Posters NWP1


Dynamics and predictability of high impact weather in operational forecasting, including nowcasting
Convener: Timothy Hewson  | Co-Convener: Suzanne L. Gray 
 / Wed, 08 Oct, 08:30–12:00  / Room Leo + Virgo
 / Attendance Wed, 08 Oct, 10:30–11:30  / Display Mon, 06 Oct, 09:00–Wed, 08 Oct, 13:00  / Meridian Left Back

Display time: Monday, 6 October 2014 09:00–Wednesday, 8 October 13:00
Attendance Time: Wednesday, 8 October 2014, 10:30–11:30
Meridian Left Back
Chairperson: Tim Hewson
LB15 EMS2014-242
Quantitative expression of uncertainty in nowcasting heavy convective precipitation in Central Europe by extrapolation methods (withdrawn)
Jan Mejsnar, Zbynek Sokol, and Petr Pesice

Lightning climatology over Greece
Elissavet Galanaki, Konstantinos Lagouvardos, and Vassiliki Kotroni

Is the land surface - atmosphere feedback as important for predictability of convective systems in the Sahel region as the dynamical forcing?
Vera Maurer, Leonhard Gantner, and Norbert Kalthoff

LB18 EMS2014-525
Physical-statistical analyses and prognostic methodologies of foggy conditions at the Absheron peninsula (withdrawn)
Nazim Huseynov, Hajar Mammdova, and Bahruz Malikov