Tue, 14:00
Habitability in Our Solar System: Do Any Worlds Besides Earth Offer Habitable Conditions?
The panel will delve into novel and cutting-edge research on the factors that could make these worlds habitable, addressing critical questions such as:
• What makes a planet habitable?
• What is the significance of liquid water, both on the surface and in subsurface oceans, in creating and sustaining habitable environments on other celestial bodies?
• How does geological activity contribute to maintaining environments that could potentially support life beyond Earth?
• What are the possibilities for life to exist in extreme conditions, such as high radiation levels and extreme temperatures, on other worlds in our solar system?
• How can comparative analysis of planetary environments help us define the boundaries and requirements for habitability across different celestial bodies?
• What future missions and technological advancements could offer new insights into the habitability of other celestial bodies within our solar system?
• How does research into habitability benefit society?
This symposium will provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion, drawing on expertise from planetary science, astrobiology, geology, and atmospheric science. The session will be structured as a moderated panel discussion of invited experts who are at the forefront of this research. These panelists will share their insights, engage in a dynamic discussion, and respond to questions from the audience, fostering a collaborative exploration of this critical topic.
The goal of this Union Symposium is to bridge the gap between different disciplines and encourage the sharing of ideas and perspectives that could lead to a deeper understanding of habitability within our solar system. This discussion is not only vital for the scientific community but also holds significant implications for future space exploration and the search for life beyond our planet.
5-minute convener introduction
Presentations from speakers
Q&A from the audience
- Athena Coustenis, Paris Observatory, CNRS, PSL Univ., France
- Ralph Lorenz, JHU Applied Physics Lab, United States of America
- Jonathan Lunine
- Penelope Boston