GDB7 | Science and Activism – Compatible or Antithetical?
Thu, 16:15
Science and Activism – Compatible or Antithetical?
Convener: Caspar Hewett | Co-conveners: Gonzalo Olivares Cerpa, Jonathan Dick
| Thu, 01 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room E1
Thu, 16:15
Many of the challenges of today raise difficult questions about what the role of scientists should be in relation to issues from climate change and Net Zero policies to implementation of nature-based solutions to reduce risk of flooding, drought and diffuse pollution. Scientists working in such areas are understandably passionate about their areas of research and practice and there is a strong temptation to be active in promoting certain policies and action. However, there is a real tension between the need for objectivity as a scientist and pursuing an activist agenda. Is it possible to do both without compromising our integrity as scientists? This debate will explore this tension in conversation between the audience and an expert panel. Come along, hear the arguments and have your say!

Programme: Thu, 1 May | Room E1

The oral presentations are given in a hybrid format supported by a Zoom meeting featuring on-site and virtual presentations. The button to access the Zoom meeting appears just before the time block starts.
Chairperson: Caspar Hewett


  • Sandor Mulsow, Chile