High impact weather: Extreme situations and warnings; risk, safety and sounding
Convener: Bernhard Reichert 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 12 Sep, 14:00–18:30  / Room Cambridge
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 13 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Hall (Ground Floor)

This session covers a wide range of high impact weather-related topics and also includes the related aspects of risk, safety, and sounding. The session is split into two parts. One part will focus on recent developments of warning techniques and warning strategies including semi-automated warning systems and their use for the forecasters daily work. Another part will focus on best practice stories in extreme situations up to transnational scale and the way this kind of situations is dealt with within your organisation.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts with focus on one or more of the following topics:

Session Part 1: New developments of warning techniques and strategies (B. K. Reichert)
- recent developments of warning techniques and warning strategies in your institution
- on nowcasting to short-range up to medium-range timescales
- manual, semi-automated and automated weather warning techniques
o which (semi-)automated warning systems are currently used or planned to be used in your institution?
o developers’ perspective: how can semi-automated warning systems help to support the forecaters tasks, what is possible, what is not possible?
o forecasters’ perspective: how can semi-automated warning systems help within daily operational weather warning services; how should an ideal interface to the forecaster be designed?

Session Part 2: Extreme situations up to transnational scale, e.g. flooding, nuclear or chemical accidents and use of EPS-products for preparation (H. ter Pelkwijk)
- best practice stories of extreme situations which can be
o high impact weather
o flooding
o nuclear
o chemical or
o other extreme situations
on local up to transnational scale
- how is your organization handling this kind of situations?
- what products are you using in this kind of situations?
- are you using EPS products to prepare for high impact weather situations?
- how do you communicate your advice to the customer?