GI4.1 | Low-Cost technologies and IoT applications for Earth observation
Low-Cost technologies and IoT applications for Earth observation
Convener: Viviana Piermattei | Co-conveners: Patrick Gorringe, Riccardo Valentini

The accessibility of user-friendly, low-cost instruments remains a major challenge in Earth observation. Most existing equipment is difficult to deploy, expensive to operate, and requires specialized technical skills. Additionally, despite efforts by global organizations, a unified observation program has yet to be established.
To meet monitoring and research needs, sensors must easily integrate with data acquisition and transmission systems while meeting accuracy and stability requirements. Recent technological advances have created opportunities to enhance sensors, platforms, and communication systems, paving the way for IoT solutions and significantly improving Earth observation capabilities. Furthermore, low-cost and easy-to-deploy instrumentation is essential to Citizen Science, enabling public participation in scientific investigations and enhancing data acquisition.
This session welcomes studies on new low-cost instruments, methods, and data transmission applications. We invite general, technical, and applied studies of Earth observation applications from any discipline, including oceanography and marine sciences, atmospheric sciences, forestry, and land sciences. Examples include:
• Low-cost technologies applied to marine science
• Low-cost technologies applied to land science
• Open-source and open-access observation devices
• Development of networks to support connected objects
• Citizen science applications

The accessibility of user-friendly, low-cost instruments remains a major challenge in Earth observation. Most existing equipment is difficult to deploy, expensive to operate, and requires specialized technical skills. Additionally, despite efforts by global organizations, a unified observation program has yet to be established.
To meet monitoring and research needs, sensors must easily integrate with data acquisition and transmission systems while meeting accuracy and stability requirements. Recent technological advances have created opportunities to enhance sensors, platforms, and communication systems, paving the way for IoT solutions and significantly improving Earth observation capabilities. Furthermore, low-cost and easy-to-deploy instrumentation is essential to Citizen Science, enabling public participation in scientific investigations and enhancing data acquisition.
This session welcomes studies on new low-cost instruments, methods, and data transmission applications. We invite general, technical, and applied studies of Earth observation applications from any discipline, including oceanography and marine sciences, atmospheric sciences, forestry, and land sciences. Examples include:
• Low-cost technologies applied to marine science
• Low-cost technologies applied to land science
• Open-source and open-access observation devices
• Development of networks to support connected objects
• Citizen science applications