NP6.1 | Lagrangian perspectives on transport and mixing in geophysical fluids
Lagrangian perspectives on transport and mixing in geophysical fluids
Co-organized by AS4/OS4
Convener: Louis RivoireECSECS | Co-conveners: Jezabel Curbelo, Silvia Bucci, François G. Schmitt, Ignacio Pisso

Join us for the third edition of the Lagrangian session, where researchers across disciplines showcase their work using Lagrangian tools and techniques on turbulent to planetary scales. In this session, you can expect to hear about the latest developments in Lagrangian techniques, learn about a wide range of topics and applications, and expand your professional network.

We invite presentations on topics including – but not limited to – the following:
- Large-scale circulation studies using direct Lagrangian modeling and/or age and chemical tracers (jets, gyres, overturning circulations);
- Exchanges between reservoirs and mixing studies (e.g. transport barriers and Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the stratosphere and in the ocean, stratosphere-troposphere exchange);
- Tracking long-range anthropogenic and natural influence (e.g. effects of recent volcanic eruptions and wildfire smoke plumes on the composition, chemistry, and dynamics of the atmosphere, transport of pollutants, dusts, aerosols, plastics, and fluid parcels in general, etc);
- Inverse modeling techniques for the assessment and constraint of emission sources (e.g. backtracking, including diffusion and buoyancy);
- Model and tool development, computational advances.

Join us for the third edition of the Lagrangian session, where researchers across disciplines showcase their work using Lagrangian tools and techniques on turbulent to planetary scales. In this session, you can expect to hear about the latest developments in Lagrangian techniques, learn about a wide range of topics and applications, and expand your professional network.

We invite presentations on topics including – but not limited to – the following:
- Large-scale circulation studies using direct Lagrangian modeling and/or age and chemical tracers (jets, gyres, overturning circulations);
- Exchanges between reservoirs and mixing studies (e.g. transport barriers and Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the stratosphere and in the ocean, stratosphere-troposphere exchange);
- Tracking long-range anthropogenic and natural influence (e.g. effects of recent volcanic eruptions and wildfire smoke plumes on the composition, chemistry, and dynamics of the atmosphere, transport of pollutants, dusts, aerosols, plastics, and fluid parcels in general, etc);
- Inverse modeling techniques for the assessment and constraint of emission sources (e.g. backtracking, including diffusion and buoyancy);
- Model and tool development, computational advances.