Poster Programme AM1


High impact weather: Extreme situations and warnings; risk, safety and sounding
Convener: Bernhard Reichert 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 12 Sep, 14:00–18:30  / Room Cambridge
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 13 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Hall (Ground Floor)

Attendance Time: Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 18:30–19:30
Poster Hall (Ground Floor)
Chairperson: Heleen ter Pelkwijk, Bernhard K. Reichert
An Overview of a regional meteorology warning system
S. Gaztelumendi, J. Egaña, K. Otxoa de Alda, R. Hernandez, J. Aranda, and P. Anitua

Online tool for severe weather real time monitoring and decision making support.
J. Orue, J. Lopez, S. Gaztelumendi, K. Otxoa de Alda, R. Gatcia de andoin, J. Aranda, and P. Anitua

EMS2011-238 | presentation
The Italian web site for the forecast of bioclimatic index THI about the dairy cattle
M. C. Beltrano, S. Esposito, R. Scano, A. Vitali, and V. Primi

EMS2011-411 | presentation
Reproducing surface road temperature by means of a land surface numerical scheme
N. Loglisci, R. Bonanno, and C. Cassardo

A study of a very heavy precipitation case in Basque Country: the 18th september 2009 event.
J. Egaña, S. Gaztelumendi, V. Palacio, D. Pierna, I. R. Gelpi, K. Otxoa de Alda, and R. Hernandez

A study of a flashflood case in Basque Country: the 16th june 2010 event
S. Gaztelumendi, J. Egaña, D. Pierna, V. Palacio, I. R. Gelpi, R. Hernandez, and K. Otxoa de Alda

EMS2011-626 | presentation
Cyclones producing floods in Italy in the second half of twenty century
M. Reale, L. Congedi, P. Valente, and P. Lionello