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A substantial part of the national gross product in many countries is weather dependent. National weather services and the private sector have been innovative for more than a century to make better use of our meteorological knowledge. However, large gains are still to be made and this prize encourages individuals and groups to come with ideas how meteorology in a practical way can further move society forward. Meteorology can make society safer, can deliver costs savings and can bring more welfare to large groups of people. More information about the Prize and the Foundation can be found at
Applications for the 2019 Harry Otten Prize were possible until March. The jury selected three finalists who will give presentations at the EMS Annual Meeting explaining their ideas. The prize winner will be announced in the Awards Session on Tuesday and Harry Otten, who is not part of the jury, will present the prize to the winners.
Public information:
The three Finalists this year are:
Yann Dufournet, Igor Stepanov, Geanny Amor dos Santos:
EnLight – New way to communicate HD weather-data about the incoming weather hazards to citizens
Malcolm Kitchen, Chris Brunt:
A new method of measuring atmospheric refractivity
Paul Petersik:
VineForecast - An interactive tool to generate individual predictions of vine diseases and phenology
Chairperson: Leo Kroon, Chairman of the Board of the Harry Otten Foundation
The Harry Otten Foundation selected three finalists who will give presentations explaining their ideas in this session. The prize winner will be announced in the Awards Session on Tuesday.