GDB6 | Out of the bubble: Can you become a better science communicator if you leave your comfort zone?
Tue, 10:45
Out of the bubble: Can you become a better science communicator if you leave your comfort zone?
Convener: Natasha Stephen | Co-conveners: Elena Robinson, Alex/ander Rudloff, Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte, Edward Robeck
| Tue, 29 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room E1
Tue, 10:45
Many in the scientific field are feeling a sense of urgency to communicate crucial issues that are impactful on society, but struggle with the challenge of best practices to convey that information in a way that inspires collaboration, rather than despair in the community. With a growing challenge of upholding the validity of scientific research against misinformation, there are instances where some scientists may choose to remain siloed in their approach without involving the broader public. What is holding scientists back from stepping out of the bubble and showcasing their progress to help resolve various issues? How can we find better solutions to confront the social responsibility that scientists must effectively communicate their science to the public?

This GDB is a joint action of the "Task Team on Global Policy Advice" of the Global Geoscience Societies - a loose consortium composed of AGU, EGU, GSL, JpGU, IUGG, IUGS, and other globally active geoscience unions and societies.

Programme: Tue, 29 Apr | Room E1

The oral presentations are given in a hybrid format supported by a Zoom meeting featuring on-site and virtual presentations. The button to access the Zoom meeting appears just before the time block starts.
Chairpersons: Natasha Stephen, Alex/ander Rudloff, Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte