This GDB is a joint action of the "Task Team on Global Policy Advice" of the Global Geoscience Societies - a loose consortium composed of AGU, EGU, GSL, JpGU, IUGG, IUGS, and other globally active geoscience unions and societies.
Tue, 10:45
Out of the bubble: Can you become a better science communicator if you leave your comfort zone?
Natasha Stephen
Elena Robinson,
Alex/ander Rudloff,
Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte,
Edward Robeck
The oral presentations are given in a hybrid format supported by a Zoom meeting featuring on-site and virtual presentations. The button to access the Zoom meeting appears just before the time block starts.
Chairpersons: Natasha Stephen, Alex/ander Rudloff, Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte
Introduction of Session incl. Statements of Panelists
Moderated Discussion and Questions & Answers, Interaction with Plenary
Wrap-up and Conclusion