HS5.4.2 | Urban Watersheds and Urban Water Challenges
Urban Watersheds and Urban Water Challenges
Co-sponsored by IAHS
Convener: Maria Magdalena WarterECSECS | Co-conveners: Elizabeth Boyer, Giovanna Grossi, Bertil Nlend, Chenghao Wang

Urban watersheds face unique challenges amidst the need of water to support society as well as nature. The compounding effects of high percentages of impervious surface areas, degraded water quality, extreme heat and increased risk of flooding call for more sustainable and equitable urban water management and an improved understanding of urban watershed behavior. This session invites all urban environmental science research, with a particular focus on urban hydrology and urban water challenges. We welcome a wide breadth of studies on urban hydrology characterization and catchment functioning, runoff and pollution in urban watersheds, flood and drought risks in urban or urbanized regions, compound hazards and risk assessment methodologies, green-blue infrastructure and storm water management solutions, as well as community engagement and climate adaptation strategies in urban areas.

Urban watersheds face unique challenges amidst the need of water to support society as well as nature. The compounding effects of high percentages of impervious surface areas, degraded water quality, extreme heat and increased risk of flooding call for more sustainable and equitable urban water management and an improved understanding of urban watershed behavior. This session invites all urban environmental science research, with a particular focus on urban hydrology and urban water challenges. We welcome a wide breadth of studies on urban hydrology characterization and catchment functioning, runoff and pollution in urban watersheds, flood and drought risks in urban or urbanized regions, compound hazards and risk assessment methodologies, green-blue infrastructure and storm water management solutions, as well as community engagement and climate adaptation strategies in urban areas.