Poster Programme NWP5


Probabilistic medium- and long-range weather forecasting
Convener: Roberto Buizza  | Co-Convener: Renate Hagedorn 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 15 Sep, 11:00–13:00  / Room Harvard
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 15 Sep, 16:00–17:00  / Poster Hall (Ground Floor)

Attendance Time: Thursday, 15 September 2011, 16:00–17:00
Poster Hall (Ground Floor)
Chairperson: Renate Hagedorn
PH199 EMS2011-383
Generating space-time auto-correlated fields on the sphere (withdrawn)
M. Charron and L. Spacek

Neural Network and Superensemble Applications for Ensemble Forecasting
S. Cakir and M. Kadioglu

EMS2011-504 | presentation
A new slab ocean model definition in the GLOBO AGCM
C. Rendina, P. Malguzzi, D. Mastrangelo, A. Buzzi, and O. Drofa

Ensemble regional forecasting of an extreme precipitation event
K. Veljovic, B. Rajkovic, and A. Krzic

PH203 EMS2011-359
10-Year Eta Model Seasonal Hindcasts Over South America (withdrawn)
J. Bustamante and S. C. Chou