DM22 | Division meeting for Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS)
Thu, 12:45
Division meeting for Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS)
Convener: Paola Vannucchi | Co-convener: João Duarte
Thu, 01 May, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room G2
Thu, 12:45
The TS Division meeting will provide essential updates on the current state of the Division and highlight recent developments within the Union.
This meeting holds particular significance as we will take the important step of formally approving and implementing the newly selected members of both the governance and awards committees. Additionally, the meeting will serve as an opportunity for the Early Career Scientists (ECS) group of our Division to present updates on their activities, initiatives, and future plans.
We strongly encourage all members to attend, as your involvement is crucial to the continued success of the TS Division. Your engagement helps ensure a dynamic and forward-thinking Division that meets the needs of our community.
The oral presentations are given in a hybrid format supported by a Zoom meeting featuring on-site and virtual presentations. The button to access the Zoom meeting appears just before the time block starts.


  • Sascha Zertani, University of Oslo, Norway