Poster Programme ASI8


Boundary-layer physics and parameterizations in weather and climate models
Convener: Sergej Zilitinkevich (deceased)  | Co-Convener: Arakel Petrosyan 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 15 Sep, 08:30–10:30  / Room Princeton
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 15 Sep, 16:00–17:00  / Poster Hall (Ground Floor)

Attendance Time: Thursday, 15 September 2011, 16:00–17:00
Poster Hall (Ground Floor)
Numerical Analysis of Flux Footprints over An Urban-like Surface by Using Large Eddy Simulation Model
M.K. Tu, A. Hellsten, T. Markkanen, Ü. Rannik, L. Järvi, T. Bergman, G. Steinfeld, S. Raasch, and T. Vesala

EMS2011-424 | presentation
Analytical urban surface similarity equations
H. Wouters, N. van Lipzig, and K. De Ridder

EMS2011-601 | presentation
Night-time variability of CO2 concentration measured in the forest canopy near a mountain ridge top: influence of intermittent vertical mixing
K. Potužníková and P. Sedlák

Large eddy simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow over heterogeneous terrain: Surface Temperature Transition
M. Abkar and F. Porté-Agel

PH91 EMS2011-778
CO2 fluxes calculated by two different techniques: eddy covariance and multiresolution decomposition (withdrawn)
P. Oliveira

EMS2011-306 | presentation
Subgrid model choice and grid resolution issues in large eddy simulation of katabatic flow
C. Smith

EMS2011-607 | presentation
On the Distortion of Atmospheric Eddy-Correlation Heat-Flux Measurements at Fog Conditions
J. C. Bergmann