G5.1 | Atmospheric and Environmental Monitoring with Space-Geodetic Techniques
Atmospheric and Environmental Monitoring with Space-Geodetic Techniques
Co-organized by AS5/CL5
Convener: Rosa Pacione | Co-conveners: Laura Crocetti, Kyriakos Balidakis, Maximilian Semmling, Henrik Vedel

Geodesy contributes to atmospheric science by providing some of the essential climate variables of the Global Climate Observing System. In particular, water vapor is currently under-sampled in meteorological and climate observing systems. Thus, obtaining more high-quality humidity observations is essential for weather forecasting and climate monitoring. The production, exploitation and evaluation of operational GNSS Meteorology for weather forecasting is well established in Europe thanks to over 20 years+ of cooperation between the geodetic community and the national meteorological services. Improving the skill of NWP models, e.g., to forecast extreme precipitation, requires GNSS products with a higher spatio-temporal resolution and shorter turnaround. Homogeneously reprocessed GNSS data have high potential for monitoring water vapor climatic trends and variability. With shorter orbit repeat periods, SAR measurements are a new source of information to improve NWP models. Using NWP data within RT GNSS data analysis can initialize PPP algorithms, thus reducing convergence times and improving positioning. GNSS signals can also be used for L-band remote sensing when Earth-surface reflected signals are considered. GNSS-R contributes to environmental monitoring with estimates of soil moisture, snow depth, ocean wind speed, sea ice concentration and can potentially be used to retrieve near-surface water vapor.
We welcome, but not limit, contributions on:
• Estimates of the neutral atmosphere using ground- and space-based geodetic data and their use in weather forecasting and climate monitoring
• Retrieval and comparison of tropospheric parameters from multi-GNSS, VLBI, DORIS and multi-sensor observations
• Now-casting, forecasting, and climate research using RT and reprocessed tropospheric products, employing NWP and machine learning
• Assimilation of GNSS tropospheric products in NWP and in climate reanalysis
• Production of SAR tropospheric parameters and assimilation thereof in NWP
• Homogenization of long-term GNSS and VLBI tropospheric products
• Delay properties of GNSS signals for propagation experiments
• Exploitation of NWP data in GNSS data processing
• Techniques for soil moisture retrieval from GNSS data and for ground-atmosphere boundary interactions
• Detection and characterization of sea level, snow depth and sea ice changes, using GNSS-R
• Investigating the atmospheric water cycle using satellite gravimetry

Geodesy contributes to atmospheric science by providing some of the essential climate variables of the Global Climate Observing System. In particular, water vapor is currently under-sampled in meteorological and climate observing systems. Thus, obtaining more high-quality humidity observations is essential for weather forecasting and climate monitoring. The production, exploitation and evaluation of operational GNSS Meteorology for weather forecasting is well established in Europe thanks to over 20 years+ of cooperation between the geodetic community and the national meteorological services. Improving the skill of NWP models, e.g., to forecast extreme precipitation, requires GNSS products with a higher spatio-temporal resolution and shorter turnaround. Homogeneously reprocessed GNSS data have high potential for monitoring water vapor climatic trends and variability. With shorter orbit repeat periods, SAR measurements are a new source of information to improve NWP models. Using NWP data within RT GNSS data analysis can initialize PPP algorithms, thus reducing convergence times and improving positioning. GNSS signals can also be used for L-band remote sensing when Earth-surface reflected signals are considered. GNSS-R contributes to environmental monitoring with estimates of soil moisture, snow depth, ocean wind speed, sea ice concentration and can potentially be used to retrieve near-surface water vapor.
We welcome, but not limit, contributions on:
• Estimates of the neutral atmosphere using ground- and space-based geodetic data and their use in weather forecasting and climate monitoring
• Retrieval and comparison of tropospheric parameters from multi-GNSS, VLBI, DORIS and multi-sensor observations
• Now-casting, forecasting, and climate research using RT and reprocessed tropospheric products, employing NWP and machine learning
• Assimilation of GNSS tropospheric products in NWP and in climate reanalysis
• Production of SAR tropospheric parameters and assimilation thereof in NWP
• Homogenization of long-term GNSS and VLBI tropospheric products
• Delay properties of GNSS signals for propagation experiments
• Exploitation of NWP data in GNSS data processing
• Techniques for soil moisture retrieval from GNSS data and for ground-atmosphere boundary interactions
• Detection and characterization of sea level, snow depth and sea ice changes, using GNSS-R
• Investigating the atmospheric water cycle using satellite gravimetry