GMPV4.1 | Unlocking the secrets of metamorphic rocks: from field and laboratory studies, to thermodynamic modeling and machine learning
Unlocking the secrets of metamorphic rocks: from field and laboratory studies, to thermodynamic modeling and machine learning
Convener: Francesca Piccoli | Co-conveners: Matthijs Smit, Guillaume Bonnet, Alissa Kotowski, Tom Raimondo

Unveiling the processes that occur in cratons, orogenic belts, subduction zones, and other geodynamic systems requires a diverse plethora of observations made at scales ranging from outcrops down to the nanometer. Metamorphic petrology can now make use of a wide range of
state-of-the-art techniques in microbeam analysis and mass spectrometry, as well as new approaches in thermodynamic modelling to image, and to constrain and model the processes that drive petrological, chemical and mechanical changes in metamorphic rocks. Further insight into such processes can now be obtained following recent developments in machine learning. These diverse approaches pave a new road for data-driven discovery.

This session celebrates new approaches and achievements in the study of metamorphic processes. We welcome presentations that use field, numerical and (micro-)analytical techniques to gain new insights into the timing, duration and rates of metamorphic processes across geological settings on Earth and other rocky planets.

Unveiling the processes that occur in cratons, orogenic belts, subduction zones, and other geodynamic systems requires a diverse plethora of observations made at scales ranging from outcrops down to the nanometer. Metamorphic petrology can now make use of a wide range of
state-of-the-art techniques in microbeam analysis and mass spectrometry, as well as new approaches in thermodynamic modelling to image, and to constrain and model the processes that drive petrological, chemical and mechanical changes in metamorphic rocks. Further insight into such processes can now be obtained following recent developments in machine learning. These diverse approaches pave a new road for data-driven discovery.

This session celebrates new approaches and achievements in the study of metamorphic processes. We welcome presentations that use field, numerical and (micro-)analytical techniques to gain new insights into the timing, duration and rates of metamorphic processes across geological settings on Earth and other rocky planets.