Often in developing countries the spatial coverage with surface weather observations is sparse and the reliability of existing systems is lower than in other parts of the world. These gaps in the availability of observation data have significant negative consequences, locally and globally. For decades international funds have been used to acquire meteorological infrastructure with little to no focus on life-cycle management. Furthermore, improvements in one part of the value chain are often not connected with further downstream services meaning local benefits are generated with substantial delay, if at all.
DTN is one of the few organizations offering comprehensive solutions across the value chain from deployment and operation of observation systems through to weather analytics creating valuable insights for business, consumers and governments across the globe. DTN not only project manages the setup of weather observation systems but also maintains and operates measurement networks on different continents. The sensor agnostic approach enables us to offer the right sensor solution for each situation.
We see an opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past, changing the focus from acquiring observation systems to life cycle management to ensure the systems are maintained and leveraged effectively to provide forecasts and warnings for protection of life and property and enabling NMSs to focus on fulfilling their mission.
Funding organizations such as the World Bank must change the focus from hardware procurement to a performance-based PPE/P model that ensures the value of investments in infrastructure are realized. This sustainable approach will; ensure long lasting partnerships, harness the innovation in the private sector, create local jobs maintaining infrastructure and enable economic development through improved ability to manage the impact of weather and climate events.
How to cite: Smith, T.: Managed infrastructure and services to empower meteorological services in developing countries, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6–10 Sep 2021, EMS2021-209, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2021-209, 2021.