine connects global audiences to the wonders of the ocean and the urgent need to protect it.
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