EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Vol. 18, EMS2021-303, 2021
EMS Annual Meeting 2021
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
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Evaluating the Urban Canopy Scheme TERRA_URB in the COSMO Model for Selected European Cities

Valeria Garbero1, Massimo Milelli1,2, Francesca Bassani3, Edoardo Bucchignani4,5, Paola Mercogliano5, Mikhail Varentsov6,7, Inna Rozinkina6,7, Gdaliy Rivin6,7, Denis Blinov7, Hendrik Wouters8,9, Jan-Peter Schulz10, Ulrich Schaettler10, Matthias Demuzere11, and Francesco Repola5
Valeria Garbero et al.
  • 1Arpa Piemonte, Rischi naturali e ambientali, Italy (valergar@arpa.piemonte.it)
  • 2CIMA Foundation
  • 3Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
  • 4CIRA- Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali
  • 5Regional Models and Geo-Hydrological Impacts (REMHI) Division, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • 6Hydrometeorologycal Research Centre of Russian Federation
  • 7Research Computing Center and Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • 8Environmental Modelling Unit, Flemish Institute for Technological Research
  • 9Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab, Ghent University
  • 10Deutsche Wetterdienst (German Meteorological Service)
  • 11Department of Geography, Ruhr-University Bochum

Nowadays, cities are the preferred location for more than half of the human population and the places where major human-perceived climate change impacts occur. In an increasingly urbanized world, it is essential to represent such areas adequately in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, not only to correctly forecast air temperature, but also the human heat stress and the micro-climate phenomena induced by the cities. Among them, the best known is the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, which refers to the significantly higher temperatures experienced by a metropolitan area than its rural surroundings. Currently, the COSMO model employs a zero-order urban description, which is unable to correctly reproduce the UHI effect: cities are simply represented as natural lands with increased surface roughness length and reduced vegetation cover. However, the reproduction of the urban climate features in NWP and regional climate models is possible with the use of the so-called urban canopy models, that are able to parameterize the interaction between the urbanized surface and the overlying atmosphere. In this context, a new bulk parameterization scheme, TERRA_URB (TU), has been developed within the COSMO Consortium. TU offers an intrinsic representation of urban physics: the effect of buildings, streets and other man-made layers on the surface-atmosphere interaction is described by parameterizing the impervious water balance, translating the 3D urban-canopy parameters into bulk parameters with the Semi-empirical Urban canopy parameterization (SURY) and using the externally calculated anthropogenic heat flux as additional heat source. In this work, we present high-resolution simulations with the TU scheme, for different European cities, Turin, Naples and Moscow. An in-depth evaluation and verification of the performances of the recent COSMO version with TU scheme and new implemented physical parameterizations, such the ICON-like surface-layer turbulence scheme and the new formulation of the surface temperature, have been carried out. The validation concerned the 2-meter temperature and was performed for 1- or 2-week selected periods over the 3 European cities characterized by different environment and climate, namely the Moscow megacity in Russia and Turin and Naples in Italy. Even if the three domains are morphologically different, the results follow a common behavior. In particular, the activation of TERRA_URB provides a substantial improvement in capturing the UHI intensity and improving air temperature forecasts in urban areas. Potential benefits in the model performance also arise from a new turbulence scheme and the representation of skin-layer temperature (for vegetation). Our model framework provides promising perspectives for enhancing urban climate modelling, although further investigations are needed.

How to cite: Garbero, V., Milelli, M., Bassani, F., Bucchignani, E., Mercogliano, P., Varentsov, M., Rozinkina, I., Rivin, G., Blinov, D., Wouters, H., Schulz, J.-P., Schaettler, U., Demuzere, M., and Repola, F.: Evaluating the Urban Canopy Scheme TERRA_URB in the COSMO Model for Selected European Cities, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6–10 Sep 2021, EMS2021-303, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2021-303, 2021.


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